11:00 A.M.
We are an ecumenical, multi-racial, multi-ethnic Christian body that reaches out to the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. To that end we strive to be welcoming, responsive, trusting and prayerful in everything we do. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
~ A Service of Lessons and Carols ~ An experience of worship, reciting in word and song the story of salvation and of Christmas
Il est né, le Divin Enfant French Carol / arr. Fred Bock Nurmira Greenberg, Cello Reverend Glaze
BECOMING CENTERED When all things in silence lay, and night was in the midst of her course, your Word, O God, leapt down from your throne. And so we rejoice and give you praise, and glorify your name forever. —Wisdom of Solomon 18:14, Orthodox liturgy CAROL, HYMN 164
Good Christian Friends, Rejoice
Erica Lea
Praise the Lord! Praise the Beloved from the heavens—give praise all angels, all of heaven’s host sing praise! Praise God, O sun and moon, all shining stars! Let them praise the name of the Lord, for with a word God made them all. Praise the Lord from the earth, all you sea monsters and all creatures from the deeps. Sing, fire and hail, snow and frost and stormy wind! Mountains and hills, fruit trees and cedars! Wild animals and cattle, creeping things and flying birds! Rulers of the earth! All nations and all peoples! Men and women alike, old and young together! Let them all praise the name of the Lord, for God’s name alone is to be exalted; God’s glory is above all else. Yes, praise the Lord! —Psalm 148
Congregation standing; la congregación se pone de pie. Congregational responses in bold. Page numbers refer to sanctuary Bibles. Audio enhancement devices available for use during worship. Please ask an usher for assistance. Respuestas congregacionales en negrita. Las páginas se refieren a las Biblias en el santuario. Para Biblias en español o traducción del servicio en español, por favor hablar con un ujier.
Reverend Glaze and Congregation
Glory to you, almighty God, for in your merciful love you sent your Beloved that we might know you and love you. Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ, for you became flesh and dwelt among us that we might have peace and life. Glory to you, Holy Spirit, for you direct and rule our lives, guiding us to faith, keeping us close. Glory to you, Almighty God, and to your Child, Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST
Reverend Glaze
La paz del Señor sea contigo. Y contigo también. The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you. CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE
Make Us One
Make us one, Lord, make us one; Holy Spirit, make us one. Let your love flow so the world will know we are one in you. A TIME WITH CHILDREN AND BLESSING
Erica Lea
People of God, what is your prayer for these children? Our prayer is that they grow up to be like Jesus—strong and brave, full of grace and truth! And, that we will help them. OFFERING MUSICAL OFFERING
Reverend Glaze Some Children See Him Alfred Burt (1920-1954) Dwayne Pinkney and Rameen Chaharbaghi
Reverend Glaze
Genesis 3:1-8
The snake was sneakier than any other wild animal the LORD God made. One day it came to the woman and asked, “Did God tell you not to eat fruit from any tree in the garden?” The woman answered, “God said we could eat fruit from any tree except the one in the middle of the garden. If we eat fruit from that tree we will die.” “No, you won’t!” the snake replied. “God knows what will happen when you eat from that tree. You will know the difference between right and wrong, just as God does.” The woman stared at the tree. Its fruit looked beautiful and tasty. She wanted the wisdom it would give her, and she ate some of it. Then she gave some to husband, and he ate it too. Right away they saw what they’d done, and they realized they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together to make something to cover themselves. Late in the afternoon a breeze began to blow, and the man and woman heard the LORD God walking in the garden. They were frightened and they hid themselves. Pero la serpiente era astuta, más que todos los animales del campo que Jehová Dios había hecho; la cual dijo a la mujer: ¿Conque Dios os ha dicho: No comáis de todo árbol del huerto? Y la mujer respondió a la serpiente: Del fruto de los árboles del huerto podemos comer; pero del fruto del árbol que está en medio del huerto dijo Dios: No comeréis de él, ni le tocaréis, para que no muráis. Entonces la serpiente dijo a la mujer: No moriréis; sino que sabe Dios que el día que
comáis de él, serán abiertos vuestros ojos, y seréis como Dios, sabiendo el bien y el mal. Y vio la mujer que el árbol era bueno para comer, y que era agradable a los ojos, y árbol codiciable para alcanzar la sabiduría; y tomó de su fruto, y comió; y dio también a su marido, el cual comió así como ella. Entonces fueron abiertos los ojos de ambos, y conocieron que estaban desnudos; entonces cosieron hojas de higuera, y se hicieron delantales. Y oyeron la voz de Jehová Dios que se paseaba en el huerto, al aire del día; y el hombre y su mujer se escondieron de la presencia de Jehová Dios entre los árboles del huerto. CAROL, HYMN 125
Come, O Long-Expected Jesus THE SECOND LESSON
Isaiah 9:2, 6-7
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness —on them light has shined. For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace. He will establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this. El pueblo que andaba en tinieblas vio gran luz; los que moraban en tierra de sombra de muerte, luz resplandeció sobre ellos. Porque un niño nos es nacido, hijo nos es dado, y el principado sobre su hombro; y se llamará su nombre Admirable, Consejero, Dios Fuerte, Padre Eterno, Príncipe de Paz. Lo dilatado de su imperio y la paz no tendrán límite, sobre el trono de David y sobre su reino, disponiéndolo y confirmándolo en juicio y en justicia desde ahora y para siempre. El celo de Jehová de los ejércitos hará esto. CAROL, HYMN 160 THE THIRD LESSON THE SPIRIT OF JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming Isaiah 11:1-9
A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, a branch out of his roots. The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. His delight shall be in the LORD. He shall not judge by what he sees or hears; but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with fairness for the meek of the earth. Righteousness shall be the belt around his waist, and faithfulness the belt around his loins. The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion together, and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze, their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The nursing child shall play over the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put its hand on the adder’s den. They will not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain; for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Saldrá una vara del tronco de Isaí, y un vástago retoñará de sus raíces. Y reposará sobre él el Espíritu de Jehová; espíritu de sabiduría y de inteligencia, espíritu de consejo y de poder, espíritu de conocimiento y de temor de Jehová. Y le hará entender diligente en el temor de Jehová. No juzgará según la vista de sus ojos, ni argüirá por lo que oigan sus oídos; sino que juzgará con justicia a los pobres, y argüirá con equidad por los mansos de la tierra; y herirá la tierra con la vara de su boca, y con el espíritu de sus labios matará al impío. Y será la justicia cinto de sus lomos, y la fidelidad ceñidor de su cintura. Morará el lobo con el cordero, y el leopardo con el cabrito se acostará; el becerro y el león y la bestia doméstica andarán juntos, y un niño los pastoreará. La vaca y la osa pacerán, sus crías se echarán juntas; y el león como el buey comerá paja. Y el niño de pecho jugará sobre la cueva del áspid, y el recién destetado extenderá su mano sobre la caverna de la víbora. No harán mal ni dañarán en todo mi santo monte; porque la tierra será llena del conocimiento de Jehová, como las aguas cubren el mar.
CAROL, HYMN 119 (verses 1, 4)
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel THE FOURTH LESSON
Matthew 1:18-25
A young woman named Mary was engaged to Joseph from King David’s family. But before they were married, she learned that she was going to have a baby by God’s Holy Spirit. Joseph was a good man and did not want to embarrass Mary, so he decided to quietly call off the wedding. While Joseph was thinking about this, an angel came to him in a dream. The angel said, “Joseph, the baby that Mary will have is from the Holy Spirit. Go ahead and marry her. Then after her baby is born, name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” So the Lord’s promise came true, just as the prophet had said, “A virgin will have a baby boy, and he will be called Immanuel,” which means “God is with us.” After Joseph woke up, he and Mary were soon married, just as the angel had told him to do. But they did not sleep together until after her baby was born. Then Joseph named him Jesus. El nacimiento de Jesucristo fue así: Estando desposada María su madre con José, antes que se juntasen, se halló que había concebido del Espíritu Santo. José su marido, como era justo, y no quería infamarla, quiso dejarla secretamente. Y pensando él en esto, he aquí un ángel del Señor le apareció en sueños y le dijo: José, hijo de David, no temas recibir a María tu mujer, porque lo que en ella es engendrado, del Espíritu Santo es. Y dará a luz un hijo, y llamarás su nombre JESÚS, porque él salvará a su pueblo de sus pecados. Todo esto aconteció para que se cumpliese lo dicho por el Señor por medio del profeta, cuando dijo: He aquí, una virgen concebirá y dará a luz un hijo, Y llamarás su nombre Emanuel, m que traducido es: Dios con nosotros. Y despertando José del sueño, hizo como el ángel del Señor le había mandado, y recibió a su mujer. Pero no la conoció hasta que dio a luz a su hijo primogénito; y le puso por nombre JESÚS. CAROL
Gentle Joseph, Joseph Dear
“Gentle Joseph, Joseph dear, stay with me, for the baby’s near God will surely your goodness hear, as you will love this newborn child,” says Mary. “Gladly Mary, Mary mine, I will cradle the child divine Here will heaven and earth combine, for you will bear God’s child, O dearest Mary.” “Peace to all and God’s goodwill,” heav’n and earth with this song will fill Soon will God, in the evening still, be born in Bethlehem, the child of Mary. –Text, paraphr. Carol Birkland THE ANGEL VISITS MARY
Luke 1:26-35, 38
God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth in Galilee with a message for a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to Joseph from the family of King David. The angel greeted Mary and said, “You are truly blessed! The Lord is with you.” Mary was confused by the angel’s words and wondered what they meant. Then the angel told Mary, “Don’t be afraid! God is pleased with you, and you will have a son. His name will be Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of God Most High. The Lord God will make him king, as his ancestor David was. He will rule the people of Israel forever, and his kingdom will never end.” Mary asked the angel, “How can this be? I’m not married!” The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come down to you, and God’s power will come over you. So your child will be called the holy Son of God. Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have said.” Al sexto mes el ángel Gabriel fue enviado por Dios a una ciudad de Galilea, llamada Nazaret, a una virgen desposada con un varón que se llamaba José, de la casa de David; y el nombre de la virgen era María. Y entrando el ángel en donde ella estaba, dijo: ¡Salve, muy favorecida! El Señor es contigo; bendita tú entre las mujeres. Mas ella, cuando le vio, se turbó por sus palabras, y pensaba qué salutación sería esta. Entonces el ángel le dijo: María, no temas, porque
has hallado gracia delante de Dios. Y ahora, concebirás en tu vientre, y darás a luz un hijo, y llamarás su nombre JESÚS. Este será grande, y será llamado Hijo del Altísimo; y el Señor Dios le dará el trono de David su padre; y reinará sobre la casa de Jacob para siempre, y su reino no tendrá fin. Entonces María dijo al ángel: ¿Cómo será esto? pues no conozco varón. Respondiendo el ángel, le dijo: El Espíritu Santo vendrá sobre ti, y el poder del Altísimo te cubrirá con su sombra; por lo cual también el Santo Ser que nacerá, será llamado Hijo de Dios. Entonces María dijo: He aquí la sierva del Señor; hágase conmigo conforme a tu palabra. Y el ángel se fue de su presencia. CAROL
I Saw a Ship A-Sailing
I saw a ship a-sailing with angels flying fast: She bears a splendid cargo and has a mighty mast. This ship is fully laden, right to her highest board; She bears the Son from heaven, God’s high eternal word. And that ship’s name is Mary, of flowers the rose is she, And brings to us her baby, from sin to set us free. The ship made in this fashion, in which such store is cast, Her sail is love’s sweet passion, the Holy Ghost her mast. —Text, 15th c. German carol THE FIFTH LESSON THE BIRTH OF JESUS
Luke 2:1-7
During the reign of Emperor Augustus, and when Quirinius was governor of Syria, orders were given for a census to be taken. Everyone had to go to their own hometown to be counted. So Joseph had to leave Nazareth in Galilee and go to Bethlehem in Judea. Long ago Bethlehem had been King David’s hometown, and Joseph went there because he was from David’s family. Mary was engaged to Joseph and traveled with him to Bethlehem. She was soon going to have a baby, and while they were there, she gave birth to her first son. She dressed him in baby clothes and laid him in a manger on a bed of hay, since there was no room for them in the inn. Aconteció en aquellos días, que se promulgó un edicto de parte de Augusto César, que todo el mundo fuese empadronado. Este primer censo se hizo siendo Cirenio gobernador de Siria. E iban todos para ser empadronados, cada uno a su ciudad. Y José subió de Galilea, de la ciudad de Nazaret, a Judea, a la ciudad de David, que se llama Belén, por cuanto era de la casa y familia de David; para ser empadronado con María su mujer, desposada con él, la cual estaba encinta. Y aconteció que estando ellos allí, se cumplieron los días de su alumbramiento. Y dio a luz a su hijo primogénito, y lo envolvió en pañales, y lo acostó en un pesebre, porque no había lugar para ellos en el mesón. CAROL, HYMN 163
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly THE SIXTH LESSON
Luke 2:8-20
That night in the fields near Bethlehem some shepherds were guarding their sheep. All at once an angel came down to them from the Lord, and the brightness of the Lord’s glory flashed around them. The shepherds were frightened. But the angel said, “Don’t be afraid! I have good news which will make everyone happy. Today in King David’s hometown a Savior is born. He is Christ the Lord. You will know who he is, because you will find him dressed in baby clothes and lying on a bed of hay.” Suddenly other angels joined in praising God. They said: “Praise God in heaven! Peace on earth to all people.” After the angels had gone back to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see what the Lord has told us.” They hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and they saw the baby lying on a bed of hay. When the shepherds saw Jesus, they told his parents what the angel had said. Everyone listened and was
surprised. But Mary kept thinking about all this and wondering what it all meant. As the shepherds returned to their sheep, they were praising God and saying wonderful things. Everything they had seen and heard was just as the angel had said. Había pastores en la misma región, que velaban y guardaban las vigilias de la noche sobre su rebaño. Y he aquí, se les presentó un ángel del Señor, y la gloria del Señor los rodeó de resplandor; y tuvieron gran temor. Pero el ángel les dijo: No temáis; porque he aquí os doy nuevas de gran gozo, que será para todo el pueblo: que os ha nacido hoy, en la ciudad de David, un Salvador, que es Cristo el Señor. Esto os servirá de señal: Hallaréis al niño envuelto en pañales, acostado en un pesebre. Y repentinamente apareció con el ángel una multitud de las huestes celestiales, que alababan a Dios, y decían: ¡Gloria a Dios en las alturas, Y en la tierra paz, buena voluntad para con los hombres! Sucedió que cuando los ángeles se fueron de ellos al cielo, los pastores se dijeron unos a otros: Pasemos, pues, hasta Belén, y veamos esto que ha sucedido, y que el Señor nos ha manifestado. Vinieron, pues, apresuradamente, y hallaron a María y a José, y al niño acostado en el pesebre. Y al verlo, dieron a conocer lo que se les había dicho acerca del niño. Y todos los que oyeron, se maravillaron de lo que los pastores les decían. Pero María guardaba todas estas cosas, meditándolas en su corazón. Y volvieron los pastores glorificando a Dios por todas las cosas que habían oído y visto, como se les había dicho. CAROL, HYMN 167
Go, Tell It on the Mountain THE SEVENTH LESSON
Matthew 2:1-12
When Jesus was born some wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and said, “Where is the child born to be king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” When King Herod heard about this, he was afraid, and so was everyone else in Jerusalem. Herod brought together his scholars and asked them, “Where will the Messiah be born?” They said, “In Bethlehem, just as the prophet wrote, ‘Bethlehem in the land of Judea, from your town will come a leader, a shepherd for my people Israel.’ “Herod secretly called in the wise men and asked them when they had first seen the star. He told them, “Go to Bethlehem and search for the child. When you find him, let me know. I want to worship him too.” The wise men listened to what the king said and then left. And the star went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When the men went into the house and saw the child with Mary, his mother, they knelt down and worshiped him, giving him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Later they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, so they went back home by another way. Cuando Jesús nació en Belén de Judea en días del rey Herodes, vinieron del oriente a Jerusalén unos magos, diciendo: ¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos, que ha nacido? Porque su estrella hemos visto en el oriente, y venimos a adorarle. Oyendo esto, el rey Herodes se turbó, y toda Jerusalén con él. Y convocados todos los principales sacerdotes, y los escribas del pueblo, les preguntó dónde había de nacer el Cristo. Ellos le dijeron: En Belén de Judea; porque así está escrito por el profeta: Y tú, Belén, de la tierra de Judá, No eres la más pequeña entre los príncipes de Judá; Porque de ti saldrá un guiador, Que apacentará a mi pueblo Israel. Entonces Herodes, llamando en secreto a los magos, indagó de ellos diligentemente el tiempo de la aparición de la estrella; y enviándolos a Belén, dijo: Id allá y averiguad con diligencia acerca del niño; y cuando le halléis, hacédmelo saber, para que yo también vaya y le adore. Ellos, habiendo oído al rey, se fueron; y he aquí la estrella que habían visto en el oriente iba delante de ellos, hasta que llegando, se detuvo sobre donde estaba el niño. Y al ver la estrella, se regocijaron con muy grande gozo. Y al entrar en la casa, vieron al niño con su madre María, y postrándose, lo adoraron; y abriendo sus tesoros, le ofrecieron presentes: oro, incienso y mirra. Pero siendo avisados por revelación en sueños que no volviesen a Herodes, regresaron a su tierra por otro camino.
CAROL, HYMN 162 (verses 1, 3)
What Child is This THE EIGHTH LESSON
John 1:1-4, 14, 16-18
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known. En el principio era el Verbo, y el Verbo era con Dios, y el Verbo era Dios. Este era en el principio con Dios. Todas las cosas por él fueron hechas, y sin él nada de lo que ha sido hecho, fue hecho. En él estaba la vida, y la vida era la luz de los hombres. Y aquel Verbo fue hecho carne, y habitó entre nosotros (y vimos su gloria, gloria como del unigénito del Padre), lleno de gracia y de verdad. Porque de su plenitud tomamos todos, y gracia sobre gracia. Pues la ley por medio de Moisés fue dada, pero la gracia y la verdad vinieron por medio de Jesucristo. A Dios nadie le vio jamás; el unigénito Hijo, que está en el seno del Padre, él le ha dado a conocer. CAROL, HYMN 143
Joy to the World
Erica Lea
In the Bleak Midwinter Gustav Holst / arr. Richard Walters Dwayne Pinkney and Rameen Chaharbaghi Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Felix Mendelssohn / arr. Fred Bock Nurmira Greenberg, Cello
Following worship, join us in Woodward Hall, left as you exit the Sanctuary, for a time of fellowship and refreshments. Visitors, we look forward to meeting you! Scripture passages for January 4, Epiphany Observed, are Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12. Gentle Joseph, Joseph Dear, 15th c. German carol. Words paraphr. Carol Birkland, 1993, The New Century Hymnal, © 1995 The Pilgrim Press. How Far Is It to Bethlehem? Words: Frances Chesterton, 1917. Wilberg arrangement © 2001, Oxford University Press Inc. Make Us One. Words and Music: Carol Cymbala, ©1991 Word Music, Inc. and Carol Joy Music c/o Integrated Copyright Group. All rights reserved. Words reprinted under CCLI #430459 and #A-719662. Unless otherwise noted, printed prayers and litanies are by Reverend Glaze.
REMEMBER IN PRAYER Carmen Angdisen; Nardita (Edith) Angdisen; Teddi Angelov, Liubov Russell’s friend; Maria Bensussen, Ryan Harvey’s grandmother; Sara Bermúdez, Lorena Pereira’s mother; Grady Branham, Cheryl Branham’s father; Cristina Chacón; Roberta Clyburn, Janice Glover’s sister; Carolyn Crumpler, Amy Shaw’s grandmother; Kimberly Durham-Bates; Violet Flynn, Matt Daley’s grandmother; Radost Fortunova, Liubov Russell’s sister; Gail Ousley Gipson, Ben and Natalie Barrens Rogers’ friend; family of José Gonzalez in El Salvador; Jenny Goon; Janet Grove; Stephanie Gabriela Hernandez; Rena Jirack; Lucy Johnson, Jackie Wright’s grandmother; Sam Kanakry and Helen Lewis, Cheryl Branham’s friends; Michael Keller, Phil and Nancy Renfrow’s friend; Lynne Mayfield, Jay Mayfield’s mother; Robin Myers and her family; Al Nielsen; Armando Pacheco, Amy Dale’s friend; Amelia Powell, Andrea Powell’s mother; Rochelle Powell, Eva Powell’s grandmother; Paul Rice; Joe Stout, Holly Miller’s brother-in-law; Victoria Sulerzyski, Ellen Sulerzyski’s sister-in-law; Carol Sunde; Luke Thomas-Canfield; Doris Vermilya; Earl and Jenna Wright, Isaac Wright’s parents; pray for racial reconciliation and justice everywhere.
WORSHIP MUSIC NOTES. Many thanks to today’s music team: Rameen Chaharbaghi, baritone; Nurmira Greenberg, cello; Dwayne Pinkney, tenor. We appreciate your musical leadership in worship!
TODAY NO SUNDAY SCHOOL TODAY, but be sure to join us next Sunday at 9:45 a.m. when all classes resume. NO SANCTUARY CHOIR TODAY OR NEXT WEEK. Join us January 11, 9:45 a.m. in Music Suite. WORLD MISSION OFFERING is a special Christmas Offering supporting international ministries of our denominational partners: ABC-USA, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and Alliance of Baptists. OFFERING ENVELOPES FOR 2015. If you requested a set of envelopes for 2015, they are available in the Narthex today. If you would like a set of weekly or monthly envelopes, contact Paul Rosstead.
CALVARY ANNOUNCEMENTS CHURCH OFFICE IS CLOSED this week, December 29 through January 3. If you have a pastoral need, be sure to contact Deacon of the Week Abbey Ammerman, or call Pastor Joe, 703.248.0864. CALVARY’S CALENDAR OF EVENTS. Visit for a current listing, or stop by the church office to pick up a complete listing of Sunday School classes and Small Group programs. SMALL GROUPS ON BREAK. Theology on Draft, Lectionary Lunch, Wednesday Night Words, and Zumba are on break until January. NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICE HOURS with Pastor Erica will resume in January. WASHINGTON INTERFAITH NETWORK (WIN) ACTION WITH DC’S NEW MAYOR. Join congregations city-wide for an event with new DC Mayor Muriel Bowser during her first week in office, January 8, 2015, at St Augustine Catholic Church (1419 V Street NW), 6:30-8:30 p.m. We will present to Mayor Bowser WIN’s agenda on housing, homelessness, jobs and gun safety. Email Pastor Elijah to RSVP. FRIDAY MORNING MUSIC CLUB is on break over the holidays. Join us in the Chapel at noon, Friday, January 9, when our Resident Partners in FMMC continue their tradition of free recitals each week. ANNUAL REPORTS are due to Paul by January 12, in preparation for the Annual Business Meeting and lunch on January 25!
Cheryl Branham Joseph Glaze Saw Ler Htoo Al Jeter Erica Lea Edgar Palacios Paul Rosstead Elijah Zehyoue Abbey Ammerman
Director of Music (, ext. 136) Pastor during the Interim (, ext. 121) Pastor, Calvary Burmese Church ( Supervisor of Maintenance (, ext. 128) Pastoral Resident (, ext. 142) Associate Pastor (, ext. 103) Church Administrator (, ext. 127) Pastoral Resident (, ext. 133) Deacon of the Week (
C ALVARY B APTIST C HURCH 755 Eighth Street NW 202.347.8355 Washington DC 20001