Spring Caller, 2013

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Spring 2013

Volume XVI, Issue 6

2013: On Mission Together Myra Houser, Co-Chair, Christian Education Board is plotting other ways to raise funds for this important project.

The Christian Education and Mission Boards are working together in 2013. This year Courtney Rice and Carol Blythe will chair Missions while Daniel Alcazar-Roman and Myra Houser chair Christian Education. We have made plans for various projects and activities for 2013: Holistic Health Project Join in the fun Friday nights at 7:00 p.m. for Zumba and Indoor Soccer. Language Ministries Speak to Myra Houser if you would like to volunteer for this important work. WIN Yolanda Appiah-Kubi represents us with the Washington Interfaith Network. We will be learning more about the rain water run-off project as well as encouraging the DC Council to use funds to help homeless individuals and families. Prayers for Peace On March 17, we will again participate in a Prayers for Peace service.

PRIDE festival Courtney Rice will coordinate volunteers for this event June 9. Calvary Kids’ Camp Our Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 21 to 23 at Camp Fraser. Holistic Health Project, Zumba.

Immigration Forum April 28, we will present a forum on issues around comprehensive, just, and humane immigration policies. Shalom Scholarship We will have several important fundraisers to support our Shalom Scholars in El Salvador. There will be a concert on Good Friday, a luncheon in September and a yard sale sometime next fall. We also raise money with our ongoing sales of fair-trade coffee, olive oil and fair trade chocolate eggs! In addition, Paper Christina

Ecumenical Advocacy Days Jessica Lynd and Myra Houser are attending this special program on food justice issues. Alliance of Baptists Meeting The AB Annual Gathering will be at First Baptist Church in Greenville, SC, April 5-7. All are encouraged to attend! Please speak to Carol Blythe if you are interested in attending.

Holistic Health Project, Soccer.

Future Fair Salima Appiah-Duffell is coordinating this program for DC area high school students and others under 18 that will present various options for those who are uninterested or unable to pursue college at this time. Edith Miller Scholarship Mike Overby will organize the group to award scholarships this year. Forum on Justice for Palestine and Israel Members and friends invited to learn more about this issue and its implications for peace and justice. Alliance of Baptists Gathering on Peacemaking in Palestine and Israel November 8-10, 2013. The Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists has accepted our application, and Calvary is now a member congregation. Mike Overby is our designated representative and will inform us about the important work AWAB is doing in Baptist congregations around the country.

Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

From Our Pastor Rev. Dr. Amy Butler Senior Pastor One of the things I love most about church is the regular rhythm of the seasons. As the church year cycles around, it brings with it both comfort and possibility. But as we stand now at the cusp of a new calendar year, thinking about all that may and must happen in the year ahead, the prospects of what’s to come can seem overwhelming. As we consider some important tasks in 2013, our 151st year as a congregation, we are taking a very serious look at our church structure. For many years we have felt the hea vy b u rden of a chu r ch governance structure that, while suitable for the large church Calvary was in the 1950s, often leaves the church of today with unnecessary obstacles to smooth and efficient operation. In 2012, pastoral intern Rich Havard was assigned the task of studying the current structure, interviewing people to gauge their opinions about how we could improve, and surveying other churches and resources to make sure we are aware of the latest ideas and trends in church governance. The Church Council met in October of 2012 to look over possible ideas for a restructure, and a task force to manage a transition was put into place. In the first half of 2013, we look forward to conversations as a community that will move us in the direction of adopting a new, streamlined structure.

continues to grow and change, it is part of our responsibility to preserve this beautiful and holy place as a vital part of the neighborhood. One effort that will support that goal is an increased outreach to the people in our immediate downtown community. A new complex, City Center, is opening up just a few blocks from Calvary, filled with condos and apartments that will house our new neighbors. We want to welcome them and invite them into our beautiful space. Churches in the neighborhood are also potential partners for use of our building. We are exploring possible ways in which we can partner with other congregations nearby. And a consideration of historical landmark status has begun with the exploration of how we might achieve this status and what that could mean for our ability to preserve and use our sanctuary building. Various ministries continue in all parts of the building. We will be asking this year how to use our building in the best possible ways to maximize our location and position us for a strong and positive future.

Calvary will, as ever, continue its life as a vital community of faith. –Amy

Another area of attention for the year ahead is our building. We have the gift of such a beautiful space here on the corner of 8th and H streets in the heart of downtown DC. As our neighborhood


Finally, we will look closely at our staffing structure. Calvary has assembled an incredible staff, and we need to look carefully at our staff structure to make sure it is most effectively helping the congregation realize its mission. Conversations about staffing will begin shortly, giving our community and staff opportunity to think about and consider carefully the next direction in which we should move. And while all of these important conversations are taking place over the course of the year, Calvary will, as ever, continue its life as a vital community of faith, creating meaningful worship opportunities, making disciples, reaching out to the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. We have a big year ahead of us; let’s remember as we move forward that God is with us every step of the way.

Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

Moderator’s Column Soren Dayton, Calvary Moderator You probably have heard about C a l v a r y ’ s restructuring process. I raised it at the 2012 October business meeting and again at the 2013 Annual Meeting. Pastor Amy had brought it up earlier in 2012, in the context of a report written by our 2012 intern Rich Havard. There was a Calvary Conversation on the subject on February 10. The boards and staff have been included in discussions on that most exciting topic: church administration.

Dale as Vice Moderator, Pastor Amy, Ellen Sulerzyski as Chair of the Board of Trustees, Rachel Johnson as Chair of the Diaconate, Council member Amparo Palacios, Deacon Becky Vaughn, and member at large, Tanya Coble. The Restructuring Task Force is recommending a single Board that provides for the administrative functions of the church. We also are recommending keeping the Diaconate as it is currently structured, to continue to maintain its role providing spiritual guidance, helping with worship, and provide congregational care.

This unified Board will have 12 positions, all elected to one year terms. The Moderator/Chair, Secretary/Clerk, and Treasurer are the traditional positions of any church and any non-profit. We will also have the positions of Missions and Christian Calvary is currently governed by a multi-board Formation. The Chair of the Diaconate will also sit structure that is common in Baptist life, on the Board. The most important functions of the especially in large churches. In this system, the current Board of Trustees will get their own Boards of Trustees, Christian Education, positions on the Board, with positions for Missions, and the Diaconate all operate Facilities, Personnel, and Finance, independently. They are the last of which will be responsible coordinated through the Council for the budget and other financial The boards and staff and the Budget Committee. Previously, the Budget Chair have been included in issues. did not sit on the Council, which In September 2012, the Council discussions on that made for less coordinated planning. had a retreat to discuss Rich Chair of the Nominations Havard’s report. The Council most exciting topic: The Committee will be added to the recommended that Calvary move to a single board structure a church administration. Council. Finally, recognizing that adding new members and engaging structure that smaller churches— –Soren them in stewardship are important and increasingly larger ones—are goals for the church, we will add the using. According to A Baptist Stewardship Committee and a new Manual of Polity and Practice, 2nd Membership Outreach Committee to the Board. revised edition, “it has special value for small The Senior Pastor will also sit on this Board. churches, where the number of persons available for leadership is limited.” That book Because we are changing the administrative goes on to note, “the greatest benefit of the processes and legal structures of the church, we single board, though, is that it ensures the will have to amend our constitution. The current coordination of all departments and subgroups.” plan is to formally recommend the changes prior A quick point about the size issue. Calvary used to the April Quarterly Business Meeting and then to have thousands of members, but now we vote on them at the July meeting. These changes have about 300. Most churches have a ratio of would begin in January 2014, when we elect a 10-1 for membership to lay leadership. Calvary leadership team into these positions. There will be has closer to 3-1 with a multi-board structure. several more opportunities to discuss these We elect almost 100 people to lay leadership. changes before then. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me The Council created a Restructuring Task Force (soren.dayton@gmail.com or 202-552-1860) or to study the problem more, and guide the church any member of either the Council or the through the implementation. That task force Restructuring Task Force. includes me in my capacity as Moderator, Amy 3

Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

Letters and Snapshots 12.05.12 Dear Friends at Calvary Baptist, Thank you for your recent gift towards the support of mission in Congo! It is an honor (and a challenge) to represent Christ in this land. Thank you for your partnership and blessings as you minister in DC. Sincerely, Glen and Rita Chapman American Baptist Missionaries, International Ministries Building Christmas wreaths, December 2.

12.14.12 Dear Amy, Wishing you and your congregation joy and peace this Christmas. Deepest thanks from the Baptist Joint Committee for your ongoing support of our work. Shalom, Taryn Deaton Director of Development, Baptist Joint Committee 12.15.12

Theology on December 4.




Dear Calvary Baptist Church, The Board of Trustees of the Community Foundation for the National Capital Region gratefully acknowledges your gift of $5,000 to Help the Homeless Fund. Thank you. 12.15.12 Dear Friends at Calvary, Thank you for inviting me to your 150th Anniversary Celebration. Sorry I could not be there to help celebrate. I enjoy the Calvary Caller which helps me keep up with friends and the activities at church. Think of you often, Terry Arima

Elves assemble Christmas presents for the Alternative Gift Fair, December 12.

12.16.12 To the wonderful Staff at Calvary, Thank you so much for being such a delight to work with during our training sessions in Shallenberger Hall. Hope you have a fantastic holiday! Best, Pastor Amy greets St. Elizabeth’s Hospital at Downtown Social Club, December 20.


The Learning and Development Department City Year

Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

Letters and Snapshots 12.17.12 Dear Friends, On behalf of the patients, staff, and volunteers at Christ House, thank you for your recent gift of $230. Your contribution will provide for the needs of the sick and homeless persons like Dale. By the time Dale was fifty-eight, he needed an oxygen tank at all times. He was a long-time drug user and moved around from friends’ and family members’ homes for many years. His health had declined and was referred to Christ House. Today, Dale no longer needs oxygen and relies only on medication and inhalers to treat his respiratory health. Christ House holds a special place in Dale’s heart and he still attends AA meetings and church services on Sundays. With your generous support, Christ House can continue to provide healing and hope to patients like Dale. Thank you again.

Youth wrap gifts for Christ House, clinic for homeless men and women, December 16.

Sincerely, Allen Goetcheus President, Christ House 12.18.12 Dear Calvary Staff, Thank you for all that you do for us. We appreciate all of your hard work and thank you for allowing us to worship in your church building. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Youth tour Christ House, December 16.

All the best, Staff and Pastors at GraceDC 12.19.13 Dear Calvary Congregation, Thank you for collecting and sharing the Calvary Baptist Church’s ‘hunger fund’ with our residents. As you know these gifts provide care and support to women in need. Thank you for your support this holiday season and throughout the year

Christmas Eve Live Nativity, December 24.

With thanks, Staff, Board, and Volunteers Calvary Women’s Services 12.20.12 Dear Calvary, Thank you so much for remembering me with the flowers. I have a big bright window where they thrive. The visit with Bill and Karla Fahey was a special treat. Jenny Goon

Pastor Amy preaches on membership and baptism from the baptistry, January 13.


Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

Letters and Snapshots 12.31.12 Dear Rev. Palacios, You did a very kind thing for me this year and I want to thank you for it. Please accept this donation to your church as my gratitude. Happy New Year and may God bless you. Sincerely, Ann Marie Lock 01.01.13 Carter Vaughn and Paul Rice complete their Spiritual Gift Inventories, January 20.

Dear Calvary Congregation, Thank you for the many ways you inspire us. We have been blessed by your countless expressions of love in 2012, and look forward to fellowship and growing spiritually with you in 2013. Thank you for your energy and support. With Love, Calvary Staff 01.10.13 Dear Members of Calvary Baptist Church,

Annual Business Meeting, January 26.

Many thanks for your donation of children’s boxes and supplies. With your help, we were able to distribute approximately 3,000 shoe box gifts. We also gave gifts to 50 families. We appreciate your generosity and hope you can help in the future. Gratefully, So Others Might Eat (SOME) 1.19.13 Dear Friends, Thank you for your generous financial support of the Evangelical Environmental Network during 2012. Your contribution enables us to continue reaching the evangelical community with the message of creation care.

Youth serve hot chocolate, at the Chinese New Years Parade, February 3.

Sincerely, Rev. Mitchell C. Hescox President/ CEO, Evangelical Environmental Network 1.30.13 My dearly beloved Calvary Friends, Thank you from my heart for the kind remembrance I have received by mail and in person from Calvary in recent months. My heart is with you all at Calvary, as are my prayers and best wishes always. Much Love! Virginia Howard Teller

Lenten Lunch, February 20.


Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

Justice in Palestine group Update Carol Blythe, J.D., Co-Chair, Mission Board A group of Calvary folks met in July and August to learn more about Justice in Palestine/ Israel. In particular, this group learned more about the Karios Palestine document which you can read at http://www.kairospalestine.ps/sites/default/Documents/English.pdf. This document is a call to Christians of the world to hear the cry of the Palestinian Christians who are suffering under the Israeli occupation. As follow-up to this three week study in July and August, we agreed to hold a regional meeting of Alliance of Baptists interested in this issue on February 3, 2013. We are still discerning what, if any, actions we will ask our community to pursue as far as divestment, boycott or sanctions in response to the Palestinian Christian Kairos document. Here are some reflections on the study by two group members: "It's easy to be fooled by much of the media that there is a "blueprint" for peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict and that the Palestinians themselves are the obstacle to it. But, praise God, there is another source of information amongst Christians where one can learn what both the real obstacles to peace and the injustices being done in its name are. In several gatherings in recent months at Calvary, my eyes were opened to this and I was freed to become imbued with the same hope for a Just Peace that our fellow Christians state in their call of 2009 for an End to the Occupation embodied in Kairos Palestine, their statement of the situation and how we can help." Sarah Livingston “It was great to leave with a better understanding of this historic conflict. Through this understanding, I think we are able to have empathy and make real changes.” Ashley Coates “Sometimes when I get depressed and think that no one cares, I will remember the 20 plus people who came to the Palestine/Israel Justice small group and were so refreshingly outraged by the occupation of the Palestinian people. We want to respond to the Palestinian call for action. Thank you Kairos and thank you Calvary.” Rick Goodman

2013 Officiary Moderator: Vice Moderator: Church Clerk: At-large Council:

Soren Dayton Amy Dale Claudia Moore Ken Butler, Becky Huncosky, Amparo Palacios, Eva Powell

Board of Trustees: Amanda Butler (Vice Chair), Tanya Coble, Julie LaFave, Paul Lansing, Francisco Pereira, Jr., Eugenia Reyes, Kim Sisk (Secretary), Ellen Sulerzyski (Chair), Andi Sullivan, Trey Sullivan (Assistant Treasurer), Barbara Hoffer (Treasurer) Deacons: John Appiah-Duffel, Abbey Ammerman, Chuck Andreatta, Rachel Johnson (Chair), Kathie Lansing, Corina Lopez, Jay Mayfield, Nancy Renfrow, Susan Sevier, Becky Vaughn

Christian Education: Daniel Alcazar Anabel Cruz, Allen Dalton, Myra Houser Mike Overby

(Co-Chair), (Co-Chair),

Mission: Salima Appiah-Duffel, Carol Blythe José González-Alfaro, Rick Goodman, Josh Keller Jessica Lynd, Courtney Rice (Chair), Liubov Russell, Gretchen White Pastoral Relations: Committee: Chuck Andreatta, Julie LaFave, Soren Dayton, Jay Mayfield, Eugenia Reyes, Amy Dale Personnel Sulerzyski

Committee: Kim Sisk



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Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

New Member Spotlight!

Kathleen Smith

Ely Antonio López

José Adelio González-Alfa

Kathleen, a native Tennessean, moved to DC in the summer of 2011. She is a second year doctoral student in Counseling at George Washington and works as a mental health counselor.

Ely was born in Ahuachapán, El Salvador but now calls the United States home. He loves soccer especially Real Madrid. Ely has been active in the Latino Fellowship for some time now and loves Calvary’s fellowship, inclusivity, and multiculturalism. Ely is also a member of the Bible study small group that meets at the home of Corina Lopez and he helps support the Holistic Health Indoor Soccer project on Friday nights. Ely looks forward to his baptism at Calvary, March 31, Easter Day.

José or ‘Lito’ as many of his friends call him, is from El Salvador and works as a carpenter. His wife and family remain in San Salvador. Lito enjoys playing soccer and assists Pastor Edgar with the Holistic Health Indoor Soccer project on Friday nights. Lito loves Calvary for the ways in which it reaches out to the community and for the deep sense of solidarity and fellowship he feels as part of this community. He will be baptized in worship, March 31, Easter Day.

Ely nació en Ahuachapán, El Salvador, pero ahora reside en los Estados Unidos. Le encanta el fútbol especialmente el Real Madrid. Ely ha participado en el Compañerismo Latino y le encanta la comunión de Calvary, la integración y el multiculturalismo. Él es también un miembro del grupo de estudio bíblico que se reúne en la casa de Corina López. Ely da su apoyo al proyecto de futbol de la Salud Holística. Se esta preparado para su bautismo en el Calvario el 31 de marzo, Dia de la Pascua.

José o 'Lito', como lo llaman sus amigos viene de El Salvador y trabaja como carpintero. Su esposa y familia permanecen en San Salvador. Lito le gusta jugar el fútbol y asiste Pastor Edgar con el proyecto Salud Holística de futbol. A Lito le encanta Calvary por abrirse a la comunidad y por las demostraciones de solidaridad y compañerismo que se sienten como parte de esta comunidad. Se esta preparado para su bautismo en el Calvario el 31 de marzo, Dia de la Pascua.

She is currently involved in research that examines how incarceration impacts the family system and is always excited to meet people who are passionate about criminal justice reform. In her free time, Kathleen enjoys reading science fiction, writing about her experiences as a counselor, and becoming emotionally invested in television shows. Kathleen became more involved at Calvary last fall when she was welcomed into the Wednesday Night Words small group, and she is excited to grow in her faith as part of the Calvary community.


Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

From the Music Department Dr. Cheryl Branham, Director of Music Calvary Presents… A Brilliant Recital On Friday evening, January 11, a small but enthusiastic audience enjoyed a fantastic program of music performed by Francisco Vila, cello, and Carlos Vargas, piano. Francisco, born in Ecuador and raised in Miami, now lives in Brussels. Carlos, born in Dominican Republic, now lives in Boston. The two met while students at Boston Conservatory, where they became best friends. But this concert tour represents the start of their performing career as a duo team. After their performance at Calvary, they performed in Boston and on the West Coast. Thank you, Calvary, for supporting these fine musicians with your presence and your generous gifts. And thanks to the Friday Morning Music Club for recommending these artists to us and for providing their Steinway concert grand piano for use in the concert.

Dr. Branham with Carlos Vargas and Francisco Vila. Vargas and Vila performed duets on the piano and cello, January 11.

Lenten Worship Join us each Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. beginning February 17, for Lenten worship. You'll notice some changes each week. First, our Alleluias disappear! This is a long-standing tradition in the Church during Lent, so both our Doxology and Gospel Acclamation change for this 6-week period. Also, we leave worship with no organ postlude. Rather we depart in silence, in the spirit of contemplation and confession. Then on Easter Day, our Alleluias return and the rafters ring with music to celebrate Resurrection! We'll see you in worship for the season of Lent. Together let's walk the path that prepares us for Easter Day. Easter Festival Choir If you love to sing, but the weekly commitment to Sanctuary Choir is just too much, then Festival Choir is for you. Grab a quick lunch and join us each Sunday afternoon beginning February 17, 1:15 - 3:00 p.m. in Music Suite. We'll rehearse a variety of Easter anthems, from William Mathias to John Rutter to a Spiritual—and of course, a special Alleluia setting! All adults and youth are welcome. Palm Sunday = Children's Choir. Families and teachers, please be sure to help all our Calvary Kids find their way to Music for Kids each Sunday after worship, 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. in Music Suite. As you know, Palm Sunday is our big day to lead in worship, so we need every minute of our rehearsal time together to prepare. Then on Palm Sunday, March 24, help our Kids to look spiffy and to arrive in the Sanctuary for rehearsal at 10:15 a.m. Grown-ups, we want all our children—including babies and toddlers—to participate in our Procession of Palms, so please bring them to Sanctuary at 10:45 a.m. Palm Sunday is a great day of worship—we begin with Hosannas, and make the transition to Passion Sunday by the end of worship as we begin Holy Week. Thank you, Calvary Kids, for leading us. Music for Good Friday Join us again this Good Friday evening, March 29, at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary, for another Good Friday concert to benefit Shalom Scholarship Fund. This season, our terrific Music Staff singers bring us the music of Telemann. Our featured soloists are Natalie Barrens-Rogers, Susan Sevier, Dwayne Pinkney, and Rameen Chaharbaghi; Cheryl Branham conducts the Calvary Chamber Orchestra. Come into DC early for dinner on the town, then take your seat in the Sanctuary for music of the season as we remember the events of Good Friday. Thank you for giving generously to Shalom Scholarship.

Direct Debit Available If you would like to set up a regular automatic payment, contact Paul Rosstead in the Church Office. Contributions can still be made online using your credit card by visiting the Calvary website, www.calvarydc.org, or if you pay your bills online, consider instructing your bank to make a regular payment to Calvary Baptist Church.


Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

Spring Birthdays March 1 Leah Grundset Davis 2 Matthew Daley Lee Jeter 3 Alison Sorto Reyes 4 Laura Canfield 5 Henry Wray 7 Becky Vaughn 10 Michael Fahey Allison Lee-Villanueva Pat Neighbarger Marion Ritchie 14 Annette Orabona 15 Bobbie Michael 17 Ken Carr 19 Ashley Coates Matt Hoffer 20 Rameen Chaharbaghi 23 Hayden Butler Ryan Harvey 24 Wanda Gilson Thomas Mills 25 Lynnette LeeVillanueva 26 Eli Bebber Barbara Cristy Katie ThomasCanfield 27 Kirsten Hancock Mike Overby 28 David Mein 29 Caroline Armijo 30 Grace Lipman

José NuñezSantamaria 31 Sandra Eusebio Nia Rogers April 2 Cedie Labis 3 Michelle Harris-Love 4 Mike Labis 8 Betty Mein Sandra Pereira-Nuñez 11 Martha Peck 13 Sarah Livingston Lu Shan 14 Howard Ammerman Mayra Durán Ko Nyi Kathy Wray 15 Jerry Gilson Virginia Teller 16 Ken Butler 18 Trey Sullivan 19 Anthony Love Deacon Robinson 20 Luk Lagwi 21 Anna Xochitl SettelsPalacios 22 Bridget Cline Slater Roberto Reyes Sr. 23 Laura Beth BlytheGoodman John Dehnel 24 Henry Armijo Gordon Harris

25 Cristian Durán Allyson Wisdom Vamplew 30 Anabel CruzMontesano Kathleen Smith May 3 Theodore Kyin Oo Harold Ritchie Chelsea Thomas 4 Andrea Mae Angdisen 7 Lorena PereiraDecorado 8 Ben Mann William Michael 12 Hka Tawm Maran 14 Lucy Armijo Steven Burneston Amy Sullivan 18 Thelma Jeter 19 Mohamed Hassan 20 Jocelyn López-Arias 22 Rich Havard 23 David Grise 26 Van Rin 27 Gene Goon 29 Bill Harris John Thayer Carol Thomason 30 Tina Angdisen 31 Liliana Guandique George Lucas

June 4 Ridgeway Addison 5 Kimberley Sisk Rosie Stafford 6 Bill Michael 7 Gene Shipp 8 Katie Harvey 10 Ellen Sulerzyski 11 Hannah Butler 13 James Goon 14 Allyson Robinson Ernie Williams 18 Angelica Angdisen Lizzie Bebber Burl Whitmer 19 Samuel Butler 20 Mike Lloyd Brian Toense 22 Molly Carr 25 Julia Nelson Judy Russell 27 Erin Cline 30 Paul Rosstead

Easter Lilies Easter Lilies displayed in the sanctuary will help make our Easter worship services very beautiful. These plants may be ordered in memory or honor of the person(s) of your choice. Our Easter worship bulletin will include a listing of the donors and the persons being honored. Lilies can be ordered ($12 each) at www.calvarydc.org or by calling the church office on or before Monday, March 25. I / We would like to order _______ Lily(ies) at $12.00 each. Total enclosed $___________ After worship I/we would like to: □ donate the Lily(ies) □ deliver them to a shut-in □ take them home Donor’s Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________________ In Memory of:


In Honor of:



Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

On the Calvary Calendar For current information and additional details regarding Calvary programs and events, visit Calvary’s website, calvarydc.org or Calvary’s facebook page for our Google Calendar. March 2 Youth Ski Trip (White Tail) 3 3rd Sunday in Lent 6 WIN Meeting (in Kendall Hall) Lenten Lunch: Smelling the Gospel Exercise 9 ‘Number Your Days’ Congregational Retreat (led by Diaconate) Fall Back (Daylight Savings Time) 10 4th Sunday in Lent 13 Lenten Lunch: Six Days Before 16 Congregational Picnic at Rock Creek (sponsored by Latino Fellowship) 17 5th Sunday in Lent

Prayers for Peace Service Lenten Lunch: Palm Sunday Palm Sunday Last day to order Easter Lilies Maundy Thursday Service, Dinner and Discussion 29 Good Friday Benefit Concert 31 Easter Day Worship Potluck Lunch April 5-7 Alliance of Baptists Gathering 7 2nd Sunday of Easter 14 3rd Sunday of Easter Calvary Conversation: Restructuring Taskforce Youth picnic on National Mall 21 Easter Day Worship 20 24 25 28

4th Sunday of Easter Quarterly Business Meeting 28 5th Sunday of Easter May 5 6th Sunday of Easter 12 7th Sunday of Easter Mother’s Day Senior Youth Recognition Day 19 Pentecost Sunday 26 Trinity Sunday 27 Memorial Day (Church Offices closed) June 1 Baptist Revival: Dr. Beck 2 151 Anniversary Sunday Anniversary Lunch

Easter Offering Opportunity Myra Houser, Co-Chair, Christian Education Board Do you “wallow in Lent,” as our fearless (missions) co-leader Carol Blythe says? Well stop it, people! There’s something very important you can do, and that’s celebrate the end of Lent by giving to our Easter offering! On most days, your offering supports the missions and ministries of Calvary. On Easter Day, your generous contributions will be donated to support three of our denominational partners. One-half of funds collected will go to the American Baptist Churches, USA (ABC), and one-quarter each will go to the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) and the Alliance of Baptists (Alliance). That is a lot of Baptist work, it’s true, but let’s explain a bit to give you a better idea of the good work your donations will support: American Baptist Churches, USA, is based in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, and has a multitude of immigration and refugee ministries that reach out to new neighbors through social services and advocacy (including a visit to the State Department by our own Raimundo Barreto!), support neighborhood action programs to offer assistance to struggling families, and engage in long-term recovery efforts following natural disasters. The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, based in Atlanta, Georgia, also focuses on immediate disaster relief programs, domestically and internationally, and works to combat human trafficking—an increasing problem internationally and in the United States. Some of these efforts involve legal and rehabilitation services for individuals who have suffered in this trade. Close to home, LUCHA Ministries (Latinos Unidos en Cristo en Hermandad y Apoyo, translated Latinos United in Christ in Brotherhood and Support) in Fredericksburg, which many of you are familiar with—helps people who have immigrated to the United States through providing social services and lobbying for fairer immigration policies. Last but not least, the Alliance is presided over by our own Carol Blythe, who has worked with Calvary members in constructing a statement on the Kairos Palestine document, helping us stand in solidarity with Christians around the world. The organization also sponsors Summer Communities of Service, where 19-30 year olds live in intentional communities around the country and work with local outreach organizations. On Easter Day, while you are eating lots of delicious food at the potluck lunch, help us support some of our denominations and the good work that they do. 11

Holy Week and Easter at Calvary Palm Sunday, March 24 Worship at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. We wave palm branches and remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as Holy Week begins. Maundy Thursday, March 28 6:30 p.m. dinner and discussion, 7:30 p.m. worship; both in the Chapel. Good Friday, March 29, 7:30 p.m. Concert in the Sanctuary; Devotional cantatas and chamber works of George Philipp Telemann featuring the Calvary Cantors and Dr. Cheryl Branham. donations benefit the Shalom Scholarship Fund. Easter Day, March 31 Resurrection Sunday! Worship at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Potluck Lunch in Woodward Hall following worship.

Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, Senior Pastor Harold L. Ritchie, Editor Emeritus Paul Rosstead, Church Administrator Jason Smith, Ministry Assistant 202-347-8355; Fax: 202-347-6360 www.calvarydc.org Published Quarterly POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Calvary Caller Calvary Baptist Church & Congregation 755 8th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 Spring 2013

Calvary Caller

Calvary Baptist Church


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