ONERIC Equipment Rental By Brian Hoover, Senior Editor
Making a Big Impression on the Bay Area and Sacramento Regions with Hard to Find, High Quality, Late Model, Well Maintained, Tier 4 Rental Equipment
he reasons for creating a new business enterprise are as varied as the people who start the business in the first place. There is, however, usually a few common factors, such as necessity and convenience. Monica (McCosker) Johnson and Eric McCosker have been in and around the civil general engineering construction industry their entire lives. This brother and sister team grew up in a family with substantial ties to heavy construction, particularly in the mass grading and excavation niches. They became familiar with the equipment and the dayto-day operations of a heavy civil construction firm early on and continued their interest and development in the ensuing years. Monica went on to graduate with a degree in biology from the University of San Diego, while Eric received his degree in Construction 14
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Management from Colorado Mesa University. Monica joined the family business around eight years ago, with Eric getting involved after graduating college in 2015. Monica and Eric come from a successful, entrepreneurial family with a strong work ethic. They had this idea of starting a rental equipment business as an opportunity to work together and see what they could create on their own. The siblings soon began to realize that there was a specific niche in the heavy equipment rental industry that was being a bit overlooked. This was when they decided to start Moneric Equipment Rental, Inc. (Moneric) in 2015 to serve the entire Bay Area, Sacramento and Central Valley regions. “We noticed that many of the rental companies were offering the usual smaller equipment, and others had the big heavy equipment
you see on the large grading and excavating projects. What seemed to be missing was the late model midsized equipment that is typically used in more of a specialty situation, and that is what we decided to focus on for our new company,” says Eric. “While we still offer many of the machines that are utilized every day out on the job site, we also have equipment like our Cat 627 scrapers that are used on smaller grading jobs that may be more confined and have less access.” When you call Moneric and speak directly to Monica Johnson, you will find out that they offer low hour, current model machines that are all Tier 4 and prepped and ready to go right to work on your job site. Their fleet consists of everything from backhoes and skip loaders to medium-sized dozers like the Cat D8, all the way up to scrapers, excavators, C A LCO N T R AC TO R .CO M