SPONSORSHIP FORM October 26, 2014 The Spring Valley Tailgate & BBQ Festival Committee is very thankful to have this opportunity to work with your company. Your participation will ensure that Spring Valley Tailgate & BBQ Festival will be a huge success. Here are some exciting sponsoring opportunities!
TITLE SPONSORSHIP $5,000 Name and logo included on all advertising materials, full back-page ad in the program, banner advertising, name announced every hour throughout the event, one 30-second presentation and two 10’x10’ premium location vendor booths.
PRESENTING SPONSORSHIP $2,000 Name and logo included on all advertising materials, full-page ad in the program, banner advertising, name announced during award presentation and throughout the event, and one 10’x10’ vendor booth.
SILVER SPONSORSHIP $1,000 Name on all advertising materials except poster, half-page ad in the program, banner advertising and name announced throughout the event.
BRONZE SPONSORSHIP $500 Name on all advertising materials except poster, business card size ad in the program and name announced throughout the event.
TEAM SPONSORSHIP $200 Sponsor a BBQ Team, name on all advertising materials except poster.
DONATION OF CHOICE AMOUNT OF CHECK ENCLOSED $___________ Make payable to Spring Valley Chamber of Commerce
Company Name ______________________________________________________________________ Contact ________________________________________ Title _________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________ Telephone Number _______________________________ Fax Number __________________________ Email __________________________________________ Website _____________________________ Signature _______________________________________ Date ________________________________
Please send this agreement and check to: Spring Valley Chamber of Commerce PO Box 1211 Spring Valley, CA 91979-1211 Find us on Facebook & Twitter @ SVBBQFestival www.springvalleybbqfestival.com springvalleybbqfestival@gmail.com 619.670.9902