ROARING INTO THE 20s A little party never killed nobody. This Gatsby-style event will be attended by up to 400 friends of our school, including current parents, past and present faculty members, alumni, and parents of alumni. It will be promoted through: • Our biannual magazine, Reflections, circulated to 3,900 households • Prominent placement on our website, which attracts more than 4,200 unique visitors per month • Numerous email blasts to more than 2,900 email subscribers • Updates on our Facebook page for parents and alumni, with more than 2,000 followers • Outdoor banners located on Calvert's campus
MARCH 4, 2023
ROARING ROARINGINTO INTOTHE THE20s 20s AAlittle littleparty partynever neverkilled killednobody. nobody.This ThisGatsby-style Gatsby-styleevent eventwill willbe beattended attendedby byup up to 400 friends of our school, including current parents, past and present faculty to 400 friends of our school, including current parents, past and present faculty members, members,alumni, alumni,and andparents parentsof ofalumni. alumni.ItItwill willbe bepromoted promotedthrough: through: •• Our Ourbiannual biannualmagazine, magazine,Reflections, Reflections,circulated circulatedto to3,900 3,900households households •• Prominent Prominentplacement placementon onour ourwebsite, website,which whichattracts attractsmore morethan than4,200 4,200 unique uniquevisitors visitorsper permonth month •• Numerous Numerousemail emailblasts blaststo tomore morethan than2,900 2,900email emailsubscribers subscribers •• Updates Updateson onour ourFacebook Facebookpage pagefor forparents parentsand andalumni, alumni, with more than 2,000 followers with more than 2,000 followers •• Outdoor Outdoorbanners bannerslocated locatedon onCalvert's Calvert'scampus campus
The TheBig BigCheese Cheese...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................$5,000 $5,000 •• •• •• ••
Company Companyname namewith withlink linkincluded includedon onevery everyevent eventnewsletter/communication newsletter/communication Company Companyname namewith withlink linkincluded includedon onevent eventwebsite website Company Companysign signwith withlogo logoatatBar Barand andon onevent eventprogram program 66tickets ticketstotothe theevent event($900 ($900value) value)
The TheCat's Cat'sMeow Meow..................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................$3,000 $3,000 •• •• •• ••
Company Companyname namewith withlink linkincluded includedon onevery everyevent eventnewsletter/communication newsletter/communication Company Companyname namewith withlink linkincluded includedon onevent eventwebsite website Company Companysign signatatthe theevent event 44tickets ticketstotothe theevent event($600 ($600value) value)
Ritzy RitzyContributor Contributor............................................................................................$1,500 ............................................................................................$1,500 •• •• •• ••
Company Companyname namewith withlink linkincluded includedon onevery everyevent eventnewsletter/communication newsletter/communication Company Companyname namewith withlink linkincluded includedon onevent eventwebsite website Company Companysign signatatthe theevent event 22tickets ticketstotothe theevent event($300 ($300value) value)
Swanky SwankyFriend..................................................................................................... Friend.....................................................................................................$750 $750 •• •• ••
Company Companyname namewith withlink linkincluded includedon onevery everyevent eventnewsletter/communication newsletter/communication Company Companyname namewith withlink linkincluded includedon onevent eventwebsite website 22tickets ticketstotothe theevent event($300 ($300value) value)
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