Professional English
Cambridge English for
the Media
Look at these sentences from an article about school uniforms. Use your knowledge of cohesive devices to choose the best version of each sentence, A or B.
What cohesive devices are used in each sentence?
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Version A New measures have been announced to encourage more schools to introduce compulsory uniforms for school pupils.
Version B The government has announced new measures to encourage more schools to introduce compulsory uniforms for their pupils.
Inspectors will give better grades to schools with smarter pupils under the new measures, which may help schools attract new pupils, and which may lead to increased funding. The news will delight parents around the country. To enable their children to keep up with the latest fashions, most parents have to fork out hundreds of pounds every term, which they are sick of. For a modern teenager, there’s nothing worse than being the only kid in class with the wrong type of trousers, so parents have no choice but to open their purses. Afterwards, the really fashionable teenagers in class feel the need to move on to the next fashion trend.
Under the new scheme, schools with smarter children will get better grades from inspectors, which may help them attract new students, and lead to increased funding. Parents around the country will be delighted by this news. Most of them are sick of having to fork out hundreds of pounds every term to enable their offspring to keep up with the latest fashions. Parents have no choice but to fork out, because nothing is worse for a modern teenager than being the only kid in class with the wrong type of trousers.
Cohesive devices Version B is better. No need for passive. Use of pronoun j^[_h to avoid repeating iY^eeb.
But then the really cool guys at school feel the need to move on to the next fashion trend.
Now use cohesive devices to improve these sentences from the rest of the article. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
All parents would have the perfect excuse to say no to their little darlings if schools put an end to this cycle of competitive fashion. Uniforms aren’t cheap, of course, but uniforms are practical and uniforms last much longer than this season’s designer gear. Uniforms are smart. When a group of smartly dressed children are seen on a school trip, perhaps to a museum or theatre, I am given hope for the next generation. Young people are encouraged to take pride in representing their school when they wear uniforms. You’re more likely to despair for the future if you take a look at the group of children hanging around most schools. I think we should put all children in uniforms, and put a bit of order and discipline in these children’s lives.
Cambridge English for the Media Cambridge University Press 2009