July 2011
Mannum, South Australia 5238
Issue Number 59
Murray Darlings Hosts ‘Christmas In June’ he Murray Darlings Red Hatters Group hosted our second “Christmas in June” on Wednesday 23rd June, at the Mannum Community Club. We invited all of the South Australian Red Hat chapters and we had a huge response, with 105 in attendance on the day. There were 9 different chapters represented: the ‘Elizabethan Wine and Roses’ chapter, the ‘Growing Old Disgracefully’ group from Tea Tree Gully, the ‘Westside Glitzy Girls’ from Plympton, the ‘Barossa Bubbly Chicks’, the ‘Riverland Red Hatters Downunder’, the ‘Fabulass Fleurieu Fillies’, the ‘Woodside Red Hatters’, the ‘Southern Belles’ from McLaren Vale, and last but by no means least, the ‘Murray Darlings’ from Mannum! As the theme was “Christmas in June”, the Community Club dining room was beautifully decorated with a Christmas theme (in
red and purple of course), and we invited our guests to wear their best Christmas hats, for which there were two prizes for the best hats, kindly donated by Marion’s Boutique. And on the topic of decorations, did you happen to spot the window display at Marion’s? It was a marvellous display of red and purple, and gave all our visitors a chance to pursue one of the red hatters favourite pastimes, shopping! The day started with a reading of the poem called “Warning” by Jenny Joseph. This poem was the inspiration for the red hat society, and starts with the line “I shall wear purple with a red hat which doesn’t go and doesn’t suit me” and suggests that “I will make up for the sobriety of my youth; I shall go out in my slippers in the rain, pick flowers in other people’s gardens, and learn to spit!” It finishes with the suggestion “Maybe I ought to practise a little now, so people who know me are not too shocked and surprised when suddenly I am old and start to wear purple.” We had a delicious traditional Christmas meal, turkey and all the trimmings, followed by a lovely plum pudding with custard and ice-cream, yum! (It always makes so much more sense to me to eat meals like this in winter than in our hot summers!) Annie and her team at the Community Club did a wonderful job of looking after us, so much so that when we suggested another chapter could host the event next year, they all unanimously voted to come back to Mannum! So it looks like the Murray Darlings will be the hosts again next year. Continued page 24
Red Hatters chapter Queens
Mannum Dock Museum Gallery Exhibition
Would A Church by any other name ...
1935 Mannum School Days Tuesday 19th July 2011, Free Entry n Tuesday 19th July 2011 the 1935 Mannum School Days exhibition will open in the Mannum Dock Museum Gallery. Staff and students at the school during the year of 1935 set themselves a project to write a book about Mannum - its history, residents, industries and future. Surely a positive and exciting project when the clouds of war were beginning to gather over Europe and Australia. Students spoke to Mannum residents and recorded the interviews with hand written notes no modern technology in those days. Many family names are recorded in the book - Captains Randell
Contents Ageing in the Murraylands At Your Leisure
Calendars & Dates 21 Chippy Chatter 6 Church Services
and Arnold, the Hoffman, Hoad, Berndt, Baseby, Walker, Shearer, Schuetze and May families. The exhibition consists of enlarged facsimiles of the original book pages, together with photographs of interviewees. Photos of historical sites and maps of early Mannum and surrounding localities are also included. In 2004 the Mannum Community College produced a book titled “Residents at ‘The Rec’ A Celebration of Mannum’s 150th Birthday”. It is hoped that some of this work will be available for the exhibition too.
here would you go to find the Church of England hall in Mannum? T o which Lutheran congregation did you belong? What was your church called before it was part of the Uniting Church in Australia? See the article “What’s In A Name?” on page 4.
Jenny Twigden 28 Classifieds 27 Musical Miscellany 9 Letters 2 Neighbourhood Watch 3 Mental Musings, The Hall 13, 23 On My Bookshelf
26 Out of this World 18 Puzzle 26 Whistle Toot
8 3 7
Mannum Mag
Letters to the Editor
Collating and Folding Help Needed
Deadline 29 July 2011 for publication in the August issue Mannum Community Magazine Inc
Editorial We Need Your Help
he content of Mannum Mag is provided by a very small group of dedicated authors. Without their contributions the Mag would not exist. We have no reporters and rely on you to send us articles for publication. If you are on a local committee, involved in local p rojects (Skate P ark, Mannum Waters), organise or attend local events (Craft Fair, Houseboat Open Day, Community College Functions) or can relate some local history or anecdotes, please contribute to Mannum Mag. Do not be concerned that you “cannot write”. We will “polish it up” for you; by definition that is what editors do - prepare for publication. Talk to the community. Use Mannum Mag to keep the community informed. Follow the advice of Arthur Miller, make this a good “newspaper” (refer to our masthead on page 1). Use the letters page for brief notes to the community. Perhaps a local business has provided you with noteworthy service. Were you pleasantly surprised when you tried one of our “tourist attractions”? Do you have praise for one of our local groups or clubs? A few words goes a long way. It is mutually beneficial; if the community supports local businesses, services, groups and clubs they will continue to support the community. Contribute to Mannum Mag, make it a truly community magazine; produced for the community by the community.
Where Have All the Tradies Gone? Dear Editor, complaining that there’s not Many years ago the good enough work around the old Rolling Stones had a place. They sure don’t seem song with the line “I can’t too interested in doing any get no satisfaction.” work for me. Funny really Over the past few weeks because some of them blokes I’ve been having the same ’ave got notices up round the problem right here in street saying “no job too big Mannum. I can’t get no or too small”. satisfaction from some of the Anyway, got my local businesses. maintenance jobs done by I needed some home some young fellas from out maintenance done a little of town and they did a real while ago so I dug out the old good job too! Mannum Directory and Back in May I decided I found advertisements for the needed a house cleaner so I local home maintenance asked a few people around people. About 20 minutes town and over in Murray later I’d rung them all Bridge. Plenty of people said although not one of them they’d get back to me but not answered the phone. They all one person did. Bit sad had those confounded really! answering machines so I left Anyway, that’s my gripe a message, with my name and for the month. I’ve got a phone number, saying that I house to clean because if I needed some work done. don’t do it no-one else will! That was 5 weeks ago and so “I can’t get no far no-one has called me s-a-t-i-s-f-a-c-t-i-o-n. …” back. Can’t wait to meet one I’ve tried and I’ve tried and of those fellas down at the I’ve tried.” The Observer Club when they’re
Budding Authors
Anne and Rex
Use pig pens – they never run out of oink.
2011 FOLDING DAYS Wednesday
For Issue
3 60
31 61
5 62
2 63
30 64
2011/2012 Visitor Edition
If you would like more details or wish to leave your number as an “on call” volunteer please contact Car o l Greening 8569 1609.
The viewpoints and opinions of the Authors and Artists that appear in Mannum Mag do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Mannum Mag Editors, staff and/or affiliates. Mannum Mag assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this publication.
Page 2
Many Thanks Dear Editor, Anne and Rex Schultz, would like to thank everyone who conveyed get well wishes and made hospital and home visits to Rex during his recent illness. It is much appreciated to know so many people cared. Thanks a bunch.
small group of volunteers meet at the show ground on the Wednesday after printing day to fold and collate your Mannum Mag. Starting about 9:00am, with a break for morning tea, this small group can usually complete the task in about 3 hours if all members are available. More volunteers are always welcome, indeed are needed. A larger, permanent group would reduce the time commitment for all members. Others, on whom we can call when necessary, would be particularly useful when anyone in the permanent group cannot be there. You do not need to commit to every issue - drop in when you can. Even an hour of your time will help. Alternatively, you might volunteer to be on-call for those days when the group is short-handed. M annum M ag i s a communi t y magazi ne produced by the community for the community. Your help will keep Mannum Mag viable.
To accommodate a wide range of comments, short letters have more chance of publication. Longer letters addressing important matters will not necessarily be excluded. In general, aim for about 100 to 150 words, or less. Letters must include contact details for verification.
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 59
Old Mannum School
Hills NILS 30 Years Service
Community Venues Field Trip
n Tuesday 21st of June the Old Mannum School Steering Committee met again to discuss the progress of the proposed community hub. One of our members reported on a recent conference he had attended regarding community centres. He was very enthusiastic about what he had seen and suggested that we organise a ‘field trip’ to check o u t s o me o p e r a t i o n a l community venues. Others in the group said they had been inspired by community spaces that were well run and attended, and we talked of our collective experiences. It would be great to see a bus load of community members, young and old, visiting and experiencing a range of such venues. We will investigate the possibility further and in due course, extend the invitation for interested people to be part of such an excursion. Our committee members bring a desire to see Mannum’s old Area School buildings and surrounds utilised by as many Mid Murray residents as possible, with the intention of building strong community bonds. Our vision is to create a unique place where everyone is welcome and can gather for a
wide range of activities including workshops, meetings and celebrations or offer an open door for a cuppa and a chat. We will work towards a well utilised facility that will provide excitement and stimulation as well as opportunities for quiet times and we’re very excited about the possibilities, which seem endless. A myriad of workshops could run, a self-sustaining café could be developed, performance space integrated into grounds full of sensory and edible gardens, a recycling centre. It could be a demonstration site for a range of sustainable technologies- a place to get information and inspiration. This is a great opportunity to foster an inclusive, supportive community and so we welcome all to our meetings. The next one will be on Tuesday July 19th at 7:30 pm in The Hall on Greening Street, Mannum. The committee wish to thank all the people who have expressed support for the group and volunteered to do what they can when the need arises. Kitty Schiansky, Secretary
DISTRICT CHURCH SERVICES For Mannum congregations ANGLICAN 6 Adelaide Road. Ph: 8569 2385 Mannum, Sundays 10:30 am BAPTIST William Street. Ph: 8569 6040 Mannum, Sundays 10:30 am CATHOLIC Mau Street. Ph: 8531 1699 Mannum, Mass: 1st Sunday 9:30 am, all others 8:30 am LUTHERAN 79 Cliff Street. Ph: 8569 2863 Mannum, Sundays 9:00 am, Sunday School 9:45 am during school terms. Everyone welcome. RIVER WORD CHRISTIAN CENTRE Greening Street. Ph: 8569 1333 Mannum, Sundays 10:00 am SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 17 King George St. Ph: 9433 734 037 Mannum, Saturdays 9:30 am, Sabbath School 11:00 am UNITING Corner of Greening Street & Walker Avenue Enquiries: Phone one of the Elders. G Gobbett: 8569 1083, M Thomas: 8569 1005 R Marshall: 8569 1737, G McInerney: 8569 2076 Mannum, 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays 11 am, 2nd & 4th Sundays 9 am Issue Number 59
community-based initiative that gives individuals, couples and households on low incomes access to fair, safe and equitable credit is celebrating 30 years service in Australia. The No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS®) provides finance free of interest, fees or charges for goods and services for eligible people. Only the principle needs to be repaid. The service is available to Mannum residents through Hills NILS® operating at The Hut and Torrens Valley Community Centre and through ac.care at Murray Bridge. The scheme began in 1981 with loans funded by the Good Shepherd Sisters in Victoria. The success of these loans has led, over 30 years, to a network that now boasts more than 400 organisations across Australia and New Zealand. An injection of funds from corporate and government sectors, particularly the National Australia Bank and the Australian Government through FaHCSIA, has seen the scheme expand rapidly in the past few years. In the first half of this financial year the scheme has made almost 7000 loans at a value exceeding $5.6 million. Trevor from Hills NILS® says that the concept has proven to be very popular and has enabled many families and individuals to purchase goods that would otherwise have
been either unobtainable or added significantly to their financial stresses. Loans have been given for a wide range of goods and services. In addition to washing machines and fridges there have also been car repairs, furniture, computers, gophers, air conditioners and funeral expenses. Recently a loan was made to Eve (not her real name) on an Age Pension. Eve had her home assessed for suitability for her to remain there safely. A number of items were corrected including hand rails but expensive modifications were required in the bathroom, particularly to replace existing glass shower screens with safety screens. Eve had never borrowed money before and could not afford the added burden of fees and interest rates. Eve came to Hills NILS with quo te s fro m q u a lified companies and within 2 weeks of finalising her application had a cheque to complete the renovations. Eve says that she is really delighted, getting a NILS loan was a great load off her mind and she really appreciated the support and assistance she received. Hills NILS can be contacted at The Hut Community Centre, Aldgate - 8339 4400, Torrens Valley Community Centre, Gumeracha- 8389 1711. ac.care at 11-21 Kennett Road, Murray Bridge can be contacted on 8532 6303.
Puzzle ow many words of 4 or more letters can you make with these 9 letters? • Each word must include the letter in the shaded box • One word includes all 9 letters Score: 16 Good, 24 Very good, 31 Excellent
Mannum Mag
Chairperson: Geoff Skein 8569 2385 Editor: Keith Baldwin 8569 7304 editor.mannummag@aussiebb.com.au Coeditor: Carl Gross 8569 7392 Web Site:
Mannum Mag
Secretary: Bill McGhie 8569 1821 Calendar: Jo Kader 8569 1879 Treasurer: Bill McGhie 8569 1821 accounts.mannummag@aussiebb.com.au
Page 3
From Your Local Member Budget Delivers Nothing for Schubert he 2011-12 State Budget delivered nothing except extra hits to the ‘hip pocket’ for residents of Schubert. Mr Venning said that there was no funding for projects or initiatives within Schubert included in the Budget, but everyone would be impacted by cost of living increases. “Rises in taxes, charges and utilities will cost the average household about $750 per year or 11 per cent for no improvement in services” he said. T h e b u d ge t i n c l u d e d measures to:
• Increases to the cost of utilities: Water bills have almost trebled; other utilities including electricity and gas have almost doubled • Increase the cost of renewing a driver’s licence by 32% • Abolish the first home owners payment • Speeding fines will rise by 29 per cent - for speeding less than 15km hour over the limit - e.g. a speeding fine for travelling at 58 kms per hour in a 50 km zone will increase from $196 to $252- a $56 increase. • Introduce more fixed speed cameras to raise even more revenue - $24 million in expiation fees
“There was nothing for Schubert at all - no more funding to progress the proposal for a new Barossa Health Facility - a facility the Government’s own business case acknowledged was needed” said Mr Venning. He also expressed his “disgust” at budget cuts to the Agriculture sector “The Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Budget was slashed down from $216 million to $181 million in 2011-12.” “These figures included an $11.3 million reduction in expenditure for the Exceptional Circum stan ces p ro gram, completion of the State Drought Response program and a drop of $4.3 million in the Agriculture, Food and Wine program” said Mr Venning. “Cuts were also made to SARDI and the Budget papers state that ‘The $2.7 million decrease in expenses is due to a reduction in research and development activity and
Page 4
What’s In A Name?
service delivery to meet budget savings targets.’
Mr Venning pointed out that at a time when food security is becoming a very real issue the future of agriculture will become more important. He brands as “ludicrous ... that they slash research and development.” “There is no joy in this Budget for anyone, rural and regional South Australia has borne the brunt of many cuts, but all South Australians will be faced with increases to the cost of living.” “The Labor Government should remember that one third of South Australians live outside Adelaide - it is about time that was reflected in their priorities” said Mr Venning. Registration Changes Decrease Compliance Registrations stickers will no longer be issued to motorists from 1 July 2011 - a cost cutting measure announced by the Labor Government. Member for Schubert, Mr Ivan Venning said registration stickers had been discontinued in Western Australia in January 2010 and the number of vehicles detected as being unregistered since then has increased markedly. “I recently learnt about the e x p erien ce o f Western Australia and the statistics surrounding unregistered vehicles both prior to and after the abolition of registration stickers. “In 2009, 2680 or 1.25 per cent, of vehicles detected were unregistered, and after stickers were no longer provided in 2010 the number jumped to 5137 vehicles or 2.15 per cent. “I urge motorists to pay extra attention to the date their car registration is due and ensure it is renewed as necessary to avoid a fine. “It will be interesting to see if we have a similar experience as Western Australia and the number of vehicles being detected unregistered increases from July 1” said Mr Venning.
Church Names in Australia, Mannum and the Surrounding District
ow Time Flies. It was interesting to note in the last edition of Mannum Mag
(June, page 13, Aminya Garden Makeover) that reference was
made to the Church of England hall. Thinking back to changes made in various churches, it seems that the 50's, 60's and 70's saw it all happening - but that was quite some time ago. In the Lutheran Church on August 27 1956, the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia (UELCA) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia (ELCA) both adopted the Theses of Agreement, which set the stage for the merging of the two organisations. Many towns, such as Tanunda, still have more than one Lutheran Church reflecting the deep divisions that sometimes existed between the two. The final merge occurred in Tanunda, South Australia, at a joint synod held on 29 October to 2 November 1966. The merged organisation was named the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA). In 1962 the Constitution of the Church of England in Australia contained the provisions for a change of name to the Anglican Church of Australia. In 1966 the 2nd General Synod passed Canon 16 that provided for a change of name in stages. The most time consuming of these stages required the various Acts of Parliament in the “Territories under the control of the Commonwealth of Australia” to be amended. It took fifteen years to pass the required legislative amendments and so it wasn’t official until 24 August 1981 even though many groups had begun using the term Anglican much earlier than that. In 1977 the Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches united to establish the Uniting Church in Australia. Before this change,
Mannum Mag
in 1967, the Murray Plains Congregational Church and the Methodist circuit in Mannum had combined to become the Murray Plains United Parish. The Basis of Union of the Uniting Church in Australia was a visionary and inspiring statement. Twenty years after the Basis was completed The Assembly Standing Committee resolved to issue a 1992 edition in order to ensure that the Basis was well used in the church, frequently consulted, valued and heeded. Reminiscing, the changes in Mannum are minimal in many ways. • The Lutherans two church structure became unnecessary with St Martin’s accepted as the centre for the merged church. The Baptists purchased, and still use, the other Lutheran church (UELCA) and buildings at the top end of the main street facing into William Street. • The Church of England ceased to exist and is now St Andrews Anglican Church although, 30 years after the change, some still use the old C of E tag, or worse still C and E - with the connotation of attendance at ‘Christmas and Easter’. The parish now consists of churches and congregations at Mannum, Mt Pleasant and Mt Torrens. • The Uniting Church occupies what was the ‘new’ Methodist Church built in the 1955. The previous Methodist Church was at 81 Randell Street where a brightly coloured Real Estate building now stands. The Presbyterian congregation survived for a number of years in the nineteenth century but was finally wound up in 1889 with many of the congregation going over to the Baptist church. Geoff Skein
Issue Number 59
Mannum Golf Club Mannum Lady Golfers Win Division 2 Pennant
uring the month of May, Mannum’s lady golfers have been participating in the Southern Group Pennants. After winning 4 out of 5 rounds Mannum finished top of the Hills section. Mannum then ventured down to Victor Harbor to play the team from Links Lady Bay in the final. The weather was cool but fortunately there was no wind or rain which made playing conditions almost perfect. The result was close but Mannum emerged as winners on the day, 3 to 2 making them Pennants Winners Division 2 for 2011. Congratulations to the players, Lisa Hancock, Helen Bickley, Sandra Applebee, Athalae Jericho, Sandra Dahlitz and Hilary Miller for their tremendous effort. The ladies are still celebrating and can be seen wearing their ‘sherpa’ hats around the course to mark their win! Mannum Golf Club held its annual Police and Publican day
on Tuesday, 7th June. 16 teams competed in the event which was held to help raise money for Aminya and was sponsored by the Pretoria Hotel and the Mannum Hotel. The weather was cool and showery but with plenty of warming drinks and a hot sausage sizzle available on the course, spirits were kept high. Lunch was cooked by the Pretoria Hotel and served by volunteers from Aminya. The Mannum Golf Club would once again like to thank Bob Hendrie from the Pretoria Hotel and Peter Raison from the Mannum Hotel for their generous support for this event. The Golf Club would also like to thank the many volunteers that helped on the day around the course. Without these people the day would not have been the success it was. A substantial amount of the money raised will be donated to Aminya.
Mannum Community Club 66 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238 Phone: 8569 1010 – Fax 8569 2700 Email: admin@mannumclub.com.au Website: www.mannumclub.com.au Sunday Gold 5MU Radio Host Barrie Martin is back every Wednesday Playing music from 12-2pm with LIVE Broadcasting 2-6pm In the dining room Bingo with Betty every 2nd Thursday Commencing at 1pm in the dining room Upcoming dates are 7/7/11 and 21/7/11 Every Friday Night Happy Hour Beer from 6-8pm Meat Draws and Raffles from 6pm
Hilary Miller, Secretary
Friday 12th August An Audience with Frank Spencer Starring Robert Michael Pearson and George Harvey from the Four Kinsmen!! With Crazy Routines, a few stunts, hilarious dialogue and great music, & special guests Billy Connolly, Sammy Davis Jnr, Dean Martin and Forrest Gump, this show is bound to raise your spirits and have you laughing!!! 2 Course Dinner and Show $40 Non Members $35 Members HURRY SEATS SELLING FAST Meals available12-2pm and 6-8pm 7 days a week
Australian Red Cross THE POWER OF HUMANITY
Cambrai familystore Main Street Cambrai Wed–Fri and Sun: 10AM–4PM Telephone: 08 8564 5244 Issue Number 59
Mannum Mag
Page 5
At Your Leisure
Mannum Community Club Social Club
Mannum Leisure Centre
News Views and Do’s
Anyone for Tennis? y now, many of us will probably be bleary-eyed and sleep-deprived from watching our tennis heroes at Wimbledon. We were disappointed that Slammin’ Sam fell so early, and injury has once again hampered our Lleyton, but we have still marvelled at the feats of Federer, Nadal, and the Williams sisters. But in only a few days it will all be over again for another year, and then what are all you tennis lovers going to do? Well, why not head out to a tennis court and try to emulate our heroes whose fortunes we have been following so closely for two weeks? At 7 o’clock every Monday evening, the tennis court in the Leisure Centre is open for play. When I visited the Centre recently, I met Raff and Roj ready to do battle.
Raff and Roj
They didn’t hit the ball as hard as Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic, but they
seemed to be having fun-and staying fit during the winter off season! What more could you ask for? Winter tennis at the Mannum Leisure Centre will give you fitness and fun, and the chance to hone your skills for the serious competition that will start again when the weather warms up. Contact Pam at the Leisure Centre: Ph 8569 0185, or Email mannumleisure@mid-murray.sa.gov.au
to book in and be part of it. Changes At the Centre Simon Wotton has left the Leisure Centre to take up a position in Adelaide. Simon has worked in the Centre for the past 2½ years, during which time he made a great contribution to the program of the Centre, and made many friends. We all wish him well in his new venture and for his upcoming fatherhood. With Simon gone, Pam is the only remaining employee of the Centre, and as a result the Centre’s program is being reviewed. For the next three months, there will be a reduced winter schedule, which hopefully will be temporary. Details of the winter schedule are given elsewhere in this issue of the MAG. Carl Gross
reetings Mannum Mag readers, not much news this month. The cold weather must have slowed us up as our next function is not until 25th June, after the cut off date for entry in July’s Mag. This function is our FUN and GAMES DAY in the Mannum Community Club River Bar and our committee members have been busy organising prizes and surprises for our various activities. The hot soup and hot and cold finger food lunch menu sounds delicious. We are looking forward to seeing a few different members faces this time as the venue has easy access for everyone, and we can guarantee lots of fun and laughter. We have had a good response to our proposed trip to the Trots in Adelaide on the 23rd July and this will go ahead. Confirmed cost, cut off date for booking and payment, and bus departure time will be on our notice board in the Club after the 27th June.
You should never marry a tennis player, because to them love means nothing. To err is human. To put the blame on someone else is doubles.
Another function which is a definite is on Friday 12th August. This is a show “An Audience with Frank Spencer” and a 2 course dinner to be held in the Dining Room at the club. Once again cost and cut off date will be on our notice board, but I will also be updating this in the August Mannum Mag, along with a report on our FUN and GAMES DAY. The cold weather is certainly here with a vengeance, and I am sure I am not the only one enjoying the warm welcome of the staff and the airconditioners at the Club on occasions. A little more rain and a little more water in our river would make winter a lot more tolerable for us all, I am sure. In the meantime, I am also sure that good food, good company and a cheerful atmosphere at the Mannum Club will make winter pass a little quicker. Until next edition, keep warm and safe. Secretary Jo, 8569 1131
Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Tennis! Tennis who? Tennis five plus five.
INTEREST FREE LOANS for items to improve your quality of life
Hills NILS® No Interest Loan Scheme Low income residents of Adelaide Hills and surrounding districts may be eligible for a loan of up to $1000 For further information contact
Mid Murray Community Support Service ac.care, 11-21 Kennett Rd, Murray Bridge
8569 2129 8532 6303
The Hut Community Centre, Aldgate 8339 4400 Torrens Valley Community Centre, Gumeracha 8389 1711 Page 6 Mannum Mag
Issue Number 59
Blood Brothers
Whistle Toot well attended working bee of 25 volunteers saw the PS Marion spruced up and organised for the next of the Rockford Steam Powered Dinners to be held over the weekend of 26th and 27th July. The next few weeks are a ‘quiet’ time for the boat. A private cruising function is being held on the boat in July, and a training/cruising weekend for volunteer crew is planned for the weekend of 13th and 14th August. The next public cruises will be held over the October long weekend [1st – 3rd October] The upgrade of the Mannum Dock Museum continues with the next stage
of Roger Baker’s construction being installed a beautifully made wooden stern to complete the MaryAnn display. A Museum committee meeting was held on Tuesday 22nd June to further discuss and finalise the future concept plans for the Museum and Information Centre. For more information about the cruising schedule of the PS Marion and Mannum Dock Museum, please contact the Museum on 8569 2733 or visit the website www.psmarion.com Jenny Twigden
What is small and grey, sucks blood and eats cheese? A mouse-quito. Why are vampire families so close? Because blood is thicker than water. Dracula’s Car: The mobile blood unit? Blood Group: An association for vampires? What do you get if you cross a midget with Dracula? A vampire that sucks blood from your kneecaps. Where do vampires go fishing? In the blood stream.
f you feel that one man cannot change things, if you often despair at the way the world is heading, read “Blood Brothers”, a book about the life and work of Abuna (father) Elias Chacour. Born to a gentle and loving family of Christian Palestinians in the northern hill country of Israel, Elias found peace in Jesus’ teachings during the 1948 chaotic invasion of Palestine and his family’s eviction from their home and land by the Zionist Jewish Army. As he was a very bright student, Elias was chosen by his Melkite bishop to study for the ministry. He was, however, refused entry as a Palestinian to the Jerusalem seminary, but was allowed to study in Nazareth, and later in Paris. Events which would horrify most people and turn them in violence against their enemies, created a situation where he, as a peace-loving man, had to find another answer. Elias battled his inner
tempest and couldn’t just humbly accept the injustices. He sought a way to heal the rift between Palestinians and their Jewish brothers. He wanted to be like the Man of Galilee, softening one heart at a time. And as that Man said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven”. Through the Mar Elias Educational Institutions which he has established for Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Druze children, Abuna is working to “Build Peace on Desktops” (title of a 12 minute DVD recently released, purchase details available from us). How suc c e ssful A r c hbishop Chacour has been is revealed in a second book “We Belong To The Land”, which we have just finished reading during our holiday through the amazing Pilliga Forest of NSW. But that’s another story! Jacqui and Max Merckenschlager
Mannum Ice Works
Saviour Trailers
Serving the Mid Murray
Trailer Restorations Trailer Sales service and wiring new and second hand Sand blasting Spare parts General welding repairs
Block & Crushed Ice Firewood
We also pay cash for any old unwanted rusty trailers of any kind
Now Available!
Mobile Coolroom Hire Cubby Houses Lay-By Welcome Dog Kennels Made to Measure
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm 629a Sedan Rd Punthari Ph: 8569 4145 Mob: 0419 835 061
Agent for Kleen Heat Gas Bushman Tanks Ph/Fax: Bus 8569 1813 Ph/Fax: A/h 8569 2040 www.mannumiceworks.websyte.com.au Props Brian & Jayne Bormann 81 Adelaide Road, Mannum SA 5238 Issue Number 59
Mannum Mag
Page 7
Out Of This World
Passing on the Baton
Astronomer’s Corner
After 40 years Mannum Plumbing is now under new management
t around 9pm the constellation the Scorpion is overhead and is next to the area that marks the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. The central core of the galaxy extends a set of spiral arms containing the stars that constitute our galaxy. The sun, our nearest star, is a part of one of these arms. The catherine-wheel-like arms are not visible as we are in the same plane as the arms and a part of one of them. Any pictures you have seen of a spiral galaxy are another galaxy or an artists impression of the Milky Way. The opportunity to photograph the Milky Way from above, outside our galaxy, is a long, long way off. From the Scorpion to the eastern horizon are the constellations Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius rising a little later as the sky rotates westward. At present the asteroid Vesta is in the Constellation Capricorn and may be able to be seen with the unaided eye, and will become clearer as the next few months roll on. Locate and watch it, as we do with planets, night after night as it will stay visible in this constellation till December this year. The planet Saturn rises after midday and will be well placed for observing during the early evening when it will be high in the night sky. The wet weather has put the insects at a disadvantage for the while but the wind chill factor is unpleasant. The unexpected wind gusts are tiring and a problem, especially for large scopes of the reflecting kind. When considering building a shelter or a dome for observing a large covered dome pays dividends, but is expensive. The permanence of metal over fibreglass, coupled with the noise factor of dome rotation at night, and the sheer weight of the structure are all factors to consider. If a more permanent amateur observatory is being considered, get as much information as you can on making the enclosure a moveable platform. Technology has put great, durable materials on the market that were not around twenty years ago. Where a transformed garden shed may have sufficed and doubled for a storage area, having to resurface is costly. Spiders and insects always seem to find their way into places in the backyard and make them annoying after dark when observing, but a little planing can help. Consider surface sprays for the bugs and using materials like stainless steel seats or concrete garden benches, which are less attractive to them.
Dave Allen
Moon Phases Last 1/4
First 1/4
23 July
31 July
8 July
15 July
Asteroid Vesta This is the most geologically diverse asteroid. Vesta shows light and dark features much like our Moon. A giant crater 459 km across is evidence of an impact with another object. Vesta is about the same age as the Sun, 4.5 billion years, and located in our solar system asteroid belt at an average distance from the Sun of 353,400,000 kilometres. Diameter 531 kilometres Mass 3×1020 kilograms Orbital period 3.63 Earth years around the Sun:
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pproximately 40 years ago a plumbing business was started in Mannum under the name of DM and SJ FORREST and its main source of business was the maintenance of 150 homes owned by the Housing Trust and Teacher Housing. In 1980 Brenton and Denise Forrest purchased the business from Doug and Sally Forrest. The name was changed to Mannum Plumbing, and so began another 30 years of plumbing services to Mannum and district, in all aspects of the plumbing trade.
We have now decided to retire from plumbing and concentrate on our other business “Mid Murray Storage”. Mr Ben Chambers has purchased Mannum Plumbing and we would like to take this opportunity of wishing Ben all the very best in his new plumbing adventure and hope that Mannum and district residents and businesses support Ben as they have supported us over the last 30 years. Brenton and Denise Forrest
Ben Chambers (left) accepting the key to his future from Brenton Forrest
Asteroids orbiting “near” the earth are called Near Earth Objects. There are three types of Near Earth Objects: Amors: Mars-crossing but not Earth-crossing asteroids Apollos: Includes most Earth-crossing asteroids Atens: Asteroids with orbits largely inside the orbit of the Earth Near Earth Objects are assigned a Torino Number. The Torino Scale ranges from 0 to 10. A 0 indicates an object has a zero or negligibly small chance of collision with the Earth. (Zero is also used to categorize any object that is too small to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere intact, in the event that a collision does occur.) A 10 indicates that a collision is certain, and the impacting object is so large that it is capable of precipitating a global climactic disaster.
Home and Property Maintenance Phone Glen Thompson For a free quote. No job too small Phone: 0419 865 611 Email: debkt@skymesh.com.au ABN: 22 112 146 448 Mannum Mag
Issue Number 59
CHIPS and MMCSS Keeping you up to date with happenings at CHIPS and the Mid Murray Community Support Service
A Real Community Centre ast month Angie Roesler and I attended the Community Centres SA conference in Adelaide. The conference included a one day coach trip visiting Community Centres in Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills. We visited the Cheltenham, Morialta, Norton Summit and Gumeracha community centres, met the staff and volunteers, watched their training rooms in action, sat in their community coffee shops, played with toys in the children’s crèche, got sawdust in our clothes in the Men’s Sheds and watched as volunteers recycled newspapers, cans and bottles. By the time the tour had concluded we were very excited about the possibilities for the proposed Mannum Community Centre where we will enjoy the many opportunities that a community centre can offer. Mid Murray Community Support Service and CHIPS is committed to being part of the establishment of a Mannum Community Centre and we are working with the Mid Murray Council and the Old Mannum School Steering Committee to help
bring this exciting project to fruition. The steering committee met recently and it was proposed that a coach be hired and members of the Mannum community, the committee and Mid Murray Council members be encouraged to take a day tour to visit a couple of community centres. I’m sure that if you join us on this trip you will return just as excited as we are about what we can collectively achieve here in Mannum. Thanks MADEC! Mid Murray Community Support Service has recently received a $5000 grant from MADEC Murray Bridge and we are planning to update some of our Adult Community Education classroom equipment and facilities. Thank you MADEC! Friendship Luncheon CHIPS provide services to the elderly and disadvantaged in our community. We provide transport, home help, cleaning, gardening, shopping and other assistance to more than 300 clients from Mannum to Palmer, Tungkillo,
Keyneton, Swan Reach, Nildottie, Younghusband and everywhere in between. Part of our service to the community is called “social inclusion” and that means getting people together. Many of our clients don’t have close neighbours or many visitors, many live alone. Our quarterly Friendship Luncheons are held to get people together and what a great time is had by all! The guest speaker at the recent June Friendship Luncheon introduced some of the many aids that are available for older people or those with a disability. Many of the items were on display and people had the opportunity to purchase or order equipment that could help them with their day-to-day lives. Everyone present enjoyed a tasty 3 course luncheon, fun competitions, lots of prizes and fellowship. Our next Friendship Luncheon is on Thursday September 15th. Cost is $15 for clients $20 for guests. Tim Clemow CHIPS/MMCSS Coordinator
MARION’S BOUTIQUE PTY LTD 63-65 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238
Ph: 8569 2261
Brown Havelberg Partners Real Estate
81 Randell Street MANNUM Ph: 8569 1003 Email: bh@bhprealestate.co.au
Let us meet your real estate goals
0400 949 949 John Coombe Quality carpet and upholstery cleaning Walk on your clean carpet immediately
Issue Number 59
Mannum Mag
Page 9
Illumina Choir A Local Connection
recently attended a very enjoyable performance by the Illumina Choir in Adelaide. This all women choir was founded in 2008 by Rosemary Nairn OAM and she is their Music Director. Rosemary received her OAM for her lifetime work in choral and music education. There are 40 members, hand-picked for their musical ability and knowledge, and they perform a variety of different types of music including classical, jazz, musical comedy, sacred and gospel, oratorio and operetta. Their recent performance “Heart and Soul” consisted of folk, traditional, gospel, Broadway and jazz. I had persuaded my husband to go with me but, although he loves music, I wasn’t sure if he would appreciate an all-woman choir. I needn’t have worried as he enjoyed it as much as I did. We have a local member in the choir, Sue Hoffmann, who conducted our Mannum choir for many years. It was a joy to see her in a different role as a singer. The next performance will be at the Brougham Place Uniting Church on Sunday 25th September at 2pm and is entitled “Different Dreams” Sacred and Contemporary Music for Reflection. I can recommend it as a wonderful and memorable experience for music lovers.
Jo Kader
[General Enquiries: Email Illumina mail@illumina.org.au or phone Helen Robinson (Secretary) on 8272 4481. Tickets: For concert tickets, or information about upcoming performances, please contact Helen on 8272 4481.]
It was visitor’s day at the lunatic asylum. All the inmates were standing in the courtyard singing Ave Maria and singing it beautifully. Oddly, each of them was holding a red apple in one hand and tapping it rhythmically with a pencil. A v i s i t o r l i s t e n ed in wonderment to the performance and then approached the choir. “I am a retired choir director,” he said. “This is one of the best choirs I have ever heard.” “Yes, I’m very proud of them,” said the conductor. “You should take them on tour,” said the visitor, “what are they called?” “Surely that’s obvious,” replied the conductor. “They are the Moron Tapanapple Choir.”
Mannum Agricultural Society Annual General Meeting Mannum Agricultural Society wishes to advise the Annual General Meeting shall be held at:
Schache Hall, Mannum Showgrounds North Terrace, Mannum Wednesday July 13 at 7:30 pm Appointment of Office Bearers & Conveners shall take place at this meeting.
CAFÉ MANNUM Licensed Café
Bring this advert to receive your free cup of coffee with any meal ordered (Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner). #One free coffee per advert per person #Valid for July 2011 only
Fisherman's Special Monday & Tuesday - Dinner $10.90 Chicken or Beef Schnitzel Special Wednesday & Thursday's - Lunch & Dinner $10.90
Á-la-carte Menu also available BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER
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Café Mannum In the Motel Complex Bookings Preferred Tel: 8569 1808
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0413 815541
Page 10
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 59
River Word Christian Centre i to all Mannumites. All is going along just great at our Craft/Friendship Group Wednesdays. If you haven’t already been to one please come along and enjoy the company of our friendly group of people. There are notices in the street if you are w a n t i ng any c o n t a c t numbers. We have made so many different things since starting
Issue Number 59
the Group; things to keep and others to give away as gifts. The Church is warm and cosy inside and with the amount of people here it heats up quickly with all the fun and laughter. So, why not come along and be surprised by the amount of fun you will have. Now don’t be shy! Come on in. Come along to our Craft Day. You can join us for a
chat, craft, lunch and if you wish even for a quiet prayer, or just come and do some renovations that will help the Church achieve it’s goal: a cheerful place to be on Wednesday’s 10am till when you want to leave. Come along and see what is happening (3 Greening Street). Contact Julie on 0432 080 923.
Mannum Mag
Annette Coleman
We do not so much need the help of our friends as the confidence of their help in need. Epicurus What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies. Aristotle A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Walter Winchell The only way to have a friend is to be one. Ralph Waldo Emerson Friends are the angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. Unknown
Page 11
Advertising In Mannum Mag
“Is your advertising getting results?” asked one business owner. “It sure is,” moaned the second owner. “Last week we advertised for a night watchman... and the next night we were robbed.”
Advertising space is available in a range of sizes to suit your needs and budget. The options are listed below. Size
Size Description
1V 1/16 Page:
One Column x 65 mm (43mm x 65mm) $12.00
2H 1/8 Page:
Two Column x 65 mm (91mm x 65mm) $25.00
2V 1/8 Page:
One Column x 130 mm (43mm x 130mm) $25.00
3H 3/16 Page:
Three Column x 65 mm (136mm x 65mm) $35.00
3V 3/16 Page:
One Column x 195 mm (43mm x 195mm) $35.00
1/4 Page:
Two Column x 130 mm (91mm x 130mm) $43.00
4H 1/4 Page:
Four Column x 65 mm (190m x 65mm) $43.00
4V 1/4 Page:
One Column x 270 mm (43mm x 270mm) $43.00
Money: It can ... buy a House, but not a home buy a bed, but not sleep buy a clock, but not time buy you a book, but not knowledge buy you medicine, but not Health buy you sex, but not love So you see money isn’t everything. And it often causes pain and suffering. I tell you all this because I am your Friend, and as your Friend I want to take away your pain and suffering. So send me all your money. And I will suffer for you. Cash only please!
5H 3/8 Page: Three Column x130 mm (136mm x 130mm) $72.00 5V 3/8 Page:
Two Column x 195 mm (91mm x 195mm) $72.00
6H 1/2 Page:
Four Column x 130 mm (190mm x 130mm) $85.00
6V 1/2 Page:
Two Column x 270 mm (91mm x 270mm) $85.00
Mid Murray Council
9/16 Page: Three Column x 195 mm (136mm x 195mm) $104.00
8H 3/4 Page:
Four Column x 195 mm (190m x 195mm) $120.00
8V 3/4 Page: Three Column x270 mm (136mm x 270mm) $120.00
Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2011/12
ouncil is currently accepting comments from the public on the 2011/2012 draft Annual Business Plan and Budget until 5pm Tuesday 5 July 2011. The document can be viewed at www.mid-murray.sa.gov.au or at the Council Offices.
C Advertising Discounts The following discounts are effective as from 1st June, 2010. • Long run advertising (three or more consecutive issues) paid monthly attracts a discount of 10% per month. • Advertising in blocks of three consecutive issues paid in advance attracts a discount of 20% per month. • Long run advertising paid in advance in blocks of three consecutive issues attracts a discount of 20% per month.
You may change the content or size of your advertisement without affecting the discount earned. Continuity maintains your discount. Advertising in selected issues or less than three consecutive issues attracts no discount.
MANNUM CAN & BOTTLE DEPOT 103 Adelaide Road, Ph: 8569 1720 OPEN Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am – 12, 1 – 4pm Saturday 9 - 12 CLOSED Wednesday, Sunday, Easter Saturday & Public Holidays All Clean Deposit Cartons, Cans & Bottles Accepted The 3 R’s of Recycling R emove lid R inse R eturn for refund
Page 12
The public has the opportunity to attend the meeting of Council to be held on Monday 11 July 2011 in the Council Chambers, Main Street, Cambrai between 9am and 10am for the purpose of asking questions and making submissions on the draft Annual Business Plan and Budget. D H Gollan Chief Executive Officer Volunteers Needed to Support and Guide the Future of Your Local Community DECS and Schools in the Murray and Mallee region are looking for volunteers to assist in the Community Mentoring Program. Can you spare one hour a week to mentor a child? Make a difference in a young child’s life, make new friends and make a real difference to your own community’s future. For information packs and any other enquiries please call: Luke Wilson: Mob: 0457 764 318 Email: luke.wilson4@sa.gov.au
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 59
Carer Recognition Awards
Mental Musings hat if we allow ourselves to become inspired or motivated by someone or something good we see, hear or read about. We may feel our life seems mundane or insignificant in the scheme of things; but on the other hand, it could be a motivator for someone else! Much like one’s person junk is another’s treasure. It’s also worth musing that sometimes we need to be sad, just so we’ve got something for comparison. All happy and bright gives no opportunity for the emotions that come with the tough times. These emotions that embrace, rather than shut out, can actually be useful in our own lives and help give empathy for others. Many folks suffer with long term or recurring difficult issues. Most of us have been depressed at some stage of our lives; with feelings of grief, sadness, doubt or
disappointment and even occasionally engulfed by it all. This is not to be confused with clinical depression which also happens to many people, even those friends, family acquaintances near to us. Research indicates the causes can be physical or mental and some personality types are more prone than others. Environmental and life situations can also play a part in the cause. The good news is that it is treatable, but not by telling the person to “lift their game”, or “snap out of it”. So become informed! The Hall has many fact sheets and the internet has many more. Being informed is also a good way to help reduce stigma and some of the myths surrounding mental illness. You may even help someone else along their road of life’s journey instead of tripping them up! The Hall Correspondent
This won a British “Best Joke” award
ominations are now being sought for the inaugural South Australian Carer Recognition Awards. The awards will be celebrated on the 21st October during Carers Week and will recognise innovative responses to carers by businesses, non government organisations, government agencies and practices. For further information or to nominate please visit www.sa.gov.au/carers, email carer awards@dfc.sa.gov.au or telephone the Office for Carers on 8207 0424. Nominations close on 29th July 2011. Member for Schubert, Mr Ivan Venning encouraged those who undertake caring roles in the community to apply. “I know there are many organisations that provide care for the elderly, disabled or sick in the Electorate and I encourage them to nominate so they can receive the recognition they duly deserve” he said.
MBA Vs B.Com Student A MBA and a B.Com went on a camping trip, they set up their tent, and fell asleep. Some hours later, the B.Com wakes his MBA friend. “Look up at the sky and tell me what you see.” The MBA replies, “I see millions of stars.” “What does that tell you?” The MBA ponders for a minute. “Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, it’s evident the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?” The B.Com is silent for a moment, and then speaks. “Practically... Someone has stolen our tent.”
J. R. Elix Tanks Environmental and financial concerns, are making Rainwater Harvesting an important issue. It is important to capture, store and utilize as much rainwater as possible.
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Contact: Terry Schutz Pfeiffer Road Mannum ~ Ph: 0407 Issue Number 59
390 010
J. R. Elix Tanks: 6 Asmus Street, Mannum Ph: 8569 1203 Fax: 8569 8104 Email: jnelix@bigpond.com
Mannum Mag
Page 13
Ridley Lions wan Reach “rocked” on Saturday night last week [early June] when a Black Tie Dinner was held in the Hall on Nildottie Road. Ridley Lions was contracted to supply and serve the three course meal of soups followed by a pork or beef roast dinner, selected cheese cakes and rounded off with cheese and greens. Decorated with sparkling lights and colour themed balloons, the hall was filled with about 140 patrons who were entertained by two local bands that combined to keep the night on the crest of a wave. The major beneficiary was the Muscular Dystrophy Association as well as local musicians. The Lions Charity Account benefited by $1500. Ridley Lions usually make a special effort at this time of the year to reduce our Charitable Fund to almost zero by making donations to worthwhile causes by supporting Lions Foundations, National and Local Organisations. In recognition of their community work, recipients of donations were invited to a Presentation Supper at the Nildottie Road Lions Den. We were able to pass on donations of $200 to these Lions National Organisations: Prostate Cancer Research, Hearing Dogs, Eye Health, Cord Blood Research, Drug
Awareness. Additionally, Angel Flight, The Royal Flying Doctor Service and Make - A - Wish Foundation received the same donation. Local Organisations that received the same donation were Swan Reach - Nildottie Youth Group, Swan Reach Senior Citizens Club and Swan Reach Museum, while the Swan Reach Rest Rooms received $300 in addition to Hand Rails recently installed by Lions to the value of $50. The Swan Reach Area School Black Swan Pedal Prix Racing Team received $500. We were honoured to have past Mid Murray Mayor Ian Mann, accompanied by his wife Bobbie, present donations. Retiring Lions Zone Chairman Wally Hammond accepted donations on behalf of those unable to attend. The evening was rounded off by a sumptuous supper provided by Lions and Partners. If you are interested in Lions Activities call President Leigh Smith on 8564 5224. The Club’s Annual Handover to the Board for the coming year will be celebrated at a dinner at the Swan Reach Golf Club this month. In August we plan to assist Cambrai School at their Tree Planting Day. Geoff Hennig Secretary and Publicity Officer
Taryn Grieger and her son Karl: Swan Reach - Nildottie Youth Group
Raechel Dietrich: Make - A - Wish Foundation
Josi Pridham: Swan Reach Rest Rooms
MANNUM DOMICILIARY CARE Home and Community Care (HACC) Services Are you elderly or a carer and needing some help in the home? cleaning (including vacuuming, washing floors, cleaning bathrooms, toilets and various other tasks) Personal care Respite Equipment Podiatry Fees apply for the above services
For more information about any of these services Please phone Coralie on 8569 0240 Monday to Friday Between 8:30am to 4:30pm Or Pick up a handbook which outlines the fees and services available from the Hospital, Medical Centre or Dom Care Office
Aminya Village Needs Your Help! How about volunteering at Aminya! Can you spare a couple of hours per week, or even once a month? Would you like to make a meaningful contribution to your community? Things you could assist us with:
Members, presenters and recipients of donations to the value of $3000 at the Ridley Lions Presentation Supper. Leigh Smith (Lions President) Ian Mann (Past Mid Murray Mayor) Josie Pridham (Swan Reach Rest Rooms) Graham Barlow and Lynn Dettloff (Swan Reach Museum) Wally Hammond (Lions Zone chairman) Leigh Martinson (Swan Reach School Pedal Prix Team) Rosie Evans (Swan Reach Senior Citizens) Rachel Dittrich and Marion Howell (Barossa Make a Wish Foundation) Taryn Grieger and Karl Grieger (Swan Reach - Nildottie Youth Group)
Page 14
• Activities & Games • Serving Morning/Afternoon Teas • Reading Newspapers/Mail
...To find out more call
8569 1749 and make an appointment to see Leonie, the DOC.
You can make a difference... we’re waiting to hear from You!
Aminya is a community based, non-profit, incorporated Association providing quality residential aged care services to the people in Mannum and surrounding areas.
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 59
Mannum Red Cross annum Red Cross Branch held their Annual General Meeting on June 6th at the Mannum Hospital Day Centre. Seven members were present, with three tendering apologies. President Margot Thomas presented a comprehensive report on the year’s activities. A total of $5602.16 was raised. Mim Underwood took the chair for the elections and the following were elected. President: Margot Thomas Vice President: Rae Bottroff Secretary: Judith Quast Treasurer: Margot Thomas Disaster Liaison Officer: Rae Bottroff The Badge Day held on 13th May raised $270. It was decided that the next Card Luncheon would be held on Thursdau 28th July. The menu will include a hot soup.
Rae Bottroff
There is an art... to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. [Douglas Adams, ‘The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.’] Flight Attendant: A waitress with a death wish? Acronyms for International Airlines ALITALIA: Arrived Late In Turin, And Luggage In Australia BOAC: Better On A Camel TWA: Teeney Weeny Airlines.
A Bird in the Hand weetyPie can fly, Grandad,” my granddaughter called from the laundry where our blue budgie sat in his cage on top of the washing machine. Usually during the day time we hung him in one of the trees but with the daughter, son-in-law and grand-kids visiting we left him where the children could talk to him. The granddaughter was cute, curly and curious. “Of course he can,” I called out from the kitchen, “but not in that cage, he can only flap.” “No grandad he really is flying.” Full of premonitions I went to the laundry and he was flying up near the ceiling. Cute, Curly and Curious had opened the cage door and let him out. While I watched he flew up the hall to where our bedroom was. We followed to find him circling the room and carolling about being a pretty boy. “Watch him and keep the door closed,” I told the granddaughter as I hurried back to the kitchen to get the small set of steps kept there, then to the laundry to get the cage. Back in the bedroom the bird had come to rest on the chandelier over the bed. I put the steps up so that I could climb towards the light and climbed them carrying the cage in one hand. The plan was to hold the cage close to the bird and invite him to return from where he had come. It didn’t quite work that way. With cage held high and making suitable
cooing noises, I confidently mounted the fourth step. That was when I discovered there were only three. With arms flailing I managed to hook the cage into the chandelier and as I fell the whole mess fell on top of me in a shower of bird seed, glass and shattered crystal. The only saving grace was I fell across the bed. When I had stopped swearing and remembered the sensitive ears of my little grandchild it was to hear her say, “Whee, that was fun, do it again grandad.” There was a further bout of bad language. When order had been restored we found the blue demon had reached the bathroom. I decided that guile would get him back to his roost. I carefully placed the cage on the tiled floor and sprinkled a trail of birdseed leading to the door of the cage. I then shooed out the audience, which by now included the whole family. It was a little while later when a cup of tea had restored me to my usual good humour that Bronte, my grandson called to me. It sounded suspiciously like he was in the bathroom. “What?” I called out shortly. “TweetyPie likes flying outside.” I scattered children, chairs and Cute, Curly and Curious and I ran to the bathroom. The window stood open and I could just see a blue bird resting in a lemon tree some distance from the house.
“Why?” I asked “It was dark and I thought he mightn’t be able to see the seed so I opened the window to let in some light.” I didn’t swear. I think I had used my allowance for the day. Calmly I picked up the cage and took it outside where I set it down on the outdoor table. There was almost no chance of the bird flying around the corners of the house then spotting the cage and putting himself safely inside. I didn’t say anything and the rest of the visit was conducted as though there had never been a bird. The next morning I opened the blind at the kitchen window and looked out at the patio and the outdoor table. I couldn’t see the cage since there was a large box on the table between me and the cage. What I could see was a large tabby cat stalking along the table obviously about to have breakfast. That suggested that some bird was inside. I raced to the back door and headed for the table with the kitchen broom held high. The cat didn’t wait but took off with a hiss. I turned to look at the cage. TweetyPie was there sitting on his familiar perch. However I had to refocus my eyes for sitting next to him was a yellow budgie and next to that a natural green bird. Slowly I walked to the cage, closed the door and vowed to put the menagerie out of sight when next Cute, Curly and Curious paid us a visit. The Diarist
J. R. Elix Tanks Get your new Summer Vegies Garden Bed at Elix Tanks $230 with Free Local Delivery
In stock now and made to order Medium size: 2500mm long, 800mm, wide 660mm high No more bending over Controlled water use Keeps pets n pests out
J. R. Elix Tanks 6 Asmus Street, Mannum SA 5238 Issue Number 59
Ph: 8569 1203, Fax: 8569 8104 Email: jnelix@bigpond.com Mannum Mag
Page 15
Mannum Golf Club Competition Results Sponsor: Mannum Motel Competition: Club Championships Rnd 2 04/06/2011 Winner A Grade Runner Up M Bormann 73 A Reichstein 74 Winner B Grade Runner Up T Miller 71 D Gaskell 71 Winner C Grade Runner Up P Joyner 70 W Fisher 71 Ball Winners M Morrissey B Logan R Burt K Dohnt D Jericho D Wilson Nearest the Pin 4 and 13 T Miller 6 and 15 A Reichstein Eagle Par 5 - 7th M Bormann
Sponsor: Males Meats, Mannum Golf Club Competition: Monthly Medal, Stroke + Putting 11/06/2011 Winner of the day T Johnson Nett 65 Runner Up R Burt 66 P Joyner 69 M Morrissy 69 D Gaskell 69 N Bottroff 70 S McGlashen70 Nearest the Pin 4 and 13 N Kroehn 6 and 15 T Johnson Putting Competition T Johnson 27 Putts
Sponsor: The Little Para Printer Competition: Stableford 18/06/2011 Winner of the Day M Morrissey Score 41 Runner Up P Joyner 35 P Kroehn 34 R Key 34 R Key 34 W Banks 32 R Scriven 31 Semi Final Club Championships A Grade M Bormann defeated S McGlashan N Kroehn defeated A Reichstein B Grade D Jericho defeated K Dohnt T Miller defeated D Gaskell C Grade R Burt defeated D Wilson R Key forfeit to W Fisher Nearest the Pin 4 and 13 M Morrissey 6 and 15 C Hogben
Sponsor: Mannum Golf Club Competition: Final Club Championships 19/06/2011 A Grade M Bormann defeated N Kroehn 8 and 7 B Grade T Miller defeated D Jericho 6 and 4 C Grade R Burt defeated W Fisher 6 and 5 Sponsor: Davant Fabrications Competition: Par 25/06/2011 Winner of the Day N Dalton Plus 8 Runner Up K Dohnt +4 D Wilson +4 D Gaskell +3 R Logan +3 S McGlashen +2 W Banks +1 Nearest the Pin 4 and 13 R Key 6 and 15 R Logan
Mannum United Locally owned & independent
Why buy a tool when you only need it for a couple of hours. Whether you are looking to demolish or build, improve or maintain you can Gear Up with the right tool for the job at Mannum United Service Station.
DINGO MINI SKID STEER LOADER with TRENCHER & or BORER Concrete/metal saw Brick/paver saw Mitre saw Vibrating plate Concrete mixers General plant & tools
Jack hammer Hammer drills Rotary hoe Lawn corer/aerator Lawn thatch remover Generators 600w to 6.5kVa
Half day, full day and long term hire rates available. Bookings should now be made in advance. Contact Brenton & Brett on 8569 1207. Page 16
12:00 noon
Wednesday 13th
10:00 am
Wednesday 20th
12:00 noon
Monday 25th
1:00 pm
Wednesday mornings
Friday 22nd
Enquiries for Bookings and Costs The Hall, 5 Greening Street, Mannum. Phone: 8569 1643
2011 Adult Community Education Courses - for everyone
BUS TRIPS: Adelaide Symphony Orchestra $15.00. Leaving at 10:30 am
Wednesday 6th
Culinary Classroom with Angie 10am - 3pm each day Morgan Sports Complex 8th and 15th July $30 all-inclusive for 2 days Risky Business - Skills to win that new job! 10am - 3pm each day Morgan Sports Complex 26th and 27th July 2 days, $30 all-inclusive. Resumes, applications, interview skills, personal presentation Getting the Most Out of Your Computer - advanced 3 hours a week for 10 weeks. $60. Commences 26th July Starting Out on Your Computer - beginners classes 3 hours a week for 10 weeks. $60. Commences 27th July Job Application Skills 3 hours a week for 5 weeks. $30. Commences 27th July Art Classes with Evelien $10 per lesson Commences 25th July Art Class with Evelien Every Monday 12 noon-3pm from 25th July $10 per lesson Zumba for Health Every Tuesday 5pm - 6pm, Mannum Club St Johns CPR First Aid Update, half day. Hospital Day Centre. $40. Thursday 11th August St Johns Senior First Aid, two days. Hospital Day Centre. $130. 29th and 30th September Cooking with Angie Series 2 3 hours a week for 5 weeks. $30. Commences 1st September Enrollment for these courses is essential. Course fees apply. 8569 2129 or visit CHIPS/MMCSS 39 Randell Street, for more information.
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 59
Community Grants NRM Grants Open for Application “I attended the official opening of the T P he Community Grants Scheme for Grants of up to $30,000 are available 2011-12 is open and community and applications close 5pm Friday 24 Bellchambers Reserve at Apamurra late last year and the reserve was a fantastic example g r o u p s a n d n o n - g o v e r n m e n t June 2011. organisations who carry out land care, Further information including how to of volunteers working together to revegetate the area and to better the environment.” coast care and water care projects can apply is available on the NRM website Mr Venning also commented on the apply for a share of $2 million in at the site listed below. “increasing number of bureaucrats in NRM Member for Schubert, Mr Ivan Venning, is and apparent lack of on the ground action” funding. encouraging eligible groups from within the that suggest poor value from the NRM levy. The funding will be provided for a Electorate to apply. range of natural resource management He went on to say “At least there is some “I am aware there are some very good money coming from the Government to (NRM) activities such as sustainable projects happening in the Schubert assist the community and non-government land management, weed control, native Electorate that would be eligible for this organisations with their good work.” plant revegetation, soil protection, funding.” fencing watercourses and habitat protection for small animals. www.nrm.sa.gov.au/Funding/CommunityGrants.aspx
Award-winning Local Writers Max and Jacqui Merckenschlager Looking for a unique gift? Something locally produced and of recognised quality? Select from two books and a CD by these multi-award winning local poets, playscripts, story and songwriters. LIFEMARKS KING OF THE LAND A poetry book by Max $15.00
A CD of songs by Max $15.00
A poetry book and songs CD by Jacqui and Max $20.00
You can inspect copies of these unique gifts by talented local writers at the Murray Bridge Information Centre. Among Max and Jacqui’s credits are seven winning poems at Grenfell NSW in seven years (including four statuettes for best poem in all classes), two Eyre Writers awards in three years, three national Australian bush poetry championships, Bundaberg QLD’s bush lantern award, Bundaberg Arts Festival open poetry award, a Dubbo NSW ‘Rolfe Boldrewood’ trophy, Sunshine Coast QLD literary award and Auburn SA’s CJ Dennis Literary award (all three for open poetry), Inverell NSW winning original song, and numerous other wins and placements in competitions around Australia over more than ten years.
AIR CONDITIONING & ELECTRICAL For all sales, installations, quotes or enquiries Phone:
0408075440 DARREN JENKINS Qualified installer *FUJITSU
Mannum Mag
ARC LICENCE: LO55815 Page 17
Keith little handmade red plastic napkin holder sits on a shelf in my house, where I can see it often. It isn’t beautiful or expensive; it is obviously a beginner’s effort, the cuts show and the parts don’t fit together quite as they should. It is a memory, a reminder and most of all a gift of appreciation from Keith who was 13 years old at the time. That was close to 40 years ago. Keith’s adoptive father was also Keith’s uncle. Two older siblings had been born to Keith’s parents before they decided to adopt twin cousins and when we met them, they were a family with four children. They had been doing well until the accident. It was one of those road accidents that happened so easily on slippery Canadian roads and it left Keith’s father traumatised and Keith’s mother near death. She recovered but with a severe brain injury that left her somewhat physically capable but mentally confused The normal adjustments involved in taking in two children from a troubled background became more than she could cope with. She loved and indulged her own two children but resented the burden of the younger two. Keith’s twin sister rebelled vigorously and was taken back into care but Keith persisted. It was not an easy life for him. He was relegated to a chilly back room and given the worst of everything. His clothes were shabby cast offs and he was often castigated for sneaking into the kitchen at night and taking food in spite of the fact that he was abysmally thin. He stopped growing. Keith’s family and ours were associated through church and Keith’s mother clung to her faith. She was often agitated or ill and she would recite the Lord’s prayer from memory and be comforted. The congregation gave support where they could and she realised she had a call on us. She was not long in asking for help, not for herself but for the
Page 18
children. We lived across from the school and our oldest three were students there. Most children walked home for lunch but her children took packed lunches. She prepared breakfast and the evening meal with the help of her husband but he could not be there to help her prepare lunch. There was no student eating area provided at school so she sent the children off with a brown paper bag each that held their lunch and the children usually sat in the park until the weather got too cold. Keith’s mother phoned me. She was sending the children to my house for lunch because - well because she could. She saw no problem because they would bring their lunches and she would not have to find someone else to reluctantly allow them in once the weather turned nasty. The children always wore out their welcome rather quickly but she had learned to depend on her church connections and we were nominated. So for that school year and a good part of the holidays we had Keith. The two older children didn’t enjoy the discipline at our house and found their own way around it by demanding bicycles so they could ride home to eat their lunches. Keith, as usual, was left to his own devices. And, as usual, he received the leftovers. His lunch was always stale and often spoiled. We threw it in the bin and never mentioned it. Keith ate what we ate. By the end of the school year he had started to grow again. Unlike the older two, he was only a very average student, which embarrassed his father who clung to academic prowess as the one distinction left to his family. Keith hung around our house and the children accepted him without comment. Anywhere else was dangerous because Keith was the target for every bully in town. He was dirty, scrawny and shy and it was considered a right to push and
ridicule Keith. When I angrily chased three such young bullies from my front yard they looked at me in disbelief. So did Keith. Gradually he began to talk with us at lunchtime, especially with me. It was what he did not say that tore at my heart. Keith had no sense of disappointment or anger at his treatment and not much fear. He simply accepted it. And he accepted without regret or rancour that in our house he was treated differently. He made a napkin holder at school and shyly gave it to me. He learned to trust me with the little things that happened to him. Little was a word that clung to Keith. Everything about him was underdeveloped except his gentleness. We spent twelve months in Australia at the end of that school year and I feared for Keith. We received a letter from friends that horrified me. Keith had reached behind a parked truck to retrieve a ball and the truck’s hand brake had let go. It rolled back downhill and Keith was caught beneath. But someone was looking after Keith. The truck driver was shaken and expected to find Keith crushed but instead he was only pinned by a wheel and suffered 2 broken arms and minor injuries. Later we learned that the truckie was so guilt ridden that he visited Keith every day in hospital. Keith took being totally helpless in his usual gentle manner and the truckie took turns feeding him. When Keith got better he had made a firm friend. When we returned to Canada we settled in another town and we kept in touch through friends. The accident had been a turning point for Keith, he had made friends in the truckie community and they took him to sports and taught him trade skills and had him for weekends. He moved out of home at 15 and his family were relieved. Eventually he got an apprenticeship.
Mannum Mag
Continued page 20
annum Neighbourhood Watch meet bi-monthly on the second Monday of the month in the Senior Citizens Rooms at the Leisure Centre. All community members are encouraged to come along and be involved. It is an opportunity to hear what has been occurring in the district and to learn what role you can play in making Mannum and the district a safe place to live and work. Next Meeting Monday August 8th 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Citizens’ Room Mannum Leisure Centre
All welcome, especially new members. Tea and coffee provided after the meeting. Coordinator: 0428 856 911 For Police assistance and/or attendance phone: 13 14 44 Contacting Mannum Police Urgent emergency assistance call 000. For police attendance call 131 444. If you need to contact us for other matters either visit the station or call 8569 2211. This may be answered by the Murray Bridge station. They will contact us by radio and then we will contact you. Your police are available 24 hours a day. Emergency 000 Police attendance 131 444 Mannum Station 8569 2211 When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful. Barbara Bloom A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn. Unknown There is no education like adversity. Benjamin Disraeli In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends. John Churton Collins
Issue Number 59
A Fishing Trip he sun was edging towards the west but not yet low enough to turn the sea surface that coppery colour it reached near sunset. The tide was high, there was only a little breeze and the waves rolled lazily into the shore. I took my big rod off the front of the 4×4, checked the hooks and traces, then set it in the rod holder stuck deep in the sand. There was not a soul around as I stood on my favourite spot beside a small collection of rocks which jutted out into the placid sea. Picking up the rod, I flexed it a few times then I made an exploratory cast out into the deep and slowly wound the line in. Everything seemed satisfactory so I baited the hooks and settled down to the serious business of fishing. I had one or two tentative bites and lost some bait. The sun sank lower and an interested gull or two came around, found nothing and disappeared. Placing the rod in the socket I went back to the vehicle and got out my deck chair which I placed beside the rod and then rested in the chair. Probably I was half asleep when I sensed more than felt the line twitch. I grabbed at the rod and felt the line. There was certainly something there. I began to wind the line. It felt heavy and at any moment I expected the fish to begin to fight for its life. Instead the line just felt as though there was a weight on it. I watched the line where it entered the water. Suddenly I could see something.
Something? No! Someone. Amazed at what I saw I stopped winding. Holding line near to where the hooks and bait would be was a gorgeous young woman who was just decent in a brief bikini top. She waved and tugged the line a couple of times. I began winding the line again. As she neared the rocks she released her hold on the line, which went limp, and swam to the rocks pulling herself up on the edge of the rock closest to the sea. I climbed onto the rocks and approached her. If I had been wearing false teeth I would have swallowed them for it was not a beautiful young woman but a beautiful young mermaid. She smiled up at me as I neared. “Do you like my top. My mother said it wasn’t polite to go near the beach without a top. I found this one near a beach called Maslins. In fact I have got quite a few tops from around there.” She preened herself and pulled her fingers through her long wet, fair hair combing out knots and the odd piece of seaweed. She smiled and I was lost. I didn’t care about her wet tail flicking the water or the fact that there was something fishy about it all, I was in love. She looked at me coyly from under her long eyelashes. “Are you a sailor?” she asked. “No,” I told her. “I didn’t think you were. Mother told me they were tall, dark and handsome. You’re not tall, dark and handsome are you?”
“No,” I reluctantly agreed. “In fact you’re not tall.” “No.” “You’re not dark.” “No,” I reluctantly agreed again. “And you’re not…” “Does it matter?” I interrupted. “I am madly in love with you.” “Well, yes it does. My mother told me to find a sailor. She says they are the best. My father was a sailor,” she told me proudly thrusting out her chest so that I feared there might be a fallout. “Of course I have never actually met him but mother says he was a simply wonderful man. She still has his picture in a locket around her neck and she always says ‘good night’ to him when she goes to sleep at night.” She kept looking at me yet somehow I felt it was not as a prospective lover. “Where would I find a sailor? I thought by catching hold of your line that I would find a sailor.” I was disappointed. My love was shrivelling like a dried fishing worm. Still I just couldn’t leave her without helping her. Out on the horizon a ship was sailing from south to north. I pointed to it, no more than a smudge on the horizon. “Do you see that?” I asked and when she had nodded her reply I told her, “That’s a ship. It’s full of sailors. Follow it to port and one is sure to see you and fall in love with you.” Continued page 20
MID - MURRAY SELF STORAGE Specialising in Container and Machinery Transport JOHN WHITE Postal Address: PO Box 491 Mannum SA 5238 Mobiles: 0417 938 828 0439 838 504 Email: jwtilttrayservices@gmail.com
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Windscreen replacement Private and Insurance work Local pickup and delivery available
24 Hour 7 Day TOWING PH 8569 1151 or A/H 0412 644 736 Issue Number 59
Mannum Mag
Page 19
A Fishing Trip
From page 18
From page 19
hen Keith was able to drive he came for a visit. He had grown tall. He was slim, clean and as gentle as always. He had room and board at the truck driver’s and was looking forward to finishing his apprenticeship. And he was concerned about his family. They were making poor decisions and were very irresponsible about money. His brother and sister were not making the most of their academic potential. He was puzzled as to why they were doing so poorly when he was doing so well. His brother and sister had been under disciplined and over indulged; they were never satisfied, never settled and never finished what they started. Keith was beginning to understand that if he were
involved with them he would be their stability. And he was willing to take the risk. We moved to Australia permanently soon after that and I never saw Keith again, but I kept in touch with friends who did. He did well at his trade, married, stayed in his hometown. His parents moved out west and he made regular visits to help them out of whatever difficulty they were in at the time. The two older siblings leaned on him regularly for stability. They still felt superior. When I remember Keith, I no longer wonder why it is the meek who are to inherit the earth. That’s why that little napkin holder has pride of place on my shelf. Vivian Garner
Old Music Hall Jokes My wife said to me “Where were you born?” “Watcha doin’ today?” “Liverpool.” I said “Nothing.” “What part?” “You did that yesterday.” “All of me.” “I wasn’t finished.” “Have you lived there all your life?” “Not yet.” “Any great men born there?” “No - only babies.”
Mannum Day Centre Mannum Day Centre is open from Mondays to Fridays except Public Holidays. The Day Centre is available for hire by community groups for a small donation. Please ring on 8569 0219 for more information. WEEKLY Monday
Knitting Group. Bring your craft along and join in! Tea/coffee provided. For $6, stay for a cooked lunch. Tuesday 9am-10:30am Mannum Weight Watchers. Rhonda 8569 1123. Tuesday 10am-2:30pm Social Day. Bingo in morning and games in afternoon. Cost $6 for the day which includes cooked lunch. Tuesday * 6:00pm Yoga. (*Except during school holidays.) Monica Martin 0488 133 625. Thurs/Friday * 10:00am Scrabble Day. (*Alternating Thursday/Friday. Dates change so please ring to confirm times.) Come and enjoy a relaxed game of Scrabble. Cost $2 for the morning or $6 for a cooked lunch MONTHLY 2nd Monday 1:30pm Mannum Red Cross 1st Wednesday 7:00pm Wellbeing Nucleus Discussion Group. Evolved from Meditation, Pastoral Care, Enneagram, Art & Soul Groups. 2nd & 4th Wed 11am-2pm Men’s Group. Socialisation and companionship. $6 for centre based activities including a cooked lunch. Outings are held on a regular basis. Costs may vary on these days. 3rd Wednesday 1:30-3pm Card Afternoon. Bring your cards and participate in a friendly relaxed game of 500, Canasta, Bridge, Whist (the choice is yours!). Cost $2 (includes afternoon tea.) 4th Wed 6:30-9:30pm Men’s Discussion Group. Ralph on 8569 1264.
he smiled at me and slid off the reef. “Thank you,” she said and began swimming towards the disappearing vessel. A little way out from the shore she rolled onto her back, waved her fin once or twice then disappeared beneath the surface. I packed my rod away. Took
off my wet pants and sat in the 4×4 cabin with motor running to make the heater work. Slowly I ate the sandwiches I had brought with me and the coffee from the thermos. No one was going to believe me even if I did get it printed in the Mannum Mag. The Diarist
A Musical Variety Show Mannum Leisure Centre
16th July 2011
SINGING COMEDY AUDIENCE SING-A-LONG Mannum Leisure Centre TIME Doors Open 7.30pm Show Starts 8.00pm
COST $15 per ticket Monster Raffle
Hot Soup and Light Refreshments on Sale BYO your own nibbles and drinks but please no alcohol as the venue will be an alcohol free zone. As it is a winter show and a tad chilly rug up well.
Bookings essential at Mannum Leisure Centre or ring Glynnis on 8568 2128 Tickets on the night are also available.
Hospital Programs - Phone 8569 0200 Audio Clinic: for appointments phone 1800 057 220. Child & Youth Health Services: Contact 1300 733 606 for appointment. Community Midwifery Service: phone 8569 0200 to make a booking. Community Nursing Service:MurrayMallee CommunityHealth Service Phone 8535 6800. Hire of Crutches: visit the hospital or phone 8569 0200. Mannum Domiciliary Care Services: phone 8569 0240 or through the hospital on 8569 0200. Meals on Wheels: Doctor’s referral necessary. Optometrist: For an appointment phone 8569 0200. Physiotherapy (Private): Consulting Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Appointments phone 8569 0200. Private Podiatry: Appointment to be made at the Domiciliary Care Office phone 8569 0240.
Mannum Medical Centre – Phone 8569 0222 Immunisation / *IMVS Collection Centre.
Lester Howie Clinic
*Asthma Clinic / Cardiologist / Continence Clinic / Diabetic Clinic / Dietitian / *Echocardiograms / Hypertension clinic / Mental Health Clinician / If you would like further information or would like to attend the Day Centre for Psychologists / *Physiotherapist (Public). activities and need transport, please contact Louise Haby, Mannum Day *Doctor’s referral required Centre Coordinator (8569 0219) Page 20 Mannum Mag Issue Number 59
Ageing in the Murraylands with Millie Why can’t they look after Mum properly?
e hear complaints about aged care homes, and wonder why it is so hard for even simple things, like food preferences, to be solved. We hear care-workers talk about Mr or Mrs So-and-So whose family is always complaining about something. ‘Creating a homelike environment’ is one of the biggest challenges for managers, care-workers, residents and their families. Each of these groups has different, but overlapping, expectations. Managers need to make sure Government standards are met and changes to them are implemented, else the home may be penalised, with bad publicity and even funding cuts. Care-workers need to please the managers and to show the residents they genuinely care for them and are trying to meet their needs, or they will be put on the mat. And often they have to this with understaffing. Residents often don’t want to be there, but back in their own homes, cared for by relatives, or no longer enduring a life that doesn’t end. Families hear about and feel their relative’s unhappiness. This comes on top of their own feelings, perhaps of guilt that they can’t care for their parents
themselves, or they have enough stress from their partners, children and grandchildren that they really need their parent’s support, not their hassles. Everyone wants to do the best they can, but is it any wonder that aged care homes and their residents really struggle sometimes to be “homelike”? How much harder it is when we expect “homelike” to mean “ideal home”, treatment even better than the person would get at home. How much harder it is when we assume everyone is operating at their best all of the time even when our own tolerance for human frailty is low. It is easy to forget that a staff member is not just an employee, but a person who might have health or family issues affecting them on a particular day. It is easy to forget that Mum’s memory is not as good as it used to be, and her account of a problem might not be 100% accurate. It is easy to forget that perhaps the tetchy relative has never been treated well by their parent. Before we make a complaint, let’s pause to think: • maybe, just maybe, this problem is not as straightforward as it seems
• maybe the staff already know and are trying to deal with it • maybe visiting with a treat will avoid a food complaint getting out of proportion • maybe we can raise an issue with staff or family so that it sounds like a polite query rather than an accusation. Remember that everyone is on the same team, working towards the same outcome of well-cared for residents. Hopefully, staff will show that same attitude and if they can’t address the problem, they will make sure they follow up with the person who can. Maybe Mum is indeed being looked after as well as anyone can be, and maybe that’s a whole lot better than if she were at home. Maybe some attitudes need to change (what!? Mine?) to see the big complex picture of how many people are directly, or indirectly, working on making things better. Maybe a dose of humour will help lighten the atmosphere even if it doesn’t clear the air. Millie
Sillie Millie says: Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Teeth for life Dr. Graham Parry Dr. Emma Burgess Dental Surgeons
93 Randell St MANNUM
By Appointment Monday and Friday Issue Number 59
Mannum Mag
Page 21
Mannum Brass Band, Woodside Show, 1898-1899 Rear: Eddie Drabsch, W W Tabe, Bob Schultz, Jim Merrett Front: Ted Wegner, Bill Frick, Paul Hoffmann, Gotlieb Schultz, Charlie Bock This photograph (and last month’s) supplied by Rae Bottroff
The Cottage Window is 20 Years Old To celebrate this milestone Sharron is having a
The Cottage Window Sharron Underwood 73 Randell St Mannum 5238 p/f 08 8569 2316 open 7 days
Day SALE 1st – 20th July
off all stock
Purchases receive a ticket to go into our major draw. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes to the value of . . .
Drawn 20th July
live on 5MU Daily lunch specials 50% off selected stock
Come and Celebrate with us No Laybys Page 22
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 59
Hall Happenings i, because of preparations for the birthday party, only 3 weeks have passed since I wrote my last report, but a lot of good activities have taken place. Mental Health First Aid had just begun their last report, with Kathryn from Relationships Australia facilitating. The 4 week course has now been completed and the class reported they had a great time learning. The course is nationally recognised and each student will receive a certificate of completion. At the same time we have been working through a 5 week computer course on making a moving slide show. This week was the final of the series and the students enjoyed it so much they want a repeat. Not only have they scanned in their favourite pictures, they have added customised pan and zoom, music and narrations to accompany the snazzy transitions and titles. The afternoon class has been working through a beginner’s course. We often get side tracked by questions, but again the class is a lot of fun. The month was topped off by a visit to Wellington for lunch in the Old Court House. It was great that folk from Murray
Bridge and Tailem Bend met us there for the afternoon. We enjoyed a tour and lunch together before saying our goodbyes. June 1st we were off to Meningie to drop off the sign for the EXPO we are cosponsoring. It was perfect weather for pick ups in Murray Bridge and Tailem Bend and for the time spent walking the streets between thrift shop and art gallery. The day was interrupted by a delicious lunch at the Lakeside Café which made the day one of the best since Wellington. Volunteers have been hard at work on preparations for the birthday party. Games and food have been the centre of many discussions, prizes bought, cake ordered and the grounds tidied up to look sparkling for all the visitors, thanks guys. There have been quite a few invitation acceptances so we may have quite a crowd. The camp bookings have been trickling in. Ros took a call from a city based activity centre who have several folk interested in attending if they can work out transport. So I would remind our folk to get their applications in quickly if they
don’t want to miss out. Dave has been busy and made 2 more shadow boxes for sale and completed the dog grooming stand ordered by Judy. Thanks Dave. The Monopoly day was enjoyed by 2 people playing and several watching; oh well, if people enjoy themselves that’s what counts. 183 people attended during May and 47 meals were eaten. We have been in conversation with a facilitator, exploring the possibility of having monthly information sessions in the Hall. The facilitator has a vast knowledge and life experiences that could be very beneficial to many folk. Each month would be a stand alone subject, so as to make it easy for people who may not be free all the time. These monthly workshops start on July 27th at 1:00 pm. And a late note: The Hall’s 5th birthday party was absolutely great. Over 45 people attended for fun, games and delicious food. Thanks go to all the volunteers who took on jobs. Terry Udy, Coordinator
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MONDAY to FRIDAY:- 8AM – 5PM, SATURDAY:- 9AM – 11:30AM Hardiflex, Gyprock, Timber, R.H.S. & Steel; Decking, Trellis & Lattice; Gutters & Flashings; Tools, Paint & Accessories; Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Nails, & Rivets; Garden Supplies & Tools; Cement, Rapidset, Conmix; Polymaster Tanks, Poly & PVC Pipe & Fittings; Pavers & Cement Slabs; Concrete & Permapine Sleepers; Permapine & Creo Posts; Batteries; Gas Supplies; Castrol Oils; Stock Feed; Blundstone Boots AND SO MUCH MORE Issue Number 59
Mannum Mag
Page 23
“Christmas in June” – Red Hatters Style From page 1
ur entertainment consisted of a series of short skits and stories, all done by the red hatters themselves. And what a hoot we had! The Riverland red hatters entertained us with their version of Shirley Temple’s “Good Ship Lollipop”, followed by a line dance demonstration. Their Queen did a terrific version of Pam Ayres poem, “Oh I wish I’d looked after me b**bs!” The Murray Darlings did a hilarious Bus Stop skit, and one of our members, Diana, did a brilliant version of what can go wrong with slatted plastic chairs (no further comment on this!) We also had a very funny competition, to make reindeers antlers using a pair of pantyhose and balloons (the mind boggles)! The Riverland Red Hatters members had a very special presentation to make and share with us all. At a recent event at Blanchetown, we had a morning tea on the old Blanchetown bridge, which was so much fun, especially when the trucks went past on the new bridge and hooted at us! The Riverland chapter’s banner
was draped over the railings of the bridge, as it was a lovely calm day, but suddenly a gust of wind lifted the banner, where it gently drifted down and landed in the river. It floated for a few minutes, but unfortunately disappeared under the surface before the Lock manager had a chance to get his boat out to the spot, so the banner was lost. Queen Fancy Nancy’s members got together and planned to make a new banner for their group, and proudly presented it to their Queen. What a wonderful job they have done, very different to the original banner, but very appropriate for their group, it is in the shape of a large red hat with a red hat lady ‘parachuting’ underneath it! Very appropriate given what happened to the original banner! The effort that the Riverland members went to in making this new banner epitomises what red hatting is all about, caring and sharing, fun and laughter, and most importantly, being there for each other. Judging by the lovely comments at the end of the day, we can safely say that fun was had by all, and we are all looking forward to returning next year. It was so nice to receive feedback about how special it was to have so many different chapters there. It gave us all a chance to get to know each other, to make new friends, and to find out what other chapters are doing. The two newest chapters, the Westside Glitzy Girls and the Barossa Bubbly Chicks, were very excited about all the new ideas they are taking home with them. So what’s next for the Murray Darlings? In July we are heading off to Noarlunga to visit the super-sized ‘Savers’ Op Shop (this will be followed up later with a Fashion Parade featuring our Op Shop purchases, with a limit of $10). Later in the month we will be going to Willsy’s Nostalgia movies at Mt Barker, to see “Inn of the Sixth Happiness” starring Ingrid Bergmann. But for now, this Queen just needs a rest! For more information about the Murray Darlings, please contact Karyn Baker, Queen of the Murray Darlings, phone 8569 1438. Karyn Baker
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Mannum Mag
1-3 BERRYMAN AVE MANNUM Phone 8569 1602 Mob: 0408 813 268 Wayne & Jo-en Tabe Issue Number 59
Just for Today Winter is for sitting in and keeping warm Sipping coffee Knitting socks Reminiscing Memories percolate, bubbling into consciousness Soft, warm, comfortable Until A mouse nibbles at the back of the mind This heat is costing So is everything else And the cost is rising. Coffee is good Socks are nice I love being warm Tomorrow I’ll pay Memories and comfort are enough for today. Vivian Garner
An American businessman goes to Japan on a business trip, but he hates Japanese food, so he asks the concierge at his hotel if there’s any place around where he can get American food. The concierge tells him he’s in luck; there’s a pizza place that just opened, and they deliver. The concierge gives the businessman the phone number, and he goes back to his room and orders a pizza. Thirty minutes later, the delivery guy shows up to the door with the pizza. The businessman takes the pizza, and starts sneezing uncontrollably. He asks the delivery man, “What the heck did you put on this pizza?” The delivery man bows deeply and says, “We put on the pizza what you ordered, pepper only.”
Issue Number 59
Mannum Mag
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On My Bookshelf
Musical Miscellany
Diary of A Young Man Adelaide 1890 – January 1st - 10th
Here Comes the Folk Music
olk music is not something new. Indeed most of us with a nostalgic turn of memory remember learning various folk songs when we had singing lessons at school; Greensleeves, John Peel, Old Uncle Tom Cobley and All, and others. However folk began to make the hit parades in the fifties. One of the first to impact on the pop scene was the Weavers with Goodnight Irene. One member of the Weavers was Pete Seeger, an important influence on almost all who came after him. The Weavers were victims of the dreadful McCarthy witch hunt for Reds under the bed that bedevilled the American entertainment industry in the fifties. Their record contract was cancelled and Seeger and other members could no longer get work. Other songs sung by the group included On Top of Old Smokey, Rock Island Line and Midnight Special. Woody Guthrie was an even older influence on the American folk scene although he did not greatly impact on recorded music. His approach and his music did affect others such as Pete Seeger. His best known composition was This Land is Your Land. Probably the most significant of the fifties folk groups would have to be The Kingston Trio. They burst on the scene with Tom Dooley although they had been around for a little while. It was the repeated playing by a radio presenter of one track from an LP they had recorded that caused the recognition on a national and international basis. The original trio was Dave Guard, Bob Shane and Nick Reynolds. They later split. They did have some other hits including the anti-war composition by Pete Seeger, Where Have All the Flowers Gone? That tune was
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covered by entertainment legend Marlene Dietrich. The Kingston Trio has been acknowledged as a guiding influence by Al Jardine of the Beach Boys, Denny Doherty of The Mamas and the Papas, and others. Peter, Paul and Mary hit the scene in 1961. Some wonderful music came from them, popular yet carrying a message of peace and integration. Among their many popular tunes was 500 Miles, Lemon Tree, If I Had a Hammer written by Pete Seeger, and Puff the Magic Dragon. P, P and M were Peter Yarrow, Paul Stookey and Mary Travers. Mary Travers died in 2009 from a cancer related illness. Another group who made a number of recordings and enjoyed a fair level of fame was The Limelighters. They didn’t have any real chart toppers but they did have a number of popular offerings including There is a Meeting Here Tonight and Wabash Cannonball. The lead singer was tenor Glenn Yarborough, who eventually left to become a solo act. He is still performing today. There were others who did not enter the pop field but were significant in the overall music. Joan Baez, Odetta, Miriam Makeba, Harry Belafonte and Burl Ives are some that come readily to mind. One last group; and one last song which has always been a particular favourite of mine. The song is Michael Row the Boat Ashore and the group was named The Highwaymen. A number of artists recorded the tune including Pete Seeger, Lonnie Donnegan and Trini Lopez. Just a few more musical memories of yesteryear. Peter Weir
ast year I bought on ebay three original old diaries, handwritten by D. J. Smith and dated 1890, 1891 and 1892. They were advertised as being written by a woman so I was a little disappointed when I began to read them and very quickly realized that the writer was a young man. However I soon became involved in his story. I learnt that he lived within walking distance of the city of Adelaide where he worked for the Railways, in the office. My friend Denise Davis, who is a Historian, was able to find a lot more details for me, including details of his later life, from different sources. Initially, I was very pleased just to find out his name Daniel John Smith and his age, which was 26 when the first diary began. The handwriting is small and difficult to decipher so this will be a labour of love for a long time.
Here are some excerpts. I will quote day one in its entirety to give an idea of his routine which consisted of regular baths, attending to the stable, gardening and his daily job. He always mentioned times (Office 9:20 etc.) He was rather obsessed with his health and was quite a serious young fellow, I think. JANUARY 1ST WEDNESDAY Up about 7. Bath. After breakfast read “Register”. Walked to city very hot - found fire burning in dry grass, lit by careless smoker, and
Mannum Mag
put it out. Wrote letter to “Register” as a “Caution to Smokers”. Office 10.30. Big holiday traffic, despite the heat. Worked in office by self all day. Home 5.30. Hot. Cup of tea. Drove to city and met Alfred Wills returned from Langhorne’s Creek. Home about 7. Finished tea. Garden. Drove to Hindmarsh. Called on Willie Best. Took home sundries. Home 10. Buried dead fowl. Supper. Bed after 11. JANUARY 4TH SATURDAY 7am Garden. Unpleasant noise singing - right side of head. Office 9.20. Busy. Woodville to dinner, back to office 1.20 to 6.15. Very busy. Noise in head continues diarrhoea troublesome. Home tea. Hendry waiting for me. Spent pleasant evening with him. He relating his Melbourne experiences. Sat on river bank till about 10.30. Home supper. Bed after 11.30. JANUARY 7TH TUESDAY 6.15 Feel well. Gardening. Away 9. Office 9.20. Cornish lent one Dr. Richardson’s work on the “diseases of modern life”. Office till 5.30. Home.... Reading Dr. R. on “mental overstrain” and was alarmed at finding some of my own symptoms mentioned. Bed about 10.30. Some time getting to sleep, thinking of my symptoms. JANUARY 8TH WEDNESDAY Up at 7.40, depressed. Bath, light breakfast. Office 9.30.... Lunch in My Rooms. Feel weak and “unfit’.... Home 5.30. Lay down for half an hour. Tea. Rested in easy chair in front verandah the whole evening. Cool. Bed before 11. JANUARY 9TH THURSDAY 7am. Stable, bath. Office 9.30. Hot.... Home 6, dinner, rested, drove to Hindmarsh for horse feed. Took Fatty (Olive) and Milly and nearly collided with Hill St tram.... JANUARY 10TH FRIDAY 7.10am. Cleaned stable. Routine. Applied for 2 weeks holiday from Tuesday next. Applied at S-Ship office re trips to Port Lincoln.... Jo Kader
Issue Number 59
Mannum, Murray Bridge, Mt Barker, Adelaide by Bus
(Monday to Friday except public holidays. Times change during school holidays.)
Mannum to Adelaide Adelaide to Mannum Mannum Murray Bridge Adelaide Mt Barker 8:00am Leave Arnold Park, 1:30pm Leave Harris Scarfe, Mannum Grenfell Street Murray Bridge Mt Barker Mt Barker Murray Bridge 8:41am Connect with bus to Mt 2:50pm Connect with bus to Barker Park & Ride Murray Bridge Mt Barker Adelaide Murray Bridge Mannum Transfer: Metro bus 842F to Adelaide Arrive Mannum 4:20pm Timetables are readily available at the Mannum Information Centre. For more information telephone LinkSA 8532 2633 during office hours. Mannum School Community Library School Term Times School Holidays Mon, Thur, Fri: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon, Tue, Wed (am), Thur, Fri: Tue: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Wed: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Wed (pm): 04:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sat: 9:30 am - 12 noon Sat: 10:00 am - 12 noon Closed Sunday and Public Holidays. Further information: 8569 2005
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2011 PUBLICATION DEADLINES Last Friday of the month Friday (12 noon)
For Publication in
Issue 60
Issue 61
Issue 62
Issue 63
Issue 64
Special Issue
2011/2012 Visitor Edition
Mannum Express Freight
Daily Service From Adelaide Daily Service From Mt Barker Daily Service From Murray Bridge • All Size Freight/Pallets • Interstate Freight • Furniture Specialist
Phone: Stuart 0433 961 023
Issue Number 59
Mannum Mag
Page 27
2011 PUBLICATION DEADLINES Friday (12 noon) For Publication in July 29 August Issue 60 August 26 September Issue 61 September 30 October Issue 62
Email: editor.mannummag@aussiebb.com.au Telephone: 8569 7392 (Lyn), 8569 1879 (Jo) Drop in to: 39 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238 (a service kindly provided by MMCSS/CHIPS) Our email facilities are provided by Aussie Broadband
Community Meetings Clash Calendar Email details of regular meetings to: editor.mannummag@aussiebb.com.au MONTHLY 1st Monday
9:45am Combined Probus, Mannum Club 10:00am Murray Darlings Red Hatters, Café Mannum. Ph. 8569 1438 Mannum Health Advisory Council. Ph. 8569 1239
1st Tuesday
7:30pm Agricultural Society, Showground
1st Thursday
4:00pm History Group, CHIPS
JULY Market/Trash’n Treasure Mannum Showgrounds Sunday 3rd, 9:00am-2:00pm Free Admission. Sites Available. Contact: Irene Lovell Phone: 8569 2541 Mannum Sundry Sale & Auction Mannum Showgrounds Sunday 3rd, 10:00am Contact: Kim Loechel Phone: 0427 054 336
2nd Monday (Bimonthly)
7:30pm Neighbourhood Watch. Leisure Centre. Coordinator 0428 856 911
9:00am Shared Stitches of Mannum Quilting Group. Ph. 8569 2185 10:00am–1:00pm Craft Day, River Word Christian Centre, 3 Greening St. Ph. 8569 1333
3rd Tuesday
Palmer Card Day, Lutheran Hall Palmer. Ph. 8532 2255 Old School Steering Committee, The Hall, 5 Greening St.
3rd Thursday
11:00am RSL, Community Club
4th Tuesday
7:30pm Mannum Show Committee, Showground
4th Thursday
7:30pm Progress Association, Mannum Community College.
Last Monday
1:30pm Hospital Auxiliary, Meeting Room, Esmerelda St.
First Wednesday
Midday Mannum Mag, Showground. Ph. 8569 2385
Last Wednesday
6:30pm Mannum Mens Discussion Group. Ralph 8569 1264.
2011 Community Calendar AUGUST Class of 1935 Exhibition Arnold Gallery, Mannum Dock Museum Of particular interest to Mannum residents. Commences: Monday 18th Free Entry Have Your Event Listed Your listing should include a location, date, time, cost and a contact number for enquiries. The dates are compiled by Jo Kader. If you want to have your event listed contact Jo on 8569 1879.
Mid Murray Community Support Services A wide range of personal development courses are offered. Contact MMCSS for details. Registration for courses and programs is essential. 39 Randell Street, 10 am - 4 pm. Ph: 8569 2129, Email: mmcss@internode.on.net
July 5th Blokes Breakfast 9am at the River Bar, Mannum Club August 2nd Blokes Breakfast 9am at the River Bar, Mannum Club
Weekly Passenger Service Mannum to Murray Bridge For information or bookings: 18 Alma Avenue, Murray Bridge SA 5253 Ph: 08 8532 2633
Market/Trash’n Treasure Mannum Showgrounds Sunday 7th, 9:00am-2:00pm Free Admission. Sites Available. Contact: Irene Lovell Phone: 8569 2541 Mannum Sundry Sale & Auction Mannum Showgrounds Sunday 7th, 10:00am Contact: Kim Loechel Phone: 0427 054 336
WEEKLY Mon, Wed & Fri 10:00am–3:00pm The Hall, 5 Greening St. Ph. 8569 1643 Wednesday 10:00am–1:00pm Friendship Group, River Word Christian Centre, 3 Greening St. Ph. 8569 1333 Tuesday & Friday 8:30am Walkie Talkies, Lions Den, Show Ground OTHER Alternate Fridays 1:30pm Senior Citizens Club, Club Rooms. Ph. 8569 2795
Mannum Craft Fair Leisure Centre Saturday 13th, 10:00am - 5:00pm Sunday 14th, 10:00am - 3:00pm Handcraft and Retail Stalls Morning and Afternoon Tea and Homemade Lunch Available. Cost: Gold Coin Donation Contact: Irene Lovell Phone: 8569 2541 Note: For extra detail, write a short article for publication inside Mannum Mag. This will ensure that your event is publicised even if there is insufficient space to list it here.
Mannum Leisure Centre Squash courts, gym, and cardio Opening Hours room available at all opening times. Mornings Activities: Basketball, netball Mon to Fri: 8:00 am - 12 noon carpet bowls, card games, gym, tai Sat: 9:00 am - 11:00 am chi, squash, tennis, soccer, roller Afternoons disco, Mannum Movers exercise for Reopening at 3:00 pm, closing at the the 50+. end of the sporting program or Tuesday: 5:45pm Aerobic and activity. Stadium, Clubroom and Meeting Fitness Instructor. Wednesday: Dance School all ages room are available for hire. afternoon/evening. Further information: 8569 0185 Thursday: 6:00 pm Zumba Pam Cutjar, Centre Manager Every Thursday: Mannum Information Centre Pine Park Murray Bridge Depart Arrive Depart Return Mannum 10.00am Murray Bridge 10.45am Murray Bridge 2.30pm Mannum 3.10pm 1st and 3rd Tuesday: Mannum Information Centre Pine Park Murray Bridge Mannum 10.00am Murray Bridge 10.30am Murray Bridge 1.30pm Mannum 2.00pm
All material submitted for publication is subject to editorial approval. This is done not to censor, but to ensure topics are relevant to the content of Mannum Mag.
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Mannum Mag
Issue Number 59