Official magazine of the California Park & Recreation Society
Mother Nature is Calling... Are you going to pick up or send her to voicemail?
Connecting to nature has never been more important than it has been in the past 18 months. Explore how park and recreation agencies can capitalize on the increased rediscovery of your local parks and open spaces.
India Basin Shoreline Park:
A Bay Area Model for Equity Development Planning
In many cities across the nation large scale development projects have either displaced or alienated long-time residents. The new India Basin Shoreline Park project used an Equitable Development Plan to mitigate any issues with residents.
Parks and the Future: Now is the moment to transform outdoor equity across the nation
We’ve explored Park Inequity. Here the Trust for Public Land further explains why now may be the best time to do something about it. We also highlight some resources to begin the process.
Healthy Lifestyle a Natural Choice if You’re Outdoors