Aberdeen Citadel Salvation Army - Castlegate News - Sunday 9th August 2020

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OUR ROCK AND SALVATION Captain Emma Newton Aberdeen is synonymous with ‘granite’. Granite is hard, and tough. It doesn’t easily let water or other liquids in, which makes it ideal for building in somewhere like Aberdeen where wind and rain are just around the corner! I’ve spent some time this week reading up about granite and why it is so significant in the life of the City of Aberdeen. After all the complex scientific language about its make up and characteristics, I have found some interesting bits of information. Aberdeen is the ‘granite city’ because of the vast number of buildings constructed from local granite. However, its links to granite go further.

could afford such memorials, but they were much sought after, resulting in lots of work for the MacDonalds. Another use of Scottish granite is in the manufacture of curling stones. Ailsa Craig granite is rare, but makes the best curling stones, so they carry a hefty price tag (up to £1000 each). The island of Ailsa Craig is a wildlife reserve, but quarrying for granite still occurs in order to make curling stones. …Continued Page 2.

Until the early 19th century granite could only be carved by hand, which didn’t create a very good finish. But in 1832 Alexander MacDonald, from Aberdeen, invented steam-powered tools which were used to inscribe gravestones and memorials. Only the most prolific people

‘A Thought From the Word’

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Captain Callum Newton looks to Lamentations for Jeremiah’s reactions to a city which has become deserted. Lamentations 3:22-23 ‘Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.’

‘What’s On…’

‘Music Box’ - Page 7 Bandmaster John Still remembers the ministry of Lt. Col. Norman Bearcroft, recently promoted to glory, and especially his march Temple 85.

Some online content for you to follow and enjoy. A mixture of music and teaching from a variety of sources.

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ABERDEEN CITADEL Serving God & Aberdeen For Over 140 Years 28 Castle Street Aberdeen AB11 5BG 01224 579 370


@aberdeencitadel Commanding Officers Captains Callum & Emma Newton callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk emma.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk

Part of the North Scotland Division and the United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory. Called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, The Salvation Army United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland exists to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we will be a Spiritfilled, radical, growing movement, with a burning desire to lead people into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, actively serve the community, and fight for social justice. Divisional Commander (North Scotland): Major Gillian Jackson Territorial Commander (UKI): Commissioner Anthony Cotterill The General: General Brian Peddle

OUR ROCK AND SALVATION CONTINUED FROM FRONT Finally, for anyone reading this who is an avid rock climber, you might already be familiar with the feel of granite under your fingers and toes. It is a prized climb because of how steep it usually is, how sound it is under foot, the natural way the rock splits and the friction it offers. There are granite climbs all around the world, including Mont Blanc, Sugarloaf Mountain and the Cairngorms. Lots of artificial climbing walls are made to look and feel like granite because of how popular it is. As I write this message to you, on Wednesday afternoon, we have just heard that Aberdeen has been placed into a local, partial, lockdown, affecting food outlets and travel for leisure purposes. We will each have had our own reaction to this local news. Feeling like it’s one step forward and two steps back, or yet another hurdle to overcome before we can establish our new normal. For some of us it might feel like we are facing a granite rock face; hard and tough regulations that we must put up with. The good news is that we have a rock that is even stronger, more valuable, and more impressive than the granite we are surrounded by. There are many references to God being our Rock throughout Scripture, but I commend the following Psalms to you to read this week: Psalm 18, Psalm 62 and Psalm 71. In all these cases, the psalmist is talking to God through prayer, song and poetry. As you read them you may find yourself asking the same questions of God; how and why is this happening? You may find yourself with the same testimony; God holds us steady when we are wobbly. Please allow yourself time this week to process what this new type of lockdown means for you; if you need to have a moan to God, He is big enough to hear it!

At the Citadel we had already implemented some changes earlier on in the week, with reduced access to the building and registering at the front door for Track and Trace purposes. Going forward we will be providing all food services, be it food parcels or hot food, from the doors within the Community Hub to reduce numbers entering the building further. Some research this week indicates that there are a number of places across the city where people can access food banks run by different organisations, but there are very few places where people can receive hot food. This will become a further issue as the restaurants, cafĂŠs and pubs in the city close their doors again. Therefore, whilst we will continue to offer a hot takeaway meal from the Citadel on a Friday, we will also be offering soup on the other days we are open (currently Mon, Tues and Thurs). Please pray for this new change; that the people who need it will hear about it and have the courage to come forward and receive support. Pray for one another as we retreat, once again, to our homes, remembering those whose accommodation is non-existent, substandard or dangerous. Pray that those who need to know there is a rock stronger than granite will find God, our rock and salvation.


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A Thought From the Word

NEW EACH MORNING CAPTAIN CALLUM NEWTON While the author of Lamentations remains nameless within the book, both Jewish and Christian traditions ascribe it’s authorship to the prophet Jeremiah. The book opens with what is now a striking reality for us, “How deserted lies the city, once so full of people!” (Lamentations 1:1). Rather than Aberdeen in the grips of lockdown, Jeremiah is referring to the city of Jerusalem which had been destroyed by a Babylonian invasion in 586 BC. Jeremiah walked through the streets and alleys of the Holy City and saw nothing but pain, suffering, and destruction as the aftermath of the invasion. The raw emotion of Jeremiah’s experience is expressed throughout the pages of Lamentations, but here we will look at chapter 3.

compassions never fail. 23They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Jeremiah felt very weak and what the Lord revealed to him is that even when we fail, God’s love never fails. The Lord’s mercies and compassions, they fail not ever. He loves us with an unfailing love, new each morning with abounding blessings. God speaks to us new words every morning for every morning. Even in our restricted, perhaps seemingly monotonous at the moment, lives, God wants to insert daily freshness. But God can only work out his new and fresh works in our lives if we will allow Him to. Jeremiah pictured Pray and use your Bibles himself captured in a daily. He is faithful forever. “Jeremiah felt very weak and what the Lord besieged city, without It is often when we are revealed to him is even when we fail, God’s love anyone to hear his afflicted that we realise just prayers, and as a target how faithful He is. In our never fails... He loves us with an unfailing love, for the arrows of the weakness, His strength is new each morning with abounding blessings.” enemy (3:7–8, 12). Then made perfect. Hold on to he tells of how in this the hope we have in Jesus. 31 seemingly hopeless situation, he could still find hope in the Lord. For no one is cast off by the Lord forever. 32Though he Jeremiah poetically describes the great troubles and afflictions he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his is facing; poor health (3:4), emotional stress (3:5), despair (3:6), unfailing love. 33For he does not willingly bring affliction or anxiety (3:7), abandonment (3:8), confusion (3:9), humiliation grief to anyone. (3:14), turmoil (3:17), despondency (3:18). Perhaps there are some You, like me, having read those words are probably of these which you can relate to feeling yourself. I think all of these already singing Thomas Chisholm’s hymn ‘Great is Thy are feelings are prevalent in our current society, and especially so Faithfulness’ featured on the next page. There is no heart now as parts of the world return to lockdown after thinking they wrenching back story to the hymn, just the reflective were through the worst of the virus, Aberdeen included. Fears of wisdom that throughout all of life’s ups and downs, God second waves and economic fragility are taking a prominent hold had never once failed him. Neither will he ever fail you. in peoples’ lives now. Just as Jeremiah was describing the mental Chisholm wrote, "My income has not been large at any anguish of his time, it is also the reality for many people at this time. time due to impaired health in the earlier years which has This is why what Jeremiah says next is so important for us to hear. followed me on until now. Although I must not fail to record Lamentations 3: “21Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: here the unfailing faithfulness of a covenant-keeping God 22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his and that He has given me many wonderful displays of His

CASTLEGATE NEWS -ABERDEEN CITADEL SALVATION ARMY providing care, for which I am filled with astonishing gratefulness." When all of this is finally over, and it will be over, I hope that we will all have some form of testimony from the experience. A testimony that tells of how in our time of anxiety, worry, sadness, stress or anything that troubles your soul, Jesus was there. A testimony that His love was revealed new to you each morning with unending faithfulness, through thick and thin. I also pray that we, like Chisholm, may know and identify that providing care of God and that it will fill us with astonishing gratefulness too. There are still many who are continuing through this time without the hope we share in Jesus. They continue to wrestle with fear, despair and darkness. All the things of the world that they might turn to in order to self-soothe the pain are being restricted and taken away. We need to

PAGE | 4 share with them the one true source of hope and assurance that cannot be locked down, locked away or destroyed. Be in contact with people around you and people you know, all over the country. Family and friends. Assure them of your prayers and share your hope in the knowledge that God is faithful, his compassions never fail and that He alone will have the final word. Perhaps you need to share, or even remind yourself, of the words of General John Gowans; ‘You can't stop God from loving you, His love is new each morning, You can't stop God from loving you, His nature is compassion. You can't stop God from loving you, Not God—not now, nor ever.’

Song 72

Song 26 Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with thee; Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not; As thou hast been thou forever wilt be. Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed thy hand hath provided; Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me. Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above, Join with all nature in manifold witness To thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! T.O. Chisholm Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrlaQNDCcS8

You can't stop rain from falling down, Prevent the sun from shining, You can't stop spring from coming in, Or winter from resigning, Or still the waves or stay the winds, Or keep the day from dawning, You can't stop God from loving you, His love is new each morning. You can't stop ice from being cold, You can't stop fire from burning, Or hold the tide that's going out, Delay its sure returning, Or halt the progress of the years, The flight of fame or fashion, You can't stop God from loving you, His nature is compassion. You can't stop God from loving you Though you may disobey Him, You can't stop God from loving you, However you betray Him; From love like this no power on earth The human heart can sever, You can't stop God from loving you, Not God—not now, nor ever. John Gowans Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rFDjTMfZj4


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UPCOMING EVENTS Please remain aware that all upcoming events remain subject to change or cancellation at short notice owing to the ongoing Coronavirus situation. If there is sufficient notice, changes and cancellations will be announced in ‘Castlegate News’ and on Facebook.

Saturday 29th August Divisional Leaders’ Installation (Time to be Confirmed)

WHAT’S ON... SOME ONLINE RECOMMENATIONS Fortress Radio Sunday Services 11am and 6pm. Salvation Army music all through the week. “Take yourself back through a day of 'Army' activities and enjoy a day of music featuring Songster Brigades, Bands, YP Sections and much more. During the week, listen again to your favourite Army melodies including special broadcasts such as Songster Gems and Band Fest.”

The Territorial Leaders will be leading an installation meeting of our new Divisional Leaders, Major Gillian Jackson (Divisional Commander) and Major Steve Dutfield (Divisional Leader for Leader Development).

Territorial Leaders’ Messages Each week one or both of the Territorial Leaders, have shared a thought from scripture from T.H.Q.

Attendance at this event will be by invitation only in order to comply with COVID-19 legislation. Sunday 30th August Divisional Candidates’ Farewell (Time to be Confirmed) Further details for this event will follow. Attendance at this event will be by invitation only in order to comply with COVID-19 legislation. Sunday 4th October Harvest Sunday Colonels Lee and Debbie Graves, currently in appointment as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Leader Development, are due to lead us in worship for Harvest.

Available at: https://www.fortressradio.online/listennow.html

Available at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7 L42bBlNtlPnF_6t-37y7RdVa34an-X7

In this week’s video, Commissioner Anthony Cotterill reflects on how different this summer is from previous years, litter and general rubbish that is being left on our streets and beaches, and the parable of the pearl of greatest prize in Matthew’s gospel, chapter 13.

They Need Christ - 2020 An opportunity to pray and reflect with this reimagination of the Gowans/Larsson song ‘They Need Christ’ for 2020, with new words by Kevin Sims. The images featured show The Salvation Army's response to the coronavirus pandemic around the world, and illustrate the movement's continued compulsion to put faith in God into action.

Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2uuo GZkrdI

Facing the Canon Please keep all of our future events in your prayers, especially in these times of fragility in forward planning.

Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYv0T 3ZOwVg

In this edition of ‘Facing the Canon’, Canon J.John interviews General André Cox who was The Salvation Army’s 20th general and the incumbent at the time of recording. General Cox held the office from 2013 until retirement in 2018 when he was succeeded by the current General, Brian Peddle.


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PRAYER MATTERS People and Prayer • Pray for God to comfort those around the world who are grieving the loss of loved ones, and for those who may be feeling isolated or lonely by being in lockdown. • Pray for our corps, that fellowship will be strengthened despite the inability to gather, and for wisdom for the officers and local leaders as they make decisions in the days ahead. May we, as a corps, be the hands and feet of Jesus during this pandemic, in both prayer and action. • Pray for our Divisional Leaders that they will be given the wisdom they need to lead The Salvation Army in North Scotland forward in the coming days.

Loving Lord, We thank you for your great goodness in our lives which is new and fresh each morning. We ask that you would keep revealing that great love to us that we might continue to praise you even in more troubling times. We pray for our City of Aberdeen, that you will by your Holy Spirit descend with your healing power to restore the city to health and to a greater knowledge of you. Help us to play our part in your ministry to our community. Teach us and guide us we pray. Amen

• Pray for Beirut and the many thousands of people affected by this week’s devastating explosion. • Pray for the various groups that would usually use our Citadel building for their activities through the week. Pray for them in their preparations to make a return. Pray for our Territorial Leaders who are making decisions about when it would be safe for them to return to our building. Pray that when they do return, they may find us all to be welcoming and hosts worthy of the name we bear.

“I’m praying not only for them But also for those who will believe me because of them and their witness about me. The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mindJust as you, Father, are in me and I in you, So they might be one heart and mind with us. Then the world might believe that you, in fact, sent me. The same glory you gave me, I gave them, So they’ll be unified and together as we areI in them and you in me. Then they’ll be mature in this oneness, And give the godless world evidence That you’ve sent me and loved them In the same way you loved me.” High Priestly Prayer of Christ - John 17 (The Message)

Corps Prayer Diary – August 9th-15th SUN 9 MON 10 TUES 11 WED 12 THUR 13 FRI 14 SAT 15

Paul Sharp Zarah, Craig Smith and family Lynne Stephen Anne Stewart Rona and Mike Stewart Bill Still Christopher,Lucy Still and family

The above are the names from the Corps Prayer Diary for this week. Our thanks to Major Violet for her dedication in preparing this important diary for us all to follow. Please ensure you take the time to pray for our comrades and friends in order that we may all together be strengthened and unified in Christ. If you would like to be included in the Corps Prayer Diary and have not already expressed this to Major Violet Leiper, then please be in contact with her or the Corps Officers to make them aware of your interest.


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HERE WE ARE! Captains Callum & Emma (and Baby Isla!) It has been a busy few weeks but we are finding our feet in Aberdeen now. The city life is certainly much different to island life but we are enjoying all that the city has to offer. We are looking forward to our time here in Aberdeen and our ministry from The Citadel. We are looking forward to getting to know you all and putting a few faces to names. It was pointed out to us that a few people are still not sure what we look like so we thought we’d include a family picture. Isla keeps growing all the time so we can’t guarantee that she will look exactly like this whenever you see her, but we should look more or less the same. We pray God’s blessing on you and your household with love from ours.

MUSIC BOX Bandmaster John Still People from across The Salvation Army world have paid tribute to Lieutenant-Colonel Norman Bearcroft, who was promoted to glory at his home in New Jersey, U.S.A., on the 26th June. He was considered one of The Salvation Army’s most prolific and respected music leaders and writers with 120+ published band pieces and 60+ vocal works to his name. Many Salvationists will have a favourite Norman Bearcroft piece, whether brass or vocal, and that piece will immediately spring to mind on hearing his name. For me that piece is his march ‘Temple 85’. I remember playing it as a young bandsman and being challenged by the very high euphonium part, a characteristic of many of his band pieces. What I didn’t know back then was the reason the piece was written and the words associated with the melodies used in the piece. The march was written by (then) Major Norman Bearcroft, when he was Territorial Music Secretary for Canada, in commemoration of the 85th Anniversary of Toronto Temple Corps. It was published in the General Series in 1973. Fairly early in the march the tune ‘Hold the Fort’ can be heard, associated with the words – Ho! my comrades, see the signal, Waving in the sky! Reinforcements now appearing, Victory is nigh! “Hold the fort, for I am coming,” Jesus signals still, Wave the answer back to Heaven, “By Thy grace we will.”

Listen here: https://youtu.be/qs9erD4waiM

Later in the march the melody associated with this chorus, popular at the time in Canada, can be heard – He’s the Christ of yesterday, today and forever, And He’s mine, Oh yes, He’s mine. He’s the Christ of yesterday, today and forever, And He’s mine, Oh yes, He’s mine. I was lost and deep in sin, I opened up my heart and I let Him in. He’s the Christ of yesterday, today and forever, And He’s mine, Oh yes, He’s mine. We can link the chorus to the words found in Hebrews 13:8 – ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.’


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CHIEF SECRETARY Colonel Lee Graves Territorial Operations Board – Coronavirus Impact Update: Dear friends,

many people love The Salvation Army and want to help us to help others. Unsurprisingly, expenditure in our Lifehouses, Older People’s Residences and Safe Houses has increased significantly. For example, we are spending more than £20,000 per week on Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Despite the good news of increased fundraising, the recovery of our investment funds and expenditure which is lower than expected, we will need to continue to use our financial resources carefully in these uncertain days.

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. More than three months have passed since I wrote to you on 17 April about the impact of the coronavirus on our territory. Those were very dark times when more than 3,500 people were testing positive for the virus every day in the UK, Intensive Care Units were full and more than a thousand coronavirus related deaths were reported every day across the territory. As I explained in my April letter, I chair the Territorial Operations Board. The TOB has agreed it is We cannot be complacent and assume life will return to what it timely to provide an update on the impact of the coronavirus on was before the pandemic. The coronavirus will be a risk for the foreseeable future and the economic forecasts are very The Salvation Army in our territory. gloomy. People are going to need our help. There will be many A Time To Give Thanks opportunities to present the good news of Jesus in our words, While the infection rate is dropping in most places we need to actions and attitudes. Therefore, every part of The Salvation remain vigilant and take warnings of a resurgence of the virus Army needs to examine itself carefully to ensure we maximise very seriously. We must continue to heed government guidance our income and review all expenditure. and work hard to make safety our priority. We are pleased to report that The Salvation Army has responded superbly throughout the lockdown. Our Lifehouses, Older People’s Residences and Safe Houses for survivors of modern slavery remained open throughout the pandemic and provided safe, secure places for thousands of vulnerable people. I thank everyone who has worked so hard to make this possible. We have seen massive growth in online ministry and mission. Salvation Army worship as well as employment and debt support services are now available online. We are hearing so many encouraging testimonies about people deepening their relationship with Jesus during these days. Corps and centres have also been working tirelessly to provide pastoral care, meals, food parcels and other essential supplies to people who have needed our help. Many staff are working from home. We acknowledge how difficult this can be for people who are balancing child care and other responsibilities with work commitments as well as those feeling very isolated during this time. Thank you everyone for all your hard work, tenacity, compassion and willingness to go the extra mile. Finances In my April letter, I explained the financial challenges facing the territory. I am pleased to report that we have also made good progress in this respect. We must however, continue to consider the impact the lockdown has had and the gradual easing of restrictions continues to have upon our temporal resources. First, we thank all of you who have made personal financial sacrifices to support The Salvation Army. We also recognise the sacrifice made by employees who have been furloughed and officers and employees who were in a position to be able to join them by donating a significant amount of their allowance or salary back to the Army. Thank you. The general public has also responded very generously to our requests for donations. It has been particularly encouraging to see local corps fundraising activities bring in more than £800,000 for COVID work. In addition to this, the THQ fundraising team has raised more than £3.7 million. It is so affirming to know that so

Work is continuing on reducing costs particularly at THQ. As already reported, the building of the new THQ at Denmark Hill has been paused and a full review of all possible options is underway. We have a great opportunity to adjust quickly to the ‘new normal’ and demonstrate, once again, that The Salvation Army is an agile, flexible and innovative part of the Christian Church. However, we will face hard choices and we need to work together as we navigate stormy seas. Moving Forward As we continue to move forward, we need carefully to monitor our income and expenditures. While the financial results for the first quarter for the year ending 2020-21 have been more favourable than we anticipated the full impact of the lockdown is just beginning to be realised. In the next three months we will begin to see the impact of our Charity Shops not returning to full strength. Our financial obligations will continue to take hold as rent holidays come to an end. The reality of lost revenues from external renters in our Corps buildings will begin to be noticed. Increased costs will begin to show as we begin to come to the end of government schemes such as the furlough initiative. Importantly it must be recognised that we are unable to ascertain at this point what the coronavirus impact will be upon our ability to raise funds in the important weeks when carolling will be undertaken. Currently we are anticipating raising £1,606,754 but of course, this could be at risk. We know that our literature sales, forecasted to be in the range of £1,586,670, have been severely hindered. Our THQ Christmas fundraising appeal result, critically important to our annual income generation, remains unknown to us. Only as we progress through the balance of this current fiscal period will we truly understand the impact of the coronavirus upon our financial resources. The TOB recommended to SATCO a “just-in-case” plan to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus for this fiscal year only should the worst-case implications be realised. Properties,


namely surplus houses, no longer required, could be liquidated. Investment earnings could be drawn down to replenish our general reserves and if necessary the drawing down on a loan already established with Reliance Bank could be initiated. These are contingencies and only to be triggered if necessary, save that some excess houses have been identified to sell at this time. SATCO has endorsed this plan. We will leverage these resources only if necessary to sustain and advance mission.

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If you have questions or comments, please write to me at THQ or send me an email at chief.secretary@salvationarmy.org.uk and I will ensure you that I or the appropriate person responds to you. May God continue to bless and guide us. Yours faithfully,

We sense God is encouraging us to be confident but not complacent. The Salvation Army across the territory is well placed to meet challenges. We have many fine people, at all levels of the Army, who are seeing new opportunities and are determined to move forward. Colonel Lee Graves Let’s encourage each other and be optimists for as Paul wrote to CHIEF SECRETARY the church at Philippi, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’. (Philippians 4: 13 NJKV)

Important Notice

Generally Speaking

General George Carpenter (20 June 1872 – 9 April 1948) was the 5th General of The Salvation Army. He trained in Raymond Terrace, Australia, and became an officer of the Army in 1892.

Captains Callum & Emma

He was General from 1939-1946 meaning that he had the task of leading the Army through World War II.


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