California Parks & Recreation, Vol. 69, No. 4

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Official Magazine of the California Park & Recreation Society

Volume 69, Number 4 • Fall 2013

68 Parks in 68 Days?

Discover Your “Why” A Primer on Park Supervision A Primer on Social Norm Marketing


fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

Gold medal pool – built in eight days Olympic Trials 2012

Opening ceremonies at the U.S. Olympic Trials in Omaha, Nebraska in July, 2012. 50-meter pool designed by Arch Pac.

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See time lapse video of the pool assembly



PARKS &RECREATION Fall 2013 • Volume 69, Number 4 From the President

Buyer’s Guide


6 38 52




Discover Your Why & Focus on that ...........................................8 Go beyond the What you do and the How you do it and focus on Why you do it.

Visiting Every Park In Your System............................................12 How can park and recreation agencies facilitate park tour visits to every park in their system? We found families who are doing their own park tours very intentionally. Editor Jane H. Adams Executive Director Managing Editor John Glaeser Director of Communications Advertising Melonie Zarzuela Assistant Advertising Manager CALIFORNIA PARKS & RECREATION (ISSN 0733-5326) is published quarterly by the California Park & Recreation Society, Inc., 7971 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95832-9701. Opinions expressed in credited articles are those of the author and not necessarily those of the society. Subscription rate is $30.00 per year and is included in membership dues. Individual subscriptions apart from CPRS membership are available only to colleges, libraries and members of CAPRCBM. Single copy price for all other issues is $7.50 for members and $12.50 for nonmembers. Periodicals postage paid at Sacramento, California, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CALIFORNIA PARKS & RECREATION, 7971 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95832-9701. Send manuscripts, query letters and artwork to John Glaeser. Advertising materials should be forwarded to the address above or call 916/6652777. Guidelines for submitting articles and advertising rates are available from same address, or from the CPRS website ( © 2013, California Park & Recreation Society, Inc.

A Primer on Playground Supervision........................................20 Once a playground is installed, your agency must be aware of supervision, safety, surfacing and child development.

Patrons Have Conejo Recreation & Park district in the Palm of Their Hands............................................................26 A park worker develops a smart phone application to help the community check field status, find amenities at parks and facilities and see detailed maps of each park.

A Primer on Social Norm Marketing.........................................30 Use social norm marketing techniques to influence people’s behavior. Learn from examples used in park and recreation agencies.


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r e s i d e n t


Getting it Right


by Michelle Lacy • CPRS President


any of you have engaged in the hiring of new staff members at your agencies and throughout my career I have hired hundreds of park and recreation professionals. As a Coordinator, Supervisor, Manager and Director, I have been involved in all phases of the hiring process including advertising, review of applicants, interviewing, reference checks and negotiating terms of employment. As a Park and Recreation professional I consider my hiring record to be well above average. I have been fortunate to hire and train high quality park and recreation professionals for multiple agencies. So when Jane told me that she would retire at the end of my Presidential term, I would have thought my reaction would be one of calm since I had been trained in hiring practices and that ominous day was a possibility when I put my name on the ballot to run as CPRS President. But in a surprise twist my gut reaction was not calm, but one of panic. That pit in the stomach panic which still nags at me when I think of the magnitude of the task. That feeling doesn’t come from not knowing what to do, but comes from the fear of not “getting it right.” For months, I agonized about how we as a Society would identify the right candidate and transition them into this amazing organization. I realized through research and consultation with experts in the field of non-profit, executive candidate placements that this process was going to be unfamiliar to not only me, but to the Board and CPRS members. I could not post the opening on the CPRS Job Center and be flooded with qualified, eager candidates. Getting it right means

seeking out the ideal candidate and not waiting for them to magically appear. So, at the May 2013 Board of Directors meeting we discussed a plan of action which included identifying competencies for success, appointing an Executive Director Task Force consisting of CPRS members, hiring an Executive Search Firm, and deciding the final interviews would be conducted by the Board of Directors. At our August Board of Directors meeting, Past President Mike Shellito facilitated a discussion with the Board and staff which assisted in identifying competencies which we feel are critical to have at the onset and those which could be learned. The competencies which rose to the top included integrity, communication, knowledge of association management, and relationship building. While every competency is important, we needed to agree on the most important and realize that no candidate will possess every desired skill. At that meeting we authorized the formation of the Executive Director Task Force which would include a broad representation of CPRS members. In our continuing effort to get it right, we wanted the task force to resemble our 3,200 members. I am pleased to announce that I believe we have accomplished that task. The members of the Executive Search Task Force include Karen McNamara, Past-President and Chair; Pilar Alcivar-McCoy, Past President; Mark Mariscal, President-Elect and Region 5; Tim Barry, Vice President and Region 1; Mike Becker, Region 2; Monya Jameson, Region 3; Kyla continued on page 54

Michelle Lacy is the 2013-14 CPRS President and Director of Parks & Recreation, City of Orinda. 6

1. Publication Title: California Parks & Recreation 2. Publication No. 0733-5326 3. Filing Date: October 15, 2013 4. Issue Frequency: Quarterly 5. No. of Issues Published Annually: 4 6. Annual Subscription Price: $30.00 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: California Park & Recreation Society, 7971 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95832-9701 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher: Same as #7 9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor and Managing Editor: Publisher: same as #7; Editor: Jane H. Adams, California Park & Recreation Society, 7971 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 958329701; Managing Editor: John Glaeser, California Park & Recreation Society, 7971 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95832-9701 10. Owner: California Park & Recreation Society, 7971 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95832-9701 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None 12. The purpose, function and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed during the preceding 12 months. 13. Publication Name: California Parks & Recreation 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: Summer 2013 (mailed August 2013) 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation: Actual No. Copies Single Issue Published Nearest To Filing Date Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 months

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16. Publication of Statement of Ownership: Publication required. Will be printed in the Fall 2013 issue of this publication. sig. John Glaeser, Managing Editor, October 15, 2013

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

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Discover Your Why & Focus on That

I By Jane H. Adams Executive Director California Park & Recreation Society


told my 5-year old daughter to go get her shoes since we were going to go to the grocery store. She responded with “why?” I said, “We need milk, cereal, bananas, and bread.” She asked “why?” “Well,” I said, “you drank all the milk this morning with your breakfast, your dad finished the Cheerios, and you took the last banana and sandwich to school for lunch today.” “Why?” she asked yet again. By then I resorted to what any parent/ guardian/older person would do, “Because I said so. Go get your shoes.” Off we went to the store. fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Your Why Now that my daughter has passed that “why” phase I realize the importance of asking “why” (particularly for children). “Why” is a powerful question to ask AND to answer. By asking why we seek purpose, information, validation, and guidance. When we know “why” something is expected of us we can respond appropriately. Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why, has made his “why” his business. Sinek discovered that knowing your why is a powerful motivator for individuals and for organizations. He views the most successful organizations and individuals start with their why known. Throughout his book Simon gives numerous examples of individuals and companies who know their why and the powerful force it has on employees, stakeholders, and customers.

The bottom line, as Sinek succintly states is, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” Joe Smith, a Park Supervisor for the Sunnyhill Recreation and Park District, goes to a neighborhood potluck dinner when a new neighbor walks up and says “hi, I’m Dave your new neighbor. I live in the yellow house over there.” Joe responds with “hi, I’m Joe and I live in the blue house 4 doors down from you.” Dave then asks “what do you do?” Joe responds with “I’m a Park Supervisor for Sunnyhill Recreation and Park District.” Joe looks at Dave with a quizzical expression and asks “What do you do?” In all likelihood Joe will respond with tasks that he performs, such as “I supervise five people, we maintain the parks, mow the grass, we keep the parks green, clean, and safe.” This kind of conversation focuses on “what” we do rather than “why” we do it. The conversation could also have gone in this direction: Dave asks, “what do you do?” Joe would likely respond with what the district offers, “I work for the Sunnyhill Recreation and Park District. We have 200 acres of park, 15 miles of trails, one swimming pool, we have concerts in the parks in

the summer, we have picnic pavilions you can rent, etc.” Again, this conversation focuses on the “what” he does rather than the “why.”

The Golden Circle

Your purpose or belief

Beyond the What

How Your product, service, outcome

Most organizations can easily communicate what it does; some can explain how they do it; but very few can explain why they do what they do. Joe could have responded with “I work for the Sunnyhill Recreation and Park District. This community believes parks and recreation is important to the quality of life of our residents. We believe access to open space and nature, activities that provide positive alternatives for youth, and individual and group sports and exercise are important to our residents and their families. We believe parks and recreation makes this a great community to live, work, play, and raise a family. I’m proud to be part of making this community a great

“Knowing your why will help set your career goals, help you rise above the competition, and focus your professional growth.”

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall

Why Your values, guiding principles


place to live.” If you notice Joe did not respond with “what” he did – he focused on “why” he did it. An organization’s why states its purpose for existence. Sam Walton, the founder of WalMart wanted to make quality products affordable and available to rural USA. For Herb Kellerman, the founder of Southwest Airlines, it was making flying available to the common man. For Steve Wozeniak and Steve Jobs, co-founders of Apple, their why was making computers available to everyone at a time when only big organizations had a computer. Sam’s why was not to make money off of people living in rural America. Herb did not want to go after the 15% of the population who was already flying; his why was to make flying available to everyone. The point is that they did not go into their business with making money as their purpose. They had a purpose, a why. Many are drawn to the parks and recreation profession for intrinsic or personal reasons. It may be that we grew up at the neighborhood recreation center, spending more time there than at home. We may have started our career as a day camp counselor, lifeguard, cashier, or as a volunteer. Parks and recreation professionals want to make a positive difference in people’s lives regardless of how that is accomplished. Your how could be through aquatics, designing parks, working with seniors or youth, therapeutic recreation, interpretation, etc. Sinek created the Golden Circle to represent the connection between the why, how, and what. The center of the circle is the why and it is your core belief. The how is the values or principles that guide how to bring your 9

Your Why u why to life. Your how should be stated as a verb. And the what is the result of your actions – your product or service. The vast majority of companies start and communicate from a what perspective. A car manufacturer describes the features of the new model, i.e., great road handling, a sensor that beeps when the car in front of you slows, leather seats, surround sound, etc. A resort shows photos of their swimming pool, their fine dining restaurant, activities for kids, etc. These examples show the emphasis is on the what not the why. What does the manufacturer of that car believe about how a car can make a difference in my life? Why does the resort believe that a stay there can improve my life? Consider Southwest Airlines whose why is to make flying available for everyone. Their hows are easy, fun, and cheap. Consider how you pick your seat = easy; singing or joke telling flight attendant = fun; and bags fly free = cheap. From personal experience I attest the flight attendants on Southwest are friendlier and happier than flight attendants on other airlines. Remember Song? Remember Ted? Both Song and Ted were airlines created by Delta and United accordingly who wanted to attract Southwest customers by offering similar low cost experiences. Consumers didn’t buy it. We didn’t know their why. If you want to get enthused [or reenthused] about your work, start with your why. Why is parks and recreation important for this community? If you want employees to get enthused about their work, talk about the agency’s why. If you want public officials to get enthused about your agency, talk about your why. If you want the right stakeholders, talk about your why.

Your First Step to Discover Your Why It will be tempting to pull out the mission statement – don’t! You have a blank canvas on which to create your why. Pretend you are the first person to be hired to create the park and recreation agency.


“The more organizations and people who learn to start with WHY, the more people there will be who wake up being fulfilled by the work they do.” Better yet, bring your team together and ask this question “Why did we start doing what we are doing in the first place and how can we go home feeling fulfilled [more fulfilled] by our work?” Don’t relegate this to a management team and have them report back…this exercise is a golden opportunity to bring your agency together to focus on the most important thing: discovering your why. This may be an agonizing exercise and people will look to you or each other for the answer. Keep asking why and you will get to your gut belief about why you are doing what you are doing. Your why is your core belief – it is not your mission statement. Your why may not use the words “parks and recreation.” Simon’s why is “To help build a world in which the vast majority of people go home everyday feeling fulfilled by their work.” Simon’s why does not state, “I will give speeches, I will write a book, I will have a website.” Once you have discovered your why, then identify your how. What values or beliefs will be important to reach your why? Remember Southwest Airline’s

how’s - fun, easy, and cheap. Hint: don’t have 10 values! We can’t remember 10 of anything! Work hard to get to 3 to 5! (Everyone can remember 3!) List your values / beliefs, perhaps prioritize them, and then write them using a verb. How will you act with your values in the forefront? If you value accountability, it could be stated as “I will do what I say I will do.” If you value customer service, your how may be “We treat our customers as we want to be treated.” It will then be important to discuss what ‘treating customers as you like to be treated’ will look like. You must take the customer’s perspective. Ask the staff to write up a description when they felt they received excellent customer service. It could be at a restaurant, a hotel, or a WalMart. They can share them and look for similarities of experiences. What words kept popping up? After you have written your why, identify your how, you then move onto your what. The what is the tangible proof of your why and how. Your whats are your programs, services, facilities and parks. In the introduction to his book, Simon states “The more organizations and people who learn to also start with WHY, the more people there will be who wake up feeling fulfilled by the work they do. And that’s about the best reason I can think of to continue to share this idea.”

Resources: • Start with Why website: • TED Talk: How great leaders inspire others, http://www.ted. com/talks/simon_sinek_how_ great_leaders_inspire_action.html • Start with Why Facebook: startwithwhy • A Book in One Page: ClientArea/Start_with_why_ book_review

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

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Visiting Every Park In Your System


By John Glaeser Director of Communications California Park & Recreation Society


couple of years ago I was attending a board meeting of association professionals. During some discussions, one of them learned that I worked for the California Park & Recreation Society and was excited to share that her husband had plans for the upcoming summer to take their son to visit 50 different local parks over the summer. My immediate thought was “This would make a cool article!” but when I broached the idea, she said her husband would definitely not be interested. So I let it go. Flash forward two years later and I have learned of other families creating their own “park tours” in their communities. In Roseville, California, the Mathis family set a goal of visiting 68 parks in 68 days. They chronicled their story on their Facebook page “68 Parks in 68 Days.” An article from their local paper is on page 13. They are going to recreate the tour in the neighboring city of Rocklin which has 30+ parks. I also found the Kellogg family in Forsyth County, North Carolina. They visited 36 parks in one day! Using simple math I calculated it would take 12 hours if they did three parks per hour. That is one incredibly long day. Their story appears on page 14. fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Park Tours But all of this got me thinking: “What can park and recreation agencies do to facilitate these kind of activities?” Or what can you do to get people to visit other parks in your system besides just their closest park? So I did a Google search on Park Tours and learned of people who have a goal of visiting every national park or every Major League baseball park, but I found very little about park and recreation agencies hosting park tours.

Organized Park Tours

I remember when my family moved to a bike/walk friendly community in Elk Grove. The home owners association wanted to “tout the virtues” of the community to its new residents.

One spring day, they hosted a family poker rally. Families had to walk or bicycle along the tour route which took families to the local town hall, a number of parks, a local shopping area and walking paths along a number of lakes. Stations were spread out along the route with folding tables that had treats and the next card for your poker hand. At the end of the tour, the HOA had an ice cream social for families to meet and brag about their poker hands. The event was low-key and looked inexpensive, but was incredibly fun for the families. It was also a great way for us to learn about the neighborhood around us. What kind of tour could you plan to expose residents to more of your parks and facilities?

The family park tours also reminded me a little bit about the “Where’s Waldo” merchant program I saw in both Bodega Bay and Half Moon Bay. Merchants in the downtown districts of the two cities hid cardboard cutouts of Waldo in a participating store. Kids (and adults) who found the hidden Waldos could inform a store clerk of the discovery and would then receive a stamp in their passport. After a certain number of stamps the child would receive a prize from one of the merchants. This is a great way to get families to visit many of the merchants in a downtown district. I must admit we went into shops that we probably would not have visited just to find the Waldo. It also gave me and my wife a

Family completes ‘68 Parks in 68 Days’ Mom, three children visit all of Roseville’s parks By: Sena Christian, Staff Reporter Roseville & Granite Bay Press Tribune May 28, 2013 Reprinted with permission Roseville resident Elizabeth Mathis could probably, if she wanted, become a park designer tomorrow. Mathis has plenty of opinions about what makes a fun and safe park environment, and ideas on what elements should be abolished after visiting 68 local parks and facilities in 68 days with her three young children. She chronicled their adventures on her Facebook page, “68 Parks in 68 Days,” which finished May 14 with a visit to Lincoln Estate Parks with her 5-year-old daughter, Coral, 3-year-old son, Sterling, and 22-monthold son, Cobalt. “Sterling’s favorite (park) is Diamond Oaks because it has one of the tallest slides we’ve been to,” Mathis, 37, said. The mother came up with the idea to visit every Roseville park after her family relocated from Northern California when her husband, Ryan Mathis, took a job as a wildlife biologist with the California Department of Fish and Game in Sacramento. “We moved here a year ago from Eureka and I was amazed at how many parks there were here,” she said. They found a list of Roseville’s 68 parks and facilities, which includes two golf courses, the Mike Shellito Indoor Pool, Maidu Museum and Historic Site and Utility Exploration Center, on the city’s website and the journey began. Most of the parks Mathis didn’t even know existed.

The family currently lives near Kaseberg Park, and their project exposed them to other spaces in which to play and other neighborhoods. On her Facebook page, Mathis remarks on some of the elements of local parks she doesn’t like: the lack of water features, rocks that pose dangers and the use of sand boxes, which she says is unsanitary, as disease-ridden critters visit them. “It was exciting to follow the Mathis family’s journey through our Roseville park system,” said Roseville Parks, Recreation and Libraries Director Dominick Casey. “This kind of feedback is very important to us, as our mission is to enhance lives and the community by providing exceptional experiences. So, it was great to hear when we did that through our park and playground design, and when she felt we could do better.” During a recent visit to Mark White Park on 6th Street, off Vernon Street, Coral Mathis agreed with her mom on this last point. “I don’t like sand,” Coral said. What she does like: going down slides. They count among their favorite parks H.C. Elliot Park, Mahany Regional Park and Diamond Oaks Park. At each stop, the mother and children stayed for at least half an hour — running around, climbing the jungle gym and eating lunch. Mathis said Roseville’s abundance of parks show that the city is “children-oriented.” And now that their first project is done, the family is considering embarking on a similar adventure in Rocklin.

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall


Park Tours u little extra shopping time as the kids were busy wandering around the store trying to find Waldo. The City of Los Angeles worked with an education group to create a passport-like program for kids to visit local historical places and museums.

Treasure Hunts

Photo courtesy of Kompan, Inc.

Greenville County in South Carolina created a Park Hop campaign that encouraged families to participate in a scavenger hunt that would take them on a summer long journey to their park and recreation facilities. The participants had a passport with scavenger hunt clues. In order to get the answer the participants had to visit each park or facility. They also created a smart phone app to help with the scavenger hunt. Even though the campaign is officially over, anyone can still access the

Outdoor Ambition By: Hilary Butschek, Staff Reporter Forsyth News June 30, 2013 Reprinted with permission A Forsyth County family recently gave itself a challenge to explore the local outdoors in one day. The Kelloggs — mom, Trish, dad, Brad, and 8-year-old daughter, Annabelle — set out to visit every single public park in the county. Over the course of a Saturday, they would see, test and evaluate all that Forsyth has to offer in playgrounds, scenic spots and nature. “It was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing,” Brad Kellogg said of the decision. Trish Kellogg added that some planning went into the logistics of moving from park to park, since visiting 22 in one day would be a large feat. The family drew a map and numbered the parks they would visit based on what was convenient. On the actual day, however, Trish Kellogg said their daughter began asking to stop at neighborhood playgrounds they passed. With that, the family added 14 more stops. “We started out really energized,” Trish said, “and you wouldn’t think it would take that much energy.” The parents joined Annabelle on the playgrounds, never too old for playing outdoors. And after visiting 36 parks in one day, the family was exhausted. “I almost fell asleep in the car,” Annabelle Kellogg said. In comparing the parks, the family agreed one favorite was Caney Creek Preserve for its exciting ropes course. Another highlight was when Brad Kellogg got a chance


to share some Forsyth County history with his daughter. When the family visited Poole’s Mill Park, he retold the legend of the haunted covered bridge, giving her just a bit of a scare for good measure. “It was good family time,” Trish Kellogg said. “And we also got to see what they’ve done with our community dollars.” The family didn’t find many faults in the local parks and Trish Kellogg said she especially enjoyed the creative new playground equipment. “When we grew up, it was all slides and swing sets and seesaws,” she said. “Now, they even take it a step further with the kids’ imaginations.” For example, she said, her daughter liked the sculpture of a boat on water at Chattahoochee Pointe. The family has always enjoyed spending time outdoors, Brad Kellogg said. “If it was up to me, we’d be camping out every night,” he said. “But the girls don’t favor that.” His wife understands how many children don’t often spend much time outdoors today. “Now there are a lot of different challenges,” she said. “It’s just easier to do, to set the kids in front of the TV.” It was even a challenge for the Kelloggs to spend an entire day outdoors. “We had to have a push to say, ‘OK, we’re going to do it,’ because it’s very easy to let the weekend go by and do the normal stuff,” she said. Since hearing about the family’s trip, other kids in the neighborhood have told her they want to come along next time. The family said it would definitely spend a day at the parks again and has since revisited some of their favorites.

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

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Park Tours u

Photo courtesy of Kompan, Inc.

hunt using the phone app and do the hunt year round. To increase the fun of the event, participants were encouraged to post their photos to the Park Hop Facebook page. The winner of the photo contest was awarded a mountain bike and video camera. You can learn more about Park Hop campaign on their Website ( I also learned of a hotel resort that hid small treasure boxes around the resort. Kids were encouraged to explore the resort to find the boxes and collect their prizes. This doesn’t sound too different from geocaching which already happens in tens of thousands of parks throughout the world. What kind of items can you put in a treasure box? Penny items like stickers, bangles, rubber balls, plastic rings or any other tiny toy are possible. Do the treasure boxes need to be elaborate or big? No, a nicely decorated peanut butter jar would work great. Are you worried about the damage all this driving to different parks would

‘Playable Parks’ project takes mom, son on city-wide journey By Kaleigh Shufeldt Special to the Arizona Daily Star October 14, 2013 Reprinted with permission The start of fall means cool weather and bright, crisp mornings. It’s an ideal time to explore the outdoors, and a Tucson mom and her son are doing just that. After taking a break over the summer Maloree Renaud and her 3-year-old son will continue their exploration of every park in Tucson — all 120-plus of them. On a recent Friday, Renaud and her son set out to explore Hoffman Park. The small grassy field with its colorful play equipment is tucked into a neighborhood off East Broadway and South Swan Road. Renaud said she loves discovering these so-called “pocket parks.” “These are the places that we never would find, unless it was for a project like this,” she said. Friday-morning adventures have become a ritual for the two as they make their way to all 127 parks in Tucson. That count doesn’t include parks that have intergovernmental agreements with the city.


The project began when Renaud decided to spend more time outside with her son and start journaling. Her resolution pushed her to start a blog, Playable Parks, where she posts articles and photos of the parks they visit. (Read it at online.) The blog has even introduced people knowledgeable about Tucson parks to places they’d never heard of. “I know that people are seeing what she is doing and finding these little hidden gems, because some parks I actually didn’t even know we had,” said Sierra Davenport, community relations and marketing manager at Tucson Parks and Recreation. Renaud and her son, whom she prefers not to identify for privacy reasons, started their journey in February and have visited 25 parks. Dubbing himself “Captain Awesome,” her son is diligent at discovering parks’ nooks and crannies and climbing to the highest point of every playground. Renaud said she wants to donate to the parks through her project. She started painting scenes from photos she took at the parks and plans to sell them on her blog, then continued on page 18

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation



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Park Tours u do to our environment? What if you divided your parks into small clusters which are close enough together to bike? You could then host 4-5 consecutive bike tours throughout a month or summer. Like my poker bike rally, the bike tour could be self-guided if you want to reduce staff at the event. Or if you want the tour to be a large scale event, you can plan activities at each of the parks to give the families more incentive to move along the path and visit a variety of parks.

How can we use social media as a tool?

Use your Facebook page as a place for people to post their photos or check-into a park. What a great way to collect photos and also have your community as a marketing piece for you. How about creating a scavenger

hunt or tour using QR codes at each park? Start at Park A and find Amenity 1 which has a QR code for the participant to scan and get the clue for Park B and Amenity 2. They can also check-in using the QR coded page. The tour can last one day, a weekend, a month (consider July as it is Parks Make Life Better!® month) or go on all summer. Include your community centers and aquatic facilities. This is a great way to expose families to facilities that they may not know exist. I am sharing one more story of a family creating their own park tour in Tucson, Arizona. Maloree Renaud and her son are planning to explore over 120 parks. She blogs about her impressions of the park and its amenities. The truly fun part of the blog is seeing the park through the eyes of her son “Captain Awesome.” An article from the

give the money to the Tucson Parks Foundation. The foundation and the Tucson Parks and Recreation Department said they’ll figure out how to put the money toward park projects. “We will work with Maloree to see what kind of stuff she was thinking of doing with it,” Davenport said. Renaud said that in her journaling she highlights unique aspects of each playground and points out her son’s favorite part. “I try to look for a distinct feature in each park,” she said. “I know every park has its good features, and that is what I want to celebrate.” Her paintings also focus on individual characteristics of each park. “The Himmel Park slide was the first painting that I did,” she said. “For me, that is the most iconic playground piece in Tucson. It is the tallest, fastest, scariest slide around.” The next part of her Playable Parks project will be kidfriendly maps, Renaud said. She’s working with Tucson Parks and Recreation, looking at park maps and layouts to create illustrated plans with cartoon icons. “The idea is to have a catalog of these maps, so the kids can explore the park with the map,” Renaud said. So far, she has made a map of McCormick Park, 2950 N. Columbus Blvd., and will begin working on a map of Himmel Park, 1000 N. Tucson Blvd. “It seems like a really cool idea, just to get kids more actively involved in the park and searching for things and making it a little more fun and interactive,” Davenport said. Once the maps are completed, and if they can get


Arizona Star on Renaud is reprinted on pages 14 and 16. Read Renaud’s blog at Here is an excerpt from her blog: Captain Awesome has recently become enamored with his father’s binoculars. So we went looking for a park where we could really put them to good use. We learned about the Atturbury Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary at Abraham Lincoln Park and it sounded like the perfect place to test out the Captain’s new super power of amazing long distance vision.

My goal in writing this article is to inspire you to create an incredible park tour event for your agency. Please share the tours or activities you create and we can highlight them in a future article. Email me at john@

funding, Davenport said Tucson Parks and Recreation will print a couple and make them available at the parks. “What a cool way to discover a park — through a kid’s eyes, too. You see how they are seeing the park at the same time,” Davenport said. Meanwhile, back at Hoffman Park, the sun shines through the branches of a mesquite tree as Renaud plays and laughs with her son. “What’s a better way to spend a beautiful day?” she asked. Kaleigh Shufeldt is a University of Arizona student who is an apprentice at the Star. Contact her at starapprentice@ or 573-4117.

About the Tucson Parks Foundation The Tucson Parks Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1983. It works with public and private partners to enhance the Tucson Parks and Recreation department’s programs. The foundation, made up of volunteers, mainly supports services that help children, at-risk-youth, seniors and the disabled. It’s purchased benches, picnic tables and playground equipment for neighborhood parks and provided scholarships for swim lessons. The foundation has donated more than $3 million to help improve park facilities. Source: Tucson Parks Foundation Website

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall


A Primer on Playground Supervision Halcyon Park, San Leandro, California

“Unfortunately, more than 200,000 children are treated in U.S. hospital emergency rooms each year for injuries associated with playground equipment. Most injuries occur when children fall from the equipment onto the ground.” Ann Brown, Chairman U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission


By Sam “Butch” DeFillippo Managing Partner PlaySafe, LLC


myth of the past was that you could purchase playground equipment, put it in the ground and never have to think about it again. The truth is that a lot of equipment and surfacing on today’s playgrounds do not meet laws/ guidelines such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Equipment and surfacing that do not meet these guidelines can result in injury or death for the children playing on it.

Who is the Supervisor?

A supervisor of a child at a playground isn’t always a parent, guardian or a paid staff member. Almost anyone can be a supervisor: a teacher, teacher’s aid, recreation leader, another child’s parent, an older sibling, or a friend. Often, at fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall


Park Supervision u



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Supervisor Training

There are many issues involved with training supervisors of children at playgrounds. Supervisors should understand equipment, surfacing, children’s development stages, behaviors, rules, and hazards brought onto the playground. This type of training is available from the National Recreation and Park Association, the National Program for Playground Safety, and private companies. Supervisor training should be continuous due to staff turnover, new products, and additional safety information or regulations.


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some locations, there are no supervisors or the supervisors are not knowledgeable about playground safety. This type of situation can lead to an injury or fatality.

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Equipment at public playgroudns should be the correct type. It should be commercial grade (with International Play Equipment Manufacture Association - IPEMA - certified components) and not residential. Equipment should also be in good condition. If parts are damaged or loose then play should not occur on the equipment and the condition should be reported to the appropriate authority. The supervisor should inspect metal equipment to avoid the possibility of children being burned. Supervisors should also learn the intended use of a piece of equipment. An example of a safe piece of equipment being improperly utilized is when chinup bars are used for twirling. It is important to understand what type of activity the equipment is designed for, on some types of equipment the use is not always apparent.


Approximately 80% of injuries occur from falls to the surfacing. Surfacing should be soft and shock absorbent. If sand or pea gravel is used it should be like at a beach, difficult to walk through. If wood fiber, tiles, or poured-in-place materials are used then you should feel like you are walking on a soft, pliable area. All concrete footing should be well below the surface so a child cannot fall onto the footing. All debris (trash, animal waste, or drug paraphernalia) should

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& Recreation magazine

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Park Supervision

be removed and disposed of properly. This may require contacting a local health or fire organization.

Rules and Signs

There is a difference between planned (school or program) use and drop-in (non-school hours) use of a playground. Rules and signs should reflect those differences. Rules should be instructive (where you place your hands and feet) without limiting creativity (going down a slide face first, instead of feet first). Rules should be general in nature and should be limited in number. Too many rules will cause the children to be overwhelmed and follow none of the rules. Both the supervisor and the child, at the playground, should review all use/rule signs prior to use. Although you may not have the children’s full attention, this is an excellent review time. Repetition of the rules may help to reduce the chance of injury.

Child Development

Child development is vital to understanding a play area. Play is not only for recreation but is also essential for learning and individual growth. The ASTM and the CPSC have developed recommendations regarding division of playgrounds by age of users. The recommended age separation is 2-5 year old children and 5-12 year old children. Each of these user groups has special needs and the playground should be put to use and designed accordingly. The age of a child should be used as a benchmark, but a supervisor must be mindful that not all nine-year-old children have the same abilities. A supervisor must also understand how children play. Children will use all of their senses on the playground and supervisors must be aware that if an item is on a playground it may be put into someone’s mouth. If possible, a supervisor should learn the aptitudes of the specific children they supervise. A word of caution, some parents expect too much from their children in terms of physical ability. The parents’ overly high California Parks & Recreation • summer fall


Park Supervision u expectations may place the child in a precarious position, altering a positive activity into an activity of disappointment and injury.


The supervisor should review children’s behavior and use of equipment. If possible, issues of how equipment is to be played on (for instance - jumping out of a swing) and how children should interact with others (for example - no pushing) should be addressed prior to arriving at the playground. It is also crucial to remember that children need some time to be children and being loud, running and chasing, as well as playing tag should be permitted on playgrounds. If a supervisor is uneasy regarding a specific action they should stop that action. Sometimes our instincts are warning us of danger and the old saying; “better safe then sorry” does apply at the playground.

Hazards Brought to the Playground

Sometimes it’s not the playground that creates hazards; instead it is the item the child brings to the playground. When a child brings a bike helmet, a hooded or stringed garment, a necklace, or a pair of binoculars to a playground there is a chance that the object may become wedged or loop around an apparatus and strangle the child. Additionally, objects such as jump ropes are often attached to equipment by the children and can create hazards. It is extremely important that these objects be removed prior to using the playground equipment.


Does the playground meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? Unfortunately, there are no simple answers regarding equipment, accessible routes, and surfacing when dealing with playgrounds. It is important to remember that not only the child may have ADA needs, but also the supervisor. Each person will have to define what he or she is capable of accomplishing and if you feel there is an ADA issue not being met; you should contact the correct authorities.


fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Park Supervision

Be Alert

The world moves quickly and so can children. You may feel that you can turn away for just a moment, but that moment could be the critical moment in preventing an injury. Supervisors should be stationed at locations that allow the whole playground to be viewed. A supervisor must continue to oversee the assigned playground area while interacting with a child. When a child asks for your attention (to talk or demonstrate something to you - not during an emergency) it is essential that you not provide them with your undivided attention, but to some extent, keep your attention on the rest of the playground. Supervisors are not “on break” and should not converse about personal issues with each other during the times they have been assigned to supervise the playground. Always make supervising the children a dedicated activity.

Be Cautious of Others

Unfortunately, some people cause harm to children. There have been an alarming number of children who have been seized at playgrounds. Pay attention to others at the playground and if you observe any suspicious behavior, report it immediately to the proper authorities.

A final note!

None of us want to see a child hurt or killed, and no one wants to experience the litigation and emotional devastation of a playground accident. If your agency, as the owner, has had training for maintenance and supervisory personnel; has had your playground audited by a certified inspector; purchased or renovated equipment with IPEMA certified components; has had a certified installer make the changes or installation; and has tried to stay in the spirit of the ADA, your agency will be able to avoid or lessen injuries as well as defend your agency’s actions in court more successfully. Professional planning, design and implementation of playground safety issues can help minimize hazards, maximize your resources, and enhance the playground experiences. If further information concerning playground safety is of interest, please contact PlaySafe, LLC at

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall


By Tom Hare Administrator, Parks and Planning Conejo Recreation & Park District

Patrons have Conejo Recreation and Park District in the Palm of Their Hands


ur employees at Conejo Recreation and Park District (CRPD), located in Thousand Oaks, California, are very resourceful and innovative, innovative enough to land a front page story in the October 21, 2013 edition of the local newspaper, the Ventura County Star. I was with CRPD custodian Matthew Jones, cleaning toilets and bathroom stalls in the men’s restroom at one of our largest parks, Conejo Creek Park North. I work with the crews once a month, not only to see what it is like out in the field, but as an informal way to get to know the staff on a more personal and professional level. Matt asked me if CRPD had ever thought about having a mobile app or pursuing an app. It sounded interesting, and something CRPD could launch as part of our 50th anniversary celebration in 2013. I knew Matt wasn’t your ordinary custodian - he has a continued on page 28


fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

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Explorer u degree in interactive design and game development from Savannah College


of Art & Design in Georgia. I was curious what he would come up with. Jones told the Ventura County Star that the idea for the app was hatched during work, “several people asked (me) about parks and other basic information,” Jones told the paper, “so I thought, why not create an app for that?” Matt and his current business partner, Matthew Edwards, who formed Jammed Studios, stated to the Star, they were quality assurance testers for Neversoft, the game design company that developed “Guitar Hero,” getting paid to play. But both left the company to pursue other opportunities, Jones with CRPD and Edwards with a medical supply startup company. The two kept in touch and soon were discussing developing games or other apps. Matt gave me his idea for the app in the fall of 2011. Within six months, he and Edwards were presenting their ideas and demonstrated a prototype to myself and other CRPD Administrators. Our staff worked closely with the


duo and after several demonstrations, we released the CRPD Explorer app



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fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Explorer for iPhones in August 2013 as part of CRPD’s 50th anniversary. In addition to basic CRPD contact information, users can explore an interactive map of CRPD, check field status, and get information on all of their favorite parks and facilities including the history, amenities, and detailed maps of each park. Users can also search for a specific park or amenity, and check out outdoor reservable areas....all from the convenience of their iPhone. Within two months, CRPD Explorer has been downloaded over 330 times and received seven five-star reviews. Our staff has thoroughly reviewed the app, but we wanted to get a user’s perspective and created an outside focus group after its release and we are looking forward to creating version 2.0. Suggested feedback from staff and the community include registering and paying for classes, calendar searches, and event alerts. The partners told the Star they are working on a version for Android

phones that is expected to be available early next year. Jones is the lead designer and ‘business guy’ and Edwards, with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and video game design from Humboldt State University is the company’s programmer. Jones expressed his gratitude to CRPD in the Star’s article, commenting “I was grateful that they gave me the shot so we had the opportunity.” Jammed Studios ( hope to use the app as a template that can be customized and sold to other park districts. The app has exceeded my and our organization’s expectations. Matt’s creativity and resourcefulness led him to seize an opportunity and capitalize on it. We are proud to have him on our CRPD team. Tom Hare is the Administrator, Parks and Planning for Conejo Recreation and Park District. Email him at

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall



By Jeff Price Business Manager City of Everett


ecently, my wife was in a nearby discount store to purchase some party favors. While in line to make her purchase, she observed the cashier asking a customer at the checkout stand if she would like to donate a dollar to a certain charitable cause. I’m sure most of you have experienced this yourself at least once or twice, right? But what happened next was truly fascinating. Once the customer indicated a willingness to make a donation, the cashier proceeded to get on the store intercom and, with great enthusiasm, announced to the entire store that, “Another customer has donated!” to this particular charity. You can probably imagine what happened next. My wife observed every customer in line in front of her make a donation to the cause. She also made a donation herself when she made it to the checkout clerk. That same intercom announcement also notified every shopper in the store of their fellow shoppers’ contributions, which essentially primed the donation pump. The cashier told my wife that she was the 36th person to donate during this particular cashier’s shift! The phenomenon at work here is referred to as social-norm marketing. Social norming is the concept that people’s behavior can be significantly shaped by the behavior of those around them. Social norms are nothing new. However, what is new is how businesses are quickly adopting these tactics to drive customer response and increase revenue. My own dentist has even engaged in this practice. After my most recent appointment, the dental assistant said to me, “Join our other patients who complete their own appointment cards.” It is genius. I don’t want to be unlike all the other patients who comply with his wishes, do I? Of course not! Another prevalent application has been on college campuses. Universities such as Northern Illinois University initiated a marketing campaign in 1999 aimed at students with the message that, contrary to students’ beliefs, most fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Social Norm Marketing university students did not consume more than a few drinks at parties. Once students understood that their fellow students weren’t drinking as much as they thought, their behavior began to change. Student drinking dropped by 44 percent over a nine-year period. Another example is the IRS. In 2008, they were successful in reducing the number of people who cheated on their taxes by promoting the fact that most tax filers were honest about their taxes. Again, people have a strong, innate sense to act like others. Once people understood that most people were honest about their taxes, it ended up driving the desired behaviors (more honest tax filers!). Are there opportunities in the park and recreation industry to apply these (no-cost) principles to generate revenue and improve the customer experience? Absolutely. Here are a few ideas and tips to help you implement these marketing strategies without costing your agency anything.

1. Publish Your Customer Survey Results

Numbers that suggest the overwhelming popularity of a program can create a social norm and get people to participate who may ordinarily not. For instance, here at Everett Parks we now include our latest survey results in our marketing collaterals. In a new guide, for example, we proudly state that, “95 percent of our customers describe their experience with us as good or excellent,” and “96 percent say they would recommend our services to a friend.” An important component of this, based upon research, is to have testimonials from customers who match the demographics (e.g., age) of the people you are targeting with your message. Again, people want to behave like others who are like themselves. Therefore, providing testimonials from seniors when targeting youth will not be effective. For some of us, this will mean taking a more active approach in gathering survey data and recruiting testimonials from customers.

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall

2. Use the Social Norm of Urgency

For example, if you are operating a conference center or rental facility, you might consider stating, “Holiday party bookings are extremely popular. Be sure to book now while openings remain!” The image of a truly popular activity, which has a finite capacity, has been shown to prompt people to action. People don’t want to be left out of what others are doing or pursuing. Research indicates a great way to get people to engage in desired behaviors is to include the desired behaviors in your verbiage. For instance, in our region, dog illnesses around dog parks have become a concern. While we haven’t had any confirmed cases of the illness in our dog parks here in Everett, we have used social norming language to influence dog-owner behavior toward positive action. As a result, our new dog park signs include the following language: “Responsible dog owners like you make sure their dogs have up-to-date vaccinations.” We want to ingrain in


Social Norm Marketing u people’s minds what a responsible dog owner’s behavior should look like and thereby influence the desired behavior. A final tip, based upon research, to increase involvement or activity where public behavior does not match public opinion is to cite popular opinion (even if it does not reflect people’s actions). For instance, if you coordinate fitness or wellness programs, consider mentioning in your marketing collaterals how national surveys overwhelmingly indicate that people acknowledge the value of participating in healthy activities. In our marketing collaterals, we say, “Surveys indicate people believe in a healthy, fit lifestyle.” By citing this true statement, it can create a sense of social norm and get people to respond accordingly, even if most people nationally don’t actually engage in wellness-related behaviors. The research indicates that people will be drawn to what they believe others are doing or believe in, such as engaging in some type of wellness or physical activity. This has been a proven and effective way to get people involved. An important word of caution is needed though: always provide survey

information, testimonials and other targeting promotional pieces that are true and accurate.

3. Measure Results

Another essential consideration is how to measure performance for such practices. Since these behavioral decisions don’t happen at the conscious level, it will be ineffective to survey participants on how these strategies impact their behavior. Rather, test verbiage on your targeted audiences and then compare your results. This is something we’ve been working on here at the City of Everett.


While we have a long way to go here at Everett Parks and Recreation in employing these strategies, we’ve experienced encouraging results. For instance, we used some of these tactics to significantly drive response rates to a recent participant satisfaction survey. Our most recent response rate utilizing these principles exceeded 50 percent (up from a previous response rate of 38 percent). Phrases such as, “Join others like you who have completed the customer satisfaction survey,” have proven fruitful. The increased response rate has really helped us obtain good feedback and data from our customers. Most importantly, have fun with it. Experiment with different approaches and compare results. Finally, I highly recommend the excellent book Influence by Robert Cialdini. The research he provides into the effectiveness of these approaches is as overwhelming as it is compelling. I’m not sure how much money was raised at the discount store the day my wife visited. I do believe, however, based on what I now know of social norms, that they likely exceeded their revenue goal. Opportunities abound for us in parks and recreation, and for many others, too. Isn’t it time we take advantage of these strategies to enhance the customer experience and improve our bottom line? Jeff Price is the Business Manager for a municipality in the Seattle area. He is the author of two books on marketing and an international presenter on business development for public entities. Email him at resourcestohelp@


fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

Parks Make Life Better!® u

Be a Brand Partner!

The following agencies, companies and universities have completed the Parks Make Life Better!® logo policy/agreement application. They are using the logo in their marketing efforts, using the key messages in their promotions and are living the brand promise. Now is the time for you to join the Parks Make Life Better!® branding compaign. Please visit the CPRS Web site ( and click on the Parks Make Life Better!® logo on the home page for more information on the campaign. Agency City of Agoura Hills City of Alameda City of Albany City of Alhambra City of Aliso Viejo Aliso Viejo Community Association Ambrose Recreation & Park District City of American Canyon City of Anaheim City of Anderson Town of Apple Valley Arcade Creek Recreation and Park District City of Arcata Arden Manor Recreation & Park District Arden Park Recreation & Park District City of Arroyo Grande City of Artesia City of Atascadero City of Atwater Auburn Area Recreation and Park District City of Bakersfield City of Baldwin Park City of Bell City of Bell Gardens City of Bellflower City of Belmont Belvedere Tiburon Joint Recreation City of Benicia City of Berkeley City of Beverly Hills City of Bishop City of Blue Lake Boulder Creek Recreation & Park District City of Brentwood City of Brisbane Brownsburg Parks, Indiana City of Burbank City of Burlingame Buttonwillow Recreation & Park District City of Calabasas City of California City California State Parks City of Calistoga


Cameron Park Comm. Svcs. District City of Campbell City of Carlsbad Carmichael Recreation & Park District City of Carpinteria City of Carson Central Plumas Recreation & Park District City of Ceres City of Cerritos Chico Area Recreation & Park District City of Chino City of Chino Hills City of Chula Vista City of Claremont City of Clovis Coalinga-Huron Recreation & Park District City of Concord Conejo Recreation & Park District Cordova Recreation & Park District City of Corona City of Coronado City of Costa Mesa Cosumnes Community Services District City of Covina City of Culver City City of Cupertino Cypress Recreation & Park District City of Cypress City of Dana Point Town of Danville City of Davis Desert Recreation District City of Diamond Bar City of Dinuba Town of Discovery Bay City of Downey City of Duarte City of Dublin East Bay Regional Park District City of East Palo Alto City of El Cajon City of El Centro City of El Cerrito El Dorado Hills Community Services District

City of El Monte City of Emeryville City of Encinitas City of Escondido City of Exeter Fair Oaks Recreation & Park District Feather River Recreation & Park District City of Folsom City of Fontana City of Foster City City of Fountain Valley City of Franklin, Indiana City of Fremont City of Fresno Fulton-El Camino Recreation & Park District City of Galt City of Garden Grove Georgetown Divide Recreation District City of Gilroy City of Glendale City of Glendora Greater Vallejo Recreation District City of Gridley City of Grover Beach City of Hanford City of Hawaiian Gardens City of Hawthorne Hayward Area Recreation & Park District City of Healdsburg City of Hercules City of Hermosa Beach Hesperia Recreation & Park District Highlands Recreation District City of Hughson City of Huntington Beach City of Huntington Park City of Imperial City of Inglewood City of Irvine City of Irwindale Isla Vista Recreation & Park District City of Johnson City, Tennessee Jurupa Area Recreation & Park District

Jurupa Community Services District Kensington Police Protection & Community Services District City of Kerman City of Kingsburg City of La Mesa City of La Mirada City of La Puente City of La Quinta City of La Verne City of Lafayette City of Laguna Hills City of Laguna Niguel City of Lakewood City of Larkspur City of Lemoore City of Lincoln Livermore Area Recreation & Park District City of Lodi City of Long Beach City of Los Alamitos City of Los Angeles County of Los Angeles Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation City of Madera City of Malibu Town of Mammoth Lakes City of Manhattan Beach City of Manteca County of Marin City of Martinez McKinleyville Community Services District Mendocino Coast Recreation & Park District City of Menlo Park City of Merced City of Mill Valley Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District City of Mission Viejo City of Montclair City of Montebello City of Monterey Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District City of Moorpark

summer fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Parks Make Life Better!® Town of Moraga City of Morgan Hill Mt. Shasta Recreation & Parks District City of Mountain View City of Murrieta City of Napa City of National City Navy Region South West City of Nevada City New Haven-Adams Township, Indiana City of Newark City of Newport Beach Noblesville Parks & Recreation, Indiana City of Norco North County Recreation & Park District North Highlands Recreation & Park District North of the River Recreation & Park District City of Norwalk City of Oakland City of Oakley City of Oceanside City of Ojai City of Ontario City of Orange Orangevale Recreation & Park District City of Orinda City of Pacifica City of Palmdale City of Palo Alto Paradise Recreation & Park District City of Pasadena Human Services & Recreation City of Pasadena Parks & Natural Resources City of Paso Robles City of Patterson City of Petaluma City of Pico Rivera City of Pinole City of Pittsburg County of Placer City of Placerville Pleasant Hill Recreation & Park District Pleasant Valley Recreation & Park District City of Pleasanton City of Pomona City of Port Hueneme City of Porterville City of Poway City of Rancho Cucamonga

Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District City of Redding City of Redondo Beach City of Redwood City City of Reedley City of Rialto City of Richmond Rim of the World Recreation & Park District Rio Linda Elverta Recreation & Park District City of Riverbank City of Riverside County of Riverside Regional Park & Open Space District City of Rocklin City of Rohnert Park Rosamond Community Services District City of Rosemead City of Roseville Rossmoor Community Services District City of Sacramento County of Sacramento City of Salinas Town of San Anselmo City of San Bernardino City of San Bruno City of San Carlos County of San Diego City of San Diego City of San Dimas City of San Fernando City of San Francisco County of San Francisco City of San Gabriel County of San Joaquin City of San Jose City of San Juan Capistrano City of San Leandro City of San Luis Obispo County of San Luis Obispo City of San Marcos City of San Mateo County of San Mateo City of San Pablo City of San Rafael City of San Ramon City of Sanger City of Santa Clara County of Santa Clara City of Santa Clarita City of Santa Cruz County of Santa Cruz City of Santa Maria

City of Santa Rosa City of Santee Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve City of Saratoga City of Sausalito City of Scotts Valley City of Seal Beach City of Sierra Madre City of Signal Hill County of Solano City of Solano Beach City of South Bend, Indiana South Coast Air Quality Management District City of South El Monte City of South Gate City of South Lake Tahoe City of South Pasadena Southgate Recreation & Park District County of Stanislaus City of Stanton City of Stockton City of Suisun City City of Sunnyvale Sunrise Recreation & Park District City of Tahoe City Tamalpais Community Services District Tehachapi Valley Recreation & Park District City of Temecula City of Temple City Templeton Community Services District City of Torrance City of Tracy Truckee Donner Recreation & Park District City of Tulare City of Turlock City of Tustin City of Twentynine Palms City of Ukiah City of Union City City of Vacaville County of Ventura City of Victorville City of Visalia City of Vista City of Walnut City of Walnut Creek Washington Township, Ohio City of Watsonville City of West Covina City of West Hollywood City of West Sacramento West Side Recreation & Park District

California California Parks Parks & Recreation & Recreation • summer • summer 2013 fall

City of Westminster City of Whittier Town of Windsor City of Woodland City of Yorba Linda Town of Yountville City of Yuba City City of Yucaipa Company Alfa Products All About Play/Little Tikes Commercial - Nor Cal California’s Great America Callander Associates Capitol Enterprises Inc. Columbia Cascade Company Community Works Design Group David Evans and Assoc. Inc. David Volz Design Landscape Architects, Inc. Goric Marketing Group USA Innovative Playgrounds Company KPCRadio.Com Land Concern Ltd Leader Manufacturing, Inc./Fairweather Site Furnishings Division Maximum Solutions, Inc. Murdock-Super Secur National Parks Promotion Council NLM Consulting Services Play Smart Surfacing Play-Well TEKnologies Poimiroo & Partners Public Restroom Company RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc. RJM Design Group, Inc. Robertson Industries, Inc. Shade Structures Southern California Municipal Athletic Federation SpectraTurf SSA Landscape Architects, Inc. Tri Active America Western Wood Preservers Institute Windsor Parks-Recreation Foundation Vermont Recreation & Parks Association University/College CSU Long Beach CSU Northridge San Jose State University SDSU MOVE


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Aquatic Design Group 800/938-0542

p. 23

David Evans & Associates 909/481-5750

p. 55

David Volz Design 714/641-1300

p. 43

p. 4

p. 2

Greenfields Outdoor Fitness 888/315-9037 p. 11

p. 3

Hirsch and Associates 714/776-4340

p. 17

Architerra Design Group 909/484-2800 p. 31

Jones & Madhaven 805/777-8449

p. 22

Bag Spot 800/203-3613

p. 28

Kidz Love Soccer 408/774-4629

p. 53

p. 25

Lincoln Aquatics 800/223-5450

p. 39

p. 32

Moore Iacofano Goltsman 800/790-8444

p. 29

p. 56

Most Dependable Fountains 800/552-6331 p. 15

p. 47

Most Dependable Fountains 800/552-6331 p. 27

Arch Pac 760/734-1600

CAPCA ED 916/928-1625 £äÓÓ£ Ê /À>`i >À Ê-ÌÀiiÌ ,> V Ê ÕV> }>

Ê £ÇÎä ­ ä ®Ê{n{ Ónää >ÝÊ ­ ä ®Ê{n{ ÓnäÓ , V >À`Ê7°Ê ÀÕ Ü i`i

Ê V°Ê Ónä{ <Ê V°Ê Ó ££x 6Ê V°Ê {{È

Capitol Enterprises 626/357-3768

Columbia Cascade Co. 800/547-1940

Crane Architectural Group 714/525-0363


fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Advertisers Index Musco Lighting 800/825-6030

p. 45

My Bark Co. 209/786.4042

p. 41

Public Restroom 888/888-2060 p. 33

Richard Fisher Associates 714/245-9270

p. 49

Royston, Harnamoto Alley & Abey 415/383-7900 p. 24

Sator 888/887-2867

p. 21

SSA Landscape Architects 831/459-0455

p. 19

Water Odyssey by Fountain People. Inc. 512/392-1155 p. 7

2013-2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Michelle Lacy City of Orinda, 22 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563 925/253-4202 • President-Elect Mark Mariscal City of Los Angeles, 1670 Palos Verdes Dr. N., Harbor City, CA 90710 310/548-7643 • Vice President Tim Barry Livermore Area Recreation & Park District 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550 925/373-5727 • Secretary-TREASURER Ann Dunleavy City of Benicia, 250 East L Street, Benicia, CA 94510 707/746-4282 • Region 1 RepRESENTATIVE (Dist 1, 2, 3) Ann Dunleavy City of Benicia, 250 East L Street, Benicia, CA 94510 707/746-4282 • Region 2 RepRESENTATIVE (Dist 4, 5, 6) Anna Bielecki City of Gilroy, 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020-6141 408/846-0460 • Region 3 RepRESENTATIVE (Dist 7, 8, 15) Darin Budak City of Bakersfield, 4101 Truxton Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93309 661/326-3138 • Region 4 RepRESENTATIVE (Dist 11, 13, 14) Tom Boecking City of San Gabriel, 250 S. Mission Drive, San Gabriel, CA 91776 626/308-2875 • Region 5 RepRESENTATIVE (Dist 9, 10, 12) Aliah Brozowski City of Santee 10601 Magnolia Avenue, Bldg 6, Santee, CA 92071-1222 619/258-4100 x120 • Council of Sections Representatives (Administrators, Aging, Development & Operations, and Recreation Therapy) Doug Grove RHA Landscape Architects Planners 6216 Brockton Ave., Suite 212, Riverside, CA 92506 951/781-1930 • (Aquatics, Educators and Recreation Supervisors) Ashley Howe City of Benicia, 250 East L Street, Benicia, CA 94510 707/746-4283 • Please contact any Board Member with questions or comments

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall


Company Members through October 15, 2013

A-G Sod Farms, Inc. (Riverside) 2900 Adams St., Ste. C-120, Riverside, CA 92504 PH: 951/687-7581 FAX: 951/687-4869 E-Mail: Website: REP: Joel Addink, CFO; John Addink, President; Larry LeMay, Vice-President of Operations SERVICE: Five farms in California & Colorado producing high quality sod for sports fields and parks. Abey Arnold Associates (Marin) 1005 A Street, Suite 305, San Rafael, CA 94901 PH: 415/258-9580 FAX: 415/258-9780 E-Mail: Website: REP: Phillip Abey, Principal SERVICE: Landscape Architecture. Administrative Software Applications, Inc. (ASAP) (Santa Clara) 1310 Hollenbeck Avenue, Suite C, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 PH: 800/969-2727 FAX: 408/732-8206 E-Mail: Website: REP: Joel M. Meyer, CEO/President; Ryan Russo SERVICE: ASAP provides complete registration and management services for communities, schools, and businesses via the web. ADvisor’s Marketing Group, Inc. (San Diego) 7040 Avenida Encinas #104, Carlsbad, CA 92011 PH: 800/423-8478 FAX: 760/431-0448 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jodi Rudick, Trainer/Owner; Andy Stein SERVICE: THE official Parks Make Life Better!Ž promotional partner -- from banners, to T-shirts, bags to temporary tattoos.


Aflex Technology P.O. Box 1292Nelson 7040 New Zealand PH: (64) (3) 546-6747 FAX: (64) (3) 546-8112 E-Mail: Website: REP: Karen Stratford, Sales Manager SERVICE: Giant pool inflatable obstacle courses & slides providing fun & challenging entertainment. AHBE Landscape Architects (Los Angeles) 8729 Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 PH: 310/838-0448 FAX: 310/204-2664 E-Mail: Website: REP: Calvin Abe, President; Mary Lu, Business Development Manager SERVICE: AHBE Landscape Architects provides comprehensive design services, master planning and urban design. All About Play/Little Tikes Commercial - Nor Cal (Sacramento) 3844 Presidio Street, Sacramento, CA 95838 PH: 916/923-2180 FAX: 916/646-6383 E-Mail: Website: REP: Glen Wurster, Principal SERVICE: Accessible outdoor playground equipment including unique theme playscapes and park service equipment. Aluminum Seating, Inc. (San Bernardino) PO Box 3310, San Bernardino, CA 92413 PH: 909/884-9449 FAX: 909/388-2187 E-Mail: Website: REP: Bonnie Gaudesi, Sales Manager SERVICE: Manufacturer of all aluminum outdoor bleachers, picnic tables & benches.

Amateur Softball Assoc. (San Francisco) 1224 34th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122 PH: 415/350-8788 FAX: 510/888-5758 E-Mail: Website: REP: John Gouveia - 510/881-6712 SERVICE: The objective of the Amateur Softball Association is to develop, direct and promote the sport of softball.

Arch Pac, Inc. (San Diego) 1351 Distribution Way Suite 1, Vista, CA 92081 PH: 760/734-1600 FAX: 760/734-1611 E-Mail: Website: REP: Ken Moeller, AIA, ASLA SERVICE: Consulting Architects, Landscape Architects, Engineers & Planners specializing in aquatics, pools, and associated architecture.

American Ramp Company (Jasper) 601 McKinley Ave., Joplin, MO 64801 PH: 417/206-6816 FAX: 417/206-6888 E-Mail: info@americanrampcompany. com Website: REP: Nathan Bemo, President; John Hunter, VP of Sales & Marketing; Heather Hoopes, Sr. Estimator/Project Manager SERVICE: Design, manufacture and installation of skate and bike park equipment.

Architerra Design Group, Inc. (San Bernardino) 10221-A Trademark Street, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 PH: 909/484-2800 FAX: 909/484-2802 E-Mail: Website: www.architerradesigngroup. com REP: Richard Krumwiede, President; Gregg Denson, Director of Design; Jeff Chamlee, Director of Production SERVICE: Landscape architectural consulting services, new parks, park renovation, and streetscape design & construction documents.

Aqua Source (Sacramento) P.O. Box 1146, Galt, CA 95632 PH: 209/745-6401 FAX: 209/745-7179 E-Mail: Website: REP: Ron Ybarra, President SERVICE: Commercial swimming pool equipment, automated chemical & filtration systems, commercial pool vacuums, heaters, deck equipment. Aquatic Design Group (San Diego) 2226 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PH: 760/438-8400 FAX: 760/438-5251 E-Mail: Website: REP: Randy Mendioroz, Scott Ferrell, Dennis Berkshire, Justin Caron SERVICE: Programming, planning, design and engineering services for competition, recreation and leisure aquatic facilities.

Associated Students, CSUF, Inc. (Orange) 800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92834 PH: 657/278-3648 FAX: 657/278-2503 E-Mail: Website: REP: Andrea Willer, Titan Recreation Director; Alison Wittwer, Aquatic & Safety Coordinator SERVICE: University Recreation program. Bellinger Foster Steinmetz Landscape Architecture, Inc. (Monterey) 425 Pacific Street, Suite 201, Monterey, CA 93940 PH: 831/646-1383 FAX: 831/373-8653 E-Mail: Website: REP: Mike Bellinger, Principal; Lee Steinmetz, Principal; Elke Ikeda, Associate SERVICE: Parks, trails and open space planning; Design for healthy and sustainable communities.

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Buyer’s Guide Blair, Church & Flynn Consulting Engineers, Inc. (Fresno) 451 Clovis Ave., Suite 200, Clovis, CA 93612-1376 PH: 559/326-1400 FAX: 559/326-1500 E-Mail: Website: REP: Dave Briley, Landscape Architect SERVICE: BC&F provides civil engineering and landscape architecture services for parks, playgrounds, trails and athletic facilities. Bobcat Company (Cass) 250 East Beaton Drive, West Fargo, North Dakota 58078 PH: 701/241-8700 FAX: 701/280-7860 E-Mail: Website: REP: Lee Jordheim, Nat Acct./Gov Sales Account Manager; Mike Kozbacher, Government Accounts Manager SERVICE: Bobcat Company provides compact equipment for global construction, industrial, landscaping and agricultural markets.

Bravado Outdoor Products LLC (Douglas) 1196 Echo Dr., Roseburg, OR 97470 PH: 541/817-6815 E-Mail: REP: Lem James, Managing Member; Kendra Pettengill, Sales Manager SERVICE: Concrete Table Tennis tables and Chess tables for permanent outdoor placement in public parks and schools. Brock USA (Boulder) 2840 Wilderness Place, Suite C, Boulder, CO 80301 PH: 303/544-5800 FAX: 303/544-1273 E-Mail: ssawyer@brock-international. com Website: REP: Dan Sawyer, CEO; Steve Sawyer, VP International Sales SERVICE: Safety & drainage base systems for synthetic turf.

Broyhill, Inc. (Dakota) P.O. Box 475, Dakota City, NE 68731 PH: 402/987-3412 x34 FAX: 402/9873601 E-Mail: Website: REP: Craig Broyhill, President SERVICE: Load and Pack - a one man refuse vehicle for parks & beaches. Bull Stockwell Allen (San Francisco) 300 Montgomery Street, Suite 1135, San Francisco, CA 94104 PH: 415/281-4720 FAX: 415/281-4721 E-Mail: Website: REP: David D. Ross, AIA, LEED A.P. SERVICE: Specialists in community and recreation centers, fitness and sports facilities, and senior and childcare centers.

CA Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA) (Sacramento) 2300 River Plaza Drive, #120, Sacramento, CA 95833 PH: 916/928-1625 x202 FAX: 916/928-0705 E-Mail: Website: REP: Terry W. Stark, President/CEO; Charlotte Carson, Director Continuing Education SERVICE: Pest control advisors. California Land Management (Santa Clara) 675 Gilman Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301-2528 PH: 650/322-1181 FAX: 650/322-1194 E-Mail: Website: REP: Eric R. Mart SERVICE: Provides professional park management, security, maintenance, ranger patrol & related services.


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California Parks & Recreation • summer fall


Buyer’s Guide u The California Parks Company (Tehama) 2150 Main Street, Suite 5, Red Bluff, CA 96080 PH: 916/529-1512 FAX: 916/529-4511 E-Mail: Website: REP: Marshall Pike, VP - Business Development, Kohn Koeberer, President, Kris Koeberer, VP, Operations SERVICE: Recreation Concessions California Special Districts Alliance (Sacramento) 1112 I Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95814 PH: 916/442-7887 FAX: 916/442-7999 E-Mail: Website: REP: Cathrine Lemaire, Member Services Director; Neil McCormick, Administrator SERVICE: Collaborative partnership providing legislative advocacy, training, financing and risk management services to local government agencies. California State Soccer Association South (Orange) 1029 S. Placentia Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831 PH: 714/778-2972 FAX: 714/441-0715 E-Mail: Website: REP: John Weinerth, CEO; Luis Salcedo, Director of Competition & Membership Development SERVICE: The official state soccer association of USSF providing recreational youth and adult programs, coaching education and referee certification services. California’s Great America (Santa Clara) 2401 Agnew Road, Santa Clara, CA 95054 PH: 408/986-5873 FAX: 408/986-5855 E-Mail: edgar.vidal@cagreatamerica. com Website: REP: Edgar Vidal, Manager, Group Sales SERVICE: California’s Great America Theme Park is Northern California’s number one spot for fun and excitement!


Callander Associates Landscape Architecture, Inc. (Sacramento) 11180 Sun Center Drive, Suite 104, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 PH: 916/631-1312 FAX: 916/635-9153 E-Mail: Website: REP: Erik Smith, Principal; Mark Slichter, Principal; Benjamin Woodside, Principal SERVICE: Landscape architects. Capitol Equipment, Inc. (Los Angeles) 2718 E. Huntington Drive, Duarte, CA 91010 PH: 626/357-3768 FAX: 626/359-3121 E-Mail: Website: REP: Joe & Sue Guarrera SERVICE: Portable steel equipment shelters, standard and custom sizes. CH Bull Company (San Mateo) 229 Utah Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080 PH: 650/837-8400 FAX: 800/229-2855 E-Mail: Website: REP: Andy Bull SERVICE: Stocking distributor, Genie lifts, Ridgid, ladders, material handling, safety equipment, including engineered fall protection systems. Coast Recreation Inc. (Orange) 3151 Airway Ave, Suite A-3, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4620 PH: 714/619-0100 FAX: 714/619-0106 E-Mail: Website: REP: Tim Hodges, Gregg A. Rogers, Mike Eisert, Chad Barry, Michael Salcido SERVICE: Representing Landscape Structures, playground equipment, Landscape Brands Site Furnishings, and Icon Shelters in Southern California.

Columbia Cascade Company (Multnomah) 1300 S. W. Sixth Avenue, Ste. 310, Portland, OR 97201-3464 PH: 503/223-1157 FAX: 503/223-4530 E-Mail: Website: REP: Steve Kirn, Sales Mgr.; Ted Jonsson, Gordon, Jake and Josh Jurgenson, ParkPacific, Inc., 888/460-7275, FAX 925/210-0944; Reg and Deborah Nations, Pacific Site Complements, 888/770-7483, FAX 949/606-8697 SERVICE: TimberForm & PipeLine playground and outdoor fitness equipment, TimberForm site furnishings and CycLoops & CycLocker bicycle management products. Commercial Aquatic Services, Inc. (Orange) 1332 Bell Avenue 2-F, Tustin, CA 92780 PH: 877/794-6227 FAX: 877/794-6329 E-Mail: Website: REP: David Woodland, President, Heather Woodland, Director of Operations SERVICE: Sales, service, repairs and bulk chemicals for commercial pools. Community Playgrounds (Solano) 200 Commercial Street, Vallejo, CA 94589 PH: 415/892-1707 E-Mail: Website: REP: Curt Wear, President; Rita Schoch, Estimator/Project Manager; Christian Velasquez, Estimator/Project Manager SERVICE: Design build specializing in nature play areas, installation of all play equipment, safety audits & surface impact testing. Community Works Design Group (Riverside) 4649 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 PH: 951/369-0700 FAX: 951/369-4039 E-Mail: Website: REP: Tim Maloney SERVICE: Landscape architects, park planning and design.

Cornerstone Studios, Inc. (Orange) 106 W. 4th, 5th Floor, Santa Ana, CA 92701 PH: 714/973-2200 FAX: 714/973-0203 E-Mail: Website: REP: Don Wilson, ASLA SERVICE: Park planning, trail design, irrigation master planning, plan checking, sports field design, visual resource analysis. Counsilman-Hunsaker (Saint Louis) 10733 Sunset Office Drive, Suite 400, Saint Louis, MO 63127 PH: 310/327-1271 FAX: 310/217-4099 E-Mail: Website: REP: Doug Cook; Scott Hunsaker; Paul Graves SERVICES: Aquatic design, engineering and consulting, programming, Facility Impact studies, existing facility evaluations, and feasibility studies. Crane Architectural Group (Orange) 110 E Wilshire Ave # 300, Fullerton, CA 92832-1934 PH: 714/525-0363 FAX: 714/525-9826 E-Mail: rcrane@cranearchitecturalgrp. com Website: REP: Rick Crane, Owner SERVICE: Architectural services: community centers, senior centers, sports complexes, concession stands, park restrooms, ADA improvements. CSI Software (Harris) 3333 Richmond, 2nd Floor, Houston, TX 77098 PH: 713/942-7779 x245 FAX: 713/942-7731 E-Mail: Website: Rep: Ryan Wehmeyer, Marketing Manager, Steven Green, Regional Sales Manager; Ken Heineman, VP Sales SERVICE: CSI Software offers many software module choices that facilitate management and improve operational effectiveness.

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Buyer’s Guide D & D Golf Cars, Inc. (Los Angeles) 955 W. 5th Street, Azusa, CA 91702 PH: 626/815-9335 FAX: 626/815-9336 E-Mail: REP: Ralph Sears, Owner/Pres. SERVICE: Cushman maintenance vehicles - electric, gas & diesel. Dahlin Group Architecture Planning (Alameda) 5865 Owens Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588 PH: 925/251-7200 FAX: 925/251-7201 E-Mail: Website: REP: Karl Danielson, Principal; Gregor Markel, Associate/Senior Architect; Elaine Moal, Marketing Manger SERVICE: Architectural and planning services.

Dave Bang Associates, Inc. (Orange) P.O. Box 1088, Tustin, CA 92781 PH: 800/669-2585 FAX: 800/729-2483 E-Mail: Website: REP: Pete Stokes SERVICE: Suppliers of high-quality park, playground, athletic equipment & site equipment since 1979. David Volz Design Landscape Architects, Inc. (Orange) 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite M-8, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 PH: 714/641-1300 FAX: 714/641-1323 E-Mail: Website: REP: David Volz, Landscape Architect, Leed AP; Gary Vasquez, Landscape Architect; Eric Sterling, Landscape Architect SERVICE: Award winning park planners and sports facility experts! DVD provides assistance with project planning budgets.

Deschamps Mat Systems (Essex) 218 Little Falls Road, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 PH: 917/459-9113 FAX: 973/928-3041 E-Mail: Website: REP: Alex Girard, Area Sales Manager, Thierry Darche, Director of Operations, Terri Diaz, Admin Assistant & Sales Support SERVICE: We develop, manufacture and distribute state-of-the-art Mobility Solutions. Discount School Supply (Monterey) 2 Lower Ragsdale Rd., Monterey, CA 93940 PH: 800/627-2829 FAX: 323/935-1351 E-Mail: areyner@discountschoolsupply. com Website: REP: Anna Reyner, School-Age Marketing Director SERVICE: Youth program materials for school age and Tiny Tots arts & crafts, group games, for creatively & enrichment.

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall

Eagle Sports & Awards Company (Los Angeles) 19918 Bryant Street, Winnetka, CA 91306 PH: 310/384-2540 FAX: 818/886-5554 E-Mail: Website: REP: Elliot Heffler, Owner SERVICE: Silk-screening, embroidery, awards, banners, advertising & promotional specialties. eTrak-plus (Charleston) 1095 Playground Road, Charleston, SC 29407 PH: 877/513-8725 FAX: 843/763-3877 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jerry Plybon, Director, National Business Development SERVICE: The complete parks & recreation software management solution for (online/on-site) reservations, registration, POS, membership management.


Buyer’s Guide u Gates & Associates (Contra Costa) 2671 Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583 PH: 925/736-8176 FAX: 925/838-8901 E-Mail: Website: REP: Todd Young, Principal; Chuck Gardella, Sr. Associates; Vanessa Lindores, Associate SERVICE: Landscape Architecture. Glass Architects (Sonoma) 200 E Street, #100, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 PH: 707/544-3920 FAX: 707/544-2514 E-Mail: Website: REP: Eric M. Glass, AIA SERVICE: Architectural design and master planning. Specializing in indoor and outdoor aquatic, community and recreational facilities. Greenfields Outdoor Fitness (Orange) 2625 South Orange Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92707 PH: 888/315-9037 FAX: 866/308-9719 E-Mail: Website: REP: Aviv Arishay, Regional Manager SERVICE: Parks Equipment. Griffin Structures, Inc. (Orange) 385 2nd Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 PH: 949/497-9000 FAX: 949/497-8883 E-Mail: Website: REP: Roger Torriero, CEO, Frank Martinez, EVP, Kelly Boyle, EVP SERVICE: Construction/program manager for the public/private sector. Gro-Power, Inc. (San Bernardino) 15065 Telephone Avenue, Chino, CA 91710 PH: 909/393-3744 FAX: 909/393-2773 E-Mail: Website: REP: Brent Holden, President; David Diehl, Sales Representative; Jack Engberg, Sales Representative SERVICE: Go “green” with Gro-Power products. They’re safe for the environment and naturally conserve water.


Group 4 Architecture Research + Planning, Inc. (San Mateo) 211 Linden Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080 PH: 650/871-0709 FAX: 650/871-7911 E-Mail: Website: REP: Dawn Merkes, President, Andrea Will, Architect, Associate; Jonathan Hartman, Architect, Associate SERVICE: Architectural, research and planning services. GSM Landscape Architects, Inc. (Napa) 1700 Soscol Avenue, Suite 23, Napa, CA 94559 PH: 707/255-4630 FAX: 707/255-7480 E-Mail: Website: REP: Gretchen McCann, President; Michael Rosales, Staff Landscape Architect; Bart Ito, Project Manager SERVICE: Award winning landscape architectural design for parks, sports fields, recreational and educational facilities throughout California. HAI, Hirsch & Associates, Inc. (Orange) 2221 E. Winston Rd. #A, Anaheim, CA 92806 PH: 714/776-4340 FAX: 714/776-4395 E-Mail: Website: REP: Patrick Hirsch, President SERVICE: Landscape architecture, park planning, master plans, sports facilities, redevelopment & public work projects. Harris Design (Alameda) 755 Folger Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94710 PH: 510/647-3792 FAX: 510/647-3712 E-Mail: Website: REP: Bill Harris, Principal SERVICE: Creative, community-based planning & design from concept through construction. Parks, trails, master plans, sports facilities, open space.

Hermann Design Group, Inc. (Riverside) 77772 Flora Road, Suite A, Palm Desert, CA 92211 PH: 760/777-9131 FAX: 760/777-9132 E-Mail: chris@hermannandassociates. com Website: www.hermannandassociates. com REP: Chris Hermann, President/CEO, Kristin Moore Hermann, Managing Director/CFO, Jose Estrada, Project Manager/Vice President SERVICE: Landscape architecture, planning and project management for community parks, sports parks and dog parks. The HLA Group Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc. (Sacramento) 2600 Capitol Avenue, Suite 120, Sacramento, CA 95816-5928 PH: 916/447-7400 FAX: 916/447-8270 E-Mail: Website: REP: Steven Canada, ASLA; Greg Hauser, ASLA SERVICE: Landscape architecture and planning emphasizing parks and recreation, urban design, community design and land planning. Hunter Industries (Placer) P.O. Box 1005, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 PH: 916/899-9437 E-Mail: don.franklin@hunterindustries. com Website: REP: Donald D. Franklin, Northern Calif. Specification Manager; Lynda Wightman, Industry Relations Manager; Daniel Kamieniecki, So. Calif. Specification Manager SERVICE: Irrigation Manufacturer - MP Rotator, Sprays, Rotors, Smart Controllers, Valves, Drip. ID Edge, Inc. (Boulder) 1849 Cherry Street #10, Louisville, CO 80027 PH: 303/665-0405 FAX: 303/665-4026 E-Mail: Website: REP: Dianne Lippoldt, Operations Manager SERVICE: ID provides photo ID, key fob, wristband, and reusable name tag solutions to the parks and recreation industry.

Inflatable 2000, Inc. (Los Angeles) 207 N. Aspan #6, Azusa, CA 91702 PH: 626/969-7780 FAX: 626/969-4480 E-Mail: Website: REP: Steve Gray, President SERVICE: Inflatable jumpers, slides, obstacle course, advertising balloons & more. Innovative Playgrounds Company LLC (Los Angeles) 12407 East Slauson Avenue, Unit D, Whittier, CA 90606 PH: 877/732-5200 FAX: 562/693-5199 E-Mail: Website: REP: Alvino Larios, President SERVICE: Sales, designs, and project management for playground/fitness equipment, safety surfacing, shade structures, and sport/site amenities. International Mulch Company (Saint Louis) 182 Northwest Industrial Court, Bridgeton, MO 63044 PH: 314/336-1030 FAX: 314/336-1031 E-Mail: Website: REP: Chris Erwin, Director of Sales; Justiny Coliny, Business Development Manager; Mark Maynard, Business Development Manager SERVICE: Full suite of 100% recycled rubber products for landscapes, playgrounds commercial applications. Irrigation Water Technologies America, Inc. (Boulder) 1200 S. Fordham Street, Suite B, Longmont, CO 80503 PH: 720/445-3739 E-Mail: Website: REP: John Ossa, Director of National Accounts; Michael Croy, VP Sales SERVICE: Sub surface textile irrigation. Jacobs, Inc. (Sacramento) 180 Promenade Circle, Ste. 300, Sacramento, CA 95834 PH: 916/929-3323 FAX: 916/929-1772 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jeff Townsend, Principal SERVICE: Landscape architectural and engineering design services for parks, recreation and open space projects.

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Buyer’s Guide JetMulch (Santa Cruz) P.O. Box 1667, Capitola, CA 95010 PH: 866/306-8524 FAX: 831/462-2126 E-Mail: Website: REP: Phil Reiker, President/Manager SERVICE: Blown-In Mulch and ASTM certified playground materials. Jones & Madhavan (Ventura) 100 E Thousand Oaks Blvd Ste 211, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-8134 PH: 805/777-8449 FAX: 805/777-8489 E-Mail: Website: REP: Nachi Madhavan, AIA; Doug Jones, PE. SERVICE: Planning, architecture & engineering services for public aquatic facilities.

KDB - Long Beach (Los Angeles) 10 Aquarium Way, Long Beach, CA 90802 PH: 562/308-7520 FAX: 562/308-7525 E-Mail: Website: REP: Bennie Thomas, Director of Marketing SERVICES: KDB is a 40,000 sq. foot venue destination that specializes in entertainment and fun.

Kevin J. McArdle Consulting (Los Angeles) 872 Clearwater Court, Walnut, CA 91789 PH: 909/260-6892 E-Mail: Website: REPS: Kevin J. McArdle, President SERVICE: Provides affordable assistance and leadership with expertise in funding, strategic planning, project management and event planning.

Knorr Systems, Inc. (Orange) 2221 S. Standard Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92707 PH: 714/754-4044 FAX: 714/754-7791 E-Mail: Website: REP: Mike Smith, Director of Sales SERVICE: Knorr Systems: quality aquatic equipment and services including: water treatment, filtration, recreation, maintenance, service contracts.

Keenan & Associates (Los Angeles) 2355 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 200, Torrance, CA 90501 PH: 310/212-3344 FAX: 310/787-8838 E-Mail: Website: REP: Betti Paquale, Assistant Vice President SERVICE: Loss Control Services, training and playground inspections and program consulting.

Kidz Love Soccer (Santa Clara) 580 East Weddell Drive, Suite 2, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 PH: 408/774-4625 FAX: 888/391-5114 E-Mail: Website: REP: Peter Stanley SERVICE: Age-appropriate youth soccer instruction. Classes and camps for children 2-12 years of age.

Kromer Co. LLC (San Mateo) 2328 Beach Blvd., Pacifica, CA 94044 PH: 763/746-4040 FAX: 763/746-4041 E-Mail: Website: REP: Dustine Callahan, Sales & Marketing Manager; Ronn Ponath, President SERVICE: Athletic field grooming & painting equipment for natural grass & synthetic turf - save time and money.

Landscape architects and park planners at David Evans and Associates, Inc. (DEA) provide creative and innovative design solutions that balance growth with environmental sensibility. DEA offers you experienced professionals in multiple disciplines who can quickly form a team to meet your project needs. We work closely with public and private clients to plan and design parks, trails, golf courses, resorts, and residential and commercial land development projects.


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Kim S. Rhodes, LA #3867 4200 Concours, Suite 200 Ontario, CA 91764 | 909.481.5750

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall


Buyer’s Guide u KTU + A Planning & Landscape Architecture (San Diego) 3916 Normal Street, San Diego, CA 92103 PH: 619/294-4477 FAX: 619/294-9965 E-Mail: Website: REP: Kurt Carlson, Principal; Cheri Blatner, Senior Associate; Sharon Singleton, Principal SERVICE: We Provide Award Winning Landscape Architectural Planning and Design Services for Parks and Recreation Facilities. KVO Industries (Sonoma) 1825 Empire Industrial Ct, Ste A, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 PH: 707/573-6868 FAX: 707/573-6888 E-Mail: Website: REP: Steve Vandyk, V.P. Marketing SERVICE: Provider of specialty sign products including porcelain enamel, high pressure laminate and framing systems. L.A. Steelcraft Products, Inc. (Los Angeles) PO Box 90365, Pasadena, CA 91109 PH: 626/798-7401 FAX: 626/798-1482 E-Mail: Website: REP: James Holt, President SERVICE: Equipment Manufacturer: Playgrounds, schools, fiberglass tables & benches, court & field equipment, bike racks, flagpoles & site amenities. LDA Partners, LLP (San Joaquin) 4 S. Central Court, Stockton, CA 95204 PH: 209/943-0405 FAX: 209/943-0415 E-Mail: Website: REP: Eric Wohle, Partner SERVICE: Architectural Services. Lincoln Equipment, Inc. (Contra Costa) 2051 Commerce Avenue, Concord, CA 94520 PH: 925/687-9500 FAX: 925/680-2825 E-Mail: Website: Rep: REP: Charles Luecker, President & CEO SERVICE: Distributors of commercial swimming pool equipment, chemicals and aquatic supplies since 1954.


Lincoln Equipment, Inc. (Orange) 182 Viking Avenue, Brea, CA 92821 PH: 714/990-6015, 800/223-5450, FAX 714/990-4130 E-Mail: REP: Andrea Hickman, Office Manager SERVICE: Distributors of commercial swimming pool equipment, chemicals and aquatic supplies since 1954.

Melton Design Group (Sacramento) 309 Wall Street, Chico, CA 95829 PH: 530/899-1616 E-Mail: Website: REP: Greg Melton, Principal SERVICE: Landscape architecture, providing design services for parks. Sports complexes, skateparks & masterplans. We focus on providing personal service.

LPA, Inc. (Placer) 1548 Eureka Road #101, Roseville, CA 95661 PH: 916/772-4300 FAX: 916/772-4330 E-Mail: Website: REP: LPA Inc. (Placer), Roseville, CA;LPA Inc. (Orange) 5161 California Avenue Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92617, 949/2611001, Fax: 949/260-1190 REP: Kevin Sullivan, Principal (Roseville Office) Steve Kendrick, Principal (Roseville Office) Heather Van De Zilver, Business Development (Irvine Office) SERVICE: Sustainable design solutions in architecture, landscape architecture and planning for community centers, aquatics and parks.

Meyer & Associates Architecture (Orange) 23265 South Pointe Drive, Suite 102, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 PH: 949/380-1151 FAX: 949/380-8117 E-Mail: REP: Randall K. Meyer SERVICE: Architecture/Landscape Architecture; New/Renovated recreation facilities; Community/Senior Centers; Park Restrooms; Facility Repair; ADA Improvements.

Mariposa Landscapes (Los Angeles) 15529 Arrow Hwy, Irwindale, CA 91706 PH: 626/960-0196 FAX: 626/960-8944 E-Mail: Website: REP: Terry Noriega, President SERVICE: Landscape Construction, Hardscape Construction, Landscape Maintenance, Tree Care, Indoor Plantscape. MCE Corporation (Alameda) 6515 Trinity Court, Dublin, CA 945682627 PH: 925/452-2709 FAX: 925/803-4404 E-Mail: Website: REP: Steve Loweree, Vice PresidentMaintenance Division; Dean McDonald, Project Manager SERVICE: Full service park maintenance contractor & consultant for QA programs, maintenance standards and transition to contracting.

MIG, Inc. (Alameda) 800 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, CA 94710 PH: 510/845-7549 FAX: 510/845-8750 E-Mail: Website: MIG Pasadena: 169 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101-1703, 626/7449872, FAX 626/744-9873 MIG Fullerton: 801 N. Harbor Boulevard, Fullerton, CA 92832, 714/871-3638, Fax 714/871-1188 MIG Davis: 613 G Street, Davis, CA 95616, 530/7539606, FAX 530/753-9608; REP: Sally McIntyre, Susan Goltsman, Tim Gilbert, Principal SERVICE: Landscape Architecture and planning for recreation, sports, park and open space and the public realm from visioning to construction documents. Miracle Playground Sales/Miracle Recreation (Riverside) 9106 Pulsar Ct, Ste C, Corona, CA 92883-4632 PH: 800/264-7225 FAX: 877/215-3869 E-Mail: Website: REP: Kevin Spence SERVICE: Innovative playground equipment, playground safety surfacing; park shelters & gazebos; tables, benches & athletic equipment & splashpads.

Most Dependable Fountains, Inc. (Shelby) 5705 Commander Dr., Arlington, TN 38002-0587 PH: 800/552-6331 FAX: 901/867-4008 E-Mail: Website: REP: Vince McGrory, Sales; Anita Beachum, Sales SERVICE: Outdoor drinking fountains, pet fountains, showers, misters, play towers, hydrants, jug fillers, handwash stations & grills. MRC (San Francisco) P.O. Box 22575, San Francisco, CA 94122 PH: 800/235-2440 FAX: 415/899-9050 E-Mail: Website: REP: James P. Marturano, President; Doris Harpain, Park & Playground consultant; Leo Seavey, Design Consultant SERVICE: Custom and standard playground equipment, safety surfacing, spray parks, skate parks, site furnishings, sport equipment. Murdock Mfg. (Los Angeles) P.O. Box 3527, City of Industry, CA 91744 PH: 800/591-9880 FAX: 626/855-4860 E-Mail: Website: REP: John S. Mitchell, Manager SERVICE: Pre-engineered buildings, restroom plumbing fixtures, drinking fountains, and water hydrants. Musco Sports Lighting (Orange) 4 Jenner, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 PH: 949/754-0503 FAX: 949/754-0637 E-Mail: Website: REP: Michael Marchetti, Karin Pekala, Michael Higgins, Michael Winfrey, Paul Austad SERVICE: Providing sports lighting solutions for your budget, for the environment. My Bark Co., Inc. (San Joaquin) P.O. Box 932, Linden, CA 95236 PH: 209/786-4042 FAX: 209/786-4043 E-Mail: Website: REP: Mary Yelton, President SERVICE: ReadyPlay, EWF from virgin forest wood, bark products, colored enhanced mulches and soil amendments.

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Buyer’s Guide National Academy of Athletics (Sonoma) 1220 N. Dutton Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401 PH: 707/541-2365 E-Mail: Website: REP: Aaron Locks, CEO SERVICE: Youth sports camps and related programs. Coaches, players, parents & officials training. National Aquatics Distributor (Lee) 24551 Production Court, Unit 2, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 PH: 239/390-1733 FAX: 239/390-1739 E-Mail: Website: REP: Greg Frey, President; Stuart Cohen, Account Manager; David Razin, Account Manager SERVICE: Master distributor of Siemens chemical controllers and UV infection systems for the aquatics industry.

Neptune-Benson, Inc. (Kent) 6 Jefferson Dr., Coventry, RI 02816 PH: 401/821-2200 FAX: 401/821-7129 E-Mail: Website: REP: Matthew Moriarty, Sales Representative SERVICE: Leading Manufacturer of aquatic filtration systems for waterparks, aquatic centers featuring the Defender Regenerative Media Filter.

NGI Sports a Division of River City Athletics (Hamilton) 2807 Walker Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37421 PH: 775/544-6306 FAX: 423/499-8882 E-Mail: Website: REP: Cory Brisbin, West Coast Sales; Richard Burke, CEO/COO SERVICE: Nova Pro tennis and track is your guaranteed solution. Specializing in innovation for sports construction.

Northstar Publishing (Medina) PO Box 1166, Medina, OH 44258 PH: 866/444-4216 x224 FAX: 866/554-4344 E-Mail: Website: REP: Rodney J. Auth, President SERVICE: Parks & Rec Business magazine provides common sense solutions to everyday problems. Visit

Nevco Scoreboard (San Diego) 9925 Scripps Westview Way, #124, San Diego, CA 92131 PH: 858/635-5555 FAX: 858/635-5556 E-Mail: Website: REP: Nevco So Cal Rep - John Sidlowski Nevco Nor Cal Rep - Steve Warner / Warner Construction 4219 South Market Court, Suite F, Sacramento, CA 95834 PH: 916/923-0636 FAX: 916/923-1711 SERVICE: Scoreboards LED displays, marquees, video displays, scorers’ tables, signs, etc.

Noll & Tam Architects (Alameda) 729 Heinz Avenue #7, Berkeley, CA 94710 PH: 510/649-8295 FAX: 510/649-3008 E-Mail: Website: REP: Janet Tam, Principal SERVICE: Architectural design, programming and planning for recreation/ community/senior centers and other civic buildings.

Norwell USA, Inc. (Thurston) 6820 Northill Dr. SW, Olympia, WA 98512 PH: 360/556-3621 E-Mail: Website: REP: Tim Madeley, General Manager; Margaret Brown, President, Jeff Schmitz, President SERVICE: Outdoor fitness stations based on a sculptural design and constructed from our exclusive glass-blasted stainless steel.

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California Parks & Recreation • summer fall


Buyer’s Guide u NTD Architecture (Placer) 200 Auburn Folsom Rd Ste 200, Auburn, CA 95603 PH: 530/888-0999 FAX: 530/888-7336 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jordan Knighton, AIA, 200 Auburn Folsom Rd Ste 200; Bruce Thomas, AIA, 9655 Granite Ridge Drive Ste 400, San Diego, CA 92123; Jay Tittle, AIA, 2025 Financial Way, Suite 106, Glendora, CA, 91741-4692 SERVICE: Architectural programming, planning and design for recreational facilities, civic and community centers and aquatic complexes. NUVIS (Orange) 3151 Airway Avenue, Suite J-3, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 PH: 714/754-7311 FAX: 714/754-7346 E-Mail: Website: 5 Crow Canyon Ct. #110, San Ramon, CA 94583 (Contra Costa County) REP: Leslee A. Temple, FASLA, President, (714) 754-7311 SERVICE: NUVIS landscape architecture - over 40 years of design solutions for people, environments, and experiences worldwide. O’Dell Engineering (Stanislaus) 1165 Scenic Drive, Suite B, Modesto, CA 95350 PH: 209/571-1765 x102 FAX: 209/571-2466 E-Mail: ckennedy@odellengineering. com Website: REP: Chad Kennedy, Landscape Architect; Randall O’Dell, Owner; Keith Christensen, Landscape Architect SERVICE: Multi-disciplinary firm providing landscape architecture, civil engineering, land surveying and 3D laser scanning. Outdoor Creations, Inc. (Shasta) P.O. Box 50, Round Mountain, CA 96084 PH: 530/337-6774 FAX: 530/337-6675 E-Mail: Website: REP: Scott Puhlman SERVICE: Precast concrete site furnishings, includes picnic tables, benches, BBQs, fire pits, planters, signs and concrete products for outdoor use.


Pacific Design Concepts/Little Tikes Commercial - Southern California PO Box 1909, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 PH: 714-846-4885 FAX: 714-846-3485 E-Mail Website: REP: Scott Muscolo SERVICE: Accessible outdoor playground equipment including unique theme playscapes and park service equipment. Pacific Park and Playground, Inc. (Ventura) 6166 Goshen Street, Simi Valley, CA 93063 PH: 805/581-0252 FAX: 805/581-5959 E-Mail: REP: Scott Muscolo, Owner; Cindy Grabow, Playground Design & Sales; Kate Little, Regional Sales & Marketing Manager SERVICES: Providing park and playground products and services to Southern California cities, counties, schools, churches and others. Pacific Park At the Santa Monica Pier (Los Angeles) 380 Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica, CA 90401 PH: 310/260-8744 x253 FAX: 310/899-1826 E-Mail: Website: REP: Sarah McCann, Marketing Sales Manager SERVICES: Family amusement park located at the Santa Monica Pier. Park Associate Inc. DBA NSP3 (Shasta) 1555 Tahoe Court, Redding, CA 96003 PH: 877/473-7619 FAX: 530/246-0518 E-Mail: Website: REP: Dena Carter, CEO; Gary Kimbrough, Sales Representative; Spencer Lane, Sales Representative SERVICE: Playgrounds, surfacing, DSA shade, metal/fabric shade, site furnishings, athletic amenities, outdoor instruments, concrete sculptures.

Patterson-Williams Athletic Manufacturing Company (Maricopa) 140 N. Gilbert Road, Mesa, AZ 85203 PH: 800/687-5768 FAX: 480/962-5290 E-Mail: Website: REP: Pete Stokes; Tom O’Keefe SERVICE: Manufacture of top-quality athletic, park & site equipment. PDPlay (San Diego) 2458 South Santa Fe Ave., Vista, CA 92084 PH: 760/597-5990 FAX: 760/597-5991 E-Mail: Website: REP: John Ogden, President SERVICE: California manufacturer of commercial play structures, site furnishings, and poured-in-placed rubberized surfacing. Peak Software Systems (Salt Lake) 45 W 9000 S #2, Sandy, UT 84070 PH: 801/572-3570 x302 FAX: 801/572-7834 E-Mail: Website: REP: Debbie Nelsen, V P Sales; Josh Smith, Sr. Acct. Mgr. SERVICE: Since 1993, SportsMan SQL has been a leading innovator of recreation management software. PIER 39 (San Francisco) P.O. Box 193730, San Francisco, CA 94119-3730 PH: 415/705-5500 FAX: 415/981-8808 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jodi Cumming, Manager, Travel Industry Sales SERVICE: PIER 39, San Francisco’s Premier Bay Attraction, includes 110 shops, 13 restaurants and numerous attractions. Pilot Rock Site Products R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co., Inc. (Cherokee) P.O. Box 946, Cherokee, IA 51012-0946 PH: 800/762-5002 FAX: 712/225-5796 E-Mail: Website: REP: Customer Service Dept. SERVICE: Manufacturing and direct sales of park grills, picnic tables, benches, campfire rings, trash receptacle holders, etc.

Play Foundations Inc. (San Diego) 179 Roymar Road, Suite E, Oceanside, CA 92058 PH: 760/721-2993 FAX: 760/721-3837 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jack Cox, President/CEO SERVICE: Certified installer of leading playground, recreational equipment and surfacing manufacturers. Quality maintenance services for existing playgrounds. Play Smart Surfacing (San Bernardino) 1125 Research Drive #A, Redlands, CA 92374 PH: 909/799-8100 FAX: 909/799-8120 E-Mail: Website: REP: Rafael Alzaga, Vice President SERVICE: Installation of turf, bound, tile and PIP surfacing for playground, walkways and recreational use. Play-Well TEKnologies (Marin) 224 Greenfield Avenue, San Anselmo, CA 94960 PH: 415/578-2746 FAX: 415/460-5108 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jeff Harry, VP of Marketing & Fun; Bob Lund, Southern California Regional Mgr.; Diana Hickey, Northern California Regional Mgr. SERVICE: Teaching LEGO engineering camps to K-5th grade at Parks & Recreation. PlayCore (Hamilton) 401 Chestnut Street Suite 410, Chattanooga, TN 37402 PH: 423/425-3168 FAX: 423/425-3124 E-Mail: Website: REP: Anne-Marie Spencer, VP Marketing; Bob Farnsworth, CEO; Lisa Moore, VP Strategic Services SERVICE: PlayCore helps build stronger communities by advancing play through research, education, partnerships, and products.

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Buyer’s Guide Playcraft Direct, Inc. (Josephine) 123 North Valley Dr., Grants Pass, OR 97526 PH: 888/571-7640 FAX: 541/244-2196 E-Mail: Website: REP: Kurt Krauss, CEO; Toney Lewis, Sales Manager SERVICE: Seller of playground equipment (commercial type). Playground Inspection, LLC (Los Angeles) P.O. BOX 16654, Encino, CA 91416 PH: 888/293-7889 FAX: 818/578-3408 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jim Stein SERVICE: Independent inspector, surface impact testing with Triax, early childhood certified, playground inspections, compliance certificates, insured. Playgrounds Unlimited (Santa Clara) 980 Memorex Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95050 PH: 408/244-9848 FAX: 408/244-9847 E-Mail: mikea@playgroundsunlimited. net Website: REP: Michael Altieri, CEO; Joe Mendes, President SERVICE: Construction services; site preparation; play equipment; water play; shade shelter installation; Pour-inplace & synthetic turf safety surface.

Poms & Associates (Los Angeles) 5700 Canoga Avenue #400, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 PH: 714/731-8444 FAX: 818/449-9321 E-Mail: Website: REP: Phil Combest, Sr. Mgr., Risk Services SERVICES: Loss control, risk management, safety services, general parks and playground consulting and auditing services. Precision Concrete Cutting (San Mateo) P.O. Box 8013, Foster City, CA 94404 PH: 650/867-8657 FAX: 650/240-3866 E-Mail: Website: REP: Joseph Ortega, Manager; Joe Fouret, Owner SERVICE: PCC utilizes a unique 100% ADA complaint saw-cutting method to repair uplifted sidewalks to reduce liability.

PRP Architects: Childplay (Solano) 110 Kim Court, Vallejo, CA 94591 PH: 707/557-2215 FAX: 707/557-9937 E-Mail: Website: REP: Paul Roberts, President SERVICE: Nature education, training, planning and design for early childhood preschools, kindergartens and centers. Public Restroom Company (Washoe) 9390 Gateway Drive Suite 102, Reno, NV 89521-2994 PH: 888/888-2060 FAX: 888/888-1448 E-Mail: info@publicrestroomcompany. com Website: www.publicrestroomcompany. com REP: Chuck Kaufman, President; Kathy Kaufman, Advertising Mgr.; Chad Kaufman, V.P. Sales; Marie Hunt, Sales Administration; Pat McBride, Sales; Katie Kaufman, Project Development Manager SERVICE: Public Restroom Company is a design build specialist for “odor free, vandal resistant, park restroom and concession buildings.

Public Sector Software LTD dba PLAYSAFE, LLC P.O. Box 9000 Leamington SPA, CV31 9DX, England PH: 00(44) 1926 800800 FAX: 00(44) 1474 335053 E-Mail: Website: REP: Margaret Baker, Training Director; Trevor Baker, CEO; David Gent, Managing Director SERVICE: Inspect playgrounds the quick, easy and green way. Inspect on your Smartphone, manage on your computer. Quadriga Landscape Architecture & Planning (Sacramento) 1415 21st Street, Suite a, Sacramento, CA 95811 PH: 916/441-2129 E-Mail: Website: REP: Christine Talbot, Associate Principal; Russ Mallard, Landscape Architect SERVICE: Landscape architectural and planning services.

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Specialties include: Community Centers Daycare Centers Recreation/Sports Complexes Restrooms Senior Centers ADA Compliance Studios Picnic Shelters Concession Buildings Arts/Activity Centers Education Centers Historical Preservation and Restoration

PlaySafe, LLC (Bernalillo) PO Box 66056, Albuquerque, NM 87193-6056 PH: 505/899-9532 FAX: 505/899-2666 E-Mail: Website: REP: Sam “Butch” DeFillippo SERVICE: Playground audits, maintenance training, strategic master plan development, feasibility studies, expert witnesses & recreation program development.

Services Full Service Architecture ADA Compliance Studies Building Design Space Planning Site Analysis Cost Estimating Land Planning Project Bidding and Negotiation Construction Contract Administration Sustainable Design

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California Parks & Recreation • summer fall


Buyer’s Guide u Qualite Sports Lighting (Hillsdale) 250 Industrial Drive, Hillsdale, MI 49242 PH: 800/933-9741 FAX: 517/439-1194 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jim Smith, Sales Representative Southern California SERVICE: Specializing in sports lighting, poles and controls, energy efficient and maintenance. Recology Grover Environmental Products (Stanislaus) P.O. Box 128, Westley, CA 95387 PH: 866/764-5765 FAX: 209/545-8873 E-Mail: Website: REP: Vince Tye, Sales Manager; Dawn Ramsey, Administrative Assistant SERVICE: We provide WonderPlay playground surface material to schools, municipalities & homeowners. Recreation Republic (San Diego) 802 N. Twin Oaks Valley Road, Suite 107, San Marcos, CA 92069 PH: 760/510-1886 FAX: 760/282-7082 E-Mail: Website: REP: Suzanne Anderson, President; Mark Anderson, V.P. S. CA Office: 7668 El Camino Real, Suite 104-287, Carlsbad, CA 92009 N. CA. Office: 151 Petaluma Blvd., Unit 212, Petaluma, CA 94952 888/843-6128 SERVICES: Playgrounds (Kompan), Aquatic climbing walls, Splashpads, waterslides, site furnishings, shelters, boulder/net climbers, surfacing, skate parks. RecWest Outdoor Products, Inc. (Ventura) 31316 Via Colinas, #118, Westlake Village, CA 91362 PH: 818/735-3838 FAX: 818/735-9612 E-Mail: Website: REP: Mike Bennett, President SERVICE: Representing Landscape Structures Inc. - park, playground and skate park equipment.


RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc. (Riverside) 6216 Brockton Avenue, Suite 212, Riverside, CA 92506 PH: 951/781-1930 FAX: 951/686-8091 E-Mail: Website: REP: Randy Hlubik, President; Doug Grove, Principal SERVICE: Park & sports facility planning, LEED certified, water conservation design, community consensus building, park rehabilitation. Richard Fisher Associates (Orange) 2001 East First St., Ste 160, Santa Ana, CA 92705 PH: 714/245-9270 FAX: 714/245-9275 E-Mail: Website: REP: Richard Fisher, President SERVICE: Professional consulting services for parks & recreation facilities, master planning/design, construction management, landscape maintenance/water management. RJM Design Group, Inc. (Orange) 31591 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 PH: 949/493-2600 FAX: 949/493-2690 E-Mail: Website: No. California Office: 601 University Ave. Suite 181, Sacramento, CA 95825 PH: 916/570-2050 FAX 916/570-2233 E -Mail: REP: Bob Mueting, Larry Ryan (Southern CA - Corporate Office) John Courtney (Northern CA Office) SERVICE: Park and Sports Facility Master Planning and Design; Park and Recreation Master Planning; Landscape Architecture; LEED Certified; Community Consensus Building. Roaring Camp Railroads (Santa Cruz) PO Box G-1, Felton, CA 95018 PH: 831/335-4484 FAX: 831/335-1702 E-Mail: Website: REP: Leatha Brown, Group Sales Manager; Deanna Zercher, Sales Coordinator SERVICE: 1880’s Historical Town with train excursions through the Redwoods and to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.

Robertson Industries, Inc. (Maricopa) 4401 E Baseline Road, Suite 105, Phoenix, AZ 85042 PH: 800/858-0519 FAX: 602/340-0402 E-Mail: Website: Northern California: 2442 Estand Way Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Southern California: 16059 Foothill Blvd Irwindale, CA 91706 REP: Richard Hawley, Corporate VP/GM SERVICE: Robertson Industries, Inc. sells, manufacturers and installs safety surfaces - TotTurf and TotTurf Synthetic Plus. RockCraft Designs 8-1865 Sargent Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3H OE4 PH: 866/786-1635 FAX: 204/774-6099 E-Mail: Website: REP: Ken Crozier, President; Cathy Kleeman, Sales & Marketing SERVICE: ROCKCRAFT is the leading manufacturer of concrete park and playground climbing boulders. 10 models available. Ross Recreation Equipment (Sonoma) 100 Brush Creek Road #206, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 PH: 707/538-3800 FAX: 707/538-3826 E-Mail: Website: REP: Ewing Philbin & Cheri Yokoi; Chris Tait, P.O. Box 861, Folsom, CA 95763, 916/985-6349, FAX 916/985-6421; Liz Riehl, 229 Sea Ridge Road, Aptos, CA 95003, 831/689-9110, FAX 831/689-9112 SERVICE: 40 years of providing superior products and service with attention to quality, safety and design. Rowley International Inc (Los Angeles) 2325 Palos Verdes Dr West, Suite 312, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90277-2755 PH: 310/377-6724 FAX: 310/377-8890 E-Mail: Website: REP: Bill Rowley SERVICE: Specialists in aquatic design, engineering and consulting. Over 30 years experience in municipal aquatic facilities.

Royston, Hanamoto Alley & Abey (Marin) 225 Miller Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941 PH: 415/383-7900 FAX: 415/383-1433 E-Mail: Website: REP: Cordy Hill, Principal SERVICE: Landscape architecture, site planning, master planning, urban design, and recreation planning services locally, nationally and internationally. RRM Design Group (San Luis Obispo) 3765 South Higuera Street, Suite 102, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PH: 805/543-1794 FAX: 805/543-4609 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jeff Ferber, Principal SERVICE: RRM Design Group designs award-winning recreation areas by collaborating with people who use them. RWP Landscape Materials (Los Angeles) 1313 E Phillips Blvd, Pomona, CA 91766-5431 PH: 877/476-9797 FAX: 909/868-1162 E-Mail: Website: REP: Hank Egigian, General Sales Manager; Patti Mashikian, Sales Associate; Chris Kiralla, President SERVICE: RWP FIBER FALL-Impact attenuating and ADA wheelchair accessible engineered wood fibers for playground safety surfacing. Ryvec Inc. (Orange) 251 E. Palais Road, Anaheim, CA 92805 PH: 714/520-5592 FAX: 714/520-7898 E-Mail: Website: REP: Steve Ryan, Sales Manager SERVICE: Leading manufacturer of aromatic binders and pigment dispersions used in playgrounds and other sporting applications.

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Buyer’s Guide S & S Worldwide (New London) P.O. Box 513, Colchester, CT 06415 PH: 800/243-9232 FAX: 800/566-6678 E-Mail: Website: REP: Sandy Cervini, Bids & Contracts Manager; Brian Ennis, Sales Representative SERVICE: SpectrumTM and Gator Skin® sports equipment, Color Splash!® arts & craft, and early childhood educational supplies. Safeplay By Design, Inc. (Sacramento) 9666 Sheldon Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624-9437 PH: 916/647-0912 E-Mail: Website: REP: David Spease, Landscape Architect SERVICE: Certified Playground Safety Inspections, inspection programs, safety training, ADA inspections and Landscape Architectural services. Safety Play, Inc. (Los Angeles) 7095 Hollywood Blvd #1308, Los Angeles, CA 90028 PH: 888/878-0244 FAX: 888/878-0244 E-Mail: Website: www.mindspring. com/~safetyplay REP: Scott Burton Florida Office: 10460 Roosevelt Blvd., #295, St. Petersburg, FL 33716-3821 SERVICE: Playground audits, inspection tool kits, expert witness, safety manuals, safety classes, planning/design services, safety signs/labels. SAMLARC - Rancho Santa Margarita Landscape and Recreation Corp. (Orange) 22342A Avenida Empresa, #102A, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 PH: 949/209-5082 FAX: 949/589-6603 E-Mail: Website: REP: Dennis Moss, Parks & Facility Operations Manager; Megan Loel-Yuen, Community Services Lifestyle Manager; Patrick White, Park Use and Sports Field Manager SERVICE: Master Homeowners Association with 13 parks that provides recreation programs and special events.

Sator Sports, Inc. (Los Angeles) 1536 W. 228th Street, Unit B, Torrance, CA 90501 PH: 310/602-0127 FAX: 310/602-0160 E-Mail: Website: REP: Milton Cursage, CEO; Tabatha Villa, Sales Manager SERVICE: Retail soccer equipment company (web/catalog). Schmidt Design Group, Inc. (San Diego) 2655 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92103 PH: 619/236-1462 FAX: 619/236-8792 E-Mail: Website: REP: Glen Schmidt, President; Jeff Justus, Senior Associate SERVICE: Landscape architecture, park planning, and design that balances artistic expression with environmental sensitivity.

SCI Consulting Group (Solano) 4745 Mangels Blvd., Fairfield, CA 94534 PH: 707/430-4300 FAX: 707/430-4319 E-Mail: Website: REP: Gerard Van Steyn, President; John Bliss, Senior Engineer; Blair E. Aas, Senior Planning Consultant SERVICE: New revenue feasibility studies, ballot measures, assessment district formations and administration.

Smart Turf (Los Angeles) 14418 Best Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 PH: 800/421-6723 FAX: 562/404-3925 E-Mail: Website: REP: Amy Word, Sales Manager; Duane Jensen, President SERVICE: Smart Turf is a synthetic grass product line made in the USA with the finest materials available.

Shade Structures (Orange) 350 Kalmus Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 PH: 714/427-6981 FAX: 714/427-6982 E-Mail: Website: REP: Rachel Middleton, Sales Administration SERVICE: Shade Structures’ Modular and custom fabric structures screen the sun and keep the fun!

SMG Equipment, LLC (King) 2002 West Valley Hwy N. Suite 200, Auburn, WA 98001 PH: 253/350-8803 E-Mail: REP: Kevin Dorney, Owner/Member SERVICE: World’s leading manufacturer of tools & equipment for installation and maintenance of synthetic turf and track.

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California Parks & Recreation • summer fall

Community Workshops & Presentations Construction & Maintenance Specifications Standards & Guidelines Development Plan Check Services • Feasibility Studies Native Vegetation Preservation


Buyer’s Guide u Sof’ Solutions Inc. (Salt Lake) P.O. Box 667, Draper, UT 84065 PH: 801/523-2452 FAX: 801/501-0762 E-Mail: Website: REP: Elouise Bird SERVICE: Sof ‘ Solutions is your solution for recreational surfacing. Wet or dry, indoors or out, you’re covered. South Bay Foundry (San Diego) 9444 Abraham Way, Santee, CA 92071 PH: 619/956-2780 FAX: 619/956-2788 E-Mail: Website: REP: Linda Jewitt, Outside Sales SERVICE: Manufacturer: benches, trash receptacles, tree/trench grates, bollards, storm water filters, walnut wattles, restoration, preservation. Southern California Municipal Athletic Federation (Los Angeles) P.O. Box 3605823 Lexington Gallantin Road, South El Monte, CA 91733 PH: 626/448-0853 x16 FAX: 626/448-5219 E-Mail: Website: REP: Tim Ittner, Executive Director SERVICE: Professional training, education and networking; insurance services; sport rules, training and competition for youth and adults. Southern California Tennis Assoc (Los Angeles) P.O. Box 240015, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9115 PH: 310/208-3838 x239 FAX: 310/824-7691 E-Mail: Website: USTA Northern California USTA Southern California ULCA Campus 420 Charles E. Young Drive West Los Angeles, CA 90024 REP: Melanie Bischoff, Community Dev. Coordinator SERVICE: To promote & develop the growth of tennis in Southern California.


Spohn Ranch, Inc. Custom Skate Parks (Los Angeles) 6824 S. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90230 PH: 626/330-5803 FAX: 626/330-5503 E-Mail: Website: REP: Aaron Spohn, Kirsten Bradford SERVICE: Skate park design, construction, operation and insurance. The leader in responsible skatelite, concrete and hybrid parks. Sport Court (Contra Costa) 1510 Second Ave., Walnut Creek, CA 94596 PH: 925/932-4108 FAX: 925/933-5737 E-Mail: Website: REP: Phil Park, President SERVICE: Sport court sports surfacing and athletic systems. Sport Rock Int’l Inc. (San Luis Obispo) P.O. Box 32, Pismo Beach, CA 93448 PH: 805/481-5686 FAX: 805/489-6451 E-Mail: Website: REP: Mike English, Sales Rep SERVICES: Boulders; park and garden art and playground structures. SportaFence Marketing Enterprises, LLC (Sacramento) P.O. Box 340994, Sacramento, CA 95834 PH: 916/715-6287 E-Mail: Website: REP: Dan Gentry, President; Joan Drayton, CEO/CFO; Alan Mitchell, Sales Agent SERVICE: Professional grade portable fencing 6’ x 10’ with 8-gauge coated wire and retractable wheels. Sports Turf Solutions (Monterey) 29001 Falcon Ridge Road, Salinas, CA 93908 PH: 831/484-2138 FAX: 831/484-2139 E-Mail: Website: REP: Parker Wood SERVICE: Athletic field safety testing specializing in G-max testing of synthetic and natural turf sports fields.

SSA Landscape Architects, Inc. (Santa Cruz) 303 Potrero Street, 40-C, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 PH: 831/459-0455 FAX: 831/459-0484 E-Mail: Website: REP: Steven Sutherland, Principal SERVICE: Award winning parks & recreation master planning, community workshops/consensus building, construction documentation/administration. Stantec Architecture Inc. (Sacramento) 1201 J Street, Studio 100, Sacramento, CA 95814 PH: 916/569-2500 FAX: 916/921-9274 E-Mail: Website: REP: Todd W. Rhoads, ASLA, Vice President; Paul A. Marcillac, Principal Landscape Architect SERVICE: Parks and recreation planning and design including master planning, facilitation, sports field design and documentation. Stonehenge Signs (Placer) 107 Buena Vista Ct, Roseville, CA 95747 PH: 916/201-3570 E-Mail: Website: REP: Frankie Tapia, Robert Conover, Diane Conover SERVICE: Providing natural engraved stone signage, tailored to each park’s unique character for over 30 years. Stover Seed Co. (Los Angeles) P.O. Box 861715, Los Angeles, CA 90086 PH: 800/621-0315 FAX: 213/626-4920 E-Mail: Website: REP: John McShane, President SERVICE: Stoverfield seed mixtures, turfgrass and wildflower seed, native seeds for erosion control.

Sun Country Systems (Los Angeles) 11710 Chisholm Court, Santa Clarita, CA 91390 PH: 661/268-1550 FAX: 661/268-1159 E-Mail: Website: REP: Tim Hollinger, President SERVICE: Provide and install playground equipment and all safety surfaces, synthetic grass, Polysoft. Burke play equipment. TMT Enterprises, Inc. (Santa Clara) 1996 Oakland Road, San Jose, CA 95131 PH: 408/432-9040 FAX: 408/432-9429 E-Mail: Website: REP: Matt Moore, Operations Manager; Eric Buckelew, Sales Manager SERVICE: Bulk material supplier: Baseball surfaces, playground materials, top dress sand, topsoil, soil mixes, decomposed granite, organics. Trailscape (Placer) 1451 Rocky Ridge Drive, Apt 1706, Roseville, CA 95661-3013 PH: 530/852-5155 E-Mail: Website: REP: Randy Martin, President SERVICE: Design and Construction of Creative and Sustainable Natural Surface Trails. Tri Active America (San Luis Obispo) 178 S. 4th Street, Suite 101, Grover Beach, CA 93433 PH: 800/587-4228 FAX: 805/595-1042 E-Mail: Website: REP: Chris Litvinchuk, Co-Director of Sales SERVICE: Outdoor exercise equipment for parks, community centers, active aging communities, schools and other organizations.

Structure Cast (Kern) 8261 McCutchen Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 PH: 661/742-3919 FAX: 661/280-5626 E-Mail: Website: REP: Larry Turpin, Sales Manager SERVICE: Precast-pre engineered restroom & concession bldgs.

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Buyer’s Guide TRK Playground Safety, L.L.C. (Madera) 46853 Chukchansi Road, Coarsegold, CA 93614 PH: 559/642-4939 E-Mail: Website: REP: Timothy R. Kelly, CPRS, Owner/ Manager SERVICE: Statewide; playground audits and inspections; attenuation surface impact testing; playground design; and safety education and awareness. Trueline (Riverside) 1651 Market St., Ste B, Corona, CA 92880 PH: 951/817-0777 FAX: 951/817-0770 E-Mail: Website: REP: Ed Kruse, Owner SERVICE: Resurfacing of tennis courts, basketball courts, game courts, playgrounds, striping, installation of equipment and refurbishment. Turf Star, Inc. (Alameda) 2438 Radley Court, Hayward, CA 94545 PH: 800/585-8001 FAX: 510/785-3576 E-Mail: Website: REP: Chuck Talley, Sales Manager, 800/585-8001 x7928, FAX 800/2411997 SERVICE: Commercial mowing equipment & irrigation. Universal Studios Hollywood (Los Angeles) Sales Dept-Education & Youth100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg 5511-5, Universal City, CA 91608 PH: 818/622-3001 FAX: 818/622-0171 E-Mail: Website: www.universalyouthprograms. com REP: Stephen Arthur SERVICE: Universal is more than a Theme Park... It’s a classroom, too! Education and Recreation programs available for youth groups, ages 3 - 18 years.

ValleyCrest Design Group (Orange) 3242 Halladay Street, Suite 203, Santa Ana, CA 92705 PH: 714/557-5852 FAX: 714/557-7621 E-Mail: Website: REP: Kurt Buxton, Managing Principal; Wade Ganes, Project Manager SERVICE: ValleyCrest Design Group specializes in forward-thinking landscape architecture. Verde Design, Inc. (Santa Clara) 2455 the Alameda, Suite 200, Santa Clara, CA 95050 PH: 408/985-7200 FAX: 408/985-7260 E-Mail: Website: REP: Derek McKee, Principal; Corbin Schneider, Sr. Project Manager SERVICE: Multi-disciplinary office of landscape architects and civil engineers with a focus on community projects. Vortex Aquatic Structures Int’l (Riverside) 9106 Pulsar Ct, Ste C, Corona, CA 92883-4632 PH: 514/694-3868 FAX: 514/335-5413 E-Mail: Website: REP: Kevin Spence, General Manager SERVICE: Vortex designs and manufacturers Aquatic Playground Solutions: Splashpad®, ElevationTM multilevel interactive structures, PoolplayTM and Spray pointTM Water Odyssey By Fountain People, Inc. (Hays) P.O. Box 807, 4600 Hwy. 123, San Marcos, TX 78667-0807 PH: 512/392-1155 FAX: 512/392-1154 E-Mail: Website: REP: Bill Hachmeister, AFO, National Sales Manager SERVICE: Leading manufacturer of aquatic playground and fountain equipment.

Waterplay Solutions Corp. 1451 B. Ellis Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 2A3 PH: 250/712-3393 FAX: 250/861-4814 E-Mail: Website: REP: Tai Kolenko, Sales & Marketing Coordinator SERVICE: Waterplay is a world-wide provider of aquatic play features, slide activity centers, urban water features and water management systems. The Wax Museum At Fisherman’s Wharf (San Francisco) 145 Jefferson Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94133 PH: 415/202-0402 FAX: 415/771-9248 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jeanette Guire SERVICE: Visit over 275 famous movie stars, world leaders and sports heroes in over 35 scenes. West Coast Arborists, Inc. (Orange) 2200 E. Via Burton Street, Anaheim, CA 92806 PH: 714/991-1900 FAX: 714/956-3745 E-Mail: Website: REP: Victor Gonzalez, Director of Marketing; Patrick Mahoney, President; Andy Trotter, Vice President-Field Operations SERVICE: WCA provides public agencies, school districts, and colleges with urban forestry management and maintenance services. West Coast Rubber Recycling (San Benito) 1501 Lana Way, Hollister, CA 95023 PH: 831/634-2800 FAX: 831/634-2801 E-Mail: Website: www.groundrubbersolutions. com REP: Cameron Wright, President SERVICE: Tire hauling, collecting, and recycling. Providing rubber for playgrounds, turf infill, pour-in-place buffings.

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall

West Coast Turf (Riverside) P.O. Box 4563, Palm Desert, CA 92261 PH: 760/340-7300 E-Mail: REP: Danielle Scardino, Director of Marketing; John Marman, Sales Manager; Greg Dunn, Sales Manager SERVICE: Growers and installers of premium quality sod and stolons, and organic fertilizers. Whitewater West Industries Ltd 6700 McMillan Way, Richmond, BC V6W 1J7 PH: 604/273-1068 FAX: 604/273-4518 E-Mail: whitewater@whitewaterwest. com Website: REP: Steve Brinkel, Vice President and General Manager of Parks & Recreation SERVICE: WhiteWater is the global leader in waterpark design, engineering, manufacturing and installation. Who Built Creative Builders Inc. (Sonoma) P.O. Box 5207, Petaluma, CA 94955 PH: 707/763-6210 FAX: 707/658-2513 E-Mail: Website: REP: Jana Gebhardt, Owner SERVICE: Installation of play equipment and athletic equipment. WLC Architects, Inc. (San Bernardino) 8163 Rochester Ave, Ste 100, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 PH: 909/987-0909 FAX: 909/980-9980 E-Mail: Website: REP: George Wiens SERVICE: WLC Architects provides sustainable architectural/planning services for recreational projects, including community/senior centers, gymnasiums & theaters. Zasueta Contracting, Inc. (San Diego) P. O. Box 866, Spring Valley, CA 91976 PH: 619/589-0609 FAX: 619/697-6031 E-Mail: Website: REP: Andrew Zasueta, President SERVICE: Playground equipment installation.


Youth and Teen Recreation Services (YTRS) Sacramento Region

Accomplishments Robert Doyle Elected to the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration

Robert Doyle, General Manager of the East Bay Regional Park District in Oakland, CA, has been elected to the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration. Robert Doyle is a veteran of the parks and open space field with a career spanning 35 plus years. He currently serves as General Manager of the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) in the San Francisco Bay area which is the largest local park district in the United States. The Academy is a group of distinguished practitioners and educators who are leaders in the field of park and recreation. They must have served for at least 15 years in a high level of administration in a park and recreation agency or as a recognized educator in parks and recreation administration. The Academy is limited to 125 active members. “The Class of 2013 is exceptionally talented,” said 2013 Academy President Tom Lovell, Administrator of Parks and Recreation in Lee’s 52

Summit, Missouri. “The distinguished new members represent park and recreation agencies of all sizes and demographics as well as academia. The future of the Academy is bright.” More information on the Academy is available at

Ernesto M. Vasquez, AIA, NCARB, Announced as MVEI’s Chairman & CEO MVE Institutional is pleased to announce Ernesto M. Vasquez, AIA, NCARB, as the company’s new Chairman and CEO. After serving as Founding Partner and Officer of MVE Group for 37 years, Mr. Vasquez is relinquishing his leadership position at MVE Group to focus exclusively on MVE Institutional as Chairman and CEO.

Mr. Vasquez’s transition to full-time leadership at MVE Institutional is a result of the company’s rapid growth over the past decade. Recently observing its ten year anniversary as a firm and its one year anniversary with independent offices, MVE Institutional has quickly become one of the region’s leading institutional planning and design firms. The firm has received numerous awards, including several Gold Nuggets and LEED certifications. Mr. Ernesto M. Vasquez, AIA, NCARB, Chairman and CEO of MVE Institutional, states, “I’m excited about what the future holds. I look forward to pursuing my long held interests in public/private partnerships with universities, cities, county governments, housing authorities, transit authorities, K-12 schools, mixed use complexes, and international developments.” The company is headquartered in Santa Ana with offices in Oakland, San Diego, and Honolulu. For more information, visit

On Saturday, June 29, 2013, The Youth and Teen Recreation Services Committee (YTRS) Sacramento Region, hosted the annual collaborative summer camp staff training. 100 Youth Development staff from Cordova Recreation and Park District, El Dorado Hills CSD, the City of Davis, City of Roseville, City of West Sacramento, Cosumnes CSD and the City of Galt came together to learn new leadership skills, discuss best practices in working with youth and teens, understand inclusion for all campers and have fun. Youth development and recreation leaders worked in small groups to experience new activities, lesson plans and camp songs that they could share with their participants. They also learned about the importance of debriefing after a game or activity to teach a lesson to the participants when incorporating leadership, life skills and communication skills into their youth development curriculum. The Northern CA Youth and Teen Recreation Services Committee supports the California Park & Recreation Society by implementing the VIP Action Plan strategies. The areas the group targets in the VIP plan include: strengthen community image and sense of place; strengthen safety and security; promote health and wellness; foster human development; increase cultural unity; facilitate community problem-solving and provide recreational

fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation

u Spotlight

experiences for youth and teens as well as recreation staff working in Youth Development. Event participants evaluated the training and comments included; “Getting more confidence by just knowing more about where I fit in.” Another comment was “I found this really helpful for me and I think I’ll be able to be a better worker.” The Youth and Teen Recreation Services Committee (Sacramento Region) hosts this training annually and saw a growth from last years event of 50 participants and three new cities. This committee has already produced a large youth and teen conference in 2009 where 100 teens attended a day of workshops on leadership development, community problem-solving and cultural unity. In 2011 the YTRS, Sacramento Region lead the Youth Development Academy for the CPRS Conference in Sacramento. For more information on the Northern CA Youth and Teen Recreation Services (YTRS) contact Josh Myer at joshmyer@ and make sure to like us Facebook. https://www.facebook. com/#!/groups/NorthernCATRC/

In Memorium Cindy Turner

Cindy Helen Turner, 57, of Rancho Cordova, passed away on September 26, 2013. Cindy was the first 1957 Roseville baby born, one minute after midnight on New Year’s Day 1957. She was married to her loving husband Mark Turner. Mark and Cindy were happily married for 31 years. Cindy worked in Orangevale, as Recreation Superintendent for 14 years, and had a career spanning over 30 years in the Recreation field. Cindy is survived by her husband Mark, father Kenneth, her three sisters Linda, Kerry, and Nancy, and her golden retriever Rocket. Cindy is preceded in death by her mother Helen.

and assumed a variety of managerial positions. He served, as associate dean for one year then became interim dean, choosing to work without an associate dean for one year. Dr. Brown served 17 years as Chair of the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, following its founder Mary S. Wiley. Dr. Brown was active locally with the City of San Jose Parks and Recreation Department, as well as a leader of the California Park & Recreation Society Educators and the National Recreation and Park Association. He also eagerly served on a variety of community college boards where he established several recreation and parks curricula still in existence today. Before retiring, Dr.

Dr. Paul Brown

Paul was hired at SJSU in 1964 after earning his Bachelors and Masters from Southern Illinois University and his doctorate from University of California Berkeley. He retired in 2007 from the Office of the Provost, where he served as vice provost and special assistant to four provosts. In addition to his contributions to University administration, Paul cared deeply for the College of Applied Sciences and Arts

California Parks & Recreation • summer fall

Brown worked summers as a park ranger with the Santa Clara County Parks Department. Dr. Brown passed away July 29, 2013.

Randy Mendioroz

Randy Mendioroz passed away November 20, 2013, succumbing to his battle with cancer at the age of 58. He was surrounded by his family and passed away peacefully in his sleep. Randy was the founder of Aquatic Design Group (ADG), a company that was built around and mirrored his charming persona since he founded it in 1984. Known as much for his integrity and jovial nature as for the work his company performed, Randy will be missed by the

Contract soccer classes & camps since 1979



Spotlight u Presidents Message, continued from page 6

thousands of close friends and associates whose lives were brightened by his eager smile and quick wit. A celebrated author and frequent contributor to industry publications, Randy was also frequently seen presenting educational sessions at industry trade shows and conferences. His easy going nature and sense of humor made his input especially sought after in a world of architects and engineers. Recently inducted into the World Waterpark Hall of Fame, the following excerpt from his induction ceremony speaks to his character: Much of Randy’s success can be attributed to the way he has always conducted business, acting as the Client’s agent and not merely an extension of an equipment vendor or contractor. “I always strived to ensure each decision made was in my Client’s best interest,” Mendioroz reflected, “not only for immediate success on opening day, but also for the long term wellbeing of the project and its community.” While work consumed a 54

good amount of his time, first and foremost to Randy was his family. Randy is survived by his wife of 36 years, Syndea, their three children, Mique, Jessica and Tony and six grandchildren.

Brown, Region 4; Tom Hellman, Past President, Aquatics Section; and Leslee Temple, company member. The Task Force, with the assistance of a Search Firm, will recruit and interview candidates to provide the most qualified candidates for consideration. Over the next few months these dedicated members will meet to review the job description, recruit candidates, review applications, and create assessment/interview questions. The goal of the Task Force is to present no more than three qualified candidates to the Board of Directors to interview on March 3, 2014. With a plan in place, the pit in my stomach has shrunk, but we will get

it right when we identify a candidate who will strengthen our value to members and help us see possibilities that we had not realized existed. I truly appreciate the support and comforting words I have received from members across the State regarding the enormity of the task. Your encouragement means the world to me and has helped shrink the pit. My desire to get this right comes from my passion and dedication to our organization and not letting you down. I ask that if you have any suggestions or input regarding the process identified by the Board of Directors please contact me via email at

Resources • Agency Brand Launch Press Release • Branding ToolKit • Community-Focused PowerPoint Presentation • Key Messages • Press Release Template • Rack Card Template • Sample Ad/Flier Template

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fall 2013 • California Parks & Recreation


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