Stornoway Salvation Army - Sunday Link - Sunday 7th June 2020

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COMFORT & JOY Firstly, an apology. This last two weeks, and the same will be true of next week I have had formal studies to complete with university deadlines looming over my head. At the same time, the Golf Club project whilst being a success, by its nature, has required much managing particularly in relation to working with other organisations. If I have missed phone calls, emails or messages I apologise and hope you can forgive me in the light of the situation of just how busy I have been. That being said, throughout the business I have been well blessed this week. Studying deeper in to the things we proclaim to believe in has been fascinating, but all the more rewarding when considering it in the light of our current response to serving our community because of those beliefs. I talk more in the thought about how we are called to live by faith with action. While there may be a tiny number of people taking advantage of the work we are doing, there are large numbers of really grateful people who are kindly passing on their thanks. The most striking moment of my week was standing in the Golf Club during a particularly busy moment and realising that there were fifteen people at that moment accessing the help from the project; all of them were smiling. The atmosphere was amazing. These were people asking for help at a time of crisis, but in that encounter with us they found not only peace but joy. I could feel the presence of God undoubtably in the room, it was like the fire we prayed for last week had come down on that place like a dove. Another lovely piece of news this week was to hear of a kind family who are making an effort to say thank you for the help they have received from us during the pandemic. Follow the link at the bottom of this page and you’ll read all about Pheobe who is nearly 2 years old and her Shetland Pony Pepsi, who is nearly 30 years old, and the adventure they are about to undertake to raise money for Stornoway Salvation Army (both pictured above). Phoebe is going to ride Pepsi from Aird to Knock in Point, a five mile distance, which is much further that they have ever been. They have asked people to sponsor them online or to drop a donation in to the bucket they’ll be carrying on the day. They will be doing their ride on Saturday 27th June so if they are passing you in Point give them a wave and please will everybody pray for them that all will go well on the day. They have already raised a tremendous amount of money, and I look forward to updating you on their efforts.

The Salvation Army Stornoway Corps 59 Bayhead Stornoway HS1 2DZ

“We exist to worship God, to support each other and to serve our community. ” REGISTERED CHARITY NO: 214779 AND IN SCOTLAND: SC009359

Corps Officers Lts. Callum & Emma Newton

Telephone: 01851 703875 Mobile: 07493 880058


Something to listen to...

Sunday meetings at 11:00am and 6:00pm. Music broadcast all week. Listen online at

The internationally popular Pasadena Tabernacle Songsters from California bring a selection of songs in worship and praise in their own unique style. Rejoice with them in worship, I’m sure you’ll know at least some of the songs well enough to sing along. Listen here: https://www.regalzonophone .com/Albums/Rejoice-in-HisLight

2 Corinthians 1: ‘3Praise be 4to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 5For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.’ Although the motto of The Salvation Army has always been ‘Blood & Fire’ we have had many slogans through the years. ‘Blood & Fire’ remains prominent on the flag and crest and should always be there as a reminder of our theology, especially in the wake of Easter and Pentecost. We believe that Jesus by his suffering and death made an atonement for the whole world so that whosoever will may be saved, and we believe in the energising power of the Holy Spirit’s fire to change our lives and enable us to change other people’s lives too. Other slogans that we have adopted over the years tend to speak about how we live out this theology in our world. ‘Belief in Action’ is one the ones I remember well and was a great motivator for me in my early days as a Christian learning that my new faith required me to do and be something for God in the world not just selfish me. ‘For God’s Sake Still Caring’ was another attention grabbing slogan that sticks in my mind and often makes me mindful of who I’m representing in my caring ministry. Another motivating one for me is the slogan ‘Where there is a need, there is The Salvation Army’ which wasn’t just a slogan from our church but a commitment we were making. By making a phrase like that public, we made a bold statement declaring our intentions to always be there to meet a need in the name of Christ. Those of you who have been around The Salvation Army a lot longer than I have will be remembering many more slogans from over the years, but these stick in my head because they focus us on our covenant with God as Salvationists to serve suffering humanity, to love as he has loved us. Paul writes eloquently to the Corinthians giving praise to God ‘the Father of compassion’. As the father is so should His children be. Therefore, as disciples, we should consider ourselves children of compassion. Compassion requires us to respond well to a need with love and care. Paul then tells of God as the one ‘who comforts us in all our troubles’ and this is nothing new for The Bible. From the beginning we are told of how God was a great comfort to his people. Sometimes he rescues, sometimes he knows the best thing is to gently bring you through troubles in order that you may grow, but he always brings some comfort. It’s easy to read Paul’s words and just rejoice in the knowledge he is sharing either because you are just so confident in these words of truth, or for most of us, because it’s a shared experience. Many of us can share Paul’s testimony and all the other biblical testimonies and those of all our comrades before us; ‘God has brought me comfort in hard times’. But while you are rejoicing, I want you to pay careful attention to something you may have missed before because you were giving thanks for your comforts. The receiving of comfort and love from God requires an action. We have received comfort ‘so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.’ That’s not to demean the love and comfort we have received, but instead to get us to realise the extent of the love that is within us when we are in Christ Jesus. God will always, by his Pentecostal spirit, give you enough comfort so that you are strong enough to bring comfort to others. COVID-19 has affected Salvationists just the same as everyone else, but the comfort and strength of God in us means that we react in ways which we can bring comfort to suffering humanity. When I was rediscovering 2 Corinthians 1 this week, I was looking for some reading that would help support my writing of this message. I came across one article where the text was of very little inspiration to me, but the title was. The title simply said ‘Someone Cares’. I was immediately reminded of General Gowans’ words and General Larsson’s music of song 10 in our songbook (featured on the next page). To understand what Paul was telling the Corinthians, you need to understand what General Gowans was saying in this song. When life is lonely and tough, God is always going to be there right beside you. He is not distant or ignorant of the troubles and pain of your life, He wants to bring you comfort. The most effective way he does this is by using the people who have dedicated their lives to His service and enact the will of God on the earth. The great comforters sent by God will bring hope to your situation when you feel the most hopeless. Someone cares. But with that follows that fact that one day you will need to be a carer. One day he will call on you to deliver the hope to someone who is feeling hopeless and in despair. You must always be willing to deliver the comfort for others just as you have received comfort yourself. Much of the suffering in the world is because people have taken the comfort, perhaps great wealth, health, education or something else, but they have never shared the comfort with others. If you are suffering just now, remember that someone cares. If you are being called to care for others, remember that someone cared and still cares about you. 5For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.’

Prayer Focus Almighty God, You reach into the darkness with hope, truth and light. Stretch out your strong hand in this situation, Hold and rescue those who have suffered. Let your almighty love move mountains, Cross seas and breathe life into the darkest places. Amen. Please remember in your prayers… • A thanksgiving for the people who are supporting our work at the Golf Club with their time and with their donations. • Children of officers around the UKI territory who are preparing to move home and school in very strange circumstances. • The international response of The Salvation Army bringing comfort in the name of the Lord in various situations. • Those suffering from acts of racism and the worldwide response to eradicate this evil.

S.A. Songbook 10 1. We are witnesses for Jesus In the haunts of sin and shame, In the underworld of sorrow Where men seldom hear His name; For to bind the broken-hearted And their liberty proclaim, We are witnesses for Jesus In the haunts of sin and shame.

Tell the world, O tell the world!

Make salvation's story heard; In the highways, in the byways, And in lands beyond the sea, Do some witnessing for Jesus Wheresoever you may be. 2. We are witnesses for Jesus In the lands beyond the sea, Where the millions bound by evil Have no hope of liberty; As we tell the gospel tidings, Lo! the captives are set free;

We are witnesses for Jesus In the lands beyond the sea. 3. We are witnesses for Jesus In the home and in the mart, Where the cares of life and fashion Crowd the Saviour from the heart; When we urge His claims with wisdom Many choose the better part; We are witnesses for Jesus In the home and in the mart.

Listen here: (Warning: Old video with bonnets!!)

S.A. Songbook 10 1. Do you sometimes feel That no one truly knows you, And that no one understands or really cares? Through His people, God Himself is close beside you, And through them He plans To answer all your prayers.

Someone cares, someone cares,

Someone knows your deepest need, Your burden shares; Someone cares, someone cares, God Himself will hear the whisper of your prayers. 2.Ours is not a distant God, remote, unfeeling, Who is careless of our loneliness and pain, Through the ministry of men He gives His healing, In their dedicated hands brings hope again.

Listen here: Something to watch... On their YouTube channel the International Staff Songster have posted some really beautiful songs and even some new ones during lockdown with the benefit of technology. You will find great encouragement and I’m sure you’ll be moved by some of the music. I always love to hear ‘Christ of Calvary’ sung acapella to the Scottish tune Annie Laurie. Make an effort to listen to that one if non-else.

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