Sunday april 27

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April 27, 2014 Second Sunday of Easter Calvary Baptist Church Washington, DC





APRIL 27, 2014


We are an ecumenical, multi-racial, multi-ethnic Christian body that reaches out to the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. To that end we strive to be welcoming, responsive, trusting and prayerful in everything we do. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Prelude on ST. MAGNUS Healey Willan (1880-1968) John Dautzenberg, Organ


Susan Sevier

HYMN 221

The Strife is O’er



Eugenia Reyes

Alleluia! Christ is risen. Christ is risen indeed! This is the Easter festival of life. We celebrate the birth of new possibilities, of re-creation and new life as gifts from God. All creatures rejoice in the powerful work of God’s salvation! In Christ’s resurrection, hope triumphs over despair! Love triumphs over hate! Good triumphs over evil! Belief triumphs over doubt and life triumphs over death! Glory and honor and praise to Christ who lives and reigns among us! Alleluia to the Living Christ! Christ is risen. Christ is risen indeed! INVOCATION

Amy Butler


Amy Butler

La paz del Señor sea contigo. Y contigo también. The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you. CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE

Make Us One


Make us one, Lord, make us one; Holy Spirit, make us one. Let your love flow so the world will know we are one in you. A TIME WITH CHILDREN MUSICAL MEDITATION

Andi Sullivan Now the Green Blade Rises


Elizabeth Beavers, Mezzo-Soprano Congregation standing; la congregación se pone de pie. Congregational responses in bold. Page numbers refer to Sanctuary Bibles. Audio enhancement devices available for use during worship. Please ask an usher for assistance. Respuestas congregacionales en negrita. Las páginas se refieren a las Biblias en el santuario. Para Biblias en español o traducción del servicio en español, por favor hablar con un ujier.

L IVING THE W ORD OF G OD THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, P. 885 PSALTER 730 We sing and read responsively.

Acts 2: 14a, 22 - 32 Eugenia Reyes Psalm 16 Elizabeth Beavers, Cantor


1 Peter 1: 3 - 9 George Mason Alleluia Robert F. Twynham (1930 - 2011) Elizabeth Beavers, Cantor

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Adapted from John 20 GOSPEL LESSON, P. 883

John 20: 19 - 31 Amy Butler

This is the Gospel of Christ. Thanks be to God. HYMN 227

In the Garden GARDEN


Amy Butler

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. SERMON

FaithWays George Mason


John Dautzenberg



Rachel Johnson Simple Song, from Mass Leonard Bernstein, (1918 - 1990) Elizabeth Beavers, Mezzo-Soprano Ashley Dalton, Flute Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! PRAYER OF DEDICATION

Rachel Johnson


We sing verses 1, 4 and 5.

Amy Butler God of Grace and God of Glory CWM RHONDDA

During the singing, we invite you to come forward if you wish to make a public commitment to join our community of faith. If you are interested in membership or have questions about Calvary, please contact the Church Office.

WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS We give thanks that you have been guided by the hand of God to this community of faith. We pledge to love each other and to work to grow into the fullness of Christ together. Amen. BENEDICTION POSTLUDE

Amy Butler Improvisation on EASTER HYMN John Dautzenberg, Organ

Following worship, please join us in Woodward Hall, left as you exit the Sanctuary, for refreshments and a time of fellowship. Visitors, we look forward to greeting you! Scripture passages for May 4, Third Sunday of Easter, are Acts 2: 14a, 36 - 41; Psalm 116: 1 - 4, 12 - 19; 1 Peter 1: 17 - 23; Luke 24: 13 - 35. Make Us One. Words and Music: Carol Cymbala, ©1991 Word Music, Inc. and Carol Joy Music c/o Integrated Copyright Group. All rights reserved. Words reprinted under CCLI #430459.

REMEMBER IN PRAYER Teddi Angelov, friend of Liubov Russell; Maria Bensussen, grandmother of Ryan Harvey; Sara Bermúdez, mother of Lorena Pereira; Cristina Chacón; Sophie Cho, niece of Cindy Cho; Roberta Clyburn, sister of Janice Glover; Carolyn Crumpler, grandmother of Amy Shaw; Kimberly Durham-Bates; Bill Fahey; Radost Fortunova, sister of Liubov Russell; Gail Ousley Gibson, friend of Ben and Natalie Barrens Rogers; Jenny Goon; Janet Grove; Carmen James, friend of Corina López; Morry Johnson, friend of Ashley Becker; Aileen Jones, mother of Kathie Lansing; Ginette Lambert, mother of Pierre Mathieu, friend of Paul Rosstead; Lynne Mayfield, mother of Jay Mayfield; Al Nielsen; Armando Pacheco, friend of Amy Dale; Amelia Powell, mother of Andrea Powell; Rochelle Powell, grandmother of Eva Powell; Will Regas, cousin of Katie Harvey; Amelia Rogers, mother of Ben Rogers; Scott Singley, brother-in-law of Courtney Rice; Carol Sunde. A SPECIAL GIFT has been made to the General Fund in memory of Ruth Covell Burness by her sister, Janet C. Yeckley. WORSHIP JUST BELIEVE. Today we begin a new sermon series for the Easter Season. Belief is a nice idea, but the way it’s been defined in religious circles just won’t work for some of us. What if we can’t “just believe”? Jesus’ first followers had the same struggle—they came to believe in different ways. During the season of Easter we’ll consider different ways in which we come to believe.

TODAY CONGREGATIONAL MEETING ON THE PASTORAL RESIDENCY PROGRAM, 9:45 a.m. in the Chapel; no adult or youth Sunday School today. We meet with Rev. Dr. George Mason, Senior Pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, to discuss Wilshire’s residency program and receive guidance as we welcome new Pastoral Residents this summer. REV. DR. GEORGE MASON joins us as our guest preacher today. George has been pastoring at Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas since 1989. He earned his master of divinity (1982) and doctor of philosophy (1987) degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth. At Wilshire, he created and now directs a unique pastoral residency program that currently enjoys funding from the Lilly Endowment. Welcome, Dr. George Mason! A SPECIAL LUNCH will be served in Woodward Hall as we meet to discuss Calvary’s continuing journey into future church. COMING UP TUESDAY LECTIONARY LUNCHES. Bring your lunch to Kendall Hall, 12:15-12:45 p.m., and join us for a fun, informal discussion on the upcoming Gospel Lesson of the week. Contact Trey Sullivan. THEOLOGY ON DRAFT, “AUTOBEEROGRAPHY:” TELLING OUR SPIRITUAL STORIES, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. in Butler Hall. We focus on spiritual autobiography, discover biblical stories, and discuss modern spiritual memoirs. Contact Trey Sullivan. WEDNESDAY NIGHT WORDS, 6:30 p.m. in Butler Hall. We focus on Naked Spirituality by Brian McClaren and discuss ways of bringing the presence of God into our own lives. Contact Trey Sullivan. FRIDAY MORNING MUSIC CLUB, Friday at 12:00 noon in the Chapel. Hear music of George Butterworth, Spohr, Bach, Debussy, and Liszt, performed by John Turner, tenor, Gail MacColl and Connie Milner, violins, Caroline Brethauer, viola, Joanna Taylor, cello, Melissa Mino, soprano, Albert Hunt, clarinet, Felicia Weiss, piano, and Enoch Gordis, piano. Contact Jeongseon Choi, HOLISTIC HEALTH PROJECT. We meet each Friday, 7:00-8:00 p.m., in the Teen Room for Zumba (G3) and in the gym for soccer (GB). Childcare is available. Contact Pastor Edgar. QUARTERLY BUSINESS MEETING, Wednesday, April 30, 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Contact Kathie Lansing, CROP WALK FOR HUNGER, Saturday, May 17. We meet at Calvary at 10:30 a.m. and walk to Franklin Square Park. This year, DC CROP walk supports international hunger programs through Church World Service and locally through DC Hunger Solutions and the Capital Area Food Bank. We are collecting canned goods for the food bank in addition to monetary donations to the CROP walk. To register, visit Follow the link and donate to our team online, give to the Hunger Fund at church (either in a pew envelope or online, or bring canned goods to church by May 17.


An editor and writer at Fast Company, Jeff Chu leads the magazine’s coverage of China, philanthropy, and urban affairs. His book, Does Jesus Really Love Me? A Gay Christian’s Pilgrimage in Search of God in America, is a sharp, compelling treatment of American Christianity and homosexuality. Visit Jeff online,

Hear Jeff in conversation with Pastor Amy, Tuesday, April 29, 7:00 p.m. Tickets available for $10.00 at the door or online at SACRED SPACES/URBAN ASSETS: FAITH COMMUNITIES, PROPERTY, AND MOVING BOLDLY INTO THE FUTURE. Join us for an interactive

conversation designed to give congregational leaders practical tools for understanding and leveraging their valuable urban property. Hear perspectives of a theologian, a change management consultant, a design specialist, and a developer. Think in creative, interactive ways about possible future scenarios for your faith community. Gather practical resources to help faith communities move into the future. Saturday, June 7, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Woodward Hall, $15 per person.

C HURCH S TAFF Cheryl Branham Amy Butler Myra Houser Saw Ler Htoo Al Jeter Edgar Palacios Paul Rosstead Jason Smith Trey Sullivan

Director of Music (, ext. 136) Senior Pastor (, ext. 121) Communications Coordinator ( Missionary, Burmese Community ( Supervisor of Maintenance (, ext. 128) Associate Pastor (, ext. 103) Church Administrator (, ext. 127) Ministry Assistant (, ext. 133) Spiritual Formation Coordinator (


Susan Sevier

Deacon of the Week (

Calvary Baptist Church 755 Eighth Street NW Washington, DC 20001

202.347.8355 fax 202.347.6360

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