Page No.
Economics & Business studies
Language & Linguistics
Statistics and Probability
Computer Science
Earth and Environmental science
Life Science
General science
School Books
History Culinary Culture in Colonial India A Cosmopolitan Platter and the Middle Class Utsa Ray This book utilizes the idea of cuisine to understand the construction of the colonial middle-class in Bengal. Colonial transformation contextualized the cultural articulation of a new set of values, prejudices and tastes for the colonial middle-class. This middle-class ensured that cuisine was not commoditized and remained domestic and embedded in the material culture of Bengal. One of the chief arguments of this book is that the middle-class in colonial Bengal indigenized new culinary experiences that came with colonialism. This process of indigenization was an aesthetic choice imbricated in the upper caste and patriarchal agenda of middle-class social reform. While enabling the middle-class to soak in new culinary pleasures, the process of indigenization also made possible certain social practices, including the imagination of the act of cooking as a classic feminine act and the domestic kitchen as a sacred space. In these acts of imagination, there were important elements of continuity from the pre-colonial times, especially evidenced in the reinstitution of caste-based norms of gastronomy. The process of indigenizing new gastronomic practices was at the same time anticolonial yet capitalist, cosmopolitan yet gendered and caste based. Thus, the idea of a refined taste that was so integrally associated with the formation of the middle class in colonial Bengal became a marker of standards of good and bad, acceptance of some things, rejection of some others and in Pierre Bourdieu’s apt phrase ‘disgust for other tastes.’ HB 9781107042810
Cambridge University Press India Private Limited
A 284pp
` 695.00
China and the International Society
Globalization and India's Economic Integration
Jinjun Zhao & Zhirui Chen (Eds.)
Adaptation and Self-Consciousness
Baldev Raj Nayar This book shows how globalization's pressures favoring efficiency paradoxically induced the state to push for consolidation on a pan-Indian scale in the area of fiscal federalism and to advance the cause of the common market through reforming the indirect tax system; meanwhile, the state has pressed forward with social inclusiveness as never before in its economic planning. For another, the market, too, has been instrumental, because of its widened scope and its inherently expanding character, in strengthening economic integration through trade expansion, diffusion of industry, and increased inter-state migration. Nayar's groundbreaking work will interest students, scholars, and specialists of India, South Asia, globalization, and political economy. HB 9789384463441
A 316pp
What is the relationship between China and the international society? It is a question of historical and realistic significance for China and the world to answer. Since the reform and opening up, China initiated a journey to get integrated into the international society. As an emerging power, China is trying to seek identities, display strength, and build a good reputation. Under various determinants and possibilities, the relationship between China and the international society manifests a feature of complexity and multiple dimensions. Following a guideline of “on China, for the world�, this volume intends to introduce Chinese scholars' latest studies on China's global strategies, theories and policies to the outside world. HB 9781938134500
TX 316pp
$ 110.00
` 695.00
Economics & Business studies
Science and Technology in Contemporary China
Interrogating Policies and Progress Varaprasad S. Dolla
Trade-Related Investment Measures
Chinese science and technology (S&T) policy, as a subset of the Open Door Policy that Deng Xiaoping launched in 1978, marked the completion of three decades of reform in 2008. The cumulative outcome of these gradualist and yet fundamental reforms in S&T policy is a remarkable advancement of S&T progress in China. This book is an imperative to revisit and interrogate the nature and scope of Chinese S&T policy and progress.
Theory and Applications
The S&T policy changes in post-Mao China cannot be complete without a historical narrative and analysis of S&T in its pre-policy (prior to 1850) and policy (since 1850 when Qing rulers began to promote S&T with fragmented policies) periods. Therefore, it discusses the historical context of the development of S&T in China. The text is divided into three parts. The first part considers both the macro and micro issues pertaining to S&T policy in general and S&T policy in particular. The second part highlights the historical narrative of Chinese S&T policy as it has a key role in the evolution of contemporary S&T architecture. The third part discusses three focal components of the Chinese S&T system each representing state, society and international systems – the organizational structure representing the state; the research system representing society; and technology acquisition representing the international system with serious implications for China. HB 9781107080379
A 348pp
` 895.00
Chi-Chur Chao & Eden S. H. Yu This unique book makes a contribution to the deeper understanding of various trade-related investment measures (TRIMs). The issues have been largely inspired by the use of trade policies on foreign investment adopted in China and many other nations from the 1960s to the 1990s. Building upon the existing literature and the authors' own work, the 20 chapters in the book examine, using several versions of general-equilibrium frameworks, resource allocation and welfare effects of both trade-related investment measures and investment-related trade/environmental measures. Traditional and duality microeconomic tools and modelling techniques have been extensively utilised in analysing various real-world, investment and environmental issues, especially those encountered in developing economies. Policy implications regarding optimal trade, investment and environmental policies that emerged from the analyses are also provided. This book is self-contained in applications of trade theories and related general-equilibrium modelling techniques. It may be used as an advanced textbook in trade theory and policy as well as a reference book for policy makers, professional practitioners and academic researchers in designing trade policies. HB 9781783264780
Cambridge University Press India Private Limited
TX 336pp
$ 78.00
The Floating World Issues in International Trade Theory Wilfred J. Ethier
Representation Theory
In The Floating World, Emeritus Professor of Economics Wilfred Ethier collates 22 papers that delve deep into the study on International Trade Theory. These papers are grouped into six distinct sections. Each covers an overarching research program in trade theory — Factor-Endowments Theory, Economies of Scale, International Factor Markets, Regional Integration, the Political Economy of Trade Policy, and Administered Protection. An additional section for important papers outside of those programs is also included. With papers originally written in the 1970s all the way up to recent times, Ethier provides contemporary commentary for each section, referring to further sources, candid accounts on the state of international trade theory at the time and how each paper contributed to further improvements of their respective research program.
A Combinatorial Viewpoint
HB 9789814590310
TX 472pp
$ 138.00
Language & Linguistics A Descriptive Study of Bengali Words Niladri Sekhar Dash The book is about the study of modern Bengali words based on the data obtained from a corpus of written texts. The corpus contains more than five million words of written text samples collected from hundred subject domains published within 1981 to 2000. The author analyses Bengali words from empirical point of view to understand their form and function in the language. It also deals with the form and function of Bengali words in a systematic manner from the perspective of structure and use of words to understand how Bengali words are formed and used. The book provides, for the first time, some important findings about the general patterns of use of Bengali morpheme. It sheds new light on the form and function of morphemes in construction of words in the language. Bengali single word units (both inflected and non-inflected) are analyzed from the perspective of their structure or surface forms. The book also provides a solid empirical support for developing tools and systems for morphological analysis, morphological generation, lexical decomposition and lexical composition for the language for machine learning and language teaching. A 374pp
This book examines the fundamental results of modern combinatorial representation theory. The exercises are interspersed with text to reinforce readers’ understanding of the subject. In addition, each exercise is assigned a difficulty level to test readers’ learning. Solutions and hints to most of the exercises are provided at the end. HB 9781107082052
A 204pp
` 795.00
Real Analysis
HB 9781107064249
Amritanshu Prasad
` 895.00
Theory of Measure and Integration J. Yeh This book presents a unified treatise of the theory of measure and integration. In the setting of a general measure space, every concept is defined precisely and every theorem is presented with a clear and complete proof with all the relevant details. Counter-examples are provided to show that certain conditions in the hypothesis of a theorem cannot be simply dropped. The dependence of a theorem on earlier theorems is explicitly indicated in the proof, not only to facilitate reading but also to delineate the structure of the theory. The precision and clarity of presentation make the book an ideal textbook for a graduate course in real analysis while the wealth of topics treated also make the book a valuable reference work for mathematicians. The book is also very helpful to graduate students in statistics and electrical engineering, two disciplines that apply measure theory. PB 9789814578547
TX 840pp
$ 85.00
Basic Language of Mathematics Juan Jorge Schaffer This book originates as an essential underlying component of a modern, imaginative three-semester honors program (six undergraduate courses) in Mathematical Studies. In its entirety, it covers Algebra, Geometry and Analysis in One Variable. The book is intended to provide a comprehensive and rigorous account of the concepts of set, mapping, family, order, number (both natural and real), as well as such distinct procedures as proof by induction and
Cambridge University Press India Private Limited
recursive definition, and the interaction between these ideas; with attempts at including insightful notes on historic and cultural settings and information on alternative presentations. The work ends with an excursion on infinite sets, principally a discussion of the mathematics of Axiom of Choice and often very useful equivalent statements. HB 9789814596091
TX 320pp
$ 68.00
Differential Operators on Spaces of Variable Integrability David E. Edmunds, Jan Lang & Osvaldo Mendez The theory of Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces with variable integrability is experiencing a steady expansion, and is the subject of much vigorous research by functional analysts, function-space analysts and specialists in nonlinear analysis. These spaces have attracted attention not only because of their intrinsic mathematical importance as natural, interesting examples of non-rearrangement-invariant function spaces but also in view of their applications, which include the mathematical modeling of electrorheological fluids and image restoration. The main focus of this book is to provide a solid functional-analytic background for the study of differential operators on spaces with variable integrability. It includes some novel stability phenomena which the authors have recently discovered. At the present time, this is the only book which focuses systematically on differential operators on spaces with variable integrability. The authors present a concise, natural introduction to the basic material and steadily move toward differential operators on these spaces, leading the reader quickly to current research topics. HB 9789814596312
TX 224pp
$ 58.00
E-Recursion, Forcing and C*-Algebras Chitat Chong, Qi Feng, Theodore A. Slaman, W. Hugh Woodin & Yue Yang (Eds.) This volume presents the lecture notes of short courses given by three leading experts in mathematical logic at the 2012 Asian Initiative for Infinity Logic Summer School. The major topics cover set-theoretic forcing, higher recursion theory, and applications of set theory to C*-algebra. This volume offers a wide spectrum of ideas and techniques introduced in contemporary research in the field of mathematical logic to students, researchers and mathematicians. PB 9789814603256
TX 228pp
Introduction to Spectral Theory and Inverse Problem on Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds Hiroshi Isozaki & Yaroslav Kurylev This manuscript is devoted to a rigorous and detailed exposition of the spectral theory and associated forward and inverse scattering problems for the Laplace-Beltrami operators on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds. Based upon the classical stationary scattering theory in Rn, the key point of the approach is the generalized Fourier transform, which serves as the basic tool to introduce and analyse the time-dependent wave operators and the S-matrix. The crucial role is played by the characterization of the space of the scattering solutions for the Helmholtz equations utilizing a properly defined Besov-type space. After developing the scattering theory, we describe, for some cases, the inverse scattering on the asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds by adopting, for the considered case, the boundary control method for inverse problems. The manuscript is aimed at graduate students and young mathematicians interested in spectral and scattering theories, analysis on hyperbolic manifolds and theory of inverse problems. We try to make it selfconsistent and, to a large extent, not dependent on the existing treatises on these topics. To our best knowledge, it is the first comprehensive description of these theories in the context of the asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds. PB 9784864970211
TX 251pp
$ 40.00
Lecture Notes on Local Rings Birger Iversen; Holger Andreas Nielsen (Ed.) The content in Chapter 1–3 is a fairly standard onesemester course on local rings with the goal to reach the fact that a regular local ring is a unique factorization domain. The homological machinery is also supported by Cohen–Macaulay rings and depth. In Chapters 4–6 the methods of injective modules, Matlis duality and local cohomology are discussed. Chapters 7–9 are not so standard and introduce the reader to the generalizations of modules to complexes of modules. Some of Professor Iversen's results are given in Chapter 9. Chapter 10 is about Serre's intersection conjecture. The graded case is fully exposed. The last chapter introduces the reader to Fitting ideals and McRae invariants. HB 9789814603652
TX 224pp
$ 48.00
$ 28.00
Cambridge University Press India Private Limited
Theta Functions and Knots Razvan Gelca This book presents the relationship between classical theta functions and knots. It is based on a novel idea of Razvan Gelca and Alejandro Uribe, which converts Weil's representation of the Heisenberg group on theta functions to a knot theoretical framework, by giving a topological interpretation to a certain induced representation. It also explains how the discrete Fourier transform can be related to 3- and 4dimensional topology. Theta Functions and Knots can be read in two perspectives. Readers with an interest in theta functions or knot theory can learn how the two are related. Those interested in Chern–Simons theory will find here an introduction using the simplest case, that of abelian Chern–Simons theory. Moreover, the construction of abelian Chern–Simons theory is based entirely on quantum mechanics and not on quantum field theory as it is usually done. Both the theory of theta functions and low dimensional topology are presented in detail, in order to underline how deep the connection between these two fundamental mathematical subjects is. Hence the book is self-contained with a unified presentation. It is suitable for an advanced graduate course, as well as for self-study. HB 9789814520577
TX 468pp
$ 128.00
Crystal Symmetry, Lattice Vibrations, and Optical Spectroscopy of Solids A Group Theoretical Approach
Baldassare Di Bartolo & Richard C. Powell This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the two fundamental aspects of a solid that determine its physical properties: lattice structure and atomic vibrations (phonons). The elements of group theory are extensively developed and used as a tool to show how the symmetry of a solid and the vibrations of the atoms in the solid lead to the physical properties of the material. The uses of different types of spectroscopy techniques that elucidate the lattice structure of a solid and the normal vibrational modes of the atoms in the solid are described. The interaction of light with solids (optical spectroscopy) is described in detail including how lattice symmetry and phonons affect the spectral properties and how spectral properties provide information about the material's symmetry and normal modes of lattice vibrations. The effects of point defects (doping) on the lattice symmetry and atomic vibrations and thus the spectral properties are discussed and used to show how material symmetry and lattice vibrations are critical in determining the properties of solid state lasers. HB 9789814579209
TX 536pp
$ 98.00
Statistics and Probability Weak Convergence and Its Applications Zhengyan Lin & Hanchao Wang Weak convergence of stochastic processes is one of the most important theories in probability theory. Not only probability experts but also more and more statisticians are interested in it. In the study of statistics and econometrics, some problems cannot be solved by the classical method. In this book, we will introduce some recent development of modern weak convergence theory to overcome defects of classical theory. HB 9789814447690
TX 184pp
$ 82.00
Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics and Detectors for Physics Applications Proceedings of the 14th ICATPP Conference: International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics, Como, Italy, 23 – 27 September 2013 S Giani, C Leroy, L Price, P-G Rancoita & R Ruchti (Eds.) The exploration of the subnuclear world is done through increasingly complex experiments covering a wide range of energy and performed in a large variety of environments ranging from particle accelerators, underground detectors to satellites and the space laboratory. The achievement of these research programs calls for novel techniques, new materials and instrumentation to be used in detectors, often of large scale. Therefore, fundamental physics is at the forefront of technological advance and also leads to many applications. Among these, are the progresses from space experiments whose results allow the understanding of the cosmic environment, of the origin and evolution of the universe after the Big Bang. HB 9789814603157
Cambridge University Press India Private Limited
TX 828pp
$ 178.00
Canonical Quantum Gravity Fundamentals and Recent Developments Francesco Cianfrani, Orchidea Maria Lecian, Matteo Lulli & Giovanni Montani This book aims to present a pedagogical and selfconsistent treatment of the canonical approach to Quantum Gravity, starting from its original formulation to the most recent developments in the field. We start with an innovative and enlightening introduction to the formalism and concepts on which General Relativity has been built, giving all the information necessary in the later analysis. A brief sketch of the Standard Cosmological Model describing the Universe evolution is also given alongside the analysis of the inflationary mechanism. After deepening the fundamental properties of constrained dynamic systems, the Lagrangian approach to the Einsteinian Theory is presented in some detail, underlining the parallelism with non-Abelian gauge theories. Then, the basic concepts of the canonical approach to Quantum Mechanics are provided, focusing on all those formulations which are relevant for the Canonical Quantum Gravity problem. The Hamiltonian formulation of General Relativity and its constrained structure is then analyzed by comparing different formulations. The resulting quantum dynamics, described by the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, is fully discussed in order to outline its merits and limits. Afterwards, the reformulation of Canonical Quantum Gravity in terms of the Ashtekar–Barbero– Immirzi variables is faced by a detailed discussion of the resulting Loop Quantum Gravity Theory. Finally, we provide a consistent picture of canonical Quantum Cosmology by facing the main features of the Wheeler–DeWitt equation for the homogeneous Bianchi models and then by a detailed treatment of Loop Quantum Cosmology, including very recent developments. HB 9789814556644
TX 324pp
$ 128.00
Engineering An Elementary Introduction to Queueing Systems Wah Chun Chan
of customers. With this assumption of exponential service time, the analysis can be simplified by using the birth and death process as a model. Many queueing systems can then be analyzed by choosing the proper arrival rate and service rate. This facilitates the analysis of many queueing systems. Drawing on the author's 30 years of experience in teaching and research, the book uses a simple yet effective model of thinking to illustrate the fundamental principles and rationale behind complex mathematical concepts. Explanations of key concepts are provided, while avoiding unnecessary details or extensive mathematical formulas. As a result, the text is easy to read and understand for students wishing to master the core principles of queueing theory. HB 9789814612005
TX 116pp
$ 68.00
Computation of Mathematical Models for Complex Industrial Processes Yu-Chu Tian, Tonghua Zhang, Hongmei Yao & Moses O. Tade Designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students, academic researchers and industrial practitioners, this book provides comprehensive case studies on numerical computing of industrial processes and step-by-step procedures for conducting industrial computing. It assumes minimal knowledge in numerical computing and computer programming, making it easy to read, understand and follow. Topics discussed include fundamentals of industrial computing, finite difference methods, the WaveletCollocation Method, the Wavelet-Galerkin Method, High Resolution Methods, and comparative studies of various methods. These are discussed using examples of carefully selected models from real processes of industrial significance. The step-by-step procedures in all these case studies can be easily applied to other industrial processes without a need for major changes. Thus, they provide readers with useful frameworks for the applications of engineering computing in fundamental research problems and practical development scenarios. HB 9789814360937
The book aims to highlight the fundamental concepts of queueing systems. It starts with the mathematical modeling of the arrival process (input) of customers to the system. It is shown that the arrival process can be described mathematically either by the number of arrival customers in a fixed time interval, or by the interarrival time between two consecutive arrivals. In the analysis of queueing systems, the book emphasizes the importance of exponential service time
Cambridge University Press India Private Limited
TX 164pp
$ 74.00
Special Integral Functions Used in Wireless Communications Theory Nikolay V. Savischenko This monograph summarizes the special functions needed in the performance analysis of wireless communications systems. On the basis of special Gaussian and Owen functions, the methodology for the calculation of the relationship for symbol and bit error probabilities with coherent reception, for the two-dimensional multi-positional signal constructions in communications channel with deterministic parameters and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), was developed. To explain the concepts, examples are provided after the mathematical proofs to illustrate how the theorems could be applied; this includes symbol and bit error probability formulas receiving for present signal constructions (QAM, PSK, APSK and HEX), and error probability dependencies from signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). There are many books in communications theory dealing with several topics covered in this monograph, but none has consolidated all error probability calculations in a single book. This book therefore serves a very niche area. This text is written for graduate students, researchers, and professionals specializing in wireless communications and electrical engineering; dealing with probability and statistics, approximation, and analysis & differential equations. HB 9789814603218
TX 640pp
$ 158.00
Computer Science TEXTBOOK
Advances in Digital Handwritten Signature Processing A Human Artefact for e-Society
Giuseppe Pirlo, Donato Impedovo & Michael Fairhurst (Eds.) In the age of e-society, handwritten signature processing is an enabling technology in a multitude of fields in the “digital agenda” of many countries, ranging from e-health to e-commerce, from e-government to e-justice, from e-democracy to e-banking, and smart cities. Handwritten signatures are very complex signs; they are the result of an elaborate process that depends on the psychophysical state of the signer and the conditions under which the signature apposition process occurs. Notwithstanding, recent efforts from academies and industries now make possible the integration of signature-based technologies into other standard equipment to form complete solutions that are able to support the security requirements of today's society.
Advances in Digital Handwritten Signature Processing primarily provides an update on the most fascinating and valuable researches in the multifaceted field of handwritten signature analysis and processing. The chapters within also introduce and discuss critical aspects and precious opportunities related to the use of this technology, as well as highlight fundamental theoretical and applicative aspects of the field. This book contains papers by well-recognized and active researchers and scientists, as well as by engineers and commercial managers working for large international companies in the field of signature-based systems for a wide range of applications and for the development of e-society. This publication is devoted to both researchers and experts active in the field of biometrics and handwriting forensics, as well as professionals involved in the development of signature-based solutions for advanced applications in medicine, finance, commerce, banking, public and private administrations, etc. Handwritten Signature Processing may also be used as an advanced textbook by graduate students. HB 9789814579629
TX 164pp
$ 85.00
Modern Mathematics and Applications in Computer Graphics and Vision Hongyu Guo This book presents a concise exposition of modern mathematical concepts, models and methods with applications in computer graphics, vision and machine learning. The compendium is organized in four parts — Algebra, Geometry, Topology, and Applications. One of the features is a unique treatment of tensor and manifold topics to make them easier for the students. All proofs are omitted to give an emphasis on the exposition of the concepts. Effort is made to help students to build intuition and avoid parrot-like learning. There is minimal inter-chapter dependency. Each chapter can be used as an independent crash course and the reader can start reading from any chapter — almost. This book is intended for upper level undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers in computer graphics, geometric modeling, computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning. It can be used as a reference book, or a textbook for a selected topics course with the instructor's choice of any of the topics. HB 9789814449328
Cambridge University Press India Private Limited
TX 524pp
$ 98.00
Computer Vision in Robotics and Industrial Applications
Geophysics for the Mineral Exploration Geoscientist
Dominik Sankowski & Jacek Nowakowski (Eds.)
Michael Dentith & Stephen T. Mudge
The book presents a collection of practical applications of image processing and analysis. Different vision systems are more often used among others in the automotive industry, pharmacy, military and police equipment, automated production and measurement systems. In each of these fields of technology, digital image processing and analysis module is a critical part of the process of building this type of system.
Providing a balance between principles and practice, this state-of-the-art overview of geophysical methods takes readers from the basic physical phenomena, through the acquisition and processing of data, to the creation of geological models of the subsurface and data interpretation to find hidden mineral deposits. Detailed descriptions of all the commonly used geophysical methods are given, including gravity, magnetic, radiometric, electrical, electromagnetic and seismic methods. Each technique is described in a consistent way and without complex mathematics. Emphasising extraction of maximum geological information from geophysical data, the book also explains petrophysics, data modelling and common interpretation pitfalls. Packed with full-colour figures, also available online, the text is supported by selected examples from around the world, including all the major deposit types. Designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in minerals geoscience, this is also a valuable reference for professionals in the mining industry wishing to make greater use of geophysical methods.
The majority of books in the market deal with theoretical issues. However, this unique publication specially highlights industrial applications, especially industrial measurement applications. Along with its wide spectrum of image processing and analysis applications, this book is an interesting reference for both students and professionals. HB 9789814583718
TX 580pp
$ 148.00
Earth and Environmental science
HB 9780521809511
TX 454pp
ÂŁ 45.00
Water in the Coming Decades Policy and Governance Issues in India
Typhoon Turning Atlas
Kamta Prasad India has a surface and ground water irrigation potential of nearly 100 million hectares, which has made it a country with the largest irrigated area in the world. This book deals with the policy and governance issues in relation to management as well as development of water resources in India. It makes a critical review of the state of the art concerning most of the important aspects of the water sector and comes forward with practical suggestions to improve the system further. The perspective of this book is mainly social, economic and institutional and not technological. While the focus of the book is on India, the issues discussed and their implications are relevant to a greater part of the world, specially the developing world. The book would be useful for researchers, administrators, policy-makers and those interested in water resources in India and elsewhere. HB 9789382993698
A 460pp
Weihong Qian, Xiaolong Shan & Haoyuan Liang Typhoons with unusual tracks are difficult to forecast with respect to whether, when, and where typhoon turning occurs based on traditional synoptic charts and numerical weather forecast model products. This typhoon turning atlas provides an additional tool to deal with the typhoon turning question by using a physical decomposition method together with thousands of plots. In particular, this atlas provides important information of 322 historical typhoons that occurred in the past three decades and demonstrates how they were influenced respectively. PB 9789814531818
TX 452pp
$ 155.00
` 895.00
Cambridge University Press India Private Limited
Life Science
marketing channels re-structure and mostly, how to create, capture and share value in innovative market strategies.
Systems Biology of Clostridium Peter Durre (Ed.) Systems Biology of Clostridium provides a comprehensive overview of system biology approaches in clostridia, especially Clostridium acetobutylicum. Systems biology is a rapidly evolving scientific discipline that allows us to understand and predict the metabolism and its changes within the bacterium as a whole. Clostridia represent one of the largest bacterial genera. This group contains organisms with metabolic properties that hold enormous potential for biotechnological processes. A model organism is Clostridium acetobutylicum that has been, and is still used in large-scale industrial production of the solvents acetone and butanol. Systems biology offers a new way to elucidate and understand the complex regulatory network controlling the different metabolic pathways and their interactions. All aspects from the development of appropriate experimental tools to mathematical modeling are covered, including a fascinating historical account on acetone-butanol fermentation in World War II. Written by world-class experts in their fields, Systems Biology of Clostridium is an essential source of reference for all biologists, biochemists, chemists, and chemical engineers working on biotechnological fermentations or industrial applications, as well as biofuels. HB 9781783264407
TX 292pp
$ 98.00
The Future of Food Business The Facts, The Impacts and The Acts Second Edition Marcos Fava Neves The Second Edition of The Future of Food Business: The Facts, The Impacts and The Acts is an updated collection of thoughtful articles previously published in leading newspapers around the world based on the author's practical life as international project leader, consultant, businessman, academic professor and world traveller.
It is designed to be an easy-to-read business book with short chapters, discussion questions and group exercises. Receiving more than 20 positive endorsements from CEOs, the book is a must-read for entrepreneurs, researchers, executives and students who are active in the world's food business. PB 9789814566971
TX 272pp
$ 48.00
Chemistry TEXTBOOK
Principles of Quantum Chemistry Ram Yatan Prasad & Pranita Principles of Quantum Chemistry is a textbook that conforms to the postgraduate syllabus of chemistry at major Indian universities. Written in a lucid manner, it deals with the fundamental concepts of quantum chemistry and provides rigorous and thorough mathematical techniques. The text also answers frequently asked questions and highlights the essential mathematical formulae and important conclusions. It will be of great use to students of theoretical chemistry, molecular physics, quantum chemistry and chemical physics. It will also appeal to researchers to calculate various properties of atoms and molecules. Key features • Provides comprehensive discussion on mathematical techniques and quantum mechanical operators to solve problems • Includes updated information on computational techniques • Elucidates a structured approach for equations and mathematical derivations • Large number of solved examples and numerical problems for better understanding • Model question papers for preparation of exams PB 9789382993735
T 804pp
` 795.00
These articles focus on global food and agribusiness environment, food production trends, the structure of food chains as well as new concepts and ideas on how to increase competitiveness of food companies to create, capture and share value within the global food and agricultural sectors. This book also includes practical methods and smart tools that can be used by companies to facilitate their strategic planning and thinking processes, demanddriven orientation, supply chain organization,
Cambridge University Press India Private Limited
Medicine The Theory of Chinese Medicine A Modern Interpretation Hai Hong This path-breaking book reinterprets Chinese medicine using the approach of the philosophy of science in a manner that strikes common ground with biomedical science. It strips Chinese medical theory of the mystique and metaphysical pretentions that too often plague the discipline, presenting this theory as being derived from empirical observations and clinical findings. Concepts like qi and phlegm and vital organs like the shen (kidney) are interpreted, not as physical entities with defined measurable properties, but as constructs to facilitate the application of models for diagnosis and therapy. The author evaluates the fiveelement model and the diagnostic-therapeutic paradigm of Chinese medical syndromes, and suggests how these heuristic models can be subjected to clinical trials. Principles governing the use of herbal, acupuncture, tuina and qigong therapies are elucidated and critically examined. Written for medical professionals, philosophers of medicine and discerning readers interested in alternative therapies, the book also has practical chapters on the placebo effect and Chinese medical treatment of chronic illnesses, and a useful compilation of common Chinese herbs and formulations. PB 9781783264483
TX 292pp
$ 38.00
General science India Science and Technology CSIR–NISTADS Policy-makers often come across the question of how progress and investment in science, technology and innovation (STI) can increase employment and upgrade skills and knowledge base in India. The paradox is that while STI has the potential to invent new avenues of economic growth sometimes even with increasing returns, the general forces unleashed by STI displace labour and automate a large part of human skills and knowledge. Such a paradox has a great impact on a country like India which is struggling with the ever-increasing pressure of labour force, unemployment and economic inequality. It is to be noted that the 12th Five Year Plan has made inclusive growth concomitant of employment generation and skill development a top priority.
In this context, India: Science and Technology, Volume 3 focuses on the state of affairs in India through the lens of employment generation, upgradation of skills and several dimensions of the Indian science, technology and innovation (STI). Similar to the earlier reports, the book is organised into four themes: (a) S&T Human Resources, (b) S&T and Industry, (c) S&T Outputs and (d) Rural India: S&T for Skills and Employment. While the content and approach of the four themes differ from each other, employment and skill development and its inter-linkage with science, technology and innovation are the important focal points of discussion. PB 9789384463045
T 600pp
` 4000.00
Time in Powers of Ten Natural Phenomena and Their Timescales Gerard 't Hooft & Stefan Vandoren; Translated by: Saskia Eisberg- 't Hooft With a Foreword by Steven Weinberg In this richly illustrated book, Nobel Laureate Gerard 't Hooft and Theoretical Physicist Stefan Vandoren describe the enormous diversity of natural phenomena that take place at different time scales. In the tradition of the bestseller Powers of Ten, the authors zoom in and out in time, each step with a factor of ten. Starting from one second, time scales are enlarged until processes are reached that take much longer than the age of the universe. After the largest possible eternities, the reader is treated to the shortest and fastest phenomena known. Then the authors increase with powers of ten, until again the second is reached at the end of the book. At each time scale, interesting natural phenomena occur, spread over all scientific disciplines: orbital and rotation periods of planets and stars, decay times of elementary particles and atoms, biological rhythms and evolution processes, but also the different geological time scales. PB 9789814489812
Cambridge University Press India Private Limited
TX 232pp
$ 24.00
SCHOOL BOOKS Cambridge Activity Book Vaishali Gupta Cambridge Activity Book, Second Edition, is a set of three graded books for preschool learners, aimed at honing a range of skills and preparing them for their primary education years. Student Book Level A PB 9781107464582
S 115pp
` 175.00
Student Book Level B PB S 9781107464506 122pp
` 180.00
Student Book Level C PB S 9781107464599 131pp
` 185.00
Lessons for Life A Course in Morals, Values and Life Skills Second Edition Stalin Malhotra This second edition of Lessons for Life: A Course in Morals, Values and Life Skills is a comprehensive series of books designed for students of classes 1 to 8. The series has been well-graded to help students understand and imbibe certain human, social and national values which are intrinsic in moulding the sensitivities and wakening the conscience of an individual.
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