Compact Equipment Issue
Features 08 L.H. WOODS AND SONS, INC. Has Been Building and Rehabilitating Large Diameter Pipelines Throughout the Western United States for more than 55 Years
18 CONSCIOUS ENVIRONMENTS, INC. A Different Kind of Pool, Hardscape and Landscape Contractor 24 CROSS CONSTRUCTION Utilizing Compact John Deere Equipment Helps Cross Construction Grow in Public Utilities, Saw Cutting and Demolition Construction Niches
24 CalContractor Magazine / PUBLISHER: Kerry Hoover (909) 772-3121
27 Industry News 30 Advertiser Index 4
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
CalContractor is published twelve times each year by Construction Marketing Services, LLC. P.O. Box 892977, Temecula, CA 92589 - Phone: 909-772-3121 - Fax: 951-225-9659 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
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Has Been Building and Rehabilitating Large Diameter Pipelines Throughout the Western United States for more than 55 Years
By: Brian Hoover alifornia lawmakers recently voted to place a $7.5 billion water plan before voters this November with Governor Brown being quoted as saying, “It’s about water, it’s about our future, it’s about Californians coming together.” California has dealt with draught conditions for three years now, with 2014 being one of the worst years since precipitation records began some 100 years ago. In fact, conditions are so bad that the California Water Resources Board has asked for voluntary water conservation efforts and even proposed fining citizens $500 per day for non-compliance of mandatory restrictions of water use. California’s interconnected water system was originally meant to serve around 20 million people back in the 1970s. Today, this same system serves approximately 38 million and with a projected population of 50 million by the year 2020, it is clear that drastic measures must be taken to keep up with demand. California’s diverse agricultural industry helps to feed much of the nation and water is needed to irrigate its more than 5,680,000 acres of farmland. Water must travel long distances to reach consumers in Southern California and there are 8
six main systems of aqueducts and other infrastructure that transport it, including the California State Water Project (SWP), a water storage and delivery system of reservoirs, aqueducts, power plants and pumping stations. The SWP stores and distributes water to 29 urban and agricultural water suppliers in Northern California, the San Francisco Bay Area, the San Joaquin Valley, the Central Coast and Southern California. Other systems include the Central Valley Project, several Colorado River Delivery Systems, the Los Angeles Aqueduct, the Tuolumne River/Hetch Hetchy System, and the Mokelumne Aqueduct.
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
A reliable water supply is truly key to the future of California and having a reliable general engineering contractor building and maintaining these systems is obviously just as important. So when Aqueducts begin to show signs of age-related deterioration or new systems need to be built, firms like L. H. Woods & Sons, Inc. (LHWS) are called upon by public agencies to perform the construction. LHWS is a family-owned, third-generation general engineering contracting company based in Vista, Calif. specializing in the design, construction and rehabilitation of large-diameter pipelines. LHWS’ broad spectrum of expertise also includes the construction of water
Right L-R: Jim Woods, President, Terri Woods, Corp. Administrator, Mike Ireland, Project Manager, Chuck Wilson, Project Manager and Kris Wilson, Office Manager. Below Right: San Ramon storm drain tunnel 2014. Left Page: Pipeline excavation in Mission Gorge, San Diego. Circa 1960, L. H. Woods kneeling by excavator. Below: Sweetwater Dam Crossing constructed in 1959.
storage reservoirs, sewer and water pump stations, tunnels, concrete structures, concrete encased live aqueducts, valve vaults, complex mechanical systems, chlorination systems, roads, sewers and storm drains. LHWS is highly respected as a contractor that has built a large portion of the pipelines and aqueduct systems in Southern California for more than 55 years. These projects include, but are certainly not limited to the Inland Feeder Riverside Pipeline North (MWD) that included 8.5 miles of 144” steel water pipe; Inland Feeder Highland Pipeline (MWD) that included 5.25 miles of 144” steel water pipe; Sand Canyon Pipeline (Castaic Lake Water Agency) that included 5 miles of 48” steel water pipe; and Pipeline 4B Schedule 1 and 2 (SDCWA)
that included 8.4 miles of 96” steel water pipe, just to name a few. They are also a recognized expert in rehabilitating older pipelines; being called upon at times to retrofit some of the very pipelines constructed by the company’s founder, Lee H. Woods some five decades ago. Prior to founding L. H. Woods in 1958, Lee H. Woods (Lee) was involved in the crane and rigging business through his partnership with Harry Heisler. Heisler and Woods, Contractors grew into one of the West Coast’s largest crane rental companies, before selling the business in 1958. It was at this time that Lee formed a partnership with his son, James D. Woods Sr. (James), specifically to bid on the construction of a section of the San Diego Aqueduct.
LHWS ultimately incorporated in 1962 as a general engineering contracting company, with both father and son contributing greatly to the new company’s success. James had grown up in the family crane rental business, working for his father as a crane operator and foreman, after returning from service in the Korean War. James was only in his late-20s when LHWS was formed and he was well equipped to help run the business with an engineering degree from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. When Lee passed on in 1965, James remained as the sole owner and went on to serve as the company’s president until 1998, when he himself decided to retire and pass the family business on to his son, James D. Woods Jr.
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Above L to R: Nick Weil, Superintendent, Mike Ireland, Project Manager, Joel Ramirez, Superintendent, Kris Wilson, Office Manager, Jim Woods, President, Efrain Puentes, Superintendent, Chuck Wilson, Project Manager and Terri Woods, Corp. Administrator. Right: L. H. Woods and Sons, Inc. corporate office in Vista, CA.
Like his father, James Jr. (James) worked for the family business during summer vacations, showing interest very early in high school of his being an integral part of LHWS’ future. James attended San Diego State University and after graduating in 1983, worked his way up from field laborer into a management position. “We are known in the industry for our work in the construction and relining of large diameter pipeline,” says James Woods Jr. “I like to kid with my dad that we are busy rebuilding his work” on pipelines he constructed that have now outlived their useful life cycle. LHWS is the Nation’s leader in the rehabilitation of large diameter pipelines utilizing the steel relining process. Pipeline relining involves the 10
installation of solid or collapsed steel liner pipe into an existing pipeline. Steel liners are mated and welded in place and the annular space is then filled with grout and the new steel liner is then coated with cement mortar lining. When complete, a new cement mortar lined and coated welded steel pipeline is constructed within an existing deteriorated pipeline. This process can be completed in a fraction of the time and cost needed to construct a new open cut pipeline. LHWS constructed more than 50 miles of large diameter steel relining pipelines over the past 20 years and hundreds of general engineering construction projects. One of the Company’s more interesting projects was probably the Pipeline 4B Project,
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constructed for the San Diego County Water Authority back in 1991. The project came in at around $54 million, a number that would potentially be in triple digit million dollar figures in today’s economy. It included the construction of 8.4 miles of 96” and 109” CML&C welded steel pipe and took just shy of two years to complete. The project also included the construction of four large tunnels, concrete structures and roadwork, all along very rough, steep terrain, city streets. A part of the project included multiple connections to be completed within 10 days and LHWS completed all of the connections in an unprecedented 7 days. The San Diego County Water Authority’s pipelines extend more than 300 miles throughout San Diego County.
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Left L-R: Joel Ramirez, Superintendent, Efrain Puentes, Superintendent and Nick Weil, Superintendent. Below: Steve Rich, Hawthorne Cat Machine Sales Representative and Jim Woods, L. H. Woods and Sons, Inc. Right Page: San Ramon storm drain outfall structure.
Perhaps the most challenging steel pipeline projects were performed by LHWS back between 1998 and 2004 as part of the Metropolitan Water District’s Inland Feeder program, the Highland pipeline and the Riverside Pipeline North Contract 7 and 8 projects. These projects total approximately $100 Million Dollars and included the construction of approximately 14 miles of 144” CML&C welded steel pipeline. “These project began right as I was taking over full ownership of the company and we were doing a lot of things for the first time,” James remembers. “We were one of the first pipeline contractors to install 144” water lines with 60’ pipe joints. We were able to come up with very innovative methods and installed 14 miles of this 144” diameter pipeline.” This was quite an achievement when you also consider that LHWS was installing this massive CML&C pipe at depths of up to 45 feet. 12
The projects also included the construction of six tunnels and much of it was completed within city streets that required the construction of $7 million of roadwork, including several road detours and bridgework. In addition, storm drains; new signalized intersections and numerous concrete structures were built. Other challenges included narrow right of way requiring solid sheet shoring and pipe carrier installed pipe, difficult rock excavation, four difficult creek crossings, time sensitive San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District intertie vault and large diameter mechanical and valve installations, as well as ongoing issues with groundwater and rock excavation. These project required coordination with multiple agencies including, cities, the flood control district, water districts (san Bernardino valley municipal water district and eastern valley water district)
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and utility companies including Southern California Edison, State of California Wildlife Preserve (DF&G) and included numerous environmental restrictions and many special conditions for construction, in addition to schedule and working space restrictions. San Ramon Canyon Storm Drain Project Michael Ireland is a project and operations manager for LHWS out of its Los Angeles based, Marina Del Rey office. He works and oversees projects primarily in the Los Angeles area and he is currently on a very interesting and unique project for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. “The City of Rancho Palos Verdes has been dealing with a series of dangerous and costly landslides over the past several years,” says Ireland. “One of the worst landslide areas was located in the area where Palos Verdes
To make this job even more unique, LHWS saved around 30 heavy equipment travel cycles up and down the ¾-mile shoreline by accessing the majority of the outlet structure from the bluff above, via a 150-ton crane. This $15,140,000 job represents the single largest public works project the City of Rancho Palos Verdes has ever performed. When completed this project will end up just below budget with much of the value engineered savings going back into some additional concrete and asphalt repaving work. runs into San Pedro in the East in the very narrow San Ramon Canyon.” This particular canyon consisted of loose alluvium fill that would simply give way every year during the rainy season. Several feet of water, sediment and some times large boulders would then find its way into the mobile home parks and 25th street below. Something had to be done and so the City of Rancho Palos Verdes decided to undertake a pipeline construction and fill situation that would serve as a giant storm drain system and divert all of the rainwater down into the ocean below. This would require the involvement of several high profile agencies at the state level and getting a geotechnical engineer to certify and allow the city to move forward with the project was not easy. 4,300 lineal feet of 54” steel pipeline has been constructed, as well as two tunnels, one of which was 1,820’ long and 135 feet deep. Drill Tech Drilling and Shoring was the subcontractor for the tunnel portion and in addition to the longer tunnel, they constructed a 299 lineal foot second tunnel that had to be drilled through rock down to the oceanfront. One tunnel was constructed on a 48 percent slope
from the top of the bluff down to ocean below. “Through value engineering, we managed to convince the city to utilize a 54” steel pipe lined with polyurethane, rather than the proprietary specified epoxy pipe,” says Ireland. “Polyurethane offers better longevity and is typically used on storm drains or water mains that accept large amounts of debris. This change order alone allowed for a savings of around $630,000, half of which went back to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes.” The City of Rancho Palos Verdes appreciated the value engineering and savings that LHWS afforded them so much that they asked for help on a redesign on the outlet structure to be constructed down on the beach. The structure called for two 36” in diameter concrete in drilled hole piles with 40’ high cast in-place walls. The city feared that the structure may end of being somewhat of an eyesore and so again through the efforts of LHWS value engineering, it was proposed that lower, more undulating sculptured walls be used in place of the big ugly gray concrete walls. The new design was used and ended up saving the city around $250,000.
Pipeline 3 San Diego Desalinization Relining Project LHWS is also currently working on the largest ocean desalination plant to be constructed in the entire Western Hemisphere. When completed in 2016, this $1 billion project will provide San Diego County residents with 50 million gallons of drinking water per year. LHWS’ portion comes into play where the new conveyance pipeline connects into the existing 72” aqueduct. LHWS began relining 5 miles of this pipeline at the Twin Oaks Treatment Plant in February 2014 and will be finished sometime in the first quarter of 2015. Chuck Wilson is the project and operations manager for LHWS from San Diego to the Inland Empire. “We are currently relining 26,000 lineal feet of existing 72” to 75” aqueduct with 68” steel liners,” says Wilson. “We are excavating 15 portals along the pipeline in order to access and place new collapsible steel pipe within the old existing pipe.” The job has been slightly complicated by the fact that the existing pipeline had molded into more of an oval shape due to age and placing new round pipe inside was a challenge. LHWS found a way to make it work and this $25,270,000 job should be
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completed in March 2015. The existing aqueduct system is shut down during the relining process and it represents around 1/3 of San Diego’s water supply. LHWS understands this and has dealt with these critical deadlines for many years. They are currently ahead of schedule and are also currently working on two additional steel relining projects totaling $35 million in California and one $5 million design-build relining project in Arizona. Part of LHWS’ success is due to their development of specialized equipment, including pipe carriers that can accommodate varying pipe diameters and virtually any terrain. LHWS has become well-known for their Woods designed and fabricated and at times patented technology and innovations. In addition, LHWS has been purchasing their heavy equipment from Hawthorne Cat for as far back as James Woods Jr. can remember. “Our fleet consists primarily of Cat equipment and most recently we have purchased a new Cat 374D L excavator, Cat 328D close radius excavator along with a pair of 950K Wheel Loaders from our friends at Hawthorne Cat,” says James. “My grandfather relied on Hawthorne as I have and my father before me. 14
LHWS owns and operates more than 100 pieces of heavy construction equipment, represented by almost every type of machinery Caterpillar offers. L. H. Woods & Sons, Inc. (LHWS) has anywhere from 50 to 150 employees working for them on any given day. Many of their employees have worked with LHWS for 10, 15 or even 20 years. “Our bonding capacity is very large, but we are a small company in the large pipeline contractor game. This allows us to be more efficient, because we simply have less to maintain and we are able to do more with what we do have,” says James. “I am very grateful for and proud of everyone that works here at L. H. Woods & Sons. My sister, Teresa Woods, is our corporate administrator and she does an exceptional job at taking care of everything from insurance, bonding, benefits and generally coordinating all of our inside operations. We operate under a very aggressive team approach and I look forward to continuing to design, build and rehabilitate complex water systems throughout the Western United States.” For more information on L. H. Woods & Sons, Inc. please go to or call (760) 599-5500. Cc
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Top Left: Cat 374D Excavator purchased from Hawthorne Cat on the Pipeline 3 desalination relining portal excavation. Top: L. H. Woods’ crew at DWP Jawbone SAG Rehabilitation, Mojave, CA. Above: One of 15 excavation portals on San Diego Desalination Relining Project.
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2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Conscious Environments, Inc. A Different Kind of Pool, Hardscape and Landscape Contractor
Written By: Brian Hoover Below: Infinity edge pool overlooking Lake Mission Viejo tiled with Lightstreams Glass Tile.
osh S. Duncan is owner and President of Conscious Environments, Inc., a truly different kind of design build pool, hardscape and landscape contractor. Josh started his company after graduating from Cal Poly Pomona in 2005 with a BSLA in Landscape Architecture and a minor in Irrigation Science. He spent two years during college and another three after working for a landscape architectural firm, learning how to design and contractors out in the field. The company he worked for allowed Josh to explore his options and 18
take on small landscape projects on the side. “While taking on small landscape projects on my own, I saw firsthand how being able to control a project from a design/build standpoint all the way to fruition enabled me to do the very best job possible,” says Duncan. “So I went out and procured my landscape contractors license (C-27) in 2007 and began working Conscious Environments, Inc. full time.” Conscious Environments, Inc. is unique and different in several ways. Its owner, Josh Duncan has experience in all aspects of planning, design and project
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supervision, from the point of inquiry through project completion. In addition, his company specializes in innovative, eco-friendly design concepts that utilize sustainable construction methods through professional master planning. “Making a commitment to the environment is a responsibility that we take very seriously,” says Duncan. The company also believes that environmental design and construction begins with proper grading and drainage to keep soil on site, reduce erosion and runoff and re-charge ground water
Above: Trenching for rough underground electrical & gas from the meter to pool equipment.
tables and aquifers. According to Duncan, “irrigation design and installation should always maximize the use of water, combined with the installation of draught tolerant and water wise plants.” Conscious Environments also designs and builds rain harvesting systems, uses permeable pavers in hardscape, as well as recycled materials whenever possible. Of course environmental and sustainable construction approaches are decided upon through a collaborative client/contractor relationship that focuses on the unique personality of each individual property. Conscious Environments is there to makes suggestions through a design and planning process, but ultimately they are there to meet the needs and desires of their clients through only the very highest customer service and support. The company has earned a reputation for their
exceptional design and construction of pools; spas, hardscapes and landscapes, but they also offer complete outdoor living areas, interior home remodeling, patios, terraces, arbors, gazebos, walls, fences, walkways, fireplaces and even extensive outdoor kitchens. Their ornamental planting includes the use of native plants, xeriscaping, perennial borders, flowering shrubs, herb and fruit gardens, as well as large tree transporting and installation. Water features is another passion of the Conscious Environments team offering everything from of course pools, ponds and fountains to amazing indigenous looking streams waterfalls and dry stream beds. Another thing that sets Conscious Environments apart from the pack is their use of the industries best and most qualified subcontractors, instead of hiring permanent crews of their own. “We made the
decision around four years ago to focus on what we do best and that is the design/build and management process. We work with a small select group of subcontractors that are the best at what they do,” says Duncan. “They give us preferred rates and in return we keep them as busy as possible and even provide them with specialized construction equipment when needed.” The equipment Josh is referring to includes a brand new 2014 John Deere 17D Compact Excavator that they recently purchased from Coastline Equipment. “We added our new John Deere excavator because we find ourselves working in tight access areas so often,” adds Duncan. “Many of our subcontractors do not own a machine like this and we have found our new John Deere compact excavator invaluable in confined spaces.”
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Above: Recently completed project in Newport Beach involving a custom pool, fireplace, BBQ island, & patio cover. Below: Trench for new sewer main to tie in at front of house for future guest house.
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Josh points out that his subcontractors and operators have all ready reported just how impressed they are with the addition of the John Deere 17D. “We purchase quite a bit of general landscaping materials, irrigation and plumbing supplies and plant materials from John Deere Landscapes. When we asked them where we should go for a compact excavator, they pointed directly to Coastline Equipment,” says Duncan. “Our John Deere is a superior machine with tremendous power with a price point that came in significantly lower that its head to head competition. Coastline has been very easy to work with and they did not bother us with sales pressure or tactics. Just the best pricing up front and communication and follow through that we truly appreciate. We are even looking at adding a new John Deere track type skid steer in the near future.” Conscious Environments, Inc. is currently very busy in North San Diego and Orange County, where they are design/building pools and complete hardscapes for all three high-end clients. “Around 80 percent of our work right now is in hardscape construction. We are very detail oriented and it is the small minute details that set us apart from your ordinary run of the mill hardscape contractor,” says Duncan. “You can be a great contractor and builder, but it all begins with the design/build process. Cost effectiveness, sustainability and efficiency is key and you need a company that can do it all for you and do it well.” Duncan makes it clear that he and his company are only as good as the people that are a part of it all day in and day out. “It is so very difficult to find individuals that you can trust to do the job at the level that we demand,” says Duncan. “I am just so proud of not only our subcontractors, but also our full-time team members that we are so fortunate to have on board.” Scott Duncan is Vice President and has extensive experience working collaboratively with multiple constituencies such as city and county staff, legislative staff and Chambers of Commerce. He brings valuable expertise in project analysis, database management skills. He works closely with all senior staff and provides sound leadership and direction for the team. Tracey Duncan brings with her a degree in Landscape Architecture from Cal Poly Pomona, as well as experience in commercial landscaping and park master planning design. She is a professional computer renderer and uses these skills to assist the team and their clients with visualizing a variety of exterior aspects. Her extensive knowledge of plants and years in the
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floral industry allow her to develop unique planting concepts that become the finishing touch to many of the company’s projects. Matthew Rodriguez received his degree in Landscape Architecture from Cal Poly Pomona and brings landscape design and sales experience to the team in addition to field project supervision. He is responsible for project schedules; implementation and ensuring that all critical deadlines are met. He is also the team’s low voltage lighting expert, helping to create a sense of place, drama and increased safety. He is also the company irrigation designer and is a licensed landscape contractor. Dan Vinyard is a construction superintendent for Conscious Environments, Inc. with 30 years of valuable general construction experience. His attention to detail and quality control is what Josh Duncan is talking about when it comes to providing only the best in customer service and support. Dan brings a wealth of knowledge to the team and is also a licensed general contractor. Steve Gill is the companies service manager and certified pool technician who has 20 years of pool construction, repair and maintenance experience. All service technicians are under his direct supervision and Steve is also a licensed pool contractor. Swimming pool repair and maintenance is quickly becoming a major division and profits center for Conscious Environments, Inc. Brian Baxter has more than 15 years in the general construction and custom carpentry trade. His creative concepts, innovative ideas and solid site management are key components to the company’s success. Brian is also a licensed general contractor. Conscious Environments, Inc. is a design-build contractor located in Yorba Linda that specializes in landscapes, pools and outdoor living spaces. They are a licensed (B), Landscape (C-27) and pool (C-53) contractor that emphasizes solid construction management practices from beginning to end. Their website is very informative and you can check out some of their former projects at or talk to one of their team members at (714) 882-4750. Cc
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Josh S. Duncan,
Owner and President of Conscious Environments, Inc.
Tracey Duncan, Office Manager & Designer.
Scott Duncan, Vice President.
Matthew Rodriguez, Project Manager
Dan Vinyard,
Construction Superintendent.
Brian Baxter,
Field Manager.
Steve Gill,
Service Manager.
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2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
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CROSS CONSTRUCTION Utilizing Compact John Deere Equipment Helps Cross Construction Grow in Public Utilities, Saw Cutting and Demolition Construction Niches
Written By: Brian Hoover
ike Cross worked for his father as a teenager and young adult before he went out on his own in 1996 with Cross Construction. His father was a framing contractor, but Mike decided to go into the concrete and underground part of the construction business. “We have just grown slowly, one day and one job at a time,” says Mike. “As I look back now, it is amazing to see just how much we have accomplished over the past 18 years.” Mike’s son, Clayton Cross and his son-in-law, Zack Cowie both work for the family business and together with Mike Cross, the three have built upon a reputation for reliability and excellence in their work. “Instead of going out there and looking for new work all the time, we focus on the clients we already have and do everything we can to make certain that they are fully satisfied,” says Mike. “We work very hard on cultivating long lasting relationships built on trust. When our clients give us something to do, they can walk away and focus on something else, knowing that we are on it.” Cross Construction’s bread and butter is in building transformer and heavy machinery pads for utilities and public agencies. Most recently they performed a five-day job upgrading a transformer pad on a Caltrans job for Melmar Construction, in addition to replacing a utility vault on-site. For this type of work, 24
Cross Construction requires the use of reliable compact construction machinery. They have turned to John Deere and Coastline Equipment to fulfill this need. “We had pretty worked our 1999 Bobcat for all it had left and I knew the time had come to upgrade,” says Cross. “Every job is different and at times we use our backhoe, but we are often working in tight quarters, so in addition to a new skid
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steer loader, we also wanted to look at purchasing a compact excavator.” Cross Construction started out in the business by renting the equipment they needed and eventually purchased a skid steer, backhoe, compact excavator and of course a Class A dump truck. As the business grew, so did the need for good reliable equipment. “We recently purchased a brand new 2014 John Deere 326E Skid
Top: Zack Cowie (left), Mike Cross and Clayton Cross of Cross Construction have built a reputation for reliability and excellence in their work.
Left: Cross Construction
uses their John Deere 27D compact excavator to dig a trench on a project in Santa Fe Springs.
Steer Loader from Coastline Equipment. You ask what I like best about our new John Deere skid steer? Well the air conditioning of course,” Cross jokes. All of us noticed the difference in lift capacity right away. Our new John Deere picked up and loaded heavy pallets with ease, something our other unit just could not handle. The power and breakout force this skid steer offers is almost more than we will ever need.”
The John Deere 326E is a testament to what collaboration between customer, equipment distributor and manufacturer can accomplish. Customers asked for more legroom, so John Deere added 25 percent more of it. They asked for even easier hydraulic attachment, so John Deere added connect-under-pressure auxiliary couplers. Deere also made the 326E available with electrohydraulic controls so the
operator can switch to ISO, H-pattern or foot pedal controls from a push of a button. In addition, the 326E’s engine is certified to EPA Final Tier 4 emissions standards and features automatic cleaning without impacting machine operation in most conditions. The list goes on and on, but you get the idea. Cross Construction will often use their new John Deere 326E Skid Steer Loader in conjunction
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Top: Cross Construction’s new John Deere 326E skid steer picking up material.
with their John Deere 27D Compact Excavator. According to Mike Cross, when they are faced with tight access situations, the 27D is the perfect machine for the job. “We purchased our John Deere Compact Excavator used from Coastline Equipment and it operates beautifully,” says Cross. “In fact, we are so pleased with both our John Deere machines that we are looking at adding a new John Deere Backhoe to our fleet very soon.” The John Deere 27D Compact Excavator’s zero-tail-swing design allows for full 360-degree 26
Above Left: Cross Construction’s new John Deere 326E skid steer transports material.
rotation. This allows the unit to work with ease around obstacles, which ultimately equals greater productivity for Cross Construction and their clients. The 27D is Interim Tier 4-certified and its extended service intervals help maximize uptime and minimize operating costs. “Coastline Equipment and our sales representative, Fabian Ortega, have been great to work with and they are always ready to whatever it takes to keep us a satisfied customer,” says Cross. “They went above and beyond to assure that our purchases
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Above Right: Cross Construction’s new John Deere 326E skid steer dumps material into truck.
went through smoothly with the lender.” Cross Construction is gearing their business model more toward the public works end, while at the same time ramping up their saw cutting division to a whole new level. Cross Construction is headquarters in La Habra and has worked for select clients as far North as San Francisco, but work primarily in Southern California. For more information on Cross Construction, please call (562) 307-0515. Cc
CASE UPDATE Crime Prevention Program Case #1 In September of 2013, the equipment manager of a large contracting firm, advised the Crime Prevention Program (CPP) that his CPP member company had been experiencing some incidents of material loss at their freeway project on the I-405, in Orange County. Additionally, the manager related that the company felt that one of their own employees may be responsible for the theft. The CPP member wanted to know if CPP could possibly help; by either contacting the employee or coordinating with law enforcement. CPP got some preliminary information on the employee and the activities which led to the member’s suspicion. The Manager also put CPP in touch with the 405 freeway Project Manager. CPP subsequently communicated with the Project Manager and then met with him to find out additional details. The Project Manager advised CPP that the employee they suspected of involvement was actually a lead worker or foreman and those other employees may have knowledge of his activities or also be involved. The theft revolved around leftover metal materials at the project site that is normally
gathered up and sold for scrap. The money that is paid is supposed to go to the member’s account, and is sometimes used for the benefit of the employees in company sponsored events. There had been recent incidents however, where the scrap material piles were disappearing and even a load of new rebar from a project subcontractor at the site, also was stolen. The member’s employee in question had been tied to the material loss by other employees and on one occasion when confronted about missing material, even voluntarily surrendered money paid from a scrap yard for the material. The employee stated that he was only trying to help the company with the sale of the material. It was also learned that this employee had been fired from another construction company for unrelated reasons, but had also been suspected of theft of materials from that company. CPP advised the member, that it would be best to work with law enforcement on this and possibly have them open an investigation for possible arrest. This would send the best message to all the member’s employees of the zero tolerance for theft from the company. The management was agreeable to this, and CPP subsequently contacted CHP Orange County
Investigator Yancy Perez with the information. Investigator Perez had been involved with a previous investigation of a separate incident of construction material theft from Orange County freeways. After CPP met with Inv. Perez and prepared a summary of the incidents, he was agreeable to opening an investigation. Investigator Perez was able to find sufficient evidence and witness statements that incriminated the employee in arranging for the removal of the metal and receiving funds from a recycling facility where the stolen metal had been scrapped. On April 4th, 2014 having enough information to make an arrest, California Highway Patrol personnel arrested the suspect employee on the jobsite and took him into custody. A search warrant of the suspect’s residence was also affected. Felony Grand Theft charges are pending review by the Orange Co. District Attorney's Office. The suspect bailed out from custody. The suspect was also terminated from employment with the member company. The member’s management has advised that their theft problems have dropped to zero since the arrest. It also made quite an impression on other employees. [ Continued on page 29 ]
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Quality you can rely on
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
For details, contact your local Komatsu distributor.
[ Continued from page 27 ]
Crime Prevention Program Case #2
7651 Ronson Rd. San Diego, CA 92111 Office: 858-278-8351 Fax: 858-492-9959 San Diego 4726 Convoy St. Office: 858-278-8338 Fax: 858-278-4845 Escondido 1330 Mission Rd. Office: 760-739-9100
During a CPP meeting in early May, a LOJACK law enforcement representative advised a CPP Board Member that a theft of a 2006 Sullair air compressor was just reported on a jobsite at the I-605 and Whittier Blvd. The victim, Powell Constructors, was a CPP member company who had rented the Sullair compressor from a larger rental company. The Board member then called a second CPP Board member who is an investigator with the California Highway Patrol. The investigator confirmed the VIN/Serial number of the compressor was not entered properly into the California Stolen Vehicle System (SVS). The investigator then coordinated with the patrol officer taking the theft report and with CHP dispatch and after several hours and telephone calls, the 2006 Sullair compressor was correctly entered in SVS. As a result of the SVS entry, the LOJACK tracking unit in the stolen compressor was activated. Later in the evening, a law enforcement helicopter picked up the LOJACK signal at the Otay Mesa US Border Inspection Facility. The compressor was returned to the Member rental company and the Member construction company was spared the cost of replacing the compressor or filing an insurance claim for the loss. This is a classic example of the Crime Prevention Program understanding the landscape of the construction industry and the relationship that must be maintained with law enforcement to ensure the protection and recovery of the Industry’s assets.
Fax: 760-739-8888
Crime Prevention Program Case # 3
In late May a member company, SE Pipeline reported the theft of a Multiquip light tower generator to a Los Angeles PD Division Station. The equipment was rented from a non-member rental company. The member called the Crime Prevention Program (CPP) and as part of the routine procedures it was discovered the equipment was not entered in the California Stolen Vehicle System (SVS) database. The CPP then called the LAPD Headquarters Unit assigned to auto theft investigations. After a short time, a detective with knowledge of the construction industry was able to correct the entry and the equipment was properly entered into SVS. In this case the equipment has not been recovered but without CPP’s involvement the equipment would not have chance of being recovered. This equipment was paid off through an insurance claim by the member company. If the equipment is located the recovery would offset the claim of the member company. Cc
8520 Cherry Ave. Office: 909-429-9100 Fax: 909-429-9397 Imperial 440 West Aten Rd. Office: 760-355-7700 Fax: 760-355-7704 Indio 81-501 Industrial Place Office: 760-863-5558 Fax: 760-863-0959
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
ADVERTISER’S INDEX A.S.A.P. Heavy Equipment Rentals................... 15
Quinn CAT............................................................ 2
Clairemont Equipment................................. 28, 29
RDO Equipment Co.............................................. 5
Construction Marketing Services...................... 23
RAMCO.............................................................. 21
Coastline Equipment.................................... 16, 17
Road Machinery................................................... 3
Coastline Equipment Crane Div......................... 31
Sonsray Machinery.............................................. 6
Crime Prevention Program................................. 11
Trench Shoring Company.................................. 11
Hawthorne CAT.................................................... 2
UB Equipment Corp............................................. 7
Heavy Equipment Rentals.................................. 21
Volvo Construction Equip. & Svcs........................ 15
Johnson CAT........................................................ 2
Westrax Machinery............................................ 30
Nixon-Egli Equipment Co.................... Back Cover
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
2014 Compact Equipment ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR
Nixon-Egli Equipment Co., Wirtgen and MCK Services, Inc.
(Above) MCK Services, Inc.’s brand new Wirtgen 3800 CR cold-in-place recycling machine pictured in their Martinez yard. (Right) John Moffat, Vice President (left) with Mark Hazen, Owner, MCK Services, Inc.
MCK Services, Inc. is a Northern California General Engineering Contractor that specializes in public works street reconstruction projects, private and commercial grading and paving projects as well as utility trench paving. They have been located in Contra Costa County for over 19 years and have approximately 80 employees. From their humble beginnings to their current position as a premier public works paving contractor, MCK Services, Inc. has always prided themselves on quick efficient delivery of a project. Since their work experience ranges from parking lot paving, subdivisions, city streets, utility trench paving and local highways and freeways for Caltrans they need equipment they can rely on. Their fleet of equipment is very modern and continually being updated. MCK Services, Inc. owns and operates an extensive fleet of paving and milling machines. They purchase most of their equipment from Nixon-Egli Equipment Co. They currently own 9 paving machines and 6 Wirtgen milling machines; their most recent purchase is a Wirtgen 3800 CR cold-in-place recycling machine. Mark Hazen, Owner, MCK Services, Inc. comments, “The Wirtgen 3800 CR is the first recycling machine we’ve purchased. In order to be more compliant and to be able to bid certain projects we felt it was time to invest in this machine. One of the best features of the 3800 CR is that it offers the ability to cold-in-place recycle a full lane of pavement in one pass, stabilizing with foamed asphalt “green mix” or any other stabilizing medium. Other features our operators like are the ease of operation that makes milling and recycling almost effortless. The Wirtgen 3800 CR has impressive maneuverability for a machine of this size, the maintenance and transport of the 3800 CR are also very user-friendly.” Hazen adds, “We’ve done a lot of business with Nixon-Egli Equipment Co. over the years and we know they are someone we can trust. Whether it’s milling machines or paving machines they have always taken care of us. Their salesman Denny Johnson has been at Nixon-Egli for over 30 years. He knows equipment and the industry like no other. When you’re looking for quality equipment and product support you don’t need to look any further than Nixon-Egli Equipment Co.”
California’s Largest General Line Construction and Municipal Equipment Dealer. So. California: 2044 S. Vineyard Ave., Ontario, CA 91761 • (909) 930-1822 No. California: 800 E. Grant Line Rd., Tracy, CA 95304 • (209) 830-8600