Aberdeen Citadel Salvation Army - Castlegate News - Sunday 27th September 2020

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THANK ‘U’ LORD Captain Callum Newton I can neither confirm nor deny the rumours that I will use any excuse to get a picture of an airplane on the front page of the Castlegate News. What I can confirm however, is that I took some time last week to go and see and photograph this lovely Spitfire. The NHS Spitfire has been making its way around the whole of the UK flying over each hospital as a way of saying thank you to the frontline NHS staff who have been working tirelessly through the pandemic. Last week was the turn of the Aberdeen hospitals (Royal Infirmary and Woodend). The owners of the Spitfire wrote: ‘It began with an idea, “why don’t we fly our beloved blue Spitfire PL983 ‘L’ around the local villages for the #clapforourcarers this evening? … We can prepare the aeroplane as a household and it could really lift the community spirit”. Well, we did, and the response was utterly overwhelming. Being around the Spitfire so regularly can make it all too easy to take for granted just what the sight and sound of this machine means to so many people. We just weren’t prepared for the emotionally charged messages of support and gratitude that we received for that first flight, it was what paved the way for the development of the NHS Spitfire project. ‘A Thought From the Word’

The Thursday flights soon became a bit of a tradition in our local area, and as we approached the tenth week we decided to add our own thank you message to the bottom of those iconic elliptical wings. That evening we set off again, this time with the ‘THANK U NHS’ emblazoned across the underside of the aircraft. Saying and receiving a thank you is one of the simplest pleasures enjoyed by humankind, it takes the smallest of efforts but can carry vast meaning.’ …Continued Page 2.

‘Getting to Know You’ -Page 3-

A guest contribution from Captain Chris Still (Kidsgrove Corps) who reflects on Jesus’ call to follow him. Mark 1:17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

- Page 8 This week we learn more about Craig Munro, an Adherant member of the corps who has been giving a lot of time to volunteering with our pandemic outreach from The Citadel.

Day of Prayer for Vicitms of Human Trafficking - Page 4 This Sunday is The Salvation Army’s international Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking. A helpful devotional resource is available to aid your ongoing prayers.


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ABERDEEN CITADEL Serving God & Aberdeen For Over 140 Years 28 Castle Street Aberdeen AB11 5BG 01224 579 370


@aberdeencitadel Commanding Officers Captains Callum & Emma Newton callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk emma.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk

Part of the North Scotland Division and the United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory. Called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, The Salvation Army United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland exists to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we will be a Spiritfilled, radical, growing movement, with a burning desire to lead people into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, actively serve the community, and fight for social justice. Divisional Commander (North Scotland): Major Gillian Jackson Territorial Commander (UKI): Commissioner Anthony Cotterill The General: General Brian Peddle

THANK ‘U’ LORD CONTINUED FROM FRONT It is so true that a ‘thank you’, while having very little effort or cost, can carry a great deal of respect and appreciation for someone that can make a real difference to their wellbeing, self-worth and spirit. But is it something we always remember to do? It is all too easy to take something and/or someone for granted. To that end, I have to relay a number of thanks this week. Firstly, thank you to our CSM Billy for holding the fort in our absence from The Citadel this week. He, of course, did not work alone and we need to also thank all the volunteers and corps folk who helped to keep the programme running and people contacted. We want to thank all of you who are keeping in touch with people by phone and for letting us know when there is something we need to be aware of, in the light of the current situation this is an invaluable help. Finally, we want to say a thank you to all of you who have responded to the appeal for carrier bags, we are delighted to say we received a great many generous donations of carrier bags which has brought great cheer to the volunteers at the Citadel. Thank you all for all that you do to help support the mission from this place. The other thank you that was said this last weekend was to ‘The Few’ as it was Battle of Britain Memorial weekend. A great many special celebrations were planned to mark this 80th anniversary year, but sadly we find ourselves fighting a different kind of national war which has meant that most of the commemorations were cancelled. Through my work within the RAF I have

had the pleasure to sit and listen to the stories of veterans and to say a thank you to them for the sacrifices they made in the hope of defending our freedoms. I was sad not to be able to pay my respects in the usual way this year for Battle of Britain Sunday sharing in worship, thanks and remembrance with RAF comrades and friends. If all of these many human things can be considered just a few of my bigger thank yous for this week, then it’s staggering to think how much more, have I got to be thankful to God for. While it’s right and good to give our thanks, carrying that vast meaning, to other people, we should never lose sight of how much we have to be thankful to God for. Every day, as we run through it in our minds, should be greeted with a flypast of ‘Thank U Lord’ as we look down on how much he has done for us on that day. I am reminded of Gowan’s words from the Salvation Army musical ‘Hosea’: ‘I nearly forgot to say thank you For flowers and thrushes and things, For daisies that dapple the meadow And patterns on butterfly wings; For stars that shine, for winds that blow, The sun that melts the ice and snow; I nearly forgot to say thank you For rainbows that follow the rain, But really I want to say thank you Again and again and again!’ Let’s not forget to say thank you, again and again and again to the Lord who gives again and again and again.


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A Thought From the Word

FOLLOW ME CAPTAIN CHRIS STILL (KIDSGROVE CORPS) Well it has been a week where once again we have been told to follow. We have been advised by the Government to follow the guidance they have laid out in order to slow the spread of Covid-19 and keep each other safe. It got me thinking about the word ‘follow’.


he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. 20Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

How are you with following? Is there sports team, clothing brand, TV They were fishermen and unsurprisingly they were fishing programme that you keep an eye on and get behind or people that when Jesus called them to follow him. Three simple wordsyou follow on social media? You may be familiar with the words by ‘Come follow me’- was how Jesus called those men, His first the band The Kinks which say: ‘They seek him here, they seek him followers. Those three words didn’t continue to then say there, His clothes are loud, but never square. It will make or break him follow me if you believe this or that or want to do this or that so he's got to buy the best, 'Cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion’ and there wasn’t a checklist of requirements. It was just It is just a song, but the phrase ‘dedicated follower’ is an interesting three words. Here Jesus speaks directly to them. one. There are many things that people may choose to followsport, fashion, music, ‘Follow me’- it all began celebrities. With with an individual reaction “‘Follow Me’ invites an opportunity for us to increasing social media to Him. A reminder that respond to who He is. When we follow Jesus, he and access to news, it is each of us has to make the easy to read stories about decision for ourselves. transforms us and that transformation comes the various things and to ‘Follow Me’ invites an about through discipleship.” opportunity for us to keep up to date. respond to who He is. But is there a difference between being a fan and a follower? When we follow Jesus, he transforms us and that Arguably they start off the same- they have an interest with transformation comes about through discipleship. something. They may learn all about it and be able to talk about it. Discipleship is a call to live life in all its fullness, a life of But when something doesn’t go so well, perhaps the fan loses interest adventure and challenge, a life of being with Jesus. whereas the follower sticks with it and keeps going. The follower is Discipleship is “following Jesus,” and therefore involves dedicated, where perhaps the fan is not. So the question is, are we a doing, and not just learning or knowing. We are not to be fan or a follower of Jesus? Kyle Idleman writes in his book ‘Not a fan’ just ‘fans’, instead we are to be followers of Jesus. In these that ‘Jesus doesn’t want fans, he wants completely committed followers. days where we are called to follow the guidance given to us Fans don’t mind Jesus making some minor change in their lives but by Government, may we remember too to follow the call and words of Jesus as we allow Him to be at work in our Jesus wants to turn our lives upside down.’ lives. In Mark 1, we read of Jesus calling His first disciples. He starts with Simon and Andrew and then James and John. May we make these words our prayer each day: 16As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his I’ll follow thee, of life the giver, I’ll follow thee, suffering brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. redeemer, I’ll follow thee, deny thee never, By thy grace I’ll 17“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for follow thee. 18 people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. Jesus says: ‘Come follow me.’ The invitation is made to us all.


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Song 589

Song 613

I heard a voice so gently calling: Take up thy cross and follow me. A tempest on my heart was falling, A living cross this was to be; I struggled sore, I struggled vainly, No other light my eyes could see.

O Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end, Be Thou forever near me, My Master and my friend. I shall not fear the battle If Thou art by my side, Nor wander from the pathway If Thou wilt be my guide.

I'll follow Thee, of life the giver, I'll follow Thee, suffering redeemer, I'll follow Thee, deny Thee never, By Thy grace I'll follow Thee.

O let me feel Thee near me; The world is ever near; I see the sights that dazzle, The tempting sounds I hear. My foes are ever near me, Around me and within; But, Jesus, draw Thou nearer And shield my soul from sin.

I heard His voice unto me saying: “Take up thy cross and follow me.” My heart is Thine, now Thee obeying, Speak all Thy will, dear Lord, to me. Make weakness strength, Thy power now give me, And from this hour I'll follow Thee.

O let me hear Thee speaking In accents clear and still, Above the storms of passion, The murmurs of self-will. O speak to reassure me, To chasten or control; O speak to make me listen, Thou guardian of my soul.

Agnes Heathcote Listen Here: https://youtu.be/Pk7vBcYKr8U

O Jesus, Thou hast promised To all who follow Thee, That where Thou art in Glory There shall Thy servant be; And, Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end; O give me grace to follow, My Master and my friend. John Bode Listen here: https://youtu.be/1fta5ZEE5sg

DAY OF PRAYER FOR VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING The Salvation Army is deeply committed to fighting and responding to modern slavery and human trafficking. We have a theological and historical mandate. We believe prayer is foundational and an essential, powerful tool to fight for freedom and work towards a world free from exploitation. We invite you to join Salvationists around the world on September 27, 2020, to corporately cry out for justice and freedom. We want to activate our collective voice to say that we believe a world without modern slavery and human trafficking is possible.

The ‘Devotional Guide’ pictured (left) is available to download from this link: https://issuu.com/isjc/docs/aht_d evotional_booklet_2020 It is commended to you to aid prayerful support to this cause.


UPCOMING EVENTS Please remain aware that all upcoming events remain subject to change or cancellation at short notice owing to the ongoing Coronavirus situation. If there is sufficient notice, changes and cancellations will be announced in ‘Castlegate News’ and on Facebook.

Saturday 26th September Welcome to the Messengers of Reconciliation (Online Event)

WHAT’S ON... SOME ONLINE RECOMMENATIONS Fortress Radio Sunday Services 11am and 6pm. Salvation Army music all through the week. “Take yourself back through a day of 'Army' activities and enjoy a day of music featuring Songster Brigades, Bands, YP Sections and much more. During the week, listen again to your favourite Army melodies including special broadcasts such as Songster Gems and Band Fest.”

Commissioner Anthony Cotterill recalls taking part in the Gowans & Larsson musical ‘Glory’ and the words ‘the work of the Spirit can begin at this moment in me’.

We invite you to share in the welcome to the cadets of the Messengers of Reconciliation session, led by Territorial Leaders Commissioners Anthony and Gillian Cotterill, with Colonels Lee and Deborah Graves.


Sunday 4th October Harvest Sunday Colonels Lee and Debbie Graves, currently in appointment as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Leader Development, are due to lead us in worship for Harvest.

Available at: https://www.fortressradio.online/listennow.html

Territorial Leaders’ Messages

15:00 – 16:30

While we are not able to physically attend William Booth College due to current restrictions, we invite you to show your support to the new officer cadets, and particularly our own Cadet Abigail Gray, by livestream and social media (link below).

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Available at: https://youtu.be/pKTNi0pmvPc

He reflects on how God looks in to our heart, John 1 and the importance of confession and receiving the blood of Jesus to purify us from unrighteousness.

Big Collection 2020 This video launches and defines our Annual Appeal, ‘Big Collection’, for this year. Our usual methods for the appeal have of course been curtailed by the pandemic, but the need for the financial support is still there and even greater. This video explains some of The Salvation Army’s response to the pandemic and how we have adapted to meet the needs of our local communities. Please share this video with others that they may also become more aware of our work and response in Jesus’ name.

Available at: https://youtu.be/xAdFWbKKHUo

The International Staff Songsters, Morning Service and Concert The International Staff Songsters present a ‘virtual celebration’ for you to enjoy and worship God.

Please keep all of our future events in your prayers, especially in these times of fragility in forward planning.

Available at: https://youtu.be/TMhyztZsNkw

It features past clips of the Songsters singing, a chance to join in a congregational song and messages from Songster Leader Dorothy Nancekievill and the ISS executive officer Lt. Col. Jayne Roberts.


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CHORAL CORNER Captain Callum Newton Produced for The Salvation Army USA Western Territory's Commissioning Weekend 2020, the Western Territory Staff Songsters lead us in a singalong entitled ‘Blood of Jesus Medley.’ I was delighted to have stumbled across this lively piece last week. It is a refreshing reminder to the soul of the power of the blood of the lamb on our lives. It is also a great celebration in claiming that power in the blood for our lives. The lyrics of the various featured songs appear along the bottom of the video allowing you to sing along in worship and praise. Listen here: https://youtu.be/bIdgfqld6vM The featured songs include: O the blood of Jesus, it washes white as snow! Would you be free from your burden of sin? There's power in the blood, power in the blood! Would you o'er evil a victory win? There's wonderful power in the blood! Are you washed in the blood, In the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?

What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can keep me always clean? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. O precious is the flow That makes me white as snow! No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

PRAYER MATTERS Corps Prayer Diary – September 27th- October 3rd Thoughts for Prayer • • • • • •

Pray along with the Salvation Army world for victims of Human Trafficking. Pray for our nation and our community as we learn to live again with tighter restrictions on freedoms due to COVID-19. Pray for those who will find the restrictions even tougher dues to loneliness, social isolation, fear, separation from family and friends and other such concerns. Pray for our health and welfare workers that they may be ready to meet any challenge that arises with the increase of COVID-19 cases in the country. Pray for our political leaders that decisions in the best interests of everybody will be made. Pray for yourself, take time to consider all that this week has brought to you in worries and concerns and discuss them with the Lord. Leave them at the foot of the cross in the trust that He hears us and is concerned for us.

SUN 27 MON 28 TUE 29 WED 30 THUR 1 FRI 2 SAT 3

Abigail Gray David Greig Morag Hart Gordon, Nicola Hatrick and family Myra Hay Morag and Bill Herbert Sylvia Hinton

I believe God answers prayer, I believe God answers prayer, I believe God answers prayer; He's answered mine before. (SASB 761)


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MUSIC BOX Bandmaster John Still The hymn tune arrangement ‘Guardian of my Soul’ by Major Darren Shaw combines two songs; one old, “O Jesus, I Have Promised” (tune Aurelia & words featured on page 4) and one relatively new, composed by Shaw himself, ‘I Worship You’. Both songs contain the title phrase, ‘Guardian of my soul’. Shaw wrote ‘I Worship You’ at 16 years old following a real encounter with God and the dedication of his life to the Lord. You can sense the understanding he gained of God in the lyrics, ‘Lord, Your wounds are now my healing and I am wholly Yours. You know my name and where I’m going, Guardian of my soul…I’ll know my name and where I’m going, Guardian of my soul.’ Major Shaw, a gifted musician from a young age, was forced to stop making music and step down from his officership when he became severely gripped by M.E. (chronic fatigue syndrome) which was a deeply challenging experience. But as people prayed for him continuously, he clung on to his trust in God and he remembered his own words ‘You know my name and where I’m going, Guardian of my soul.’ God brought healing on him, and he recovered with few ongoing symptoms of M.E. enabling him to return to full-time ministry as an officer of The Salvation Army today. During his recovery and restoration, he managed to start playing and making music again, which is when he composed ‘Guardian of my Soul’. Shaw suggested the key lesson of all his testimony and the piece was having trust in God to work out his purposes, even when you think it has all gone wrong, ‘You know my name and where I’m going, Guardian of my soul.’

Listen here: https://youtu.be/G5BPPhnK3ak The piece has become very popular since it was published in 2013 and there are many recordings of it. This link features the lyrics allowing the listener to reflect on the message. I worship You, God’s only Son, Who took my sins to the cross, So I could be completely free to follow where You lead. O Lord, Your wounds are now my healing and I am wholly Yours. You know my name and where I’m going, Guardian of my soul. I’ll follow You, God’s only Son, Along the road to the cross; No other place can I find grace unfathomed and unflawed. And as I reach the Hill of Calvary and see Your open arms, I’ll know my name and where I’m going, Guardian of my soul.

Generally Speaking Frederick Coutts CBE, (1899–1986) was the 8th General of The Salvation Army from 1963 to 1969. He was born in Kirkcaldy, the son of officers and after serving as a Flying Officer in the RAF, entered Salvation Army officer training from Batley, Yorkshire being commissioned in 1920. A prolific writer, he would work 18 years in the Literary Department of International Headquarters. In 1953, Frederick would move from Literary Secretary to Training Principal at the International Training College. He would hold this job for four years. In 1957, he would become the Australia Eastern Territorial Commander for six years. In December 1963, Frederick Coutts was elected by the High Council of The Salvation Army as General of the Army. In 1981, General Coutts received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from the University of Aberdeen.


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GETTING TO KNOW YOU Craig Munro What is your favourite food? Chilli con carne and spaghetti Bolognese. What is your favourite hymn or worship song? Psalms – especially 91. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? To always seek the Lord Jesus Christ. Which book (apart from the Bible) would you want on a desert island? Any book written by Bear Grylls! What hobbies or interests do you enjoy in your spare time? Drawing and painting, spraying and sorting vehicles, reading and history, wood working. What is your favourite Bible verse?

When did you first come to Aberdeen Salvation Army and why? In July 2019. I was referred to Ronnie for substance misuse, through the criminal justice social worker. When we can travel freely again, where would you like to go? Pluscarden Abbey, Christian Retreat (Elgin)

2 Corinthians 1:21-22 21Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, 22set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. Where is your favourite place in and around Aberdeen? Fittie (down by the beach). Something interesting people might not know about you is…

If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose?

I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was at college at 16 years old.

Jesus Christ, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Nikola Tesla.

What have you missed most during lockdown?

Which Bible figure would you like to meet, and what would you ask them? Peter – ask to follow him If you could be in a film, which would it be and what character would you play? Peter Pan – so I never have to grow up.

Coming to the Citadel on Sunday mornings and everything I usually attend there. Seeing friends. If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be? Love and wisdom. What was the first record, tape or CD that you ever owned? Son of a Gun by JX!

If you are willing to feature on this page by simply answering the usual questions as fully as you can, then please do contact either of the Captains via email and a form can be sent to you to fill in: callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk emma.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk Alternatively, call The Citadel (01224 579370) and ask for a paper copy to be sent to you by post.


LOST SHEEP Commissioner Flora Larsson Lost sheep are not all anxious to be found. There may be some who bleat for help, and who Are grateful when they see the Shepherd near; But others are not so. Their thoughts are held By juicy tufts of grass and silv’ry pools. Then others still are cross, cantank’rous beasts, Who think the Shepherd means to do them harm. Some like a spicy touch to life, and dread The Fold’s restraining barriers like the grave; So, when they see the Shepheard come, they flee. Lost sheep are hard to win; may we remind Ourselves of Him who sought, until He found.

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