Recycling & Stabilizing Association of California (RSA) RSA is an association of contractors and industry representatives interested in rehabilitating and reconstructing roads by reusing the pavement materials bought and paid for by owners decades ago. RSA believes in innovation and furthering the use of in-place recycling on infrastructure projects statewide to improve safety, save tax dollars and reduce GHG emissions. RSA partners with leading geotechnical engineering firms, cities and counties statewide to coordinate regional workshops to further education members and other interested parties about In-Place Recycling and Soil Stabilization. RSA strives to provide ongoing knowledge and education about design, specifications and inspection of Cold In-Place Recycling (CIR), also known as Partial Depth, Full Depth Cold Central Plant Recycling (PDR), and Soil Stabilization (lime or cement treatment of soils). RSA’s mission and goal is to help build a sustainable future, one project at a time.
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Caltrans is primarily responsible for designing, building and maintaining the state’s highway system. Caltrans manages more than 50,000 miles of California’s highway and freeway lanes, provides inter-city rail services, permits more than 400 public-use airports and special-use hospital heliports, and works with local agencies. Caltrans carries out its mission with six primary programs: Aeronautics, Highway Transportation, Mass Transportation, Transportation Planning, Administration and the Equipment Service Center. Caltrans mission and ongoing vision is to provide a safe and reliable transportation network that provides a brighter, more sustainable future for everyone while also respecting the environment.
University of California Pavement Research Center (UCPRC) UCPRC carries out leading-edge research on a wide range of pavement-related fields. With facilities at both UC Berkeley and UC Davis, UCPRC provides state-of-the-art knowledge, advice, and technology to practitioners, research community, and decision-makers that include Caltrans, FHWA, FAA, CalRecycle, CARB, and local governments, in the areas of pavement design and modeling, full-scale testing of pavements, pavement materials and life cycle analysis of pavements. UCPRC is also serving California by investigating the potential effects of increasing the amounts of reclaimed asphalt pavement, rubberized asphalt binder, and asphalt from recycled roof shingles that can be used in reconstructed highway sections. This is part of a joint effort with Caltrans and CalRecycle to comply with state laws and improve pavement performance.
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By embracing solutions like in-place recycling, we can reduce the costs and environmental impacts of our pavement maintenance and rehabilitation projects while reducing the disruption to the traveling public. This approach aligns perfectly with our vision of a transportation system that is safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible. Let us continue to lead the way in promoting in-place recycling as an industry best practice. Together, we can create a safer, more accessible, equitable, and sustainable California for all.” Tony Tavares, Director of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
RSA PARTNERS WITH CALTRANS ON OVER PARTIAL-DEPTH RECYCLING (PDR) PROJECTS #urbanquarry For more information on In-Place Recycling please reach out to: Office of Asphalt Pavements 2389 Gateway Oaks, Suite 200, MS-91, Sacramento, California 95833 • Attn: Larry Hernandez • Email: Larry.Hernandez@dot.ca.gov
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Cold Recycling (CR):
A general term for all types of pavement recycling that do not involve heating the pavement or aggregates.
Cold In-place Recycling (CIR):
A general term for all types of in-place recycling that do not involve heating the pavement before and during milling.
Partial-Depth Recycling (PDR):
A preventive maintenance or rehabilitation process where the focus of the recycling addresses distressed asphalt concrete from the top down. Recycling depths are typically between 0.25 ft and 0.5 ft.
Full-Depth Recycling (FDR):
A rehabilitation process where the asphalt concrete as well as the underlying unbound and/or previously stabilized layers are recycled to address bottom-up distresses and structural inadequacy. Recycling depths are typically between 0.5 ft and 1.0 ft, however, equipment evolution allows for treatment and compaction up to 1.5 ft when necessary.
Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR):
A preventive maintenance or rehabilitation process where materials are milled to the required depth, transported to a nearby cold central plant, processed with a recycling agent, transported back to the paving operation, and then placed with a paver. This process can be used for both partial- and full-depth recycling, as well as new construction with recycled materials. Multiple layers can be placed. Stabilization of the underlying layers, and/or subgrade using cement or lime, can be included as part of the rehabilitation process to increase structural capacity without increasing pavement elevation.
Pavement Recycling Cold Recycling (CR)
Cold In-place Recycling (CIR)
Partial-Depth Recycling (1) (PDR) • • • •
Recycling train Top-down distress Restored structural capacity Milling teeth stay primarily within the asphalt layers • Equipment mixing depth capability 0.25 ft to 0.5 ft • Emulsified or foamed asphalt with active filler 1 2
Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR)
Full-Depth Recycling (2) (FDR) • • • •
Recycling train Bottom-up distresses Increased structural capacity Milling teeth go through asphalt into underlying layer(s) • Equipment mixing depth capability 0.5 ft to 1.5 ft (2) • Emulsified or foamed asphalt with active filler, or portland cement, depending on recycled material properties
• • • •
Mobile plant set up on-site or nearby Alternative for PDR or FDR, or new construction with stockpiled recycled materials Can be used in combination with in-place lower layer and/or subgrade stabilized with cement or lime No thickness limits. Material can be paver-laid in multiple lifts
PDR previously called CIR, but terminology has been changed to avoid confusion given that PDR and FDR are different types of cold in-place recycling. If the FDR design requires treatment deeper than 1 ft than additional focus should be given to the compactive effort to ensure density is achieved.
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Advantages and Benefits of Cold Recycling (The following benefits are documented by research and include just of the advantages of using Cold Recycling over other conventional rehabilitation and reconstruction strategies) • • • • • • • • • • •
Safer than alternative conventional methods. Reduces Environmental Impacts. Lower life-cycle costs compared to remove-andreplace methods. Limits truck trips and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Cold Recycling helps road agencies meet and exceed environmental sustainability goals and targets. Reuses all existing materials which preserves natural resources. Requires limited quantities of new materials. Shorter project durations. Less traffic disruption. Full-depth and cold-central plant recycling, increase pavement capacity. Recycled roadways can be recycled again!
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Four stages in a project investigation
Desktop Study
1. A desktop study 2. A preliminary site investigation 3. A detailed site investigation
Are there known future plans for major development?
4. A decision-making process to select the most appropriate maintenance, rehabilitation, or reconstruction strategy, which in the case of in-place recycling
Is there sufficient structure to recycle?
Yes Is there a concrete layer within the anticipated recycle depth?
No Does the pavement structure change significantly along project?
Site investigation reveals alligator cracking.
No Are there utility pipes/cables within 6-12 in. of the anticipated recycle depth?
No Are there known serious drainage or geotechnical problems?
Potholes are good example of top-down distress.
Can traffic be effectively accommodated during construction?
Yes Are there other factors/issues that preclude in-place recycling?
No Proceed with routine preliminary site investigation
Unsealed reflective cracks reveal bottom-up distress.
Plan preliminary site investigation to gather additional specific information
Flowchart for preliminary investigation decision-making.
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Desktop Study
Preliminary Site Investigation
A desktop study is the first stage in a project investigation and involves collecting all relevant information pertaining to the project and the roadway in question. Factors under consideration within the Desktop Study include future development plans, pavement structure and the amount of available recyclable material, grade-height restrictions requiring pre-milling, stabilization of remaining materials, presence of any concrete base material, presence of previous lane configurations or lane additions, shallow utilities, flooding or drainage issues, geotechnical problems, traffic volume issues, and any other factors that may influence in-place recycling consideration. The preliminary site visit is a screening exercise to confirm that the PaveM recommendation is appropriate or if a different rehabilitation strategy is needed. It is preferable to carry out the investigation during the rainy season when problems associated with subgrade moisture and drainage are most apparent. Observations should be documented in a Project Scope Summary Report (PSSR) with a recommendation to conduct a more detailed site investigation if it is considered necessary.
Visual Assessment
• Distress Assessment • Cause and Origin of Distress • Grade-Height Issues • Drainage Systems • Roadside Activity • Recommendations for Mix Design Sampling at Test Pit Location • Structural Assessment of Existing Pavement − Pavement Layer Thickness (coring, DCP survey, material sampling, GPR) − Pavement Stiffness Assessment (Falling Weight Deflectometer) • Forensic Test Pits (if required) • Laboratory Testing • Analysis Summary and Decision
Is there sufficient structure to recycle?
Can a new layer or lower layer stabilization be accommodated?
Are distresses primarily top-down?
Are distresses indicative of subgrade failure ?
Are distresses primarily bottom-up?
Can problems be repaired or can subgrade be stabilized?
Are digout and patch repairs failing repeatedly?
Can drainage problems be easily corrected?
Review potential problems
Does adjacent land use/slope stability influence performance?
No Are there utility pipes/cables within 6-12in. of the anticipated recycle depth? No
Proceed with detailed site investigation
Investigation reveals blocked side drains and culvert.
Are there factors that preclude inplace recycling?
Review CAPM or rehabilitation strategy and approach
Structural assessment with vehicle mounted falling weight deflectometer.
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The decision to use a Partial Depth Recycling (PDR), Full Depth Recycling (FDR) or Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR) strategy is primarily based on the origin of the distresses associated with the pavement. It should first be determined whether the restoration goal is to make structural improvements or enhance the pavement section’s structural capacity. Key issues to consider include the following: • Confirm that drainage problems can be corrected. Note that poor drainage will impact the performance and life of any type of pavement regardless of how it is built. • If the pavement requires horizontal and/or vertical alignment improvements that cannot be accommodated as part of premilling and PDR or FDR operations, then cold central plant recycling (CCPR) will usually be the most appropriate strategy. • If PDR is considered to be an appropriate recycling strategy, confirm the recycling depth, ensuring that it is not in close proximity to an existing debond and that no thin, distressed layers will remain under the recycled layer. Then, choose a recycling agent (emulsified asphalt or foamed asphalt).
Example of Distresses and Appropriate Recycling Strategies Distress Type
Surface defects
Non-loadassociated cracking
Load-associated cracking Base/subgrade deficiencies Drainage related
Overlay/Mill and Overlaya,b
Partial-Depth Recyclingb,c
Full-Depth Recyclingc
Raveling Bleeding Skid resistance Potholes Ride quality Shoving Surface rutting Shoulder drop off Structural rutting Oxidative Thermal Longitudinal Transverse Discontinuity Block Edge Reflective Fatigue Sags, depressions Ride quality Weakened structure
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
Yesd Yesd Yesd Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yesf Yesf Yesf No Yesf Nog
Noe Noe Noe Noe Noe Noe Noe Yes Yes Noe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Nog
CCPR Plus Lower Layer Stabilization Noe Noe Noe Noe Noe Noe Noe Noe Yes Noe Noe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Nog
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Note that poor drainage will impact the performance and life of any type of pavement, including recycled pavements.
Recycling Strategy Selection
Review all investigation results
Are distresses related primarily to poor drainage?
Are structural or alignment improvements required?
A variety of variables must also be considered before choosing a recycling agent stabilizer for PDR or FDR considerations. There are both benefits and limitations associated with all considerations. Additional information about PDR, FDR strategies and the recycling stabilizer agents can be found by clicking the link above that will take you to this Official Guide section.
No Review results from visual assessment, cores, and GPR
Are distresses top-down and only in the AC layers?
A number of questions should be addressed before deciding to go with Partial Depth Recycling (PDR) or Full-Depth Recycling (FDR).
Yes Consider drainage improvement options before proceeding with CAPM or rehabilitation design
Do FDR, CCPR, or CCPR + lower layer/subgrade stabilization
Go to Flowchart #2
Go to Flowchart #3
Alligator-Acracking cracking on project. Alligator-A onaaPDR PDR project. Alligator-A cracking on a PDR project.
Preliminary recycling strategy decision.
Reflected shrinkage cracks on FDR-C projects.
Reflected shrinkage on Reflected shrinkage cracks oncracks FDR-C projects. FDR-C projects.
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CalME - Mechanicaistic-Empirical Design Procedures Caltrans is currently transitioning from using empirical, gravel equivalence design to using mechanistic-empirical design procedures for both new construction and rehabilitation. Caltrans mechanistic-empirical design analysis (CalME) software includes cold recycling options for DAPM, rehabilitation, and as an alternative to reconstruction. When using CalME for partial-depth (PDR), full-depth (FDR), cold central plant recycling (CCPR) or CCPR with subgrade stabilization design, log onto www.ucprc.ucdavis.edu/calme. You can then begin setting up your design in the “Projects” tab, followed by several other necessary entries including input, location, material type, layer thickness, design loads, and other information. The “Pavement Structure” subsection allows the user to choose the appropriate “Layer Type,” namely PDR, FDR or CCPR. There are specific guidelines as to what each layer type can or cannot have associated with its design. For instance, a distinction is made on whether a project should be considered FDR or reconstruction. This is determined by how much of the asphalt concrete and aggregate base is milled off and/or removed. CalME users are required to register and complete a training module with the Caltrans Office of Asphalt Pavement, before they can log in and start a design.
Allowable Thickness Ranges for PDR/FDR/CCPR • PDR + Allowable thickness range of 0.25 to 0.5 ft., consistent with Caltrans standard specifications. • FDR + Allowable thickness range of 0.5 to 1.0 ft. Note that minimum thickness for FDR-C layers should be 0.7 ft. FDR-C layer thickness can be increased to 1.5 ft under certain circumstances on specific projects with Office of Asphalt Pavement approval. • CCPR + Minimum thickness limit of 0.25 ft. for CCPR-EA and CCPR-FA and 0.7 ft. for CCPR-C layers. CCPR does not have a maximum layer thickness limit because CCPR material can be placed in multiple layers, with maximum thickness of each layer dictated by the specifications.
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Gravel Equivalence (CalFP) and Layer Coefficient (AASHTO-93) Designs Current Caltrans gravel factors for cold recycled materials are based on limited empirical data from early PDR projects with emulsified asphalt and FDR projects with foamed asphalt, and are considered to be conservative. Gravel factors for FDR project with cement are not representative of what is currently recycled on a Caltrans project. Consequently, gravel factors may result in conservative designs with thick asphalt concrete surfacing layers. Revised gravel factors for cold recycled materials as part of the development of CalME. These revised gravel factors have not been factored into the HDM, so current HDM values should be used unless permission is obtained from the Office of Asphalt Pavement.
Suggested Revised Gravel Factors for In-Place Recycled Materials Material PDR-EA PDR-FA FDR-FA FDR-C FDR-N if RAP ≥ 60% of recycled material FDR-N if RAP < 60% of recycled material
Current Gravel Factor 1.5 1.5 1.4 0.9 + (UCS / 1000)a 1.2 1.1
Suggested Gravel Factor 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7b 1.2 1.1
Equation developed for stabilized soil that is substituted for aggregate subbase. Valid only for UCS of 300 psi and higher after 28-day cure, or 7-day modified cure. b Valid for UCS range between 300 and 600 psi, but target range of 300 to 450 psi is recommended.
CalME in-place recycling options for “Layer Type.”
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Estimation of Quantities and Costs The estimation process for recycling cost must consider several project specific features such as location, length, schedule, geometrics, traffic handling, as well as recycled depth and area, and if applicable, stabilized depth and area if CCPR is done together with lower layer/subgrade stabilization. Bid items for recycling projects usually include: • Recycling (area in square yards) • Asphalt recycling agent or cementitious stabilizer (tons) • Active filler (tons) (only on projects using asphalt recycling agents) • Asphaltic emulsion curing seal (tons) • Sand cover (tons) • Mix design (lump sum, which includes work for material sampling, traffic control during material sampling, and laboratory testing) • Supplementary aggregate if required in the design (tons)
Estimation of Quantities Examples Two examples below show how the quantities for two two-lane in-place recycling projects are estimated. Both projects are 10 miles long and the recycling width is 24 ft. The unit weight of the recycled material on both projects is 140 lb/ft3. PDR Project with Foamed Asphalt and Cement Active Filler (PDR-FA) Recycling area is 52,800 × 24 = 1,267,200 ft2 (140,800 yd2) and recycling depth is 0.33 ft.
Cement + 1.0% cement active filler content + 1,267,200 × 0.33 × 0.01 × 140 = 585,446 lb + Convert to tons: 585,446 / 2,000 = 292.7 + Rounded result value = 293 tons
• Recycling + 1,267,200 × 0.33 = 418,176 ft3 + Convert to cubic yards: 418,176 / 27 = 15,488 yd3 + Rounded result value = 15,500 yd3
• Curing seal + SS1H cut 50/50 @ 0.15 gal/yd2 + 140,800 × 0.15 = 21,120 gal + Convert to tons: 21,120 / 242 = 87.3 + Rounded result value = 88 tons
• Asphalt binder + 2.5% foamed asphalt content + 1,267,200 × 0.33× 0.025×140 = 1,463,616 lb + Convert to tons: 1,463,616 / 2,000 = 731.8 + Rounded result value = 732 tons
• Sand cover + 1.5 lb/yd2 + 140,800 × 1.5 = 211,200 + Convert to tons: 211,200 / 2,000 = 105.6 + Rounded result value = 106 tons
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Caltrans Requires Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCAA) on State Highway Pavement Construction Projects Caltrans requires that an LCCA be performed and documented for almost every project that includes pavement work on the State Highway System, regardless of the project’s funding source. The exceptions to this requirement are major maintenance, minor A and minor B maintenance, encroachment permits, projects that use permit engineering evaluation reports, maintenance pullouts, landscape paving, and emergency work.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) applies a set of economic principles to evaluate long-term alternative investment options. LCCA provides a transparent life cycle cost (LCC) comparison as one of the criteria for decision-making. The analysis enables LCC comparison of competing design alternatives to meet a required functionality.
The Caltrans LCCA process is guided by the Caltrans LCCA Procedures Manual and completed using the Caltrans version of the RealCost software accounts for the following costs that are expected to occur over the duration of the analysis period:
• •
Direct costs to Caltrans (contracted materials and work) for the initial construction, future contracted maintenance and rehabilitation, and annualized routine maintenance costs Indirect costs to Caltrans (overhead, project administration) Road user costs due to construction work zone traffic delay during initial construction and future maintenance and rehabilitation
Cost estimates for the analysis come from different sources.
Typical elements of an LCCA that compares cold recycling strategy with an alternative CAPM or rehabilitation strategy could include but are not limited to comparisons of the following: •
• •
Quantities of new virgin aggregate used, if any. Thickness of new asphalt concrete used. Hauling distance required for trucks carrying removed materials from the site and bringing in new materials. Disruptions to traffic. Stabilization of lower layers in combination with CCPR versus total reconstruction to increase structural capacity and/or to improve vertical and/ or horizontal alignment.
Life Cycle Assessment Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) represents the comparison of the environmental impact of one maintenance or rehabilitation strategy versus another, similar to the cost comparisons performed in LCCA. A web-based software tool (eLCAP) has been developed for these analyses and default
values for in-place recycling are included in it. It is expected that LCA of environmental impacts will become more important and will be considered with cost as a project design criterion in the future.
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Mix designs are an important part of any successful Cold Recycling project. Although Caltrans does not currently verify mix designs, it does review and accept mix design submittals from contractors. Mix designs on Cold Recycling projects where recycling agents will be used are required to follow procedures detailed in California Test CT-313 (full-depth with foamed asphalt) and CT-315 (partial-depth with emulsified or foamed asphalt). FDR and CCPR with cement follow the LP-8-C procedure. Material sampling should be collected at all locations
undergoing project site investigation. Sampling type varies depending on specific Cold Recyling method. This includes everything from cores, test pits, stockpiles, premilling. Specific material quanties are required for mix designs and vary depending on details such as recycling agents, and filler types, and sizes. Material processing testing is done by crushing cores and slabs in a jaw crusher or similar device. Emulsified asphalt used on Caltrans Cold Recycling projects must comply with Caltrans Standard Specification requirements.
Checking the compatibility of the emulsified asphalt with the recycled materials is also an important part of any mix design. Mix designers will also need to check that the cure rate is appropriate for the recycling procedures that will be followed on the project. Foamed asphalt significantly reduces binder viscosity, while the surface area is significantly increased. This results in effective dispersion throughout the recycled materials. Other binders and stabilizers include portland which is used to stabilize FDR, and PDR projects. Lime is used as a soil stabilizer in Caltrans
Left: Marshall Stability Test.
The mix design procedure for emulsified asphalt treated materials is based on Marshall stability and/or indirect tensile strength, as well as retained stability or retained tensile strength. The minimum dry Marshall stability for PDR projects is typically 1,500 lbs. The minimum wet indirect tensile strength for PDR projects is typically 35 psi (242 kPa). The minimum retained stability or retained tensile strength is 70 percent. Right: Indirect Tensile Strength Test.
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CCPR projects or as an active filler in PDR and FDR projects and everything must comply with Caltrans Standard Specifications. There are several procedures and tests required for emulsified asphalt treated materials. Recommended, but not specified, tests include penetration and performance grading tests on the asphalt binder extracted from the recycled asphalt concrete to determine whether this binder is “active” and likely to influence later performance.
Mix Design for In-Place Recycling with Foamed Asphalt (FA) (Caltrans Test CT-313 [FDR] and CT-315 [PDR]) Sample representative materials Is RAP primarily new or mostly new patches?
Test PG of extracted RAP binder
Check ITS of RAP with no recycling agent
Crush bound materials to representative grading
Dry materials to constant weight at 60ºC Fractionate and reconstitute to target gradation Determine optimum foaming temperature and water content Determine optimum moisture content and max. dry density
Is active filler type specified?
No Determine active filler type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Determine optimum foamed asphalt content Determine raveling resistance (recommended)
Laboratory foaming unit coupled with afoaming pugmill unit mixer. Laboratory Laboratory foaming unit coupled coupledwith with a a pugmill mixer. pugmill mixer.
Does optimum FA content pass raveling target?
Select 4 binder contents Compact specimens Cure specimens for 72 hours Dry cure 3 specimens for additional 24 hours Moisture condition 3 specimens for 24 hours Test indirect tensile strength Calculate retained strength Determine air void content
Increase FA content to meet target resistance
Determine job mix formula
Report results
Simplified flowchart summarizing main steps in a foamed asphalt mix design. Pugmill mixer usedfor for all all mix mix designs Pugmill mixer used designs to Pugmill mixer used for allmixing. mix designs to replicate recycler mixing. replicate recycler to replicate recycler mixing.
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Rehabilitation or reconstruction using in-place or cold central plant recycling requires specialized equipment in addition to that used for the rehabilitation or reconstruction of conventional aggregate and asphalt concrete pavement layers. The recycling trains and, where used, cold central plant, are fundamental components of the equipment inventory on inplace recycling projects. Multi-unit trains typically consist of a lane-width cold planing machine followed by a trailer with a screening unit, a crusher, and a pugmill mixer. FDR trains are either wheel-driven or track-driven single-unit recyclers. Cold central plants can either be specifically designed for the purpose (Figure 6.10), or be a stationary setup of the screening/crushing/pugmill part of a multi-unit PDR train described above (Figure 6.11). Central plants include asphalt binder and water supplies, and silos for the active filler or powder stabilizers. The remaining equipment requirements are similar to those for conventional asphalt concrete construction. This includes vibratory, pad-foot and pneumatic-tired rollers, conventional asphalt paving machines, motor graders, water trucks, wheel loaders, and sweepers. Each machine has its own purpose and specific training and knowledge is required.
Multi-unit PDR recycling train.
Track-driven recycling train for PDR and FDR (down to 12 in. [300 mm]).
Cold central plant.
Active filler/stabilizer spreader.
Vibratory padfoot roller on an FDR-FA layer.
Pneumatic-tired roller on a PDR layer.
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The entire Cold Recycling process requires a construction crew that has been trained appropriately in everything from grading, pulverizing, spreading, mixing, paving and everything in-between. The recycling train crew must understand and be able to fulfill their numerous responsibilities that include checking for utilities, culverts, overhanging branches and so much more. They also need to remain aware of all connections, including the push/tow bars, the feed hoses, the recycler drum, couplings, powder stabilizers, marking guides, and even maintaining appropriate speeds. The list goes on and on, but nothing is ever more important than safety. There is also a lot of checking that needs to be constantly performed. Are the mixing fluid contents in the recycled layer are within an appropriate range? They must check to make certain to check the recycle overlaps at least every 300 feet. They need to check for high fines contents and/or the presence of clay. Checking that all nozzles in the spray bars (water and asphalt) are always functioning. Checking that material characteristics, material consistency, and gradation are acceptable. Whether the crew is performing PDR or FDR on the project, the knowledge and discipline needed to perform the job correctly is astounding.
Correct use of push bar with hoses attached.
Localized early failure resulting from a wet area (FDR).
Nozzle for checking binder foaming characteristics.
Good gradation and consistency behind the recycler on a PDR project.
Checking material consistency and gradation (FDR).
Checking recycling depth on an FDR-C project.
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Apart from the standard start-up procedures specified in the equipment operating procedures and manuals, a number of preliminary checks should be completed before commencing operations each day. The procedures are quick and simple to carry out and should become routine practice at the start of every shift. Refer to the link above to review the full list of procedures and see a few of them below. • Daily safety briefing. • Confirmation that daily maintenance and inspections have all been performed. • Confirmation that feed pipes on recycling trains and central plants are correctly connected and leak-free, that valves are open, and that air has been bled from the system. • Confirmation of all recycler settings. • The recycler operator should confirm their familiarity with the day plan.
• Confirmation of all spray bar settings. • Confirm temperature of the recycling agent. • Confirmation that the recycler or central plant has been warmed up to the correct operating temperatures. • Perform a single-lane test strip at least 1,500-ft long. • Check the weather - In-place pavement recycling specifications state that recycling should not be started if rain is forecast within 24-hours.
Good quality PDR surface after final compaction.
Unacceptable FDR surface after final compaction.
Trafficked recycled layer with severe raveling (patched) (PDR).
Fatigue cracks in underlying layer on a PDR project.
Prepulverization on an FDR project.
Bulking of material after prepulverization to a depth of 12 in. (300 mm).
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FDR projects require different settings and configurations. For instance, when using wheel-driven recyclers, The width of the recycled cut will usually be less than the road or lane width, so more than one pass will be required to recycle the full width. On FDR projects, water can be sprayed onto the surface after completion of primary compaction with the padfoot roller to facilitate final shaping and final compaction with the smooth-drum and pneumatic-tired rollers. FDR layers are typically much thicker than PDR layers and therefore usually require heavier rollers. Rollers must be correctly selected and shown to be effective during test strip construction, where density testing must be rigorously carried out to ensure that the specified density is obtained throughout the recycled layer. Additionally, the processes followed for final grading and compaction are similar to those for standard aggregate base, but all final grading and compaction must be completed within two hours of the mixing moisture contacting the cementitious active filler (FDR projects with asphalt recycling agents) or stabilizer (FDR-C projects). For more information on the FDR process click the link above.
Final rolling on FDR projects with pneumatic-tired rollers.
Tandem FDR train.
Separate water application behind recycler (FDR).
Spreading active filler in a strip that is narrower than the recycler (FDR).
Active filler below specified starting temperature on an FDR-FA project.
Padfoot impressions after first roller passes (FDR).
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A number of factors influence the way a road will be recycled. The number of recycling passes will depend primarily on the type of recycling project, the road width, and the equipment used. On PDR projects, primary or breakdown compaction is typically carried out with smooth-drum and pneumatic-tired rollers. During compaction, cold recycled materials look and behave very differently than warm or hot mix asphalt, so care must be taken when trying to compare them. On PDR projects with emulsified asphalt, primary compaction should start as soon as the emulsion starts to break. In most instances, all compaction should be completed without the need for any additional water spraying. All compaction must be completed within two hours of the mixing moisture contacting the cementitious active filler and Intelligent Compaction is required on all Caltrans PDR projects. Additionally, final grades should be achieved with the paver screed, with no grader work required. These are just a few of the required specifications that must be met and followed. Refer to the link above to read about all of the requirements. On CCPR projects, all processed materials are placed with a paver. Material can be dumped directly into the paver, or in a windrow ahead of the paver then transferred to the paver with a pickup machine. Multiple lifts can be placed in this way.
Placing active filler calibration pans on a premilled PDR project.
Pan after spreader has passed on a PDR-FA project (1% active filler).
PDR project with pickup machine feeding the paver.
Removing excess material on a PDR project.
Primary compaction starting with smooth-drum roller on a PDR project.
Shearing after completion of primary compaction on a PDR project.
To read the full Guide for Partial- and Full-Depth Pavement Recycling in California
Key quality control considerations on in-place recycling projects include compaction, thickness, grade, and visual condition. Smoothness of the recycled layer is an acceptance criterion for PDR layers. Strength tests are currently specified for PDR-FA, FDR-FA, and FDR-C projects. Compaction must meet the specification and/or special project provision requirements. On PDR projects, this typically requires a nuclear density gauge measurement following CT-375 on layers less than 0.35 ft. thick, and CT-231 on layers thicker than 0.35 ft. On FDR projects, this typically requires a nuclear density gauge measurement (CT-231) checked against a site laboratory-determined wet density (CT-216) for every lot. On FDR projects, measurements must be taken at two or three heights depending on the recycled layer thickness. A dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) or ground-penetrating radar (GPR) can also give a reasonable initial indication of layer thickness immediately after compaction. In most instances, acceptance is still based on cores when they can be taken. Grade requirements (primarily lane width and crossfall) must meet design requirements and are measured using standard surveying techniques. Visual condition entails checking for problems including, but not limited to, debonding, delamination, segregation, cracks, deformation, soft areas, and/or raveling caused by construction traffic. The contractor will be required to take corrective actions to remedy any problems.
Nuclear density gauge used to measure specified density.
Ground penetrating radar is used to measure layer thickness.
To read the full Guide for Partial- and Full-Depth Pavement Recycling in California
Recycled layers must dry back before they are surfaced. On two-lane roads, the recycled layers can usually be opened to traffic within a few hours after final compaction, provided that appropriate measures are taken to seal the surface and reduce traffic speeds. Considerations for curing include brooming, and a curing seal that meets specification requirements. A curing seal that meets specification requirements should be applied on all recycled layers followed by an application of sand prior to opening to traffic. Shrinkage crack mitigation, or microcracking, is required on all FDR-C layers between 48 and 56 hours after final compaction of the layer. The Caltrans method specification that must be followed states: “During the period from 48 to 56 hours after compaction, microcrack the surface by applying 2 to 3 single passes using a 12-ton vibratory steel-drum roller at maximum amplitude travelling from 2 to 3 mph.” The road should be lightly sprayed with water prior to starting microcracking. Additionally, a fog seal should be applied after micromilling to seal the surface and reduce any potential for raveling.
Light brooming prior to curing seal application on an FDR project.
Curing seal application on a PDR project.
Curing seal after application of sand on a PDR project.
Shrinkage crack mitigation (microcracking) on an FDR-C layer.
Checking stiffness reduction with a light weight deflectometer.
Patched distressed areas prior to surfacing.
To read the full Guide for Partial- and Full-Depth Pavement Recycling in California
To read the full Guide for Partial- and Full-Depth Pavement Recycling in California
To read the full Guide for Partial- and Full-Depth Pavement Recycling in California
Recycling and Stabilizing Association of California 1121 L Street, Suite #700 Sacramento CA 95814 (916) 273-6567 rsa-california.com
CT - 02-3J7504 - Rte 139 near Susanville CT - 03-2G7504 - Rte 45 near Hamilton
2022 • • • •
CT 03-2G3704 - Rte 16 near Rumsey CT 05-1N7004 - Rte 166 near San Luis Obispo CT 08-1K0504 - Rte 62 near Vidal Junction CT 11-2N1144 - Rte 78 near Glamis
2021 • • • • • •
CT 02-1J1504 - Rte 139 near Adin CT 03-2G1104 - Rte 162 near Willows CT 04-0C9304 - Rte 1 near Pescadero CT 05-1N1704 - Rte 135 near Los Alamos CT 06-0U1004 - Rte 43 near Bakersfield CT 08-1L6604 - Rte 2 near Wrightwood
2020 • • • • • • •
CT 02-0J1304 - Rte 139 near Susanville CT 03-1G6604 - Rte 162 near Oroville CT 05-1K7904 - Rte 166 near New Cuyama CT 06-0W7104 - Rte 33 near Firebaugh CT 08-1F13U4 - Rte 62/95 through Vidal Junction CT 09-380604 - Rte 136 near Keeler CT 11-430524 - Rte 98 near Calexico
2019 • • • •
CT 02-3H1704 - Rte 299 near Alturas CT 03-0G9904 - Rte 84 near Central CT 05-1J2504 - Rte 166 near New Cuyama CT 08-1J1904 - Rte 178 near Ridgecrest
2018 • • • • •
CT 03-0G4204 - Rte 45 near Colusa CT 04-3J4904 - Rte 116 near Sebastopol CT 06-0G9804 - Rte 65 near Exeter CT 08-1H1004 - Rte 247 near Lucene Valley CT 09-373504 - Rte 395 near Walker
2017 • • • • • •
CT 02-1H0304 - Rte 161 near Tulelake CT 02-2H4804 - Rte 36 near Mad River CT 03-0G6104 - Route 84 in Yolo County CT 03-4F7404 - Rte 49 in Nevada County CT 05-1G1504 - Rte 41 near Atascadero CT 09-364304 - Rte 395 near Coleville
2016 • • • • • • • •
CT 03-0G4704 - Rte 45 near Colusa CT 05-1C8304 - Rte 154 near Santa Ynez CT 05-1G6304 - Rte 166 near Santa Maria CT 07-2W9304 - Rte 33 near Ojai CT 09-355304 - Rte 127 near Shoshone CT 09-359904 - Inyo County (IC for CIR & HMA) CT 09-361604 - Rte 190 near Olancha CT 10-1E4204 - Rte 12 near Lodi (IC for CIR)
2015 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
CT 02-4G1204 - Route 3 & 36 near Peanut CT 02-4G3404 - Route 299 Near Canby CT 03-0G2604 - Route 162 near Butte City CT 03-3F6504 - Rte 89 near Truckee CT 03-3F6704 - Route 49 near Coloma CT 05-1F8504 - Route 25 near Tres Pines CT 06-0Q2404 - Route 41 near Fresno CT 06-0Q2504 - Route 198 near Lemoore CT 06-0Q7204 - Route 33 near Derby Acres CT 06-0S1704 - Route 33 near Coalinga CT 06-0S2904 - Route 43 near Shafter (IC) CT 06-0T1704 - Route 58 near Buttonwillow (IC) CT 06-0T1904 - Route 145 near Five Points CT 07-1W0904 - Route 23 near Moorpark CT 08-1E2204 - Route 127 near Baker CT 08-1F4704 - Route 178 near Ridgecrest (IC) CT 09-359904 - Route 120 in Mono County (IC CIR) CT 10-1C9304 - Route 124 near Ione (IC)
2014 • • • • • • • • • • • • •
CT 06-0P1604 - Route 198 near Hanford CT 07-1W0804 - Route 23 near Fillmore CT 09-351604 - Route 395 near Lone Pine CT 09-353104 - Route 395 near Tom’s Place CT 09-354104 - Route 395 near Lee Vining CT 09-359004 - Route 190 in Inyo County CT 10-0Y1204 - Route 59 near Merced CT 11-2M6304 - Route 76 near Pala CT 01-0C8304 - SR 29 Upper Lake CT 06-0Q7504 - SR 33 Coalinga CT 10-0Y2604 - SR 33 Ward Ave CT 06-0R2204 - SR 137 near Tulare CT 03-3M9204 - SR 193 Sliger Mine
2013 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
CT 01-0C7304 - Route 96 near Hoopa CT 02-4F1404 - Rte 299 CT 02-4F1404 - Rte 299 Total CT 02-4G1304 - Route 299 near Canby CT 02-5E2104 - Route 36 near Chester CT 03-4M1604 - Route 32 near Chico CT 05-1F0104 - Route 166 near Santa Maria CT 06-0P7304 - Route 58/269 near McKittrick/Avenal CT 06-0Q0704 - Route 33 near Taft CT 06-0Q3604 - Route 119 near Bakersfield CT 06-337414 - Route 190 near Porterville CT 08-1C8304 - Route 111 near Desert Beach CT 10-0X8504 - Route 59 near El Nido CT 10-0X9004 - Route 33 near Gustine
2012 • • •
CT 03-2F5804 - Route 89 near Sierraville CT 06-0M4404 - Route 33 near McKittrick CT 06-0N2204 - Route 223 near Arvin
2011 • • • • • • • • • • • •
CT 01-0A0604 - Route 20 near Clearlake Oaks CT 01-1E0804 - Route 97 near Macdoel CT 03-4M1504 - Route 89 near Sierraville CT 05-0T3604 - Route 25 near Hollister CT 06-0H0004 - Route 41 near Lemoore CT 06-0M4504 - Route 33 near Blackwells Corner CT 06-415904 - Route 41 near Kettleman City CT 06-459104 - Route 119 near Taft CT 06-459904 - Route 43 near Selma CT 08-0P3604 - Route 62 near Vidal Junction CT 09-343404 - Route 395 near Lee Vining CT 09-347304 - Route 136/168 near Lone Pine/Big Pine
916 -273- 6567 RSA-California.com
info@rsa-california.com 1121 L Street, Suite #700, Sacramento, CA 95814