Aberdeen Citadel Salvation Army - Castlegate News - 2nd August 2020

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BON ACCORD Captain Callum Newton Welcome to a revised version of the Castlegate News. Recognising the faithful work of Major David Gauton who retired as editor of this publication in December 2019, we thought we would like to revive it and merge it with the ‘Meeting by Mail’ to bring you updates with what is happening at The Citadel as well as the opportunity to worship. We hope this publication will bring you news of the people and mission associated with Aberdeen Citadel Corps, and faith-food that will challenge you, encourage you and inspire you on your life-journey with God. Emma, Isla and I arrived in Aberdeen a little over a week ago now and have had much to take in and learn in a short space of time. We are so grateful for all of the various messages of welcome from so many of you. We are very conscious of the unusual circumstances of the manner in which we are commencing our appointment here at Aberdeen Citadel and we are very sad not to be meeting you all as soon as we’d like. We were impressed, on our arrival, with the dedication and hard work that the volunteers at The Citadel have put in to serving our community in these difficult times. People presenting at The Citadel on a Monday, Tuesday, ‘A Thought From the Word’

Clearly this ministry is making a difference to people in the city at a time when The Salvation Army is most needed in our community. ‘Bon Accord’, or ‘good will’, is being demonstrated. …Continued Page 2.

‘Music Box’ -Page 3-

Captain Emma Newton explores what a ‘new normal’ means for us? Phillipian 4:13 ‘I can do all this through him who gives me strength.’

Thursday and Friday, are given the opportunity to take food and toiletries to use, receive a food parcel and, most importantly, encounter friendly faces who can offer them support. Further to this, there is a hot food meal cooked and available to take away every Friday.

‘A Song to Sing’ - Page 5 -

Bandmaster John Still shares with us some thoughts around the beautiful piece Prelude on 'Lavenham'.

-Page 4A selection from the Songbook, complementing the ‘Thought From the Word’, for you to enjoy as you take time in praise and worship. Includes weblinks for you to follow and listen to the song.


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ABERDEEN CITADEL Serving God & Aberdeen For Over 140 Years 28 Castle Street Aberdeen AB11 5BG 01224 579 370



@aberdeencitadel Commanding Officers Captains Callum & Emma Newton callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk emma.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk

Part of the North Scotland Division and the United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory. Called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, The Salvation Army United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland exists to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we will be a Spiritfilled, radical, growing movement, with a burning desire to lead people into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, actively serve the community, and fight for social justice. Divisional Commander (North Scotland): Major Gillian Jackson Territorial Commander (UKI): Commissioner Anthony Cotterill The General: General Brian Peddle

Catching up with some local history, I have already found that our building is located, at least very close to if not on, the site of the old Aberdeen Castle. I have read about some of the exploits of Robert the Bruce and the Siege of Aberdeen Castle in 1308 which eventually lead to its ruin. During the Wars of Scottish Independence immediately following the Harrying of Buchan. Bruce and his men laid siege to Aberdeen Castle before massacring the English Garrison to prevent its use by Edward II's English troops. Following the destruction of the castle, Bruce marched his men to capture the Castle of Forfar. Legend tells that the city's motto, ‘Bon Accord’ came from the watchword used on the night of Bruce's final push and destruction of the castle. While in 1308 it was a watchword that brought destruction, it has since served as a motto of friendly cooperation and welcome between citizens and visitors to Aberdeen. It was a motto born out of the location the Citadel now stands at and a concept we should undoubtably embrace. This is why I was so heartened to see that we have not gone in to retreat during lockdown, but instead are still offering practical and spiritual support to our community at a time when they need it most.

I believe that God has much in store for the future of The Salvation Army in Aberdeen and we are looking forward to being a part of that journey with you. But the future will be so dependant on bon accord. We will need to extend the welcome and love of a family to our community in order that they may find solace and Christ among us. We will need the literal bon accord of ‘good agreement’ between us in order that we can all work together to further the kingdom of God from the Citadel and out into the communities of Aberdeen. Most of all we will need the bon accord of ‘God agreement’ in order that He may be the inspiration and intention in all we do. Bon Accord may have been the watchword of destruction in 1308, but we must reclaim it as our watchword to ‘Storm the Forts of Darkness’. We must work together, for God, to reach the lost. With Bon Accord we will see His kingdom rule in this great city. I hope you will join us as we march on out of lockdown with bon accord. We're marching on, we're marching on, We're marching on together; God bless our Army round the world And keep us true forever. SASB 941


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A Thought From the Word

THE NEW NORMAL CAPTAIN EMMA NEWTON ‘New normal’ is a phrase that we have all heard time and again on In the days following Jesus’ death the disciples had no idea the news and in conversation. It is a phrase being used to try and what to do. Even when Jesus returned to them on Easter describe how life will never go back to how we knew it in midSunday, they still did not know what life was going to look March. It is a recognition of the adaptions we must make to new like. It was only after the coming of the Holy Spirit that the restrictions, with guidelines in place that affect many aspects of our disciples had the information they needed to find comfort in daily life. Although this phrase has become commonplace recently, their new normal. They then went, individually and in small it has been the reality for many people, for many years. Within The groups, on adventures that changed their lives and the lives Salvation Army it is typical for officers to move, on average, about of people they met all around the world (from Acts 3). every 5 years. One such transformation is Saul, also known as Paul, who is Those officers, and their transformed by God from Paul is able to deal with the highs and lows families, discover a ‘new a persecutor of Christians of life because of his relationship with God normal’ with every move. into a Christian Since our move from missionary. Paul first that provides all the strength to get through Stornoway to Aberdeen, appears in Scripture at the the difficult days… our new normal involves stoning of Stephen (Acts a longer journey to the hall, different supermarkets to shop in and a 7:58) and ‘approved of their killing of him’ (Acts 8:1). In different timetable of activity. We have new names to learn, new chapter 9 you can read the story of Saul’s conversion, and if addresses to memorise and new places to find. These ‘new’ things you follow the book of Acts and many of the letters in the will soon become ‘normal’ as we make Aberdeen our home. There New Testament, you will discover the new normal of Paul’s are many times in the Bible when people adjust to a ‘new normal’. life. It was not easy, it did not come with many earthly Adam and Eve, on leaving the Garden of Eden, entered a new rewards, and yet Paul never wants life to go ‘back to normal (from Genesis 3). Moses and the Israelites found a new normal’. In his letter to the Philippians he writes of his normal after they left Egypt (from Exodus 15); a normal that lasted experiences in prison, and the courage it has given other 40 years until they entered the promised land and there was believers in sharing the gospel (1:12-14). He writes about another new normal established (from Joshua 1). Each one of Jesus’ the importance of humility, and the need to avoid grumbling disciples found themselves in a new normal when they left their old and arguing amongst ourselves (2:3-4, 14-16). He reminds lives behind and followed Jesus. The part of the Bible I particularly us that our citizenship is in heaven (3:20) and therefore want to draw your attention to is the end of the gospels and the there is yet another ‘new normal’ for us in eternity. He also beginning of Acts. Often a ‘new normal’ is a little scary, or at least shares his testimony in one sentence: I can do all things fills us with some apprehension and anxiety because we don’t know through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). Paul what it will be like, particularly if we haven’t had time to prepare for is able to deal with the highs and lows of life because of his the coming change. relationship with God that provides all the strength to get

CASTLEGATE NEWS -ABERDEEN CITADEL SALVATION ARMY I have a necklace which is designed for Isla to chew on as her teeth start coming through. I bought it not long after she was born and my intention is that she will wear it herself when she is old enough. It has two simple stainless steel rings joined together, but inscribed on one of them is her name and the reference to the verse above ‘Philippians 4:13’. We found ourselves in a ‘new normal’ the day she was born, and it seems that every day since brings more change. Philippians 4:13 has been not only my testimony, but also my prayer, for many years and particularly the last few months. As we look ahead to the coming weeks of change and of challenge, it continues to be my prayer for us as a corps. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Not anything we feel like, but what God calls us to do. As Callum and I seek to lead you into a new normal, we hope you will understand the need to take our time. We anticipate that it will be towards the end of the year before we are able to gather to worship together again, but the mission continues. From the Citadel, food will continue to be provided to those in need. Across Aberdeen there will be prayer, compassion and love offered; this happens simply through your encounters with sales assistants, in your support of your neighbours, in your receiving of support from your neighbours, in your telephone calls, in your wearing

PAGE | 4 of masks and respect of social distancing. Our mission has not changed; to tell people of the love of God and the ‘new normal’ offered through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you are looking for something to do this week, I have two suggestions. Firstly, have a look through the Bible to see what stories you can find where those involved experienced a dramatic life change, and see what lessons you can learn from how they handled it. Secondly, take some time to think about how your life has changed and developed over time in ways you could not predict. It might be related to a change of job or home, or a transformation in your life when you encountered Jesus. Write it down and send it to us to include in a future edition of Castlegate News or tell it to someone face to face. Even in our new socially-distanced lives, we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength, knowing we are a part of the body of Christ who can testify to having had our lives transformed from old into new. “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, just because He lives.”

Song 219

Song 676 1. Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions bright and blessèd He'll prepare for us a place.

God Sent His Son, They Called Him Jesus He Came To Love, Heal And Forgive He Lived And Died To Buy My Pardon An Empty Grave Is There To Prove My Saviour Lives

When we all get to Heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory!

Because He Lives, I Can Face Tomorrow Because He Lives, All Fear Is Gone Because I Know He Holds The Future And Life Is Worth The Living, Just Because He Lives

2. While we walk this pilgrim pathway Clouds may overspread the sky; But when travelling days are over, Not a shadow, not a sigh.

How Sweet To Hold A New-born Baby And Feel The Pride And Joy He Gives But Greater Still The Calm Assurance This Child Can Face Uncertain Day, Because He Lives

3. Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving every day; Just one glimpse of Him in Glory Will the toils of life repay. 4. Onward to the prize before us, Soon His beauty we'll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open, We shall tread the streets of gold.

And Then One Day, I’ll Cross The River I’ll Fight Life’s Final War With Pain And Then, As Death Gives Way To Victory I’ll See The Lights Of Glory And I’ll Know He Reigns Gloria Gaither William J. Gaither © 1971 Hanna Street Music

E.E. Hewitt Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ_hqrI1gCI

Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spa7WkwjwG w


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PRAYER MATTERS Almighty God, People and Prayer • Abigail Gray is preparing to move to London at the start of September to commence her training to become a Salvation Army Officer. • Many of our number are starting to return to work or volunteering roles. • Majors Gillian Jackson and Steve Dutfield are travelling around the North Scotland Division in the weeks to come. • There are a number of people who have moved away in recent weeks, including Captain Helen Froud and Mark Marooth with Fiona, Majors Gilly and Henk Hoitinga and Majors David and Betty Gauton.

As the weeks go by and we continue to be unable to meet together, we pray that you will keep us together in spirit. May our commitment and desire to reach out to people continue and be strengthened. We ask that you will give us a vision for how we move forward, giving us new opportunities to meet new people who need to know of your love for them.

Sometimes it just gets overwhelming when praying for a crisis as large as coronavirus. Tearfund have created a simple helpful prayer guide for intercessors to use individually, with a group or with the church. It is a beautiful resource and includes links to music for worship and reflection. It can be found at the link below, please feel free to share widely.

Give us the wisdom to know your will, the patience to wait for your timing, and the love we need to work together.

www.tearfund.org/~/media/files /main_site/about_you/pray/corona virus-prayer-guide.pdf?la=en

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

MUSIC BOX Bandmaster John Still Prelude on 'Lavenham' was written for the 130th anniversary, in 2014, of Lavenham Corps in Suffolk and was first performed at their anniversary concert in the village's beautiful Parish Church by Kettering Citadel Band. It's an arrangement of a tune Geoffrey Nobes wrote to the words, 'Lord, there are times', a lovely hymn by Nick Fawcett. The three statements of the melody correspond to the following three verses of the hymn and seek to reflect their meaning. Lord, there are times when I have to ask, 'What?' Times when your love is not easy to spot. What is life's purpose and what of me here? Grant me some answers, Lord, make your will clear. Lord, there are times when I have to ask, 'Why?' Times when catastrophe gives faith the lie. Innocents suffer and evil holds sway, Grant me some answers, Lord, teach me your way. Lord, there are times when the questions run fast Times when I fear that my faith may not last. Help me, support me, Lord, help me get through. Lead me though darkness till light shines anew.

Listen here: https:/youtu.be/FucosPUF_Kc This music is tranquil, the melody alone is beautiful, when paired with the lyrics, it brings forth a whole new set of emotions, questions, thoughts. PS I was born in Bury St Edmunds – about twelve miles from Lavenham.


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