The Summer Issue of CALEO MAGAZINE called 'REVERSE' is out NOW! 118 pages full of beautiful photos & stunning fashion styles. Get your printed copy - shipping worldwide or download the issue on your iPad.
Two covers with Sebastian Sauvé & André Costa. 118 Pages by photographers B. Charles Johnson, Bell Soto, Brent Chua, Fréderic Bastin, James Demitri, Kristiina Wilson, Louis Daniel Botha, Marco Marezza, Matteo Felici, Nekole Kemelle, Simon Minardi. Artwork by Vladimir Shreyder & Dwight Merca.
Sebastian Sauvé, André Costa, Gerhard Freidl, Thor Bulow, Rene Grincourt, Adam Gumula, Matt Waters, Tuckers des Lauriers, Jessica F., Edgaras Kubilius, Stef, Ethan Turnbull, Maximiliano Patane, Nadège, Thor Bulow, René Grincourt & Veit Couturier