Stornoway Salvation Army - Sunday Link - 22nd March 2020

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Happy Mother’s Day!

The Salvation Army Stornoway Corps 59 Bayhead Stornoway HS1 2DZ

Welcome to the first edition of our Sunday Link. The intention of this publication is to “We exist to worship God, keep us in touch with each other and provide to support each other and some spiritual thought and guidance during to serve our community. ” this very unusual time in the history of the REGISTERED CHARITY NO: 214779 church, let alone The Salvation Army. AND IN SCOTLAND: SC009359 I never thought that I would ever be in the position in my officership Corps Officers whereby Sunday meeting would be cancelled until further notice, yet Lts. Callum & Emma Newton here we are. We have been encouraged and reminded by our territorial leaders and The General that The Salvation Army is not a building but instead a movement of people raised up by God to save Telephone: 01851 703875 souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity. Therefore we have to Mobile: 07493 880058 reimagine how we are being a church for the time being. For Stornoway Corps a number of practical responses has been the way in which we have reacted to the situation, bringing some relief to our community. There have been many people making great use of our @stornowaysalvationarmy Baby Bank as family have become desperate with the lack of nappies, wipes and formula milk available in supermarkets. We have taken out Something to listen to... food to support families whose children would ordinarily be entitled to free school meals and are worried about the consequences of having children home all day. We have also twice opened up the hall for a short time this week, to allow people to come and take some fresh food produce and other grocery items we have been donated as well as some much sought after toiletry items (see pics below). Our plan is During the summer of 2019, to open up the hall similarly next week with other food to similarly the owners of Fortress Radio paid a visit to some reach the people in need, particularly while food is difficult and/or elderly, housebound expensive to buy. Salvationists. During each visit Shortly, I will be organising a team of volunteers to keep in touch with a recurring theme of 'I cannot get to the Army on a Sunday as many of you as possible by phone. It is hoped that this may provide anymore' and 'I miss listening some good conversation and company during the isolated times, and if to some of my favourite Army music' challenged them to see there is anything that I can then do to provide further support, these what they could do. After telephone volunteers will let me know. months of research and planning, the idea of setting Above all; ‘I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go up a radio station dedicated to well with you, just as you are progressing spiritually.’ 3 John 2. playing Salvation Army melodies was created.

Now that we are in the same position of being unable to get to the Army on Sunday, perhaps you would enjoy tuning in to listen to the two Sunday meetings each week. This week will be led by Major Andrew Stone at 11:00am and by Marc Harry at 6:00pm Listen online at (Broadcasting music all week).

Isaiah 66:13, “As a mother comforts her son, so will I comfort you.” When Solomon ruled all the land of Israel was under his sway, and there was never anyone so rich or so honoured on the face of the earth. Upon taking the throne, Solomon had been filled with awe at the size of the task before him, and so he prayed for the wisdom to govern justly. ‘I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties...give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.’(1 Kings 3:7-9) His wish was granted and, above and beyond his wealth and honour, Solomon became renowned for his wisdom. One day two women came before the King (1 Kings 3:16-28). They carried with them a little baby, which was set down on the floor, at the foot of Solomon’s throne “O my lord,” said one of the women, “five days ago I gave birth to a child. This woman and I live in the same house, and three days later she also gave birth, but that same night her child died, and at midnight she arose and, while I was sleeping, took my son away from me, and laid her dead child in its place. When I awoke in the morning I thought at first that my son was dead, until I realised that it was not my child.” “No,” interrupted the second woman, “she lies...The living child is mine and the dead is hers!” The arguing continued until Solomon raised his hand for silence. “There is a simple way to resolve the matter” declared Soloman, “Bring me a sword.” A sword was brought, and the assembly waited to see how the King would proceed. He said, “cut the child in two, and give half to one mother, and half to the other.” The first woman turned pale, she said “Give her the child. I beg you, do not kill it.” The other woman’s face remained hard, she said, “divide it as the King has ordained.” Then Solomon arose, and pointed to the first woman, “The child belongs to her,” he said, “Give her the child, and do not kill it. She is its mother.” Word of this judgement spread throughout Israel, and people marvelled at the wisdom of the King. The story marvels at the wisdom of Solomon, but also displays the selfless love of a mother. The true mother’s love is clearly shown in her desire for her baby live even if that be with a heart breaking consequence for her. Moses’ mother, Jochebed, in the second chapter of Exodus we’re told, was “large with child.” Moses was about to be born and Pharaoh hears that “Israel’s deliverer is about to be born.” He determines that he will remove all possibility of this happening and decrees that “every newly born male child would be thrown to the crocodiles in the river Nile.” Jochebed hid Moses from Pharaoh’s warriors for three months. She became afraid that his cries would be heard, so she pulls some reeds from the river bank and weaves them into a basket, covers it with slime, to waterproof it, then leaves the home-made cradle in the river for his sister Miriam to watch what happens. She left the little basket containing Moses where she knew Pharaoh’s daughter would be bathing at the river. A bold, but brilliant plan. Pharaoh’s daughter finds the little baby Moses, and takes him as her own son. Miriam completes the plan, offering Jochebed to be his nanny, who then raises him in safety until he is old enough to become the prince of Egypt and later Israel’s leader into freedom. On Mother’s Day I want us to see the preserving, attentive, improvising, persevering care mother’s have in our scriptural examples. They do not entertain the idea that it was ever impossible to save their child. If these earthly mothers then, never give up until they find a way, how much more will God care for and seek to always rescue you? He never considered your salvation impossible, even when humans might have thought so. He showed the completeness of his love for you with the heart breaking consequence of the cross. God has promised to be like a mother to us, stopping short of nothing to rescue us to eternal life. We should also thank God today for revealing his love through the love of mothers and mother figures. Those who seek it will always find comfort in the Lord.

Prayer Focus Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy in this time of uncertainty and distress. Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. Please remember in your prayers… • Our NHS staff and other key workers on the islands. • Calum & Jessie Macfarlane as they continue their Salvation Army ministry in Skye. • Our political leaders that they may be guided to right decisions. • Our Salvation Army General, T.C. and other leaders involved in coordinating our response to the virus. • Those who are suffering from COVID-19 and all those who are isolated by it. S.A. Songbook 848 1. I shall not fear though darkened Clouds may gather round me; The God I serve is one Who cares and understands. Although the storms I face would Threaten to confound me, Of this I am assured: I'm in His hands.

I'm in His hands, I'm in His hands; Whate'er the future holds I'm in His hands, The days I cannot see

Have all been planned for me; His way is best, you see; I'm in His hands. 2. What though I cannot know the Way that lies before me, I still can trust And freely follow His commands; My faith is firm Since He it is who watches o'er me; Of this I'm confident: I'm in His hands.

3. In days gone by my Lord Has always proved sufficient, When I have yielded to the law Of love's demands; Why should I doubt that He would Evermore be present To make His will my own? I'm in His hands!

Something to watch...

Majors Richard and Caroline Mingay will be broadcasting Sunday Services live at 11am on YouTube. To find the broadcast and also to access lots of other great videos from Regent Hall Corps visit their YouTube channel at:

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