On behalf of the Chapter, I want to thank the following board members for serving on the CAI-CV Board of Directors. They are rotating off the Board but will remain active volunteers for the Chapter. We thank you for your continued service to CAI-CV, and for your years of service on the Board of Directors.
(Agent/Broker, Prendiville Insurance Agency)
Matt served as President and will continue to support CAI-CV as Chair of the Business Partner Committee and on the Strategic Planning Committee.
(Consultant, Personalized Property Management)
Steven has served on the CAI-CV Board two different times. He served as President and as Treasurer. Steven will continue to serve on the Homeowner Leader Committee, the Education Committee, and the Strategic Planning Committee.
Greens HOA)
Louise will continue to serve as Chair of the Corks for CLAC Wine Tasting Committee.
(President, Mira Vista at Mission Hills HOA, Past President, Desert Cities HOA Council, Commissioner, CAMICB)
Mike served as President for two years and chaired several committees. He will continue to serve as Chair of the CLAC LSC Committee, as a CLAC Delegate, Co-Chair of the Education Committee, and on the Strategic Planning Committee.
MORGAN FUSSELL, JR. (916) 803-8399 morgan@broadbandagreements.com
CAPITAL ONE PAUL DAVIDSON (804) 317-8201 paul.davidson@capitalone.com VINCENT AFFINITO (804) 317-8201 vincent.affinito@capitalone.com
RAUL LEON (760) 641-0643 compgreenls@gmail.com
DESERT OASIS LAKE & POND MANAGEMENT JUAN FLORES (760) 841-2059 jflores@desertoasislp.com
FOCUSED INSPECTION GROUP ALEX RILEY (877) 323-3579 info@focusedinspections.com
NISSHO OF CALIFORNIA, INC. TOM BAIRD (760) 727-9719 sdflsdgofg@gmail.com
PACIFIC INTERWEST BALCONY INSPECTION SERVICES MARLENE STEWART (657) 276-1629 mstewart@pacificnterwest.com RICHARDSON/OBER, LLP NANCY PEREZ (626) 449-5577 nancy@roattorneys.com
AMBER J. ANDAYA (760) 799-3129 aandaya@drminternet.com
HEATHER LEE STANLEY (760) 346-1161 hstanley@drminternet.com
JAMES ROBERT COVINGTON (760) 341-1161 jcovington@drminternet.com
JOHN WIESNER (760) 904-4192 john.wiesner@managementtrust.com
LOREANNA LIZBETH FLORES (760) 609-9477 lori.flores@albertmgt.com
PATRICIA NUGENT (760) 289-5279 villaspropertymanager@gmail.com
CARI A. BURLEIGH, CMCA, AMS (760) 345-4349
JAMIE A. DODGE, CMCA, AMS, PCAM (760) 799-3129
REBECCA F. GARRETT, CMCA, AMS (760) 851-4465
GENNEY GROESBECK (760) 346-1161
ABRAHAM ISLAS (760) 346-1161 xaislas@drminternet.com
ROBERT LAVERY (760) 346-1161 rlavery@drminternet.com
CARL C. MCULLOUGH, JR., CMCA, AMS (760) 346-1161
CIARA SHUSTER (760) 346-1161
PAULA TAPIA, CMCA, AMS (760) 766-6354 ptapia@drminternet.com
TRACY A. YOUNG, CMCA, AMS (760) 399-7310
RODNEY BISSELL, CO-CHAIR Bissell Design Studios, Inc.
MARILYN RAMOS, CO-CHAIR Guralnick & Gilliland, LLP
Personalized Property Management (Ret.)
BRIAN BERCE Golden Alliance Insurance
SIERRA CARR, CMCA, AMS, CCAM, PCAM Associa Desert Resort Management
GREG GRITTERS Vintage Landscape
CHEYENNE LANDRY Newman Certified Public Accountant, PC
ASHLEY LAYTON, PCAM, AMS, CMCA Premier Community Association Management
GLENN A. MILLER, CGCS Southwest Landscape & Maintenance, LLC
JAMIE PRICER Coachella Valley Water District
JASON SAVLOV, ESQ. Adams | Stirling, PLC
CHRIS SIGLER, B.S.C.E, CDT C.L. Sigler & Associates, Inc.
Bissell Design Studios, Inc. rodney@bisselldesign.com (714) 293-3749
The Coachella Valley HOA Living Magazine is a publication expressly prepared for association leaders, managers and related business professionals of the Community Associations Institute. Members are encouraged to submit articles for publishing consideration. All articles accepted for publication in HOA Living are subject to editing and rewriting by the HOA Living Committee.
Julie R. Balbini, Esq., Fiore Racobs & Powers, A PLC
Micha Ballesteros, Cartwright Termite & Pest Control, Inc.
Roxi K. Bardwell, Advanced Reserve Solutions, Inc.
Rodney Bissell, Bissell Design Studios, Inc.
Kimberly Burnett, DSI Security Services
Gary Butler, Asphalt MD's
Linda Cardoza, Alliance Association Bank
Will Cartwright, Cartwright Termite & Pest Control, Inc.
Todd Chism, PatioShoppers
Tiffany Christian, Epsten, APC
Angel Christina, Delphi Law Group, LLP
Lori Fahnestock, Powerful Pest Management
Dea Franck, Esq., Epsten, APC
Julie Frazier, Frazier Pest Control, Inc.
Elaine Gower, The Naumann Law Firm, PC
Michael Graves, SCT Reserve Consultants
Amanda Gray, Harvest Landscape, Inc.
Matthew Hills, Securitas Security Services USA, Inc.
Jennifer James, Esq., HOA Legal Services
Erin Kelly, Pacific Western Bank
Megan Kirkpatrick, Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services
Jared Knight, Vista Paint Corporation
Katy Krupp, Fenton Grant Mayfield Kaneda & Litt, LLP
Matt Lawton, CIC, CIRMS, Prendiville Insurance Agency
Larry Layton, Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services
Alison LeBoeuf, Sherwin-Williams
Mike Mastropietro, OCBS, Inc.
Chris Meyer, Asphalt MD's
Greg Morrow, Eagle Roofing Products
Fran Mullahy, Conserve LandCare
Matt Ober, Esq., Richardson Ober DeNichilo LLP
Chet Oshiro, EmpireWorks
Mallory Paproth, SCT Reserve Consultants
Elisa Perez, Esq., Epsten, APC
Jay Powell, Ben's Asphalt
Dana Pride, Automation Pride
Mike Rey, Rey Insurance Services
Kelly Richardson, Esq., Richardson Ober DeNichilo LLP
Brent Sherman, Animal Pest Management Services, Inc.
Liz Williams, AMS Paving
Taylor Winkle, Roof Asset Management
Bevan Worsham, AMS Paving
Jolen Zeroski, CIT
PRESIDENT JULIE BALBINI, ESQ. Managing Attorney, CV Office, Fiore Racobs & Powers, A PLC
PRESIDENT-ELECT CLINT ATHERTON, PCAM General Manager, Sun City Palm Desert
SECRETARY ERIN KELLY Manager, Pacific Western Bank
TREASURER BG (RET) GUIDO PORTANTE Director, Mira Vista at Mission Hills HOA
MARK DODGE, CMCA, AMS Branch President & CEO, Associa Desert Resort Management (DRM)
DAN FARRAR, CMCA, AMS General Manager, Ironwood HOA, FirstService Residential
JENNIFER JAMES, ESQ. Attorney, HOA Legal Services
DIRECTOR BRUCE LATTA, CMCA Manager, Indio Properties/President, Desert Cities HOA Council
DIRECTOR MICHELLE LOPEZ, CMCA, AMS Director of Community Management, Powerstone Property Mgmt.
DIRECTOR BRIDGET NIGH Regional Account Manager, Behr Paint Company
LILY ORTEGA, CMCA Office Manager, Pro Landscape
CAI Coachella Valley Office 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 102 Palm Desert, CA 92211
Tel: (760) 341-0559 Fax: (760) 341-8443 Website: www.cai-cv.org
CAL LOCKETT Executive Director clockett@cai-cv.org
The materials contained in this publication are designed to provide our members with timely and authoritative information; however, the CAI Coachella Valley Chapter is not engaging in the rendering of legal, accounting or other professional types of services. The Coachella Valley Chapter has not verified and/or endorsed the contents of these articles or advertising. Readers should not act on the information contained herein without seeking more specific professional advice from legal, accounting or other experts as required.
16 Awards Night – Rat Pack (See cover too) Friday, January 27th, Agua Caliente Resort Casino & Spa 22 CAI’s M-340: Managing the Large-Scale Association Thursday-Friday, February 9-10, 2023, Sun City Palm Desert 25
CAI-CV & City of Indio HOA Symposium Saturday, February 11, 2023, Sun City Shadow Hills 27
CAI-CV’s Educational Lunch Program & Mini Trade Show Friday, January 20, 2023, Sun City Palm Desert 29 Board Leader Certificate Course Saturday, April 15th or Saturday, September 9th 40 List of Upcoming Events with Links
18 CAI-CV Educational Program & Mini Trade Show –ASK THE ATTORNEY Friday, December 16, 2022 34 CAI-CV’s Reindeer Games at Boomers Friday, December 9, 2022
Happy New Year! Please join me in thanking Clint Atherton, PCAM, LSM (GM, Sun City Palm Desert) for serving as president of CAI-CV in 2022. Clint remains on the Chapter board and will serve on the Executive Committee as president-elect while we transition to a two-year term for the president’s position. Congratulations to Clint on the Chapter’s record membership growth over the past year.
We will properly thank Clint and all of you who helped make 2022 a success, at the Chapter’s annual awards night on Friday, January 27th, at Agua Caliente Casino Spa in Rancho Mirage. The theme is “Rat Pack”, and the committee is planning live entertainment – Rat Pack style! See Page 16
I am honored to serve as president in 2023, and I look forward to working with you and all our members to continue to provide top-tier education and promote high standards for the HOA industry in the Coachella Valley. One of my personal goals is to promote committee volunteerism with the Chapter’s 16 standing committees. Please see pages 10-12 for a list of our 2023 committees and our leadership team.
All members may serve on a Chapter committee by filling out the Committee Volunteer Form on page 11. Serving on a committee is the fastest way for you to build relationships with your colleagues, and committee service is good for careers and can foster new business opportunities. Each committee has at least 11 members and has their own leadership team that includes a chair and one or more co-chairs, and a board liaison who oversees the Committee’s budget and helps facilitate board level decisions so the committee business is not suspended while waiting for board approvals. I hope you will join a committee this year and maximize your CAI membership.
New in 2023, CAI-CV is offering the committee leadership team a Professional Certificate in Strategic Leadership. Chapter leaders will be eligible for the certificate after serving in a leadership capacity for one year or more. If you are interested in serving on the Chapter’s leadership team, call the CAI-CV office at (760) 341-0559.
It is hard to believe that the Chapter has been at its present location for five years. Unfortunately, our lease is up, and the landlord has nearly doubled the rent, so we are in the process of looking for new space. Stay tuned for updates via eblast.
Thank you, Golf Committee, for an outstanding “second” golf tournament at Boomers on December 9th. See the photos on page 34. All of us enjoyed the miniature golf courses, motorized go-karts, bumper boats, rock climbing, and the arcade. It was a fun and exciting afternoon. The food was great too!
A special thanks to Greg and Kyle Gritters (Vintage Landscape) for their in-depth look at landscape maintenance issues at the December 6th combined MOTR & BMW. It was a very interesting and helpful program for managers and board members as we all prepare for higher landscape costs in 2023. Thanks too to our esteemed attorney panel for the Educational Lunch Program & Mini Trade Show “ASK THE ATTORNEY” program on December 16th, Dea Franck, Esq. (Epsten, APC), Cang N. Le Esq. (Tinnelly Law Group), and Steve Roseman (Roseman Law, APC). Thanks also to Lisa Tashjian, Esq. (Beaumont Tashjian) and Gloria Kirkwood, PCAM (Associa Desert Resort Management) for helping to moderate the program. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to share your expertise with our members.
On Friday, January 12th, the Education Committee will host a Manager on the Run (MOTR) program for community managers and assistants via Zoom on the topic of safety and security. On Tuesday, January 17th, the Desert Cities HOA Council and Education Committee will host a Board Member Workshop (BMW) about board duties and the Davis Stirling Act with guest speaker, Ramona Acosta, PCAM (Tinnelly Law Group). The BMW will be offered both live at the CAI-CV classroom and via Zoom.
Sign up early for our January Lunch Program at Sun City Palm Desert on Friday, January 20th. Our guest speaker is award winning magician and comedian Aaron O’Brien (CBS, The Magic Castle) who will kick off the new year with humor and motivation.
All of our events continue to be listed with registration links on page 40, online at www.cai-cv.org, and in the Monday Update.
Thanks again to all our members, volunteers, and leadership team for a successful 2022, and we look forward to an even more successful 2023!
All CAI-CV members in good standing are eligible to serve on Chapter committees. Committees strive to have representatives from all three membership categories. CAI-CV members may serve on more than one committee. There is no cost to serving on a CAI-CV committee. Volunteers are always welcome.
Volunteering for a committee will typically occupy two to three hours per month. Most committees meet monthly, however event committees may meet more frequently in the months leading up to the event. Committee members may attend meetings either in-person at the CAI-CV office or virtually via Zoom.
Each committee is structured with a leadership team that includes a CAI-CV Director as the Liaison to the Chapter Board, a Committee Chair, and one or more Committee Co-Chairs. Committee leaders are part of the Chapter’s Professional Strategic Leadership Program. Typically, Chairs and Co-Chairs have served on a committee for a year or more and have shown leadership capabilities. As part of the Chapter’s succession plan, Directors on the CAI-CV Board must have served for at least one year as a Chair, Co-Chair, or CLAC Delegate.
Resources for committee members are located on the CAI-CV website under Resources, and then under the Committee Tools & Resources tab.
CAI-CV committees fall within four major categories. Administrative committees have ongoing responsibilities that keep the Chapter running smoothly. Educational committees focus on providing top-tier education and continuing education units (CEUs) for all members. Membership support committees focus on specific needs of each of the three major membership groups: business partners, homeowner leaders, and community association managers. Networking and fundraising committees plan networking events to raise support for CAI-CV’s educational programs.
• Publication of CAI-CV’s AwardWinning Monthly Magazine
• Advertising in HOA Living Legislative Support Committee
• Choose & Support CLAC Delegates
• Keep Members Apprised of HOA Legislation
• Grassroots Lobbying
• District Meetings with Legislators Membership Committee
• Member Retention
• Membership Growth & Incentive Programs
Social Media Committee
• Social Media
• Internal Communications for CAI Events & Programs
• External Communications & Media Relations
• Provide Volunteers for CAI-CV Events and Programs Web & Tech Committee
• Web design and content review
• APP design
• Association Management System (AMS) design
• Manager on the Run (MOTR) Program for Managers and Assistant Managers
• Board Member Workshops (BMW) for Association Board Members and Desert Cities HOA Council members
• Bi-Annual Common Interest Development (CID) Law Course Programs Committee
• In-person educational programs and mini trade show for all members.
Business Partner Committee
• Onboarding New Business Partner Members
• Organze Mini Trade Shows
• Outreach to Potential Business Partners
• Develop Marketing & Networking Opportunities
• Onboarding for New Homeowner Leader Members
• Outreach to Potential Homeowner Leaders
• Homeowner Leader Education & Publications
• CAI-CV Medallion Community Program
• CAI Homeowner Leader Certificate Program
• Desert Cities HOA Council
Professional Managers Committee
• Onboarding for New Manager Members
• Outreach to Potential Manager Members
• Career Development & Statewide Job Board
• CAI-CV Carol A. Fulton Scholarship Fund
• Higher Education for Managers
• CAI National Courses & CAI Professional Designations
Awards Committee
• Annual Awards & Recognition Event Bowling Committee
• Annual Bowling Tournament Corks for CLAC Wine Tasting Committee
• Annual Wine Tasting Event to Support the California Legislative Action Committee Golf Committee
• Annual Golf Tournament(s) Oktoberfest Committee
• Annual Oktoberfest Celebration
First Name:
Last Name:
Employer/Company/Association Name:
Mailing Address
City: State: Zip:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone: E-Mail Address:
I understand the 2 to 3 hour per month time commitment required to serve on a CAI-CV committee and I understand that if I miss 3 or more meetings, I may be removed from the committee.
Please submit forms to ADMIN@CAI-CV.ORG or fax them to the CAI-CV office at (760) 341 8443. Please call the CAI-CV office if you have questions, (760) 341-0559.
Awards Committee
Bowling Committee
Business Partner Committee
Corks for CLAC Wine Tasting Committee
Education Committee Golf Committee
HOA Living Magazine Committee
Homeowner Leader Committee Legislative Support Committee Membership Committee
Oktoberfest Committee Professional Managers Committee Programs Committee Social Media Committee Volunteer Committee Web & Tech Committee
President Julie Balbini, Esq. Managing Attorney, CV Office, Fiore Racobs & Powers, A PLC President-Elect Clint Atherton, PCAM General Manager, Sun City Palm Desert Secretary Erin Kelly AVP, HOA & Lockbox Dept. Manager, Pacific Western Bank Treasurer BG (Ret) Guido Portante Director, Mira Vista at Mission Hills HOA Director Mark Dodge, CMCA, AMS Branch President & CEO, Associa Desert Resort Management (DRM) Director Dan Farrar, CMCA, AMS General Manager, Ironwood HOA, FirstService Residential Director Jennifer James, Esq. Attorney, HOA Legal Services Director Bruce Latta, CMCA Manager, Indio Properties/President, Desert Cities HOA Council Director Michelle Lopez, CMCA, AMS Director of Community Management, Powerstone Property Mgmt. Director Bridget Nigh Regional Account Manager, Behr Paint Company Director Lily Ortega, CMCA Office Manager, Pro Landscape
Chair Barbara Dugan, CMCA, AMS Communit y Manager, Canyon Sands HOA, Millennium Community Mgmt. Co-Chair Kristin Berryhill-Hood, CMCA Executive Community Association Manager, Associa DRM Board Liaison Michelle Lopez, CMCA, AMS Director of Community Management, Powerstone Property Mgmt.
Chair Cassie Gertz, PCAM Division Vice President of Onsite Communities, The Management Trust Co-Chair Julie Frazier Owner, Frazier Pest Control Board Liaison Lily Ortega, CMCA Office Manager, Pro Landscape
Chair Matt Lawton, CIRMS, CIC Agent/Broker, Prendiville Insurance Agency Co-Chair Jolen Zeroski, CMCA Vice President, Regional Account Executive, CIT Bank Board Liaison Bridget Nigh Regional Account Manager, Behr Paint Company
Chair Mike Traidman CAMICB Commissioner, President Mira Vista at Mission Hills HOA Co-Chair Rhonda Drews, PCAM Vice President. Premier Community Association Management Board Liaison Clint Atherton, PCAM General Manager, Sun City Palm Desert Delegate Clint Atherton, PCAM General Manager, Sun City Palm Desert Delegate Mike Traidman CAMICB Commissioner, President Mira Vista at Mission Hills HOA CLAC Liaison Mark Guithues, Esq. Partner, Community Legal Advisors, Inc.
Chair Louise Stettler Homeowner Leader, Palm Desert Greens Country Club HOA Co-Chair Gloria Kirkwood, PCAM Manager, Associa DRM Board Liaison Michelle Lopez, CMCA, AMS Director of Community Management, Powerstone Property Mgmt.
Chair Rhonda Drews, PCAM Vice President, Premier Community Association Management Co-Chair Mike Traidman CAMICB Commissioner, President Mira Vista at Mission Hills HOA Board Liaison Bruce Latta, CMCA Manager, Indio Properties/President, Desert Cities HOA Council
Chair Dan Farrar, CMCA, AMS General Manager, Ironwood HOA, FirstService Residential Co-Chair Julie Mogolis, CMCA, AMS Association General Manager, Rancho Las Palmas HOA, Associa DRM Co-Chair Greg Morrow Senior Account Representative, Eagle Roofing Products Board Liaison Dan Farrar, CMCA, AMS General Manager, Ironwood HOA, FirstService Residential
Chair Meaghan Gaffney-Howe, CMCA, AMS
Community Association Manager, The Gaffney Group, Inc. Co-Chair Ashley Layton, PCAM Vice President, Premier Community Association Management Co-Chair Marilyn Ramos Corporate Paralegal, Guralnick & Gilliland, LLP Co-Chair Rodney Bissell CEO, Bissell Design Studios, Inc. Board Liaison Jennifer James, Esq. Attorney, HOA Legal Services
Chair BG (RET) Guido Portante Director, Mira Vista at Mission Hills HOA Co-Chair Tony Michaelis HOA President, Montage at Mission Hills HOA Co-Chair Jay Jarvis, CMCA, AMS Owner, HOA Office Board Liaison Mark Dodge, CMCA, AMS Branch President & CEO, Associa DRM
Chair Mark Dodge, CMCA, AMS Branch President & CEO, Associa DRM Co-Chair Steve Roseman (pending) Managing Partner, Roseman Law Group Board Liaison Bruce Latta, CMCA Manager, Indio Properties/President, Desert Cities HOA Council
Chair Bridget Nigh Regional Account Manager, Behr Paint Company Co-Chair Mandie Chlarson Manager, NLB Consulting & Elections Co-Chair Carlos Contreras Owner, Sunshine Landscape Board Liaison Erin Kelly AVP, HOA & Lockbox Department Manager, Pacific Western Bank
Chair Rhonda Drews, PCAM Vice President, Premier Community Association Management Co-Chair Dan Goodrich, PCAM General Manager, Sierra Dawn Estates HOA Board Liaison Clint Atherton, PCAM General Manager, Sun City Palm Desert
Chair Tiffany Christian Director of Marketing & Client Relations, Epsten, APC Co-Chair Kelly McGalliard, PCAM General Manager, PGA West Board Liaison Julie Balbini, Esq. Managing Attorney, CV Office, Fiore Racobs & Powers, A PLC
Chair Jennifer James, Esq. Attorney, HOA Legal Services Co-Chair Sierra Carr, PCAM Community Manager, Associa DRM Board Liaison Julie Balbini, Esq. Managing At torney, CV Office, Fiore Racobs & Powers, A PLC
Chair Jayme Fakehany, CMCA, AMS General Manager, Lake Mirage Racquet Club HOA, Associa DRM Co-Chair Open Board Liaison Lily Ortega, CMCA Office Manager, Pro Landscape
Chair Sam Rodriguez, PCAM
Community Association Manager, Associa DRM Co-Chair Rick Rapp Association Manager, Senior Community Albert Management, Polo Club HOA Co-Chair Meranda Valencia Community Association Manager, Associa DRM Board Liaison Julie Balbini, Esq. Managing Attorney, CV Office, Fiore Racobs & Powers, A PLC
Outside of certain California legal circles, the Privette doctrine is not well known, but this doctrine provides important liability protections for anyone, including community associations, that hire an independent contractor to perform work on one’s property. Because of these potential liability protections, community association boards and managers should be aware of the Privette doctrine and its exceptions to protect the communities they serve from potential liability stemming from workplace injuries.
The Privette doctrine derives its name from the 1993 California Supreme Court case, Privette v. Superior Court (1993) 5 Cal.4th 689. Prior to this case, California utilized the doctrine of peculiar risk meaning that a person who hired an independent contractor to perform an inherently dangerous job could be held liable for injuries suffered to the independent contractor’s employees while performing that job.
In the Privette case, Privette hired a roofing contractor to install a new roof on the property owner’s duplex. While performing that job, one of the roofer’s employees was badly burned by the hot tar he was carrying when he fell off a ladder to the roof. Privette was not present at the property when the employee’s injuries occurred. The employee sued Privette alleging that Privette was negligent in hiring the
roofer and that the doctrine of peculiar risk made Privette liable for his injuries. However, the court in Privette determined that the doctrine of peculiar risk was no longer fair. Why? Because the State’s workers’ compensation system allows injured workers to “recover benefits for injuries ‘arising out of and in the course of the employment’” and when a person or entity hires an independent contractor to perform a job or service, the hirer inherently delegates to that contractor the obligation to perform the work safely and to provide a safe worksite. In light of these reasons, the Privette court held that the hirer of an independent contractor would not be
vicariously liable for work-related injuries suffered by the workers of the hirer’s independent contractor. The court’s holding would be thereafter called the “Privette doctrine.”
There are two elements to the Privette doctrine, which together create a rebuttable presumption in favor of a defendant hirer. The first element is that the defendant hirer must establish that the plaintiff worker was either the independent contractor or worked for the independent contractor when the plaintiff’s injuries or death occurred. The second element is that the defendant hired the plaintiff directly or hired the plaintiff’s employer when the plaintiff’s injuries or
death occurred. If a defendant hirer can establish both elements of the Privette doctrine, the burden of proof shifts to the plaintiff worker who must prove that an exception to the Privette doctrine applies.
There are currently three exceptions to the Privette doctrine, which if proven by a plaintiff worker could expose the defendant hirer to liability:
1) Retained Control Exception – Under the retained control exception, a person or entity that hires an independent contractor will not be liable for work-related injuries to the independent contractor’s employees unless the hirer retained control over the safety conditions at a jobsite and by negligently exercising that retained control the hirer affirmatively contributed to the worker’s injuries. (See Hooker v. Department of Transportation (2002) 27 Cal.4th 198.)
– Under the defective equipment exception, if a person or entity hires an independent contractor, the hirer requests or requires the independent contractor to use defective equipment of the hirer to perform the work, and that defective equipment affirmatively contributed to the worker’s workrelated injuries, then the hirer may be liable for the worker’s injuries or death. (See McKown v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (2002) 27 Cal.4th 219.)
– Under the concealed hazard exception, if a person or entity hires an independent contractor, the hirer knew or should have known of a preexisting concealed hazardous condition on the hirer’s property, the independent contractor did not
know or could not have reasonably discovered that preexisting concealed hazard, the hirer failed to warn the independent contractor of that hazard, and a worker of the independent contractor suffers injuries or dies because of that preexisting concealed hazard, then the hirer may be liable for the worker’s injuries or death. (See Kinsman v. Unocal Corp. (2005) 37 Cal.4th 659.) Conversely, if an independent contractor knows of a concealed hazard on the hirer’s property or the hazard is open and obvious, the independent contractor fails to consider that hazard and, as a result, the independent contractor provides an unsafe worksite, and the independent contractor’s failure to provide a safe worksite results in a worker becoming injured or dies, then the hirer will not be liable. (See Gonzalez v. Mathis (2021) 12 Cal.5th 29.)
• If a board or manager knows of a preexisting concealed hazard in the community where the independent contractor and/or their workers will be working or traversing, then disclose that hazard to the independent contractor prior to the work commencing.
• Contracts with vendors should expressly delegate to the independent contractors the obligation to comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements to provide a safe worksite.
• Confirm that the independent contractor has the requisite license(s), insurance and worker’s compensation coverage prior to hiring the independent contractor.
• Require the independent contractor to add the association as an additional insured on the independent contractor’s insurance policies whenever possible.
• Besides determining the scope of work, leave any decisions as to how the work should be performed and what equipment should be used to perform the work to the discretion of the hired independent contractor.
Dea Franck, Esq., is a shareholder and senior attorney with Epsten, APC. Epsten, APC has been providing solutions to Southern California common interest development legal issues since 1986. Dea may be contacted at dfranck@epsten.com.
In light of the Privette doctrine and its exceptions, community association boards and managers should keep the following in mind:
Friday, January 27, 2022, 5:30 PM (Reservations available at CAI-CV.ORG)
On Friday, January 27th, 2023, CAI-CV will host the 2022 chapter awards ceremony. Each year, CAI-CV recognizes members who have provided outstanding service to the Chapter and industry. Please send us your nominations to be considered for the ten Chapter awards. Help us to recognize the volunteers who went above and beyond during the year. Award recipients will be selected by a committee of the CAICV Board, committee leadership and the chapter CED. Nomination forms must be turned in to the CAI-CV office by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 5, 2023 to be considered. They may be mailed to CAI-CV, 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 102, Palm Desert, CA 92211, or scanned and emailed to admin@cai-cv.org.
A CAI-CV member who has provided outstanding volunteer service to the Chapter for multiple years. This member will have contributed substantially to the Chapter’s efforts to reach its vision and goals in the Coachella Valley.
A CAI-CV operational committee that has achieved a high level of success, reaching their committee goals and helping the Chapter reach its vision.
Choose from the: CLAC Legislative Support Committee Communications and PR Committee Education Committee
A CAI-CV member who has gone above and beyond to help the Chapter meet its goals and objectives in 2022.
A CAI-CV event committee that has achieved a high level of success, reaching their committee goals and helping the Chapter realize its vision.
Choose from:
Awards Committee
Bowling Committee
Golf Committee
Oktoberfest Committee
Corks for CLAC Committee
Homeowner Leader Committee Membership Committee Professional Managers Committee Programs Committee
HOA Living Magazine Committee Volunteer Committee
A CAI-CV onsite manager member who has worked to promote professionalism in the CID industry through their volunteer work with CAI. This award is for managers who are dedicated to serving only one community, regardless of their work location.
A CAI-CV community association member that exemplifies excellence in common interest development (CID) operations, education and service to its homeowners and has participated in CAI’s educational programs and fundraising efforts for CLAC.
A CAI-CV homeowner leader member who promotes community association board level education and professionalism within the HOA industry and who has helped CAI-CV reach its goals and vision.
A CAI-CV business partner member (company) that has provided time and resources to help the Chapter reach its goals and objectives in 2022.
A CAI-CV portfolio manager member who has worked to promote professionalism in the CID industry through their volunteer work with CAI. This award is for managers who serve more than one community.
A CAI-CV Educated Business Partner member (individual) who has provided time and resources to help the Chapter reach its goals and objectives in 2022.
Bissell Design Studios, Inc. provides fresh, new design concepts and product to businesses and organizations worldwide. We are proud of our heritage. Our founder, Rodney Bissell, comes from a long line of artists and entrepreneurs working in industrial and interior design, graphic design, and even the fine arts. For three generations, each family business has earned a reputation for integrity and loyalty. Maintaining a healthy relationship with our clients is a top priority.
Owner and Creative Director, Rodney Bissell, started Bissell Design Studios in 2004. He had been working as a senior designer at a marketing firm for seven years and felt the time was right to follow in his family’s footsteps and open his own graphic design company. Since the beginning, Bissell Design has helped its clients stand out from the competition. We work diligently to create the best design possible to reach the goals of each project, meeting clients’ needs and exceeding their expectations.
Design is taking art and giving it a strategy, an objective. Our goal is to help you find the art in your company and then create great design from that art to strategically improve your company’s objectives.
Bissell Design offers a broad spectrum of services to our clients from print design, catalogs, magazine and publishing to marketing, branding, web design and more.
• Focusing on creating design that will best communicate the clients’ mission as well as motivate and engage their target audience.
• Providing creative services for effective print/web media and mobile devices.
• Collaborating with and directing freelance designers.
• Managing production deadlines and clients’ budgets efficiently, while juggling several projects at once.
• Assisting clients with website updates through CSS, HTML and other CMS.
• Maintaining long-term working relationships with satisfied clients.
• Increasing clientele through recommendations from past and present clients.
Bissell Design Studios, Inc., is proud to be an active member of CAI-CV. We have seen firsthand the invaluable commitment CAI-CV shows their members and look forward to participating in the community in the future.
Bissell Design Studios Inc. | 4140 Oceanside Blvd Ste 159-334 | Oceanside, CA 92056 714-293-3749 | rodney@bisselldesign.com | www.bisselldesign.com
Welcome aboard Vincent Affinito and Capital One, N.A.! Capital One is a full-service business bank that provides technology-driven deposit accounts with industry leading cash management solutions and high yields savings for community associations, community management companies, and other businesses throughout Southern California. Dominant in the East and Midwest, Capital One recently launched their HOA products in Southern California with local communities and business owners in mind.
In addition to their deposit platform, Capital One also offers COA/HOA loans that have been highly successful in other markets that they support. A variety of loan terms and features are available, including terms of up to 15 years; a minimum of 10 units; $250k minimum loan amounts; draw periods for up to two years to utilize one credit request for multiple projects; financing of up to 110% of project costs to minimize out of pocket expenses to home owners; complimentary reamortization of loans when requested; and no pre-payment penalties if paying from the borrower’s funds.
One of the largest advantages that the Capital One loan program offers is they do not need to price off of the treasury or prime and can fix the rate as soon as 10 business days after
receiving a complete loan package. This allows businesses to protect themselves from further interest increases while going through the closing process. Borrowers enjoy the peace of mind knowing the rate is fixed during the entire term - including the draw period - to prevent additional expenses and board meetings.
Vincent Affinito is the primary contact for Capital One. He is the Vice President of Business Banking in Southern California. A second-generation HOA business banker (Vincent’s mother was also an HOA business banker prior to her retirement), Vincent resides in San Diego with his partner and two Great Danes, Daisy and Dexter. He loves traveling the world; his goal is to visit a new location every year.
Vincent can be reached at (619) 341-9535 or via email at vincent.affinito@capitalone.com
Please contact Vincent at Capital One for more information on the services that are offered that can benefit your home or community!
Meaghan Gaffney-Howe, CMCA, AMS is a community manager and Vice President of The Gaffney Group, Inc. Meaghan can be reached at meaghan@thegaffneygroup.net.
This on-site course provides tips on how to manage associations that have more than 1,000 units or 1,000 acres and an annual budget of at least $2 million. You’ll explore the relationships between large-scale associations and municipalities as well as the relationships between master associations and sub-associations. You’ll also learn to distinguish between open, commercial, and residential properties.
Topics include:
• Management requirements of large-scale communities
• Large-scale associations and municipalities
• Master associations and sub-associations
• Open, commercial, and residential properties
Classroom Edition: 2 days | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. both days (This program is offered in-person only as it includes a live tour of a large-scale community association.)
Last year, CD interest rates yielded about 0.15% for a twelvemonth term. The time of earning $150 off a $100,000 investment is beyond over! Those were safe times to invest knowing our 1120H IRS filing kept the initial $100 of earned interest income exempt from taxation. We can now expect to be taxed about 38% by the State and Federal on investment income. However, financial institutions are currently offering 4.07% CD rates for promotional terms of thirteen months. It may make sense to take a penalty to move money early to the new much higher CD rates.
• Ensure your reserve funds will serve as liquidity for emergency expenses.
• Stagger maturity dates for multiple CDs.
• Consider $250K FDIC insured investments per institution.
What would it look like if your maturity date is a few months away and you want to take advantage of the highest interest rates we have seen in over two years? It might be time to be risqué and take the penalty. Early withdrawal penalties differ from bank institution, amount invested, and the length of term. You can expect penalties to range anywhere from 30-180 days of interest based on the amount initially invested. So, for that $100k CD that accrued $150 in twelve months, expect to be penalized at most half of its annual interest or about $75.
100,000 yielding 4.07% for 13 months = $4,070 $4,070 – $75(Penalty Fee) = $3,995 $3,995 - $1,480(Taxes) = $2,477.00 $150 vs. $2,477.00
As the COVID pandemic emerged in early 2020, the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates and CD rates dipped to very low levels. 6-month
Homeowner association funds should avoid risky investments at all costs. As managers, we should recommend to our boards to invest with capital preservation and consider safeguarding reserve funds. Consult with your financial managers, bankers, and CPAs while choosing the right investment for your community!
Lorena Sterling, CAFM is the Controller at Community Association Financial Services (CAFS). Lorena can be reached at lorena@cafshoa.com.
We now have the creative ability to invest HOA funds, even if that calls for a penalty to maximize your CD rate of return!
Since the onset of Covid-19 we have been seeing an increase in both liability and property rates. This is a result of increasing loss trends seen by the carriers. Insurers believe some of these trends are caused by unit owners spending more time at home, and more homeowners are operating businesses out of their homes.
Let’s examine why additional time spent at home can create additional losses for master policy insurers. On the property side, additional time spent at home means cooking more meals at home, using the plumbing, bathtub, showers more often and using everything else more. Each interaction with appliances, plumbing and the kitchen creates another opportunity for something to go wrong that may create a fire or water claim. These increased opportunities lead to additional claims and additional payouts by the insurance carrier. Insurers must in turn pass that cost onto the consumer in rate increases.
On the liability side, when more people are running businesses from their home, there is a natural increase in outsiders coming to the association. Businesses such as daycares, hair salons, consulting, and tax preparation cause more foot traffic
and more opportunities for injuries that are likely to be filed against the association’s deep pockets. Increased claims will result in additional premiums for the association. They could also result in the cancellation of the association’s insurance.
So, what can be done about this? Even associations that limit or prohibit home businesses, find enforcement is nearly impossible. The best solution is to monitor and control access to your community and make regular investigations of common areas to assess and fix potential hazards. Associations can also remind residents of safety concerns within their homes and in common areas regularly in their newsletters.
We are certainly in a different world since the beginning of Covid-19. Unfortunately, that means associations will need to plan for higher premiums for the foreseeable future.
Brian Berce is with Golden Alliance Insurance based in Agora Hills, California. Brian may be reached at (818) 584-8044 or by email at brian@goldenallianceinsurance.com.
"Unfortunately, that means associations will need to plan for higher premiums for the foreseeable future."
In this drought, we’ve been asked to conserve more water. That’s challenging for desert residents who use nearly 80% of their water outdoors.
Overwatering, inefficient sprinklers and old irrigation systems are among the biggest water wasters.
Here are ways to improve your outdoor water efficiency:
Adjust sprinklers to prevent overspray and runoff. Check your irrigation equipment to reduce excessive water use and prevent leaks.
• Replace broken sprinkler heads that create geysers or floods.
• Replace faulty irrigation valves that prevent the system from shutting off.
• Replace cracked irrigation pipes that cause leaks.
• Replace sprinklers with water-saving rotary nozzles.
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) customers may be eligible for rebates for high-efficiency rotary nozzles. See CVWD.org/rebates for more information.
Make sure sprinklers turn off after their scheduled time. If water runs off before the cycle finishes, split the cycle time into two to four cycles at least an hour apart to allow water to soak in.
Drip irrigation systems significantly reduce water use. They are efficient because water soaks into soil before it can evaporate or run off.
Water at night to minimize water loss to evaporation. Adjust the irrigation schedule to reflect seasonal changes. For help on how much water to use on trees, grass and shrubs (preferably drought tolerant), check the Watering Guide at CVWD.org/Conservation.
Replace your old device with a weather-based smart controller that will automatically adjust your watering needs and save up to 30% of water usage.
CVWD residential customers can apply for a free smart controller. HOA and commercial customers can receive a refund of 75% of the controller cost, up to $10,000 per project.
See CVWD.org/rebates for more information.
New in 2023 – CAI National is offering HOA board members a nationally recognized CERTIFICATE! CAI-CV will offer this five-hour program to our members and the Desert Cities HOA Council members twice in 2023.
DATES: Saturday, April 15th 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. CAI-CV Classroom Saturday, September 9th 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. CAI-CV Classroom
$99 for members | $199 nonmembers (Individual online class via National)
The Chapter is offering a facilitated class for a cost of $69 (members) and $169 (nonmembers). Most HOA’s pay for their members to attend. It’s a win-win for all! Please provide us with the following information if you are interested in participating in the Board Leadership Certificate Program.
Name: Email:
Cell Number:
HOA Board:
Preferred Date:
Those board members interested in participating will be contacted with the details of the program.
EMAIL THIS INFORMATION OR CLICK OR SCAN THE QR CODE: admin@cai-cv.org or fax it to (760) 341-8443. If you have questions, call the office at (760) 341-0559.
Welcome aboard, Desert Oasis Lake and Pond Management, Inc.! A small, family-oriented company serving only the Coachella Valley, Desert Oasis Lake and Pond Management knows the importance of professionally servicing community lakes and ponds. Here in the Coachella Valley, proactive, regularly scheduled service is essential to the maintenance of a healthy lake ecosystem. Desert Oasis Lake and Pond Management dives in below the surface to keep these delicate ecosystems healthy and thriving year after year. This in turn keeps lake communities looking their best all year long, in addition to preventing costly reactive maintenance from occurring. Services offered include water chemistry analysis, algae control and prevention (with chemical free options available), aquatic weed removal, control, and prevention, shoreline restoration applications, eco-friendly chemical applications, and equipment installation and repairs.
Juan Flores is the owner and operator of Desert Oasis Lake and Pond Management, Inc. Juan holds a Qualified Applicator’s License through the State of California’s Department of Pesticide Regulations specializing in Aquatic Pest Control/Management (F Category). The company is also registered with the County of Riverside as a pest control business; they are insured to be able to transport registered chemicals and apply them throughout Riverside County. Juan and his wife/business partner, Consuelo, reside with their three children in the Coachella Valley.
You may reach Juan at (760) 851-2059 or by email at jflores@ desertoasislp.com.
Desert Oasis Lake and Pond Management, Inc.’s motto is simple, “Honest, Reliable, and Professional Service Every Time, with No Exceptions.” Please visit them at www.desertoasislp.com for more information on their services to benefit your home or community!
Meaghan Gaffney-Howe, CMCA, AMS is a community manager and Vice President of The Gaffney Group, Inc. Meaghan can be reached at meaghan@thegaffneygroup.net.
The sudden and unexpected collapse of the 40-year-old Champlain Towers condominium structure highlighted a significant weakness in our multi-family community association model. Because a community’s owners are financially motivated to vote against funding necessary repairs and the directors championing same, boards and management ultimately become powerless to perform required maintenance. As a 25-year veteran of the management and legal communities serving this industry, I invite you, (and our legislature) to support legislation to fix some obvious systemic problems that result in these predictable failures.
Overview: The Towers’ collapse highlights the “us vs. them” mentality of owners versus the volunteer directors - whose job is to convert assessments into maintenance and repairs. While nobody foresaw the sudden and unexpected collapse of a 40-year-old concrete structure, every owner therein understood significant and expensive structural repairs were necessary. Indeed,
association records show nearly two years’ worth of board recalls and politically charged meetings followed the initial special assessment proposed by the board. Our legislature in California needs to acknowledge that it is cheaper and easier for owners to underfund maintenance requirements of their communities, leading to predictable failure.
This isn’t a guarantee of competence, but at least it signifies the person taking direction from the board has a minimum amount of training and professional skin in the game. When we require all association managers to be certified, we validate the need for more advanced management training, raising respect, professionalism, and esteem for our managers. The legislature got close once with B&P 11504 defining certification, but then failed to require it. To be sure, such a certification will not invite the ear of die-hards who threaten to fire any manager daring to suggest a special assessment for building maintenance, but maybe a community’s serial replacement of trained and certified managers will serve as a significant red flag both to members within the community and potential buyers.
Reserve Studies occur when an unbiased third-party professional is retained to evaluate the condition of the common area, analyze repair protocols, and develop
an assessment schedule which estimates upcoming required maintenance for the community’s next 30 years. This is required now, and while acknowledging that such reports may be flawed (either high or low) in their predictions, directors routinely disregard these studies, wildly underfunding reserves - because raising assessments gets them voted out of office. We need the legislature to do the unpopular heavy lifting here and legally require 50% minimum funding of reserves for structural components, to be accomplished over the next five years , so the volunteer directors can focus on arranging maintenance rather than raising money.
Perhaps more achievable, current language limiting a board’s authority to implement Special Assessments and Emergency Assessments needs to be amended to assist boards attempting to fund necessary structural repairs. We’ve got to move beyond the bleary-eyed stares of directors asking, “How are we going to pay for that?”
attendance at a one or two-hour training on how their monthly assessments are apportioned to address the maintenance obligations and corporate requirements of their community. Education on how the system is designed to work might lead to discussion on priorities and community-wide buy-in to future repairs. These classes are widely available (and often free) through CAI, professional trade organizations, and local law firms, including ours. When owners understand the scope of their association’s obligations, they generally reset from “us-vs.-them” mentality to working together to overcome problems.
In the end , we need to recognize that like Florida’s Champlain Towers, the design of our self-governance has predictable failure points which can and should be addressed with simple legislative requirements for manager licensing, adequate and simplified reserve funding, minimal safety inspection standards, and owner training.
Recently (and in response to those in Berkeley who rode a balcony to their deaths), California’s legislature implemented a “balcony bill” requiring certain “elevated exterior elements” be regularly inspected and certified by an architect or structural engineer. This law needs to be expanded to include the multi-family structures themselves - to meet minimal ongoing fire, structural and roofing standards.
There’s been quite a few bills, most recently AB 1410, designed to impose ethics training, fair housing training and more on those who volunteer their time to serve as directors. It’s a fascinating study on punishing those most aware of the problems facing their own communities. Let’s refocus here: Instead require community-wide
Mark Guithues is the founding partner of Community Legal Advisors Inc., a six-attorney law firm limiting its practice to assessment collection and general counsel services for its 300 community association clients, subdivision services to its developer-declarant clients, and mediation and arbitration services to its homeowner clients. You can obtain more information at www.AttorneyForHoa.com.
"These classes are widely available (and often free) through CAI, professional trade organizations, and local law firms, including ours."
The Professional Managers Committee launched the new CAI-CV Career Center on April 1, 2022. The Career Center is free to all CAI-CV members. Members can access the site at www.cai-cv.org and then by tapping on the RESOURCES button, and then on CAREER CENTER, or CLICK HERE
• Job Postings
Employers can pay a modest fee and easily post job opportunities online.
• Personalized Search and Recommendations
Get increased engagement and job views by recommending opportunities to job seekers based on their prior searches.
• Candidate Screening and Management
Provides employers with functionality to attract, screen and manage applicants online.
• Job Search
Allows job seekers to easily search and apply for jobs from their mobile devices.
• Email Job Matching
Automatically sends jobs of interest to relevant job seekers immediately via email when new jobs are posted.
• Job Search Tools
The site includes tools for building a resume, career advancement tools, career coaching, and tools for interviewing.
The new Career Center also offers great articles and other content including resume writing tips, interview techniques, job search ideas, and tips on networking. It even offers free resume critiquing. And, if you need additional help, use the Career Center to connect with certified career coaches who can help you with job search strategies, interview tips and help with your resume.
Take some time to go online and check out our new Career Center! If you have questions or need assistance, call the CAI-CV office at 760-341-0559.
In a uniquely quiet legislative year, Governor Newsom signed perhaps the only significant piece of legislation regarding common interest developments for 2023, known as Assembly Bill 1410 (“AB 1410”). AB 1410, which goes into effect on January 1st, includes three (3) components of note. Also worth mentioning, the final version of this bill is a far cry from the original, which would have imposed stringent education and code of conduct mandates on volunteer board members. Fortunately, with the efforts of CAI’s California Legislative Action Committee, the bill was amended.
First, AB 1410 amends the Civil Code to state that the association’s governing documents cannot prohibit a member or resident from using social media to discuss association living, elections, legislation, and other political and association matters, even if the content is critical of the association, nor can an association retaliate against a member or resident for same. This change, however, does not condone nor authorize harassment, defamation and other speech not otherwise protected by the First Amendment.
unsafe or impossible for the owner to prevent or fix the violation. The bill makes clear though, that this does not impact the association’s ability to collect assessments. Given that the State of California is more often than not, in some declared state of emergency, boards and managers should take care to ensure that the owner’s alleged violation of the governing documents, was not unavoidable in light of the state of emergency (although that’s unlikely to be the case in most scenarios).
known as Assembly Bill 1410 (“AB 1410”)."
Second, AB 1410 clarifies that an owner can rent a portion of their separate interest (i.e., a room rental, while the owner occupies the rest of the home), but the association cannot impose a minimum lease term longer than thirty (30) days. In other words, AB 1410 expands on recent changes in the law governing rental restrictions, by affirming an owner’s right to have a “roommate” rental, subject to the association’s right to limit same to a 30-day minimum lease term.
Finally, the bill amends the Civil Code to add in Section 5875. Civil Code Section 5875 will now provide that associations are prohibited from pursuing disciplinary action during a declared state or local emergency, if the nature of the emergency made it
For example, in the case of a pandemic and declared state of emergency due to a communicable respiratory virus (which hopefully, is not something we need to worry about ever again), it may be impossible for an owner to correct an architectural violation expediently, if state/local mandates prohibit contractors from coming to the property in order to curb transmission. The more likely scenario for Californians though, is a declared state or local emergency due to water drought, which may inhibit an owner’s ability to comply with watering and exterior landscaping obligations, due to water use restrictions.
AB 1410 may not directly or immediately impact your community, but it is a reminder for boards and managers to work with legal counsel to shore up the rental restrictions in their governing documents and continue to be diligent about enforcement of all rules and regulations. For example, boards who are concerned with a potential influx of renters into their community should be sure to update their governing documents’ minimum lease term and rental cap provisions.
Lisa Tashjian, Esq. is a partner with the law firm of Beaumont Tashjian. She can be reached at 866.788.9998 (toll free) or by email at LTashjian@HOAattorneys.com.
"Fortunately, with the efforts of CAI’s California Legislative Action Committee, the bill was amended."
"In a uniquely quiet legislative year, Governor Newsom signed perhaps the only significant piece of legislation regarding common interest developments for 2023,
New Years Observed
Business Partner Committee
HOA Living Magazine Committee
Professional Managers Committee
CLAC LSC Committee
Homeowner Leader Committee
Monday 2 HOLIDAY
Tuesday 3 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 4 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 4 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Monday 9 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 10 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Membership Committee Tuesday 10 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI Law Seminar
Education Committee
Wine Tasting Committee
Manager on the Run
Awards Committee
Programs Committee
Wed.-Sat. 11th-14th ALL DAY New Orleans
Wednesday 11 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 11 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 12 8:30 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 12 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 12 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Leadership Training Friday 13 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Martin Luther King Day
Board Member Workshops CAI & DCHC
Monday 16 HOLIDAY
Tuesday 17 10:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Volunteer Committee Tuesday 17 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Oktoberfest Committee
Social Media Committee
Wednesday 18 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 19 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Educational Program & Mini Trade Show Friday 20 11:15 AM Sun City Palm Desert Golf Committee Monday 23 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Educational Program & Mini Trade Show
Golf Committee
Web & Tech Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting
CLAC LSC Committee
Purple - Educational - For Managers & Assistant Managers
Yellow - Educational for Business Partners
Maroon - Board of Directors & Leadership Meetings
Friday 24 11:15 AM Sun City Palm Desert
Monday 27 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 28 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 28 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 28 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Monday 3 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Workshops CAI & DCHC Tuesday 4 10:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Business Partner Committee
HOA Living Magazine Committee
Tuesday 4 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 5 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Professional Managers Committee Wednesday 5 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Homeowner Leader Committee
Membership Committee
Education Committee
Wine Tasting Committee
Manager on the Run
Awards Committee
Tuesday 11 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 11 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 12 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 12 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 13 8:30 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 13 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Programs Committee Thursday 13 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Certificate Program Saturday 15 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Oktoberfest Committee
Social Media Committee
Wednesday 19 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 20 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CLAC Advocacy Week Monday-Thursday 24-27 9:00 AM Zoom
Golf Committee Monday 24 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV's Awards Night
Strategic Planning Committee
Tuesday 31 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Friday 27 5:30 PM Agua Caliente Web & Tech Committee
Tuesday 31 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday 31 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
HOA Living Magazine Committee
Wednesday 1 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Professional Managers Committee Wednesday 1 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CLAC LSC Committee Monday 6 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Workshops CAI & DCHC Tuesday 7 10:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Business Partner Committee
Wine Tasting Committee
Wednesday 8 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 7 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom Education Committee
Wednesday 8 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Manager on the Run Thursday 9 8:30 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Awards Committee Thursday 9 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI National M340
Thursday-Friday 9-10 9:00 AM Sun City Palm Desert Programs Committee Thursday 9 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Educated Business Partner Course Friday 10 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
City of Indio HOA Event Saturday 11 9:00 AM Sun City Shadow Hills
Homeowner Leader Committee Tuesday 14 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Membership Committee Tuesday 14 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Oktoberfest Committee Wednesday 15 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Social Media Committee Thursday 16 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Educational Program & Mini Trade Show Friday 17 9:00 AM Desert Willows Golf Club
President's Day Monday 20 HOLIDAY
Bowling Committee
Tuesday 21 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Volunteer Committee Tuesday 21 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom Golf Committee Monday 27 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom Web & Tech Committee Tuesday 28 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Strategic Planning Committee Tuesday 28 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday 28 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
HOA Living Magazine Committee
Wednesday 1 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Professional Managers Committee Wednesday 1 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI's Statewide CID Law Course Monday 6 8:30 AM Zoom
CLAC LSC Committee Monday 6 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Workshops CAI & DCHC
Business Partner Committee
Tuesday 7 10:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 7 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI's Statewide CID Law Course Wednesday 8 8:30 AM Zoom
Education Committee
Wine Tasting Committee
Wednesday 8 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 8 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Awards Committee Thursday 9 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Programs Committee
CAI's Statewide CID Law Course
CAI-CV's Annual Meet the Management Companies
Homeowner Leader Committee
Membership Committee
Oktoberfest Committee
Social Media Committee
Bowling Committee
Thursday 9 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Friday 10 8:30 AM Zoom
Friday 10 5:30 PM Classic Club
Tuesday 14 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 14 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 15 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 16 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 21 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Volunteer Committee Tuesday 21 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Bowling Committee Tuesday 25 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom Web & Tech Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
Volunteer Committee
Tuesday 25 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 25 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 25 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday 25 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Educational Program & Mini Trade Show Friday 28 11:15 AM Sun City Palm Desert
CLAC LSC Committee
Monday 1 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Workshops CAI & DCHC Tuesday 2 10:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Business Partner Committee Tuesday 2 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
HOA Living Magazine Committee Wednesday 3 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Professional Managers Committee Wednesday 3 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV's Annual Spring Golf Tournament Friday 5 7:00 AM Sun City Palm Desert
Homeowner Leader Committee
Membership Committee
Education Committee
Tuesday 9 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 9 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 10 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 11 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wine Tasting Committee Wednesday 10 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom Awards Committee Thursday 11 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom Programs Committee
Educational Program & Mini Trade Show
Friday 12 11:15 AM Sun City Palm Desert Bowling Committee
Tuesday 16 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Volunteer Committee
CAI National Conference
Social Media Committee
Wednesday 17 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 16 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom Oktoberfest Committee
Wed.-Sat. 17th-20th ALL DAY Dallas
Thursday 18 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Golf Committee Monday 22 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Manager on the Run Thursday 25 8:30 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Memorial Day
Web & Tech Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting
CLAC LSC Committee
Monday 29 HOLIDAY
Tuesday 30 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 30 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 30 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Monday 5 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Workshops CAI & DCHC Tuesday 6 10:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Business Partner Committee
HOA Living Magazine Committee
Professional Managers Committee
Awards Committee
Programs Committee
CAI-CV's Annual Comedy Night
Homeowner Leader Committee
Membership Committee
Education Committee
Wine Tasting Committee
Social Media Committee
Educational Program & Mini Trade Show
Bowling Committee
Volunteer Committee
Oktoberfest Committee
Tuesday 6 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 7 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 7 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 8 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 8 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Friday 9 5:30 PM Sun City Palm Desert
Tuesday 13 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 13 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 14 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 14 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 15 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Friday 16 9:00 AM Sun City Palm Desert
Monday 19 HOLIDAY
Tuesday 20 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 20 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 21 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Golf Committee
Web & Tech Committee
Monday 26 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 27 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Strategic Planning Committee Tuesday 27 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting
CAI-CV Office Closed (Independence Day)
Tuesday 27 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Monday 3 HOLIDAY
Independence Day Tuesday 4 HOLIDAY
HOA Living Magazine Committee Wednesday 5 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Professional Managers Committee
CLAC LSC Committee
Board Member Workshop CAI & DCHC
Membership Committee
Education Committee
Wine Tasting Committee
Wednesday 5 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Monday 10 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 11 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 11 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 12 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 12 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Awards Committee Thursday 13 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Programs Committee Thursday 13 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Key: Black - CAI National Event
Blue - Committee Meetings - For All Members
Green - Educational & Networking - For All Members
Brown - Educational - For Community Board Members
CLAC LSC Committee
Purple - Educational - For Managers & Assistant Managers
Yellow - Educational for Business Partners
Maroon - Board of Directors & Leadership Meetings Holidays
Monday 2 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Workshops CAI & DCHC Tuesday 3 10:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Business Partner Committee
HOA Living Magazine Committee
Tuesday 3 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 4 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Professional Managers Committee Wednesday 4 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Manager on the Run
Columbus Day
Homeowner Leader Committee
Membership Committee
Education Committee
Wine Tasting Committee
Awards Committee
Programs Committee
Thursday 5 8:30 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Monday 9 HOLIDAY
Tuesday 10 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 10 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 11 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 11 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 12 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 12 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Educational Program & Mini Trade Show Friday 13 9:00 AM Sun City Palm Desert
Bowling Committee
Tuesday 17 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV's Annual Bowling Tournament
Friday 14 5:30 PM Palm Springs Lanes Bowling Committee
Volunteer Committee
Oktoberfest Committee
Social Media Committee
Tuesday 18 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 18 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 19 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 20 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Golf Committee Monday 24 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Web & Tech Committee
Tuesday 25 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Strategic Planning Committee Tuesday 25 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday 25 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Community Association Manager (CAM) Day Thursday 27 8:30 AM TBD
Business Partner Committee
Tuesday 1 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
HOA Living Magazine Committee Wednesday 2 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Professional Managers Committee Wednesday 2 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI's Statewide CID Law Course Monday 7 8:30 AM Zoom
CLAC LSC Committee
Monday 7 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Workshop CAI & DCHC Tuesday 8 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Membership Committee
Tuesday 8 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI's Statewide CID Law Course Wednesday 9 8:30 AM Zoom
Education Committee
Wednesday 9 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wine Tasting Committee Wednesday 9 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Awards Committee
Thursday 10 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Programs Committee Thursday 10 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI's Statewide CID Law Course Friday 11 8:30 AM Zoom
Bowling Committee
Tuesday 15 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Volunteer Committee Tuesday 15 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Oktoberfest Committee Wednesday 16 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Social Media Committee Thursday 17 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI's Statewide CMCA Exam Review Friday 18 8:30 AM Zoom
Golf Committee Monday 28 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Web & Tech Committee Tuesday 29 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Strategic Planning Committee Tuesday 29 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday 29 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Strategic Planning
Labor Day
Board Member Workshops CAI & DCHC
Business Partner Committee
HOA Living Magazine Committee
Friday 1 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Monday 4 HOLIDAY
Tuesday 5 10:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 5 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 6 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Professional Managers Committee Wednesday 6 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Certificate Program
CLAC LSC Committee
Homeowner Leader Committee
Membership Committee
Education Committee
Wine Tasting Committee
Awards Committee
Manager on the Run
Programs Committee
Bowling Committee
Volunteer Committee
Oktoberfest Committee
Social Media Committee
Saturday 9 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Monday 11 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 12 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 12 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 13 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 13 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 14 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 14 8:30 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 14 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 19 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 19 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 20 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 21 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Educational Program & Mini Trade Show Friday 22 11:15 AM Sun City Palm Desert
Golf Committee
Web & Tech Committee
Monday 25 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 26 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Strategic Planning Committee Tuesday 26 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday 26 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAM – Community Association Manager
Volunteer Committee
Tuesday 17 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Oktoberfest Committee Wednesday 18 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Social Media Committee
CAI-CV's Oktoberfest
Golf Committee
Web & Tech Committee
Thursday 19 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Friday 20 5:30 PM Sunshine Landscape
Monday 23 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 24 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Strategic Planning Committee Tuesday 24 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday 24 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
HOA Living Magazine Committee
Wednesday 1 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Professional Managers Committee Wednesday 1 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CLAC LSC Committee Monday 6 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Business Partner Committee Tuesday 7 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Education Committee Wednesday 8 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wine Tasting Committee Wednesday 8 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Awards Committee Thursday 9 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Programs Committee Thursday 9 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Educational Program & Mini Trade Show Friday 10 11:15 AM Sun City Palm Desert Veterans Day (Office Open)
Homeowner Leader Committee
Tuesday 14 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Membership Committee Tuesday 14 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Oktoberfest Committee Wednesday 15 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Social Media Committee
Thursday 16 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Workshops CAI & DCHC Friday 17 3:30 PM Shields Theater Manager on the Run Friday 17 3:30 PM Shields Theater
CAI-CV's Wine Tasting & Auction Friday 17 5:30 PM TBD
Bowling Committee
Tuesday 21 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom Volunteer Committee Tuesday 21 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Office Closed (Thanksgiving) Wednesday 22 HOLIDAY
Thanksgiving Thursday 23 HOLIDAY
CAI-CV Office Closed (Thanksgiving) Friday 24 HOLIDAY Golf Committee
Monday 27 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom Web & Tech Committee
Tuesday 28 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Strategic Planning Committee Tuesday 28 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday 28 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CLAC LSC Committee
Monday 4 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Board Member Workshops CAI & DCHC Tuesday 5 10:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Business Partner Committee
Tuesday 5 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
HOA Living Magazine Committee Wednesday 6 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Professional Managers Committee Wednesday 6 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV's Holiday Mini Golf Friday 8 12:00 PM Boomers Palm Springs
Homeowner Leader Committee
Membership Committee
Education Committee
Wine Tasting Committee
Manager on the Run
Awards Committee
Programs Committee
Web & Tech Committee
Tuesday 12 9:00 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 12 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 13 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 13 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 14 8:30 AM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 14 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Thursday 14 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Tuesday 19 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Strategic Planning Committee Tuesday 19 2:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
CAI-CV Board of Directors Meeting
Oktoberfest Committee
Tuesday 19 3:30 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Wednesday 20 12:00 PM CAI-CV & Zoom
Christmas Monday 25 HOLIDAY
CAI-CV Office Closed (Christmas) Tuesday 26 HOLIDAY
CAI-CV's Awards Night 2024 Friday 26 5:30 PM TBD
CEU – Continuing Education Units (for managers)
CID – Common Interest Development (HOA)
CLAC – California Legislative Action Committee CMCA – Certified Manager of Community Associations DCHC – Desert Cities HOA Council
LSC – Legislative Support Committee PCAM – Professional Community Association Manager PR – Public Relations
75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 102 Palm Desert, CA 92211
(For managers and assistants)
WHEN: Friday, January 12, 2023, 8:30 AM
WHERE: Via Zoom
TOPIC: Safety & Security
(For board members)
WHEN: Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: In-Person and Via Zoom, CAI-CV Classroom, 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 102, Palm Desert
TOPIC: Board Duties - Davis Stirling Act
(For all members)
WHEN: Friday, January 20, 2023, 11:15 a.m.
WHERE: Sun City Palm Desert
TOPIC: Become Fearless, Focused and Fantastic at Managing HOAs!
GUEST SPEAKER: Award Winning Comedian & Magician, Aaron O'Brien
(For all members)
WHEN: Friday, January 27, 2023, 5:30 PM
WHERE: Agua Caliente Resort Casino & Spa
WHEN:Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 10:00 a.m. WHERE: Via Zoom and In-Person, TBD
TOPIC: Security - Keeping Our Communities Safe FREE RSVP: SPONSORSHIPS:
MANAGER ON THE RUN (MOTR) (For managers and assistants)
WHEN:Thursday, February 9, 2023, 8:30 AM
WHERE: Via Zoom
TOPIC: Maintenance Calendars & Coordinating With Providers REGISTER: SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE:
CAI’s Educated Business Partner Class (for business partners)
WHEN:Friday, February 10, 2023, 9:00 a.m. ' WHERE: Via Zoom REGISTER: SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE:
CAI-CV’s City of Indio HOA Workshop (for HOA board members and residents in Indio)
WHEN:Saturday, February 11, 2023, 9:00 a.m. WHERE: Sun City Shadow Hills REGISTER: SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE:
WHEN: Friday, February 17, 2023, 11:15 a.m. WHERE: Desert Willow Clubhouse TOPIC: Love Your Valley: Economic Development Update GUEST SPEAKER: Bob Wright, Associate Director, Riverside County Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
FirstService Residential
Ivan's Painting & Maintenance
Khatri Int. Civil & Structural Engineers, Architects
LaBarre/Oksnee Insurance Agency, Inc.
Nissho of California, Inc.
Premier Community Association Management
SCT Reserve Consultants, Inc.
Sun King Electric SwedelsonGottlieb
The Naumann Law Firm
Vista Paint Corporation