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UC Davis Bandaging Lab Offers Fun, Insightful Instruction to Students
After being put on hiatus throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine’s CVMA Bandaging Lab returned as a resounding success. The annual event, which helps first- and secondyear veterinary students learn the art of bandaging, took place at the UC Davis campus on April 20, 2023. Canine instruction was provided by Dr. Chris Wong, while Dr. Marianne Brick educated on bandaging techniques for avian and exotic patients. Lori Hohman, RVT of JorVet (Jorgensen Laboratories) also assisted with canine instruction.
Food and beverages for the lab were provided by the CVMA, and the CVMA’s Membership and Student Services Manager Laura Phillips helped coordinate the event. Incoming UC Davis CVMA student representative Sarah Meil organized the sign-ups for the students, facility accommodations, and onsite assistance during the lab alongside classmates Katelyn Morita and Alexis Durant.
The CVMA thanks Drs. Wong and Brick for offering their time and expertise to help instruct the students. The event was also not possible without the generous support of our sponsors, 3M and Jorgensen Laboratories, who donated the bandaging materials. Thank you to all involved for making this valuable learning experience possible again after three years!