MAGAZINE Issue 8 - 2022 Full Story on Page 6 Express Lanes Update See Page 10

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18 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION Close to Completion on Lower Calera Creek Flood Protection Project 24 EMERY CONCRETE & ASPHALT RECYCLING, INC. Doing Their Part to Put Concrete and Asphalt Waste Material Back into California's Infrastructure PUBLISHER: Kerry khoover@calcontractor.comHoover EDITOR: Brian Hoover, Senior Editor GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Aldo Myftari FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION: Please call: (909) 772-3121 CONTENTS 2022 Concrete Construction 06 STEVE P. RADOS INC. 100 Year Legacy of Integrity, Honesty and Fairness 10 MYERS-RADOS JOINT VENTURE Passes Half-Way Point on 91/15 Express Lanes Connector Design-Build Project 14 MCCARTHY COMPANIES,BUILDINGINC. Constructs Palomar Medical Center Parking Structure in Escondido CalContractor is published twelve times each year by Construction Marketing Services, LLC. Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. P.O. Box 892977, Temecula, CA 92589 www. CalContractor . com 06 14 18 24 On The Cover: Myers-Rados Joint Venture 15/91 Express Lanes Connector Design-Build Project. Photo supplied by Steve P. Rados Inc. CALCONTRACTOR .COMCONCRETE CONSTRUCTION / 20224

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Alex Rados assumed the role as company president in 1957 at the age of only 29 and by the 1960s, began adding water treatment plants and bridge construction to the company portfolio. This led to further expansion as Alex started taking on joint venture work, primarily on treatment plants and bridge contracts. Brother-in-law Bob Doder/husband of sister Sonja, joined the firm in 1959 to assist Alex in management of the company.
By Brian Hoover, Senior Editor / Photos provided by Steve P. Rados, Inc.

Imagine being just 18 years of age and deciding to leave your home in Serbia with hopes of a better life in America. That is what Stojan P. Rados did in 1910 when he boarded a ship to America. He was alone, without money, family or friends and did not speak English. Stojan took any work he could get, starting as a dishwasher and eventually moving to Jerome, Arizona, to work in a copper mine for two years. His days were long and the labor was intensive, but the hard work paid off as Stojan was able to sock away $5,000 in savings.Stojan eventually "Americanized" his name to Steve as he moved to Los Angeles to begin working in construction. By 1920, Steve found himself doing residential sewer connection work with three friends from the old country. Steve and one of his friends, Tom Gogo, decided to take it to the next level by purchasing a used crane and starting their own company, Gogo-Rados, in 1922. The friends and partners worked well together and grew the business, with a particularly profitable project in Culver City in 1927. More growth came to the company when the City of Phoenix, Arizona, moved to install its first storm drain system and awarded the contract to Gogo-Rados. The partnership lasted until the 1940s when the two decided to go their own ways. In 1948, Rados officially formed and incorporated Steve P. Rados, Inc. Steve P. Rados went on to grow the company, unknowingly building and securing a legacy for many generations. Steve dealt with health issues in the early 50s and eventually succumbed to his illness and died in 1957. Steve's eldest son, Alexander (Alex), had served two years in the army and earned an MBA at Stanford University. Although Alex had other plans, the family needed him during his father's illness, and he humbly answered the call.
STEVE P. RADOS INC. – 100 YEAR LEGACY OF INTEGRITY, HONESTY AND FAIRNESS 1922 – 2022 Above: Steve P. Rados with his wife Angie and five children (standing) Sonja, Alex, Ollie, (seated) Wally and Steve S. { Continued on page 8 } CALCONTRACTOR .COMCONCRETE CONSTRUCTION / 20226


Top Right: Steve P. Rados, Inc. Joint Venture with Artukovich Bros. placing first pipe for Hetch Hetchy Water System in Palo Alto circa 1949.
Steve P. Rados' middle son, Walter S. Rados, joined the company in 1961, immediately after graduating from Stanford University. Walter's first job emphasis would be a $5,500,000 flood control project for LA County, representing the company's largest contract at that time. Then, in 1969, Steve P. Rados' youngest son, Stephen S. Rados, joined the family business after graduating from the University of Southern California. Now, with all three brothers involved, the company officially offered underground construction, heavy highway and bridge construction, along with water treatment plant construction and maintenance capabilities. Alex Rados decided to retire in Aug. 2000, leaving Wally and Steve S. to take on the role of CoPresidents. Wally would assume responsibility for the Heavy Engineering Division, while Steve S. headed up the Transportation Division. One of the first things on the agenda was to start a Northern California division, which has grown and developed into an essential part of the company over the years. Upon Wally’s retirement in 2018, Steve S. became the company's sole president and continues to assume that role today. Steve S. continues to expand the company's interests, gradually and steadily growing in size and type of construction capabilities. He points to a few ways Steve P. Rados, Inc. has remained successful and relevant over these past 100 years.
"We are all actively involved in the business. This is an extremely labor-intensive occupation, with no room for absentee ownership. We stay involved, keep away from debt, and focus on what we know and do best," says Rados. "Things have never really changed that much from the beginning to today. There is always a great deal of competition. We will always have ups and downs in the market, but at the same time, there is a comforting certainty to our business. When you deal with infrastructure in the heavy construction business, you either have to build new or maintain what is already in place. I believe
Above: Steve P. Rados, Inc. performing trench excavation for pipeline for LA County Sanitation District circa 1955.

Right: Steve P. Rados standing at the edge of the trench as he did daily making sure operations ran smoothly. 6
{ Continued from page
Above Left: Myers-Rados Joint Venture 91/15 Express Lanes Connector Design-Build Project.

Top: Steve P. Rados, Inc. recently completed the LADWP Ultraviolet Disinfection Facility.

Above Right: Steve P. Rados, Inc. specializes in underground pipeline projects. that we are part of an indispensable business model. They can't import what we do, and the work will always be there. So, I think the future is bright for Steve P. Rados, Inc. and everyone working here in our family-oriented enterprise." Steve P. Rados, Inc. has performed a lot of work for the Metropolitan Water District over the years. They placed 10-foot diameter pipe for the Water District in the 1960s and continue to serve their many needs today. The company has also been involved in highway interchange projects, including the 55/73 interchange, the 405/118 and many others. They have proved to be an industry leader in building challenging and profitable construction projects in pipelines, bridges, highways, and treatment facilities throughout the Western United States. The Legacy of Steve P. Rados, Inc. will continue as several Rados family members work for the company. Alex's son, Stephen A. Rados currently serves as Executive Vice President. Wally’s son Derek Rados currently serves as the Vice President/Heavy Division Manager of Southern California and Steve S.’s son, Chase Rados, serves as a Project Engineer. Steve P. Rados, Inc. has stood by its promise of always providing integrity, honesty, and fairness in every job and to every individual team member over the past 100 years. The legacy Steve P. Rados built so many years ago will continue and grow into another century of building quality construction projects. Cc

The approximate $165 million Express Lanes projectConnectorfocuseson the Interchange between State Route (SR) 91 and the I-15 Freeway in the City of Corona. MRJV is building an express lane that facilitates the South I-15 to the West SR-91 and the East SR-91 to the North I-15 freeway. "We are working on three bridges on this project. One is the ELC connector, and we currently have almost all of the falsework complete on all four frames. There have not been any deck pours in this section thus far, but we have 6 of the 12 soffit pours complete," says Dybala. "The two other bridges traverse the railroad on the 91 freeway. We are finished with frame one of the EB Temescal Bridge concluding with the deck pour and post tensioning, and we are currently working on frame two foundations and substructure. The third and final bridge is a widening on the westbound Temescal bridge, where we are currently on foundation and substructure work. Additionally, we are around 90% complete on the outside widening of the eastbound 91 freeway." Between all of the poured-inplace and post-tension pours that will take place by jobs end, an astounding 43,967 cubic yards of concrete will be utilized on this project. This includes paving sections of 1.25 feet of JPCP (jointed plane concrete pavement) placed over .35 feet of LCB (lean concrete base). Then you have the bridge decks, stems, soffits, columns, retaining walls and misc. structures. "Of all the concrete pours, the most challenging would be the mass concrete pours that must be monitored with a thermal control plan to ensure that the differential between the core and
Josh Dybala has been working at Steve P. Rados for 18 years and he is serving as the Construction Manager overseeing operations for the Myers-Rados Joint Venture (MRJV) 91/15 Express Lanes Connector Design-Build Project. "We started this massive undertaking with design beginning in April 2020, actual start of construction in April 2021, and substantial completion scheduled for December 2023," says Dybala. "We are at the halfway point now, and despite numerous challenges, the job is moving forward nicely."

By Brian Hoover, Senior Editor / Photos provided by Steve P. Rados, Inc.

C hances are you have experienced delays when traveling near Corona on the 91 or 15 freeways. Well, you can take heart in knowing that construction is officially at the halfway point, and you will soon be reaping the benefits of new Express Lanes that will make your daily commute much more enjoyable. CalContractor was recently provided an opportunity to catch up with the progress of the Myers-Rados Joint Venture in an interview with Josh Dybala (Construction Manager) and Chase Rados (Project Engineer) for Steve P. Rados, Inc.
Above Right: Express Lanes Connector frame 3 tunnel section.
surface temperature is within 36 degrees and the maximum temperature is never greater than 160 degrees," says Dybala. "We have a temperature parameter for all the bent caps on the ELC that requires using ice, chilled water, and shading aggregate sources at the concrete plant. The thermal component on this job is a complicated process where you essentially put cooling tubes, sensors, and manifolds (to control water flow) in your core to retain a consistent concrete temperature."
Chase Rados is a Project Engineer for Steve P. Rados, but he helps with communications and logistics as well. There are many stakeholders and agencies involved with a project of this magnitude. Part of Chase Rados' job is to keep the lines of communication open, answer questions and keep the stress levels to a minimum. "At peak production, we have over 200 team members working on this project simultaneously, including all of the subcontractors. That involves a lot of planning, scheduling and proper logistics, as well as keeping the lines of communication open to everyone involved in the project; it really is a combined effort from all stake holders" says Rados. "RCTC and Caltrans asked us to implement a design change where they wanted to add an additional express lane in the eastbound direction. We worked with the owners and developed a progressive design to get the additional width needed without any work stoppage. I have to say that everyone has been great to deal with, and the teamwork and coordination has been outstanding."Dybalapoints to the two 55-hour planned freeway closures as one of the many successes of this project. "We have developed a great relationship with the City of Corona and were able to open both 55-hour closures early," says Dybala. In addition, the traffic crossover where we push the north and south express lanes to one side of the bridge has also been a success. To construct a falsework system over two freeways in 55-hour closures and deal with the tunnel section on these complicated tower systems is not easy. The traffic crossover has allowed our crews to access one entire side of the bridge to allow production during the day shift which might have predominately been night work without it."
The Myers-Rados Joint Venture has also worked well with BNSF Railway under challenging conditions. "We had a CIDH with a huge casing that had to be installed within 6 feet of the railroad. Additionally, we had a foundation and column going in during live railroad operations," says Dybala.
"We are out there five to six days a week, day and night. It is a job managing the team members in both the day and night crews, the subs and the suppliers. Then you add on COVID and losing crew members for up to 10 days, concrete shortages, trucking staffing issues, and communicating through Zoom instead of in person. Well, it's all part of taking on a high-profile project like this one, and I am very proud of everyone who has given their all to ensure it is all done safely and efficiently." For more information on the Myers-Rados Joint Venture 91/15 Express Lanes Connector Design-Build Project, please visit Cc
"I must say that the teamwork between BNSF and MRJV has been exceptional throughout the construction process. We would not be where we’re at today without their Accordingsupport"toDybala, the Myers-Rados Joint Venture is constructing the Express Lane Connectors with a full day crew and a slightly smaller night crew.
Above Left: Rados crew setting column cage at west bound Temescal Bent 14.

Left Page: Rados crews perform Express Lanes Connector frame 4 stem and soffit pour.

HORIZON UNDERGROUND INC. California - Nevada - Arizona Directional Drilling - Hydro Vacuum Excavation - Trenching - Restoration 100% Employee Owned A PRS Holdings, Inc. Company CA Lic. #569352 (951) 682-1091 Cold Milling | Diamond Grinding Soil Stabilization | Pavement Preservation & More Roller Compacted Concrete CALCONTRACTOR .COMCONCRETE CONSTRUCTION / 202212

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By Brian Hoover, Senior Editor / Photos provided by McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. and Pink Media
Constructs Palomar Medical Center Parking Structure in Escondido
The McCarthy team is currently in the final stages of the Palomar Medical Center Parking Structure project in Escondido. Paul Pagano is the project manager overseeing this job that began August 30, 2021, and is scheduled for completion September 23, 2022.
"The grade on the north side of the parking structure tied into the hospital's existing grade, but the South side was low and needed significant buildup to bring the new pad up to grade. We were able to process and use the asphalt spoils from the existing parking lot as backfill, along with 3,300 cubic yards of cleanimportedfill."
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.

cCarthy wasCompanies,BuildingInc.(McCarthy)establishedin1864 and has a long history of building facilities that drive greater value. An essential part of their portfolio includes building parking structures for hospitals, airports, schools and retail centers. Their dedicated parking garage construction team has the expertise to self-perform cast-in-place concrete, multi-level and underground parking structures.
The Palomar Medical Center in Escondido opened in 2012 as an 11-story, 740,000 square foot hospital facility. The 56-acre campus has undergone several phases of expansion to meet the developing needs of North San Diego County. "In addition to the hospital facility, Palomar Medical Center has recently added a new rehabilitation facility (built by McCarthy), and several additional medical office buildings," says Pagano. "This substantial buildout required additional parking, and that is why McCarthy is currently in the process of putting the finishing touches on this new 1,892 stall, 6-level, cast-in-place, posttension deck construction parking structure on their campus." Pagano says that the parking structure was built upon the existing parking lot site that measured out to be just about the same footprint as the new parking structure. "This is a design-build project that included the demolition of the existing parking lot, along with safe off and disconnect of existing utilities within the structure footprint. Before ground-up construction could commence, it was necessary to do overexcavation and recompact sitewide, as well as fill work on the south side of the footprint," says Pagano.
According to Pagano, the building footprint is 96,235 square feet with a total building square footage of 564,775. "This is on the larger side of McCarthy's many parking garage projects over the years. Our company is signatory to the Laborers, Carpenters, and Cement Masons unions. Our McCarthy craft partners did an outstanding job performing 25 deck pours, four slab on grade pours, and 29 vertical pours on this project," says Pagano. "We poured a deck and/or vertical every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 17 straight weeks without missing a single pour. In all, we placed approximately 16,500 cubic yards of concrete and are now in the final finish stages of the project." Pagano says the project went very smoothly while pointing to a few minor challenges. "We decided to go with a two-deck system which can be challenging for any building construction team. Traditionally, a contractor may utilize a single deck system. This means you must wait for one deck to be poured, stressed and then drop the formwork before moving on to the next deck pour. In choosing to use a two-deck system, this saves time and provides a faster turnaround, but also increases the level of logistics, scheduling and stress," continues Pagano. " For example, in a typical week on this project with a pour schedule of Monday, Wednesday, Friday, we would either have two deck pours and a vertical pour or two vertical pours and a deck pour. Having two systems running concurrently meant that many of the setting, stripping, and pouring operations were happening simultaneously rather then spread out in sequence as a typical parking structure would be scheduled. It is an efficient system, but it can be very stressful logistically."Anotherchallenge that Pagano points to is the ongoing difficulty of procuring concrete. "As everyone knows, getting concrete can be a challenge right now. The concrete suppliers are backed up with a
Below: The McCarthy team has expertise in the construction of precast concrete surface, multi-level and underground parking structures. They are currently in the final stages of the Palomar Medical Center Parking Structure project in Escondido, shown here in an artist’s rendering.

seemingly never-ending list of projects. If you don't get ahead of it all by ordering at least two months in advance and hitting your pour dates, your entire project could come to a standstill," says Pagano. "We have planned well, ordered ahead of time, and met all our pour dates, enabling us to avoid this ongoing challenge." At the peak stage of construction on the Palomar Medical Center Parking Structure project, McCarthy performed 1,600 self perform manhours in one week. This called for around 40 McCarthy union employees, not including the other trade partners. "I want to recognize and thank every McCarthy union partner and all other trade partners who made this project go so smoothly," concludes Pagano. "I would like to name and thank Steve Finley, our site superintendent, Brad Ringler, our senior project engineer, Kathleen Szarek, our senior project administrator, Rolando Romero, our superintendent,assistantRobert Plumb, our general foreman, and LaShawn Robertson, our laborer foreman. Their professionalism, knowledge, and leadership skills were integral to the success of this project." For more information on McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., please visit Cc
Left: ceremonytoppingfootageDroneofoutat the Palomar Medical Center inStructureParkingprojectEscondido.

Left: The McCarthy team did an outstanding job performing 26 deck pours, three slab on grade pours, and numerous other vertical pours on this project.
Right: McCarthy team members poured a deck or vertical every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 17 straight weeks without missing a single pour.


V isit u s a t h tt ps ://d ot.c a.g ov/ or e ma il s mal l bu s i n es s advo cat e@d ot.c a.go v for mo re in fo rma t ion Use c ell p h on e ca me ra t o s ca n Q R cod e a b ov e t o a ccess in for ma t ion a b ou t Ca lt ra n s u p comin g op p ort u n it ies CONT RACT ING OPPORTU NIT IES AV AILABLE FOR SMALL BU SINESS! INCL U DI NG MI NO RI TY, WO MEN, A ND DI SAB L ED V ETERA NS TRENCH SHORING COMPANY SLIDE RAIL ROLLING STRUT SHORING SYSTEM Compton - Corporate Office - 310-327-5554 Bakersfield Banning Corona Fresno Fullerton 661-396-9160 951-849-1611 951-734-4290 559-691-4123 714-879-1005 949-454-0858 805-529-4614 858-530-2500 510-900-0595 Lake Forest Moorpark San Diego San Leandro 702-651-0920LasVegas CALCONTRACTOR .COM CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION / 2022 17

Granite Construction
By Brian Hoover, Senior Editor / Photos provided by Granite Construction Above: Middle section of the project viewed from above showing flood walls on both sides backing up against houses.
Flood protection improvements along Lower Berryessa Creek
W ith all the drought news in California, it may be difficult to wrap your head around a scenario where cities, towns and municipalities flood to the point of disaster, but the threat is real and can quickly end in loss of life and property. Flooding is the nation's most common disaster, but it is also a tragedy that can be planned for and even avoided. Approximately one-quarter of the City of Milpitas is located within a mapped Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Statistically, there is a 1 percent chance or the possibility of the Milpitas area experiencing major flooding one time within 100 years. There is a 25 percent chance that a 100-year flood event will inundate a structure located in the SFHA during the life of a 30-year mortgage. Flooding within the City of Milpitas is generally situated near Calera, Penitencia, Berryessa, Los Coches, and Tularcitos creeks. All development and construction within SFHA is regulated by FEMA and the City's Floodplain Management Ordinance. To protect Milpitas residents from the real possibility of such a disaster, FEMA and Valley Water have scheduled and completed several flood protection projects.
Close to Completion on Lower Calera Creek Flood Protection Project

Above: Wingwalls and headwall concrete pour at the existing street crossing culvert on N. Milpitas Blvd.

between Abel Street and Calaveras Boulevard were completed in July 2020. The Calera Creek segment, located 800 feet upstream of Arizona Avenue and between the VTA/BART rail crossing, began in June 2021. The final phase of the Lower Calera Creek portion of Valley Water's Lower Berryessa Creek Flood Protection Project started in April 2022 and is scheduled to be completed in Dec. 2022. Granite Construction was awarded the $20.6 million project, and Gokhan Gunan is the project manager overseeing construction. "Valley Water is busy increasing capacity wherever possible for the possibility of a major flooding event. Calera Creek dumps into a larger creek downstream, and there are probably more phases coming in the future," says Gunan. "Our contract first calls for the demolition of the existing concrete "U" channel downstream of North Milpitas Boulevard. After demolition, the construction of new flood walls on the outside will begin, followed by widening the existing creek channel."Gunan explains that flood channel work is seasonal and is required to be started and completed from May to Oct. "Our crews are working with a limited schedule and also with a tight construction area with limited laydown space. Additionally, one of the streets on the east side of the project is used as the main access for three to four schools, and it gets hectic in the mornings and afternoons," says Gunan. "Safety and good traffic and pedestrian management practices are always the top priority here at Granite Construction. We plan to make sure that the two to three concrete pours each week go smoothly. We are fortunate that the local concrete supplier's batch plant is next to the jobsite. This has and will continue to make the 70 to 75 pours much more manageable."According to Gunan, the entire project length measures around 3,000 linear feet. "The length of the walls themselves is around 3,500 linear feet for the 10' flood walls and 500 feet in length for the
Left: Floodwall footing keyway getting ready for pour.

20' wing walls. The area where it channels down at the culverts, there is another 500-foot section of concrete "U" channel which stands around 22 feet in height with a slab on the bottom," continues Gunan. "When complete, this project will have required approximately 8,000 cubic yards of 4,000 to 4,500 psi structure concrete material. Additionally, we will use 1,500 tons of Rip Rap, 6,000 tons of structural backfill and 1,500 tons of hot mix asphalt to construct the trail adjacent to the creek. There was also around 22,000 cubic yards of export for the channel excavation and footingAnotherspoils."interesting facet of this job included using a preengineered forming system in place of the traditional plywood forms. "We used 3-foot by 9-foot panels in 18-foot and 24-foot sections that we move as the work progresses. This helped to improve both our production and overall efficiency," says Gunan. "We are on schedule to complete by the end of the year. Granite Construction performs a lot of work for Valley Water and has developed a great relationship over the years which is essential to the success of any project. I do want to take a moment to thank and recognize everyone from Granite and our great subcontractors for doing such a great job on this project." For more information on the ongoing flood channel projects, please visit

Cc Above: Pouring “U” channel foundation at the west end of the project.
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Doing Their Part to Put Concrete and Asphalt Waste Material Back into California's Infrastructure
"Our family has been involved with building and construction for many years, doing everything from building to flipping homes. We first became interested in the C&D recycling business after driving past a concrete recycling yard near our family home. It definitely

T he Construction Materials Recycling Association estimates that about 140 million tons of concrete are recycled yearly in the U.S. alone. Studies also show that asphalt is the most recycled product in America, with more than 80 million tons of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) being used in new hot mix asphalt every year. Concrete and asphalt comprise around 75 percent of the construction and demolition (C&D) waste stream. Once destined for the landfill, these two building materials are now being recycled and reused as aggregate base for various applications, including building slabs and foundations, sidewalks and curbs, roadways, storm drains, soil stabilization and so much more. Currently, around 80% of these materials are recycled, with 20% still reporting to local landfills. It is the job of companies like Emery Concrete & Asphalt Recycling, Inc. to do their best to keep all asphalt and concrete waste out of our landfills permanently.EmeryConcrete & Asphalt Recycling, Inc. was established in 2018 by Paul Emery, but the Emery family is no stranger to the construction and recycling business. Bill Emery started Emery Materials 25 years ago in Perris as a concrete recycling operation. The company eventually grew to four locations in Escondido, Adelanto, Perris and Hesperia. Bill's son, Paul Emery (Emery), began working for Emery Materials in 2004 and served as general manager of the Perris location. Emery then worked to expand the business to two more facilities in the high desert before taking over and renaming the Hesperia location in 2018.
By Brian Hoover, Senior Editor / Photos provided by Emery Concrete & Asphalt Recycling, Inc.

After all the due diligence, we ended up right back at Volvo." Tom Case is the Director of Remarketing and Select and International Accounts at Volvo Construction Equipment & Services and he introduced his longtime friend, Paul Emery, to his Volvo representative,territoryAaron Anderson.
Left: Paul Recycling,ConcretePresident,Emery,Emery&AsphaltInc.
"Aaron was great to work with and walked us through our options. We went with two Volvo L150H wheel loaders and a Volvo EC140E excavator. Our newest addition, a 2019 Volvo L150H, was just delivered a few weeks ago," says Emery. "We utilize one wheel loader in the back to move the incoming concrete asphalt from the drop piles to controlled material areas ready for crushing and processing. We use the other Volvo L150H wheel loader upfront to load the processed material into trucks. When the bigger slabs and concrete sections come in, we use our Volvo 140E excavator with a hydraulic hammer attachment to reduce the material for crushing. We have always been happy with our Volvo equipment. The downtime is minimal, and they always have the parts we need on hand. Additionally, the maintenance is easy for our operators, who consistently perform lube and oil changes. According to Emery, there was one more thing he was highly impressed with during Volvo's sale and delivery process. "My long term relationship with Tom Case, Director of Remarketing who oversees the quality control and pre-delivery inspection process for

caught our attention, and we began researching the business model, eventually deciding to start our first recycling yard in Escondido," says Emery. "My father sold the business in 2018, and most of the assets went with the sale. So, one of the first orders of business after getting my new EIN and renaming the business was to purchase the equipment necessary to sustain a concrete and asphalt recycling operation."Emeryhad purchased and operated Volvo construction machines when working for his father's recycling company and was always impressed with their productivity. "We have a longstanding relationship with Volvo Construction Equipment & Services and Tom Case going back many years to the days of DeNardi Equipment Company. We always receive a competitive and fair deal, and they’ve always treated us right," says Emery. "When it was time to purchase equipment for Emery Concrete & Asphalt Recycling, Inc., I search for the best machines backed by the most reliable service. The price, warranty, and financing all worked together to make it an easy decision.
Top: Volvo EC140E excavator processes recently dumped load of material. Above: Volvo EC140E excavator processing footings.

Big thanks to Tom Case and his crew at VCES, who has been with Volvo Construction Equipment & Services and their predecessors sinceEmery1979."Concrete & Asphalt Recycling, Inc. serves the entire high desert area from the top of the Cajon Pass at Oak Hills to Barstow. "We get our concrete and asphalt from several sources, including homeowners, public works agencies, residential and commercial builders, demolition contractors and paving contractors. They come in with everything from a pick-up truck to large construction semi-end dumps," says Emery. "The goal is to keep all this material from reaching the landfill in favor of creating quality base material that will eventually make it back into our infrastructure.
all preowned machines at the Corona Volvo Construction Equipment & Services facility. Tom & his crew of Keith Grace, Josh Cromwell, Omar Rosales and JJ Woods are second to none in how they prep, PDI and delivery equipment ready to work! We were so happy and impressed when we took delivery of all three of our Volvo machines. They were all immaculately detailed and passed all of the certified safety and performance testing along with the 100 point inspection process," continues Emery. "Two of our machines are 2017 models and one is 2019, but they are all like new, and we couldn't be happier with our decision to go with Volvo.
The choice is simple, individuals, agencies, and companies can pay a tipping fee at yards like ours at around $100 per load, or they can take it to the landfill and pay an average of $70 per ton. Reusing this material makes sense for the environment as well as the bottom line, and we are proud to be a part of this important recycling process." As the owner, president and general manager of Emery Concrete & Asphalt Recycling, Inc., Paul Emery takes great pride in operating the cleanest and most efficient recycling facility possible. "We run a very tight and clean operation. We begin by stockpiling the concrete and asphalt material. Once these materials reach a certain capacity, we begin the processing to include removal of rebar and sorting of trash," continues Emery. "Next, we bring in the subcontracted mobile crushing operation to process the material to a ¾" minus Class II Aggregate Base. Most of the finished product is sold back to paving and concrete contractors for use as a subbase that meets or exceeds all specifications."CaltransEmerypointsoutthat his decision to locate first in Hesperia was not by chance. "We have always located our recycling plant facilities in areas of growth and expansion. This is obviously where the asphalt and concrete waste
Left: Volvo L150H loading bottom dump with class II Below:base. Volvo L150H loading scrap metal bin.


Above: Volvo Construction Equipment & Services' Keith Grace (left) and Tom Case performing the quality control and pre-delivery inspection process at the Corona headquarters. material would be most plentiful," says Emery. Hesperia and other areas in the High Desert are busy with street and freeway widening projects and local demolition jobs. The region is also getting its first Amazon building, a Chick-fil-A, and other significant businesses due to its population expansion. We want to be here for that growth and potentially in other areas considered the next considerable growth region in Southern California. We processed around 80,000 tons of concrete and asphalt last year and look forward to a future where we continue to contribute to recycling concrete and asphalt material." For more information on Emery Concrete & Asphalt Recycling, Inc., please www.emerymaterials.comvisitor call their Hesperia headquarters at (760) 956-1717. Cc Are you a contractor who works in construction, demolition, excavation, or hardscaping? Don’t keep wasting time and money on the job site when you can be saving on the purchasing and disposal of construction materials! If you demo a concrete structure don't pay to have it hauled away... crush and screen it with Komplet America's mobile material processing equipment!
Call (908) 369-3340 or visit to request a quote!


The K-JC704 mobile crusher is small enough for easy transportation, but strong enough to withstand the toughest of applications. It features a 27" x 16" single toggle jaw crusher that can be adjusted hydraulically producing an end-product of 3/4"-3-1/4" at a rate of up to 90tph.


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ADVERTISER INDEX AIM Recycling .................... 13 CalAPA KompletHorizonHawthorneGraniterockCoastlineCoastlineClairemontCaltransCalifornia.........................30StoneSlingers............28.........................17Equipment..............29Equipment3EquipmentCraneDivision....22......................17CAT....................2Undergorund,Inc............12America..................27Nixon-EgliEquipmentCo.....BackCover Pavement Recycling Systems ......... 12 Quinn CAT ........................ 2 Savala Equipment Rentals . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Scott Equipment ............... 22, 29 SITECH Pacific .................... 23 SITECH West 23 Sonsray Machinery ................ 31 Trebor Shoring Rentals .............. 21 Terry Equipment, Inc. ............... 21 Trench Shoring Company ............ 17 Volvo Construction Equip. & Services. ... 5 Preservation for the HAUL Starting at 5/8 of an inch, Thinlays are the pavement preservation treatment designed to extend service life while improving performance and drivability. These thin asphalt overlays provide long-lasting smoothness and can be used to increase structural capacity, providing greater value for your pavement preservation dollar. STRUCTURALENHANCEDCAPACITYLIFE-CYCLELOWERCOSTS CALCONTRACTOR .COMCONCRETE CONSTRUCTION / 202230

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