The Conveyor - Fall Issue 2017

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A publication of the California Construction and Industrial Materials Association



Fall Issue







Building a Stronger Industry


9 SUSTAINABLE EMISSIONS Renewable Natural Gas in On-highway Applications


New State Waters Policy has Important Implications for Mining Industry in California



Carl Moyer Program – Revised to Better Support California’s Transition to Cleaner Advanced Technologies



Meet Alan - better known in our corner of the block as Industry Al. Watch for him to pop up with several of his colleagues in all sorts of interesting places in the year ahead.

The Conveyor is a publication of the California Construction and Industrial Materials Association. The views expressed herein are fixed expressions of the contributing writers and not of CalCIMA. All rights reserved.

CalCIMA 1029 J Street, #420 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 554-1000

Published By Construction Marketing Services, LLC

Graphic Designer Yesenia Ramirez Jeremy Gemar

The Conveyor is published quarterly each year by Construction Marketing Services, LLC

P.O. Box 892977 Temecula, CA 92589 (909) 772-3121

Editorial Contributors Suzanne Seivright Director of Local Governmental Affairs, CalCIMA

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

Publisher Kerry Hoover Editor Brian Hoover

The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

Kerry Shapiro, Esq. Matthew J. Sanders, Esq. Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP


CHAIRMAN'S LETTER A New Strategic Communications Plan for CalCIMA Dear Readers, As I mentioned before during this year’s strategic planning process, the Board identified communications as a strategic priority with the intent to increase awareness and improve perception of the industry, improve the industry narrative and grow the labor force. In September, the Board unanimously adopted a new strategic communications plan designed to address those priorities with strategies to build capacity within the Association, develop new and expanded communication tools and resources, expand our digital footprint and to enhance the industry identity and image. The plan also includes steps to identify partners and funding toward potential development of a statewide workforce initiative. We see the workforce initiative as a potential launching pad for the industry to share success stories, place industry jobs and careers in the spotlight, and also raise awareness and increase understanding about the important role the industry plays in our quality of life, job creation, economic growth, sustainability and building strong communities. Under the direction of a Board appointed steering committee comprised of myself and Gary Johnson, Granite Construction; Barbara Goodrich-Welk, Vulcan Materials; Deborah Haldeman, Cemex and a working resource committee comprised of volunteer members representing operations, public relations, business development and other areas of our diverse industry membership, the plan will ultimately help position CALCIMA as a “go to” industry resource. As resources and tools emerge —an updated website, refreshed fact sheets, updated technical reports, digital resources, online communications tool-kit, and more—the plan will continue to evolve to reflect changing priorities and to meet the changing needs and expectations of the membership. Our top strategic priority, securing a long term funding source for infrastructure, is under increased threat. Efforts to repeal SB 1 (10 year infrastructure bill) include ballot initiative and constitutional amendments. The constitutional amendment is reported to be better funded. While it awaits title and summary from the state attorney general’s office before signatures can be collected to place it on the November 2018 ballot, several scramble to poll its viability. CalCIMA’s Board, recognizing the threat, has authorized significant resources to support SB 1. In many ways our new strategic communications plan and the defense of SB 1 will be a call to action for the entire industry. I am confident we can unite to answer the call with our support for this important effort. Sincerely,

Aaron Johnston

VP of Safety Environmental and Quality Services Graniterock


The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

STRATEGIC PLANNING Building A Stronger Industry Try to imagine a world without roads and bridges, paint and pharmaceuticals, cleaning products and solar panels, or electronics for that matter. From one end of the state to the other, stone, sand, gravel (aggregates), concrete and minerals play a vital and essential role in our daily lives. Minerals are essential to our way of life. They are used in the manufacture of hundreds of everyday products we take for granted like paper, glass, medicines and more. Aggregates are the foundation and building blocks for our homes, schools and hospitals. Simply put, aggregates matter. A steady supply of these construction and building materials is critical to ensure the growth and economic vitality of local communities for decades to come. The challenge is supply of these essential materials is being depleted much faster than replacement resources are being permitted. Over many years, the lack of a comprehensive and coordinated public communications effort has left most people with limited knowledge of and knowing very little about the construction and industrial materials industry an industry so essential to our daily lives we literally could not survive without it. Far too often, industry-related stories only reach the general public when things go wrong. Now, California’s Construction and Industrial Materials Association (CalCIMA) is embarking on a multi-year strategic communications effort to build a stronger industry by raising awareness, increasing 6

credibility and visibility, and fostering more accurate and informed perceptions of the industry. Closely aligned with the organization’s strategic goals and vision, the communications plan calls for building capacity, updating resources and studies, expanding partnerships and platforms and adding venues and voices to help establish a more visible industry presence for decision makers, enhancing relationships to strengthen advocacy efforts and make it easier for all audiences to hear and support industry messages. “We are eager to strengthen the association’s capacity to inform and educate stakeholders about the positive impact and benefits of our industry,” said Gary Hambly, CalCIMA President and CEO. “Strengthening and sharing our story more broadly is key.” EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK

CalCIMA Strategic Plan 2017 - 2021 VISION • Growing and Engaging Membership • Promoting a Positive Industry Perception • Establishing Strong Strategic Alliances • Encouraging Sustainable Infrastructure Investment • Developing a Sustainable Diversified Workforce • Being the “Go-To” for Industry Resource

The good news is that inspiring stories from the industry are everywhere you look. There is a never ending supply of positive, personal and exciting stories to tell – repairing and expanding critical infrastructure; re-use, reclamation and restoration projects; innovation and technology advancements; air quality improvements; job creation; and countless examples of charitable contributions to benefit the physical, social and economic well-being of local communities. The goal is to make the industry stories common knowledge among key audiences and ensure relevant, The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

compelling information is easily accessible. This is where new communications systems and tools to broaden reach and stimulate engagement play an important role. To help members educate their customers and communities on the essential role aggregates and industrial materials play, a new content and a resource hub will be created to provide members with updated and consistent messages, fact sheets, talking points, digital newsletter, video clips and other industrybranded tools to help support outreach and education efforts. “Increased proactive communication is essential to positioning the industry more favorably, to pursue new and expanded facilities, attract and hire workers, and support important legislative and regulatory policy initiatives,” said Deborah Haldeman, Regional Natural Resources Manager for Cemex and Chairperson for CalCIMA’s Public Education and Outreach Committee. Developing more visually oriented, digital materials ready for rapid distribution will help spread the word and generate higher levels of interest, participation and engagement in industry programs, events and advocacy efforts. THE ECONOMY MATTERS The construction and industrial materials industry is a significant contributor to the economic wellbeing of California, generating millions in sales and employing thousands of skilled workers. Impacts are felt throughout the state and local economies. CalCIMA has commissioned Applied Development Economics to prepare an economic impact study to quantify the current effect of the industry on the The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

industry helps make the Golden State so great. An industry job and career hub will be featured on the site, adding another source with education and information vehicles for highlighting and sharing resources and success stories. As content for the site is created, it will be posted online and incorporated into downloadable and shareable briefing materials and fact sheets. Members will be encouraged to share with their networks and employees for them to help spread the word through social media and with all audiences.

broader economy and shed light on how new infrastructure and other spending ripples through the economy more broadly. Results of the economic study will be released later in 2017, along with related industrybranded content for members to use and share in outreach and education efforts. MAKING THE GOLDEN STATE GREAT A new CalCIMA public website dedicated to promoting the industry is coming in 2018. The new site will highlight the important role the industry plays in quality of life, economic growth, job creation, sustainability and building strong communities highlighting the many ways the

JOBS AND WORKFORCE – BOTH CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITY As the digital world evolves and the skilled workforce retires, the shortage of workers into the next decade will continue to be a significant concern and ongoing challenge for the industry. While good work is already underway in this area, CalCIMA is working to expand, combine, and coordinate existing efforts as part of developing a comprehensive state-wide industry workforce initiative. Previous studies have shown one aggregates job creates five more jobs. And these are not just jobs; these are wellpaying, highly important, and respected careers. The initiative provides another platform, another stage and another audience to tell the jobs story, to raise awareness and increase both credibility and visibility for the industry. Industry leaders are the perfect spokespersons for the effort to lead the conversation in their local communities highlighting the value of good paying, local jobs provided by one of California’s largest and most essential industries. [ Continued on page 8 ]


(Left) Concept for Future CalCIMA Website.

WE ALL HAVE A PART TO PLAY Bringing industry stories to life, increasing the overall capacity for communications, creating new systems, updating resources, expanding distribution channels, and developing a comprehensive workforce initiative are important steps to building a stronger industry. “The outcome of the effort will depend largely on our willingness to embrace, engage and support individual elements of the plan,” emphasized Hambly. “Ultimately, it will be up to each of us to play our part.” n


The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

SUSTAINABLE EMISSIONS Renewable Natural Gas in On-highway Applications By Suzanne Seivright, Director of Local Governmental Affairs, CalCIMA It’s more than just suspected that if internal combustion engine technology will continue to dominate California’s onhighway heavy-duty vehicle sector, the technology will need to be at least 90 percent cleaner than today’s current oxides of nitrogen (NOx) standard. This heavy-duty low-NOx emission standard of 0.02 g/ bhp-hr, is a key measure in the California Air Resources Board (CARB) ‘Mobile Source Strategy.’ Gladstein Neadross & Associates (GNA) released a white paper titled ‘Next Generation Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Engines Fueled by Renewable Natural Gas (2016)’. The paper explains that low-NOx natural gas internal combustion engines using renewable natural gas (RNG) provides a strategy to achieve near-zero-emissions. LOW-NOx EMISSION ENGINES Cummins Westport Inc.’s 8.9 liter ISL G NZ engine was the first natural gas heavyduty engine certified to meet CARB’s low-NOx emission standard. This engine is now commercially available and being used in a range of sectors primarily inclusive of transit buses, refuse haulers, and short-haul delivery trucks. Cummins Westport Inc. has an 11.9 liter ISX12 G NZ natural gas engine scheduled to be certified in 2018 to CARB’s low-NOx emission standard. This will expand the quantity of low-NOx engines used in high-fuel-use goods movement applications. The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

RENEWABLE NATURAL GAS RNG is like fossil natural gas however it is sustainable year after year, being made from gases emitted by organic

Feedstock Sources for Renewable Natural Gas.

wastes like household garbage, commercial food waste, and livestock manure. By capturing these gases from landfills, farms, or anaerobic digesters, RNG has close to zero carbon emissions on a lifecycle basis. This is to say, that RNG’s carbon footprint, measured over the ‘life cycle’ of the fuel’s production, transport, and use, is the lowest of any vehicle fuel that is commercially available today according to CARB research. COUPLING RNG FUEL WITH LOW-NOx ENGINES According to GNA’s white paper, powering a low-NOx engine with RNG fuel results in a long-term, sustainable, ultra-lowemission option for the heavyduty transportation sector. This is to say that their emissions levels may be as low as, or lower than, NOx emissions associated with generating the electricity used to charge heavy-duty batteryelectric vehicles. This would be relative to NOx emission rates

from various power plants. GNA explains that although states like California, Oregon, and Washington implement a fairly clean ‘grid mix’ due to higher reliance on clean renewable energy sources and natural gas power generation, low-NOx engines compare very favorably to heavy-duty battery electric vehicles pursuant to extremely low NOx emissions. n ___________________________ Gladstein, Neandross & Associates (2016). Game Changer Technical White Paper – Next Generation Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Engines Fueled by Renewable Natural Gas. Web page: http://ngvgamechanger. com/pdfs/GameChanger_ FullReport.pdf


ENVIRONMENT New State Waters Policy Has Important Implications for Mining Industry in California By Kerry Shapiro, Esq. and Matthew J. Sanders, Esq. - Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP In recent months the State Water Resources Control Board (Board) has come close to finalizing a new state-wide policy for defining which waters are “wetlands” subject to State oversight, a framework for determining if a feature that meets the wetland definition is a water of the State, wetland delineation procedures as well as procedures that apply to their dredging or filling. The new policy may have significant implications for the mining and construction materials industries in California. In the early 2000s, the U.S. Supreme Court decided two cases that served to limit the authority of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to require permits for discharge of dredged or fill material under the Clean Water Act. See Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 531 U.S. 159 (2001); Rapanos v. United States, 547 U.S. 715 (2006). The Board’s “State Wetland Definition and Procedures for Discharges of Dredged or Fill Materials to Waters of the State” (Draft Procedures) are in large part a response to these federal decisions, as well as to federal administrative policy changes. According to the Board, “First, there is need to strengthen protection of waters of the State that are no longer protected under the Clean Water Act (CWA) due to past U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Second, there is 10

inconsistency across the Water Boards in regulating discharges of dredged or fill materials into waters of the State, including wetlands. Third, the current regulations have not been adequate to prevent losses in the equality and quantity of wetlands in California." The Draft Procedures are especially important for members of California’s mining and construction materials industries. As currently drafted, the Procedures exclude from the definition of “wetlands” those waters associated with “active surface mining” operations, so long as the waters are constructed and currently “used and maintained primarily for” such operations. (This exclusion matches a similar provision in the federal Clean Water Rule for “water-filled depressions created in dry land incidental to mining or construction activity, including pits excavated for obtaining fill, sand, or gravel that fill with water.” 80 Fed. Reg. 37,054, 37,105 (June 29, 2015) (codified at 33 C.F.R. § 328.3(b)(4)(v)).) Under the Draft Procedures, the “active surface mining” exclusion would

apply “even if the site is managed for interim wetlands functions and values.” While this exclusion would blunt much of the Draft Procedures’ impact on surface mining operations, the Procedures still pose real concerns. The Draft Procedures likely would be used to expand the definition of waters of the State, not just wetlands. The Procedures would allow the Board (or a Regional Water Quality Control Board) to second-guess through a new “alternatives analysis” the U.S. Army Corps’ permitting decisions where federal waters are at issue. This new authority has the potential to complicate and slow down the Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting process, especially for projects requiring only Nationwide Permits. (It is noteworthy that the U.S. Army Corps has submitted extensive comments to these proposed dredge and fill procedures.) The Draft Procedures also would allow the Board (or a Regional Board) to require open-ended analysis of climate-change impacts; create overlapping jurisdiction with the California Department of Fish & Wildlife for Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements; and affect how water quality certifications are issued. The California Construction and Industrial Materials Association (CalCIMA), both individually, and as part of a broader coalition of almost The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

fifty organizations, including developers, agricultural interests, and other industry groups, has participated extensively throughout the course of the Board’s administrative process, through submittal of extensive written comments, and public hearing testimony. The Board’s hearings and public comment period on the Draft Procedures recently ended September 18, 2017. The Board plans to respond to comments this fall, and is likely to have a limited hearing to consider any final changes to the Draft Procedures. According to the Board, Final Procedures will be proposed for the Board’s adoption in late 2017 or early 2018.

The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

Members of the surface mining and construction materials industries in California should review the Draft Procedures and consult their attorney, particularly if they plan to undertake activities that may impact federal or State waters.

materials industries for more than 25 years. Kerry also serves as General Counsel to the California Construction and Industrial Materials Association (CalCIMA). He can be reached at Matthew J. Sanders is of counsel to the law firm of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP and a leading environmental and natural resources attorney. He represents the surface mining industry in a wide variety of permitting, counseling, and litigation matters. Matthew can be reached at n

About the authors: Kerry Shapiro, a partner at Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP, is chair of the firm's natural resources and mining practice and has represented the mining, construction, and building


GREEN FLEET Carl Moyer Program – Revised to Better Support California’s Transition to Cleaner Advanced Technologies By Suzanne Seivright, Director of Local Governmental Affairs, CalCIMA Since 1998 the California Air Resources Boards’ (CARB) Carl Moyer Program (Program) has demonstrated that supporting the economy and protecting public health are not mutually exclusive goals. The Program provides grant funding for cleaner-than-required engines and equipment. This yields emission reductions beyond or before those required by regulation or otherwise occurring through usual fleet turnover. Emission reductions produced by Program-funded projects are also creditable in the State Implementation Plan.

technology projects that are zero-emission, or alternatively meet the cleanest certified optional standard applicable by source category, air districts have the option to apply a cost-effectiveness limit of up to $100,000 per weighted ton, limited to the increment of emissions reductions beyond those achieved at the required standard. This higher limit provides (Top) A Deutz Tier 0 engine was repowered with a Deutz Tier 4 additional incentive to turn Final engine for this industrial application. over engines and fleets to the cleanest certified revised Program guidelines technologies now emerging directed by SB 513 (Beall, 2015) in the marketplace. that provides an extraordinary opportunity for the Program to INFRASTRUCTURE further contribute to significant PROGRAM FUNDING emission reductions. SB 513 SB 513 provides the allows cost-effectiveness opportunity for the Program to Over the course of the limits to reflect regulatory support infrastructure projects Program, CARB has worked and technology costs, that are not required to meet a alongside local air districts to increases opportunities to fund cost-effectiveness limit. These implement over $900 million infrastructure projects, and categories include commercial in Program projects, cleaning enables co-funding with other and publicly-accessible battery up over 50,000 engines and grant programs without a costcharging and alternative fueling reducing ozone precursors by effectiveness penalty. stations for on-road and off178,000 tons and particulates road vehicles and equipment. by 6,500 tons. Budgeted at $69 COST EFFECTIVENESS The Program now has funding million per year, the Program is limits for infrastructure projects funded through smog abatement SB 513 directed CARB to including: fees collected by the Department consider the cost of technology • Up to 50 percent of of Motor Vehicles, and a tire and the cost of regulations eligible costs can be paid purchase fee collected by the in establishing new cost with Program funds; Board of Equalization. Local effectiveness values for the • Up to an additional air districts provide additional Program. After review, a 10 percent can be match funds of about $8 million two-tiered cost-effectiveness paid for publicly per year. approach was adopted. The accessible stations; general cost-effectiveness • Up to an additional 15 SENATE BILL 513 limit will be increased from the percent could be paid current $18,260 up to $30,000 for projects that This past April, CARB’s per weighted ton of emission include on-site solar Governing Board approved reductions. For advanced or wind power generation. 12

The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

Funding caps for conventional diesel or alternative fuel replacements (2013+ engine model year; 0.2 g/bhp-hr NOx or cleaner standard) Weight Class

Funding Caps

Heavy Heavy-Duty


Medium Heavy-Duty


Light Heavy-Duty

$30,000 Funding caps for optional low NOx Replacement

Optional low NOx standard (g/bhp-hr)

Heavy Heavy-Duty

Heavy Heavy-Duty




Medium Heavy-Duty




Light Heavy-Duty




Medium Heavy-Duty

Light Heavy-Duty

CO-FUNDING PROJECTS SB 513 provides new opportunities for Program funds to co-fund projects with other incentive programs without a costeffectiveness penalty. There is no limit on the number of co-funding sources that can be used to fund a project, as long as the total project costs are not exceeded and a 15% applicant cost share requirement is met for private sector projects. ON-ROAD OPPORTUNITIES The Program establishes funding caps for new technologies such as optional low NOx engines and zero emission vehicles and increases funding caps for conventional project types to $60,000. Provisions are also in place to ensure smaller fleets have an opportunity to apply for funding, and it expands eligibility for larger fleets, provided they use cleaner engine technology meeting optional low NOx standards of 0.1 g/bhp-hr NOx or cleaner. The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

(Above) New John Deere 944K Hybrid loader. (Right) Valley Power Systems repowers a mining haul truck with a MTU 12V4000 Tier 4 Final engine.

OFF-ROAD OPPORTUNITIES Due to the lack of availability of Tier 4 final off-road diesel equipment, and to ensure that large fleets can use the Program to help them replace their equipment with Tier 4 final equipment, the Program has extended eligibility for large fleets for three years, through December 31, 2019. However, to ensure medium fleets also have access to funding opportunities during this

period, staff proposes that a large fleet be restricted to receiving funding for Tier 4 final equipment only once after January 1, 2017. After 2019, to encourage penetration of zeroemission off-road technology, large fleets will still be eligible to receive funding for these types of projects that are surplus to the Off-Road Regulation. n For additional information regarding the Program, visit CARB’s web page: https:// moyer/ m oyer.htm. 13

EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE CalCIMA Operations Conference – Fleet, Maintenance & Technology By Suzanne Seivright, Director of Local Governmental Affairs, CalCIMA CalCIMA hosted the second annual ‘Operations Conference – Fleet, Maintenance & Technology’ on August 29th, 2017 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Ontario, CA. Participants included fleet managers, mechanics, technicians, shop leaders, managers, supervisors, specialty equipment operators, students, instructors,

trainers, and product line representatives. The conference was well attended and provided information for the aggregate, industrial minerals, and ready-mix concrete. Information related to regulations, maintenance, engines, and emerging technologies applicable to both mobile on- and off-highway fleets was provided

by industry experts. Attendees had an opportunity to meet the manufacturers producing more efficient and capable equipment. And, they had an opportunity to receive one-on-one guidance from regulating agencies. n

The conference featured on-highway and offhighway speaker tracks to allow participants to select the subject most pertinent to their equipment.

John Deere and their local dealers showcased a hybrid loader and walked participants through the technology.

Jon Leonard from Gladstein, Neandross and Associates provided a front line overview of the ‘Renewable Diesel’ study funded by Bay Area and South Coast AQMD.

The on-highway maintenance track included presentations from Bandag, Parkhouse Tires, Ramos Oil Company, and Petro Canada regarding products specific to the sand and aggregate industry.

McNeilus Truck provided information about their new flex mixer controls, and CNG powered trucks that are engineered for heavy-duty vocational applications.

SoCalGas / Sempra Energy provided an overview of tools that can be used to identify the benefits of using natural gas vehicles related to economics, safety, and a sustainable fuel supply.

Caterpillar discussed current and emerging technologies related to telematics, driverless equipment, hybrid technology and advancements within the diesel product line.

Scott Ruhlen from Cummins discussed their near zero natural gas engines, their streamline service tool that reduces downtime with connected diagnostics.

RDO Equipment discussed their 4WDL’s with focus on their 644K and 944K hybrid electric loaders along with their JDLink system and service advisor remote.


The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

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MEMBER NEWS Toby Goyette New Position Toby Goyette has joined the Vulcan team as Environmental Specialist for the Northern California and North Bay areas. He will be responsible for environmental permitting and compliance in support of Vulcan's northern California operations. Toby has over 13 years' experience in the construction materials industry.

John Lane New Position John Lane, formerly of Teichert Materials and CalCIMA’s former Environment and Natural Resources Committee Chair has accepted a position as a CEQA/NEPA Project Manager with the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District (SMUD). John’s leadership on complex environmental issues will be missed. We wish him all the best in his new endeavors.

Kyle T. Larkin New Position Granite Construction, Inc. announced that Kyle T. Larkin will be the new California Group Manager. Larkin’s duties will include bidding, building, planning, forecasting, estimating, safety, technology, and quality. He has held a similar position in Nevada. He fills the position previously held by Pete Matheson, who passed away in August.

The National Stone Sand and Gravel Association The National Stone Sand and Gravel Association has named Mark Rock, Glendora-based senior vice president for risk management at CalPortland, as its 2017 James M. Christie Safety & Health Professional of the Year. The award recognizes individual commitment and contributions to safe and healthy practices for aggregate operations. Rock’s contributions have included sophisticated programs for managing compliance; agreements with senior management, insurance companies, and safety business partners; a cultural shift to accident avoidance; rigorous auditing; and equipment focused training.

Holliday Rock Expansion Holliday Rock Co., Inc. has taken recent steps to continue their growth. Expansions include new concrete plants in San Bernardino and Ontario that afford the entity improved coverage in the Inland Empire marketplace. And, the addition of a ready-mix concrete plant in Industry provides a stronger position in both northern Orange County and the San Gabriel Valley. These assets support their strategic partners and grow their collective business. Holliday was successful in the last year of further expansion of aggregate holdings in the Upland region including the addition of 80 acres of mining with an increased footprint and depth that extends the life of the reserve many years into the future. “Our team is very excited about more opportunities to support our strategic partners and help them more securely produce in the region.” ~ Martin Hansberger, Holliday Rock

Hi-Grade Materials Expansion In the past three years, Hi-Grade Materials has expanded their presence in the Morongo Basin and low desert areas. Newly acquired sites include a quarry and batch plant in Twentynine Palms, batch plants in Yucca Valley and Thousand Palms, and most recently an 1100 acre quarry with batch plant located in Indio. Hi-Grade looks forward to serving the concrete, rock and sand needs of these areas for many years to come! 16

The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

Rock Products Committee Caltrans recently made changes in how operators would be represented in the Rock Products Committee. The Rock Products Committee is a technical forum that Caltrans has established to seek input on specifications and test methods pertaining to aggregates, concrete, asphalt, pavement, and foundations. Starting in July, Caltrans made a change that representatives for the associations of the primary products—aggregates, concrete, and asphalt—would be the key points of contact. As such, CalCIMA and the CalAPA representatives are now the co-chairs of the Rock Products Committee. The change is intended to help ensure Caltrans receives consensus industry positions. The positions are now held by Charley Rea, Director of Communications and Policy for CalCIMA, and Russell Snyder, Executive Director of the California Asphalt Pavement Association. Task group, sub task group, and work groups continue to be filled by industry technical personnel, who work most directly with specifications and test methods.

Lehigh Southwest Cement Memorial Lehigh Southwest Cement’s Tehachapi Plant has planted trees as a memorial to fallen miners! At the 2016 Spring Thaws companies were challenged to plant a tree as a way to remember fallen miners. Lehigh SW Cement has placed four memorial trees at the entrance to their plant in a newly landscaped area. It includes a safety statue and plaque that says, “In memory of all fallen miners, we re-dedicated ourselves to safety.”

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The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue


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The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue

The Conveyor • 2017 Fall Issue


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