R ent Your N ext P iece of E quipment from the I ndustry P rofessionals at
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ouldn’t it be nice if you could rent construction equipment from a company that actually knows the civil engineering construction industry firsthand? Perhaps, someone who has worked out in the field, operated equipment, ran jobsites, and even grew up in the business? Well, when you rent from KCS Rentals, Inc. (KCS Rentals), that is exactly what you will receive. Carlos Silva is the owner and president of KCS Rentals and also the owner of Silva Backhoe Services, Inc. He comes from three generations of contractors, including his father, grandfather and uncles, and was raised from birth in the business. “I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t doing something related to this business,” says Silva. “My family has been in the excavation and backhoe business for quite a long time, and my dad started Silva Backhoe Services back in the 80s, and I joined the company, officially, in 2000.” Carlos took over Silva Backhoe Services in 2010, which also happens to be the year he started KCS Rentals. “We were already doing the excavation work for our long list of clients, and so I started catering to their bare rental needs as well. 20
REN TAL EQU I P MENT / 2 0 2 0
It just made sense,” says Silva. KCS Rentals serves all of Southern California, on up into Kern and Ventura counties. The bulk of their fleet is made up of backhoes, mini to medium-sized excavators, skid steers, skip loaders, track loaders and reach lifts. KCS also owns and rents propane forklifts, truss jibs, 5-yard dump trucks, along with a transportation lowboy service. Their equipment fleet is comprised of several major brands, including JCB backhoes, telehandlers and a compact excavator. “I am always looking for good deals on low hour or brand-new equipment from select rental yards and distributors. I have done the research on what brands our customers prefer, and that is what I try to keep in our fleet,” continues Silva. “I have been dealing with the folks at JCB for around 20 years, and they have always come through with high performance, reliable machines at the best rates and best warranty around.” C A LCO N T R AC TO R .CO M