Aberdeen Citadel Salvation Army - Castlegate News - 13th Semptember 2020

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SOMEONE CARES Captain Emma Newton Since arriving in Aberdeen a number of people have told us about ‘Somebody Cares’; the Aberdeen-based charity which offers support to people struggling financially. Last Saturday we went to visit their warehouse in Tullos as we were told they had a toy sale on. What we found was an immense array of items stored in their warehouse, which we glanced at as we walked through to the toy department. On speaking to the manager of the warehouse and the supervisor for the toy department, we discovered that they, like us and every other charitable organisation, have been significantly impacted since the start of lockdown. Their ability to sell items to raise funds had been removed, but the requests for support dramatically increased. Saturday was their first day to sell some of their donated stock, and they hope to open one department at a time as they gradually re-introduce customers to their building.

There have also been lots of people asking for support. We have been able to provide clothing from the supplies held at the Citadel to people coming for food parcels, and we have been able to top up those supplies from the goods held at the charity shop. At the moment we do not need any further donations of clothes, but if anyone has carrier bags they would be willing to give us to help with food parcels, we would appreciate it as we have almost run out. …Continued Page 2.

We are still in conversation with Morag and Headquarters about re-opening our shop, and we do not have a date yet, but there have been a number of phone calls offering donations.

‘A Thought From the Word’

‘Music Box’ -Page 3-

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Captain Callum Newton considers the moment in 1 Chronicles 28 that the baton is passed over from David to Solomon and invites us all to consider our own work to do. ‘Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.’ (1 Chron. 28:20)

Bandmaster John Still reflects on Captain Emma’s message on Milestones in last week’s Castlegate News and brings us a piece featuring ‘Lord of the Years’.

‘What’s On’ -Page 5Some more music and video recommendations as well as upcoming events. This week features an album by The German Staff Band, the T.C.’s Message and information About a livestream of the Cadets’ Welcome Meeting.


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ABERDEEN CITADEL Serving God & Aberdeen For Over 140 Years 28 Castle Street Aberdeen AB11 5BG 01224 579 370


@aberdeencitadel Commanding Officers Captains Callum & Emma Newton callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk emma.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk

Part of the North Scotland Division and the United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory. Called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, The Salvation Army United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland exists to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we will be a Spiritfilled, radical, growing movement, with a burning desire to lead people into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, actively serve the community, and fight for social justice. Divisional Commander (North Scotland): Major Gillian Jackson Territorial Commander (UKI): Commissioner Anthony Cotterill The General: General Brian Peddle

SOMEONE CARES CONTINUED FROM FRONT However, I recognise that in both of these cases, I am talking about meeting physical needs that people have; clothing, household items, food and baby items. This week we have also encountered many people who do not have a physical need, but an emotional or spiritual one. There have been a number of people this week who have been bereaved of a loved one, or have attended the funeral of a loved one. In these instances, we cannot buy something, give something or raise money to meet their needs. All we can offer, particularly in these sociallydistanced days, are words of comfort and prayer.

This is not only of comfort to those who are struggling, but also to those of us who are praying for our friends. God will hear the whisper of our prayers too.

There is a beautiful song in the songbook (10) which asks:

Whilst we cannot share a hug, whilst we cannot visit whoever we want whenever we want, whilst we cannot attend funerals and offer physical contact, we can reach out to one another in love and support, with a phone call or a card, a message of hope and encouragement. God offers his healing through us.

Do you sometimes feel that no one truly knows you, And that no one understands or really cares? Through His people, God Himself is close beside you, And through them He plans to answer all your prayers. Any meaningful comfort or connection that we offer people in their emotional or spiritual distress are as a result of God’s presence with us. We don’t know how God uses us in those situations, but when we speak truth into their lives, God draws near and answers their prayers in ways we cannot understand. If you are feeling uncertain about anything today, know the truth that God is close beside you. The chorus brings a comforting refrain: Someone cares, someone cares, Someone knows your deepest need, your burden shares; Someone cares, someone cares, God Himself will hear the whisper of your prayers. There is great reassurance in this chorus that echoes the words of 1 Peter 5:7 ‘Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you’. Whatever battle you are facing, God cares for you.

The second, and final, verse is pertinent in these days of socialdistancing; Ours is not a distant God, remote, unfeeling, Who is careless of our loneliness and pain, Through the ministry of men He gives His healing, In their dedicated hands brings hope again.

I wonder, this week, who you could be that ‘someone’ to? Someone who needs comfort and care, to be reminded that they are not alone, because God is present with them, through you. If this week you are feeling misunderstood, lonely, forgotten or just hurting, reach out. Reach out in prayer to God, knowing that he hears you, even if you have no words to describe how you feel. Reach out to someone who loves you, and if you don’t know who that might be, contact me! I hope we have a corps fellowship in which you all know you are loved by us, and by one another, whatever might have gone before. I hope that if you are contacted by someone else, you will listen with love and respond with grace and comfort, because you have already received it from God. Together I pray that we will be a church where people will come knowing that someone cares.


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A Thought From the Word

BE STRONG, AND DO THE WORK CAPTAIN CALLUM NEWTON History has many stories and incidences of a father passing on the baton of his life’s work to his trusted child. Our own Salvation Army saw exactly this when the Founder, William Booth passed on the generalship to Bramwell Booth at his death. The Founder had intended that a general would hold the position for life and that they would nominate their successor by handing a sealed envelope containing the name of the next general to the Army’s solicitors, only to be opened on the incumbent general’s promotion to glory. Bramwell Booth was the only general appointed in this way before the introduction of elected generals to The Salvation Army following the 1929 crisis (more on this can be found in the book ‘1929’ by John Larsson). 1 Chronicles 28 presents us with the beautiful moment the father David passes on the baton of his life’s work to his son Solomon.

this good land and leave it to your children as a permanent inheritance. 9“And Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. 10So take this seriously. The Lord has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong and do the work.”

This is great advice for anyone, put simply we all must: obey the Lord, learn about God, worship Him, serve Him wholeheartedly, seek Him and never forsake Him, be strong in His grace and do what he has called you to do. If this was a pattern that was consistently adhered to by all of the soldiers and “The Salvation Army exists to actively serve God members of The Salvation Army then we truly would in all manners and aspects of life. We all, being in be unshakable.

Firstly, we are told of how David gathered all the important people of Israel to witness this important different places, professions, social circles and event in the history of their families have a work to do that we may honour the nation taking place. By David hands over to gathering them all around, Solomon all of the plans calling that has been placed on our lives.” the great leader David was associated with the able to meaningfully give his ‘seal of approval’ to Solomon’s building of the temple before reiterating that most succession. David was also able to give prophetic authority to the important point again; “Be strong and courageous, and do reign of Solomon saying; ‘And from among my sons—for the Lord has the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, given me many—he chose Solomon to succeed me on the throne of my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you” (1 Israel and to rule over the Lord’s kingdom’ (1 Chron 28:5). Then David Chron 28:20). turns to his son and gives him his responsibilities as well as some The Salvation Army exists to actively serve God in all sound advice: manners and aspects of life. We all, being in different 8“So now, with God as our witness, and in the sight of all Israel—the places, professions, social circles and families have a Lord’s assembly—I give you this charge. Be careful to obey all the work to do that we may honour the calling that has been commands of the Lord your God, so that you may continue to possess placed on our lives. There is none, who has nothing to offer

CASTLEGATE NEWS -ABERDEEN CITADEL S ALVATION ARMY the Lord in service. There is no one that God cared little enough about to withdraw any semblance of talent or gifting that can be used to bring more lost souls into the loving care of His kingdom. One of the greatest challenges facing The Salvation Army around the territory, I believe, is the number of ‘laid up’ troops. There are so many who would enthuse at the work of the Army but fail to make any meaningful contribution to that work by way of commitment of time, talents, resources, gifts and skills. Each one of us must consider ourselves accountable to God for what we have done, and what we chose not to do. Many would say ‘there is not much I can do’ but I remind you of David’s words ‘For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan’ and can be sure that there is no soul this side of Glory that he has forgotten to give a purpose to. If you don’t know yours, then you should pray, seek God and His calling for you. We so need the passion and zeal of called up soldiers ready to take the battle back to the streets of Aberdeen and beyond. Although our current circumstances may hinder us in the battle, we should only use this time to sharpen our mission plan, regroup and refocus on the task in hand. The world for God! – Be strong and do the work! But, of course, it does take work. A true ministry can be an exhausting and sometimes painful experience. A battle with the devil and fighting off evil can be an exhausting and draining experience.

PAGE | 4 You must never let the heat of battle wear you down, rest a while in the care of the Almighty, learn to know him more. But don’t stay down forever, whether you get back on your feet in helping the poor and afflicted, back on your telephone and computer keeping in touch with those who need to know that someone care, or if you are able to undertake that most vital task of being back on your knees in prayer for the Lord’s guidance in the ongoing salvation war, be strong and do the work! Just as David passed on the baton of his life’s work to Solomon, so Jesus passed on the baton to us to proclaim the gospel of his life’s work and to serve as he served. We in calling ourselves Christian, have the duty to uphold the love and grace which was demonstrated to us in the person of Jesus Christ. Perhaps you will find it useful to use the words of General Orsborn (Song 672 – below) to rededicate yourself to the work God has called you to do as soldiers, officers, local officers, adherents and above all Christians. Are you doing what you can to continue the Lord’s work as he has passed it on for each of us to do? “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you”

Song 987

Song 672 Saviour, if my feet have faltered On the pathway of the cross, If my purposes have altered Or my gold be mixed with dross, O forbid me not Thy service, Keep me yet in Thy employ, Pass me through a sterner cleansing If I may but give Thee joy! All my work is for the Master, He is all my heart's desire; O that He may count me faithful In the day that tries by fire! Have I worked for hireling wages, Or as one with vows to keep, With a heart whose love engages Life or death, to save the sheep? All is known to Thee, my Master, All is known, and that is why I can work and wait the verdict Of Thy kind but searching eye.

We are marching on With shield and banner bright, We will work for God and battle for the right, We will praise His name, rejoicing in His might, And we'll work till Jesus calls. Then awake, then awake, Happy song, happy song; Shout for joy, shout for joy, As we gladly march along. We are marching onward, singing as we go, To the Promised Land where living waters flow; Come and join our ranks as soldiers here below, Come and work till Jesus calls. In the open air our Army we prepare, As we rally round our blessèd standard there; And the Saviour’s cross we gladly learn to share While we work till Jesus calls.

I must love Thee, love must rule me, Springing up and flowing forth From a childlike heart within me, Or my work is nothing worth. Love with passion and with patience, Love with principle and fire, Love with heart and mind and utterance, Serving Christ my one desire.

We are marching on; our Captain, ever near, Will protect us still, His guiding voice we hear; Let the foe advance, we'll never, never fear, But we'll work till Jesus calls. We are marching on And pressing t'wards the prize, To a glorious crown beyond the glowing skies, To the radiant fields where pleasure never dies, And we'll work till Jesus calls. Fanny Crosby

Albert Orsborn Listen Here: https://youtu.be/Ic1V2NlxD_4

Listen here: https://youtu.be/1lS4JOBbdgk



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Please remain aware that all upcoming events remain subject to change or cancellation at short notice owing to the ongoing Coronavirus situation. If there is sufficient notice, changes and cancellations will be announced in ‘Castlegate News’ and on Facebook.

Saturday 26th September

Fortress Radio Sunday Services 11am and 6pm. Salvation Army music all through the week. “Take yourself back through a day of 'Army' activities and enjoy a day of music featuring Songster Brigades, Bands, YP Sections and much more. During the week, listen again to your favourite Army melodies including special broadcasts such as Songster Gems and Band Fest.”

Welcome to the Messengers of Reconciliation (Online Event)

Territorial Leaders’ Messages

15:00 – 16:30 We invite you to share in the welcome to the cadets of the Messengers of Reconciliation session, led by Territorial Leaders Commissioners Anthony and Gillian Cotterill, with Colonels Lee and Deborah Graves. While we are not able to physically attend William Booth College due to current restrictions, we invite you to show your support to the new officer cadets, and particularly our own Cadet Abigail Gray, by livestream and social media (link below). https://youtube.com/salvationarmyvideo

Sunday 4th October Harvest Sunday Colonels Lee and Debbie Graves, currently in appointment as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Leader Development, are due to lead us in worship for Harvest.

Available at: https://www.fortressradio.online/listen -now.html

Available at: https://youtu.be/RCJ8O6MDySY

It is 155 years since the first indoor meeting of The Salvation Army, then known as The Christian Mission. In these strange times, when some of our churches are starting to reopen their doors for socially-distanced Sunday worship, our Territorial Commander Commissioner Anthony Cotterill reflects on the lessons we can learn: “I see a Salvation Army, as we move forward, potentially rediscovering what it is to really worship.”

They Shall Come From The East One of the most well-known songs from the Gowans and Larsson musical, 'The Blood of the Lamb' is given an 'African' treatment by Kevin Larsson. Regent Hall Band skilfully plays the piece in this video emphasising the great sentiment of the song. It builds to a majestic climax emphasising the words; 'From every tribe and every race, all men as brothers shall embrace; they shall come from the east, they shall come from the west, and sit down in the Kingdom of God'.

Available at: https://youtu.be/zrqhA-x8bmE

An Album From The Archives The German Staff band brings this selections of marches, band pieces and hymn settings for us to enjoy and worship with. Recorded in 1991 the album features noted Army composers and arrangers including; SteadmanAllen, Bowes, Coles, Himes and Silfverberg.

Please keep all of our future events in your prayers, especially in these times of fragility in forward planning.

Available at: https://www.regalzonophone.com/Albu ms/Hosanna

The album includes a setting of Nicea which we associate with the words Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty. Take a moment to come close to God in awe and wonder at his majesty, ‘who wert, and art, and evermore shalt be!’


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CHORAL CORNER Captain Emma Newton I have had the privilege to sing this song with at least four different songster brigades and in each place it has been a testimony with people sat in those congregations who have prayed for me in the highs and the lows. The most powerful moment I experienced whilst singing this song was not with a songster brigade but at Divisional Retreat about three years ago. The corps leaders from the North Scotland Division were sat in a room having listened to the day’s spiritual teaching and this song had been chosen as a reflective piece of music for us to listen to. As the music began, I sang along as a whisper, admitting my frailties and gratefully thanking God for those who cared enough to pray for me. As it happens, about six other officers did the same. By the end of the song the whole room was singing, prayerfully acknowledging our weaknesses and the power of people praying for us. It is through the support of one another that we can become who God intends for us to be! We all need somebody to pray for us at some time, and therefore we all need to be people who pray for others too. As you listen to this piece of music, thank God for those people who have helped you get to where you are today. And pray for those of your neighbours, friends, colleagues and family who might need it today. When my heart was so broken that I could not pray When love wasn’t easy to see. Someone was there, somebody cared, somebody prayed for me.

Listen here: https://youtu.be/ai0mna2vdAQ Somebody went to the throne of Heaven, Somebody lifted my name; Bringing me into his holy presence, saying what I could not say. Somebody showed me the face of his mercy, When darkness was all I could see, Somebody pleaded the blood of Jesus, Somebody prayed for me. When the future looked hopeless, and I’d given up, When I had lost sight of my dreams, Somebody near dried every tear, somebody prayed for me.

PRAYER MATTERS People and Prayer • Pray for the Johnstone family as they grieve the loss of Mary. • Pray for Cadet Abigail Gray as she begins life in London and at William Booth College and for an enthusiasm for the studies ahead. • Pray for all the new cadets of Abigail’s session, the Messengers of Reconciliation, as they all prepare to begin officer training.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 1 John 5:14

Corps Prayer Diary – September 6th - 13th SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Andree Cameron Brian Cattanach Esther Catto Val Coutts Douglas Craig Douglas Craik Barney Crockett and family People News

Grace Johnstone and her family remembered her mother Mary Johnstone at a funeral conducted by Major Violet Leiper on Wednesday (9th September). Please continue to uphold them all in your prayers.


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MUSIC BOX Bandmaster John Still Whilst reading last week’s Castlegate News I was reminded that Bandmaster William Himes had composed a Festival March called Milestone. The milestone that this piece was written to celebrate was the 75th anniversary of the Chicago Staff Band in 1985. The March features the composer's own hymn tune 'Dearborn Street’ composed to accompany the song 'Lord of the years' (published in The Musical Salvationist - January 1985). This song was dedicated to the Chicago Staff Band as part of its 75th anniversary with powerful and thought provoking words penned by Robert E. Thomson and the melody by William Himes. Though the music is simple, it suits the praise and thankfulness expressed in the verses. The words reflect on God’s loving and providential care over past years, and in the present, and trusted for the future. This is a different song to the one found in the song book, with a similar name, that we may be more familiar with. Lord of the past, whose sovereign hand has guided Through all life’s seasons with their joy and pain; From whose eternal store has been provided Grace in abundance time and time again: We lift our hearts in gratitude and love For blessings showered on us from above. Lord of the present, hear our earnest pleading, As we still labour side by side with Thee, Seeking to help a dying world that’s needing Life giving pow’r unleashed at Calvary: Use us today, nor let us count it loss When we must share the suff’ring of the Cross.

Listen here: https://youtu.be/-6ohEETheGw Lord of the future, who doth ever lead us, Lighting our path with Truth Thy Word divine, To greater vict’ries may Thy Spirit speed us; Though all our actions let Thy glory shine. Help us to serve, to wait, to watch, to pray; Help us become more like Thee ev’ry day. Lord of the years, we bow in adoration. Past, present, future: all to Thee are known. Unchanging love has purchased our salvation, Unfailing grace will lead us to Thy throne, Where evermore with angels we will sing Eternal praises to our Heav’nly King. Robert E. Thomson The version featured here (YouTube link above), was recorded for another milestone, Birmingham Citadel Band’s 115th anniversary reunion.

Generally Speaking Erik Wickberg (1904 – 1996) was the 9th General of The Salvation Army from 1969 to 1974. In 1925, he became an Officer from Bern 2 Corps, Switzerland. His first appointment was corps officer in Hamilton, Scotland. During World War II, he was appointed to Germany, where he was often obliged to sleep in air raid bunkers. When the war was over, he was assigned the task of post-war relief in war-torn Germany. General Wickberg was honoured by many nations for his service to God and humanity. He was made Commander of the Order of Vasa (Sweden 1970); admitted to the Order of Moo Koong Wha (Korea, 1970); made an honorary Doctor of Laws (Korea, 1970); awarded the Grand Cross of Merit (Germany 1971) and awarded the King’s Golden Medal (Sweden 1980).


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GETTING TO KNOW YOU We Need You! Unfortunately, we can’t bring you this feature this week as we have run out of completed questionnaires from folk. If you are willing to feature on this page by simply answering the usual questions as fully as you can, then please do contact either of the Captains via email and a form can be sent to you to fill in: callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk emma.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk Alternitively, call The Citadel (01224 579370) and ask for a paper copy to be sent to you by post. We really feel this is an important feature as it gives us the opportunity to get to know a little about some of you and for you all to remember and pray for each other. Thank you for your help in keeping this going and for all who have already taken part.

ORDERS & REGULATIONS General Edward J. Higgins The rigidity of the martinet is a real danger. How many good people have been lost to the service through this very thing? Some who prided himself on being a ‘strict disciplinarian’ has with his hammer-like blows driven away those whom it cost another man tears and toils to win, whereas a little trouble, a lot of patience, might have brought about far different and happier results. In the administration of the Army’s laws, all that is done must be seasoned with grace and sweet reasonableness. The signs of a true Christian character should be displayed here in an unmistakable manner. There must be no display of evil or ruffled temper, no exhibition of impatience, no show of contempt, nor signs of rejoicing over another’s downfall. Whilst standing firm in our attitude toward wrong and the violation of our laws, we must reveal our anxiety to do all that can possibly be done, consistent with equity and justice to assist in the restoration of the wrongdoer. Don’t let us use our Regulations as bludgeons, holding them threateningly over the heads of people; let us first give careful and painstaking information as to the reason why this or that must or must not be done. We must not always assume that the underlying purpose or meaning of any Regulation is clear to those with whom we are dealing. How much greater is a victory won because the judgement of a man is carried, than is he sullenly accepted our decision as a result of threats of consequences of a punitive character.

Let us be more familiar with our code of laws, trying to understand the underlying principles upon which they are based, and cultivate in ourselves and in other that respect for them which will create the desire to live up to their standards. General Higgins was The Salvation Army’s third general and the first to be elected to the position following the first High Council in 1929. He remained in office from 1929 until 1934 after navigating the Army through a difficult period of its history.


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GILLY PARISH ART www.GillyParishArt.com Artist Gilly Parish from Sale Corps of The Salvation Army, uses Gilly has made the below artwork available to us for publishing her talents to not only teach art in schools in her locality but also in the Castlegate News for which we are very grateful. Take to illustrate scripture verses and prayers. You can find her work time to reflect upon the verse of scripture and perhaps colour on the website above and also on Facebook. in the page as you pray.


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