Aberdeen Citadel Salvation Army - Castlegate News - Sunday 16th August 2020

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THE OPEN DOOR Captain Callum Newton In the last week we made a small change, but little did we realise what big consequences it would have. In order to maximise the safety of our operations in this second phase of lockdown for the city, we decided to close the main door so that no access would be gained to the building by anyone other than those working at The Citadel. Instead we opened up the door on the far left (looking from the outside) of the Community Hub windows. There we set up a table in order to serve people food and drinks directly to them on the street rather than them coming in. I was even able to set up a projected notice (see picture) on the door to display over the weekend which scrolls through several slides explaining our opening times and how we can help.

The high numbers of teas and coffees woke us all up to realise that some of these simple things aren’t being catered for elsewhere, and we all know the great value of an ‘Army cup of tea’ to folks on the street. To that end we undertook to find out, as far as we were able, what provisions were being made and what gaps there might be in the provision. We discovered that whilst there are numerous places, like ourselves, who were providing food parcels of cupboard and tinned foods, there wasn’t much if any option for receiving hot food. …Continued Page 2.

The impact of using this door was immediate. The number of people coming to us almost doubled straight away, many of them simply wanting a warm cup of tea or coffee. Other members of the public have also stopped to see what we were doing and have later returned with donations of food and money. The overwhelming reaction being that many had not realised that we were open, but the open door caught their attention and they took notice. ‘A Thought From the Word’

‘Choral Corner -Page 3-

Captain Emma Newton considers Paul and Silus’ time in prison and how they witnessed in difficult circumstances. Acts 16:31 ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.’

‘Getting To Know You’ - Page 6 -

Deputy Songster Leader Ruth Wallace reflects on one of her favourite pieces, Jesus Answers Prayer.

-Page 8In a new feature, we are hoping to learn some more about people within our Salvation Army fellowship at Aberdeen Citadel. This week we find out more about D.E. Heather Burns.


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ABERDEEN CITADEL Serving God & Aberdeen For Over 140 Years 28 Castle Street Aberdeen AB11 5BG 01224 579 370


@aberdeencitadel Commanding Officers Captains Callum & Emma Newton callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk emma.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk

Part of the North Scotland Division and the United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory. Called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, The Salvation Army United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland exists to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we will be a Spiritfilled, radical, growing movement, with a burning desire to lead people into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, actively serve the community, and fight for social justice. Divisional Commander (North Scotland): Major Gillian Jackson Territorial Commander (UKI): Commissioner Anthony Cotterill The General: General Brian Peddle

THE OPEN DOOR CONTINUED FROM FRONT After a conversation between the volunteers, and after hearing the heart breaking request of a homeless veteran for something warm to eat, we decided to review the help we are providing from The Citadel. We have listed, and printed for handouts, all the numerous places around town that people could expect to receive a food parcel. Now we are in a gradual process of scaling back our food parcel provision and instead making soup available at each opening. We are stocking up on cereal bars, bananas and other fruit that can be eaten without any cooking effort and provide some good quick nutrition. Most of all, we are giving out more and more cups of tea and coffee! The plan is to gradual move away from being a food bank where you can get some soup if you really need it, to being a soup kitchen where you can get a food parcel if you really need it. We want to make sure we are using our resources to replicate as little as possible the work that others are doing in the city, and instead look to meet the need that few if any others are meeting. Simply opening the door has changed all our operations and opened our eyes to the needs on the street right in front of us. I was particularly reminded of the words of Jesus through John in Revelation chapter 3: ‘20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.


To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’ How often we need to open the door. We must open the doors of The Citadel when we can to invite people in to meet with Jesus. We must invite them through the open door and show them love, care and compassion. If our door is not open, then whose door will be open to them? The Pub? The drug den? The abuser? We must also remember to open the door of our hearts to Jesus. Don’t leave him knocking on the door of your heart, let him in. Sometimes Christians open their heart’s door and then close it again. Don’t let that be you. Perhaps you need to open the door again. Opening the door of The Citadel and your heart will also allow for the continuous flow of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, minds and actions. This is our lifeblood as a church, it is vital. The Lord freely gives us the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and it is up to us to freely receive it and use it. I was also reminded of this Gowans and Larsson song, from their musical ‘Spirit’; You are afraid of the Spirit’s leading, I set before you an open door, No man can shut what the Spirit opens, What in the world are you waiting for? What does the Spirit say to the churches? What does the Spirit say to you? If you have ears then hear from the Spirit, Do what the Spirit tells you to! I pray that we will take this time as a fellowship to listen to what the spirit is saying to this church, Aberdeen Citadel Corps of The Salvation Army. I pray that when we return, we will be of one mind in the Spirit, that will allow the Spirit to open up new doors for us and that we will do what the Spirit tells us to. What a powerful force we would be in this great city if this happens.


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A Thought From the Word

ONE IN MIND & SPIRIT CAPTAIN EMMA NEWTON Philippians is one of the books of the Bible that has given inspiration to many songs, gives us enduring promises of God and is a source of great challenge and encouragement. You may remember I referred to Philippians in my last Bible message two weeks ago. Today I want us to step back in time and would ask you to pause for a moment and read Acts chapter 16*. In Acts 16 we find Paul, Silas and Timothy entering Philippi. They had been called by God to go to Macedonia, and Philippi was the largest city at the time. In the verses that follow we are introduced to a number of characters who were introduced to Jesus Christ by Paul, Silas and Timothy, and formed the first believers in Europe.

Finally, we come to the story of Paul and Silas in prison (vv. 22-30), which resulted from their interactions with the slave girl. The jailer was not responsible for their well-being or comfort, just their captivity. He placed them in the most secure part of the jail, their feet in the stocks and the cuts on their bodies stinging. At midnight, when the earthquake struck, it was dark so the jailer assumed the prisoners were gone. But they hadn’t gone; and their presence alerted the jailer to the fact that there was something different about these men. They told him, quite simply, ‘have faith in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved!’ (v31). There was an urgency to their sharing of Let’s begin with Lydia (vv. the gospel, with just the 11-15) who was unusual for wee small hours to tell the “There was an urgency to their sharing of the her time; an independent jailer and his family who gospel, with just the wee small hours to tell the businesswoman from Jesus was and what he was jailer and his family who Jesus was and what he Thyatira, which was all about! In a beautiful act, renowned for the Paul and Silas were tended was all about!” manufacture of purple dye, to by the jailer before which was very being baptised. He expensive. On hearing the good news of Jesus’ life, death and washed and was washed; he washed them from their resurrection she believed and was saved. stripes and they washed him of his sins. Next we read the story of a slave girl (vv. 16-18) who was demonpossessed. Her declaration of salvation was true, but a medium used by money-hungry owners was not the kind of advertisement that would endear herself to most people. There was the potential for her to bring the gospel message into disrepute, and so Paul calls out the demon. This helps them, but it also helps her. There is a phrase ‘gone out’ that is used twice; the spirit has ‘gone out’ of her, so had her master’s wealth ‘gone out’. In the original text this would be a humorous telling, yet would have left the owners scathing. They thought Paul had damaged their personal property, but for this slave girl, Jesus’ name has once again acted in a powerful way to bring salvation.

These are the first three converts of the church in Philippi: a businesswoman, a slave girl and a jailer. Racially, socially and psychologically they were worlds apart, but all three were changed by the same gospel and welcomed into the same church. The head of a Jewish household would say the same prayer every morning, giving thanks that God had not made him a Gentile, a woman or a slave. But here were representatives of these three disliked categories, redeemed and united in Christ! Galatians 3:28 says ‘there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus’. It doesn’t matter what gender, race, job,

CASTLEGATE NEWS -ABERDEEN CITADEL SALVATION ARMY background or address you have, we are all indiscriminately offered salvation and can all be restored. At this time we are all journeying through life not quite knowing where we will (be allowed to) go next. As Paul and friends entered a new location, there was no church as they knew it. They weren’t going to Philippi to build a church, but to save souls. The church, which Paul writes a letter to a while later, happened as a result of believers wanting to come together. In these early days believers met with each other in their homes, praying together and learning from each other. During these weeks we have an opportunity to build on relationships with our neighbours, colleagues and friends. We might struggle to meet new people, but I’m sure there are not-yet-Christians within our close contact list. Through phoning them, meeting up outside or sending emails, your care and compassion for them will shine through. God will provide opportunities for you to share your testimony or tell them that you are praying for them and open the door to introducing them to Jesus who loves them more than anyone! These are our days of discipleship; learning from Jesus every day, and sharing what we learn with each other. My prayer is that when we are able to gather together to worship, we will find a whole variety of people coming together to worship, to pray and to share their testimony of the new relationship they now have with Jesus!

PAGE | 4 In his letter to the Philippians (1:27, 2:2), Paul reminds them, ‘whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ…stand firm in the one Spirit…make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.’ These are days like no other, and that gives us an opportunity like no other. Take Paul’s challenge. Remember that whilst we are scattered, we are still part of the body of Christ. Pray that when we are gathered, we will each have someone new with us to introduce to a gathered body of Christ. We will not all look the same, like the same music, come from the same background, or have the same hobbies. But we will have the same love, with the same Holy Spirit, and with the same mind, that of saving other souls! Pray for your not-yet-Christian friends, family and colleagues; pray too for each other in your disciple-making. I pray that when we are able to gather together again, the evidence of our individual ministries in these months will be evident as we find out our congregation is more diverse than we could have ever imagined! *If you do not have a Bible and would like one, please get in touch with me and we will provide you with one; there are also many translations available online at www.biblegateway.com

Song 74 (Verses 1,2 & 5) At the name of Jesus Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess Him King of Glory now; 'Tis the Father's pleasure We should call Him Lord, Who from the beginning Was the mighty Word.

Song 867 I've felt a new and loving touch Upon my heart and soul; I've felt God's love and wondrous power Descend and make me whole. A miracle! Yes, a miracle! God's Holy Spirit came And we are not the same, For He touched us and filled us with His love.

At His voice creation Sprang at once to sight, All the angel faces, All the hosts of light, Thrones and dominations, Stars upon their way, All the heavenly orders In their great array.

I now have seen His greatness, I now can comprehend The wonders of His matchless love, A love that will not end. I can't express by words alone What He now means to me; But O I want to shout to all That Christ gives victory! John Gowans

In your hearts enthrone Him; There let Him subdue All that is not holy, All that is not true; Crown Him as your Captain In temptation's hour; Let His will enfold you In its light and power.

Listen here: Caroline Noel

Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9Q8r01X8l4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY67hei4Lug or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46BeswGMiJQ



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Please remain aware that all upcoming events remain subject to change or cancellation at short notice owing to the ongoing Coronavirus situation. If there is sufficient notice, changes and cancellations will be announced in ‘Castlegate News’ and on Facebook.

Saturday 29th August

Fortress Radio Sunday Services 11am and 6pm. Salvation Army music all through the week. “Take yourself back through a day of 'Army' activities and enjoy a day of music featuring Songster Brigades, Bands, YP Sections and much more. During the week, listen again to your favourite Army melodies including special broadcasts such as Songster Gems and Band Fest.”

Available at: https://www.fortressradio.online/listennow.html

Divisional Leaders’ Installation (Time to be Confirmed) Territorial Leaders’ Messages

The Territorial Leaders will be leading an installation meeting of our new Divisional Leaders, Major Gillian Jackson (Divisional Commander) and Major Steve Dutfield (Divisional Leader for Leader Development).

Each week one or both of the Territorial Leaders, have shared a thought from scripture from T.H.Q.

Attendance at this event will be by invitation only in order to comply with COVID-19 legislation. Sunday 30th August

Available at: https://youtu.be/CoqdGei_SUo

In this week’s video, Commissioner Anthony Cotterill expresses the commitment of THQ to addressing issues faced by BAME groups. He reflects on the desire for The Salvation Army to be together as a family in the way Jesus has taught us to be.

Divisional Candidates’ Farewell (Time to be Confirmed) Further details for this event will follow.

Regent Hall

Attendance at this event will be by invitation only in order to comply with COVID-19 legislation.

Regent Hall Salvation Army Corps is located in the heart of London and is the only church on Oxford Street.

Sunday 4th October

The Corps produce an online worship service each week under the leadership of Majors Richard and Caroline Mingay supported by their congregation.

Harvest Sunday Colonels Lee and Debbie Graves, currently in appointment as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Leader Development, are due to lead us in worship for Harvest.

It is another good online worship opportunity available to participate in.

Available at: https://www.youtube.com/c/RegentH all/

30 Minute Gospel Music Hymn Sing Enjoy this 30 minute selection of hymns to sing and enjoy. Some you will know, some you may not, but all will be a blessing I’m sure.

Please keep all of our future events in your prayers, especially in these times of fragility in forward planning. Available at: https://youtu.be/wCJeI78J1ho

The gospel style of the Southern Baptist Church leads worship with a contrast of reflective hymns alongside lively and soul stirring hymns.


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CHORAL CORNER Deputy Songster Leader Ruth Wallace Having spent over 60 years in Salvation Army Songsters, and also in one or two other choirs, there have been so many lovely songs I have sung. Many have become favourites and mean a lot to me. There are many whose words are deeply meaningful and choosing one is no easy task. However, one favourite I want to share with you all is Lt. Colonel Mawby’s words, set to music by Bandmaster Alistair McHarg from Ayr Citadel, Jesus Answers Prayer. Jesus answers when I call, His sweet presence bringing, Stoops to lift me when I fall, Sets the music ringing. When I talk to Jesus, Bring to Him my care, With his own sweet comfort, Jesus answers prayer.

Listen here: https://youtu.be/fsXuQZvmpPY

When the shadows gather round, Doubt or fear confessing, In my heart new strength is found, As I seek His blessing.

All my joys he loves to share, All my sorrows lighten, I can find Him everywhere, Darkened paths to brighten.

PRAYER MATTERS Corps Prayer Diary – August 9th-15th

People and Prayer •

Pray for Aberdeen as we continue in partial lockdown.

• Pray for our community as many have been affected by the weather and flooding this week. • Pray for The Salvation Army in North Scotland as corps adjust to officer changes and navigate their way through the COVID-19 situation and serve their communities. • Pray for all those involved in repairs to The Citadel building, that they might work with care and precision. May they also experience the peace of God in our building. • Pray for the steady adjustments being made in our service to the community as we move more towards being a soup kitchen than a food bank in order that people have access to hot food. • Pray for the people who come each day to The Citadel seeking our help.

SUN 16 MON 17 TUES 18 WED 19 THUR 20 FRI 21 SAT 22

John and Sandra Still Peter, Yvonne Still and Family Timothy, Louise Still and Family Liz Strachan Catrina Taylor and Family* Craig and Jane Taylor Shervin and Kate Turner

The above are the names from the Corps Prayer Diary for this week. Our thanks to Major Violet for her dedication in preparing this important diary for us all to follow. *Catrina has a new baby daughter, Maya Taylor Keith who was born on the 30th of July and is doing well at home with mum and dad. Please ensure you take the time to pray for our comrades and friends in order that we may all together be strengthened and unified in Christ.

O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer! Song 795

If you would like to be included in the Corps Prayer Diary and have not already expressed this to Major Violet Leiper, then please be in contact with her or the Corps Officers to make them aware of your interest.


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MUSIC BOX Bandmaster John Still In the 1960’s, The Salvation Army had a ‘Pop Group’ called the Joy Strings. They were a new and very different Christian music group led by classically trained keyboard player and singer Joy Webb. In 1964 they achieved chart success with "It's An Open Secret" and "On a Starry Night" The Sixties were an interesting decade, many good things happened (I was born in the sixties!), man landed on the moon, the first episode of Dr Who was broadcast. But by contrast there was also the cold war, the Vietnam war, construction of the Berlin wall, people taking to the streets in protest of racism and poor living conditions! It is during this time that Joy Webb wrote the song “There will be God” Ten thousand worlds may pass away And bring the dawning of a cosmic day; Age after age, time after time, hold its sway: Man walks alone amidst uncertainty, Only one thing can still make him strong; In the doubt, in the fear, in the loneliness. In the struggle of right against wrong. Somewhere amidst the confusion, There will be hope, there will be love, There will be God. All time may pass into eternity, And man must venture on a life unknown; Journey alone, each to his own destiny: In life or death, amidst uncertainty, Only one thing can still make him strong: In the doubt, in the fear, in the loneliness. In the struggle of right against wrong.

Listen here: https://youtu.be/IDZWdk8nNh0 Somewhere amidst the confusion, There will be hope, there will be love, There will be God. It is not difficult to see how her words penned in the 1960s are still very appropriate today and we can particularly take comfort in the truth expressed in last few lines. Richard Phillips arranged the melody as a euphonium solo which was published around the year 2000. The choice of euphonium as the solo instrument particularly suites the melody, after all the instrument’s name is derived from the Ancient Greek word euphōnos, meaning "well-sounding" or "sweet-voiced". It’s good to reflect on the words while listening to the piece and the majestic final chords symbolise that despite all the fear and despair, there will be hope, there will be love and there will be God.

Generally Speaking Clarence Wiseman, (1907 – 1985) was the tenth General of The Salvation Army. At the age of nineteen Clarence became a cadet at The Training College in Toronto, and was commissioned as an officer in 1927 During World War II, Wiseman was seconded to the Canadian Forces and appointed as chaplain to the 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Engineers. In 1974 the 8th High Council elected Wiseman to serve as the 10th general of The Salvation Army. Coming to the office at the age of 67, General Wiseman was only to have three years as the General as the retirement age was then 70.


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GETTING TO KNOW YOU Divisional Envoy Heather Burns If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose? I would have loved to have met with Catherine Booth. She was a compassionate determined lady. What hobbies or interests do you enjoy in your spare time? I enjoy reading, knitting and spending time with my family. I also love travel. What is your favourite Bible verse? Joshua Chapter 1 Verse 9: ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’ Which Bible figure would you like to meet, and what would you ask them?

When did you first come to Aberdeen Salvation Army and why? First in 1964 with a friend from School. I then left and after I got married, I joined the Church of Scotland with my husband. Despite always having a calling back to the Army, my husband was not interested. However, when we moved back to Aberdeen in 1989, and because I would have to look for a church, I made up my mind I was going back to the Army. So I did and through prayer, my husband started to attend too and in May 1990 (Pentecost Sunday) we were enrolled as Soldiers and eventually Songsters. The Lord certainly answered prayer for me. My Husband always said he was a Christian, but with the Blue Shield Fellowship we carried out a campaign at Clacton, and despite much struggling against God speaking to him, he eventually gave in and knelt at the Mercy Seat and accepted the Lord as his Saviour. Since his Promotion to Glory, I am amazed at the handwritten tracts and highlights within his bible I have discovered. He had a strong faith, so I know he is with our Lord and I will meet him again. When we can travel freely again, where would you like to go?

I would like to meet Ruth, she was a very compassionate, caring person who lost her husband and then did everything to please her Mother-in-Law, she put others’ needs before her own. She did not shirk from the tasks set for her and she trusted God fully. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Do your best, only you can achieve where you want to go or be. Where is your favourite place in and around Aberdeen? I love the Duthie Park. I have spent a lot of time there. Also, I have a memorial bench there in memory of my husband. For many years he was the Chairman of the R.H.S. and the annual Flower Shows are held in Duthie Park. Something interesting people might not know about you is… I gained a HND in Legal Studies when I was 50, so I could have gone on to finish and gain a Law degree which would have allowed me to practice as a Solicitor. However, I decided against it and chose instead to become a Paralegal working in the legal system.

Canada and America, I have been before but would love to go What was the first record, tape or CD that you ever owned? back. I also I love cruising, but feel it would be unsafe for some time yet. ‘Anyone Who Had a Heart’ by Cilla Black. If you could be in a film, which would it be and what character would you play?

What have you missed most during lockdown?

Missed hugs especially from my Grandsons and attending the Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I would love to play Holly Golightly, she is Citadel for services. just so unassuming and funny.


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YOU CAN’T STOP RAIN FROM FALLING DOWN… Captain Callum Newton You will perhaps remember that in the last edition of Castlegate News I chose to include the Gowans and Larsson song ‘You Can’t Stop God From Loving You’ with the opening line ‘You can’t stop rain from falling down…’ Well I can testify to the truth of that with what was a rather unexpected Wednesday this week. At around 7am on Wednesday I was contacted by ADT our fire alarm company to alert me to the fact that the fire alarm had been activated at the hall and that the fire service were on their way. I put on my uniform in a hurry and headed swiftly out to the car and on the way to the hall. It was quite a journey as I negotiated roads broken by lightning strikes, flash floods, emergency service vehicles heading in all directions and the blinding flashes of lightning through the heavy rain. A further call while on my way to the hall from ADT informed me that they had lost contact with our alarm system and it left me wondering what I would find when I arrived at the building. Thankfully, I did not arrive to an inferno or indeed any fire at all, but there had been some significant damage caused by the heavy rainfall. The fire alarm control panel had been destroyed by the water running down the wall and into its electrics. Thankfully we were able to isolate it in time to prevent a fire.

and making the effort to recover what he could, it must have been a difficult task. Please remember him in your prayers. Realising that it had come from ‘on high’ as it were, I went up to the Worship Hall. Thankfully, I did not find similar carnage with collapsed ceilings. However, the corner of the carpet over by where the band usually sit, was very, very wet. As I walked over to that corner, the water splashed around my feet. Bandmaster John kindly took some time during his lunch break from work to come and help me clear that corner of the hall in order that the builders can work in space and without causing any damage to band property. The good news is that the repair works might not be as bad as first thought. Professionals are coming in to dry out the carpet in the worship hall in such a manner that it should not be further damaged and the smell will be improved also. They will do similar with the carpet in the entrance foyer although the glue under the carpet has been ruined so it will need to be re-stuck down with new glue. A new carpet will be required for Ronnie’s office.

The entrance foyer roof had collapsed as the ceiling tiles became saturated with water running down from above. The water was still falling heavily inside the front door when I arrived. As expected, the greatest amount I went upstairs to the room above, Ronnie’s office space, to of repair will be to Ronnie’s office. establish a little better where the water might be coming from. It After cleaning and removal of the damage, plasterboard will need to is fair to say that this room has be removed and replaced up to received the most damage. The the wall rail (about waist height) and the windowsill and pipe water had come from even above boxing will also need replacing. A new carpet will need to be this office and so the water had come laid and ceiling tiles replaced. Office items will hopefully be through this ceiling before replaced by the insurance company. gathering enough in the office and breaking through to the entrance The greatest amount of damage in the entrance foyer is to the foyer. This room was immediately fire alarm control panel. Due to the listed building status and isolated from all electrical power in the size of our building, we have a very specialised system. This order to make it safe, and then upon will be an expensive but necessary repair and, as with all the inspection it became clear that the repairs linked to this event, should be covered by the damage was quite extensive. All of insurance. The ceiling tiles will also have to be replaced here the electronics in the room have and, as with all of the affected areas, all the electrics checked received water damage, files and for safety and repaired as necessary. folders were destroyed and water was resting on top of all the desks, furniture and flat surfaces. Your prayers for the swift resolution of this whole situation are Ronnie came later in the day to rescue what he could from the appreciated, but I want to reiterate the importance of not office, but he has definitely lost a lot of work and property. I’m entering the building without prior appointment in order to grateful to Ronnie for coming in and looking through the mess allow for safety in these repairs as well as the virus.


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