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Illustrated and cover art by: Cabrini Martinez Story by: my mom Written by: Cabrini Martinez Creative Process Illustrator, Corel Painter, InDesign and Wacom tablet



One day, I went to visit my grandma. She was cooking at her stove. She was telling me about her day and the latest family gossip. Then she asked me about how things were going with me.......

School has you pretty busy. Well it WILL be worth it when you finish.

Ya, but I think that tonight I’m GOING out with some friends.


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Grandma, You NEED to get with the times. Nothing will happen.

Don’t be a SMART mouth. You heard what happened to your uncle’s friend.

What are you talking about? What FRIEND?


She turned around and walks over to the table. No one has ever told you about the COUTELARGO?

or at least that’s what we CALLED it.


The cootie what? What are you TALKING about?

I feel a STORY coming on.....

7 night during LENT, your uncle and his friend,Joe, decided that they were going to go to a party too...during know the devil or evil will get you...I told them not to go but they didn’t listen to me...


anyway, so they went to a house PARTY...


...partying, having a good time, drinking BEER... It’s late,bro, I’m going home. it got LATE, Joe said he had to go...

ok,I’m staying here.I’ll see ya tomorrow.


...Joe WALKS home...

...when he HEARS footsteps...




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...he stopped in his TRACKS... ...he looked around... was “THE COUTELARGO”... was a black figure, it was wearing a long black coat and a hat that hid its face... looked like it was smiling...


h t y M a m d n a r


When Lent comes around, grandma say that you shouldn’t go out dancing because you might be dancing with the devil. 13

... it started following Joe...

...Joe started to run, screaming down the street. The FASTER he ran, the Coutelargo kept following him...


...I think he just DRANK too much, he was seeing things, I won’t be that trashed...




The Story of Santo Nino

Santo Nino’s story begins in Madrid, Spain. When the Moors and the Christians were at war with each other. The Christians were overthrown and imprisoned. The adults of the Christian villages weren’t allowed to visit the prisoners. The prisoners were treated badly. They weren’t fed or given water. So the families of those prisoners prayed and prayed to God. One night a young boy dressed in pilgrim clothing,carrying a basket of bread and a gourd of water, was allowed to visit the prisoners. He would see the prisoners every night. People of the villages thought this young boy was a miracle sent from God. They thought he was Baby Jesus sent to help. Shrines were built for Santo Nino in Mexico and in Chimayo,New Mexico. People believe that the statue of Santo Nino roams the valley and hills of Chimayo, helping people in their time of need. It is said that he roams so far and wide that he wears out his shoes. People make pilgrimages to the Santo Nino Chapel near El Santuario de Chimayo. They come to say prayers and to bring him shoes so he can continue to make his walks to those in need. The shoes that are left for him are also another way of giving thanks to the many miracles that Santo Nino has given.


...He got to his door, took his keys out, shaking, didn’t look BACK to see if it was

...He didn’t hear any footsteps. He HELD his breath and turned around...

...He didn’t SEE anything...


...He looked down the street, didn’t SEE anything...


...Joe LAUGHED to himself...

...he turned around ...

...and SCREAMED...


...The Coutelargo was sitting on the ROOF of his house... was pointing at HIM...

...Ya, right! Geez, grandma you need to tell a story that will actually SCARE people...


...Joe ran inside his house and locked the DOOR...


Ha, ha, ha!!! That was too FUNNY. I don’t believe it.


But it was a good STORY even though you made it up.

Don’t LAUGH. It really did happen. I’m telling you...

not to go out TONIGHT. You never know...

what WILL follow you home.

Don’t worry, nothing will HAPPEN to me. I’ll be okay.

I’ll see ya LATER, grandma.


Ha,ha,ha! I can’t BELIEVE she would tell me that...

...that LAME story to get me to stay home. Ha, ha,ha!!

Diana heard strange noise behind her...


...She SCREAMED.....

You better do what your grandma says...or I’ll be following YOU home tonight!!!



When Joe heard footsteps behind him, he slowly turned around...

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