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Take charge of delays in your projects: Set realistic expectations with your boards and plan ahead. By Hamlet Vazquez, MCAM-HR
Vision Summer 2022 | cacm.org
Do you remember the days when contractors were clamoring for work, materials were readily available, and the work force was actually P—2o Hi2/ IH :: H2 i2fi now. JP:H H H2 fio I fi iH2/2— contractor call me to get the number of H2 iH2/2— PH2PH2 :P : /2PH:PfiP:fiP/ˇ2Ho2)fi needed to refer out a job! This same contractor has lost workers to other contractors paying 2) fi : ˇPfi H /::ƒ Hfi skilled workers who actually want to work.
While his company is still thriving on the jobs he does have, what this means to your association is that you’ve had to adapt to the waiting game. It is not uncommon for me to sit at my desk and look at a long list of projects, all of which are on hold due to the contractor not ƒ— ƒ HH P: ) H fio ˇ2 /2H:) 2 some cases, the months it takes for the city’s permitting department to issue a permit. The
Unfortunately, there is no magic formula that will get your projects completed quickly, but there are two simple things that you can do to help manage the delay headache. First, you need to set the right expectations with your boards and membership. While it can be tempting to report that such and such project will be done by the end of summer, ask yourself if you are being realistic. Remember that even during ‘normal’ times contractors tend to over-promise, so be careful when communicating a completion date to your boards and membership. If you expect that a project will be completed by the end of summer, maybe it’s better to tell the board that the project will be completed by the end of the year. I know that can sound extreme, but what’s the worst that can /// T /2PH : P/Hfi ƒo H fi of summer as the contractor had indicated,