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Politics Textbooks
Informal Labor, Formal Politics and Dignified Discontent in India Rina Agarwala
Nepal Votes for Peace Bhojraj Pokharel & Shrishti Rana
Since the 1980s, the world’s governments have decreased state welfare and thus increased the number of unprotected ‘informal’ or ‘precarious’ workers. As a result, more and more workers do not receive secure wages or benefits from either employers or the state. This book offers a fresh and provocative look into the alternative social movements informal workers in India are launching. It also offers a unique analysis of the conditions under which these movements succeed or fail. Drawing from 300 interviews with informal workers, government officials and union leaders, Rina Agarwala argues that Indian informal workers are using their power as voters to demand welfare benefits from the state, rather than demanding traditional work benefits from employers. In addition, they are organizing at the neighborhood level, rather than the shop floor, and appealing to ‘citizenship’, rather than labor rights. ISBN: 9781107059733
` 995.00
Nepal has a long history of political struggle and popular uprisings have often threatened the existing regimes of this landlocked, predominantly Hindu state. In 1996, radical Maoists launched what would become the protracted armed struggle, known as The People’s War, with the aim of replacing the parliamentary system and the constitutional monarchy with a people’s republic. Thousands of people died and even more were injured over the next ten years in bitter fighting which ravaged the country and shocked the world. The gruesome murder of King Birendra, his wife and seven other royal family members in 2001 prompted more international concern about the future of Nepal. The violence eventually came to an end in 2005–2006 when the demand for a Constituent Assembly election was agreed upon. The election was finally held on 10 April 2008, marking one of the most significant events in Nepal’s political history because it abolished the country’s 239-year-old monarchy and established a multiparty democratic republic. This book, penned by the former Chief Election Commissioner of Nepal, narrates the country’s transformation from a kingdom to a multiparty democratic republic holding Constituent Assembly election. It also discusses the roles of national and international organizations, including the United Nations, in the ongoing peace process of Nepal. ISBN: 9789382993032
` 450.00
Breakdown in Pakistan Thirty per cent of foreign development aid is channeled through NGOs How Aid Is Eroding Institutions for Collective Action Masooda Bano
or community-based organizations to improve service delivery to the poor, build social capital, and establish democracy in developing nations. However, growing evidence suggests that aid often erodes, rather than promotes, cooperation within developing nations. This book presents a rare, micro-level account of the complex decision-making processes that bring individuals together to form collective-action platforms. It then examines why aid often breaks down the very institutions for collective action that it aims to promote. Breakdown in Pakistan identifies concrete measures to check the erosion of cooperation in foreign aid scenarios. Pakistan is one of the largest recipients of international development aid, and therefore the empirical details presented are particularly relevant for policy. The book’s argument is equally applicable to a number of other developing countries, and has important implications for recent discussions within the field of economics.
Fighting Back What Governments Can Do about Terrorism Paul Shemella (editor)
ISBN: 9789382993162
` 795.00
Since terrorism became a global national security issue in the new millennium, all governments have wrestled with its effects. Yet strong measures against terrorism have often made the root causes of the problem worse, while weak responses have invited further attack. In response, this book explains how governments can construct and execute the most effective strategies to combat terrorism —and how they can manage the consequences of those acts of terrorism they cannot prevent. It provides an overview of the complex problem of terrorism and offers a guide to shaping solutions to fit the unique structures and processes of governments. These issues and their solutions are demonstrated in six case studies. The book’s value lies in its holistic treatment of what governments can do to protect their societies, with the ultimate goal of reducing terrorism from the global security threat it is today to a national-level criminal problem. Written by a team of experts, the book offers a concise but complete course on the most important national security challenge of our time. ISBN: 9789382993070
` 795.00
Deep Currents and Rising Tides The Indian Ocean and International Security John Garofano & Andrea J. Dew (editors)
The Indian Ocean region has rapidly emerged as a hinge point in the changing global balance of power, and the geographic nexus of economic and security issues with vital global consequences. The security of energy supplies, persistent poverty and its contribution to political extremism, piracy and related threats to seaborne trade, competing nuclear powers, and possibly the scene of future clashes between rising great powers India and China - all are dangers in the waters or in the littoral states of the Indian Ocean region. This volume, one of the first attempts to treat the Indian Ocean region in a coherent fashion, captures the spectrum of cooperation and competition succinctly. Contributors discuss points of cooperation and competition in a region that stretches from East Africa, to Singapore, to Australia, and assess the regional interests of China, India, Pakistan, and the United States. Chapters review possible “red lines” for Chinese security in the region, India’s naval ambitions, Pakistan’s maritime security, and threats from non-state actors - terrorists, pirates, and criminal groups - who challenge security on the ocean for all states.
Rural Politics in India Political Stratification and Governance in West Bengal Dayabati Roy
ISBN: 9789382993148
` 850.00
This book discusses the forms and dynamics of political processes in rural India with a special emphasis on West Bengal, the nation’s fourthmost populous state. West Bengal’s political distinction stems from its long legacy of a Left-led coalition government for more than thirty years and its land reform initiatives. The book closely looks at how people from different castes, religions, and genders represent themselves in local governments, political parties, and in the social movements in West Bengal. At the same time it addresses some important questions: Is there any new pattern of politics emerging at the margins? How does this pattern of politics correspond with the current discourse of governance? Using ethnographic techniques, it claims to chart new territories by not only examining how rural people see the state, but also conceiving the context by comparing the available theoretical frameworks put forward to explain the political dynamics of rural India.
ISBN: 9781107042353
` 695.00
When Counterinsurgency Wins Sri Lanka’s Defeat of the Tamil Tigers Ahmed S. Hashim
When Counterinsurgency Wins traces the development of the counterinsurgency campaign in Sri Lanka, from the early stages of the war to the later adaptations of the Sri Lankan government, leading up to the final campaign. The campaign itself is analyzed in terms of military strategy but is also given political and historical context — critical to comprehending the conditions that give rise to insurgent violence. The tactics of the Tamil Tigers have been emulated by militant groups in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia. Whether or not the Sri Lankan counterinsurgency campaign can or should be emulated in kind, the comprehensive, insightful coverage of When Counterinsurgency Wins holds vital lessons for strategists and students of security and defense.
No Exit from Pakistan America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad Daniel S. Markey
ISBN: 9789382993476
` 850.00
This book tells the story of the tragic and often tormented relationship between the United States and Pakistan. Pakistan’s internal troubles have already threatened U.S. security and international peace, and Pakistan’s rapidly growing population, nuclear arsenal, and relationships with China and India will continue to force it upon America’s geostragetic map in new and important ways over the coming decades. This book explores the main trends in Pakistani Society that will help determine its future; traces the wellsprings of Pakistani anti-American sentiment through the history of U.S. Pakistan relations from 1947 to 2001; assesses how Washington made and implemented policies regarding Pakistan since the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001; and analyzes how regional dynamics, especially the rise of China, will likely shape U.S.-Pakistan relations. It concludes with three options for future U.S. strategy, described as defensive insulation, military-first cooperation, and comprehensive cooperation. The book explains how Washington can prepare for the worst, aim for the best, and avoid past mistakes. ISBN: 9781107414624
` 495.00
Shaping the Emerging World India and the Multilateral Order Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu, Pratap Bhanu Mehta & Bruce Jones (editors)
India and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Regime The Perennial Outlier A. Vinod Kumar
The five major emerging national economies known as the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – have gained on the world stage. For BRICS watchers, and anyone interested in the future of India’s burgeoning economy, twenty-two scholars have developed one of the most comprehensive volumes on India: Shaping the Emerging World. India faces a defining period. Its status as a global power is not only recognized but increasingly institutionalized, even as geopolitical shifts create both opportunities and challenges. The country experienced rapid growth through participation in the existing multilateral order – now its development strategy makes it dependent on this order. Despite limitations, India increasingly has the ideas, people, and tools to shape the global order, in the words of Jawaharal Nehru, ‘not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially.’ Will India keep its ‘tryst with destiny’ and emerge as one of the shapers of the emerging international order? This volume seeks to answer that question.
ISBN: 9789382993544
` 795.00
Numerous behavioural and systemic factors have been cited to explain India’s nuclear decisions, though the influence of normative instruments of non-proliferation and the overarching regime on its nuclear policies has not received sufficient attention. This book seeks to address this gap through a holistic examination of India’s relationship with the nonproliferation regime and its dominant structures. The study explores the complexities of the regime as a functional system, and applies the Indian case study to understand the dynamics of state–regime interplays. By dissecting its core frameworks like non-proliferation and counterproliferation, A. Vinod Kumar highlights the conceptual opacities that drive the structural crises of the regime, and the paradigm shifts that characterize its current churning. The book describes India as a unique case of an outlier surviving outside the regime’s overarching system, as a nuclear-capable state with prolonged record of resistance (and selective adherence), but ending up seeking opportunities to engage with its normative structures. The ideological and policy shifts that had shaped India’s transformative journey from a perennial outlier to one seeking greater integration with the regime, though, also exemplifies the underlying strategic paradoxes and dogmatic incongruities. The book assesses how these dynamics will determine India’s role in global antiproliferation and its status in the emerging global nuclear order. ISBN: 9781107056626 6
` 745.00
Vying for Allah’s Vote Understanding Islamic Parties, Political Violence, and Extremism in Pakistan Haroon K. Ullah
The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror Arun Kundnani
Vying for Allah’s Vote: Understanding Islamic Parties, Political Violence, and Extremism in Pakistan studies how religion, politics, and policy are inextricably linked in Pakistan. In this book, Haroon K. Ullah analyses the origins, ideologies, bases of support, and electoral successes of the largest and most influential Islamic parties in Pakistan. Based on his extensive fieldwork in Pakistan, he develops a new typology for understanding and comparing the discourses put forth by these parties in order to assess what drives them and what separates the moderate from the extreme. A better understanding of the range of parties is critical for knowing how the US and other Western nations can engage states where Islamic political parties hold both political and moral authority.
ISBN: 9789382993841
` 525.00
The new front in the War on Terror is the ‘homegrown enemy’, domestic terrorists who have become the focus of sprawling counterterrorism structures of policing and surveillance in the United States and across Europe. Domestic surveillance has mushroomed – at least 100,000 Muslims in America have been secretly under scrutiny. British police compiled a secret suspect list of more than 8,000 al-Qaeda ‘sympathizers’, and in another operation included almost 300 children fifteen and under among the potential extremists investigated. Based on several years of research and reportage, in locations as disparate as Texas, New York, and Yorkshire, and written in engrossing, precise prose, this is the first comprehensive critique of counterradicalization strategies. The new policy and policing campaigns have been backed by an industry of freshly minted experts and liberal commentators. This book looks at the way these debates have been transformed by the embrace of a narrowly configured and ill-conceived anti-extremism.
ISBN: 9789382993513
` 495.00
The Cambridge Companion to Nelson Mandela Rita Barnard (editor)
Nelson Mandela was one of the most revered figures of our time. He committed himself to a compelling political cause, suffered a long prison sentence, and led his violent and divided country to a peaceful democratic transition. His legacy, however, is not uncontested: his decision to embark on an armed struggle in the 1960s, his solitary talks with apartheid officials in the 1980s, and the economic policies adopted during his presidency still spark intense debate, even after his death. The essays in this Companion, written by experts in history, anthropology, jurisprudence, cinema, literature, and visual studies, address these and other issues. They examine how Mandela became an icon during his lifetime and consider the meanings and uses of his internationally recognizable image. Their overarching concerns include Mandela's relation to 'tradition' and 'modernity', the impact of his most famous public performances, the oscillation between Africanist and non-racial positions in South Africa, and the politics of gender and national sentiment. The volume concludes with a meditation on Mandela's legacy in the twenty-first century and a detailed guide to further reading. ISBN: 9781107440005
Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Challenge Moeed Yusuf (editor)
` 395.00
Pakistan, which since 9/11 has come to be seen as one of the world’s most dangerous places and has been referred to as ‘the epicenter of international terrorism’, faces an acute counterterrorism (CT) challenge. The book focuses on violence being perpetrated against the Pakistani state by Islamist groups and how Pakistan can address these challenges, concentrating not only on military aspects but on the oftenignored political, legal, law enforcement, financial, and technological facets of the challenge. It explores the current debate surrounding Pakistan’s ability—and incentives—to crack down on Islamist terrorism and provides an in-depth examination of the multiple facets of this existential threat confronting the Pakistani state and people. With original insights and attention to detail, this book provides a roadmap for Western and Pakistani policymakers alike to address the weaknesses in Pakistan’s CT strategy. ISBN: 9789382993919
` 525.00
The US–India Nuclear Agreement Diplomacy and Domestic Politics Dinshaw Mistry
Presidential Legislation in India The Law and Practice of Ordinances Shubhankar Dam
From 2005 to 2008, the United States and India negotiated a pathbreaking nuclear agreement that recognized India’s nuclear status and lifted longstanding embargoes on civilian nuclear cooperation with India. This book offers the most comprehensive account of the diplomacy and domestic politics behind this nuclear agreement. Domestic politics considerably impeded—and may have entirely prevented—US nuclear accommodation with India; when domestic obstacles were overcome, US–India negotiations advanced; and even after negotiations advanced, domestic factors placed conditions on and affected the scope of US–India nuclear cooperation. Such a study provides new insights into this major event in international politics, and it offers a valuable framework for analyzing additional US strategic and nuclear dialogues with India and with other countries.
ISBN: 9781107073418
` 695.00
India has a parliamentary system. Yet the president has authority to occasionally enact legislation (or ordinances) without involving parliament. This book is a study of ordinances at the national level in India, centred around three themes. First, it tells the story of how an artifact of British constitutional history, over time, became part of India’s legislative system. Second, it offers an empirical account of the ways in which presidents have resorted to ordinances in post-independence India. Third, the book analyses a range of ordinance-related questions, including some that are yet to be judicially adjudicated. In the process, the book explains why much of the Indian Supreme Court’s jurisprudence is mistaken and what should take its place. Overall, the book explains why the fate of parliamentary reforms in India may be tied to the reform of the provision for ordinances. Standing at the intersection of constitutional law and political science, Presidential Legislation in India offers a new frame through which to assess executives’ legislative powers in both parliamentary and presidential systems. ISBN: 9781107444348
` 495.00
Social Media Intelligence Wendy W. Moe & David A. Schweidel
Peace and Conflict The South Asian Experience Priyankar Upadhyaya & Samrat Schmiem Kumar (editors)
In the world of Facebook, Twitter and Yelp, water-cooler conversations with co-workers and backyard small talk with neighbors have moved from the physical world to the digital arena. In this new landscape, organizations ranging from Fortune 500 companies to government agencies to political campaigns continuously monitor online opinions in an effort to guide their actions. Are consumers satisfied with our product? How are our policies perceived? Do voters agree with our platform? Measuring online opinion is more complex than just reading a few posted reviews. Social media is replete with noise and chatter that can contaminate monitoring efforts. By knowing what shapes online opinions, organizations can better uncover the valuable insights hidden in the social media chatter and better inform strategy. This book can help anyone facing the challenge of making sense of social media data to move beyond the current practice of social media monitoring to more comprehensive use of social media intelligence. ISBN: 9781107451537
` 695.00
South Asia’s diversity is also reflected in the many violent inter-state and intra-state conflicts that further distinguish it from other regions of the world. Despite the national differences, one can still find transnational commonalities in cultures, languages and religions, bound together by the common pre-colonial and colonial history of the South Asian countries. This book takes its readers into a ‘reflexive journey’ of understanding peace in South Asia, and the imperceptible way through which religious and cultural dimensions contribute to the peace building process. It also unravels the unique patterns of common cultural practices in the region to emphasize that the connect between cultures can ever be a source of tension as well as reward. In addition, it presents a fascinating account of the origins and meaning of the concept of ahimsa in Buddhism and Jainism, and looks at the practical examples of ahimsa from India to highlight the diversity of peace, nonviolence and peace work that exist in the country. One of the chapters offers an intriguing example of nonviolent resistance in Pakistan – it documents the history of a nonviolent civil resistance movement, the ‘lawyer’s movement’, or also known as the ‘Black Revolution’, for justice and the rule of law in Pakistan. ISBN: 9789382993551
` 595.00
The Promise of Power The Origins of Democracy in India and Autocracy in Pakistan Maya Tudor
Under what conditions are some developing countries able to create stable democracies while others have slid into instability and authorianism? To address this classic question at the center of policy and academic debates, The Promise of Power investigates a striking puzzle: why, upon the 1947 Partition of British India, was India able to establish a stable democracy while Pakistan created an unstable autocracy? Drawing on interviews, colonial correspondence, and early government records to document the genesis of two of the twentieth century’s most celebrated independence movements, Maya Tudor refutes the prevailing notion that a country’s democratization prospects can be directly attributed to its levels of economics development or inequality Instead, she demonstrates that the differential strengths of India’s and Pakistan’s independence movements directly account for their divergent democratization trajectories. She also establishes that these movements were initially constructed to pursue historically conditioned class interests. ISBN: 9781107046061
Poverty Amid Plenty in the New India Atul Kohli
` 595.00
India has one of the fastest growing economies on earth. Over the past three decades, socialism has been replaced by pro-business policies as the way forward. And yet, in this ‘new’ India, grinding poverty is still a feature of everyday life. Some 450 million people subsist on less than $1.25 per day and nearly half of India’s children are malnourished. In his latest book, Atul Kohli, a seasoned scholar of Indian politics and economics, blames this discrepancy on the narrow nature of the ruling alliance in India that, in its new-found relationship with business, has prioritized economic growth above all other social and political considerations. In fact, according to Kohli, the resulting inequality has limited the impact of growth on poverty alleviation and the exclusion of such significant proportion of Indians from the fruits of rapid economic growth is in turn creating an array of new political problems. This thoughtful and challenging book affords an alternative vision of India’s rise in the world that its democratic rulers will be forced to come to grips with in the years ahead. ISBN: 9781107644441
` 395.00
Corruption and Reform in India Public Services in the Digital Age Jennifer Bussell
This book asks why some governments improve public services more effectively than others. Through the investigation of a new era of administrative reform, in which digital technologies may be used to facilitate citizens’ access to the state, Jennifer Bussell’s analysis provides unanticipated insights into this fundamental question. In contrast to factors such as economic development or electoral competition, this study highlights the importance of access to rents, which can dramatically shape the opportunities and threats of reform to political elites. Drawing on a sub-national analysis of twenty Indian states, a field experiment, statistical modeling, case studies, interviews of citizens, bureaucrats and politicians, and comparative data from South Africa and Brazil, Bussell shows that the extent to which politicians rely on income from petty and grand corruption is closely linked to variation in the timing, management and comprehensiveness of reforms.
ISBN: 9781107030343
Principles of Politics A Rational Choice Theory Guide to Politics and Social Justice Joe Oppenheimer
` 795.00
Modern rational choice and social justice theories allow scholars to develop new understandings of the foundations and general patterns of politics and political behaviour. In this book, Joe Oppenheimer enumerates and justifies the empirical and moral generalizations commonly derived from these theories. In developng these arugments, Oppenheimer gives students a foundational basis of both formal theory, and theories of social justice, and their related experimental literatures. He uses empirical findings to evaluate the validity of the claims. This basic survey of the findings of public choice theory for political scientists covers the problems of collective action, institutional structures, citizen well-being and social welfare, regime change, and political leadership. Principles of Politics highlights what is universal to all of politics and examines both the empirical problems of political behaviour and the normative conundrums of social justice.
ISBN: 9781107658448
` 395.00
Asian Rivalries Conflict, Escalation, and Limitations on Two-level Games Sumit Ganguly & William R. Thompson (editors)
The most typical treatment of international relations is to conceive it as a battle between two antagonistic states volleying back and forth. In reality, interstate relations are often at least two-level games in which decision-makers operate not only in an international environment but also in a competitive domestic context. Given that interstate rivalries are responsible for a disproportionate share of discord in world politics, this book sets out to explain just how these two-level rivalries really work. By reference to specific cases, specialists on Asian rivalries examine three related questions: what is the mix of internal (domestic politics) and external (interstate politics) stimuli in the dynamics of their rivalries; in what types of circumstances do domestic politics become the predominant influence on rivalry dynamics; when domestic politics become predominant, is their effect more likely to lead to the escalation or de-escalation of rivalry hostility? By pulling together the threads laid out by each contributor, the editors create a ‘grounded theory’ for interstate rivalries that breaks new ground in international relations theory. ISBN: 9789382264095
Eating Grass The Making of the Pakistani Bomb Feroz Hassan Khan
` 695.00
This book tells the compelling story of how and why Pakistan's government, scientists, and military, persevered in the face of a wide array of obstacles to acquire nuclear weapons. It lays out the conditions that sparked the shift from a peaceful quest to acquire nuclear energy into a full-fledged weapons program, details how the nuclear program was organized, reveals the role played by outside powers in nuclear decisions, and explains how Pakistani scientists overcome the many technical hurdles they encountered. Furthermore, the book reveals how international opposition to the program only made it an even more significant issue of national resolve.
ISBN: 9789382264620
` 895.00
Becoming Asia Change and Continuity in Asian International Relations Since World War II Alice Lyman Miller & Richard Wich
At the conclusion of World War II, Asia was hardly more than a geographic expression. Yet today we recognize Asia as a vibrant and assertive region, fully transformed from the vulnerable nation-states that emerged following the Second World War. The transformation was by no means an inevitable one, but the product of two key themes that have dominated Asia’s international relations since 1945 – the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to enlist the region’s states as assets in the Cold War, and the struggle of nationalistic Asian leaders to develop the domestic support to maintain power and independence in a dangerous international context. Becoming Asia provides a comprehensive, systemic account of how these themes played out in Asian affairs during the postwar years, covering not only East Asia, but South and Central Asia as well. In addition to exploring the interplay between nationalism and Cold War bipolarity during the first postwar decades, authors Alice Lyman Miller and Richard Wich chart the rise of largely export-led economies that are increasingly making the region the global center of gravity, and document efforts in the ongoing search for regional integration. ISBN: 9789382264101
Mobilizing Restraint Democracy and Industrial Conflict in Post-Reform South Asia Emmanuel Teitelbaum
` 695.00
Based on the recent history of industrial conflict and industrial peace in South Asia, Emmanuel Teitelbaum argues that the political exclusion and repression of organized labor commonly witnessed in authoritarian and hybrid regimes has extremely deleterious effects on labor relations and ultimately economic growth. To test his arguments, Teitelbaum draws on an array of data, including his original qualitative interviews and survey evidence from Sri Lanka and three Indian states – Kerala, Maharashtra, and West Bengal. He also analyzes panel data from fifteen Indian states to evaluate the relationship between political competition and worker protest and to study the effects of protective labor legislation on economic performance. In Teitelbaum’s view, countries must undergo further political liberalization before they are able to replicate the success of the sophisticated types of growth-enhancing management of industrial protest seen throughout many parts of South Asia. ISBN: 9789382264088
` 795.00
The Challenge of Democracy Citizenship, Rights, and Ethnic Conflicts in India and Israel Ayelet Harel-Shalev
This book analyzes public policy and governmental features in procedurally democratic states that govern deeply divided societies. It traces the political formula that enables such states to survive while sustaining a democratic process in the face of religious, ethnic, and national conflicts. It investigates citizenship discourses, analyzes the mechanisms political regimes use to give rights to minorities while simultaneously limiting their power, and illustrates how this unique political formula can be applied in two case studies of vastly different countries – Israel and India. The analogous conflicts in India and Israel that threaten the survival of democracy – the ethno-religious conflict between Hindus and Muslims in India and the ethno-national conflict between Jews and Arab-Palestinians in Israel – are analyzed in depth. In addition, the core cases of India and Israel, states in which democracy has survived for over sixty years, are compared with two additional countries where democracy was short-lived.
ISBN: 9789382264576
The World under Pressure How China and India are Influencing the Global Economy and Environment Carl J. Dahlman
` 795.00
The rapid rise of China and India is reshaping our global economic and environmental systems, raising major issues of stability, governance, and sustainability. This book develops a framework that shows the interdependence between economic size, trade, finance, technology, environment, security, and global governance. The author uses this framework to provide data on the speed of global power shifts and to trace the implications for nations worldwide. Specifically, as the book shows, China and India’s unchecked growth has the potential to ignite trade, resource, cold, and conventional wars. Moreover, these nations could set in motion monumental challenges related to climate change. The author argues that the current international governance system is not actively trying to defuse the challenges of these frictions. The major powers, including China and India, must do more to address the gathering storm. Developing sustainable economic and social relationships will be a most difficult charge, but the cost of putting off reforms will be lower global welfare. The author discusses the starting points for initiating these changes. The book will be of interest to students and researchers of Development Economics, International Relations and Asian Politics. ISBN: 9789382264644
` 595.00
Afghan Endgames Strategy and Policy Choices for America’s Longest War Hy Rothstein & John Arquilla
The United States and its allies have been fighting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan for a decade in a war that either side could still win. While a gradual drawdown has begun, significant numbers of US combat troops will remain in Afghanistan until at least 2014, perhaps longer, depending on the situation on the ground. Given the realities of the Taliban’s persistence and the desire of US policymakers — and the public — to find a way out, what can and should be the goals of the US and its allies in Afghanistan? Afghan Endgames boldly pursues several strands of thought suggesting that a strong, legitimate central government is far from likely to emerge in Kabul; that fewer coalition forces, used in creative ways, may have better effects on the ground than a larger, more conventional presence; and that, even though Pakistan should not be pushed too hard, so as to avoid sparking social chaos there, Afghanistan’s other neighbors can and should be encouraged to become more actively involved. The volume’s editors conclude that while there may never be complete peace in Afghanistan, a self-sustaining security system able to restore order swiftly in the wake of violence is attainable. ISBN: 9789382993025
The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru National Efficacy Beliefs and the Making of Foreign Policy Andrew Bingham Kennedy
` 495.00
Why do leaders sometimes challenge, rather than accept, the international structures that surround their states? In The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru, Andrew Kennedy answers this question through in-depth studies of Chinese foreign policy under Mao Zedong and Indian foreign policy under Jawaharlal Nehru. Drawing on international relations theory and psychological research, Kennedy offers a new theoretical explanation for bold leadership in foreign policy, one that stresses the beliefs that leaders develop about the ‘national efficacy’ of their states. He shows how this approach illuminates several of Mao and Nehru’s most important military and diplomatic decisions, drawing on archival evidence and primary source materials from China, India, the United States and the United Kingdom. A rare blend of theoretical innovation and historical scholarship, The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru is a fascinating portrait of how foreign policy decisions are made.
ISBN: 9781107029200
` 795.00
Political Thought in Action The Bhagavad Gita and Modern India Shruti Kapila & Faisal Devji (editors)
This volume brings together a group of intellectual and social historians to discuss the way in which modern interpretations of the Gita have focused on war and violence, rather than peace and stability, as a site for thinking about politics. The essays gathered here look at the Gita as a philosophical and ethical text both within South Asia and also on its ‘outward journey’ into western political debate. Though part of an ancient epic tradition, the Gita did not achieve its current eminence until very recently. Its resurgence and reinterpretation, in short, is coterminous with the formation of modern life and politics. But if modern commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita cannot be described simply as participating in some ancient and continuing tradition, neither should they be seen merely as the epiphenomena of an abstraction like capitalism that supposedly constitutes the true reality of Indian society. This set of essays seeks to intervene in current debates within political thought and intellectual history and to offer new perspectives on both. They do so with the presumption that the place of India and its political thought is instructive for and foundational in the making of the national and post-national global order. ISBN: 9781107033955
Chinese and Indian Strategic Behavior Growing Power and Alarm George J. Gilboy & Eric Heginbotham
` 595.00
This book offers an empirical comparison of Chinese and Indian international strategic behavior. It is the first study of its kind, filling an important gap in the literature on rising Indian and Chinese power and American interests in Asia. The book creates a framework for the systematic and objective assessment of Chinese and Indian strategic behavior in four areas: (1) strategic culture; (2) foreign policy and use of force; (3) military modernization (including defense spending, military doctrine, and force modernization); and (4) economic strategies (including international trade and energy competition). The utility of democratic peace theory in predicting Chinese and Indian behavior is also examined. The findings challenge many assumptions underpinning western expectations of China and India.
ISBN: 9781107031982
` 795.00
The Rise of China Implications for India Harsh V. Pant (editor)
The rise of China as an emerging power and as the most likely challenger to the global preponderance of the US is already having a significant impact across the globe. This phenomenon is being debated and analysed at various levels. In India too, it is generating a lot of excitement. On the one hand, it is considered to be an opportunity and on the other, a challenge. This book is an attempt at exploring the multi-dimensional nature of the rise of China and its implications for India. The contributors in this volume have examined various aspects of China’s rise such as domestic developments, foreign policy agenda, and its position on issues related to India from an Indian perspective. The book will appeal to undergraduate and graduate students of International Relations across the world. Foreign policy experts, and anyone interested in China-India relations should also find the book to be of interest. ISBN: 9788175968950
Timepass Youth, Class, and the Politics of Waiting in India Craig Jeffrey
` 795.00
Social and economic changes around the globe have propelled increasing numbers of people into situations of chronic waiting, where promised access to political freedoms, social goods, or economic resources is delayed, often indefinitely. But there have been few efforts to reflect on the significance of “waiting� in the contemporary world. Timepass fills this gap by offering a captivating ethnography of the student politics and youth activism that lower middle class young men in India have undertaken in response to pervasive underemployment. It highlights the importance of waiting as a social experience and basis for political mobilization, the micro-politics of class power in north India, and the socio-economic strategies of lower middle classes. The book also explores how this north Indian story relates to practices of waiting occurring in multiple other contexts, making the book of interest to scholars and students of globalization, youth studies, and class across the social sciences. ISBN: 9788175969261
` 795.00
Vortex of Conflict U.S. Policy Toward Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq Dan Caldwell
Vortex of Conflict: U.S. Policy Toward Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq is the first, accessible, one-volume resource for anyone who wishes to understand why and how the U.S. became involved in the two wars – in Iraq and Afghanistan – and in the affairs of Pakistan concurrently. Beginning with a description of the history of the two conflicts within the context of U.S. policies toward Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan – because American policy toward terrorism and Afghanistan cannot be understood without some consideration of Pakistan – the author outlines and analyzes the major issues of the two wars. These include intelligence quality, war plans, postwar reconstruction, inter-agency policymaking, U.S. relations with allies, and the shift from a conventional to counterinsurgency strategy. He concludes by capturing the lessons learned from these two conflicts and points to their application in future conflict. The book will stand as the comprehensive reference work for general readers seeking a road map to the conflicts, for students looking for analysis and elucidation of the relevant data, and for veterans and their families seeking to better understand their own experience. ISBN: 9788175969278
Recovering Liberties Indian Thought in the Age of Liberalism and Empire C. A. Bayly
` 825.00
One of the world’s leading historians examines the great Indian liberal tradition, stretching from Rammohan Roy in the 1820s, through Dadabhai Naoroji in the 1880s to G. K. Gokhale in the 1900s. This powerful new study shows how the ideas of constitutional, and later ‘communitarian’ liberals influenced, but were also rejected by their opponents and successors, including Nehru, Gandhi, Indian socialists, radical democrats and proponents of Hindu nationalism. Equally, Recovering Liberties contributes to the rapidly developing field of global intellectual history, demonstrating that the ideas we associate with major Western thinkers – Mills, Comte, Spencer and Marx – were received and transformed by Indian intellectuals in the light of their own traditions to demand justice, racial equality and political representation. In doing so, Christopher Bayly throws fresh light on the nature and limitations of European political thought and re-examines the origins of Indian democracy. ISBN: 9781107025097
` 795.00
Bangladesh Politics, Economy and Civil Society David Lewis
Since its hard-won independence from Pakistan, Bangladesh has been ravaged by economic and environmental disasters. Only recently has the country begun to emerge as a fragile, but functioning, parliamentary democracy. The story of Bangladesh, told through the pages of this concise and readable book, is a truly remarkable one. By delving into its past, and through an analysis of the economic, political and social changes that have taken place over the last twenty years, the book explains how Bangladesh is becoming of increasing interest to the international community as a portal into some of the key issues of our age. In this way the book offers an important corrective to the view of Bangladesh as a failed state.
ISBN: 9781107678460
India Since 1980 Sumit Ganguly & Rahul Mukherji
` 395.00
This book considers the remarkable transformations that have taken place in India since 1980, a period that began with the assassination of the formidable Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Her death, and that of her son Rajiv seven years later, marked the end of the Nehru-Gandhi era. Although the country remains one of the few democracies in the developing world, many of the policies instigated by these earlier regimes have been swept away to make room for dramatic alterations in the political, economic and social landscape. Sumit Ganguly and Rahul Mukherji, two leading political scientists of South Asia, chart these developments with particular reference to social and political mobilization, the rise of the BJP and its challenge to Nehruvian secularism and the changes to foreign policy that, in combination with its meteoric economic development, have ensured India a significant place on the world stage. ISBN: 9781107020276
` 395.00
India Since 1950 Society, Politics, Economy and Culture Christophe Jaffrelot (editor)
India Since 1950 tracks the dynamic trajectory of contemporary India as much on the political, diplomatic, economic, as on the social and artistic front. The non-alignment of the 1950s brought it close to USSR, but the 21st century ushered in an Indo-American convergence. The New Economic Policy of 1991 saw the states of federal India asserting themselves, while liberalization gave rise to a new middle class. It is impossible to understand India as a separate entity from its cultural diversity. Hence, cultural overtures underpin all aspects discussed in the book. The glory of the Indian subcontinent is marred by intense communal tensions, particularly between the Hindus and the Muslims. This was a result of partition and the contentious Indo-Pakistan hostility that caused three conflicts in a span of fifty years. This invaluable book gives readers an insight on India in all its complexity. ISBN: 9788190651011
Inside Nuclear South Asia Scott D. Sagan (editor)
` 995.00
The relentlessness of the confrontations between India and Pakistan, and the fact that they have more than once escalated into armed conflict, makes Inside Nuclear South Asia a must read for anyone legislator, policy-maker, analyst, intelligence or military professional, student, or researcher - who wishes to gain a thorough understanding of the spread of nuclear weapons in South Asia and the potential consequences of nuclear proliferation on the subcontinent. Beginning with an examination of the origins of the nuclear weapons programs in India and Pakistan, it goes on to analyze the consequences of nuclear proliferation on the subcontinent - and provides clear evidence that the presence of nuclear weapons in South Asia has increased the frequency and propensity of low-level violence, further destabilizing the region. Specifically, it demonstrates that nuclear weapons in India and Pakistan have led to serious political changes that challenge the ability of the two states to produce stable and lasting nuclear peace. Thus, this book provides new insights into the domestic politics and organizational interests behind specific nuclear policy choices in South Asia, a critique of narrow realist views of nuclear proliferation, and clear signposting of the dangers of nuclear proliferation in South Asia. ISBN: 9788175967625
` 595.00
The Tradition of Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons T.V. Paul
Since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks, no state has unleashed nuclear weapons. What explains this? According to the author, the answer lies in a prohibition inherent in the tradition of non-use, a timehonored obligation that has been adhered to by all nuclear states thanks to a consensus view that use would have a catastrophic impact on humankind, the environment, and the reputation of the user. The book offers an in-depth analysis of the nuclear policies of the U.S., Russia, China, the UK, France, India, Israel, and Pakistan and assesses the contributions of these states to the rise and persistence of the tradition of nuclear non-use. It examines the influence of the tradition on the behavior of nuclear and non-nuclear states in crises and wars, and explores the tradition's implications for nuclear nonproliferation regimes, deterrence theory, and policy. And it concludes by discussing the future of the tradition in the current global security environment. ISBN: 9788175967724
Complex Deterrence Strategy in the Global Age T. V. Paul, Patrick M. Morgan & James J. Wirtz (editors)
` 595.00
Moving beyond the precepts of traditional deterrence theory, this ground-breaking volume offers insights for the use of deterrence in the modern world, where policy makers may encounter irrational actors, failed states, religious zeal, ambiguous power relationships, and other situations where long-established rules of statecraft do not apply. A distinguished group of contributors here examines issues such as deterrence among the great powers; the problems of regional and nonstate actors; and actors armed with chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. Complex deterrence will be a valuable resource for anyone facing the considerable challenge of fostering security and peace in the twenty-first century.
ISBN: 9788175967816
` 595.00
Understanding Bangladesh S. Mahmud Ali
Bangladesh, a Muslim majority nation with a population of some 154 million people, receives little notice in the West, other than when political upheaval or natural disasters bring it to our attention. In Understanding Bangladesh, an account of the political and economic experiences of the Bangladeshi state and its people, S. Mahmud Ali seeks to redress that imbalance. His book identifies the key players among Bangladesh's tiny military, political and business elite, explores the attempts to establish their authority in a crowded field, and considers the relative merits of their attempts at nation-building. Ali concludes by outlining both the remarkable achievements recorded by this land of unusual narratives, and the elemental challenges its burgeoning populace faces in the years ahead, among which is a resurgent and highly politicized form of militant Islamism. ISBN: 9781850659983
` 895.00
Varieties of Federal Governance Major Contemporary Models Rekha Saxena (editor)
Towards the end of the Second World War, there were only four functioning federations in the world – the United States, Switzerland, Canada and Australia. Today, twenty-four countries in the world follow the federal form of government. Varieties of Federal Governance presents a global analytical survey of contemporary federations. The book highlights distinctive features and contemporary issues in the typology of major federal systems in terms of presidential federations (USA, Switzerland, Brazil, Russia, Pakistan), Commonwealth parliamentary federations (Canada, Australia, India, Malaysia, South Africa), Non-Commonwealth parliamentary federations in Afro-Asia (Ethiopia, Nepal), and European parliamentary federations (Germany, Belgium, Spain). The book also includes analyses of prefederal devolutionary models in the UK and Sri Lanka, and supranational federative tendencies in the European Union. This book will serve as a useful reference book for graduate students and academic researchers. ISBN: 9788175967991
` 795.00
Tensions in Rural Bengal Landlords, Planters and Colonial Rule Chittabrata Palit
This book is a definitive work on agrarian change in colonial Bengal. It deals with a period which witnessed the first conflict between two alien systems of political economy. The British rule wanted to monetise and commercialise the more or less subsistence economy by various agencies of improvement and by linking it to the international market. But its revenue system, justice and police, the introduction of indigo planters and tenancy laws failed to transform the agrarian economy through the agency of landlords, planters and rich peasants. This was because of the colonial policy of maximising profits with minimum administration, leaving feudal forces to prevail upon the meager experiments in commercial agriculture. It only agitated the economy, creating tension and spurring revolt which finally led to the decline of zamindari, famine and depeasantisation, without any visible landmark of improvement. The book is concerned with the confrontation of two alien political economies since the advent of colonial rule and its aftermath of tension, resistance and revolt. It illustrates how the contrived policy of converting a petite culture into the capitalist mode of production ultimately died down to a semi-feudal, semi-capitalist equilibrium. Since then it has been caught in the throes of an unfinished transformation. In the process several experiments were made by the British rule – permanent settlement of revenue with a landlord class, resumption of rent free tenures, introduction of indigo planters into the hinterland, regulation of rent and tenancy right, but all these only led up to agricultural contortions. ISBN: 9788175968080
Policy Options to Achieve Food Security in South Asia Surabhi Mittal & Deepti Sethi (editors)
` 595.00
Policy Options to Achieve Food Security in South Asia pulls together all South Asian countries and identifies major issues of food security in the individual country. The chapters highlight issues such as initiatives and policies taken up in these countries to achieve the goal of food security and also critically evaluate the effectiveness of these policies. It suggests measures to overcome the identified constraints and make the policies more effective. It also talks about the SAARC food bank to ensure food security in the region. The question of food security has a number of dimensions that go beyond production, availability and demand for food. Food availability does not ensure food security, thus distribution and access of population to food is equally important for food security. Food availability through better distribution mechanisms and alternatively through imports can ensure food security.
ISBN: 9788175968097 24
` 695.00
India’s Foreign Policy The Democracy Dimension S. D. Muni
In the new millennium, India has joined global initiatives like the Community of Democracies (2000) and the UN Democracy Fund (2005) for promoting democracy. This marks a significant shift in India’s foreign policy as never earlier had India claimed or committed itself to playing a proactive role in promoting and protecting democracy in other countries. India has always remained engaged with the democracy question, particularly in its immediate neighbourhood. India’s Foreign Policy: the Democracy Dimension is a study of India’s responses to the challenge of democracy in other countries before and after its participation in the global democratic initiatives. India’s similar responses in the past have been dictated and defined by its perceived vital strategic and political interests, and this continues to be so. The newly acquired obligations for promoting democracy may have tempered its foreign policy rhetoric and style on the democracy question but it has not, and will not, override India’s critical strategic concerns and interests. ISBN: 9788175967137
Speaking Like a State Language and Nationalism in Pakistan Alyssa Ayres
` 350.00
Alyssa Ayres’ fascinating study examines Pakistan’s troubled history by exploring the importance of culture to political legitimacy. Early leaders selected Urdu as the natural symbol of the nation’s great cultural past, but due to its limited base great efforts would be required to make it truly national. This paradox underscores the importance of cultural policies for national identity formation. By comparing Pakistan’s experience with those of India and Indonesia, the author analyzes how their national language policies led to very different outcomes. The lessons of these large multiethnic states offer insights for the understanding of culture, identity, and nationalism throughout the world. The book is aimed at scholars in the fields of history, political theory, and South Asian studies, as well as those interested in the history of culture and nationalism in one of the world’s most complex, and challenging, countries. ISBN: 9780521762892
` 695.00
Civil Society History and Possibilities Sudipta Kaviraj & Sunil Khilnani (editors)
Fifteen scholars clarify the concept of ‘civil society’, considering its use in different historical contexts. The volume first analyses the meaning of civil society in Western theoretical traditions, and then considers the theoretical and practical contexts in which it has been invoked in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
ISBN: 9788175961081
` 495.00
The Terrorist in Search Faisal Devji argues that new forms of militancy, such as the actions of al-Qaeda, are informed by the same desire for agency and equality of Humanity Militant Islam and Global Politics Faisal Devji
animating humanitarian interventions, such as environmentalism and pacifism. To the militant, victimised Muslims are more than just symbols of ethnic and religious persecution – they represent humanity’s centuries long struggle for legitimacy and agency. In this way Islam is defined more in humanitarian than theological terms. Acts of terror, therefore, are fuelled by the militant’s desire for humanity to become an historical actor on the global stage. Though they have yet to build concrete political institutions, militant movements have formed a kind of global society, and as Devji makes clear, this society pursues the same humanitaran objectives that drive more benevolent groups.
ISBN: 9781850659259
240pp HURST
` 895.00
Nation-Building and Foreign Policy in India An Identity-Strategy Conflict Tobias Engelmeier
Nation-Building and Foreign Policy in India: An Identity–Strategy Conflict presents an evaluation of Indian foreign policy. It analyses the unusual concern of Indian strategic thinking about political values. The book argues that in Indian foreign policy, there has been a shift from a strict concern for national interest towards idealist considerations. Thus creating what the author calls an ‘idealist inflection’. This inflection does not have its roots in cultural aspects or grand strategy. Instead, it is best understood with reference to the political process of nationbuilding, characterised by the specific choices and decisions taken by the two leading protagonists of the Indian National Movement – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. The values they chose to place at the heart of India’s national identity have spilt into the country’s foreign policy. The book then goes on to study the changes in India’s foreign policy and national identity since Nehru’s time until today. Nation-Building and Foreign Policy in India: An Identity–Strategy Conflict will be of interest to academicians, policy-makers and general readers with an interest in foreign policy and international relations. ISBN: 9788175966352
Koran, Kalashnikov and Laptop The Neo-Taliban Insurgency in Afghanistan Antonio Giustozzi
` 895.00
Announcements of an impending victory over the Taliban have been repeated ad nauseaum since the Allied invasion of Afghanistan in 2002, particularly after the Presidential elections of 2004, which were said to have marked the ‘moral and psychological defeat of the Taliban’. In moments of triumphalism, some commentators claimed that ‘reconstruction and development’ had won over the population despite much criticism of the meager distribution of aid, the lack of ‘nationbuilding’ and corruption among Kabul’s elite. In March 2006, both Afghan and American officials were still claiming, just before a series of ferocious clashes, that ‘the Taliban are no longer able to fight large battles’. Later that year, the mood in the mass media had turned to one of defeatism, even of impending catastrophe. In reality, as early as 2003-5, there was a growing body of evidence that cast doubt on the official interpretation of the conflict. Rather than there having been a ‘2006 surprise’, Giustozzi argues that the Neo-Taliban insurgency had put down strong roots in Afghanistan as early as 2003, a phenomenon he investigates in this timely and thought-provoking book. ISBN: 9781850658733
274pp HURST
` 595.00
The Politics of Extremism in South Asia Deepa M. Ollapally
South Asia is home to a range of extremist groups from the jihadists of Pakistan to the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka. In the popular mind, extremism and terrorism are invariably linked to ethnic and religious factors. Yet the dominant history of South Asia is notable for tolerance and co-existence, despite highly plural societies. Deepa Ollapally examines extremist groups in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Northeast India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka to offer a fresh perspective on the causes of extremism. What accounts for its rise in societies not historically predisposed to extremism? What determines the winners and losers in the identity struggles in South Asia? What tips the balance between more moderate versus extremist outcomes? The book argues that politics, inter-state, and international relations often play a more important role in the rise of extremism in South Asia than religious identity, poverty, and state repression.
ISBN: 9780521749077
Organizations at War In Afghanistan and Beyond Abdulkader H. Sinno
` 395.00
While popular accounts of warfare, particularly of nontraditional conflicts such as guerilla wars and insurgencies, favor the role of leaders or ideology, social-scientific analyses of these wars focus on aggregate categories such as ethnic groups, religious affiliations, socioeconomic classes, or civilizations. Challenging these constructions, Abdulkader H. Sinno closely examines the fortunes of the various factions in Afghanistan, including the mujahideen and the Taliban, that have been fighting each other and foreign armies since the 1979 Soviet invasion. Focusing on the organization of the combatants, Sinno offers a new understanding of the course and outcome of such conflicts. Employing a wide range of sources, including his own fieldwork in Afghanistan and statistical data on conflicts across the region, Sinno contends that in Afghanistan, the groups that have outperformed and outlasted their opponents have done so because of their successful organization. Each organization’s ability to mobilize effectively, execute strategy, coordinate efforts, manage disunity, and process information depends on how well its structure matches its ability to keep its rivals at bay. Centralised organizations, Sinno finds, are generally more effective than noncentralized ones, but noncentralized ones are more resilient absent a safe haven. Sinno’s organizational theory explains otherwise puzzling behavior found in group conflicts: the longevity of unpopular regimes, the demise of popular movements, and efforts of those who share a common cause to undermine their ideological or ethnic kin. The author argues that the organizational theory applies not only to Afghanistan - where he doubts the effectiveness of American state-building efforts - but also to other ethnic, revolutionary, independence, and secessionist conflicts in North Africa, The Middle East and beyond. ISBN: 9788175966208 28
` 595.00
South Asia's Cold War Nuclear Weapons and Conflict in Comparative Perspective Rajesh M. Basrur
This book is a ground-breaking analysis of the India-Pakistan nuclear confrontation as a form of 'cold war' - that is, a hostile relationship between nuclear rivals. Drawing on nuclear rivalries between similar pairs (United StatesSoviet Union, United States-China, Soviet Union-China, and United States-North Korea), the work examines the rise, process and potential end of the cold war between India and Pakistan. It identifies the three factors driving the India-Pakistan rivalry: ideational factors stemming from partition; oppositional roles created by the distribution of power in South Asia; and the particular kind of relationship created by nuclear weapons. The volume assesses why India and Pakistan continue in non-crisis times to think about power and military force in outmoded ways embedded in pre-nuclear times, and draws lessons applicable to them as well as to other contemporary nuclear powers and states that might be engaged in future cold wars. ISBN: 9780415391948
` 795.00
Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons Bhumitra Chakma
Pakistan is a critical country in the structure of contemporary global security. It is a de facto nuclear weapon state, but politically unstable and structurally inherently weak. It is a key player in the global fight against terrorism, but ironically is also a producer of jihadi (religious warrior) terrorists in its Madrassas (religious schools). Structural weakness of the state, political volatility, rising religious extremism, and deep-rooted sectarian violence occasionally raise international concerns about the safety of the country’s nuclear assets. The question, therefore, which arises is - what type of nuclear power is Pakistan? This book is a comprehensive study of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. It analyses, contextualising the dynamics of the Second Nuclear Age, the country’s nuclear capabilities, management style, evolving nuclear posture, and implications of its nuclear weapons. Indeed, numerous unanswered questions surround the Pakistani nuclear weapons: What is the size of the Pakistani nuclear arsenal? How is Pakistan, as a small and new nuclear power, coping with the challenges and dilemmas of constructing a nuclear posture? Has Pakistan developed a nuclear-use doctrine? How safe and secure are the Pakistani nuclear assets? Has it put in place a robust command and control structure? What are the implications of a nuclear-armed Pakistan for the global non-proliferation regime? Can nuclear technology and materials spread, given the experience of the A.Q. Khan proliferation network, from Pakistani sources? How likely are Pakistani nuclear assets to fall onto the hands of terrorists? And, above all, what is the future of nuclear Pakistan? This book, organised in eight chapters, addresses these questions. ISBN: 9780415408714
` 845.00
Nuclear Weapons and Conflict Transformation The Case of India-Pakistan Saira Khan
This new volume explores what the acquisition of nuclear weapons means for the life of a protracted conflict. The book argues that the significance of the possession of nuclear weapons in conflict resolution has been previously overlooked. Saira Khan argues that the acquisition of nuclear weapons by states keeps conflicts alive indefinitely, as they are maintained by frequent crises and low-to-medium intensity violence, rather than escalating to full-scale wars. This theory therefore emphasises the importance of nuclear weapons in both war-avoidance and peace-avoidance. The book opens with a section explaining its theory of conflict transformation with nuclear weapons, before testing this against the case study of the India-Pakistan protracted conflict in South Asia.
ISBN: 9780415375078
` 845.00
Nuclear Proliferation in This edited volume explores competing perspectives on the impact of nuclear weapons proliferation on the South Asian security environment. South Asia Crisis Behaviour and the Bomb Sumit Ganguly & S. Paul Kapur (editors)
The spread of nuclear weapons is one of the world's foremost security concerns. The effect of nuclear weapons on the behaviour of newly nuclear states, and the potential for future international crises, are of particular concern. As a region of burgeoning economic and political importance, South Asia offers a crucial test of proliferation's effects on the crisis behaviour of newly nuclear states. This volume creates a dialogue between scholars who believe that nuclear weapons have stabilized the subcontinent, and those who believe that nuclear weapons have made South Asia more conflict prone. It does so by pairing competing analyses of four major regional crises: the 1987 "Brasstacks" crisis, the Indo-Pakistani crisis of 1990, the 1999 Kargil war, which occurred after the nuclear tests; and the 2001-2 IndoPakistani militarized standoff. In addition, the volume explores the implications of the South Asian nuclear experience for potential new nuclear states such as North Korea and Iran. ISBN: 9780415440493
` 895.00
The Tibetan Government-in-Exile Politics at Large Stephanie Roemer
This book provides a detailed account of the structure and political strategies of the Tibetan government-in exile, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), in northern India. Since its founding in 1959, it has been led by the 14th Dalai Lama who struggles to regain the Tibetan homeland. Based on a theoretical approach on exile organizations - and extensive empirical studies in Asia - this book discusses CTA's political strategies to gain national loyalty, and international support, in order to secure its own organizational survival and the ultimate goal: the return to Tibet. The book is organized around the two fundamental questions: firstly, how the CTA fosters its claims to be the sole representative of all Tibetans over the last decades in exile; and, secondly, which policies have been carried out in order to regain the homeland. The book is divided into four substantial chapters: • the historical background, providing a review of pre-1959 political Tibet • a theoretical section which covers the critical position of exile organizations • an examination of the exile Tibetan community and government from the early years • an analysis of crucial CTA policies. Innovative and unique, this book combines a political science approach with Tibetan studies to analyse exile Tibetan politics in particular, and exile governments in general. ISBN: 9780415451710
` 895.00
Regionalism in South Asia Negotiating Cooperation, Institutional Structures Kishore C. Dash
The dramatic surge in regional integration schemes over the past two decades has been one of the most important developments in world politics. Virtually all countries are now members of at least one regional grouping. South Asia is no exception to this trend. In December 1985, seven South Asian countries came together to establish South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) to address issues of peace and development in the region. This book examines regionalism in South Asia, exploring the linkages between institutional structures, government capabilities, and domestic actors' preferences to explain the dynamics of regional cooperation. It considers the formation and evolution of SAARC, explaining why its growth in terms of institutional developments and program implementation has remained modest and slow over the past two decades. It also addresses the impact of important issues such as the acquisition of nuclear capabilities by India and Pakistan, the unending conflicts in Kashmir, the war against global terror in Afghanistan, and India's growing economy. Drawing on a wealth of empirical research, including elite interviews and trade transaction data, this book sheds new light on the main cooperation issues in South Asia today and provides important information on the trends and prospects for regional cooperation in future years. ISBN: 9780415431170
` 895.00
Liberal Perspectives for South Asia Rajiva Wijesinha (editor)
Liberal Perspectives for South Asia discusses the essentials of the liberal philosophy, while also indicating how appropriate it is in the South Asian context. In the past, the subcontinent was renowned for the skill with which it took up the dominant ideologies of the west and articulated them for the Asian context. In the post-colonial period, the only dominant ideology that was sidetracked by all political parties was liberalism, the ideology that promoted freedom of the individual. The idea of a book about the need for liberalism in the subcontinent was the brainchild of Chanaka Amaratunga, who set up the first avowedly Liberal Party in Sri Lanka. Many political parties have implemented liberal policies on an ad hoc basis and without a proper framework to guide them. Not all parties would accept all aspects of a liberal programme, however, in a context in which many parties are seeking an ideology that accords both with the present times and trends, and also with some of the goals they accepted in the past. It is hoped that this volume will provide food for thought and ideas for adoption and incorporation within the party programme. Ranging from erudite expositions of classic liberal thinkers to lively discussions of liberal economic principles put into practice by imaginative entrepreneurs, this volume is essential reading for a region making a swift transition into the contemporary, globalized world. ISBN: 9788175966628
Short on Democracy Issues Facing Indian Political Parties Arvind Sivaramakrishnan (editor)
` 795.00
In this collection, ten analysts, including academics and senior journalists, examine selected Indian political parties and related phenomena, providing explanations from a range of perspectives as well as offering possible directions which could help transform India’s formal democracy into a substantive one. The aim has been to provide accessible texts which nevertheless address difficult issues where they arise.
ISBN: 9788188861040
` 595.00
Partitions Reshaping States and Minds Stefano Bianchini, Sanjay Chaturvedi, Rada Ivekovic & Ranabir Samaddar
The partition of the Indian subcontinent, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the erstwhile Yugoslavia, the reunification of Germany, the continuing feud between the two Koreas, the Irish peace process, the case of Israel/ Palestine and the lingering division of Cyprus have together fuelled new thinking on the strategy and acts of partitioning countries, states, nations and continuities. They have also given rise to a huge body of literature. However, studies of partitions have usually focused on individual cases. This innovative volume uses comparative analysis to fill the gap in partition studies and examines cross-cutting issues such as: violence, regional politics, peace politics, geopolitics, state formation and state building, union and regional unification, transitional strategies, historical experiences of decolonization and transition.
ISBN: 9780415348027
` 695.00
Declining Sri Lanka Terrorism and Ethnic Conflict: the Legacy of J R Jayewardene (1906-1996) Rajiva Wijesinha
Declining Sri Lanka is a political history of Sri Lanka which focuses on the reasons for and results of the ethnic violence that has plagued the country over the last quarter century. After an incisive study of the background, it explores in depth the contribution of the J R Jayewardene government (1977-1989), and in particular the international dimension that led to tensions with India. Having dealt with the Indian intervention of 1987 which led to Indian troops battling their former protĂŠgĂŠs, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, it looks at further developments and the failure of both the Kumaratunga and Wickramesinghe governments to quell violence or provide political solutions. The book ends with a brief analysis of the current government in the context of increasing international concern over both terrorism (as exemplified by the LTTE) and basic human rights (as exemplified by the continuing suffering of Tamil people).
ISBN: 9788175965324
` 450.00
Belligerent Hindu nationalism, accompanied by recurring communal Communalism, Caste and Hindu Nationalism violence between Hindus and Muslims, has become a compelling force The Violence in Gujarat Ornit Shani
in Indian politics over the last two decades. Ornit Shani’s book, which examines the rise of communalism, asks why distinct groups of Hindus, deeply divided by caste, mobilised on the basis of unitary Hindu nationalism? And why was the Hindu nationalist rhetoric about the threat from the essentially impoverished Muslim minority so persuasive to the Hindu majority? Shani uses evidence from communal violence in Ahmedabad, the largest and most prosperous city in Gujarat, long considered the ‘laboratory’ of Hindu nationalism, as the basis of her investigations. She argues that, contrary to the currently perceived wisdom, the growth of communalism did not lie in Hindu-Muslim antagonisms alone. It was rather an expression of intensifying tensions among Hindus, nurtured by changes in the relations between castes and associated state policies. The results for the resulting uncertainties among Hindus were frequently displaced onto Muslims, thus enabling caste tensions to develop and deepen communal rivalries. ISBN: 9780521727532
The India-Pakistan Conflict An Enduring Rivalry T.V. Paul (editor)
` 395.00
The India-Pakistan rivalry remains one of the most enduring and unresolved conflicts of our times. It began with the birth of the two states in 1947, and it has continued ever since, with the periodic resumption of wars and crises. The conflict has affected every dimension of interstate and societal relations between the two countries and, despite occasional peace initiatives, shows no signs of abating. This volume brings together leading experts in international relations theory and comparative politics to explain the persistence of this rivalry. Together they examine a range of topics including regional power distribution, great power politics, territorial divisions, the nuclear weapons factor, and incompatible national identities. Based on their analyses, they offer possible conditions under which the rivalry could be terminated.
ISBN: 9788175963641
` 350.00
India in the World Order Searching for Major-Power Status Baldev Raj Nayar & T. V. Paul
Two highly regarded scholars come together to examine India’s relationship with the world’s major powers and its own search for a significant role in the international system. Central to the argument is India’s belief that the acquisition of an independent nuclear capability is key to obtaining such status. The book details the major constraints at the international, domestic and perceptual levels that India has faced in this endeavor. It concludes, through a detailed comparison of India’s power capabilities, that India is indeed a rising power, but that significant systemic and domestic changes will be necessary before it can achieve its goal.
ISBN: 9788175962316
The Politics Book A Lexicon of Political Facts from Abu Ghraib to Zippergate Nicholas Comfort
` 395.00
In the twelve years since the publication of the now legendary Brewer’s Politics, the political lexicon has grown exponentially, as politics itself appears to have entered a terrifying, global age. Taking up where Brewer’s left off, The Politics Book provides a snapshot of where the language of politics finds itself today. A unique blend of hard facts, political insight and searing wit, The Politics Book navigates the soundbites, the put-down and half-truths politicians use to express themselves, and explores the meaning of terms, phrases and concepts that have become part of our daily vocabulary.
ISBN: 9788173141362
` 795.00
Shopping for Bombs Nuclear Proliferation, Global Insecurity and the Rise and Fall of the A.Q. Khan Network Gordon Corera
A.Q. Khan was the world’s leading black market dealer in nuclear technology, described by a former CIA Director as ‘at least as dangerous as Osama Bin Laden’. A hero in Pakistan and revered as the Father of the Bomb, Khan built a global clandestine network that sold the most closely guarded nuclear secrets to Iran, North Korea and Libya. Here for the first time is the riveting, inside story of the rise and fall of A.Q. Khan and his role in the devastating spread of nuclear technology over the last thirty years. Drawing on exclusive interviews with key players in Islamabad, London and Washington, as well as with members of Khan’s own network, BBC journalist Gordon Corera paints a truly unsettling picture of the ultimate arms bazaar. Corera reveals how Khan operated within a world of shadowy deals among rogue states and how his privileged position in Pakistan provided him with the protection to build his unique and deadly business empire. It explains why and how he was able to operate so freely for so many years. Brimming with revelations, the book provides new insight into Iran’s nuclear ambitions and how close Tehran may be to the bomb. In addition, the book contains information on how the CIA and MI6 penetrated Khan’s network, how the US and UK ultimately broke Khan’s ring, and how they persuaded President Musharraf to arrest a national hero. The book also provides the first detailed account of the high-wire dealings with Muammar Gadaffi which led to Libya’s renunciation of nuclear weapons and which played a key role in Khan’s downfall. The spread of nuclear weapons technology around the globe presents the greatest security challenge of our time. ISBN: 9781850658269
` 895.00
India, Pakistan and the Secret Jihad The Covert War in Kashmir, 1947-2004 Praveen Swami
Praveen Swami shows that jihadist violence was not, as is widely assumed, a phenomenon that manifested itself in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir only after 1988. Rather, a welter of jihadist groups waged a sustained campaign against Indian rule in Jammu and Kashmir from the outset, after the Partition of India. This book first analyses the ideology and practice of Islamist terrorism as it changed and evolved from 1947-1948 onwards. It subsequently discusses the impact of the secret jihad on Indian policy making of Jammu and Kashmir, as well as its influence on political life within the state. Finally, looking at some of the reasons why the jihad in Jammu and Kashmir acquired such intensity in 1990, the author suggests that the answers lie in the transfiguration of the strategic environment in South Asia by the nuclear weapons programmes of India and Pakistan. As such, the book argues, the violent conflict which exploded in these two regions after 1990 was not a historical discontinuity: it was, instead, an escalated form of what was by then a five-decade old secret war. ISBN: 9780415404594
` 645.00
India’s Nuclear Bomb and National Security Karsten Frey
This book gives an analytic account of the dynamics of India’s nuclear build-up. In contrast to conventional studies on the issue, the author puts forward a new model, which goes beyond the classic strategic concept of accepting security related motives of arming behaviour. According to this, the structural conditions of India’s regional security environment were permissive to India’s nuclear development but not sufficient to make India’s nuclearization imperative for maintaining its national security. At the core of the argument lies the question about India’s security considerations and their impact on India’s nuclear policy development. The author explores this analytic model by including explanatory variables on the unit-level, where interests are generally related to symbolic, less strategic, values attributed to nuclear weapons. These play a significant role within India’s domestic political party competition and among certain pressure groups. They have also influenced India’s relationship with other countries on non-proliferation matters. This book identifies the role of the strategic elite in determining India’s nuclear course. Furthermore, it argues that one of the pivotal driving forces behind India’s quest for the nuclear bomb is India’s struggle for international recognition and the strong, often obsessive sensitivities of India’s elite regarding perceived ‘acts of discrimination’ or ‘ignorance’ by the West towards India. ISBN: 9780415401326
` 745.00
Why Ethnic Parties Succeed Patronage and Ethnic Head Counts in India Kanchan Chandra
Why do some ethnic parties succeed in attracting the support of their target ethnic groups while others fail? In a world in which ethnic parties flourish in established and emerging democracies alike, understanding the conditions under which such parties succeed or fail is of critical importance to both political scientists and policy makers. Drawing on a study of variation in the performance of ethnic parties in India, this book builds a theory of ethnic party performance in “patronagedemocracies.” Chandra shows why voters in such democracies choose between parties by conducting ethnic head counts rather than by comparing policy platforms or ideological positions. Building on these individual microfoundations, she argues that an ethnic party is likely to succeed when it has competitive rules for intraparty advancement and when the size of the group it seeks to mobilize exceeds the threshold of winning or leverage imposed by the electoral system.
ISBN: 9780521608374
` 495.00
This book provides an alternative perspective of International Relations Western Realism and International Relations from Hiroshima to 9/11. Both its diplomacy and mainstream scholarship A Non-Western View Aswini K. Ray
are linked by realpolitik, in a vicious circle of retrogressive symbiosis. It simultaneously undermined the UN system of collective security from its origin and the scientific credential of its scholarship. The Cold War that it spawned restricted economic prosperity, political stability, and democratic freedom within its narrow core-area of the United States and Europe at the cost of its vast periphery in the Third World. Its unpredicted collapse extended insecurity across the entire globalised system, including its core-area, as events since 9/11 forcefully underscores. While the new hegemonic system has become globally more insecure for all its citizens, its scholarship is still clueless about the collapse of the bipolar system it created in the midst of the massive confidence-building exercise to stabilize it; it is even less able to creatively respond to its orderly transition. ISBN: 9788175962187
Democracy and Decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa Participation, Accountability and Performance
` 695.00
This book examines whether setting up democratic local councils in four developing countries (Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Bangladesh and India) enhances the popularity, responsiveness and effectiveness of administration. The authors make an important contribution to current debates about ‘good governance’, asking whether the poor and disadvantaged benefit from decentralisation.
Richard C. Crook & James Manor
ISBN: 9780521636476
` 650.00
Political Theory and Power Second Edition Sarah Joseph
This book draws attention to certain significant changes in the way in which power has been defined and it also examines some of the critical responses which those changes have evoked. The objective is not to try and evolve a universally acceptable and comprehensive definition of power, and of related terms like authority, and influence. The argument of the book is that, that would be an impossible project since social and political theories themselves constitute an intervention into political discourse of a society and they may implicity or explicitly, embody a political perspective. The basic assumptions about society embodied in a theory may be expressed through certain ordering concepts and a particular mode of theorizing.
ISBN: 9788175962033
` 450.00
The Partition of Bengal The fragmentation of Bengal and Assam in 1947 was a crucial moment in India’s socio-political history as nation state. Both British Indian and Assam 1932-1947 Bidyut Chakrabarty
provinces were divided as much through the actions of the Muslim League as through those of Congress and the British colonial power. Attributing partition largely to Hindu communalists is, therefore, historically inaccurate and factually misleading. The Partition of Bengal and Assam, 1932-1947 provides a review of constitutional and party politics as well as of popular attitudes and perceptions. The primary aim of this book is to unravel the intricate socio-economic and political processes that led up to partition, as Hindus and Muslims competed ferociously for the new power and privileges to be conferred on them with independence.
ISBN: 9780415328890
` 895.00
Architect of Global Jihad The Life of Al-Qaida Strategist Abu Mus’ab al-Suri Brynjar Lia
Despite his alleged capture in Pakistan in late 2005, Abu Mus’ab alSuri, a Syrian originally known as Mustafa Sethmarian Nasar, remains a potent political and ideological figure. Al-Suri trained a generation of young jihadis at al-Qaida’s Afghan camps and helped establish the organisation’s European networks. Having gained extensive military experience fighting in the Syrian Islamist insurgency of the early 1980s, he helped to shape al-Qaida’s global strategy in a series of writings, including his influential Global Islamic Resistance Call. In this 1,600 page book, al-Suri outlines a broad strategy for al-Qaida’s younger generation to follow and describes practical ways to implement the theories and tactics of jihadi guerrilla warfare. In Architect of Global Jihad, Brynjar Lia translates two key chapters from al-Suri’s Global Islamic Resistance Call and exposes his methods for maximising the political impact of jihadi violence and building successful, autonomous cells for ‘individualized terrorism.’ Al-Suri’s words have inspired many of today’s militants, making Lia’s detailed portrait required reading for students and specialists of Islamist movements and the study of contemporary forms of terrorism. ISBN: 9781850658566
` 895.00
Landscapes of the Jihad Militancy Morality Modernity Faisal Devji
Landscapes of the Jihad explores the features that Al-Qaeda and other strands of militant Islam share in common with global movements such as environmentalists and anti-globalisation protestors. These include a decentralized organization and an emphasis on ethical rather than properly political action. Devji brings these and other characteristics of Al-Qaeda together in an analysis of the jihad that locates it squarely within the transformation of political thought after the Cold War. The jihad emerges from the breakdown of traditional as well as modern forms of authority in the Muslim world. It is neither dogmatic in an oldfashioned way nor ideological in the modern sense, and concerned neither with correct doctrinal practice in the present nor with some revolutionary utopia of the future. Instead it is fragmented, dispersed and highly individualistic.
ISBN: 9781850657750
200pp HURST
` 895.00
Affirmative Action in the United States and India A comparative perspective Thomas E. Weisskopf
“Affirmative action” in the US and “reservation policies” in India are arguably the two most important national instances of positive discrimination in favor of historically disadvantaged racial/ethnic minority groups. This impressive book utilizes a cost-benefit framework to develop a general model for the comparative analysis of positive discrimination policies and reviews systematically the available empirical evidence on the consequences of those policies in admissions to higher education institutions in both the US and India.
ISBN: 9780415700023
` 895.00
Political Principles and their Practice in Sri Lanka Rajiva Wijesinha
This accessible book introduces students to the basic concepts in political science. The first part of the book provides a historical overview of the manner in which various political structures emerged. The second part deals with successive constitutions in Sri Lanka, and their failure to uphold political principles in response to changing political situations.
ISBN: 9788175962798
` 145.00
Are Other Worlds Possible? Talking New Politics Jai Sen & Mayuri Saini (editors)
In the run-up to the fourth World Social Forum held in Mumbai, India in January 2004, civil activists and students organised a major series of seminars in Delhi University to discuss the Forum and its politics. The ‘Open Space’ seminar series, as it came to be called, picked up on the idea of the Forum as a relatively free space, where all kinds of ideas could meet and be discussed. These books explore the new ideas generated by the discussions. Can the World Social Forum, the authors ask, help us to conceptualise and actualise a new politics? Can this new politics be free from violence? Can the experience and knowledge of great movements such as the movement for the environment, and the women’s movement, contribute to the creation of a new politics? How can such a politics be sustained?
ISBN: 9788189013271
` 195.00
Inclusive Citizenship Meanings & Expressions Naila Kabeer (editor)
Inclusive Citizenship seeks to go beyond the intellectual debates of recent years on democratization and participation to explore a related set of issues around changing conceptions of citizenship. People’s understandings of what it means to be a citizen go to the heart of the various meanings of identity, including national identity; political and electoral participation; and rights. The researchers in this volume come from a wide variety of societies, including the industrial countries in the North, and they seek to explore these difficult questions from different angles. Themes include: Citizenship and Rights; Citizenship and Identity; Citizenship and Political Struggle and the policy implications of substantive notions of citizenship.
ISBN: 9788189013165
288pp ZUBAAN
` 350.00
Votes and Violence Electoral Competition and Communal Riots in India Steven I. Wilkinson
In this book, Steven I. Wilkinson uses newly collected data on HinduMuslim riots, socio-economic factors and competitive politics in India to test his theory that riots are fomented in order to win elections and that governments decide whether to stop them or not based on the likely electoral cost of doing so. He finds that electoral factors account for most of the state-level variation in Hindu-Muslim riots: explaining for example why riots took place in Gujarat in 2002 but not in many other states where militants tried to foment violence. The general electoral theory he develops for India is extended to Ireland, Malaysia and Romania as Wilkinson shows that similar political factors motivate ethnic violence in many different countries.
ISBN: 9780521672818
State-Directed Development Political Power and Industrialization in the Global Periphery Atul Kohli
` 495.00
Why have some developing country states been more successful at facilitating industrialization than others? An answer to this question is developed by focusing both on patterns of state construction and intervention aimed at promoting industrialization. Four countries are analyzed in detail - South Korea, Brazil, India, and Nigeria - over the twentieth century. The states in these countries varied from cohesivecapitalist (mainly in Korea), through fragmented-multiclass (mainly in India), to neo-patrimonial (mainly in Nigeria). It is argued that cohesivecapitalist states have been most effective at promoting industrialization and neo-patrimonial states the least. The performance of fragmentedmulticlass states falls somewhere in the middle.
ISBN: 9780521672825
` 595.00
Coalition Politics and Hindu Nationalism Katherine Adeney & Lawrence Saez (editors)
This book examines the emergence of the BJP and the ways in which its Hindu nationalist agenda has been affected by the constraints of being a dominant member of a coalition government. The collected authors take stock of the party’s first full term in power, presiding over the diverse forces of the governing NDA coalition, and the 2004 elections. They assess the BJP’s performance in relation to its stated goals, and more specifically how it has fared in a range of policy fields – centre-state relations, foreign policy, defence policies, the ‘second generation’ of economic reforms, initiatives to curb corruption and the fate of minorities.
ISBN: 9780415359818
` 495.00
Gandhi: ‘Hind Swaraj’ and Other Writings Centenary Edition Anthony J. Parel (editor)
Hind Swaraj is Mahatma Gandhi’s fundamental work. Not only is it key to understanding his life and thoughts, but also the politics of South Asia in the first half of the twentieth century. Celebrating 100 years since Hind Swaraj was first published in a newspaper, this centenary edition includes a new Preface and Editor’s Introduction, as well as a new chapter on ‘Gandhi and the ‘Four Canonical Aims of Life’’. The volume presents a critical edition of the 1910 text of Hind Swaraj, fully annotated and including Gandhi’s own Preface and Foreword (not found in other editions). Anthony J. Parel sets the work in its historical and political contexts and analyses the significance of Gandhi’s experiences in England and South Africa. The second part of the volume contains some of Gandhi’s other writings, including his correspondence with Tolstoy and Nehru.
ISBN: 9780521149143
` 295.00
Gandhi as Disciple and Mentor Thomas Weber
Thomas Weber’s book comprises a series of biographical reflections about people who influenced Gandhi, and those who were, in turn, influenced by him. While the previous literature has tended to focus on Gandhi’s political legacy, Weber’s book explores the spiritual, social and philosophical resonances of these relationships, and it is with these aspects of the Mahatma’s life in mind, that the author selects his central protagonists. These include friends such as Henry Polak and Hermann Kallenbach, who are not as well known as those usually cited, but who left a deep impression nevertheless, and motivated some of Gandhi’s major life changes. Conversely, the work of luminaries such as E.F. Schumacher and Gene Sharp reveal the Mahatma’s influence in arenas which are not traditionally associated with his thinking. Weber’s book offers new and intriguing insights into the life and thought of one of the most significant figures of the twentieth century. ISBN: 9788175964327
The Success of India’s Democracy Atul Kohli (editor)
` 350.00
How has democracy taken root in India in the face of a low-income economy, poverty, illiteracy and ethnic diversity? Leading scholars explore this intriguing anomaly. Themes addressed include politics, ethnicity, federalism, caste, poverty, and Hindu nationalism. This is a tightly conceived volume on a controversial topic for students and generalists.
ISBN: 9788175961074
` 395.00
China and India in the Age of Globalization Shalendra D . Sharma
The rise of China and India is the story of our times. The unprecedented expansion of their economic and power capabilities raises profound questions for scholars and policymakers. What forces propelled these two Asian giants into global pacesetters, and what does their emergence mean for the United States and the world? With intimate detail, Shalendra D. Sharma’s China and India in the Age of Globalization explores how the interplay of socio-historical, political, and economic forces has transformed these once poor agrarian societies into economic powerhouses. Yet, globalization is hardly a seamless process, as the vagaries and uncertainties of globalization also present risks and challenges. This book examines the challenges both countries face and what each must do to strike the balance between reaping the opportunities and mitigating the risks. For the United States, assisting a rising China to become a responsible global stakeholder and fostering peace and stability in the volatile subcontinent will be paramount in the coming years. ISBN: 9780521198936
Asymmetric Warfare in South Asia The Causes and Consequences of the Kargil Conflict Peter R. Lavoy (editor)
` 695.00
The 1999 conflict between India and Pakistan near the town of Kargil in contested Kashmir was the first military clash between two nucleararmed powers since the 1969 Sino-Soviet war. Kargil was a landmark event not because of its duration or casualties, but because it contained a very real risk of nuclear escalation. Until the Kargil conflict, academic and policy debates over nuclear deterrence and proliferation occurred largely on the theoretical level. This deep analysis of the conflict offers scholars and policymakers a rare account of how nuclear-armed states interact during military crisis. Written by analysts from India, Pakistan, and the United States, this unique book draws extensively on primary sources, including unprecedented access to Indian, Pakistani, and U.S. government officials and military officers who were actively involved in the conflict. This is the first rigorous and objective account of the causes, conduct, and consequences of the Kargil conflict. ISBN: 9780521193856 ISBN: 9781107427136
426pp 426pp
` 895.00 ` 595.00
Islam in a Globalized World Negotiating Faultlines Mushirul Hasan (editor)
Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion and the second largest after Christianity. There are an estimated 1.57 billion followers of Islam spread across the globe accounting for one out of every four persons and representing diverse social and cultural traditions. Yet, surprisingly, little is known about them and their contribution to the communities they live in either as native citizens or immigrants. This lack of awareness, partly a result of paucity of writing on the subject, has created an image of Islam and Muslims that is often grossly distorted. This volume, edited by Mushirul Hasan – one of India’s most distinguished historians and commentators – seeks to fill this gap by bringing together a range of scholarly views on Islam in the context of a rapidly globalizing world. What is the impact of globalization on Islam and Muslim identity? How are Muslims, especially Muslim minority communities in different parts of the world, responding to globalization? And how is it changing their perceptions of their own identity and their world-view? ISBN: 9788188861088
` 850.00
Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee and Indian Politics An Account of an Outstanding Political Leader Prashanto Kumar Chatterji
Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee and Indian Politics: An Account of an Outstanding Political Leader is a pioneering work on the multi-faceted contributions of Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee to the country. Dr Mookerjee helped to oust the League ministry in Bengal (1941) and install the Progressive Coalition ministry of which he was the Finance Minister. He resigned in 1942 to protest against the Governor’s policy of repression against the Quit India movement. As the Working President of the Hindu Mahasabha, he was responsible for its ascendancy in Indian politics from 1940 to 1944. As the Central Industries and Supplies Minister (1947–1950), he framed free India’s industrial policy but resigned due to acute differences with Prime Minister Nehru’s appeasement policy towards Pakistan. He, together with M.S.Golwalkar of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, formed a new political party, the Bharatiya Jan Sangh. Despite Dr Mookerjee’s tragic death in 1953, the party drew adherents from all parts of India, and eventually was renamed the Bharatiya Janata Party. There is hardly any scholarly work on this remarkable political figure and statesman. This book, which fills in substantial gaps in one’s knowledge of this highly momentous and complicated period of modern Indian history, should prove to be a seminal contribution to the burgeoning body of literature on the subject. ISBN: 9788175967267
` 895.00
Politics, Society and Colonialism An Alternative Understanding of Tagore’s Responses Amartya Mukhopadhyay
This well-researched book brings forth Tagore’s views on a wide range of aspects of Indian life: civil-social sphere, nation and nationalism, intercommunity relations, gender, industry, and ecology. The relevance of Tagore’s work cuts across disciplines and the power of his ideas transcends time. His views on many aspects of politics, society and culture in India are eminently relevant in modern india. However Nirad C. Chaudhuri predicted that the difficulty in translating Tagore’s work would ascertain that in future his work will lie ‘like a buried city in the past’. The difficulty of translating him in any of the European or modern Indian languages and his position as a cult figure in India contributed to this gap between adulation and understanding. Amartya Mukhopadhyay probes deep into Tagore’s entire oeuvre to bring out critically important ideas and their underpinnings in colonial politics. The author also argues that many of Tagore’s views are easily translatable into modern social theoretic concepts through textual strategies and translations of hitherto neglected works. The book shows how the poet is sometimes blinkered by the prism of colonialism, but generally transcends it, to echo or anticipate the voices of greatest social theorists on the most existential issues of our times. ISBN: 9788175967274
*Prices are subject to change without notice.
` 795.00
Affluence, Austerity and Electoral Change in Britain £ 55.00
Agonistic Democracy
£ 65.00
AIDS Drugs For All
£ 55.00
Alien Rule
£ 55.00
American Public Opinion, Advocacy, and Policy in Congress
£ 55.00
An Introduction to Australian Public Policy
£ 52.00
Anti-Americanism and the Rise of World Opinion
£ 55.00
Anti-Refugee Violence and African Politics
£ 55.00
Banning the Bang or the Bomb?
£ 65.00
Between State and Synagogue
£ 50.00
Beyond Church and State
£ 60.00
Bringing Sociology to International Relations
£ 55.00
Brokers, Voters, and Clientelism
£ 55.00
Burdens of Political Responsibility
£ 50.00
Changing Societies, Changing Party Systems
£ 55.00
della Porta
Clandestine Political Violence
£ 60.00
Comparative Welfare State Politics
£ 50.00
Confucian Democracy in East Asia
£ 55.00
Conscription, Family, and the Modern State
£ 55.00
Constructing Cause in International Relations
£ 55.00
Constructing National Security
£ 55.00
Counting the Many
£ 55.00
Crisis of Authority
£ 55.00
Democracies and Dictatorships in Latin America
£ 55.00
Democracy and Media Decadence
£ 50.00
Democratic Militarism
£ 55.00
Democratic Theory and Causal Methodology in Comparative Politics
£ 55.00
Democratizing Global Climate Governance
£ 55.00
Dialogue, Politics and Gender
£ 55.00
Diffusion of Democracy
£ 65.00
Disasters and the American State
£ 55.00
Electoral Protest and Democracy in the Developing World
£ 55.00
Emergencies and Politics
£ 55.00
Enduring Rivalries in the Asia-Pacific
£ 55.00
Europe’s Contending Identities
£ 60.00
Formal Models of Domestic Politics
£ 55.00
Freedom Rising
£ 60.00
Freedom, Repression, and Private Property in Russia £ 55.00
From Classrooms to Conflict in Rwanda
£ 55.00
Gender and Elections
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Genocide and International Relations
£ 55.00
Global Markets and Government Regulation in Telecommunications
£ 55.00
Global Politics in the 21st Century
£ 60.00
Global Shell Games
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Globalizing Oil
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Governing Failure
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Hierarchical Capitalism in Latin America
£ 55.00
How Americans Make Race
£ 50.00
Imperial Rule and the Politics of Nationalism
£ 50.00
Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War
£ 55.00
Influence from Abroad
£ 55.00
Institutional Choice and Global Commerce
£ 55.00
International Organizations
£ 65.00
Israel’s Security Networks
£ 55.00
Just and Unjust Military Intervention
£ 60.00
Oude Nijhuis
Labor Divided in the Postwar European Welfare State £ 55.00
Latin American State Building in Comparative Perspective
£ 55.00
Latinos in the Legislative Process
£ 55.00
Locke, Science and Politics
£ 55.00
Making Citizens in Africa
£ 55.00
Migration and National Identity in South Africa, 1860–2010
£ 60.00
Partisan Investment in the Global Economy
£ 55.00
Partisan Priorities (HB)
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Partisan Priorities (PB)
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Party System Change in Legislatures Worldwide
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Perils of Centralization
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Political Aid and Arab Activism
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Political Change in Southeast Asia
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Political Consumerism
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Political Governance in Post-Genocide Rwanda
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Political Ideologies and Political Parties in America
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Political Institutions and Party-Directed Corruption in South America
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Political Parties in Africa
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Post-Communist Democracies and Party Organization £ 55.00
Property and Political Order in Africa
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Race, Nation, and Citizenship in Post-Colonial Africa £ 65.00
Reconstructing Iraq’s Budgetary Institutions
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Religion and Authoritarianism
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Religion in the Military Worldwide
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Representational Style in Congress
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Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy
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Responsibility for Human Rights
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Securities against Misrule
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Slavery, Abortion, and the Politics of Constitutional Meaning (HB)
£ 55.00
Slavery, Abortion, and the Politics of Constitutional Meaning (PB)
£ 18.99
Small Arms Survey, Geneva Small Arms Survey 2013
£ 55.00
Social Assistance in Developing Countries
£ 60.00
Social Difference and Constitutionalism in Pan-Asia
£ 65.00
Social Resilience in the Neoliberal Era
£ 60.00
State and Nation Making in Latin America and Spain £ 60.00
The Company States Keep
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The East Asian Challenge for Democracy
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The European Union as Crisis Manager
£ 50.00
The Europeanization of Workplace Pensions
£ 55.00
The Language of Contention
£ 50.00
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INDEX A Adeney, Katherine .................................................. 44 Affirmative Action in the United States and India .......................................... 41 Afghan Endgames .................................................. 16 Agarwala, Rina ........................................................ 2 Ali, S. Mahmud ....................................................... 23 Architect of Global Jihad ........................................ 40 Are Other Worlds Possible? ................................... 42 Arquilla, John .......................................................... 16 Asian Rivalries ........................................................ 13 Asymmetric Warfare in South Asia ........................ 46 Ayres, Alyssa .......................................................... 25 B Bangladesh ............................................................ 20 Bano, Masooda ........................................................ 3 Barnard, Rita ............................................................ 8 Basrur, Rajesh M. ................................................... 29 Bayly, C. A. ............................................................. 19 Becoming Asia ........................................................ 14 Bianchini, Stefano .................................................. 33 Breakdown in Pakistan ............................................ 3 Bussell, Jennifer ..................................................... 12 C Crook, Richard C. ................................................... 38 Caldwell, Dan ......................................................... 19 Chakma, Bhumitra ................................................. 29 Chakrabarty, Bidyut ................................................ 39 Chandra, Kanchan ................................................. 37 Chatterji, Prashanto Kumar .................................... 47 Chaturvedi, Sanjay ................................................. 33 China and India in the Age of Globalization ............................................... 46 Chinese and Indian Strategic Behavior .................................................. 17 Civil Society ............................................................ 26 Coalition Politics and Hindu Nationalism .................................................. 44 Comfort, Nicholas ................................................... 35 Communalism, Caste and Hindu Nationalism .................................................. 34 Complex Deterrence .............................................. 22 Corera, Gordon ...................................................... 36 Corruption and Reform in India .............................. 12 D Dahlman, Carl J. ..................................................... 15 Dam, Shubhankar .................................................... 9
Dash, Kishore C. .................................................... 31 Declining Sri Lanka ................................................ 33 Deep Currents and Rising Tides .............................. 4 Democracy and Decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa ................................ 38 Devji, Faisal ................................................ 17, 26, 40 Dew, Andrea J. ......................................................... 4 Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee and Indian Politics .................................................. 47 E Eating Grass ........................................................... 13 Engelmeier, Tobias ................................................. 27 F Fighting Back ............................................................ 3 Frey, Karsten .......................................................... 37 G Gandhi as Disciple and Mentor .............................. 45 Gandhi: ‘Hind Swaraj’ and Other Writings ........................................................ 44 Ganguly, Sumit ........................................... 13, 20, 30 Garofano, John ....................................................... 4 Gilboy, George J. .................................................... 17 Giustozzi, Antonio .................................................. 27 H Harel-Shalev, Ayelet ............................................... 15 Hashim, Ahmed S. ................................................... 5 Hasan, Mushirul ..................................................... 47 Heginbotham, Eric .................................................. 17 I Inclusive Citizenship ............................................... 42 India in the World Order ......................................... 35 India Since 1950 .................................................... 21 India Since 1980 .................................................... 20 India and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Regime ..................................................................... 6 India, Pakistan and the Secret Jihad ..................... 36 India’s Foreign Policy ............................................. 25 India’s Nuclear Bomb and National Security .................................................... 37 Informal Labor, Formal Politics and Dignified Discontent in India .................................... 2 Inside Nuclear South Asia ...................................... 21 Islam in a Globalized World ................................... 47 Ivekovic, Rada ........................................................ 33 J Jaffrelot, Christophe ............................................... 21 Jeffrey, Craig .......................................................... 18
Jones, Bruce ............................................................ 6 Joseph, Sarah ........................................................ 39 K Kabeer, Naila .......................................................... 42 Kapila, Shruti .......................................................... 17 Kapur, S. Paul ........................................................ 30 Kaviraj, Sudipta ...................................................... 26 Kennedy, Andrew Bingham .................................... 16 Khan, Feroz Hassan .............................................. 13 Khan, Saira ............................................................. 30 Khilnani, Sunil ......................................................... 26 Kohli, Atul .................................................... 11, 43, 45 Koran, Kalashnikov and Laptop ............................. 27 Kumar, A.Vinod ......................................................... 6 Kumar, Samrat Schmiem ....................................... 10 Kundnani, Arun ......................................................... 7 L Landscapes of the Jihad ........................................ 40 Lavoy, Peter R. ....................................................... 46 Lewis, David ........................................................... 20 Lia, Brynjar ............................................................. 40 Liberal Perspectives for South Asia ....................... 32 M Manor, James ......................................................... 38 Markey, Daniel S. ..................................................... 5 Mehta, Pratap Bhanu ............................................... 6 Miller, Alice Lyman .................................................. 14 Mistry, Dinshaw ........................................................ 9 Mittal, Surabhi ........................................................ 24 Mobilizing Restraint ............................................... 14 Moe, Wendy W. ...................................................... 10 Morgan, Patrick M. ................................................. 22 Mukherji, Rahul ...................................................... 20 Mukhopadhyay, Amartya ........................................ 48 Muni, S. D. .............................................................. 25 N Nation-Building and Foreign Policy in India ........... 27 Nayar, Baldev Raj .................................................. 35 Nepal Votes for Peace ............................................. 2 No Exit from Pakistan ............................................... 5 Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia ........................ 30 Nuclear Weapons and Conflict Transformation .......................................... 30 O Ollapally, Deepa M. ................................................ 28 Oppenheimer, Joe .................................................. 12 Organizations at War ............................................. 28 P Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Challenge ................... 8
Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons ................................. 29 Palit, Chittabrata ..................................................... 24 Pant, Harsh V. ........................................................ 18 Parel, Anthony J. .................................................... 44 Partitions ................................................................. 33 Paul, T. V. .......................................................... 22, 34 Peace and Conflict ................................................. 10 Pokharel, Bhojraj ..................................................... 2 Policy Options to Achieve Food Security in South Asia ............................................ 24 Political Principles and their Practice in Sri Lanka .............................................. 41 Political Theory and Power .................................... 39 Political Thought in Action ...................................... 17 Politics, Society and Colonialism ........................... 48 Poverty Amid Plenty in the New India .................... 11 Presidential Legislation in India ............................... 9 Principles of Politics ............................................... 12 R Rana, Shrishti ......................................................... 2 Ray, Aswini K. ......................................................... 38 Recovering Liberties .............................................. 19 Regionalism in South Asia ..................................... 31 Roemer, Stephanie ................................................ 31 Rothstein, Hy .......................................................... 16 Roy, Dayabati ........................................................... 4 Rural Politics in India ................................................ 4 S Sagan, Scott D. ...................................................... 21 Saez, Lawrence ...................................................... 44 Saini, Mayuri ........................................................... 42 Samaddar, Ranabir ................................................ 33 Saxena, Rekha ....................................................... 23 Schweidel, David A ................................................ 10 Sen, Jai ................................................................... 42 Sethi, Deepti ........................................................... 24 Shani, Ornit ............................................................ 34 Shaping the Emerging World ................................... 6 Sharma, Shalendra D. ........................................... 46 Shemella, Paul ........................................................ 3 Shopping for Bombs ............................................... 36 Short on Democracy .............................................. 32 Sidhu, Waheguru Pal Singh ..................................... 6 Sinno, Abdulkader H. ............................................. 28 Sivaramakrishnan, Arvind ...................................... 32 Social Media Intelligence ....................................... 10 South Asia’s Cold War ........................................... 29 Speaking Like a State ............................................ 25 State-Directed Development .................................. 43
Swami, Praveen ..................................................... 36 T Teitelbaum, Emmanuel .......................................... 14 Tensions in Rural Bengal ....................................... 24 The Cambridge Companion to Nelson Mandela ..... 8 The Challenge of Democracy ................................ 15 The India-Pakistan Conflict .................................... 34 The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru ............................................................... 16 The Muslims Are Coming! ........................................ 7 The Partition of Bengal and Assam ....................... 39 The Politics Book ................................................... 35 The Politics of Extremism in South Asia ................ 28 The Promise of Power ............................................ 11 The Rise of China .................................................. 18 The Success of India’s Democracy ....................... 45 The Terrorist in Search of Humanity ...................... 26 The Tibetan Government-in-Exile .......................... 31 The Tradition of Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons ................................................... 22 The US–India Nuclear Agreement ........................... 9 The World under Pressure ..................................... 15 Thompson, William R. ............................................ 13
Timepass ................................................................ 18 Tudor, Maya ............................................................ 11 U Ullah, Haroon K. ....................................................... 7 Understanding Bangladesh ................................... 23 Upadhyaya, Priyankar ............................................ 10 V Varieties of Federal Governance ........................... 23 Vortex of Conflict .................................................... 19 Votes and Violence ................................................ 43 Vying for Allah’s Vote ............................................... 7 W Weber, Thomas ...................................................... 45 Weisskopf, Thomas E. ........................................... 41 Western Realism and International Relations ........................................... 38 When Counterinsurgency Wins ............................... 5 Why Ethnic Parties Succeed ................................. 37 Wich, Richard ......................................................... 14 Wijesinha, Rajiva ........................................ 32, 33, 41 Wilkinson, Steven I. ................................................ 43 Wirtz, James J. ....................................................... 22 Y Yusuf, Moeed ........................................................... 8
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