SSoA MA/ad Portfolio Part I

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Final Design Portfolio SheďŹƒeld School of Architecture ARC 552- Live Project 09

Doncaster Toolkit (Portfolio Part I) Toxic City / Lost makers and industireis (Portfolio Part II)

ARC 6986 & ARC 6987 - Studio 11

ARC 6854 - Environment and Technology in Design

Final Design Portfolio Sheffield School of Architecture

Doncaster Toolkit ARC 6986 & ARC 6987 - Studio 11 Toxic City / Lost makers and industireis ARC 552- Live Project 09

ARC 6854 - Environment and Technology in Design

Contents of Final Portfolio Live Project 09 Doncaster Toolkit

Studio 11 Lost makers and Industries

Environment and Technology in Design

This portfolio contains the work that I have done in Sheffield School of Architecture in the academic year 2012/2013. Firstly, Live Project 09 will be introduced as a beginning course of the academic year. Live project 09 Doncaster Toolkit is the group that i have involved. Secondly, I will continue with the ARC 6986-6987 Design Studio Toxic City Lost makers and industries and finalize my portfolio with ARC 6854 Environment and Technology in the Design. Before I show the contents of my portfolio, I would like to mention that all of these works that presenting in that portfolio is my own, however only in Live Project part is mixed by group work for reflect the project more clearly. In addition, I would like to thank to my all friends for their advice, also thanks my mum and dad for supporting me and especially thanks to my tutors for their help to improve my understanding and knowledge. Part I contents

Introduction of live project ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................01 Team Doncaster Toolkit ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................02 Questioning about what will be the’Toolkit’ for Doncaster at the begining ?...............................................................................................................................................................03 What is my role in our team..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................04-06 Toolkit Alternatives and Selection ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................07 Final ‘Doncaster Toolkit’...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................08-13

Final Design Portfolio Sheffield School of Architecture


The aim of the Doncaster Toolkit live project was to create a resource or ‘toolkit’ for schools. The main purpose is to engage Doncaster’s youth with the built environment, raise awareness of places and spaces in Doncaster and promote the work of the Doncaster Civic Trust. The focus group for the Toolkit were 9-12 year olds. The clients were Doncaster Civic Trust, who are group committed to preserving and contrubuting the quality of Doncaster’s built heritage, and currently offer a bursary to students wanting to pursue an architectural career. Throughout the project, we established links through Lisa Procter, a consultant working for the Trust, with outreach groups, high schools, youth clubs and primary schools, who were instrumental in shaping the content of the toolkit. We also made contact with public organisations such as Friends of the Hyde Park Cemetery who were a vital source of information about the city. What is the toolkit? The Toolkit itself is a resource aimed at encouraging Doncaster’s youth to ENGAGE, EXPLORE and INVENT their city’s built environment. It strengthens collective creativity, and the playful side of design, focusing on users’ real needs as receivers of architectural innovation. It is made of 4 components ‒ the activities guide, a boardgame, a website and an application.

Key point minutes of fist client meeting/ Brief

1. Engage Doncaste’s youth the built environment

Final Design Portfolio Sheffield School of Architecture


2.Raise awareness of places and spaces in Doncaster 3. Promote Architecture,, the Built Environment and the Doncaster Civic Trust 4.Produce a resource for schools ( FOCUS ON 9-12 YEARS OLDS)

Doncaster Civic Trust

The aim of the Doncaster Toolkit live project was to create a resource or ‘toolkit’ for schools. The main purpose is to engage Doncaster’s youth with the built environment, raise awareness of places and spaces in Doncaster and promote the work of the Doncaster Civic Trust. The focus group for the Toolkit were 9-12 year olds. The clients were Doncaster Civic Trust, who are group committed to preserving and contrubuting the quality of Doncaster’s built heritage, and currently offer a bursary to students wanting to pursue an architectural career. Throughout the project, we established links through Lisa Procter, a consultant working for the Trust, with outreach groups, high schools, youth clubs and primary schools, who were instrumental in shaping the content of the toolkit. We also made contact with public organisations such as Friends of the Hyde Park Cemetery who were a vital source of information about the city. What is the toolkit? The Toolkit itself is a resource aimed at encouraging Doncaster’s youth to ENGAGE, EXPLORES and INVENT their city’s built environment. It strengthens collective creativity, and the playful side of design, focusing on users’ real needs as receivers of architectural innovation. It is made of 4 components ‒ the activities guide, a board game, a website and an application.

Live Project Doncaster Toolkit Team Members

Final Design Portfolio Sheffield School of Architecture

My role in our Group

At the beginning of the live project our group divided in to the sub-groups to work efficiently but that doesn’t mean that we are working only with our sub-groups. Doncaster Team was gathered together to create open platform to discuss all of the work that we done at the end of the day. I was in the workshops and graphic team. The task was the participating to the workshops, design workshops and the most important one is to design the graphics for the workshop activities for website and the guide. It’s undeniable that our group members are not doing only just one specific task. All of these graphics are designed by me according to the all of the discussions without group. The idea is to design the graphic in very simple and understandable way. Also the graphics are designed considering the children. They are fun, colorful and symbolic.

Final Design Portfolio Sheffield School of Architecture

My role in our Group

At the left side, the picture shows the initial work while creating the activities. At first its more depends on the writing and explanation of what you have to do in that activities. However that idea is not suitable for the website and the guide book. So i started to simplify the idea and using less work, more graphic to explain the activities and requirements. Also, Leaflet was located at the top of this page. That is the work is done by me and my group Index Next member Joanna for the presentation in Doncaster. Index Next

Index Next Pr ev i ous / Nex t i ma ge ( 2 of 3)

Pr ev i ous / Nex t i ma ge ( 3 of 3)

S S oA Liv e P rojec ts

No P lace like Home

No P lace like Home

S S oA Liv e P rojec ts S S oA Liv e P rojec ts

No P lace like Home ACTIV ITY 16: No P la c e lik e Home A ims Through this a ctivity is s tudents will ha ve a cha nce to improve ma pping techniques a nd crea te pers ona l neighbourhood ma ps .

Pr ev i ous / Nex t i ma ge ( 1 of 3)

ACTIV ITY 16: No P la c e lik e Home

ACTIV ITY 16: No P la c e lik e Home

A ims

A ims

Through this a ctivity is s tudents will ha ve a cha nce to improve ma pping

Through this a ctivity is s tudents will ha ve a cha nce to improve ma pping

techniques a nd crea te pers ona l neighbourhood ma ps .

techniques a nd crea te pers ona l neighbourhood ma ps .

Outc omes

Outc omes

C rea ting a pers ona l ma p will help s tudents develop their ma pping s k ills

C rea ting a pers ona l ma p will help s tudents develop their ma pping s k ills

a nd get a n ins ight into ca rtogra phy.

a nd get a n ins ight into ca rtogra phy.

Fi l ed under I ndoor

Fi l ed under I ndoor

Outc omes C rea ting a pers ona l ma p will help s tudents develop their ma pping s k ills a nd get a n ins ight into ca rtogra phy.

Fi l ed under I ndoor

Runni ng on Ca r go

Runni ng on Ca r go Runni ng on Ca r go

No P la c e lik e Home I ndoor

Final graphic design of activities for website and teacher’s guide

Draft of activities graphics and documentation

Leaflet design for Presentation in Doncaster

One of my role in this project was involved the workshop as a mentor for children at Bentley New Village Primary School. I have never involved that kind of engaging process before my education life. At first i was scared about that but when i started to work with children and understand them we had fun and learn new information all together. In addition, another work was to turn the words into the life by using graphical expression for easy and clear understanding. (Top illustration) The main idea behind the workshops are the testing activities that we design and also to see reaction of the children to these activities. That is the our fourth workshop that we hold in Doncaster and the success of this workshop was the final ingredient we required in order to finely divide and categorize all the activities that we developed into an effective workshop-activity guide that makes a major component of our toolkit. The map activity was condensed and more efficiently conducted. This resulted in more concise responses towards the built environment of the city. We had realized that in order to invoke a sense of pride towards buildings like the minster, it was important for them to know the history of the buildings. Once gaining knowledge about it, the responses of the children towards the minster completely changed. This was evident through their responses in the game we called ‘’Doncaster Invasion’’ activity which set a good precedent towards the ‘’my future minster’’ activity.

Photos of testing activiites in Bentley New Village Primary School ( photos by Nichola Lohse )

Final Design Portfolio Sheffield School of Architecture

Toolkit Alternatives and Selection

01. The Lunchbox

02. The Banner

03. The Pockets

04. The Toolkit

Referring to other precedents for inspirations, the physical toolkit was developed to house the activities guide and board game. On the following page the different iterations of the physical toolkit we have created, before finalizing the design are presented: a. The Lunchbox: would contain all the contents within the box. Although being a familiar aesthetic in classrooms, it removed the opportunity to have the board game printed on it. As a result, we discarded this model for an option where the board game which could be printed upon it. b. The Banner: utilizes the toolkit for the board game. However, the format was too long and its open pockets meant that the contents inside would easily fall out, therefore c. The Pockets: was developed. This option’s size was more manageable and flaps for the pockets were introduced. Yet, we felt that the pockets were maybe too deep and as a result getting the contents out would be difficult. d. The Toolkit: our preferred version retains the format of the previous model. The pockets are specifically designed for the activities guide and the components of the board game.

The Toolkit uses tehe playful side of design to encourage Doncaster’s youth to engage,explore and invent the city’s built environment. All the activities aim at reinforcing youn people’s sense of belongeing, and giving them tools to become agents of change. So What does the Toolkit containg? It contains an activities Guide for teachers , a boardgame, a website and a mobile phone application.

Final Design Portfolio Sheffield School of Architecture Doncaster Toolkit

The Guide

The ‘ Toolkit for Doncaster’ is a series of activities and workshops which are intended upon developing basic architectural skills and their applicaiton to understand the buit environment of Doncaster. ‘ The Guide’ was designed to be used by teachers or facilitators as a guideline on how to organize activities and workshops to achive this goal. So How is this guide organised? It is really easy and clear to follow th instruction in guide. All the workshops or activities are structred sequentially, so students move from introdutory activities, to studio development ( mind mapping, desing work), to site visits (where applicable) and ending with series of reflective activities. At the top part of the graphic explain the proccess of the cylce of the idea. In additon , activities are organized as indoors and outdoors. The majority of chapter one and two activities are clasroom based, with chapter three being site specific field work activities. For the clear undestanding of the guide all the activites are coded with the different colour and used symbols which descrine the nature of the activitiy (indoors,outdoors, write, mapping and the time each activitiy requires.

How the The Guide looks like

Final Design Portfolio Sheffield School of Architecture Doncaster Toolkit

The Boardgame

‘Donny Know it all’ the game is designed to engage children in a fun and playful way by showcasing all of the collacted knowledge that they will have gained through the walking activities of the Toolkit. Game is composed of 6 building player pieces (2 spare), 60 question cards, The cards are diveded in to 4 categories with 16 starter questions and game is played by 4 players or 4 teams. The four cloloured coded categoires are St Gerorge’ s Minister (Red), The Markets, Corn Exhange & South Parade ( Orange ), Sir Nigel Gresley Square (Blue) and Hyde Park Cemetery ( Violet). These four site categories were chose because of the role that they have had in makeing Doncaster as a Doncaster. Players make their way around a walking route in Doncaster, which pases by each of the four important sites. The game take a questions and answer style format., where players take it in turns to ask each other questions, giving them three potential answers about the rich cultural and historical importance of Doncaster aand the built enironment.

Final Design Portfolio Sheffield School of Architecture Doncaster Toolkit

In an effort to reach a wider audience of Toolkit, we have extended the brief given by the Trust to include mobile digital media. The website is an online companion on th activities Guide in the Toolkit. All of the activities listed in the Guide are available online, as well as any downloadable links to the maps and workbooks requiered by the activities. For future adjestments ,the website has the potentional to become a social networking platform, where users can upload content related to the Toolkit and leave comments. It will take some fine tuning before the existing website becomes fully perable, which might require the help of specialist

The Website

How the website looks like

Final Design Portfolio Sheffield School of Architecture Doncaster Toolkit

The Appication

An extention of the digital media brief, the mobile phone application was developed in an effor to make the engagement with Doncaster’s built envirionment more engaging and widely available. The application has been desegned as a stand- alone tool that can be distributed to and used by anyone, but also a complimentary accessory to the toolkit as a whole, affording a level of inteaction to further the experience of the user. There are two aspects of the application; first is a digital version of the walking and exploring tasks included in the toolkit. The users starts by selecting the area of the city in which they wish to explore, which then launches a specific programme depending on geographic location, which we have titled ArchiHunt. Tools, is the other aspect is a series of app-based tools, for use alongside the activities in the Toolkit, including items such as a compass of landmarks, old maps that can be acessed and a device for timigng echoes in a particular spaces.


How the mobile applicaiton looks like

Final Design Portfolio SheďŹƒeld School of Architecture Doncaster Toolkit

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