Quorum June 2021

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CAI-CV 40th Anniversary Interviews with Past Presidents







By Mike Mastropietro Q: What do you think were your and/or the Chapter's greatest MIKE TRAIDMAN (CAI-CV PRESIDENT, 2019, 2020) Mike Traidman is the President of Mira Vista at Mission Hills HOA. He is also CAI-CV’s Past President, and is a Director and serves on the Executive Committee for the CAI-CV Board. Mike is one of only two Chapter presidents who has served two terms. Mike is also on the CAI National Homeowner Leaders Council, where he represents community board members with the CAI National Board. Additionally, Mike is the President of the Desert City HOA Council, a group of 650 community board members in the Coachella Valley who have met for the past ten years.

Q: What are a couple of your major memories about the industry and CAI-CV from the years you were president?

A: The beginning of the pandemic was traumatic with our having to cancel so many live events. However, we were able to survive due to the Chapter’s growth and extraordinary participation during my first year as president. In 2019, the Chapter won ten CAI National Achievement Awards and grew to become one of CAI’s largest chapters. The momentum we built leading up to 2019 is what kept us going through the pandemic. I know our future is bright.

Q: What were some of the goals for the Chapter you might remember or some of the challenges you faced?

A: Our goal was to elevate the industry through education. Even during the pandemic, we were able to double our education, and more important, offer most classes for free to our members. We also pushed hard to make sure our business partners were able to survive by reinforcing the importance of keeping association projects on target. However, keeping the Chapter alive without revenue was tough.


Quorum June, 2021

or most significant achievements?

A: Winning so many awards really was wonderful and shows the effectiveness of our committees. More important was that our awards were directly related to our strategic plan that was implemented by the board and passed on to the committees in the form of board goals. It really worked and CAI-CV provided leadership to many CAI chapters as a result.

Q: Have you stayed involved in the industry and CAI-CV? A: Yes, I am still on the board and very active with CAI National, and with the Desert City HOA Council. I am also chairing the Chapter’s Legislative Support Committee this year.

Q: What changes have you most noticed in the industry and CAI-CV, and what do you think about those changes?

A: I think the legislative changes impacting HOAs have made the need for education for homeowner leaders and managers critical. Most legislation is introduced needlessly because legislators don’t understand our industry. We need to focus on building relationships with our elected officials and helping them understand how HOAs work, and that the majority of homeowners value their associations.

Q: Have CAI-CV and the industry evolved to where you thought they would be today?

A: It is getting tougher and tougher for HOA board leaders. They rely on our education more and more but the responsibility and personal risks of serving on an HOA board are increasing. If residents refuse to serve on their HOA boards, our communities will fail. We have a lot of work to do.

Q: Do you have any comments or suggestions to the current board and members, or to the industry?

A: Advocacy issues are important, and we need to get more people involved in educating and helping our legislators with the upcoming bills. I hope everyone involved with our industry will take the time to meet with their legislator to let them know that the HOA model works.

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