Hernia Facts

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Hernia Facts Hernias come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some facts you may not have known about this common medical disorder: 

You can have a hernia and not even know it – that right, some types of hernia actually occur inside the body, and do not show symptoms! If one of these is discovered (perhaps as a result of an x-ray or other medical scan) doctors may opt to just leave it be rather than doing anything about it.

The English word hernia comes from the Latin ‘hernia’ - anything between 15-50% of words in the English language are thought by lexicographers to have had their roots in the argot of toga wearing dormouse eaters.

There is no good anagram for ‘hernia’ – it will however score 9 in Scrabble.

A hernia is when the intestine of other internal tissue pokes through a hole in the abdomen wall.

Practicing safe sex can reduce your risk of hernias – pregnancy is often a risk factor for hernias, avoid becoming pregnant to keep your risk down

Surgery can cause hernias – if cuts made in the abdominal wall during surgery do not heal properly then this can lead to hernias. These are known as incisional hernias. Up to 10% of abdominal surgeries will end up leading to an incisional hernia.

75% of abdominal wall hernias are inguinal – these occur in the groin region. They are much more common in middle and old age as muscle tone deteriorates.

Inguinal hernias are more likely in men than women – males are approximately 25 times more likely to suffer an inguinal hernia.

The femoral canal is a point of weakness – the femoral canal allows the femoral artery, vein and nerve to travel between the abdomen and the rest of the body. This can be a point of weakness in the muscle wall, and can become a site for hernia.

You can be born with a hernia – these are known as congenital hernias within the medical fraternity.

Hernias can be brought on by heavy lifting – in fact anything that puts strain on the muscles can lead to a hernia, something that means they can occur in otherwise very fit people who do a lot of physical activities.

Smoking is bad for you – who knew, right? One of the many problems with smoking is that it can raise the chance of suffering from a hernia.

Being overweight is also bad for you – if you are ditching the cigarettes try not to pile on the pounds. Obesity is often a factor in hernia onset.

A strangulated hernia is where the trapped intestine has its blood supply cut off – this is an emergency requiring surgery if it happens. It is always very painful, and is often accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

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