Stornoway Salvation Army - Sunday Link - Sunday 28th June 2020

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SINGING EBENEZER Another busy week has come and gone and so I bring to you a penultimate update before we hand over to CSM Ian McPhee to lead the Corps through the transition period until Lts. Christopher and Faith arrive. We recorded a record 82 people coming in to the Golf Club project this Wednesday, and although this was followed by slightly lower numbers on the Saturday, we are still seeing a high demands for help through our project. As a result, Iain (Stornoway Golf Club) and I took a trip to Inverness with the van to fill it with stock from the cash and carry and other places where we could obtain cheaper stock. We should record our grateful thanks to Car Hire Hebrides for the continued use of the van and to CalMac for allowing us to travel for free on this journey. I can report that we had a successful trip and manged to bring lots back to restock our supplies along with the ongoing supplies from island wholesalers. Many of you will have noticed that ‘Events’ online and in print have run a story on our move from Stornoway to Aberdeen and the arrival of our new officers. This marks the beginning of a new chapter in our Corps history but also a reminder of the continued hand of God on the ministry and lives of the people associated with Stornoway Corps. Samuel marked the ongoing faithfulness of God to His people with a monument, a ‘stone of help’ he called Ebenezer, which I have reflected on in my thought this week. It’s a reminder of how far God has brought us and how much further he will continue to be with us. For many people, coming to the Golf Club project will be an Ebenezer moment in their lives. Adults and children alike, will remember in years to come where they turned to when they needed help and I pray that they will remember that God was there. Through his people, God cared for and rescued them. The project was inspired by God and is led by God; the staff and volunteers certainly don’t have the energy and strength to do it alone when it has become such a big effort. I hope that people will know God heard their cries for help. I was mindful in the week of an old Salvation Army chorus: All through the years His providence has led me, His abounding goodness has been all my song; All through the years I tell His love and mercy, Singing Ebenezer as the years roll on. I can certainly testify to His love and mercy through the years of our officership in Stornoway. I hope that you can also mark this Ebenezer moment with good memories of God’s grace which has brought you this far. Officers change, but God and his love never changes. Let the years roll on singing ‘Ebenezer’ as God continues to bless and use Stornoway Corps in His ministry to these isles.

The Salvation Army Stornoway Corps 59 Bayhead Stornoway HS1 2DZ

“We exist to worship God, to support each other and to serve our community. ” REGISTERED CHARITY NO: 214779 AND IN SCOTLAND: SC009359

Corps Officers Captains Callum & Emma Newton

Telephone: 01851 703875 Mobile: 07493 880058


Something to listen to...

Sunday meetings at 11:00am and 6:00pm. Music broadcast all week. Listen online at

Recorded as part of the Centenary Congress in 1965, this LP features a number of Salvation Army songs that have become a part of our worship. Listen here: https://www.regalzonophone .com/Albums/A-Century-ofSalvation-Song-1965

1 Samuel 7: 8They said to Samuel, “Do not stop crying out to the Lord our God for us, that he may rescue us from the hand of the Philistines.” 9Then Samuel took a suckling lamb and sacrificed it as a whole burnt offering to the Lord. He cried out to the Lord on Israel’s behalf, and the Lord answered him.10While Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to engage Israel in battle. But that day the Lord thundered with loud thunder against the Philistines and threw them into such a panic that they were routed before the Israelites. 11The men of Israel rushed out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistines, slaughtering them along the way to a point below Beth Kar. 12Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” If there is something we have learned in recent weeks, it is that statues and monuments really matter to people. They are erected to uphold a memory of times passed that we don’t want the next generations to forget. They commemorate sacrifices made for our freedoms, tragic losses of lives that we want to learn the lessons from and great people that we should look up to and be like. The Salvation Army has named buildings after some of our great leaders, for example the UK officer training college which is named after the Founder the ‘William Booth College’, that we remember as we train new officers the vision and passion he had for God and the future of the Army. As people have questioned the value of whether we should look up to some of the people commemorated by statues around the UK, some have been torn down, others are planned to be removed, still others are placed in to protection. Samuel led Israel through some tough times. His people looked to him for the spiritual leadership they needed, pleading with him to pray without ceasing for their rescue. Samuel did pray for them and lead worship though sacrifice for them and the Philistines were overcome before they could do any harm to the Israelites. Israel must have revered Samuel as a great man, and he probably was, but it was not a statue of Samuel that was raised to mark the occasion. Samuel raised a stone and he called it Ebenezer, which in Hebrew means ‘stone of help’. Samuel wanted the people to remember, for years, for decades, for generations, that God came to the rescue of his people when they humbled themselves before him. Even though they had been unfaithful, he still came to their rescue. Just as ‘while we were still sinners, Christ died for us’ (Romans 5:8). Israel was on an ongoing journey, but Samuel raised the stone as a reminder that God had brought them this far, something that they could not have done alone, and that God would continue to bring them through all the troubles of the continuing journey. Yesterday (Saturday) Emma and I gained an extra ‘star’ or ‘pip’ on our shoulders. It came with a new rank for us, Captain. The star doesn’t tell of what we have or haven’t done, it doesn’t particularly commend our good works, ours came as a result of being officers of five years service. The star is our Ebenezer, though thankfully not a heavy stone to wear on our shoulders! The star says ‘this is how far the Lord has brought me on my journey’. For five years we have served him and he has not failed us. When we needed rescue, He rescued. When we needed care, He cared. When we needed to be heard, He listened. When we rejoiced, He cheered with us. When we needed strength, He gave us his power beyond measure. “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” It is now less than two weeks (Thursday 9th July) until Emma and I cease to be the officers of Stornoway Corps. We are grateful to God for you and for the opportunity to serve in this beautiful part of the world. But this will mark a new chapter not only in our lives but in the life of the Corps. It will be a new chapter, but because God still goes with you it will still be vibrant life in the Corps. These times allow everyone associated with Stornoway Corps the opportunity to reflect a while and realise just how much God has done in our lives thus far. You have the opportunity to raise your heart’s own Ebenezer and give glory to God that he has been faithful to bring you this far. I love the words of Song 856 in our Songbook (next page) which tell a simple testimony of a life transformed. I can also hear some of my own story in the words; ‘When I first commenced my warfare Many said I'd run away’, ‘I'm a wonder unto many, God alone the change has wrought’, ‘'Twas the Saviour's loving kindness Overcame and won my heart,’ and of course ‘Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by His help I'm brought’. But of course there is the line ‘In the fight I am today.’ The point of raising an Ebenezer is that you remember just how far the Lord has brought far. The fight against sin and Hell’s destruction still rages and you are required to help us in the fight today. We are called to seek and love and save the lost. Your Ebenezer should be the reminder that it is safe to keep continuing on in to new frontiers, because God has never failed anyone yet. Take your opportunity to look back, and take your opportunity to look forward. God has been good to us this far and there’s lots more to come for Stornoway come. 37 years and counting, God has great things in store. Be sure to play your part ‘and go singing “Glory!” Home.’

Prayer Focus Our Father who dwells in the heavens and on the earth, You are Holy. May heaven be a greater present reality here on earth, And may we choose to join you in making that happen. Provide us today with the things that you think we need, And may we not take for granted that which you have already provided. Forgive us for when we don't live as you intend, And may we be ready to forgive others when they don't live as we intend. Guide us in your wisdom away from the things that would distort us, And restore the parts in us that are already distorted. You are goodness, beauty and truth. May your love rule always. Amen. Please remember in your prayers… • • •

‘Heralds of Grace’ session as they are promoted to Captain and prepare for new appointments and responsibilities. A safe and positive move forward as we prepare to come out on the other side of lock down. Cadets and families of the ‘Messengers of the Kingdom’ session as they prepare for commissioning. S.A. Songbook 856 1. I'm a soldier bound for Glory, I'm a soldier going Home; Come and hear me tell my story, All who love the Saviour, come.

I love Jesus, hallelujah! I love Jesus, yes, I do; I love Jesus, He's my Saviour, Jesus smiles and loves me too.

2. I will tell you what induced me In the glorious fight to start; 'Twas the Saviour's loving kindness Overcame and won my heart. 3. When I first commenced my warfare Many said I'd run away; But they all have been deceivèd, In the fight I am today.

4. I'm a wonder unto many, God alone the change has wrought; Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by His help I'm brought. 5. When to death's dark, swelling river, Like a warrior I shall come, Then I mean to shout salvation! And go singing “Glory!” Home.

Listen here: S.A. Songbook 830 1. Come, Thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise.

2. Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I'm come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at Home.

Glory, glory, Jesus saves me, Glory, glory to the Lamb! O the cleansing blood has reached me, Glory, glory to the Lamb!

3. Jesus sought me when a stranger Wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood.

4. O to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be! Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee. 5. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above.

Listen here: Something to watch... 5 years on, and as we prepare for an unusual commissioning, perhaps you’d like to share in the commissioning of the ‘Heralds of Grace’ session. You will be able to see the fresh faced Callum and Emma eager to start an appointment in Stornoway! The commissioning meeting can be watched here: The celebration and sending meeting can be watched here:

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