DYK Newsletter Summer 2010

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FORESHORE ESTATE Internal upgrades to two Grade II Listed converted rum warehouses constructed in the late 18th Century


ALSO INSIDE . . . ST JOHN’S CHURCH, WEMBLEY The first vicarage in the UK to meet the Government's rigorous Code for Sustainable Homes Level 6.

HALE VILLAGE, TOTTENHAM A total of around 120 residential units of varying types will be included in this mixed use complex.

RETAIL THERAPY We have significant retail experience enabling us to add value with our shopping retail clients.

HOW DO YOUR BUILDINGS PERFORM? Dramatically help you improve the environmental performance of your property portfolio.

ELEPHANT & CASTLE Our work with L&Q to develop Early Housing Sites.

PPM PROGRAMME LAUNCHED We have developed our own Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) database programme.

INTRODUCTION The Queenʼs Speech hands the new Government a poison chalice. The next five years will be defined by an extreme fiscal squeeze, sluggish economic growth and very loose monetary policy. The uncertainty will not be welcome by financial markets, with a £163billion budget deficit to tackle. Our coalition Government, led by the Conservatives, will shortly announce higher taxes and very deep cuts in public sector spending needed to sort out the fiscal mess. The overriding task of the incoming Government is to reduce the budget deficit. All avoided talking about the gaping hole in public finances during the election campaign but it has not gone away. The Conservatives talk about the £6billion extra cuts but this is small beer compared to the £163billion deficit. Recent events in Greece have put into stark relief the dangers of allowing public finances to spin out of control. For professional practices such as calfordseaden the challenges in this new environment are significant but not insurmountable. Our Commercial departments are witnessing signs of recovery which it is hoped, in line with our professional body’s predictions will be consolidated now that the election uncertainty has passed into history. A number of significant retailers have made announcements recently embarking on new expansion programmes, while others continue that declared strategy.

Housing demand is relentless both in the public and private sectors with real shortages now evident, particularly in London and the south-east. Any Government that consistently ignores this situation does so at its peril. Existing public sector stock must be maintained, that maintenance is largely not dependant on Government grant but sinking funds built up over many years. Whilst health and education sectors will probably experience minimal new capital expenditure there is still much to do for calfordseaden in providing professional services maintaining that infrastructure. The short to medium term brings much uncertainty but with the breadth of our client base and the broad range of professional services we are able to offer, my Partners and I are confident we will emerge from the current market conditions a much stronger Practice in an even better position to service our Clients’ requirements.

Michael Whatford Senior Partner, calfordseaden T 01689 888222 E mwhatford@calfordseaden.co.uk

CONTENTS ST JOHN’S CHURCH, WEMBLEY The first vicarage in the UK to meet the Government's rigorous Code for Sustainable Homes Level 6. Pages 1-2

CRC ENERGY EFFICIENCY SCHEME The scheme’s amended title serves to better reflect the CRC's focus on increasing energy efficiency.



Pages 3-4

HAYES SCHOOL Planning permission has been gained for the first phase of the master plan. Page 4


We are building surveyor, employer’s agent, M&E adviser and clerk of works on this historic site. Pages 5-6

HALE VILLAGE, TOTTENHAM A total of around 120 residential units of varying types will be included in this mixed use complex.



Pages 7-8


RETAIL THERAPY We have significant retail experience enabling us to add value with our shopping retail clients. Pages 9-10

STEEL JUMPS It is anticipated that steel prices may rise by up to a third during 2010. Page 10



Thermal imaging can improve the environmental performance of your property portfolio. Page 11


I.T. BENEFITS ALL calfordseaden continue to invest in its information technology and communication systems. Page 12

ELEPHANT & CASTLE Our work with L&Q to develop Early Housing Sites. Pages 13-14



We have developed our own Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) database programme. Pages 15-16


MAKE BETHNAL GREEN Supporting Affinity Sutton with their Design Competition 2009. Page 16

10TH ANNIVERSARY Our Birmingham office celebrates its anniversary Back Page


ST. JOHN始S CHURCH WEMBLEY The first vicarage in the UK to meet the Government's rigorous Code for Sustainable Homes Level 6 is to be built in west London. Christopher Rainsford gives us an insight into this flagship development with construction due to commence in summer 2010.


calfordseaden始s architects and sustainability group have won planning approval for a ground breaking Code for Sustainable Homes Level 6 vicarage on a sensitive site in Wembley.


he detached two-storey zero carbon building will deploy photovoltaic panels and state of the art ground source heat pumps, solar thermal technology and rainwater harvesting. The full scheme also includes a new multi function hall for the church and local community, along with 12 flats and a terrace of 8 houses. All the residential units are designed to Code Level 4. The site is in the grounds of a listed Victorian church (designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott) and the cluster of new buildings use flint and stone as part of the palette of materials for the elevations, both to reflect the architecture of the church and to create an appropriate setting for it.

The proposals create an external street for the housing elements. This incorporates a new square at its mid point to enhance the appearance of the church and to provide it with a 'parvis', and an internal street that separates the flats from the community building which can be used for displays, exhibitions and small groups. The community building houses a multi use hall, two large meeting rooms, cr猫che facilities and a kitchen. Construction will commence on site in early summer 2010 For further information contact: Christopher Rainsford at our Orpington office T 01689 888222 E crainsford@calfordseaden.co.uk

Images courtesy of Red and Gray Limited



Energy Efficiency Scheme The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (formerly known as the Carbon Reduction Commitment) is the UK's mandatory climate change and energy saving scheme, which started in April 2010. It is central to the UK's strategy for improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, as set out in the Climate Change Act 2008. Terry Keech explains. The scheme has been designed to raise awareness in large organisations, especially at senior level, and encourage changes in behaviour and infrastructure. The scheme’s amended title serves to better reflect the CRC's focus on increasing energy efficiency. CRC is designed to improve energy efficiency in large organisations. It will operate as a 'cap and trade' mechanism, providing a financial incentive to reduce energy use by putting a price on carbon emissions from energy use. In CRC, organisations buy allowances equal to their annual emissions.


The overall emissions reduction target is achieved by placing a 'cap' on the total allowances available to each group of CRC participants. Within that overall limit, individual organisations can determine the most cost effective way to reduce their emissions. This could be through buying extra allowances or investing in ways to decrease the number of allowances they need to buy. All the money raised through the allowances will be recycled back to participants, according to how well they perform. The scheme features an annual performance league table that ranks participants on energy efficiency performance.


calfordseaden are able to offer a range of services including assistance in setting up the CRC process, surveys, reports and recommendations for energy efficiency and CO2 reductions. We are also able to assist with the ongoing advice and management process of the scheme.

SCHOOL calfordseaden’s architects, town planners and sustainability consultants have worked closely with Hayes School to develop a master plan, which gives a vision for the future and takes into account a Grade ll Listed building. The very successful and vibrant school is set in mature landscape designated Metropolitan Open Land (MOL).

Together with the financial and reputation considerations, the scheme encourages organisations to develop energy management strategies that promote a better understanding of energy consumption. Organisations are eligible for CRC if they have at least one half-hourly electricity meter settled on the half-hourly market. They also qualify if their total half-hourly electricity consumption exceeded 6,000 megawatt-hours (approximately £500,000 electricity bill) during 2008.

Initially, it is estimated around 5,000 organisations will qualify, including supermarkets, water companies, banks, local authorities and all central Government Departments. Qualifying organisations will have to comply legally with the scheme or face financial and other penalties.

Planning permission has been gained for the first phase of the master plan and is currently under construction. The building is designed to provide a new library and exhibition space, media studies, English, Diploma and SPALD unit. Following on will be a six court sports hall, PE and Maths suite incorporating green roofs and photo voltaics. The Phase 1 buildings have been designed to be able to be built without disturbance to the school and are due to be completed and occupied before the 2010 autumn term. The contractor, Elliot Fastrack, are using off site manufactured steel and timber panels to meet a very tight programme. When the whole scheme is completed the school will be focussed around the original Listed “Gasden” school house and will provide a school suitable for 21st century teaching. Construction cost for the current phase is circa £2m.

For further information contact:

For more information please contact:

Terry Keech at our Orpington office T 01689 888222 E tkeech@calfordseaden.co.uk

John Spence at our Orpington office T 01689 888222 E jspence@calfordseaden.co.uk



FORESHORE ESTATE, DEPTFORD calfordseaden were appointed by Hyde Housing Group to undertake the role of building surveyor, employerʼs agent, M&E adviser and clerk of works on this historic site in Deptford. Stuart Buckley explains.

Established in 1742 as the Royal Victoria Victualling Yard, a complex of buildings used to store clothing, food and drink supplies for the Royal Navy, it soon grew to become the largest Admiralty Victualling Yard to meet the needs of a developing Navy and thriving shipbuilding industry. In 1764 the HMS Endeavour was constructed, commanded by Lieutenant James Cook on his voyages to discover Australia and New Zealand.


ollowing the yard’s closure in 1961, the Greater London Council developed the area, creating social housing for local workers. Originally well received, over the course of time fundamental design issues arose which remained unresolved despite considerable investment, and during the next 30 years the estate gradually deteriorated. In 2000 Hyde Housing were commissioned as partner to regenerate the Pepys estate. Residents later transferred Foreshore from Lewisham Council to Hyde after an overwhelming vote in 2007. Foreshore comprises two Grade II Listed converted rum warehouses constructed in the 18th century and subsequently divided into 65 flats in the 1970’s. As part of this multi million pound transformation, Foreshore has been internally upgraded to Decent Homes Standards with a new communal heating system with individual tenant control. External remedial and refurbishment works have also been undertaken, including improved security and extension of the door entry system to secure the under croft areas. For further information contact:


Stuart Buckley at our Orpington office T 01689 888222 E sbuckley@calfordseaden.co.uk

The regeneration and environmental improvements were completed in November 2009 and have been given approval by English Heritage.


Hale Village is being developed by Lea Valley Estates, with Building Design Partnership leading the master planning. The five hectare former brown field site is located between the River Lea and the London to Cambridge railway line, immediately adjacent to Tottenham Hale Station. Richard Newman highlights our involvement. The riverside development which is modelled on Hammarby, a waterside district of Sweden’s capital Stockholm, will include over 1,200 residential units, besides commercial and retail floor space. There will also be a hotel, student accommodation, a health centre and significant areas of quality green space. The project is engineered with a strong environmental input and it is planned to have a green roof where the rainwater is to be harvested and used to fill WC cisterns. It is the client’s requirements that Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes is met. Working with United House’s architect, KSS, calfordseaden is initially providing a concept design for the project, to obtain full planning consent. When this stage has been achieved, the team will move the detailed design forward. For further information contact: Richard Newman at our Orpington office T 01689 888222 E rnewman@calfordseaden.co.uk


Images courtesy KSS Group

HALE VILLAGE, TOTTENHAM Our appointment to United House as structural engineer and mechanical & electrical engineer is for an 11 storey apartment block with attached four and six storey wings. A total of around 120 residential units of varying types will be included in the complex.



Retailers have struggled in the last couple of years as the recession has taken its toll. Many retailers have sought reductions in their service charges and requested monthly rental payments to ease cashflow through one of the worst recessions since the 1930ʼs. Richard Grove gives an insight into his role.

THE MOOR, SHEFFIELD At calfordseaden, we have significant retail experience enabling us to add value with our shopping retail clients. For the last 13 years we have been retained by RREEF UK Retail Property Fund as building surveyors for The Moor, Sheffield. Richard Grove at our London office has headed this up and provided a single point of contact throughout the whole of this period. As a consequence a wealth of historical information has been compiled from record drawings through to details of past expenditure. This has enabled significant savings to be made as the information has been retained and built on without requirement for new data to subsequently be commissioned. Repairs can be programmed using lasting solutions most suitable to the construction used, rather than being reactive and incurring expensive call-out costs for repairs that are often inappropriate and do not last. Our role has included acquisitions surveys through to undertaking fire insurance valuations and Planned Preventative Maintenance surveys, dilapidations, party wall matters, external decoration and repairs schemes, as well as re-ordering retail units to specific retailer requirements.


Working closely with the managing agents and letting agents, as well as solicitors and the client, has enabled rounded advice to be given in the context of the different requirements that each party brings. This long-term client/consultant relationship has enabled a full and detailed understanding of a complex shopping centre that was built in the 1950’s with many inherent defects and deleterious materials in common with that time.


JUMPS WOLSEY PLACE, WOKING As both the vendor and purchaser are clients of calfordseaden, we were able to work with both parties to achieve a successful transaction under a very tight deadline. Subsequently, we have been retained to prepare fire insurance valuations and Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) surveys. The latter using calfordseaden’s bespoke software. Historically maintenance has been more reactive than proactive but insurers requested a maintenance survey be completed shortly after acquisition. This data will be used to agree schedules of rates with contractors with the intention of reducing costs overall.

The PPM survey will greatly assist in the production of budgets for the centre so that the retailers are given greater accuracy of forthcoming service charges. This will enable the centre to be maintained to a good standard, essential where retail centres compete with each other to attract customers. The building surveyor therefore has a crucial role at the centre of retail shopping and calfordseaden are delighted to provide a continuous service for our clients in this way. For further information contact: Richard Grove at our London office T 020 7940 3200 E rgrove@calfordseaden.co.uk

We have recently been commissioned to undertake an acquisition survey of Wolsey Place, Woking; a purpose built shopping centre in the heart of Woking Town Centre.

The beginning of April saw a change in the pricing method by which the world’s three largest producers offer iron ore to the market, leading to a near doubling in price of the raw material. Consequently, it is anticipated that steel prices may rise by up to a third during 2010. Before 1 April, prices for iron ore supply contracts were set annually at a rate fixed for the year irrespective of demand. This mechanism has been replaced by quarterly pricing, leading to greater price volatility and an immediate increase of around 100%. Further rises are expected later in the year. Since January, UK steelmaker Corus has responded by announcing three price rises totalling £190/tonne for structural steel sections. Recent tenders have reflected these higher steel costs, although higher competition between contractors in a depressed market may mean that not all of the increase flows through to employers immediately. A recent reduction in production by the overcapacity Chinese steel industry may yet lead to a drop in demand for iron ore and a reduction in price, but the price of steel is expected to remain above the levels seen in 2009. For more information please contact: David Cane at our Orpington office T 01689 888222 E dcane@calfordseaden.co.uk


HOW DO YOUR BUILDINGS PERFORM? Through the use of thermal imaging, calfordseaden are able to analyse and review the thermal energy performance of buildings whilst in operation, to target where thermal improvements could be made and where possible future energy savings are achievable. Terry Keech is one of our in-house experts. We can provide a detailed assessment of your existing stock and provide a detailed thermal image and associated SAP rating. This assessment will indicate energy performance levels, possible areas of building material failure, giving you an on-going record for building stock improvements.

This new thermal imaging service could dramatically help you improve the environmental performance of your property portfolio.

Our system can be used as a living maintenance record of the external building fabric and be interactive for your maintenance staff and occupants to access information from a dedicated website on energy use. They can also access an updatable user manual for low energy technologies installed in the building. For further information contact: Terry Keech at our Orpington office T 01689 888222 E tkeech@calfordseaden.co.uk Full details of this service are available on our website: www.calfordseaden.co.uk/innovation


I.T. BENEFITS ALL calfordseaden continue to invest in its information technology and communications systems to increase its efficiency and improve its working practices. We are now embarking on the virtualisation of our Practice-wide computer system. David Metcalf gives an update. This means that the majority of desktop computers throughout the Practice will shortly be replaced with thin client devices, meaning we will be less reliant on computers prone to inherent problems. Through this virtualisation programme we are also able to reduce the number of mainframe servers we required, which naturally is more cost effective for the Practice, but has many other tangible benefits. Many of these benefits have marked environmental benefits, such as a reduction in the electricity required to power the reduced number of servers, along with the decreased volume of aircooling needed. Another significant recent change in our IT systems is the method by which photocopying and printing is undertaken throughout the Practice. Through the use of proximity cards, people now send documents for printing to any printer at any of calfordseaden’s offices.

Documents are then stored and are only printed when people physically go to the printer, use their card and select files to be physically printed. Through this system, we envisage the volume of actual documents printed will be reduced which again will have direct cost & environmental benefits. In recent years calfordseaden have invested heavily in an integrated document & knowledge management system that makes use of the latest technology and software to manage all of our corporate documentation, project documents, images & drawings, contact relationship management, training & performance management, as well as other human resource functions. ‘Knowledge’ is a major asset and through our system we ensure all of the information related to our clients’ projects is used effectively and accessible through a single portal, known internally as Plexus.

All information stored in Plexus is retrievable with minimal effort and in various formats, including our own bespoke reports. We continue to work with our lead software supplier, Union Square, whom we have developed this single, integrated information platform with over the last few years. We have also established an internal Information Technology User Group, made up of various people throughout the Practice from professional, technical and administrative functions. This user group works with our IT Department to develop new or more effective ways of using our existing software, recommends new training and provides feedback to our inhouse trainers on existing training programmes from the user's perspective. We continue to develop all of our information technology & communications systems through our progressive development programme for the benefit of the Practice and our clients.




calfordseaden are appointed as employerʼs agent by the RSL consortium of Wandle Housing Association, Guinness Partnership and L&Q Group to deliver their “Package B” Elephant & Castle Early Housing Sites under a development agreement with Southwark Council. Over the past three years, calfordseaden has worked with L&Q to provide viable developments, while maintaining the necessary architectural integrity of the schemes,.,Jeremy Harrod explains. L&Q secured planning approval for the five sites in December 2008 and in the face of the economic downturn recently entered into a build contract on all of its Early Housing Sites to deliver the following: Brandon Street: 18 affordable units Library Street: 40 affordable units New Kent Road: 52 affordable units + 3 commercial units Townsend Street: 37 affordable units St Georges Road: 15 affordable units

All of the Early Housing Sites have come with their own challenges as would be expected of infill sites within a dense urban environment such as Elephant & Castle, to name but a few these included; Rights of Light Party Wall Matters Build-over and build-near-to statutory services Compliance with Code 4 and 20% on-site renewable energy provision Provision of new community gardens, homezones and community play areas

Images are of Early Housing Sites: Townsend Street, Library Street and Brandon Street


Downloaded from: www.elephantandcastle.org.uk

Southwark Councilʼs emphasis was to deliver Housing Sites, which emphasise the importance of architectural style above the standard architecture usually associated with affordable housing.

A further challenge for these sites has been the shared objective of the Homes and Communities Agency, London Borough of Southwark and L&Q, to achieve reduced carbon emissions by ensuring the sites are fully prepared for future connection to the Elephant and Castle Multi Utility Services Company (MUSCo). This connection will provide centralised combined heat & power, a fibre optic superhighway and, to the most central sites, non-potable water direct from an aquifer.

For further information contact: Jeremy Harrod at our Orpington office T 01689 888222 E jharrod@calfordseaden.co.uk

The first of the sites (St Georges Road) is due to complete in August 2010, closely followed by New Kent Road (November 2010).


PPM PROGRAMME LAUNCHED We have developed our own Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) database programme following a comprehensive review of maintenance software programmes on the market. Peter Gatfield explains why calfordseaden have gone to the effort of developing this and the benefits clients gain from using it. In our experience, clients are seeking a simple electronic database of property information they can update and amend. Existing planned maintenance programmes tend to be written with facilities managers in mind, focusing more on mechanical and electrical services rather than the building fabric, which often makes up an equal proportion of annual maintenance costs. The benefit of our template is it can be adapted to do both. Almost every PC in your organisation will have Microsoft ExcelŠ loaded on to it and we have harnessed the power of this software to manipulate the maintenance data collected on site by our building surveyors. By using Microsoft ExcelŠ, it is very easy to distribute an editable version of our spreadsheet once the report is complete. The main database of property information is stored in the spreadsheet under the 'survey' tab, additional columns can be added to make the programme a live document for you to record dates when the programmed works are complete.

To see an example report go to: www.calfordseaden.co.uk/ppm


The actual costs of the works and any further comments can also be recorded under this tab. The total anticipated cost of the works for each building element is automatically collated and carried forward by the spreadsheet and shown in summary on the 'programme' tab. We have also included 'chart' tabs to summarise the proposed cost expenditure in graphical format. Our Planned Preventative Maintenance programme is also intended to provide you with summary information relating to the building, such as plans and elevations (if available). An Ordnance Survey map and a selection of photos taken during our survey would also be attached, as we are looking to make this document a single point of reference that you can use and update after our work is complete. We can offer training to those clients who wish to use and update this database themselves, however anyone proficient in updating cell formula data using Microsoft ExcelŠ should find the database very easy to use. The report can also be provided in hard copy or as a PDF if you do not intend to undertake your own update. We can do the updates for you when the recommended works are undertaken and calfordseaden are appointed to act as your contract administrator.

Joe Williams - Winning Entry

SUPPORTING AFFINITY SUTTON WITH THEIR DESIGN COMPETITION 2009 Make Bethnal Green calfordseaden congratulate Affinity Sutton in setting up their 2009 Design Challenge, Make Bethnal Green. As one of Affinity Sutton's employer's agent partners, we are proud to be able to support this competition for student architects.

Whilst the data collected may not be new, the clear and concise format it is presented in certainly is. This new format prioritises the most urgent works, providing you with an anticipated budget over the programme term. Each programme can also be linked, giving you an overall summary of your property portfolio building maintenance liabilities. Of course, no database programme can be effective or reliable unless accurate data is collected. In this regard we are able to harness the very considerable expertise of its multi-disciplined partners and staff For further information contact: Peter Gatfield at our London office T 020 7940 3200 E pgatfield@calfordseaden.co.uk

One of the first design competitions staged by a housing association in Partnership with RIBA, the Affinity Sutton Design Competition 2009, aimed to give Part 2 students the opportunity to showcase the latest in environmental design in an open ideas competition to Make Bethnal Green. Designed by Victorian architects Joseph & Smithem and one of Europe's first social housing developments, Affinity Sutton's Bethnal Green estate in East London celebrates its 100th birthday this year. Originally home to some 400 people, Bethnal Green offered an escape from London's East End slums and a decent home. Affinity Sutton challenged Part 2 students to Make Bethnal Green by asking them - What would you build on the same site today and how would that design make a positive contribution to the environment?

The eight finalists recently had the opportunity of spending a week with one of Affinity Sutton's partner architects to finesse their designs before judging. Two of our Partners, Paul Miller (Urban Regeneration) and Terry Keech (Sustainability) spent an afternoon with the eight finalists discussing the practical considerations that must be carefully planned and well thought out when embarking on real life urban regeneration initiatives. The overall winners of this Design Challenge were Joe Williams and George Calver. We look forward to supporting Affinity Sutton and the Competition Winners on their paid Stage 2 professional experience placement with Affinity Sutton's architect partners. For further information on this exciting Design Challenge visit: www.makebethnalgreen.com George Calver - Winning Entry


Summer 2010

calfordseaden St John’s House 1a Knoll Rise Orpington Kent BR6 0JX T 01689 888222 F 01689 888299


10 ANNIVERSARY In August, our Birmingham Office celebrates its 10th anniversary. This office has continued to grow from strength to strength and is now recognised locally for excellence in provision of multi-disciplinary property consultancy services. Whilst a significant proportion of our workload emanates from the Affordable Housing sector, we continue to undertake substantial work in commercial sectors, including retail, office and industrial. We are also heavily involved with Charitable Organisations, Local Authorities, County Councils, Health Trusts and Education Bodies. Birmingham


Office Anniversary

www.calfordseaden.co.uk calfordseaden have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that did you know? is correct at the time of publication. Please contact us for more information about any of the topics and, where our professional code of conduct allows, we will be happy to advise. calfordseaden LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership Registered in England and Wales number OC315838. Registered Office: Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AD where a list of members is kept. Calford Seaden (Health and Safety) Limited is Registered in England No. 3028351 Registered Office: Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road London EC1M 7AD


FSC Certified Product - Credit Material Manufactured at a paper mill which is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and FSC Certified. Chlorine Free. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) FSC is an International, non-profit association which promotes responsible forestry through an independent forest certification and product labelling system. The Independent Assurance for Responsible Forest Management.

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