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Donate to the California Veterinary Medical Foundation

Disaster Preparedness and Response
Each year, critical weather and dry conditions result in intense fires across California, especially during the summer and early fall. Such wildfires over the past decade have burned millions of acres, throwing families, businesses, and wildlife into disarray. Between the flames, hazardous air quality, building damage, and potential lack of food and water, many animals require intensive medical attention.
To help address these adverse circumstances, the California Veterinary Medical Foundation (CVMF) supports the California Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps (CAVMRC), which provides medical assistance to animals during declared emergencies. The CVMF also maintains a fund to reimburse private practitioners who provide subsidized or no-cost veterinary care to the public during a disaster.

Scholarships to UC Davis and WesternU Students
The CVMF annually presents monetary awards to third and fourthyear students at UC Davis and WesternU’s veterinary schools for their role in leadership, dedication to the human-animal bond, and outstanding service in veterinary medicine at a city or county animal shelter or during a recognized California disaster response.
Donations to the CVMA’s Animal Hall of Fame Winners
The CVMA Animal Hall of Fame celebrates the companion and working animals of California and the veterinarians who care for them. Past inductees have included working, service, and therapy animals as well as heroic animals who have exemplified the human-animal bond.