The Bells

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Credits Illustrations, Cover art, written by: Cabrini Martinez Clay models by: Cabrini Martinez Ad stories by: my mom and grandma Inspired by: S. E. Schlosser retelling “The Bells�, a mexican ghost story Costumes Mary Basler & Cabrini Martinez

Creative Process Scupley clay, Canon 7D, built sets, sketches and mini LED flashlights Software Photoshop, InDesign


Special Thanks Mary Basler, for her mad skills on a sewing machine, thanks for the help on the costumes. Megan Jacobs, for showing me some new photoshop skills and Miriam Langer, for always pushing to be better, thanks! Everyone in the Media Arts Department,NMHU Special,special thanks to my sister,Catherine, for her shoes, dressing the models and helping me out! 2011

One QUIET evening...

A YOUNG kid ... named Richard

is on his way to WORK.

when he hears a familiar voice calling him...


Father WAVES to Richard

Richard, how are you doing? How’s your MADRE?

Hey Father! How’s it GOING?

Good always worrying. Works TOO much.


You too! You WORK too much and too hard. Both of you

Yeah well, it SUCKS! I’m only working to pay

for school.

I should just START dealing.

Don’t be stupid! GOD will provide.

Whatever, I GOT to do something.


It will all WORK out.

It’s not fair. It SEEMS everyone else is getting the BREAKS. We shouldn’t have to struggle.

You are starting to WORRY too much.


Ummm... I have to get GOING to work.

Don’t forget! You SAID you would help me sweep

ummm... I don’t know ...

Come on, it won’t take LONG. I promise.

I guess I could STOP by after work.


Thank you I’ll see you later on TONIGHT!

Goodbye, Richard!


LATER on in the evening...

Richard had a ROUGH night at work. I HATE my job.

I think I might be TOO tired ...

Richard! I’ve been WAITING for you.


It’s ok...


Too tired...

The Father puts an arm around Richard’s shoulders Richard SIGHS...

come on , it WON”T take long.

They both walk into the church.


Sometime later in the CHURCH

Richard SWEEPS...

The door OPENS...

...a cane POKES thru...

...Old Man WALKS in




HEY Father! How are you tonight?

OK! I was wondering if you were coming.


They SIT down.

Richard SWEEPS...

I enjoy our stories.

So what story do YOU have tonight?

I heard this ONE today

Well, let’s HEAR it!


Well a really LONG time ago...

There was this EVIL priest; practice the witchcraft...

...he was a BAD priest...

...he was STEALING from his congregation...


...he would STEAL whatever people would give to the church...

Richard SWEEPS...

...jewels, pieces of gold, money, whatever they have...

...he filled a chest he KEPT under his bed...

Why was HE stealing from the people?


He was a bad priest. He wanted to leave the church

HE wanted to move back to Mexico a rich man.

Richard listens to the story...

So he wanted to BURY the chest and he was going to need some help.

Help? What kind of help?

Richard listens...

17 he gets a homeless man to CARRY the chest...

...up the big hill behind the church...

...and he buried it somewhere up by the trees on the top of the hill...


So he finally buries the chest...

..and he KILLS that poor guy and buries him near the chest...

...And he puts a spell on the body to guard no one would find it.

He killed him to guard?



...on his death bed, he confessed what he had DONE and wanted to give the chest back...

..he said to find where it is buried, follow the SOUND of the bells...

..the bells will lead to it. And then he DIED...


Ya he did...soon after all this, the priest came down with a sickness..

There’s no bells on the church.

Ha, ha, that’s a good one.

Yeah, yeah. Come on. No bells here.

A few people have HEARD the bells but


That was a good story.

Why are YOU laughing?


Ha,ha, ha yeah, a GOOD one.

You don’t BELIEVE in this stuff.

LOOK! It’s just a story.

Well if you don’t believe it...


...and you hear them, you GO looking HEY, HEY ....

..we’ll see if you come BACK.

DAMN kid, no respect


It’s okay!Don’t PAY any mind to him

He comes around and TELLS stories...

...he’s a lonely OLD man. He likes the company.


Yeah, well I’m DONE. Gonna head home

Well THANKS Richard for helping out.

No problem. SEE YA, Father.


h t y M a m d n a r


A full glass of water should be kept by the bedside every night. The reason? After you have gone to sleep your soul leaves your body and roams around. Soul is thirsty and needs the water to get back into your body.


Later on that night...

Richard HEARS a bell...


Richard listens...

He looks out the window...

NO... it can’t be...

Oh HELL!!! I’m going to check it out!!!

He GETS a shovel...

He follows the sound of the bells...

29 the church...

...AROUND the back of the church...

30 the big hill behind the church...

...he STARTS up the hill..

...CLIMBS the hill...

...he reaches the TOP of the hill, looks at the tree...


...he STARTS digging.. when he finds the chest...

...he pulls the chest out of the ground..

...he SLIDES the top of the chest off..


That old man was RIGHT! His story was true!

...he SEES the jewels and gold pieces that belong to the evil priest.

He HEARS a moaning...




The skeleton CLIMBS out of the hole...



...STARTS to chase Richard...


MINE! MINE! ...and takes off running..





...RUNS down the hill...


...all the WAY home.

The NEXT morning..

He realized that he NEEDS to get his shovel from the TOP of hill.

Richard heads BACK to the hill

He starts to CLIMB the hill...

...some JEWELS laying the ground.

...AGAIN... when he notices...

He PICKS them up.


Woo HOO!!!

YES! Now I can quit that job and help my mom out.

And I can PAY for school.

Richard ran all the way home to share the news with his mother.




Owls have always been present in Hispanic folklore. Owls have different meanings. Owls symbolize that death is coming. They also could mean that witches are listening, watching or the owl itself could be a witch.


The evil priest says,�...follow the ringing of the bells...�

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