Getting caught at a train crossing is frustrating. Time feels like it’s standing still as the barriers block the way. The wait seems endless, and irritation builds with each passing railcar. It’s a reminder of the powerlessness when faced with unexpected delays. Visitors and residents of Corona have experienced this frustration firsthand at one time or another when they approached the infamous McKinley Street crossing. Statistics have shown that traffic has been delayed in this area by more than two and a half hours each day. That number was calculated to increase to more than four hours a day by 2035.
To help mitigate the traffic issues and general anxiety created by the delays at the McKinley Street crossing, the City of Corona designed and approved a plan to build a suspension bridge over the BNSF railroad tracks and Arlington Channel that will serve to relieve the congestion in the area. The $60 million construction contract for the McKinley Street Grade Separation Project was awarded to Walsh Construction Company II, LLC (a part of The Walsh Group) headquartered in Chicago.
Walsh Construction Company II, LLC (Walsh Construction) began working on the McKinley Street Grade Separation Project in early 2022 and is expected to have everything wrapped up by the end of 2024. As a part of this project, the new McKinley Street Bridge is being constructed to provide a “grade separation” solution to improve traffic flows where McKinley Street crosses a busy railway line, a canal, and another road, all at ground level. McKinley Grade Separation construction will extend from the SR-91 interchange on the
north side to Magnolia Avenue on the south side. The project will provide a new four-lane overhead grade separation at the BNSF Railway double tracks in the area where McKinley Street intersects Sampson Avenue.
Brandon Parry is Walsh Construction’s Assistant Project Manager overseeing the McKinley
Grade Separation Project. “This is a challenging project on several fronts, starting with the fact that it is located within an extremely tight footprint and in close proximity to numerous private properties,” says Parry. “Then, there is all of the grade changes as we elevate the roadway and tie it into the existing grade, all while keeping traffic flowing smoothly.”
The Bridge
In addition to relieving congestion, the new bridge will also improve mobility and safety for both motorists and pedestrians, as well as improving air quality and
noise. Walsh Construction is selfperforming more than half of the overall project, including all of the concrete construction work and bridge erection. The new McKinley Street Bridge will incorporate an amazing 1.8 million pounds of steel and is being erected in a staging area in a yard adjacent to the installation site. A 220-ton Manitowoc 2250 crawler crane is onsite for all of the heavy lifts, including 80-foot-long tie girders. With a span of 286 feet and a width of around 80 feet, the new bridge is being put together in segments. Once complete, it will be moved and installed utilizing
Above: Mr. Crane’s 220-ton Manitowoc 2250 crawler crane unloads one of six bridge arch ribs on the McKinley Grade Separation Project in Corona.
Left: The 220-ton crawler crane unloading one of the arch ribs onto temporary storage.
a combination of self-propelled modular transporters, hydraulic jacks, lashings, and a rolling track system.
Fernando Barraza is the Senior Superintendent for Walsh Construction on the McKinley Grade Separation Project. “Les Hancock is doing a great job as our superintendent overseeing the erection of the bridge structure. This is an arch bridge with cable hangers that will undergo a couple of stressing sequences,” explains Barraza. “The first stressing sequence will be prior to the move and once in place, a secondary stressing sequence will happen.”
Parry explains that everything leading into the bridge is being elevated and tied into the existing grade over a 1,900 linear foot stretch of roadway. “The entire area is being built up to become a full roadway structural section that will raise the driving surface of McKinley Street to 30 feet at its highest point,” says Parry. “We are utilizing around 65,000 cubic yards of lightweight cellular concrete fill to build up the roadway section, in addition to importing 5,000 to 10,000 cubic yards of native fill. The final asphalt paving of the roadway section is being performed by our subcontractor, All American Asphalt.”
The project will also add a new loop road across from the SR-91 westbound ramps to connect McKinley Street to Sampson Avenue. The eastbound off-ramp, eastbound loop on-ramp, and the eastbound slip on-ramp at the SR-91 freeway will also be modified. Additionally, nine walls will be constructed to include MSE and Type 5 Caltrans walls. In addition to the construction of 3.75 miles of vehicle lanes, there will be 0.75 miles of sidewalk and five signalized intersections.
Another segment of the project includes relocating existing water system infrastructure (water,
sewage, drainage) within McKinley Street, Estelle Street, and Magnolia Avenue to make room for the new grade separation. The waterline relocation will replace approximately 770 linear feet of aging water pipeline along McKinley Street between SR-91 and Sampson. When complete, this segment of the work will replace 14 water service connections and backflows, three fire services and backflows, and three new fire hydrants after abandoning four existing fire hydrants. “We self-performed the installation of just over 400 feet of new HDPE pipe. All of the pipe was first assembled above ground and { Continued on page 10 }
Left: The 220-ton crane setting pier cap forming system abutment.{ Continued from page 8 }
parallel to the existing line. The HDPE was electrofused by our subcontractor, Core & Main, before being slid back into place and tied back in on the upstream side where we installed a new manhole,” says Barraza. “We had manhole 1 just to the east and at an angle to manhole 2. We utilized a temporary bypass to keep the existing sewage flowing while we worked on the new siphon structure. When everything is complete, we will switch everything over to the new line.”
According to Barraza, a portion of the contract was for Walsh Construction to reconstruct the existing sewer siphon structure. They used their Case 110,000 lb. excavator to dig the 22-foot-deep pit and after placing the slide rail system, they got to work overexcavating three feet and structurally backfilling the area. “After the over-
{ Continued on page 12 }
• SBH Slide Rail System
• (50) Trench Boxes
From 8’ x 8’ to 10’ x 24’
• Manhole Boxes
8’ x 8’ and 10’ x 10’
4’, 6’ and 8’ high
{ Continued from page 10 }
• Over 100 Steel Crossing Plates
From 4’ x 10’ to 8’ x 20’
• Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring
From 5’ to 18’ in depth
• Pipe plugs
excavation and backfill, we installed the required six-inch rat slab, along with a 3-foot concrete foundation for the actual siphon structure,” explains Barraza.
However, before Walsh Construction could begin installation of the new sewer siphon, they had to first demo the old, existing siphon structure. To accomplish this task, Walsh Construction made the call to Trench Shoring Company to rent the necessary slide rail system to support the 22-foot-deep, 27-foot-wide excavation. “We rented the slide rail system from Trench Shoring Company and their certified shoring professionals supported our installation efforts. This included three tiers of shields,” says Barraza. “I always enjoy working with Josh Frakes and everyone from Trench Shoring Company. They are the experts who can provide site specific P.E.
stamped engineering designs that help ensure that we go with the proper shoring systems and install them safely and properly.”
Parry has also worked with Trench Shoring Company for the better part of a decade. “ We can count on Trench Shoring Company to have what we need with quick and reliable delivery and service. In addition to the slide rail system, we also rented trench shields for the runs between manhole 1, 2 and 3,” says Parry. “Josh Frakes has been our representative for the past few years and he has done an excellent job serving our shoring needs.”
Building bridges over railroad tracks to facilitate traffic flow is a pragmatic solution that enhances both safety and efficiency. By elevating the roadway, the need for level crossings is eliminated, reducing the risk of accidents and delays caused by trains passing through. Such infrastructure investments not only prioritize
public safety but also contribute to smoother traffic operations, benefiting commuters, businesses, and overall transportation networks.
Founded in 1898, The Walsh Group is a fourth-generation family-owned business providing design, build, finance, and operation services for a wide variety of construction projects. The company is consistently listed among the largest contractors in the United States, and operates out of 21 strategically located regional offices, including a Corona office. The Walsh Group’s portfolio of work stretches across the building, water and transportation markets, and the company is among the largest bridge, highway, transit and airport contractors in America. For more information, please visit www.walshgroup.com. Cc
Top Left: Josh Frakes, Territory Manager/ Shoring Consultant, Trench Shoring Company. Above: Walsh crew members install top trench shield on the sewer siphon reconstruction project.Eric Provience started working in construction at the age of 16 for RLF, Inc., a company his father and uncle started in the 1970s. He worked on weekends and during breaks from school, learning everything he could in the process. His first official full-time job was for Superior Ready Mix located in Escondido, where he worked as a laborer. Provience moved on to work for his father and uncle once again when they started Southwestern Equipment in 1996. Again, he started out as a laborer and moved on to become an operator, and eventually earned the right to serve as the operations manager for the
large family paving and general construction enterprise. When his father decided to retire in 2008, Provience made the move to start his own company, Pacific Grading & Erosion Control, Inc.
Pacific Grading & Erosion Control started out taking on just what the name suggests: grading and erosion control projects. Additionally, the company performed stormwater management, treating polluted water systems through Best Management Practices (BMP). This work included the construction of bioretention fields, designed to remove contaminants and sedimentation from stormwater runoff. Pacific Grading & Erosion
Control continues to do this work today on a limited basis, but the bulk of their contracts are now focused more heavily on the grading of roads, retention basins, parks, slopes, and other earthmoving projects. “We maintain a diverse customer base and much of our work today is for developers and home builders. We focus on the projects for the smaller developers who are building 25 to 50 homes, and this is keeping us very busy,” says Provience. “We are currently working for Tri Ponte Homes on a large grading project in Fallbrook, along with several other projects.”
It has been 10 years since CalContractor Magazine last interviewed Eric Provience from Pacific Grading & Erosion Control. When asked what has changed the most over the past 10 years, Provience immediately pointed to the ongoing labor shortage in the civil general engineering construction industry. “You know I really love what I do and I am going to keep doing it for a good while longer. However,
things have changed a lot over the past 10 years, and I wish I could say that it was all for the better,” says Provience. “There is a labor shortage and we are in desperate need of passionate, hardworking young people, that have a sense of pride and vision to succeed in the construction industry. Everyone I talk to has the same thing to say. This is such a great business where you meet new people every day, get to work outdoors, and experience so many different surroundings and work environments. We all need to do what we can to encourage the next generation to get involved and experience the benefits and joy of working in the field of construction.”
Provience points out that the current labor shortage has forced many companies like his to get more done with the good,
trustworthy people they currently have on staff. “I think when we spoke back in 2014, we had around 35 employees and we are now operating with 17 full-time team members. Business is good and we are able to pick and choose the jobs we want right now. We could take on even more projects if we had the qualified laborers and operators on staff. We only hire the best and will not settle for anything less. Having said this, it is interesting to point out that although our labor force has shrunk by half, our bottom line has remained close to the same. So, we are getting more done with fewer people and some of that is due to the ongoing relationships and partnerships we have formed with companies like Hawthorne Rentals.”
According to Provience, his family has been renting from
Hawthorne Rentals since his father and uncle started their construction enterprise, Southwestern Equipment, in the late ‘90s. “Our family has maintained a longstanding relationship with Hawthorne Cat and Hawthorne Rentals. Back in the day, our family business probably rented 20 times more equipment from Hawthorne than we do today. We were a large construction firm and although my company is smaller today, we still rent anywhere from nine to 15 machines from Hawthorne Rentals on any given day. The thing is, large or small, Hawthorne Rentals always treats us like we are their number one customer, and that is one of the reasons why we keep going back. They are not just our go-to rental company; they are a partner, invested in our business and there for us whenever we need them.”
Above & Right: PGEC rented a Cat D6T XL dozer and a Cat 305.5E2 CR mini excavator from Hawthorne Rentals on an underground parking structure project for Graystar in the Hillcrest area of San Diego.Pacific Grading & Erosion Control also owns and maintains their own fleet of equipment. They own the smaller to medium-sized machines like skip loaders, miniexcavators, along with mediumsized 50,000 lb. excavators, and other attachments and implements like mower decks. “Just about everything we rent is Cat equipment from Hawthorne Rentals. We rent the bigger machines and own the smaller pieces of equipment. We will rent everything from 623 scrapers and D6 dozers to 966 wheel loaders and water trucks,” says Provience. “Purchasing the big stuff requires a massive outlay of capital. Owning is great when the utilization is high, but when they are sitting in the yard, that can make a big difference to the bottom line. Then, you have to maintain the equipment and haul it from site to site. There is a time to buy and a time to rent, and we continually strive to find and maintain that delicate balance.”
Provience says that his company has been dealing with Mark Martini from Hawthorne
Rentals for several years. “Mark and Hawthorne Rentals understand our business, and I get how their business works. It is a partnership where we both benefit. One call gets it done. Not the next day, or three or four hours later. We have relied on Hawthorne Rentals for as long as I can remember, and it is their service that keeps us coming back. Their service goes beyond what you might find out there with other companies today. If an inspector shuts down our job due to a damaged gas line or other emergency, Hawthorne takes that into account, and they work with us. That is golden, and it means a lot to our company.”
Pacific Grading & Erosion Control runs their business by the book and is recognized by many for their old-school attitude and work ethic. The company continues to stand by its reputation for fairness and reliability. Provience maintains that if it is not right, they will be back to fix it and do everything it takes to keep their customers satisfied. Provience has been at it for 32 years now,
and he recognizes that none of it would have been possible without the hard work and dedication of all of his team members. “It truly takes a team to start and maintain a business like this, especially today. I wish there was room in this story to thank everyone who ever helped me, but I will start with my dad, uncle, my wife, Allyson, and my sister, Gina, who runs the entire office and has been here since the beginning. I also want to recognize Lourdes Carmona, our administrative assistant, and Robert Blake, our field superintendent and estimator. We all care and work together with companies like Hawthorne Rentals to keep it all going strong for another decade and beyond.”
Pacific Grading & Erosion Control offers their grading and earthmoving services to a variety of clients from the border to Los Angeles and into the Inland Empire. With office in El Cajon, Pacific Grading & Erosion Control stands ready to meet your needs. Please call Eric Provience at (619) 520-2699 for more information or services. Cc
Above Left: PGEC uses a Cat 305.5E2 CR mini excavator from Hawthorne Rentals to perform slope repair on a housing project for Tri Ponte Homes in Fallbrook. Above Right: PGEC rented a Cat 289D compact track loader from Hawthorne Rentals. Pictured after performing grading work on a horse ranch in Rancho Santa Fe.The California construction and equipment rental industry is ripe for the taking. All you need to do is believe in yourself and seize the opportunity. Sometimes when you open a door, others seem to open by themselves with opportunities you may have never thought of before. This is a story about one such entrepreneur who did just that by starting one business that led to several others, and he is just getting started.
From laborer to concrete construction business owner Servando Requena began working as a laborer for a general engineering construction firm in 1999. Within a year, Requena was already a foreman and things were going in the right direction. By 2008, the Great Recession had arrived, and the company he worked for did not have much work, so Requena moved on to work for another concrete
construction company out of Lake Elsinore. Again, Requena rose to the top by working hard and leading by example. He soon became a foreman, learning the ins and outs of the concrete construction business, from construction techniques to how to properly build and maintain customer relationships. Then, in 2016, another door opened, and an opportunity was presented to Requena to start his own concrete business with his first project already waiting for him. The developer of a new 18-unit apartment complex in Los Angeles asked Requena to do the concrete work. This would include two subterranean garages and all the other concrete work, including footings, shotcrete walls, concrete walls, masonry walls, elevator footings, slab on grade, and the podium concrete decks. Requena jumped at the opportunity and hired eight experienced concrete craftsmen,
including some he had worked with in the past.
This stroke of luck and good fortune, along with Requena’s substantial capabilities and knowledge, led to more work, and soon the word was out on the professionalism and reliability that was available from Requena’s new company, San Luis Concrete Corp. His growing enterprise was now offering concrete construction services to include foundations, sitework, footings, sidewalks, curbs, gutter, flatwork, and other structural concrete solutions.
Requena had been purchasing equipment for use in his concrete business ever since that first project in Los Angeles. “I had been purchasing equipment for use in my concrete business, and it occurred to me that there was an opportunity to rent some of the equipment. I began in 2020
by renting my skid steer to my previous employer, he rented that machine for four years. I had around ten pieces that included the skid steer, a telescopic handlers, backhoes, excavators, and miniexcavators, along with scissor lifts and other smaller implements. So, in 2021, I established San Luis Equipment Rental and began renting from my property in San Bernardino.
Once again, Requena took advantage of the connections with the other trades that were working alongside him on job sites each day. The framer and structural steel subcontractors would rent his telescopic handlers, while the plumbing company would rent a mini-excavator and skid steer loader. “We were soon doing well enough to begin adding new machines and now have more than 250 pieces in our rental fleet,” says Requena. “In the rental business, you listen to your customers and purchase the machines that you
know they will want to rent. We turned to SoCal JCB to start adding these machines to our fleet. They allowed us to demo every machine before purchasing, and before long, a large percentage of our rental fleet consisted of new JCB machines.”
San Luis Equipment Rental has purchased 40 JCB pieces of equipment from SoCal JCB over the past several years, to include scissor lifts (19’, 26’, 32’, and 40’), telescopic handlerss (10,000 lb. and 12,000 lb.), 48’ articulated booms, 5,000 lb. reach forklifts, mini-excavators, backhoes, and breaker attachments. “We are proud to have so many JCB
machines in our fleet, and having a dealer that is there for you no matter the circumstance is also very comforting in this competitive rental business. Our customers appreciated renting late model JCB machines. They have commented on the smooth operation they experience with JCB, especially with units like the 48” boom lift, where stability means everything when you are up in that bucket,” says Requena. “Ignacio Verduzco is our personal representative from SoCal JCB, and he is always there for us whenever we need him. We had an issue yesterday with one of our JCB units, and SoCal JCB was onsite within three hours and
got everything resolved quickly. The service after the sale means everything to a growing rental business like ours and although we do a lot of our own maintenance, SoCal JCB is right there when we need warranty work done.”
Larry Johnson was recently brought on board to San Luis Equipment Rental to serve as the General Manager of operations. Larry has been in the rental industry for many years, working for companies like Neff Rentals and Sunbelt Rentals. “What we offer here at San Luis Equipment Rental is that extra personal touch and service that may be lacking
Above: Team members of San Luis Equipment Rental.Every JCB telehandler is designed to offer superb productivity, and the 505-20TC telehandler is no different.
Designed to place heavy loads with ease and precision, the 512-56 is one of our largest capacity telescopic handlers –now available with no after treatment using the JCB 74HP EcoMAX engine. Also available in 109HP engine.
{ Continued from page 20 }
with some of those large corporate box store rental companies. We know we are smaller, but we have an awesome newer fleet and we promise to always go the extra mile,” says Johnson. “We also want to create an atmosphere where people want to work. We offer a wide-open future with availability of advancement as we continue to grow our brand to several more locations. Things are very exciting right now and companies like JCB are going to continue to be a part of our future.”
Johnson makes it clear that although he just recently started with San Luis Equipment Rental, he intends to hit the ground running. “I have just started getting our new systems in place, and my management style is a bit different than other supervisors. I am more of a coach or mentor and less of a boss type. I have a lot of experience with the heavier earthmoving rental equipment and
that is an area that we will expand further into very soon. We will add what the market will support, and if that means 50,000 lb. excavators or even 100,000 lb. excavators, then that is what we will add. Servando is open-minded and even thinking about adding a new JCB 50,000 lb. excavator and a few more JCB backhoes in the near future.” San Luis Rental Equipment offers their rentals primarily to the Inland Empire area, over to Los Angeles, but they will go anywhere in California if a customer deems it necessary.”
Requena is a true entrepreneur who is able to envision opportunities as they arise within his daily work environment. He
recognized the need for trucking materials in and out of any job site and therefore invested in 10 Super 10 dump trucks, an enterprise that almost immediately succeeded. His wife, Ana, is very important to this recent venture and takes care of the accounting. “Our trucking and transportation division is available on an operated rental basis and most of our work is with brokers, with around 20 percent utilized by concrete, demolition, and excavating companies that we have developed a relationship with over the years,” continues Requena. “We have several trucks that have been working out on the I-10 Freeway for the past three years. This division is growing fast and we will continue to expand as demand continues to rise.”
Top: San Luis Concrete Corp. home building business division. Single family home shown here being constructed in Hesperia.Requena has also dipped his hand into residential development over recent years. His homebuilding company is currently operating under San Luis Concrete Corp., but papers are currently in the works to register this work under a separate corporation.
“We started by purchasing a lot in 2018 in Hesperia, followed by doing the plans and acquiring the permits. We then built the home, put it on the market, sold it, and then repeated the same process,” says Requena. “Right now, we have two more single-family units built and ready for sale. One is 2,115 square feet with a three-car garage, and another 2,853 square foot, five-bedroom option. We also recently received permits for
the construction of our first small track home project in Hesperia. This development will have seven two-story units available from 2,183 square feet to 2,979 square feet.” In addition to constructing single-family homes, Requena has also been approved and begun construction on a 36-unit multi-family apartment complex in Hesperia.
If one takes the time to study those that have been successful in business, they will find that it all begins with a dream and the willingness to work smart and tirelessly to achieve success.
Servando Requena is a family man with five children who has found
the time and energy to build four successful business models in a relatively short period of time. This is a true success story and I for one am excited to see what will come next for Servando Requena and his hard-working and dedicated team of employees. For more information on San Luis Concrete Corp. or San Luis Equipment Rental, please visit
www.sanluisconcrete.com or
www.sanluisequipmentrental.com or call (909) 713-2318.” Cc
In the realm of construction, the need for heavy equipment is undeniable. From excavators to bulldozers, these machines form the backbone of any construction project. Traditionally, the norm has been to purchase these assets outright, but a paradigm shift is underway as more businesses opt to rent rather than buy.
Renting heavy construction equipment offers a plethora of benefits that can significantly impact a company’s bottom line and operational efficiency. Here’s why:
Cost Savings: Purchasing heavy equipment requires a substantial upfront investment, not to mention ongoing expenses such as maintenance, storage, and insurance. Renting, on the other hand, eliminates the need for a hefty initial outlay. Companies can allocate their capital elsewhere, such as investing in expanding their business or upgrading other operational aspects.
Flexibility and Scalability: Construction projects often vary in scope and duration. Renting
equipment allows companies to scale their resources according to project requirements. Whether it’s a short-term assignment or a long-term venture, renting offers the flexibility to access the right equipment for the job without being tied down by ownership commitments.
Access to Latest Technology:
The construction industry is continually evolving, with new technologies and innovations emerging regularly. Renting equipment provides access to state-of-the-art machinery without the burden of owning outdated assets. This ensures that projects benefit from enhanced efficiency, productivity, and safety standards.
Maintenance and Repairs: Heavy equipment requires regular maintenance and occasional repairs to ensure optimal performance and safety. Renting shifts the responsibility of maintenance and repairs to the rental company, saving businesses time, effort, and money. This also reduces downtime, as rental companies often provide prompt
replacements or repairs in case of breakdowns.
Storage and Transportation:
Owning heavy equipment entails logistical challenges such as storage and transportation. Renting eliminates the need for dedicated storage space and transportation arrangements, as equipment can be delivered directly to the job site when needed. This streamlines operations and minimizes logistical complexities.
Risk Mitigation: The construction industry is inherently risky, with factors such as market fluctuations and project delays posing potential threats to profitability. Renting equipment mitigates these risks by offering more flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions and project timelines. Companies can avoid depreciation risks associated with owning equipment and maintain better control over their financial resources.
In conclusion, renting heavy construction equipment presents a compelling alternative to purchasing, offering cost savings, flexibility, access to the latest technology, and risk mitigation. By embracing the rental model, construction companies can streamline their operations, optimize resource allocation, and ultimately enhance their competitiveness in a dynamic industry landscape.
Check out these industry leading rental equipment & supply companies ready to serve your needs. Cc
• Lower costs over the long-term
• Lower short-term costs
• Specialized equipment for a specific job
• Latest technology
• No need to hassle with maintenance, storage or transportation
• Better flexibility
• Better cash flow option
• Guarantee that the machine will be available when you need it
• More familiarity with each machine
• Resell business asset
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