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Fall Seminar Registration Form
October 6–8, 2023 • North Lake Tahoe
Do you want us to use this information to update your CVMA profile? m Yes m No
Please check one: m DVM m RVT m Veterinary Staff m Other _____________________________________________________
Attendee Name (Dr.):
Mailing Address: m Work m Home
Phone (Required):
E-mail (Required): by after CVMA Members Aug. 31 Aug. 31
Registration includes: Twelve maximum CEUs for DVMs, RVTs, and CVMA CVAs, a syllabus, a certificate of attendance, and daily continental breakfast (in-person attendees only) for registered attendees.
DVM m In-person m Virtual
RVT/Veterinary Staff m In-person m Virtual
$315 $345
$205 $235
Guests Breakfast Tickets m Guests Continental Breakfast # @ $45/day $
Guest Breakfast Tickets are not needed for registered attendees. Attendee breakfast is included in the registration fee.
Enclosed is a check for $
A copy of this form must accompany your check in order for your registration to be processed.
If you would prefer to pay with a credit card, please register online at CVMA.net.
Registration for in-person and virtual attendees closes September 21, 2023. Onsite registration available for in-person attendees, space permitting.
Hotel Information
Everline Resort & Spa
400 Squaw Creek Road, Olympic Valley, CA 96146 Tel: 530.583.6300
The CVMA has secured special room rates of $209 per night for deluxe guestroom (single or double), plus applicable taxes. Reservations: Reserve your room by calling 800.404.5544 and reference the CVMA Fall Seminar or visit the Continuing Education tab at cvma.net. The conference room rates are available until September 6, 2023, or until the group block fills up, whichever comes first.
Hotel parking: The hotel offers self-parking for overnight guests at $10. Valet parking is $20 per night (parking rate subject to change without notice).
Attendees can enjoy a 10% spa, golf, and bike discount.
General Information
By registering for the CVMA Fall Seminar, I agree to the terms and conditons. The terms and conditions can be found at cvma.net.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
All cancellation requests must be made in writing and received either by fax, email, or regular mail no later than September 15, 2023, to receive a full refund, less 10 percent administration fee. No refunds for cancellations or registrations received after this date.
California Veterinary Medical Association 1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95815
If you have any changes or additions to this form after submission, please email staff@cvma.net or call us at 800.655.2862.