Precision measuring of pavement profile is key to a smooth ride By Chris Gerber and Nick Schaefer
nertial profiling systems generate 2D surface profiles under industry standards such as ASTM E950 and AASHTO r57. They record the wheelpath elevation profiles that affect the ride quality most noticed by the traveling public. Inertial profiling systems are known for their accuracy, repeatability and the overall ability to precisely measure features on the pavement surface. New advancements in sensor technology have allowed current inertial profilers to also collect texture, Right of Way (ROW) images, rutting, cross-slope, and 3D survey elevations for machine control systems. All inertial profiler data can be collected at highway speeds and therefore do not require costly traffic control measures that may inconvenience motorists. At G3 Quality, a CalAPA member, we rely on our partners at Surface Systems & Instruments Inc. (SSI), another CalAPA member, to provide us with inertial profiling systems that exceed our project needs. We’ve broken down how the different components of an inertial profiling system are utilized to ensure pavement smoothness:
LASER HEIGHT SENSOR The purpose of a height sensor is to record the distance between the pavement surface and the host vehicle. The vertical measurements are usually acquired by one or multiple non-contact laser sensors. Typical sensors use a 4-inch wide beam laser to average out pavement texture from high-void Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mix designs or concrete tining. Each inertial profiler wheelpath laser must retain accuracy of 0.01-inches to comply with AASHTO r56.
DISTANCE MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENT A Distance Measurement Instrument (DMI) is a transducer used to determine the longitudinal distance that the host vehicle has traveled. An inertial profiler captures an elevation sample from the accelerometer and height sensor for every 1-inch traveled. SSI now offers a GPS-DMI option which uses the accurate real-time position of the inertial profiler to govern data collection intervals. COLLECTION PROCEDURE
ACCELEROMETER An accelerometer is paired with each wheelpath height sensor to cancel out the vertical motion of the host vehicle. The inertial profiler uses the on-board accelerometer to establish the inertial reference value, such as the relative height. SSI provides aerospace-grade accelerometer sensors rated for up to +/-5g or 10g, with a resolution to 0.0001g. The accelerometer is an important component that allows inertial profilers to be mounted and certified on a wide range of vehicles – from Smart cars and Segways to Ford F-350’s.
The data gathered from the laser height sensor, accelerometer, and the DMI is used by the inertial profiler to produce the pavement profile. The International Roughness Index (IRI) is then calculated to summarize the impact of the pavement profile on vehicle response for a passenger car. The IRI is the world standard as the roughness measurement statistic of choice. Pavement smoothness specifications are centered around the wheelpath IRI values. Inertial profilers must collect data above a minimum speed, usually 7 mph. The data collection
California Asphalt Magazine • 2020 Quality Issue