Aberdeen Citadel Salvation Army - Castlegate News - 20th September 2020

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BLOOD & FIRE Captain Callum Newton The Salvation Army crest designed by Captain William Ebdon in 1878 remains largely unchanged to how we see it today. Although the ‘Red Shield’ is becoming more popular in its usage due to the familiarity of the logo to the general public, most Army halls still feature a crest somewhere in the building. At Aberdeen Citadel we have the crest featured in the three impressive stained glass windows of our worship hall, facing outwards so that we are reminded to be taking the message out to the people. We have another crest on the wall of the worship hall above the sound booth. Some of the observant among you will have also noticed that the crest features in the stonework at the top of the Citadel’s tower. Recently, the Aberdeen Torry Corps hall was sold to another church and the pastor of that church visited the Citadel to hand in the crest that had been on the wall of their worship hall. ‘I hadn’t got the heart to throw it away’ was the message he left as he handed it in. I was so glad that he had not the heart to throw it away too. This was, to me, an emblem of the Army that had bourn witness to

‘A Thought From the Word’

many victories won in the name of Christ at Aberdeen Torry Corps. Indeed it was the emblem that witnessed the coming together of the Citadel Corps and Torry Corps as we worshipped together while our own building was being refurbished. Above all it was a witness to the people who were ever in the Torry Corps hall that we believed in God who brought salvation on the cross of Jesus Christ and gave us the power to be victorious over sin and death by his Holy Spirit. The ‘Blood and Fire’ message illustrated in the yellow, red and blue. …Continued Page 2.

‘Getting to Know You’ -Page 3-

Captain Emma Newton considers the creation story and invites us to be creative just as God himself is creative. Genesis 1:1 ‘‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’

Notice - Page 8 -

We are delighted to return this feature this week as we get to know more about Janet O’Hagan. Please keep sending your submissions for this feature and any other content.

Please note that Captains Callum and Emma, along with Isla, will be taking a few days furlough from Friday 18th September until Wednesday 23rd September. All urgent matters in our absence should be referred to our Corps Sgt. Major Billy Scott.


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ABERDEEN CITADEL Serving God & Aberdeen For Over 140 Years 28 Castle Street Aberdeen AB11 5BG 01224 579 370


@aberdeencitadel Commanding Officers Captains Callum & Emma Newton callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk emma.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk

Part of the North Scotland Division and the United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory. Called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, The Salvation Army United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland exists to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we will be a Spiritfilled, radical, growing movement, with a burning desire to lead people into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, actively serve the community, and fight for social justice. Divisional Commander (North Scotland): Major Gillian Jackson Territorial Commander (UKI): Commissioner Anthony Cotterill The General: General Brian Peddle

CONTINUED FROM FRONT As you will have perhaps gathered from the images on the front page and below, I have put Torry’s crest on the wall of our entrance foyer at The Citadel. I hope that in its new location it will be a witness to us of the victories that have been won at Aberdeen’s other corps and the victories still to be gained all around Aberdeen. There are still souls that are needing the light and love of God in Torry, and Woodside, and Mastrick, and all the other districts where there once was a corps or outpost. The salvation message of the crest which points to the gospel of Jesus is still needed in these places. I hope that this crest, like the ones in the windows, will inspire us to take the message out with us to them. I also hope that upon the wall of our building, where Torry and Citadel congregations have been united again for different reasons, the crest will bear witness once more to many victories being won in the name of Christ as people come in and come to know the Lord is truly in this place. Peter in Acts 2 gives his first sermon after the gift of the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the disciples. He speaks from the Prophet Joel who prophecied the end times with the words; 19I

will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. 20The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. 21And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

The ‘Blood and Fire’ message of the crest, the motto of The Salvation Army, means that Jesus is coming back. He is coming back in a way that we cannot expect or predict, like a ‘thief in the night’ as the Lord himself put it, and the blessing is that all who call on His name will be saved. Perhaps seeing the crest in a new place and a new way will remind us of the urgency of the gospel we have to share. I know that I have been challenged as I now walk past it every day as I walk up to the office. I am challenged by the geographical scope the Citadel now has to reach with the message as another expression of The Salvation Army is no longer there in the city. I am challenged by the blood and fire message and it’s urgency and I am challenged to live to win souls and make their salvation the first purpose of my life. If we recapture the zeal that once was the driving force of our Army in Aberdeen, if we can take up the Salvation war with the passion to win all souls for God, then perhaps one day this crest will be seen on another building in Aberdeen again. ‘On we march with the Blood and the Fire, To the ends of the earth we will go; And the Savior's love Will be the theme of our song Because we love Him so.’ SASB 932


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A Thought From the Word

CREATOR GOD CREATIVE ME CAPTAIN EMMA NEWTON Genesis 1:1 says ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ The opening verse of Scripture tells us that God is a creator. We echo this in the second doctrine of The Salvation Army, ‘We believe that there is only one God, who is infinitely perfect, the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all things, and who is the only proper object of religious worship’. In the rest of Scripture God is described as being unchanging, all-powerful, eternal, always present everywhere, wise, faithful, loving and good; but before all that, God is shown to be our creator.

were given work to do from the beginning. We were instructed to oversee God’s creation and to take care of it, not exploit it or abuse it.

Part of being made in the image and likeness of God means we are capable of being loving, good and merciful. We should be demonstrating God’s nature and character in every moment of our lives. However, we also live in a fallen world where evil exists and people are tempted. We get things wrong, we put worldly attainments and possessions In the next few verses of Genesis, the writer describes the creation before God, and we forget that we are created by God. of the whole known world; the heavens and the earth, of the whole Despite this, God invites us to be creative too. We are known world; the heavens capable of designing, “Part of being made in the image and likeness of and the earth, light, sky, making, inventing; we can God means we are capable of being loving, good sea and land, plants and create beautiful things. The trees, the sun, moon and Garden of Eden was gifted and merciful. We should be demonstrating stars, the birds of the air, to be worked in, not just to God’s nature and character in every the creatures in the sea be looked at. I am not an moment of our lives.” and the animals on the avid gardener and land. God’s fingerprint is on every living, breathing thing! If we stop desperately need some lessons in becoming greenand make a list of all the things that God has created, we would be fingered, because I know that any garden needs more than astounded by the beauty and diversity, and oddities too, like the the lawn mowing! I always believed that ‘a weed is a plant duck-billed platypus! Our awareness and appreciation for God’s in a place you don’t want it’, and yet I have seen the creation can easily be side-lined as we deal with situations and devastation when one plant grows uncontrollably, choking difficulties, and the mundanity of our daily lives. I wonder which part every other living thing in its path. Part of our tending to of God’s creation makes you stop and stare, perhaps murmuring God’s creation does involve cutting back and containing or re-potting. God gifted us with a creation that we can get ‘wow’ under your breath? involved in. I wonder when the last time was that you From verse 26 in Genesis 1, humankind is created. After God has watched someone else creating something? Did you wish blessed humankind, they are told “Be fruitful and increase in number; you could do what they were doing? Did you dare to ask fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in them to teach you, or to let you join in? the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” We

CASTLEGATE NEWS -ABERDEEN CITADEL SALVATION ARMY God has gifted each one of us with something to contribute to creation, and the opportunity to do it. It might be using your artistic talents to create something that tells a story of hope or faith. It might be as a business-owner who pays the living wage and ethically uses natural resources. It might be as a musician writing music, or a poet writing words that connect people to God. It might be making some good food to show someone that you care. There are many people who say, ‘I’m not creative’, and by that they often mean they can’t draw a life-like picture or knit or sew or bake. But if we are beings that have been created by a creator God, in whose image and likeness we reflect, then we must have the ability to be creative. I wonder how you could share your favourite part of God’s creation with others? I wonder what creative skills God has given our church community to enable us to draw others to God? In these days of change, of uncertainty and of social-distancing, we are all having to come up with creative new ways of managing our day-to-day lives. Some of the challenges have brought their own blessings; having to work from home means families have spent more time together. Going for a walk in close proximity to home means new places have been discovered and more interactions have occurred with neighbours.

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The challenges we face in not being able to gather to worship could tempt us to lock ourselves and our faith away for a while longer. I believe that as we continue to worship God in our own homes, by

Creator God, you are with us, even in the significant challenges we face at the moment. Help us to be aware of the new opportunities that are emerging. Help us see the new ways in which we can participate creatively in extending your kingdom of peace, delight and harmony. Show us ways in which we can and must change, so that we are a part of building a better world. Amen.

Song 49

Song 381

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, Consider all the works thy hands hath made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

Lord, Your praises fill both earth and sky, Made in the likeness of God, Little children lift Your name on high, Made in the likeness of God.

Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to thee, How great thou art, how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to thee, How great thou art, how great thou art.

Crowned with glory and honour, Made in the likeness of God, Given dominion in all the earth, Made in the likeness of God.

And when I think, that God, his Son not sparing, Sent him to die, I scarce can take it in. That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and tied to take away my sin. When Christ shall come, with shouts of acclamation, And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart. Then I shall bow, in humble adoration, And then proclaim, “My God, how great Thou art!”. Carl Boberg

When around me all Your work I see, Made in the likeness of God, What am I that You should notice me, Made in the likeness of God? You have given me a place to be, Made in the likeness of God, Only angels are ahead of me, Made in the likeness of God. All created things are in my care, Made in the likeness of God, And Your praise is sounding everywhere, Made in the likeness of God..

Listen Here: https://youtu.be/USM71JqV30o

Joy Webb Listen here: https://youtu.be/FoQ-6X1eMEc


UPCOMING EVENTS Please remain aware that all upcoming events remain subject to change or cancellation at short notice owing to the ongoing Coronavirus situation. If there is sufficient notice, changes and cancellations will be announced in ‘Castlegate News’ and on Facebook.

Saturday 26th September Welcome to the Messengers of Reconciliation (Online Event)

WHAT’S ON... SOME ONLINE RECOMMENATIONS Fortress Radio Sunday Services 11am and 6pm. Salvation Army music all through the week. “Take yourself back through a day of 'Army' activities and enjoy a day of music featuring Songster Brigades, Bands, YP Sections and much more. During the week, listen again to your favourite Army melodies including special broadcasts such as Songster Gems and Band Fest.”

Commissioner Anthony Cotterill challenges us, as we move ahead, to put right any issues that might have arisen among our fellowship.

We invite you to share in the welcome to the cadets of the Messengers of Reconciliation session, led by Territorial Leaders Commissioners Anthony and Gillian Cotterill, with Colonels Lee and Deborah Graves.


Sunday 4th October Harvest Sunday Colonels Lee and Debbie Graves, currently in appointment as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Leader Development, are due to lead us in worship for Harvest.

Available at: https://www.fortressradio.online/listennow.html

Territorial Leaders’ Messages

15:00 – 16:30

While we are not able to physically attend William Booth College due to current restrictions, we invite you to show your support to the new officer cadets, and particularly our own Cadet Abigail Gray, by livestream and social media (link below).

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Available at: https://youtu.be/fmTaA8cYsqY

‘It is an important principal of being a Christian community that if we have caused a brother or a sister to have something against us, that we put it right.’

Big Collection 2020 This video launches and defines our Annual Appeal, ‘Big Collection’, for this year. Our usual methods for the appeal have of course been curtailed by the pandemic, but the need for the financial support is still there and even greater. This video explains some of The Salvation Army’s response to the pandemic and how we have adapted to meet the needs of our local communities. Please share this video with others that they may also become more aware of our work and response in Jesus’ name.

Available at: https://youtu.be/xAdFWbKKHUo

Creator God A lively song which fits with Captain Emma’s ‘Thought from the Word’. Whilst perhaps sometimes considered a children’s song, it has a message that is relevant for all ages and will hopefully put a smile on your face as you enjoy listening to it.

Please keep all of our future events in your prayers, especially in these times of fragility in forward planning. Available at: https://youtu.be/7uDwnqynJD4


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CHORAL CORNER Captain Emma Newton This song is best known by its original tune, first appearing in the Gowans and Larsson musical ‘Glory!’ It is a song that many of you will know, and you can probably sing it word-for-word without much thought, although the words can be found in the songbook (29). This new tune, written by Andrew Maycock, allows us to think about the words afresh as we fit them to the new tune. You will find a few versions of this song on YouTube but I’ve specifically chosen this video as it shows dozens of images of God’s creation, with the voices of the International Staff Songsters in the background. If you have already read the Bible message for today, you will understand why I have chosen this, but as you watch the images, give thanks to God for the glory of his creative nature!

Listen here: https://youtu.be/bIdgfqld6vM

Have you ever stopped to think how God loves you? It sounds quite incredible and yet it’s true. Nothing on this earth or in the heavens above, Is as sure and certain as God’s love.

Everything is changing in the world today There’s one thing reliable in every way Other things may alter but it’s clear and plain That the love of God is just the same.

O it’s as high as the sky, and it’s as deep as the sea, And it’s as wide as the world, God’s love for you and for me. We can’t escape his love, or take ourselves out of his care, So where can we hide from his love? His love is everywhere.

Wider than the mind can realise. His love is unlimited and never dies Though we don’t deserve it now Every day is new, that’s the love of God for me and you.

PRAYER MATTERS Corps Prayer Diary – September 20th - 27th

Thoughts for Prayer • • • • • • •

Pray for the sick and infected: God, heal and help. Sustain bodies and spirits. Contain the spread of infection. Pray for the young and the strong: God, keep them from unwittingly spreading the virus. Inspire them to help. Pray for our local and national governments: God, help our elected officials as they allocate the necessary resources for combatting this pandemic. Pray for the media: God, help them to communicate with appropriate seriousness without causing panic. Pray for those with mental health challenges who feel isolated, anxious, and helpless: God, provide them every necessary support. Pray for workers in a variety of industries facing layoffs and financial hardship: God give them peace and inspire your church to generously support them. Pray Christians in every neighbourhood, community, and city: May the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray, to give, to love, to serve, and to proclaim the gospel, that the name of Jesus Christ might be glorified around the world.


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Peni Dagaga Eddie Ewing Allison Falconer Ron Flett Ed and Kate Friday Edna Garioch Una Godsman Abigail Gray

Prayer gently lifts me to highest Heaven, From Earth's confusion to Jesus' breast; My sin and weakness, my doubt and sorrow, Are lost forever in sweetest rest. Colonel Hal Beckett (SASB 783)


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MUSIC BOX Bandmaster John Still The Festival Arrangement Glorifico Aeternum (glorify forever) composed by Dean Jones is built around a combination of traditional and contemporary worship songs. In his notes about the piece Dean Jones says: “This piece has a central theme that is paramount to the Christian: the opportunity to offer glory and thanksgiving to God, in return for his great love to us that will last throughout eternity. His presence in the life of the Christian can mean many things, but a thankful heart is the basis for all he requires from us. So close is the love and care of God, that not only does he reveal himself through his word, but through the lives of other people. It is at that stage we recognise the gift of being nurtured and prayed for by those around us who love him too. These thoughts, emotions and gifts are portrayed in the music which seeks to bless, move and excite both player and listener.” The main songs featured in the piece are - 'Now thank we all our God', ‘Somebody prayed for me’ (featured in last week’s Choral Corner), ‘The King of love my Shepherd is’ (tune St Columba) and there is a brief reference to ‘Over all the earth’. The song “The King of love my Shepherd is” is based on Psalm 23; The King of love my Shepherd is, Whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am his And he is mine for ever

Listen here: https://youtu.be/HflC-YaG4kg Where streams of living water flow My ransomed soul he leadeth, And where the verdant pastures grow With food celestial feedeth. And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never; Good Shepherd, may I sing thy praise Within thy house for ever. Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, But yet in love he sought me, And on his shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me. In death's dark vale I fear no ill With thee, dear Lord, beside me; Thy rod and staff my comfort still, Thy cross before to guide me.

Generally Speaking Arnold Brown, (1913–2002) was the 11th General of The Salvation Army from 1977 to 1981. He was born in London, the son of officers and while he was still a young boy, moved to Canada. He entered officer training in Canada, becoming an officer in 1935. His imaginative leadership gave birth to the 'For God's Sake Care!' campaign, which raised the army's profile significantly throughout the UK, it was also under his direction that advisory boards were established in the UK. When asked what he wanted Salvationists to do, General Brown said, 'Everything they can to make better known Jesus Christ and his saving power as the only hope for a sinning, suffering world; everything they can to demonstrate indisputably in what they say and do that the grace of God enables men and women to live clean and holy lives filled with the joy of service to God and their fellows; in short, everything they can to bring Heaven to earth.'


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GETTING TO KNOW YOU Janet O’Hagan If you could be in a film, which would it be and what character would you play? Mamma Mia as Meryl Streep’s character Donna. What is your favourite hymn or worship song? His Provision – there are too many to mention but this is one. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Save your money for a rainy day. Which book (apart from the Bible) would you want on a desert island? I’m not big on reading, but it would possibly be a Virginia Andrews book. What hobbies or interests do you enjoy in your spare time? I like going for long walks. I also love my garden. What is your favourite Bible verse?

When did you first come to Aberdeen Salvation Army and why?

Deuteronomy 31:6 ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you, He will never leave you or forsake you.’

Where is your favourite place in and around Aberdeen? In 1990 I moved to Aberdeen with Jim my husband, and only had one daughter then. I was born in Thurso and was taken to The Salvation Army from birth. I have always loved going and as I The lovely walks there are along by the River Don and the grew older I joined the sections. I believe it will always be my beach. place of worship. What have you missed most during lockdown? When we can travel freely again, where would you like to go? I’d like to go down to England to visit my family who lives down there. If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose? Stephen Hawking What is your favourite food? A roast dinner.

Coming to the Citadel on Sunday mornings and everything I usually attend there. Seeing friends. If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be? Warmth. What was the first record, tape or CD that you ever owned? The single Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep 1971 by Middle of the Road

If you are willing to feature on this page by simply answering the usual questions as fully as you can, then please do contact either of the Captains via email and a form can be sent to you to fill in: callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk emma.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk Alternatively, call The Citadel (01224 579370) and ask for a paper copy to be sent to you by post.


SAVED TO SAVE General Evangeline Booth Some people suppose that salvation is a kind of rugged individualism applied to religion – that a man is saved for his own sake. This has never been and is not now the idea on which we seek and share salvation. Save to save – that is how we understand the gospel. The Salvationist receives the gift of life in order to bear that gift to the uttermost ends of the earth. Salvationists have little use for a Christian who is of no use to the community. They ask whether he is what they mean by a Christian. What is this so-called Christianity in which all is taken and nothing given? Salvationists hold that even a poor man who gives what he is, matters more to the world than a rich man who keeps things to himself, and they declare that people of modest means and average minds can, by goodwill, make a great difference to the world in which we have to live.

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