face2face (2nd edition) - British Way of Life

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Time off

QUICK REVIEW Present Simple questions Work in groups. Ask questions to find out who: gets up first, takes the longest to get to class, spends the most on travel a week, watches TV the most, goes to bed last. A What time do you get up? B At about seven. What about you?

Vocabulary and Speaking Free time activities 1

a Look at these free time activities. Then fill in the gaps in sentences 1–4 with the words in bold. do yoga play volleyball go cycling go to the theatre

We use We use other games. 3 We use 4 We use or health club. 1 2

with words that end in -ing. with sports with a ball and with places and events. with things you do in a gym

b Match these words/phrases to do, play, go or go to. Check in VOCABULARY 1.4 p127. museums running basketball judo art galleries skateboarding cards diving pilates concerts / gigs mountain biking the gym table tennis gymnastics festivals chess TIP • In these vocabulary boxes we only show the main stress in words and phrases.

c Work in pairs. Can you think of any more words/phrases that go with do, play, go or go to? 2

Work in the same pairs. Ask questions with Do you ever … ?. Find four things that you both do in your free time. Use phrases from 1 or your own ideas. Ask follow-up questions if possible. Do you ever go to art galleries? Yes, sometimes./No, I don’t.


Vocabulary free time activities; frequency adverbs and expressions Skills Reading: a magazine article; Listening: a survey

Reading and Listening 3

a How do people in the UK spend their free time, do you think? b Read the article. Guess the correct answers a–r. c CD1 7 Listen and check your answers. Do you think any of the answers are surprising?

The British way of life? A new survey on the free time and shopping habits of British people is published this week – and it shows that we still love football, going to pubs, watching TV and eating fish and chips! Here are some of the results from the survey. The British are always happy when they’re socialising. 55% of amen /women and 44% of bmen /women go to a bar or pub with their friends every week. About c20% /30% of adults go to a festival or a concert at least once a year and d20% /30% go to the theatre. About 25% go to a museum or an art gallery. British people generally watch TV for about ethree /four hours every day – and about f25% /45% of men have dinner and watch TV at the same time! The average British person spends more than g15 /22 hours online every month, and a hhalf /quarter of that time is on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. iMore / Less than half of all adults in the UK do some sport every month. About j7% /15% of British people go swimming and k7% /15% play football – but 32% watch football on TV once or twice a week. British people normally go on holiday once a year, but l10% /20% of people have two or more holidays a year. The most popular holiday destination is mSpain /France. n30% /46% of adults go to a McDonald’s restaurant every three months, but o30% /46% go to a traditional fish and chip shop. The British spend about £48 million on ptea /coffee and £56 million on qtea /coffee every month. And every British person eats r7 /10 kg of chocolate every year – more than any other country in the world! face2face Second edition Pre-intermediate © Cambridge University Press 2012

HELP WITH VOCABULARY Frequency adverbs and expressions 4

a Put these frequency adverbs in order. hardly ever always 1 never sometimes occasionally often usually / normally / generally 2

b Look at the frequency adverbs in blue in the article. Then complete the rules with before or after. ●

Frequency adverbs go

the verb be.

Frequency adverbs go

other verbs.

c Put these frequency expressions in order.

Listening and Speaking 6

twice a day 1 once every three months three times a week every Saturday once a month once or twice a year 7 every couple of weeks

Free time survey

d Look at the frequency expressions in pink in the article. Then choose the correct phrase in the rule. ●


ACTIVITY go to the theatre


go to museums or art galleries watch TV

a Make sentences with these words. 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

running / go / sometimes / Sundays / on / I .

do sport

I sometimes go running on Sundays. do / a week / normally / or twice / We / once / yoga . months / I / every / go to / once / six / the dentist . is / on / home / Sundays / Alexander / generally / at . of weeks / every / goes / diving / Carly / couple . are / in January / always / parents / My / on holiday . I / two / an art gallery / times / go to / or three / a year . volleyball / play / occasionally / at / We / the weekend . a year / my / I / or twice / grandparents / once / see .

go on holiday

b Write five sentences about your free time activities. Use frequency adverbs and expressions from 4a and 4c. I go to gigs once or twice a month.

c Work in groups. Take turns to say your sentences. Do you do the same things?

face2face Second edition Pre-intermediate © Cambridge University Press 2012


go to a bar or a pub

We usually put frequency expressions before the verb/at the end of the sentence or clause.

e Check in VOCABULARY 1.5

a CD1 8 A researcher is interviewing Robert for this year’s British free time survey. Listen and fill in the form.

b Work in pairs. Compare Robert’s answers with the newspaper article. In what ways is he a typical British person?

HELP WITH LISTENING Sentence stress (1) 7

a CD1 8 Listen to the beginning of the interview again. Notice the stress in these sentences. We’re doing a survey on the free time habits of British people. Can I ask you a few questions? How often do you go to a bar or a pub?

b Look at Audio Script CD1 8 p153. Listen again and follow the sentence stress. 8

a Work in pairs. Write your own free time survey. Write at least six questions. 1 How often do you watch sport on TV?

b Work in groups of five or six. Take turns to ask your questions. Find out who does the things in your survey most often. c Tell the class the results of your survey.



1C aNd SkillS

Time off

Student’s Book p10–p11

Quick ReView This activity reviews Present Simple questions. Students work in groups and take turns to ask one another questions (What time do you get up?, etc.). Students compare answers to find out who gets up first, etc. Ask students to share interesting answers with the class.

c Students do the exercise in pairs. Elicit answers from students and add them to the table on the board. Answers could include do karate, play tennis, go walking, go to the cinema. 2

Vocabulary and Speaking Free time activities 1

a Check students understand the free time activities. Students do the exercise on their own, then check in pairs. Check answers with the class. Point out that we say volleyball not volley. Model and drill the phrases. Pay particular attention to the pronunciation of yoga /jəυgə/, cycling /saIklIŋ/ and theatre /θIətə/. 1 go 2 play 3 go to 4 do

b Focus students on the words/phrases in the box. Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs, then check in Vocabulary 1.4 SB p127. While students are working, draw a four-column table on the board with the headings do, play, go and go to so that you are ready to check their answers. Check answers with the class. Elicit the answers from students and write them in the correct place in the table on the board. Point out that we say basketball, not basket. Also highlight that we don’t usually use practise with sports: I play table tennis not I practise table tennis. Point out that we can say do sport(s) or play sport(s). Highlight that gig is an informal word for a concert and that we use it for concerts of most types of music except classical. Also highlight that pilates is a form of physical exercise that aims to strengthen the body and increase flexibility. Model and drill the new words/phrases. Pay particular attention to the pronunciation of museums /mjuziəmz/, judo /dudəυ/, pilates /pIlAtiz/ and gym /dIm/. Draw students’ attention to the TiP and point out that only the main stress in words is shown in the vocabulary sections and Language Summaries. We feel this is the simplest and most effective way to make sure students put the main stress in the correct place. For example, the main stress in art galleries is on art, not on the fi rst syllable of galleries (which is also stressed). do: judo, pilates, gymnastics play: basketball, cards, table tennis, chess go: running, skateboarding, diving, mountain biking go to: museums, art galleries, concerts/gigs, the gym, festivals

Vocabulary free time activities; frequency adverbs and expressions Skills Reading: a magazine article; Listening: a survey

Use the speech bubbles to teach Do you ever … ?. Note that we use ever with the Present Simple to mean ‘at any time in your day-to-day life’. Elicit other possible answers using frequency adverbs (No, never. Yes, very often., etc.). Students work in the same pairs as 1c and take turns to ask each other questions with Do you ever … ? in order to find four things they both do in their free time. Ask students to share interesting answers with the class.

Reading and Listening 3

a Tell students to cover the article on SB p10. Discuss with the class what students think people in the UK do in their free time. Write students’ ideas on the board. b Pre-teach survey and socialising. Point out that we say fi sh and chips, not chips and fi sh, and check students know how to say % (per cent). Students read the article, circling their guesses for a–r. c cD1 7 Play the recording. Students listen and check their answers. Check answers with the class. Ask students which answers they think are surprising. a men b women c 30% d 20% e four f 45% g 22 h quarter i More j 15% k 7% l 20% m Spain n 30% o 46% p tea q coffee r 10

extra idea ●

Write several statistics on the board, for example 30% of adults, 46%, £48 million, etc. Students read the article quickly to find what the statistics refer to. Some numbers, for example 30%, can refer to several things, so accept all correct answers or encourage students to find all the things.


Frequency adverbs and expressions Help with Vocabulary sections help students to explore and understand how vocabulary works, and often focus on aspects of lexical grammar. Students should usually do the exercises on their own or in pairs and then check their answers in the Language Summaries in the back of the Student’s Book. You can then check the main points with the whole class as necessary. For more information on the face2face approach to Vocabulary, see p20.


face2face Second edition Pre-intermediate © Cambridge University Press 2012


a–e Students do the exercises on their own or in pairs, then check in Vocabulary 1.5 SB p127. Check answers with the class. ●

● ●


a 3 often 4 sometimes 5 occasionally 6 hardly ever 7 never Highlight that usually, normally and generally have the same meaning. Also highlight that in negative sentences we can put often at the end: I don’t play tennis often.

He’s not very typical because he goes to the theatre once a month, doesn’t go to museums or art galleries, does some sport three or four times a week and has two holidays a year (neither of which are in Spain). However, he goes to the pub once a week and he watches TV for about three hours a day.

c 2 three times a week 3 every Saturday 4 every couple of weeks 5 once a month 6 once every three months d We usually put frequency expressions at the end of the sentence or clause: I play tennis once a week. Tell students that we can also use a lot and all the time to mean often: He watches TV a lot/all the time. Model and drill the phrases in 4a and 4c. Pay particular attention to the pronunciation of usually /juυəli/, generally /denrəli/, occasionally /əkeIənəli/ and once /wns/. Point out that there are two different ways to pronounce often: /ɒfən/ and /ɒftən/. Also point out that usually and generally are three syllables, not four.

a Focus students on the example. Students do the exercise in pairs. Check answers with the class.

b Students do the exercise on their own. While they are working, monitor and check their sentences for accuracy. c Students compare sentences in groups and fi nd out how many of their sentences are the same. Do not share interesting answers with the class at face2face Second Pre-intermediate Cambridge Presssurvey 2012 thisedition stage. Students are©asked to doUniversity a free time in 8a and 8b and share their results in 8c.

Listening and Speaking


b Students do the exercise in pairs. Ask students to share answers with the class.

b after; before

2 We normally do yoga once or twice a week. 3 I go to the dentist once every six months. 4 Alexander is generally at home on Sundays. 5 Carly goes diving every couple of weeks. 6 My parents are always on holiday in January. 7 I go to an art gallery two or three times a year. 8 We occasionally play volleyball at the weekend. 9 I see my grandparents once or twice a year.


go to a bar or a pub: once a week; go to the theatre: once a month; go to museums or art galleries: never; watch TV: about three hours a day/21 hours a week; do sport: three or four times a week (running); go on holiday: twice a year

a Focus students on the photo and ask what the people are doing (the woman is doing a survey; the man, Robert, is answering her questions). Tell students they are going to listen to Robert answering some questions in a survey. Give students time to read the activities on the form before listening. cD1 8 Play the recording (SB p153). Students listen and fi ll in the form with an adverb or expression of frequency. Play the recording again if necessary. Check answers with the class.

HeLP wiTH LiSTeNiNG Sentence stress (1) This Help with Listening section introduces students to sentence stress and highlights that we stress the important words in sentences and questions. 7

a cD1 8 Focus students on the examples. Then play the beginning of the recording again. Students listen and notice the stressed words. Point out that the stressed words carry the meaning in sentences and questions. b Students look at Audio Script cD1 8 , SB p153. Play the whole recording. Students listen and notice the sentence stress.


a Elicit some ideas for how to start questions about free time activities and write them on the board: Do you ever… ?, How often do you … ?, How much (TV, sport) do you … a week? Students work in pairs and write a free time survey similar to the one in 6a, with at least six questions. b Students do the exercise in groups. Remind students to use frequency adverbs and expressions in their answers. While they are working, monitor and help with any problems. c Finally, ask students to share interesting answers with the class. WritiNG

Students write up the results of their free time survey. Remind students to use frequency adverbs and expressions and encourage them to use the article on SB p10 as a model. Further practice Ph Vocabulary Plus 1 Sport p197 (Instructions p193) Ph Ph Class Activity 1C An active life? p150 Ph

(Instructions p133)

Ph Extra Reading 1 National sports p215 Ph

(Instructions p209) Extra Practice 1C SB p115 Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 1C Workbook Lesson 1C p8

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