calfordseaden health & safety
From the 06 April 2007, the new and simplified Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 came into force. This legislation revokes the previous CDM Regulations 1994 and the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996, the latter forming an integral part of the new regulations. Objectives The main objective of the CDM Regulations 2007 is to reduce residual health and safety risk on construction projects, improve project planning and management from the concept stage and to ensure the implementation of the Regulations adds value to construction projects. This objective is achieved by closely integrating health and safety management with project management. Why you need for this service? With the exception of a “Domestic Client”, that is a Client who lives or will live in a structure where the construction works are carried out, anyone carrying out construction works has a duty under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 as the Client. Briefly described, this duty is to ensure that the project is safe to build, use and maintain. Good health and safety planning is a fundamental requirement for any Client to achieve this objective. The CDM Coordinator’s role is to assist in this regard.
Summary of Duties Under CDM 2007, general and specific duties for duty holders are clearly defined and are applicable as follows: 1. Where construction projects are not notifiable to the HSE, general duties apply; 2. When construction projects are notifiable to the HSE, specific additional duties apply.
We have been providing a range of health & safety services since the inception of the Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations in 1995.
The Client The new regulations pose a challenge to Clients and place greater legal responsibility on them. Key duties for the Client will include the following: Projects which started on site prior to 06 April 2007, the Client is to re-affirm Consultants and Principal Contractor appointments under the CDM 2007. Where this is not expressly done, new roles of duty holders under CDM 2007 will be assumed by default; Appoint the CDM Coordinator as soon as possible and in any case before detailed design commences; Ensure construction works do not commence until the Principal Contractor has made suitable arrangements to establish welfare facilities on site; Continued emphasis on the Client’s obligation to engage a competent project team, the criteria for competence being detailed explicitly in the proposed Approved Code of Practice, L144; Ensure sufficient time and resource is allowed for each stage of the project. To ensure health and safety issues are adequately addressed; Establish firm mobilisation periods for the construction works should be established by the Client in the development programme from the outset of projects. (To ensure the Principal Contractor is allowed sufficient time to plan and prepare for the works prior to the construction phase commencing).
Promptly to provide members of the project team with relevant and site-specific information. (Required to enable them to perform their duties and mitigate residual health and safety risk as appropriate); Ensure suitable arrangements for managing health and safety on projects are established, maintained and reviewed for the life of those construction projects. Who is the CDM Coordinator? The CDM Coordinator is the person, individual or organisation appointed to advise and assist the Client on how to comply with the CDM Regulations for the duration of a construction project. A CDM Coordinator is only required where the project is notifiable to the Health and Safety Executive.
We work closely with our Clients and their project teams to ensure compliance with the regulations. We provide other optional services, such as Site Safety Inspections, to assist our Clients discharge their duty to monitor their projects during the construction phase. Our approach to service delivery Generally, as part of our role on all projects, we manage the flow of health and safety information; co-ordinate health and safety aspects of design work, co-operate with all project participants and apply the “Principles of Prevention� when discharging our duties. Furthermore, we promote and facilitate good communication between the client, designers and contractors.
For each project phase our service includes the following: Pre-Construction Phase Ensure our Client is aware of their duties under the CDM Regulations and advice accordingly. This advice includes confirming the health and safety competency of the project team prior to their appointment by the Client; Our CDM Coordinator will visit the site to establish its nature. This will include the identification of environmental restrictions and on-site risks; Particulars of the project will be notified to the Health and Safety Executive as required; The CDM Coordinator will formally request from the Client and Designers details of hazards identified, and/or associated with the site; Protocols, to communicate project hazards identified, would be agreed between us and the project team; Where appropriate, a CDM Workshop for the project team is organised by the CDM Coordinator to facilitate communication and identify the process of hazard identification and elimination; Following the identification of hazards and associated risk by the project team, a Project Hazard Register managed by the CDM Coordinator will be used to log, manage and close out hazards identified on a project in a proactive manner. The objective at this stage would be to design out hazards. Where this is not possible control measures would be established by the design team;
Collate and pass on pre-construction information to members of the project team as necessary to include the tendering Principal Contractors; We would advise the Client on the suitability of the Initial Construction Phase Plan prepared by the Principal Contractor; Format and content for the Health and safety File, Operating and Maintenance Manuals would be agreed with the Client; Building strategies for cleaning and maintenance, fire and the replacement of plant and equipment would also be considered by the project team. (To ensure the health, safety and welfare of end users and operatives is not compromised). Construction Phase Following the hazard identification process at the preconstruction stage, the appointed Principal Contractor and other risk owners identified would be required to implement adequate risk control measures and safe systems of work to mitigate health and safety risk; Where design is on going, the protocols agreed with the design team would be used to facilitate the management of new hazards identified during the design evolution; Liaise with Principal Contractor and the rest of the project team to ensure relevant information for the Health and Safety File, Operating and Maintenance Manuals and other Record Information is collated as the construction works progress;
Post Construction The objectives of the CDM Regulations and the obligations of the duty holders is that there should be no residual hazards at this stage of the project. Where this objective is not achieved, details of the residual hazards and their associated risk control measures would be included in the Health & Safety file; On all projects, we endeavour to ensure the Health and Safety File, Operating and Maintenance Manuals and relevant Project Record Information are issued to the Client at project handover.
To appoint calfordseaden health & safety as your CDM Coordinator, or to discuss any other health and safety matters, please contact: Stephen Cotterell BSc FRICS I Eng AMI Struct E Director Calford Seaden (Health and Safety) Limited T 01689 888222 E
calfordseaden health & safety
HEAD OFFICE St John’s House, 1a Knoll Rise Orpington Kent BR6 0JX T 01689 888222 F 01689 888299 E King's Head House King's Head Yard Borough High Street London SE1 1NA T 020 7940 3200 F 020 7940 3299 E Stewart Court 214a Hagley Road, Edgbaston Birmingham B16 9PH T 0121 454 1688 F 0121 454 1700 E Calford House Wessex Business Park Wessex Way Colden Common Winchester S021 1WP T 01962 718300 F 01962 718350 E CONSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY WASTE MANAGEMENT FIRE RISK MANAGEMENT TRAINING MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS
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Calford Seaden (Health and Safety) Limited is Registered in England No. 3028351 Registered Office: Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road London EC1M 7AD