ecently the CACM Board of Directors completed
the professional leaders in the HOA industry. It’s our job
its annual Board Visioning Retreat. Yearly the
to help guide them through the legal quagmires, the
board and its CEO/President gather to consider
human resource challenges and the reality of multiple
where is CACM now, where is it going, and what
personality styles residing on the same streets. If we are
influences both inside and outside the HOA industry will
an Industry Partner, our homeowner association boards
impact every member of CACM, whether as a manager
look to us as for the skills and expertise to advise them
member, management company member or Industry
and provide services to improve their communities.
Partner member.
Services such as resurfacing streets or building a new equestrian trail.
This year’s retreat included, for the first time, the Senior CACM Directors. Whether sitting in an organizational
We hope that this issue of Vision inspires you to be
meeting at the CACM office to consider new programs
the best leader you can be for
and services, or sitting at a board meeting, CACM
our industry. It is safe to say
Directors, CEO Tom Freeley and all 15 Board Directors
we rarely experience a dull
are leaders in our industry. They guide everyone in
day in the HOA world. Savor
our industry or affiliated with our industry to support
every moment as we go forth
CACM’s vision going forward.
as leaders in our California homeowners association
This Vision magazine theme is leadership. If we are a manager or management company executive, our volunteer homeowner association boards look to us as
Vision Spring/Summer 2019 | www.cacm.org
industry. On behalf of the CACM Board, Phyllis Harkins, CAMEx, CCAM-LS., Board Chair