Methodology and Professional Development for English language teachers

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Methodology and Professional Development for English language teachers

See inside for new titles and highlights of our range, plus sample activities

Teacher Training Perfect preparation for Cambridge English teaching exams, and resources for developing teaching skills.

The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 and 3 Second Edition Mary Spratt, Alan Pulverness and Melanie Williams This is the teacher training course for teachers preparing for TKT Modules 1, 2 and 3. Fully updated and includes three practice tests.


Kay Bentley

Providing subject and language teachers with a solid grounding in the principles and methodology of Context and Language Integrated Learning, with a model TKT CLIL practice test and full answer key.


The TKT Course KAL Module David Albery Ideal for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the Cambridge English TKT Knowledge About Language (KAL) Module. It provides a comprehensive self-study course with a complete TKT KAL practice test and full answer key.



TKT Online The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 and 3 Online The TKT Course is now available online. The updated content of the second edition has been adapted for use as a fully online course or as part of a blended learning programme. Includes interactive tasks, 9 complete practice tests and a TKT glossary quiz.


Scott Thornbury and Peter Watkins This is the only published Celta preparation course available, and is ideal for use as a reference both during training and in practice.

978-0-521-69206-9 978-0-521-69207-6

Trainee book Trainer’s Manual


The TKT Course CLIL Module


The Celta Course

Classroom Observation Tasks Ruth Wajnryb Perfect for teachers, trainee teachers and teacher trainers, this book provides a range of tasks which guide the user through the process of observing, analysing and reflecting.



Tasks for Language Teachers Martin Parrott A practical resource for teacher trainers and teachers of English and other languages, with task material for training seminars and development groups. Covers a wide range of topics from the nature and processes of language learning, to specific materials and techniques for use by teachers.



A Course in English Language Teaching Penny Ur A completely revised and updated edition of A Course in Language Teaching. The book provides a comprehensive introduction to English language teaching, and is suitable for teachers in a variety of educational settings, including compulsory education.




Activity from The TKT Course Modules 1,2 and 3 978-0-521-12565-9

Module 1

Hello. My name’s Raquel. I’m from Portugal and I’m 6. I love sports and playing with my friends. I don’t like reading – it’s really hard.

Hi. I’m Mahmoud and I’m from Egypt. I’m 16 and I’ve been learning English for 10 years. I like studying hard and learning rules. Maths and physics are my favourite subjects. I don’t like English much as all we do is chat – that’s not serious learning.

Nice to meet you. My name’s Xiu Xiu and I’m from Shanghai. I’m 26 and I’m about to start a new job as a sales representative in an international firm. I speak a little English, because I learnt it at school. We learnt lots of words and lots of grammar rules. That was good, but now I need to speak to customers. Fortunately, I’m a very sociable person.

2 Look at these classroom activities and at the list of learning styles on page 72. Match the activities with the learning styles they are most suitable for. A Giving learners lots of thinking time to answer questions B Touching objects with your eyes closed to describe them C Solving problems with others D Looking at sentences containing the second conditional, and working out how to form this tense E Listening to songs and stories F Asking learners to decide on their own homework G Asking learners to brainstorm answers in one minute H Doing a role-play activity I Asking learners to imagine a scene and describe it to you J Asking learners to label a picture Which of these activities are suitable for both adults and young children? REFLECTION Think about these teachers’ comments. Which do you agree with and why? 1 My learning style is auditory and I think most of my teaching is auditory, too. 2 I spent two lessons explaining learning strategies to my students when they started secondary school. They just weren’t interested, so I haven’t tried it again. 3 Some of my students are really good at learning things by heart, but I think that’s old-fashioned.


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Activity from The TKT Course KAL Module 978-0-521-15436-9

Unit 11

The noun phrase and adjectives

LEARNING OUTCOME KNOWLEDGE: the structure of noun phrases, the use of adjectives, and key terms associated with noun phrases

What is a noun phrase?

A noun phrase is a group of words or a single word that acts as a noun in a phrase or sentence. For example, my best friend is a noun phrase. It could be followed by a verb phrase, for example arrived early at the party. In this case, the party is another noun phrase. A noun phrase can be one word (e.g. John, she, people) or it can be longer, as in the examples above. Sometimes, a noun phrase can be more complicated, for example the underlined part of The woman who answered the door was very friendly.

Different types of noun Exercise 1

Look at the sentences below and decide what type of noun each underlined noun is. Some of the nouns have more than one term to describe them. For example, city is a common, countable noun. 1 London is a city in the UK. 2 The staff here thinks money is important. 3 I can see the pleasure your family gives you. Read the table below to check your answers. Type of noun



Proper noun

Often the names of specific places, people and organisations; begin with a capital letter.

London, John, the Government, the UK, Mount Everest

Non-specific things, e.g. there are lots of cities city, money, family, people, dogs, cats in the world. city, family, men, (an) apple, Countable noun Can be singular or plural; you can have a (three) apples number of them.

Common noun

Uncountable noun Collective noun

Cannot have a plural form; you cannot have a money, pleasure, freedom, number of them, e.g. I’ve got two informations information, air, water, rice (✗). Generally used for a group of things, people, (the) staff, family, (the) army, furniture, team animals and places.

Concrete noun

Used for real, physical things that you can touch, see, taste, etc.

city, money, family, John, Mount Everest, London, staff

Abstract noun

Used for non-physical things that you can’t touch, see, taste, etc.

pleasure, freedom, information, love, power 55


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Part 2 Lesson preparation


Activity from The TKT Course CLIL Module

Key concepts and the CLIL classroom

The labelled ‘explanation’ text below shows how we can help learners understand how specific genres are organised. Features of an ‘explanation’ text *title

*facts about the process of producing electricity *passive forms

*further explanation *impersonal pronouns *examples of use *key vocabulary in bold

*diagram to show steps in the process *subject-specific vocabulary

(text from Essential Science 6, Santillana Richmond 2007) Look at the reasons for a genre-based teaching approach in CLIL. It helps teachers identify the language that learners need for their specific subjects. ● It helps teachers to support learners when they produce content language. Learners look at the whole text, then at patterns of language at sentence and word levels. ● It helps learners understand the language features they need to use for each subject. ● It helps learners take a critical approach to learning through analysis of their writing. ●


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Ideas and Activities Inspiration for busy teachers and trainers! Are you looking for stimulating classroom activities? These titles offer endless practical ideas and activities to liven up your language classroom.

Ideas for Integrating Technology in the Classroom Graham Stanley



G 20



Language Learning with Technology


150 classroom activities for beginner to advanced level learners, incorporating a wide range of up-to-date technologies, such as mobile technologies and social networking.



Communicative Activities for EAP Jenni Guse This is an invaluable handbook for new, experienced or relief teachers of language support programmes, as well as for those teaching intensive language courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students in EFL and ESL/EAL contexts.

978-0-521-14057-7 Book with CD-ROM

Classroom Management Techniques

Memory Activities for Language Learning

Jim Scrivener

Nick Bilbrough

A complete and essential activity-based guide to ELT classroom management. This title offers a huge range of practical techniques to help teachers make the most of their teaching space and get students working in more focused ways.

Memory Activities for Language Learning will help teachers discover what makes language memorable, as well as how to optimize learners’ language memory by engaging and developing their abilities to recognize, notice, store, retrieve and reactivate language.



978-0-521-13241-1 Book with CD-ROM

CLIL Activities

A resource for subject and language teachers Liz Dale and Rosie Tanner Innovative activities for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teachers and trainee teachers. The accompanying CD-ROM contains print-ready CLIL activities.

978-0-521-14984-6 Book with CD-ROM

Vocabulary Activities Penny Ur An invaluable resource for new and experienced teachers alike. The accompanying CD-ROM contains print-ready materials that can be put to immediate use in the classroom.

978-0-521-18114-3 Book with CD-ROM

“I have been using, and recommending,

Cambridge Handbooks all my professional life so I am delighted to play a part in the development of the series – continuing the excellent work that my predecessors have done in creating a really impressive list of titles.”

Scott Thornbury, Series Editor



Activity from Classroom Management Techniques 978-0-521-74185-9

2 The teacher

Techniques: What level of grading is appropriate? At what level should the teacher pitch the classroom language he or she uses? There are a number of options. The grading of language can be:

Highly graded

Class Average

Class Average +1

At or below the assumed current level of the weakest students in class.

At or below the assumed average current level of the whole class.

Very slightly above the assumed average current level of the class.


Modified ungraded


Around the assumed current level of the strongest students in class.

Language that largely approximates to the teacher’s normal use of language, but with care taken to ensure that a few of the most complex or potentially problematic features are simplified or not used.

The teacher’s normal fluent use of language, speaking to classes as one would to colleagues or native speaker friends – fast, fluent and with all the features of normal connected speech.

My choice will depend partly on the overall language level of the class. Generally speaking, the lower the level of the class, the more graded my own language. With an advanced class, it may well be appropriate and useful if I use ungraded language at least part of the time. Some teachers do not grade their language to students at all, perhaps because they believe that students will learn best by being exposed to realistic (if complex) language use. This is, however, rare – and, in most language classrooms, you would find that the teacher is grading his or her language to at least some degree. Other teachers adopt a level very slightly higher than the perceived general level of the class; this is influenced by Professor Stephen Krashen’s theory of Comprehensible Input: the idea that learners are most likely to take in new language if it is both understandable and a little above their current level, so that they have to think and try to work out the form, meaning and use of any items they don’t know.


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Activity from CLIL Activities 978-0-521-14984-6

CLIL Activities

3.2 Bingo Outline Learners play the game of Bingo with vocabulary they have learned. Thinking skills Understanding, defining Language focus Vocabulary Language skills Listening and speaking Time ı0 minutes Level Any Preparation List ı2 words learners need to learn and prepare definitions for them. Make Bingo cards

using nine of the words in three rows of three, one different card per learner. See Box 3.2 and Subject examples.

Procedure ı Give each learner a Bingo card. 2 Use your list of ı2 words. Call out your definition of nine of them, at random. 3 Learners cross out the word if they think the definition matches a word on their card. 4 The learner with a completed card shouts ‘Bingo!’ 5 Check that the learner has crossed out the correct words on their card. 6 Continue until three learners shout out ‘Bingo!’

Box 3.2: Bingo Art, design and technology: architectural detail arch









From CLIL Activities © Cambridge University Press 20ı2




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978-0-521-14984-6 Focus on language


Activity from CLIL Activities

Subject examples

Maths Draw numbers from a pack of cards from ı to ı00. square number

multiple of 7

cube number

factor of 24

prime number

triangular number

negative number

multiple of 4

factor of 42










You can also use Bingo cards for equivalences between fractions, decimals and percentages. For example, call out a decimal (0,3); learners cross out the equivalent percentage (30%). Variation Bingo can be used for any matching exercise, e.g. pictures and words, examples and names (vinegar is an example of ethanoic acid).

Teaching tip Learners take it in turns to read the definitions for the rest of the class, instead of the teacher reading them.


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More Ideas and Activities The Ben Warren International House Trust Prize

Working with Images

ed Shortlist

Ben Goldstein Working with Images contains over 75 practical teaching ideas for the language classroom, including the use of both low-tech and high-tech images suitable for a wide variety of teaching contexts. Comes with CD-ROM containing hundreds of images for teachers to use in the classroom.

978-0-521-71057-2 Book with CD-ROM

Five-Minute Activities for Young Learners Penny McKay and Jenni Guse This book contains a selection of short activities organized around six themes which reflect the content covered in young learner English exams and the curriculum in most primary mainstream classrooms. Suitable for both novice and experienced teachers, this title provides enjoyable and motivating activities for the young learner classroom.


Learning One-to-One Ingrid Wisniewska This handbook is designed for all language teachers who are giving one-to-one lessons, either in person or as part of a distance learning programme. Includes ideas for using technology and online resources, and the accompanying CD-ROM provides material to print and photocopy for use in lessons.

978-0-521-13458-3 Book with CD-ROM

Dialogue Activities Nick Bilbrough This book provides over 100 practical activities for teachers to adapt for their classrooms, encouraging learners to look at the English language through dialogues and spoken interaction from coursebooks, literature and media, as well as authentic conversation extracts.




Grammar Practice Activities Second Edition Penny Ur This revised version combines tried and tested activities with up-to-date content including a brand new CD-ROM. This is an invaluable resource for any teacher who wishes to combine grammar teaching with a broadly communicative methodology.

978-0-521-73232-1 Book with CD-ROM

Intercultural Language Activities John Corbett Practical teaching ideas which encourage learners to reflect on their own language and culture, as well as that of others. The book also helps learners mediate in situations of cultural misunderstanding and start web-based intercultural exchanges.

978-0-521-74188-0 Book with CD-ROM

Pronunciation Practice Activities Martin Hewings This is a resource book for teachers looking for ideas on how they can make pronunciation teaching more interesting. It contains a collection of practice activities for a wide range of levels, using a variety of methods. Includes an audio CD with extra support material.

978-0-521-75457-6 Book with Audio CD



Future tenses


Activity from Grammar Practice Activities

4.1.4 Mime continuation Focus Interrogative of going to to ask about imminent action Age Any Level Elementary–Intermediate Time ı5–20 minutes Preparation A set of cue-cards or slips of paper, on each one of which is written a

sentence using going to, describing an action about to be done (see Box 4.1.4)

Procedure ı One student takes a slip and mimes things he or she might do leading up to the future action. The mime should not, of course, include a demonstration of the action itself! 2 The others have to guess what is about to happen, trying to get as near as possible to the text of the cue-card by asking, for example: Are you going to drive a car? Are you about to drive a car? Variation Students think up their own future actions to mime. You should have a reserve supply of ideas ready to help the less imaginative or confident ones. Box 4.1.4: Mime continuation

© Cambridge University Press 2009



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Activity from Learning One-to-One 978-0-521-13458-3

Learning One-to-One

7.5 Specialist vocabulary Outline Your student describes their day at work in detail, giving you

Focus Level Time Preparation

the opportunity to identify vocabulary related to their job or specialization. Expanding specialized vocabulary Any 20 minutes Prepare a chart such as the one in Box 7.5.

Procedure ı Ask your student to talk about their day at work yesterday, or last week. Get them to describe it in as much detail as possible. What tasks did they do? Who did they talk to? What tools and equipment did they use? 2 As you listen, take notes of the vocabulary used by your student under these headings (see Box 7.5). The aim is to build up a vocabulary bank of some of the specialist vocabulary related to your student’s occupation. 3 Evaluate the words in the list together and decide if they are being used accurately. Add extra related words or subcategories to refine the list. Cross out words that are not specific enough and replace them. Use the dictionary to verify specialized meanings. 4 Choose one word or set of words in the chart to elaborate into a mind map of related words and collocations. 5 Use the chart to create future quizzes and puzzles for your student to help them remember the words. Technology option You can easily create crosswords and other word puzzles using free online tools such as the following: and The puzzles can be printed out, or stored online. Box 7.5: Specialist vocabulary Job titles



From Learning One-to-One © Cambridge University Press 20ı0





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Describing images


Activity from Working with Images

1.8 Minimal differences Outline Students describe differences between one image and another. Raising awareness about iconic images in art. An alternative to the classic ‘Spot the difference’ task. Focus Comparatives and superlatives, language of conjecture. Level Intermediate–Advanced Time 30 minutes Materials CD-ROM images 1.8A All 5 photos of doors and windows; B–F and A window to the sea, House of the Half Moon, Rapunzel’s window, preparation Wooden door, Red, yellow and green door. A great source of images for this activity can be found at

Procedure 1 Seat students in groups of three or four. Hand out a different image to each student. Choose very similar images for the highest-level students as they will take longer to tell them apart. Note Select landscape shots of the same place taken in different seasons, portraits of the same person at different ages, shots of the same room when tidy and untidy, etc. Another option is to choose a recurring image and show different examples of this, e.g. photos of different hands, windows, clocks, bags, doors. 2 Each student takes it in turn to describe their image without showing this to the other students. The others mentally note down the differences between this image and their own. The students can then ask as many questions as they like until they each get a mental image of all three/four images. 3 Students then show each other their images. They compare the differences between their mental images and the real shots they have before them. 4 Students now imagine the surrounding context for each of these images. For example, with the different photos of doors and windows (see CD-ROM 1.8 A–F), they can answer the following questions: 1) Can anything be seen from the door? 2) What lies behind each one? 3) What is the rest of the building like? How do you know? 4) How old are they? 5) Which of these doors/windows do you like best and why? Acknowledgement: The original idea for this task came from The Mind’s Eye, Maley, A., Duff, A. and Grellet, F., (Cambridge University Press, 1980). 33

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Teacher Development These titles offer insights into current thinking about English Language Teaching, and provide both theoretical and practical resources for language teacher education.



G 20



Meaningful Action Earl Stevick’s Influence on Language Teaching


Edited by Jane Arnold and Tim Murphey This work explores the importance of meaningful action for language teaching and learning, paying tribute to the enduring influence of Earl Stevick.



English Grammar Today An A–Z of Spoken and Written Grammar Ronald Carter, Michael McCarthy, Geraldine Mark and Anne O’Keeffe An indispensable guide to contemporary English grammar and usage, supported by a practical Workbook for grammar practice. The free CD-ROM provides the book content and nearly 200 additional grammar explanations in a fully searchable format, plus audio recordings for all examples and dialogues.

978-0-521-73175-1 Book with CD-ROM 978-0-521-73176-8 Workbook 978-0-521-14987-7 Pack (Book with CD-ROM and Workbook)

Grammar for English Language Teachers Second Edition Martin Parrott

Duke of Edinburgh English Language award



This edition contains new material which reflects the latest developments in linguistics and language teaching, including a chapter on ‘Combining words’, informed by lexico-grammar. It also includes insights and examples of language use from the Cambridge International Corpus.

978-0-521-71204-0 978-0-521-88505-8

Paperback Hardback

CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning Do Coyle, Philip Hood and David Marsh This title gives a comprehensive overview of CLIL, summarising the theory which underpins the teaching of a content subject through another language and discussing its practical application.

978-0-521-13021-9 978-0-521-11298-7

Paperback Hardback

The Roles of Language in CLIL Ana Llinares, Tom Morton and Rachel Whittaker Provides a theoretically-based approach to the integration of language and content in primary and secondary contexts, addressed to a range of stakeholders in Content and Language Integrated Learning.

978-0-521-15007-1 978-0-521-76963-1

Paperback Hardback

English Phonetics and Phonology A Practical Course, Fourth Edition Peter Roach A complete basic course in English phonetics and phonology which combines academic material with practical exercises.

978-0-521-71740-3 978-0-521-88882-0 978-1-139-79545-6

Paperback Hardback New! Enhanced e-book

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching Second Edition Jack C Richards and Theodore S Rodgers

A comprehensive survey and analysis of the major and minor teaching methods used around the world.

978-0-521-00843-3 978-0-521-80365-6

Paperback Hardback


Sentence constituents: major variants | 325


Activity from Grammar for English Language Teachers

Consolidation exercises Language in context 1 The following extract is from a brief summary of events in the professional life of the operatic soprano Montserrat Caballé. Some of the adverbials are printed in italics. All of these are fronted. For seven years her musical ambitions (which had begun with training for the ballet) were sponsored by the wealthy Bertrand family, on the sole condition that she never neglected Barcelona’s opera house, the Liceo. In 1956 she joined the Basle Opera, where at first she had to supplement her minute income by waitressing. Over the next few years she sang everything from Salomé (her favourite role) to Mimì, and in one season alone her Aida was heard a total of twenty-six times!

a Why do you think the author has chosen to front these adverbials? b Would it make any significant difference if these phrases occurred at the end of clauses? 2 Look at the following sentences and: a Identify any ‘variant’ features in the ordering of sentence constituents or words. b Explain why the speaker or writer may have chosen this order. (i) With the coming of Dean Moriarty began the part of my life you could call my life on the road. (ii) I remember everything about that day, Eden’s wedding day. Sweet-pea colours we bridesmaids wore and I was the one in pale purple. (iii) What keeps a film critic going and enjoying his job is optimism. (iv) ‘You know, I think you’ve had enough for one day. Sleep back at Passford House is what you need.’ 3 The two extracts below have been adapted from the originals. (i) This extract is from a discussion of the state of British industry in the 1990s. The original includes two cleft clauses. … I meet increasing numbers of small and medium-sized companies which have had the aspiration, drive and tenacity to establish worldwide positions and leadership in niche markets. The country’s economic future (re)lies on these hidden champions. Our failure to grow small businesses into large has been the root cause of our decline coupled with a strong hangover of a very strong anti-manufacturing culture. There is still too little provision of start-up fi nance and almost no longterm fi nance.

a Rewrite the text to include two cleft clauses as you think they may have occurred in the original. b Explain the choices you make.

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Activity from English Grammar Today 978-0-521-73175-1

Present simple or present continuous? 280


Present simple or present continuous? Present simple: I work

Present continuous: I am working 280a

Permanent and temporary ÙÚ


She lives with her parents. She lives with her parents




She’s living with her parents.

We use the present simple to talk about permanent facts and general truths. In this example we don’t expect the situation to change. We use the present continuous to talk about something temporary.

She’s living with her parents.

In this example we do expect the situation to change. now



They speak Portuguese in Brazil.

A general, permanent fact.

They speak Portuguese




A: What language are they speaking? B: They’re speaking Portuguese.

It’s happening now. I can hear it.

They’re speaking Portuguese.

now ÙÚ


Hani smiles a lot.

A general fact or characteristic about Hani.

What are you smiling about?

An action around now.



English Grammar Today

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Activity from English Grammar Today Workbook 978-0-521-73176-8

Questions: how and what … like?

Questions: how and what … like? 1

Fill in each gap with how and, if necessary, a word from the box. far


1 2 3 A: 4 5 6 7 8 9 I don’t know 10 2






’s your mother? I heard she wasn’t very well. do you go to the gym? did she give you? B: 20 euros more chairs do we need? are their children now? is it to the station from here? have you two known each other? stopping for a coffee? she manages to do it all. to see you!

Match 1–8 with the responses a–h. 1 g 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3


What’s Bruno like? How’s Cleo today? What does Guy look like? What’s the weather like? Do you know Stephan? I’m looking for a CD for Jim. I saw Claude yesterday. How’s the new house?




a Great. Really spacious. b Oh, how is he? c What does he like? d No, what’s he like? e He’s tall with dark hair. f Cold but dry. g He’s lovely. A bit shy. h Much better.

Write an appropriate response or question for each situation. Use how, how about …? or what … like? 1 Your friend tells you she’s won a holiday to Barbados. How fantastic!

2 You suggest to friends that you go for a walk tomorrow. 3 A friend asks you if you saw a drama on TV last night. You didn’t but you want to know about it. 4 Your partner comes home from work. Ask them about their day. 5 Your cousin tells you about a friend who has lost his job. 6 You haven’t met your new boss yet but your colleague has just met her. You ask your colleague’s opinion of her.


English Grammar Today Workbook

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Cambridge Copy Collection Just photocopy ‌ and go! Keep your learners motivated with these lively photocopiable resource books. Step-by-step notes make the activities easy to use with individuals, pairs and groups with minimum preparation.

Instant Academic Skills

Be Understood! Sarah Lane

Sarah Lane Instant Academic Skills provides ready-to-teach, photocopiable lessons for busy teachers who want to give their students extra practice in general academic skills. The Audio CD includes a variety of native and non-native accents in typical academic scenarios such as lectures, interviews and formal talks.


A photocopiable resource of pronunciation materials accompanied by Audio CD and a CD-ROM. This bank of pronunciation material provides fun, motivating practice in sounds, syllables and words, and phrases and sentences. Suitable for a range of levels from Elementary to Upper-intermediate+.


Resource book with CD-ROM and Audio CD

Resource book with Audio CD

Teacher Training Essentials

Exploring British Culture

Craig Thaine

Jo Smith

This book of ready-to-use teacher training workshops is designed to provide a bank of perfectly planned and structured sessions with accompanying photocopiable worksheets.

A multi-level, photocopiable resource book about life in the UK. This title covers 18 key topic areas including History, Politics, Health and Housing, the Media and Culture. Each topic area has 3 lessons - for Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced learners.


Resource book


Resource book

Collocations Extra Elizabeth Walter and Kate Woodford Over 50 clear step-by-step lesson plans provide you with instant and original supplementary materials to teach collocations.

978-0-521-17224-0 Resource book with CD-ROM


Visit our website to find more photocopiable resources for primary, secondary and adult learners of all levels at

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Worksheet 3

What does music do for us?


Activity from Instant Academic Skills

Music lessons improve the mind E Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Write your answer in note form in the ‘Your answer’ column. Then discuss the statements in groups of three and record your classmates’ answers in note form. Your answer

Person 1

Person 2

1 I can play a musical instrument. (If yes, which instrument? Did you enjoy learning it? If no, what instrument would you like to play? Why?) 2 I believe I have a good memory. (Why do you think this? Give an example.)

3 I think it’s important for children to study music and art. (Why?)

4 Art and music lessons are fun, but are not essential. (Why?)

5 I like the traditional music of my country. (What are the characteristics of this music? Why do/don’t you like it?) 6 Memorising dates and facts at school is important. (Why?)

F Discuss these questions. • How can people improve their memory skills? • What are the positive effects of creative hobbies such as art and music? • Music seems to play a role in almost every culture. Why do you think this is? • Many cultures preserve their memories orally in the form of stories, songs and poems. Do you think this is a good way to preserve a culture’s history?


PHOTOCOPIABLE From Instant Academic Skills by Sarah Lane © Cambridge University Press 2011

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Activity from Be Undertstood! 978-0-521-13883-3 Location, location, location 11

Listen 29

Where would they like to live? Listen and write D for Danny or R for Rasha. 1 In a flat with a balcony. 2 Somewhere there’s plenty to do. 3 Somewhere children are welcome. 4 In a city centre location. 5 In a residential area.

Focus on form A


Listen and number the words in the order you hear them.

/e/ men

/æ/ man

a bed

/eɪ/ main

e bad

b seven

g saving

c cellar

h sailor

d text

f taxi

i takes

B Take turns reading the words to a partner. C


Listen and write words from the box in the correct column.



taxi rank






/e/ men

/æ/ man

/eɪ/ main




Listen and repeat.

From Be Understood! by Christina Maurer Smolder © Cambridge University Press 2012




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21st-century food in Britain



Activity from Exploring British Culture

Let’s have a cull of the fast food joints, demands Jamie Oliver JAMIE Oliver has called for a cap on the number of fast food joints in Britain’s towns and cities. The TV chef told MPs the country was facing a ‘profound’ health crisis because of our addiction to takeaway food. He said there should be laws limiting the number of burger bars and kebab shops within a certain area. Giving evidence to the Commons Health Select Committee, he contrasted the ease of setting up a fast-food shop with the ‘rigorous’ process of getting an extension to your house. He said: ‘In California, there’s a new law being passed to cap numbers of fast food outlets. I totally agree with that.’ The TV star said he was not against people having the occasional curry or pizza ‘but not five to seven days a week, including school’. Oliver added: ‘In this fifth richest country in the world, there is a new poverty that I have never seen before. ‘This isn’t about fresh trainers or mobile phones or Sky dishes or plasma TV screens – they’ve got all that. It is a poverty of being able to nourish their family, in any class. Answer the following questions on the text.

‘It directly runs with the outrageous obesity that is happening now ... and it is getting worse and worse.’ Oliver – whose School Dinners and Ministry Of Food TV series have seen him campaign for better diets in schools and workplaces – also said the £650 million from the government to improve school dinners was not nearly enough. At least 10 times that amount – £6.5 billion over six years – was necessary to get decent food in schools, he told MPs. And he hit out at the slow progress made on training kitchen staff to cook decent food. He said: ‘The most important thing in school dinners is training of dinner ladies, then it’s equipment, then it’s facilities to actually sit these young people down. ‘We’ve got 125,000 dinner ladies and four or five thousand have been trained. It’s a disgrace.’ For the second year running, Oliver has given all the book royalties from Cook with Jamie to his restaurant charity, the Fifteen Foundation.

Discuss the following questions in your groups.

1 What are: a dinner ladies?

b Ministry of Food? c Fifteen Foundation?

2 What is Jamie Oliver’s concern with takeaway foods? 3 What does Jamie call ‘a disgrace?’ 4 To what foods does he attribute present British rates of obesity? 5 What is the new ‘poverty’ he talks about?

• To what extent do you agree with Jamie Oliver’s views? • To what degree do you think diet is related to a poverty of lifestyle? • How popular is fast food in your country? • How would you rate the standard of home cooking in your country? • How do you think this compares with Britain? • What suggestions would you make to improve the standard and quality of food in the UK and in your own country?

6 What expectation does he have from the government? 7 Name three key requirements for feeding school children. From Exploring British Culture by Jo Smith © Cambridge University Press 2012


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