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Regulatory Compliance Products FOR
The CVMA can help you with all your regulatory compliance needs. Visit cvma.net/products.
Regulatory Plaques
The CVMA offers a series of 8 ¾” x 11 ¾’’ laminated plaques, suitable for hanging in your practice and designed to meet a number of regulatory requirements!
Required Postings
• Proposition 65 Warning (for practices with more than 10 employees)
• Continuous Presence Not Provided (required if animals will be left on the premises for any period of time without someone present)
• California Abandoned Animal Act (if you hospitalize/board animals)
• Financial Interest Disclosure (if applicable)
• Written Prescriptions (gives clients written notification that they have the right to receive a written prescription)
Not Required but Recommended
• Prescription Drug Dispensing (helpful in explaining restrictions to clients)
Radiation Compliance Kit
The Radiation Compliance Kit is custom-designed to fulfill all of the regulatory requirements for veterinary practices with radiationproducing machines. It includes required postings, the “Caution X-Ray” sign, radiation safety training materials, and detailed instructions on how to implement a radiation compliance program.
Mandatory Pamphlets For Employees
Various regulatory agencies require that every employee be given several pamphlets at the time of hire. Employers should provide the pamphlets to all current employees if they did not receive them at the time of hire.
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Your CVMA Guide to Cal/OSHA Compliance
Subscription Today!
The CVMA Guide to Cal/ OSHA Compliance is available only to CVMA members and is designed to help veterinary practices comply with the Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/ OSHA) regulations. It includes educational materials, required forms, training templates, implementation and recordkeeping resources, and a step-by-step wizard that simplifies the process of creating a customized written health and safety plan for your practice that complies with Californiaspecific requirements.
Cal/OSHA Requires Employers to Provide COVID-19 Worker Protection
Cal/OSHA regulations include a requirement for a written COVID-19 Protection Program policy as part of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). The CVMA Guide of Cal/ OSHA Compliance has recently been updated to include new non-emergency COVID-19 prevention regulations enacted February 3, 2023.
The online subscriptiononly guide can be accessed and updated at any time.