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The Meaning of Life. By: Timothy Werner

Life is a roller coaster. Life is a roller coaster. Ups and downs and twist and turns, throughout the day, Emotion deciphers how the day will flow. Life is a roller coaster. Enjoy and laugh, As laugh excites, And creates good feelings. Life is a roller coaster. Bad days like a bumpy ride, filled with fear and despair. Turn the corner, hold on tight, Never knowing what's to come. Life is a roller coaster. Thrills and chills, Ups and downs, Lefts and rights, All in one ride. Enjoy it -- that’s just how life rolls. Voacaroo link: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0dRWbXlXyCh

Baseball. Baseball is a sport, A sport to play. Focus and determination make up the game. Play ball. A Curveball, A knuckleball, A heater, The decision between a hit or a strikeout. Swing, Smash - it's a homerun Run, Turn left, Score.

Voacaroo link: http://vocaroo.com/i/s14lwsdkyknk

Bacon. Bacon is crunchy, Bacon is tasty, One piece of bacon, Is never enough. So savor every bite.

Voacaroo link: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0nVg0KrbbTR

Citations: Title page: Image Cited: Mountain Sunset. Digital image. Ultradownloads.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. <ultradownloads.com.brpapel-de-paredeGrandesMontanhas>. Life is a Roller Coaster: Image Cited: Google. Roller Coaster. Digital image. Sites.google.com. Google, n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. <http://sites.google.comsiteranafindlingRollerCoaster.jpg>. Baseball: Image Cited: Baseball Diamond. Digital image. Iopo.org. Iopo, n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. <www.iopo.orgcdimagesbaseball.jpg>.

Bacon: Image Cited: Transparent Bacon Image. Digital image. Favim.com. Favim, n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. <www.favim.comimage835436>.

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