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John Deere, Coastline Equipment and Papich Construction, Inc.
(Left) Papich Construction, Inc.’s John Deere 672GP Motor Grader at a jobsite in Sisquoc, California. (Above) Jason Papich, President, Papich Construction, Inc.
Jason Papich established Papich Construction, Inc. out of Pismo Beach, California back in 1999 as a General Engineering Contractor specializing in Landfill, Heavy Highway, Federal, Residential, and Commercial Projects. Papich has most recently established themselves in a new niche involving renewable energy projects throughout California. With an in house concrete and asphalt recycling plant, combined with their own asphalt plant located on California's Central Coast, Papich has been able to capitalize on the highway market in this region and continues to pursue this type of work throughout California. In order to keep their business of more than 200 employees a success, they rely on only the best equipment to keep them up and running. As part of this effort, Papich recently added a brand new John Deere 672GP Motor Grader from Coastline Equipment to their equipment fleet. Jason Papich, President, Papich Construction, Inc comments: “We’re really impressed with our new John Deere 672GP Motor Grader. Some of the features that our operators seem to appreciate most include the all-wheel drive, the cab’s visibility, the over-all power of the machine and the GP controls. This unit also has the option of a steering wheel or the lever steer. Another important reason we chose the John Deere 672GP was simply because we loved the price.” Jason adds, “Coastline Equipment has been great to work with too. They have provided us with great service in all of their departments, sales, service and parts. It’s been really easy to do business with them. I had a great experience working with Buck Baird, the Branch Manager and Steve Lougee, their Sales Representative. Both are very attentive and have great follow-up, they really worked hard to get our business. We’re really impressed with the whole team at Coastline Equipment.“
Long Beach (562) 272-7400 (714) 973-9220
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Sylmar (818) 890-3353 Bakersfield (661) 399-3600
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Specialty/Landscape Issue
Features 06 Daley Corporation Meeting High Production and Quality Expectations on San Diego’s Highway 76 Project with New Volvo Highway-Class Paver
12 ValleyCrest Landscape Companies California Benefits from Infrastructure and Transportation Investments
16 KRC Safety Co. The Key Word is Safety and KRC Safety Co., Inc. Has Been Leading The Way for 34 Years
20 PAR Electric
How Rent-To-Own Helped PAR Electric Meet Stringent Air Quality Standards
22 Industry News 30 Index
16 CalContractor Magazine / PUBLISHER:
Kerry Hoover (909) 772-3121
Southern California: Call Kerry Hoover (909) 772-3121
Brian Hoover, Tammy Boone, Dennis Kaiser, ValleyCrest Landscape Companies
Northern California: Call Dutch Meads (209) 679-1278
CalContractor is published twelve times each year by Construction Marketing Services, LLC. PO Box 892977, Temecula, CA 92589 / Phone: 909-772-3121 / Fax: 951-225-9659 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
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DALEY CORPORATION Daley Corporation meeting high production and quality expectations on San Diego’s Highway 76 project with new Volvo Highway-Class Paver By: Tammy Boone
Daley Corporation has nearly a century-long reputation as a builder of San Diego’s roadway infrastructure. The company’s latest contribution to that effort is as the asphalt lay-down sub-contractor for all HMA work on the Highway 76 widening and realignment project. The six-mile stretch of Highway 76 is being converted from an existing two-lane road to a four-lane highway with shoulders and a concrete median barrier from Melrose Drive in Oceanside to Mission Road in Bonsall. “Daley Corp is a third tier sub on this project, providing the labor and equipment for the asphalt paving but not handling any of the job supervision,” Mark Thunder, PE, Daley’s Executive Vice President, explains. “As far as asphalt paving
goes, this is one of those very large projects that seldom comes along.” Flatiron Construction Corporation is the general contractor for the project. Daley Corporation did some initial work on the project in September 2010 paving detours. Then in July 2011 paving began in earnest on the newly constructed sections of the road. The project is calling for the new Caltrans HMA paving specifications, which are more rigorous both in mix design and quality control, according to Mark. He says that Daley Corporation’s contract includes quality requirements with payment incentives/disincentives. Although Daley Corporation has completed several jobs under Caltrans new HMA specifications, this is the largest job they have contracted to
HMA paving crew and Volvo Blaw Knox PF6110 Track Paver with pick up machine.
date using these specifications, Mark says. Twining Laboratories is performing contractor quality control for HMA on the project. One of the challenges for Daley Corporation, Mark says, is the distance the HMA is being trucked—about 1-1/2 hours from an asphalt plant in Corona to the jobsite. “The length of the haul definitely affects the laydown. We have to take into account the number of trucks already on the road and know three hours in advance of stopping the trucks for the day,” he explains. “There is really no room for mistakes in either cost or quality.” It was with this job in mind that Daley Corporation purchased a new Volvo Blaw Knox PF6110 Track Paver in May 2011. “This machine is really designed for the paving
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4701-B Little John St. • Baldwin Park, CA 91706Phone: 800-813-8232 • Fax: 626-813-1594 Email:
New Reverse Cylinder
Reconditioned Crushers Available!
• Rod inside of the frame no need guard plate to protect. • Speed vavle as standard on 120, 130 140 model.
Mini Shear • No high oil flow required. • No need additional hydraulic rotating circuit to rotate. • Can be mounted on either Skid steer loader and mini-ex. • Has two models to choose from!
Hydraulic Breaker • New and improved 8,000, 11,000, 13,500 ft. pound breakers.
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method we’re utilizing on this job–using bottom-dump trucks for delivery of material, which is then transferred to the paver through a pick-up machine loaded to the paver,” Mark explains. “It also helps us to maintain the higher production quantities called for. The newer machine just gives us a reliability and quality needed on this job. It also has better traction which is required to place thicker lifts than with a rubber tire paver. “We are very enthusiastic about this project and welcome the challenge,” he continues. “We are pleased to have our new Volvo in the fleet. It just gives us a high level of comfort.” Daley Corporation purchased its newest piece of Volvo equipment— they have five Volvo rollers and a back-up Volvo paver as part of their fleet for this project—from Volvo Construction Equipment & Services Lakeside location. Mark says they
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have run the new paver on other projects prior to the Highway 76 project to help with the machine’s break-in period. They keep a second paver on the jobsite as a back-up because “there is so much asphalt being trucked from such a far distance, we want to insure full-time production,” Mark says. There are asphalt plants somewhat closer to the jobsite, but the high production paving project is best serviced by the Vulcan Materials plant in Corona. When completed, Daley Corporation’s crews will have laid down 163,000 metric tons of asphalt over the six miles of new roadway. The project is being completed in seven phases—with the bulk of paving being completed in three of those—as the existing narrow and curvy road, with no shoulders and limited visibility is converted to a much straighter roadway able to accommodate the
Above: Terry Gray, Project Superintendent, Daley Corporation. Below: Glen Marx Paving Foreman, Daley Corporation.
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ever increasing traffic volume. Different sections of the road are calling for different total asphalt thickness. The road thickness will be anywhere from 165 mm to 270 mm with lifts ranging from 60 to 100 mm in thickness. Daley Corporation’s typical crew size for the majority of the paving is 11 people. When the company uses the more traditional method of material transport with an end-dump truck, the crew size is nine people. When using the pick-up machine, the crews can lay down 2700 metric tons of HMA in a day. The PF6110 Paver has a maximum paving width of 26 feet and can pave up to 246.1 feet per minute. It is part of Volvo’s Highway-Class Pavers, which are characterized by independent auger and conveyor systems, automatic conveyor tensioning, and font-wheel suspension.
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Mark says that a precursor to the current Daley Corporation completed the initial widening of Highway 76 from Interstate 5 to Oceanside Municipal Airport in the early 90s. Daley Corporation is a general engineering contractor based in San Diego that specializes in the
Above & Below: Daley uses Volvo & Ingersoll-Rand rollers.
construction of highways, roads, parking lots and driveways. For more information on Daley Corporation look online at or call (619) 390-3900. Cc
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By Dennis Kaiser, ValleyCrest Landscape Companies
he future of California depends on continued investment into vital infrastructure and transportation projects – a tough yet smart step despite funding challenges faced. Investment into highways, transportation projects and other needed improvements deliver construction jobs today, while working to ensure long-term economic development across the state. “We’re hearing a good deal about a need for flexibility and sustainability,” says Tom Donnelly, president of ValleyCrest Landscape The landscape plan called for formal plantings in organized rows to dress the entire San Jose airport.
Development. “That approach creates a collaboration to find solutions that save time, maximize capital investment or deliver more value.” Often today that means projects in urban core areas that incorporate transportation into the plan because there is a need to provide access and connectivity to workplaces and living spaces to better accommodate people’s lifestyles. “Clients today are focused on how get the most landscape for their dollars,” says Donnelly. “They’re using design-build to deliver a smarter development that considers the entire project lifecycle from the design phase, through construction
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and on into the maintenance phase. They are looking at design-build as solution to improve the development quality and process, not just for faster start to finish times.” Three recently completed projects offer evidence of the long-range planning and decisions required to restore the luster of the Golden Sate. The projects include the San Jose International Airport, the Sacramento Airport, and the new SR-125 toll road in San Diego. Each reflect a commitment by local and state leaders to invest in their communities because they know future success won’t be achieved without a clear Photo: Courtesy of Gregg Hudspeth/Tatsumi and Partners, Inc.
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The City of San Jose decided an overflow parking lot would be necessary to supplement increased traffic and airport usage.
vision and savvy investment. Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport, San Jose, Calif. Description: The newly updated San José International Airport project adds a wealth of amenities demanded by tech-savvy Silicon Valley travelers. The award-winning $1.3 billion expansion makes this airport the most technologically advanced in the nation and yet the recently Photos: Courtesy of Gregg Hudspeth/Tatsumi and Partners, Inc.
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completed project also gains a host of fine retail shops and restaurants. San José International Airport now has the capabilities of supporting more visitors to the Bay Area than ever before. ValleyCrest’s Scope of Work: ValleyCrest Landscape Development provided a complete irrigation and landscape package at the new terminal. A traditional landscape plan carries on the refined upgrades of the new facility. The team installed large
48" boxed Pyrus calleryana Aristocrat (Callery Pear) trees and many different shrub species in a formal hedge row along the streets. All work was performed while the existing airport remained open and operating, conditions which required ValleyCrest to submit daily work activity schedules and deliveries to avoid disruptions to airport security and air traffic The overflow controls. parking lot was a last minute addition to the project, a phase performed by ValleyCrest Landscape Development in one month’s time.
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The contract also included plant procurement, drainage, site furnishings and post-installation maintenance. The entire expansion project was completed ahead of schedule. In addition to ValleyCrest, the construction team included Granite Construction, the entity which performed infrastructure as a design-build package to general contractor Hensel Phelps, and Oresee Landscape Design as the landscape architect. Sacramento Airport, Central Terminal B, Sacramento, Calif. Description: In an effort to boost Sacramento County’s local economy, attract tourism and increase the amount of air carriers into the region, Sacramento Airport underwent a $1.1 Billion renovation at its aging 40-year-old Terminal B. Appropriately nicknamed “The Big Build,” the new Central Terminal B is the largest public construction capital Improvement project in the County to “The Big Build,” date. This the new Central USGBC Terminal B is LEED®LEED®silver and the largest public construction capital improvement project in the County to date.
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Photos: Courtesy of Gregg Hudspeth/Tatsumi and Partners, Inc.
An aerial view of the Sacramento Airport’s Central B terminal, just a few days after the new landscape was installed.
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Silver terminal serves as the main “gateway” into Sacramento for millions of visitors each year. ValleyCrest’s Scope of Work: The ValleyCrest team completed the landscape amenities associated with the new terminal. The scope of work included drainage, hardscape, masonry, irrigation, landscape planting, site furnishings and stormwater management. ValleyCrest masons installed concrete bands and boulder placement, as well as decomposed granite and cobblestone paving. The landscape design called for interior and exterior plantings and high-end site furnishings including granite benches. Special to the project is an ornate time capsule which consisted of a stainless steel plaque mounted onto a granite monument over a stainless steel time capsule. The time capsule was buried underground in a concrete vault. The project team included ValleyCrest, as the landscape contractor, Austin Walsh Joint Venture, the general contractor, Corgan Associates, Inc., the architect, Fentress Architects, the associate architect, and vanderToolen Associates, Inc., the landscape architect. SR-125 Toll Road, San Diego, Calif. Description: The San Diego Expressway completed SR-125, a 10-mile toll road transportation project throughout San Diego County, to more efficiently connect Spring Valley, downtown San Diego, Sorrento Valley and the U.S./Mexico border. ValleyCrest’s Scope of Work: The landscape scope of work included irrigation and landscape planting along slopes adjacent to the freeway, ornamental planting of interchanges and the installation of a highly flexible, two-wire path irrigation control system. A successful first phase of the project led to ValleyCrest being awarded additional erosion control, grading and extended landscape maintenance services.
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Photos: Courtesy of Gregg Hudspeth/Tatsumi and Partners, Inc.
Top: Views of the completed SR-125 toll road in San Diego. Photo: Courtesy of ValleyCrest
The landscape portion of the project involved collaboration among all parties involved. The client, Otay River Constructors, and the owner, San Diego Expressway, worked closely with ValleyCrest as the landscape contractor and Tatsumi and Partners, Inc. the landscape architect to complete the needed transportation infrastructure improvements in San Diego. About ValleyCrest Landscape Companies Dennis Kaiser is the senior communications manager, public relations, at ValleyCrest Landscape Companies. Founded in 1949, Calabasas, Calif.-based ValleyCrest is the nation’s largest integrated landscape services company with annual revenue of $835 million, more than 9,000 employees and operations in more than 150 locations
Bottom: Two ValleyCrest Landscape Development crewmembers man the auger to ensure proper plant placement.
nationwide. ValleyCrest, which ranks on Forbes Magazine’s list of America’s 500 Largest Private Companies and is the 54th largest general contractor globally according to ENR Magazine, is commissioned by architects, developers, commercial real estate owners, public agencies, property managers and luxury home builders to help create, build or maintain some of the world’s extraordinary natural environments. For more information about ValleyCrest Landscape Companies, please visit ValleyCrest is the WORKFORCE of NATURE®. Cc
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The Key Word is Safety & KRC Safety Co., Inc. Has Been Leading The Way for 34 Years
Above L-R: Mark Berry (RJ Berry Construction), Gary Castro (KRC Safety Co., Inc), John Sloan (American Paving), Mark Thorton (Granite Construction-Fresno). Event: AGC Career Day.
By Brian Hoover Safety is a word that you will hear almost immediately when asking a contractor what is most important to their company and their relationship with their employees and clients. A safety plan is administered before a hole is dug, any dirt is moved or any heavy machinery enters a job site. This emphasis is well deserved as more than 1.17 million people die in road crashes around the world each year. It is imperative that work zones have proper traffic control identified by signs, cones, barrels and barriers and KRC Safety Co., Inc. out of Visalia, California is doing their part to assure that it is done right in California.
Ken”Chief” Ray Castro first established Keweah River Construction back in 1978 with less than 100 barricades and a strong desire to professionally serve local contractors with road safety rental equipment. Mr. Castro passed on in 1985, but his vision lives on through his son, Gary and all 80-some employees. Gary renamed the company KRC Safety Co., Inc. in honor of his late father and to this day, every truck and piece of equipment has a memorial sticker to commemorate the life long accomplishments of Ken Castro. Along with his mother, Gary Castro and his wife have grown the company to new heights. Gary comments, “I first joined the family
business in 1981 after working several years for a local construction company. My father approached me and together we decided to go after a more diversified offerings. We have grown more than I could ever imagine and it all happened one job at a time. Even though we have expanded over the years to cover all of California, we still know all of our customers by name and strive to provide and maintain a family owned and operated atmosphere.” KRC Safety Co. primarily serves construction companies throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties with traffic control, construction signage, custom permanent and
Gary Castro of KRC using a Cat 560B Telehandler to place K-Rail.
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street signs, temporary chain link fence panels, roadway markers, delineators, message boards, K-Rail, all types of equipment trucking services, generators, light-towers and complete traffic control plans and services. Every product that KRC Safety provides on a rental basis is also available for sale, as they represent several name brand manufacturers. Their trucking fleet and capabilities include 5, 7 and 9 axle flatbed lowboys for all of your small to large equipment hauls for both construction, commercial and industrial purposes throughout the entire Western United States. KRC is also involved in the all around process of preparing all aspects of road safety and service. This includes preparing road plans for and in conjunction with their customers, as well as flagger training by a certified American Traffic Safety Services
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Association trainer with over 30-years experience. KRC Safety Co. is kept very busy every day with a variety of work from inner city and freeway signage to all types of traffic control solutions. Gary Castro continues, “Perhaps one of the most interesting and rewarding jobs we do is emergency work due to natural and man-made disasters. This is when we are called on to really shine with our years of specific expertise that can actually make an immediate difference in the lives of those affected by these disasters. These situations always bring out the best in everyone, as individuals and businesses work together to achieve long term and short term goals like getting a major road or freeway reopened. Pedestrian and vehicle safety is our main goal when it comes to protecting the community those
who work in traffic construction. We are very proud of our track record and are available around the clock for anyone that requires our services.” Much of KRC Safety’s jobs require the use of high lift equipment to load and unload trucks and position heavy safety items like K-Rail and light towers. For this type of equipment they turn to Quinn Company and their line of exceptional Caterpillar equipment offerings. Gary explains, “We are a loyal member of AGC of California and both Caterpillar and Quinn support AGC in a big way and our representative Jim McMillan is involved with the AGC and many of our members. When you look at our contractor members you will see that most of them have Caterpillar equipment as their primary source. I did not have to do a lot thinking or research when deciding on Caterpillar equipment. All I had to
Top Left: Gary Castro loading a Cat 631 Scraper on 9-Axle trailer. Top Right: Cat articulated dump truck loaded on 5-Axle trailer. Below: Cat 560B Telehandler with auger attachment prepares the ground for a sign structure in Visalia, CA
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do was follow the trend and let the other guys do all the thinking. This has paid off for me and I am a very satisfied customer. Quinn Company is 100 percent the most qualified and professional equipment distributor we could find in our area of work. We have purchased six Cat Telehandler’s, a Cat Mini Excavator, a Cat 252 Skid Steer and a Cat 277 Track Skid Steer Loader from Quinn over the past few years. We do quite a bit of demo work on our jobs and we utilize our skid steers and excavator along with hydraulic hammers to get this done safely and efficiently. We also use our skid steer loaders along with an auger attachment to drill the hundreds of signpost holes that we install each year. It is the Cat Telehandlers that we rely on most everyday and we keep one available on most all of our jobsites. We seem to add a new Telehandler each year, as they are also a very popular rental item.” Gary Castro has been a member of the AGC of California for 21 years and today serves as the Chairman of the AGC San Joaquin District. He comments, “
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It would be hard for a contractor not to be a member of the AGC. Their contacts and experience with labor relations and all of the various agencies are invaluable to our business. In addition we appreciate the face time and opportunity to network with others in our industry. They will continue to be a big part of our growth as we grow and do even more work for our existing and future customers. The ideal world for us right now is to foster the relationships we have built over the years and see where that takes us in the future.” For more information on KRC safety Co., Inc. please call (559) 732-0393 or visit them at Cc
Above: Gary Castro with National fixed cab crane. Below: KRC uses a National crane to lower crash cushions on Hwy 198 in Hanford, CA.
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Par Electric Western Fleet Operations Manager: Jim Hall Location: Sacramento, Calif. Business Focus: Power line construction Cat速 Equipment: Telehandlers, Multi Terrain Loaders, Skid Steer Loaders, Excavators REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM ON THE JOB
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ar Electric specializes in power line construction across the U.S., so when a new project came up in the San Diego region, the firm jumped at the chance to apply their expertise and make a contribution. But the company faced a question: Would it have enough compact machines that meet California’s stringent airquality regulations for the project? After all, the power line—Sunrise Powerlink—is not your average project. It’s a 117-mile transmission line that will carry renewable energy from the Imperial Valley to San Diego. Construction on the 230/500 kilovolt power line will cost an estimated $1.88 billion, take two years, and run through desert, mountains and environmentally sensitive areas. To accomplish it, Par Electric would need hundreds of compact machines—telehandlers, excavators, skid steers, wheel loaders and more—that not only could handle the terrain but also achieve the required emissions standards.
To assemble the fleet of machines they needed, Par Electric turned to Hawthorne CAT®, an authorized Caterpillar® Dealer in San Diego County, said Jim Hall, Western Fleet Operations Manager for Par Electric. “This project requires late-model emissions technology and Caterpillar is the frontrunner in the industry on machines that achieve emissions standards,” Hall said. “We have some of that equipment, but not enough to handle the scope of this project.”
To make sure they’d have enough of the emission-compliant machines, Par Electric entered into several rent-to-own agreements with Hawthorne. A percentage of the monthly rental payment goes toward the final purchase.
Hall said Par Electric received several benefits with the rent-to-own approach:
First, they received the newest machines with the emissions control technology needed on the project.
Par Electric can rely on Hawthorne to supply the right machines for each application at the right time because of its large inventory and network of locations near the project.
Rent-to-own machines give Par Electric flexibility at the end of the contract.
“If we come to the end of the project and find we don’t have a need for the equipment then we can simply turn it back in,” Hall said. “To us it’s no-harm, no-foul.” And during the length of the contract, Par Electric’s staff can truly get the feel for the machines and determine how well they perform in the field, Hall said. So far, the reports from staff have been uniformly positive. “What I like about Caterpillar and Hawthorne in particular is that they help with training in the field,” Hall said. “If our operators have questions, or aren’t familiar with the controls, someone from Hawthorne is out there immediately to give us a hand.” But the benefits of the rent-to-own approach are only as strong as the machines you’re using and the company you’re working with, Hall said. Hawthorne and Caterpillar are strong partners. “Hawthorne is local, they have resources close by and if there’s a problem, they can get someone out to fix it or ship a new machine in—all in the same day,” he said. “And Caterpillar is a leader in emissions technology and that’s key for us. We can count on both Hawthorne and Caterpillar.” Cc
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Cat® 120M2 and 12M2 Motor Graders Feature Low Emissions Engines, Added Customer Value and Operator Amenities The newest motor graders from Caterpillar, the Cat 120M2 and 12M2—with their all-wheel-drive (AWD) counterparts, the 120M2 AWD and 12M2 AWD—continue the legacy of quality and productivity set by the original M Series machines. The new models are equipped with low-emitting, fuel-efficient engines meeting Tier 4 Interim emission standards and are designed for a broad range of tasks, including heavy blade work, road maintenance, snow removal and precision-finishing. The two new models join the 140M2/140M2 AWD and 160M2/160M2 AWD rolled out in early 2011 with features that boost production, trim operating costs, enhance operator convenience and simplify routine maintenance. Clean, powerful engines The new M Series 2 models are powered by Cat VHP (variable horsepower) engines with ACERT™ Technology and all have wider net-horsepower ranges than their M Series predecessors. The 120M2 and 120M2 AWD use the C7.1 ACERT engine, and the 12M2 and 12M2 AWD the C9.3 ACERT engine. Maximum net power ratings for the new models, respectively, are 189 horsepower, 209 horsepower, 223 horsepower and 243 horsepower. Variable Horsepower Plus (VHP Plus) is now standard on the full line-up of M Series 2 machine models, delivering additional horsepower in each forward gear 5th through 8th for more power at higher speeds. The system limits horsepower in lower gears, which helps reduce wheel slip where traction is limited. This optimizes rimpull in all gears by balancing traction, speed and horsepower while conserving fuel. Both engines utilize the Cat NOx Reduction System and Caterpillar designed aftertreatment technologies to meet Tier 4 Interim emissions standards. The Cat Regeneration System is designed to work transparently, without any interaction needed from the operator. A soot level monitor can be viewed on the Cat Messenger screen and regeneration indicator lights are integrated into the front console.
12M2 updates, All Wheel Drive (AWD) Customers have long recognized the value of the 12 motor grader. The 12M2 offers additional enhancements over the previous model with a longer wheelbase, a larger displacement engine, more power and torque and the addition of a 12M2 All Wheel Drive (AWD) model. Operator amenities The new M Series 2 models continue to feature Caterpillar's hallmark control system, which uses two electronic joysticks to provide complete control of the machine, while reducing hand and wrist movement by nearly 80 percent, compared with conventional controls. The system's intuitive design helps both new and experienced operators work more productively. Long-term customer value M Series 2 motor graders offer a long list of features that build on the legacy of Cat motor grader productivity and value. • Revolutionary cab and controls enhance operator comfort and productivity. • Serviceability features offer ease of maintenance, as well as the ability to quickly adjust the drawbar, circle and moldboard for precise material control and reduced operating costs. • Electro-hydraulics enable advanced machine control with precise and predictable movements. • Standard Automatic Differential Lock unlocks the differential during a turn, re-locks when straight, for easier operation and lower power train protection. • All Wheel Drive models offer precise control and increased power for improved performance in a variety of applications.
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• Like all Cat motor graders, M Series 2 models are designed with features to enhance operator and jobsite safety including secondary steering, hydraulic lockout, redundant brake systems, circle drive slip clutch and walkways/grab rails. Integrated Technologies All M Series 2 models feature the new Cat Grade Control Cross Slope system. Cat Grade Control is a complete machine control and guidance system which is fully integrated with standard machine components at the factory. This optional factory-installed and calibrated cross slope system provides automatic cross slope control capability, ready to operate from the moment it leaves the factory. In addition, Cat Cross Slope is fully upgradeable and compatible with AccuGrade™ systems to grow with customers. In addition to Cat Cross Slope, the M Series 2 motor graders will also continue to offer the AccuGrade Ready Option which provides all the mounting hardware, controls and harnesses for easy installation of all AccuGrade kits. Motor grader users can also utilize Cat Product Link, which allows remote monitoring of equipment to improve overall fleet-management effectiveness. Product Link is deeply integrated into machine systems. Events and diagnostic codes, as well as hours, fuel, idle time and other detailed information are transmitted to a secure web based application, VisionLink™. Cc
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(Bottom Right) Councilman Ed Reyes and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa demolish the south end wall at warehouse #2.
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Hawthorne Cat Promotes David Ness to Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Kirk Fowkes Hired as New Power Systems General Manager David Ness has been promoted to Vice President of Sales and Marketing for the all the Hawthorne divisions. He recently celebrated his ten-year anniversary with Hawthorne. He worked early in his career helping Hawthorne with the successful implementation of 6 Sigma throughout the organization before beginning his management career at Hawthorne Power Systems in San Diego. Under his leadership, the power division hit record profitability targets even through the most difficult of economic times over the last few years. Additionally, Dave has been responsible for the successful development and implementation of Hawthorne’s corporate strategy plan, which began in 2008. In the last year, he has also assumed responsibility for business development and corporate marketing groups, growing and developing the marketing team into a valuable part of Hawthorne’s sales efforts. In his new role, he will
David Ness, V.P. of Sales & Marketing.
Kirk Fowkes, G.M. of Power Systems.
move to the corporate office located in Rancho Bernardo and have management responsibility for all general sales, rental, marketing and power systems sales managers. Additionally, Hawthorne Power Systems has hired Kirk Fowkes as the new General Manager to replace David Ness. Kirk will have overall management responsibility for the power divisions in San Diego, Hawaii and the Pacific Region. Kirk has extensive experience in leading high
performance teams in the engine distribution and energy business with which he has been involved for over 25 years. He held senior management positions at Shepherd Machinery over a fifteen year period prior to Quinn’s acquisition of that dealership. After five years as General Manager for Cummins West covering California and Hawaii, Kirk left to help start Elite Energy Systems. Cc
New John Deere Website Enhancements Advance Company's Listening & Responding Commitment As an extension of its longstanding commitment to listen and respond to its customers, John Deere Construction & Forestry recently enhanced its North American construction website to better serve its key audiences. The new site's features include easier-to-navigate functionality and even more interactivity. The new "Sound Off" feature solicits customer suggestions and offers direct response from Deere. Additionally, there is increased use of 24
video and graphics technology to provide a more engaging web experience. Interactive features like 'Sound Off' and the 'Straightforward' blog are perfect ways for John Deere
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customers to engage in direct dialogue with their customers, glean a deeper level of insight to their particular construction challenges, and respond directly to their needs. The new site was also designed to grow with Deere's expanding global presence, and effectively serve new markets. For more informtion, you can visit or your local dealer’s websites at and Cc
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JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT’S NEW TERMINAL C OPENS TO PASSENGERS IN ORANGE COUNTY The new 282,000-square-foot terminal brings international flights to Orange County. John Wayne Airport’s (JWA’s) new Terminal C opened to passengers on November 14, 2011. Constructed by McCarthy Building Companies and designed by Gensler, the new terminal increases JWA’s capacity from 8.4 million annual passengers to 10.8 million. It also provides the airport with the ability to operate international flights. The $211.5 million facility was part of the $543 million Airport Improvement Program – one of Orange County’s largest-ever public works programs – which created approximately 6,670 jobs over the life of the project. Serving as the general contractor, McCarthy began construction on Terminal C in August 2009. The project included adding a 282,000square-foot, three-level terminal building plus a basement, to the existing 448,000 square feet in Terminals A and B at the Thomas F. Riley Terminal. McCarthy also performed upgrades and renovations to the existing terminals including the installation of a new paging/ communications and information technology system in both terminals. The reconfiguration of three gates (two for international flights and one for the Common Use Passenger Processing System) as well as the remodel of select airline offices in Terminal B was also completed. Terminal C features a total of six commercial passenger gates, two of which connect to Federal Inspection Services (FIS) (Customs) facilities for international flights and two new commuter terminals. Additional airport amenities include: five new passenger security screening 26
J.W.A.’s New Terminal C
checkpoints; new, easy-to-read flat screen monitors, featuring flight and baggage information for all airlines; three new baggage carousels; and a Common Use Passenger Processing System, one of the first universal check-in systems for printing boarding passes and checking bags at all 48 kiosks in the new Terminal and at a total of 142 kiosks throughout the airport once they are completed next year. Terminal C also boasts 23,000-square-feet of additional concession space, with nine new local and internationally known restaurants and retail stores. The design of Terminal C draws heavily from the distinctive features of the existing Riley Terminal, creating a seamless experience throughout the entire airport complex. The building’s exterior skin incorporates masonry, plaster, and stone along with glass and metal panels similar to the existing structures. The interior features barrel-vaulted ceilings resembling a fuselage, an abundance of windows and skylights, a soft, neutral color palette and natural marble limestone. Called Jura stone, the natural stone is featured throughout the walls and floors in all terminals. Its most distinguishing characteristic is the
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natural quartz veins and variable fossils which are visible on the beige background. The marble was mined in quarries in Germany and cut, polished and fabricated in Italy, ensuring the correct color and precise and clean lines that make up this beautiful design treatment throughout the terminals. Further work by McCarthy included the construction of two new commuter terminals with space for up to three commuter/regional jets at the north end of Terminal A and three commuter/regional jets at the south end of Terminal C. All three terminals on both secure and nonsecure sides are directly connected at Terminal B and Terminal C, providing access to a total of 20 gates via a single secure concourse. “Building a major addition on a fully operational airport facility and coordinating with other ongoing airport improvement projects including a new parking structure and central utility plant required extensive planning and communication,” said Khatchig Tchapadarian, McCarthy’s project director for the airport project. “We phased construction and worked overnight shifts to ensure minimal impact to the passengers and airport
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operations. A barricade was also installed between Terminal B and C, and the construction team worked closely with airport operations to coordinate construction access, deliveries and cranes.” Tchapadarian explained that one of the project’s most unusual and complex features was installing the barrel-vaulted roof on the Terminal C concourse. “The standing-seam metal roof, which is sandwiched by other structures at both ends, measure 60 feet-high and is designed on a 33 degree radius,” said Tchapadarian. “We devised a solution which uses expansion joints enabling the roof to move between the existing concourse and the new terminal to
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accommodate for any seismic activity or thermal expansion.” Approximately 26 construction workers completed the roof installation by first pouring 1,080 cubic yards of light weight insulating concrete then carefully installing approximately 2,100 metal roof panels. Much of the work was conducted atop the 60-foot high structure, and the process took six months to complete. In order to reduce errors in the field, Building Information Modeling (BIM) was used to create a 3D model of the project before construction began. The virtual model helped to detect and avoid any system clashes in advance of construction which in turn reduced construction duration
and improved the quality of construction. The project was designed in Revit, and NavisWorks was used for clash detection. Parsons of Pasadena, Calif. is the Program Manager; Arcadis/Pinnacle One of Irvine, Calif. is the Construction Management firm; Jacobs of Santa Ana, Calif. is the Civil & MEP Engineer; and IDS Group, Inc. of Irvine, Calif. is the Structural Engineer. The main specialty contractors are: Capparelli/KHS&S of Orange (framing/drywall); Helix of San Diego, Calif. (electrical), A.O. Reed of San Diego (HVAC) and Pan Pacific Plumbing of Irvine (plumbing). Cc
John Deere Adds Three Dynamic and Efficient Track Models to New Scraper Special Series Tractor Line John Deere recently introduced the 9R/9RT Scraper Special Series Tractors, providing contractors improved productivity, increased uptime and lower daily operating costs on the jobsite. The highlight of the new series is the unveiling of three track models – the 9460RT, 9510RT, and 9560RT. The new line-up also includes three wheeled models (9460R, 9510R, 9560R). The full line is equipped with a fuel-efficient, high-torque IT4 13.5L PowerTech™ PSX engine featuring 460 to 560 horsepower. Special Track Tractors The 9460RT, 9510RT, and 9560RT are equipped with the Durabuilt 5500 Series Scraper rubber track in a 30-inch width. These tracks are manufactured with four-ply layers and are designed for tough debris and resistance to high side loads. To increase durability, John Deere enhanced the internal construction with a heavy-duty main cable and optimized it for puncture resistance.
In additoin, all 9RT Series Track Tractors are equipped with an AirCushion™ suspension system. This suspension isolates the entire front chassis when operating on harsh, uneven terrain. CommandView™ II Cab Fitted with the all-new CommandView II Cab, the 9R/9T Series Tractors provide operators an industry-leading spacious and comfortable cab. The new cab design and layout takes the mobile office environment to a whole new level with easy-to-use fingertip controls and unsurpassed visibility, convenience and productivity. Improvements to the cab include a 10 percent increase
in overall cab volume, seven percent more glass area, and four times more storage area over the previous CommandView cab. Transmission In an effort to lower daily operating costs, John Deere incorporated the Powershift transmission (PST) with Efficiency Manager as base equipment on all 9R/9RT Scraper Special Tractors. This transmission allows the tractor to operate at an optimal performance level while minimizing fuel consumption. JDLink™ and Service Advisor™ Remote Capability For those fleet managers, owners or operators looking to get the most out of their equipment, the JDLink system continuously collects and transmits machine data for machine management via mobile phone technology. The system enables the preventive maintenance and remote diagnostics of tractors, as well as the tracking of machines working on multiple jobsites. Cc
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Quality you can rely on
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For details, contact your local Komatsu distributor.
7651 Ronson Rd. San Diego, CA 92111 Office: 858-278-8351 Fax: 858-492-9959 San Diego 4726 Convoy St. Office: 858-278-8338 Fax: 858-278-4845 Escondido 1330 Mission Rd. Office: 760-739-9100 Fax: 760-739-8888 Fontana 8520 Cherry Ave. Office: 909-429-9100 Fax: 909-429-9397 Imperial 440 West Aten Rd. Office: 760-355-7700 Fax: 760-355-7704 Indio 81-501 Industrial Place Office: 760-863-5558 Fax: 760-863-0959
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Breakthrough of the Caldecott Tunnel's Fourth Bore Marks a Major Project Milestone OAKLAND – Caltrans recently announced it has reached a milestone with the breakthrough of the top portion of the Caldecott Tunnel's fourth bore –joining the tunnel's eastern and western sides and bringing the region one step closer to traffic congestion relief. The $391 million project is primarily funded ($180 million) through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act); through a local transportation sales tax (Measure J) passed by Contra Costa voters in2004; and by Regional Measure 2 (Bay Area bridge tolls). "With significant federal, state, regional and local support, this projectserves as a prime example of how all levels of government have come togetherto improve California's infrastructure," said Acting Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. When the fourth bore opens to traffic in late 2013, it will eliminate the need to reverse the traffic direction in the existing center bore twice a day to accommodate peak traffic flows, with dedicated westbound and eastbound traffic lanes. The Caldecott Fourth Bore Project is a partnership between the Federal Highway Administration, Caltrans, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA), and the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC). "The fact that the Caldecott Fourth Bore Project is one of the largest recipients of Recovery Act funding in the nation is a true testament to the regional importance of this project," said Steve Heminger, Executive Director of the MTC. "It is quite an achievement that it has taken us just slightly more than a year to reach this important milestone," said Randy Iwasaki, Executive Director of the CCTA. "The infusion of federal funds, in addition to local Measure J regional funds, has enabled us to move forward with this essential mobility project, which will improve the quality of life in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties, and in the region overall." Work to build a fourth bore north of the existing tunnels began in January 2010. Excavation began on the eastern side (Orinda) in August 2010 and on the western side (Oakland) in March 2011. Today's breakthrough marks the completion of the top portion excavation and demonstrates the rapid progress the project has made since tunneling began. "We are pleased to be a part of this project to improve connectivity between our two counties," said Art Dao, the Executive Director of the ACTC. California has obligated nearly $2.6 billion in Recovery Act funding to nearly 1,000 highway, local street, and job training transportation projects statewide. For more information on the Recovery Act, please visit: Cc 2011 Specialty/landscape CalContractor
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ADVERTISERSINDEX Art’s Trench Plate & K-Rail................21 Nixon-Egli Equipment Co. ..Back Cover Asphalt Pavement Association
Quinn Company..................................2
of California......................................17 RDO RENTS........................................5 Clairemont Equipment ................28, 29 Trench Shoring Co. ..........................11 Coastline Equipment ....................3, 23 UB Equipment Corp. ..........................7 Coastline Equipment Crane Division 17 RDO Equip. / Vermeer ........................5 Hawthorne CAT ................................31 Volvo Construction Equipment & Heavy Equipment Rentals ................21 Services ..........................................11
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(Above, L to R) Lucy Trujillo, David Roman, Anthony Trujillo and Mark Wiley. (Front) Sabas Trujillo, President. (Above Right) United Paving Co.’s new LeeBoy 8515B paving on a private project in Compton, CA.
Since 2000 United Paving Co. has provided Southern California with the full spectrum of asphalt, concrete, and striping services. They serve all property types, with projects ranging from minor pothole repair to large-scale, complete parking lot development. They are based out of LaMirada, and will be expanding with a new branch in Corona, California in 2012. United Paving Co. owns and manages a large inventory of professional equipment and has over 50 employees. They recently purchased a LeeBoy 8515B asphalt paving machine from Nixon-Egli Equipment Co. This is not the first LeeBoy they have purchased; they now own several machines and have bought them all from Nixon-Egli. Mark Wiley, General Manager comments, “Their unparalleled commitment to not only our satisfaction as a loyal customer, but also our own bottom line, keeps us coming back for all of our paving equipment needs. One of our most recent additions is the LeeBoy 8515B mid-size paver. The 15-foot screed on the LeeBoy is famous for producing seamless mats. The replacement parts inventory and their superlative expertise coupled with their superior reliability, keeps our equipment maintained and running, even in the job conditions we sometimes face.” Without tough and versatile equipment, there is simply no way to foster the success that United Paving has built. To maintain a continued leadership role in their niche marketplace, United recognizes the need to do it better than the next guy. LeeBoy and Nixon-Egli Equipment give them this competitive edge. Mark adds, ”Our mission is to be the first paving contractor you turn to, to maximize your projects with cost effective and appropriate solutions within your budget. We have found a great partner in doing business with Nixon-Egli equipment Co. They share our high standards and commitment to providing the customer the support and service they need and deserve. Our Nixon-Egli sales representative Steve Kekich was instrumental in helping us to secure the financing of the purchase. Dave Heitmiller, Nixon-Egli’s Service Manager and the service department have also been there every step of the way. Our company motto is ‘When Integrity Counts’ and we have found that Nixon-Egli shares our philosophy.”
California’s Largest General Line Construction and Municipal Equipment Dealer. So. California: 2044 S. Vineyard Ave., Ontario, CA 91761 • (909) 930-1822 No. California: 800 E. Grant Line Rd., Tracy, CA 95304 • (209) 830-8600