Milan Chamber of commerce services brochure

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MILANO Via Meravigli, 9/b 20123 Milano Tel. 02 85151 From Province of Milan toll-free 800.22.63.72 outside the Province of Milan or by mobile phone: (+39) 02.2217.7700

MILAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR INDUSTRY, HANDICRAFT AND AGRICULTURE an institution dedicated to the Milanese business community and a forum for economic representation and interests. Â a name that is an expression of history: since 1786 in the service of Milanese industry.Â

to sustaining businesses and promoting the local economy on the national and international level.

a commitment


The Chamber of Commerce fulfils its institutional mission by business community support functions and business development: administration - business registry, professional orders, and registries for specific activities. promotion - support for businesses and the development of the local economy. monitoring - collection, analysis and presentation of data on the local economy. market regulation - ensuring observance of the rules and protection measures both for businesses and consumers.

The Italian chambers of commerce constitute the chamber of commerce system, which is a networked structure that provides data in real time on each member chamber and promotes the development of interconnection with information systems and other public administration bodies.


This important information source provides data (constitution, amendment, closure) on all businesses of any type or sector headquartered or operating within the Province of Milan. The Business Registry provides an overview of the status of each business and is a fundamental archive for assessing economic and business development in each and every market. ORDINARY SECTION


• Individual commercial entrepreneurs (other than “small”) • Partnerships (excluding civil law associations - “società semplici”) • Limited companies • Consortia with external activity • European Economic Interest Groupings (EEIG) • Public statutory corporations • Foreign companies with administrative offices or main business object in Italy.

• Small business owners • Agricultural business owners • Civil law associations • Entities that manage or coordinate businesses • Corporations of lawyers • Social enterprises • Corporations of artisans • Innovative startups • Corporations with legal documents registered in another EU language The

economic administrative repertory

(repertorio economico amministrativo – rea): providing economic, admin-

istrative and statistical information on the companies in the Business Registry.

INNOVATION AND SIMPLIFICATION The Milan Chamber of Commerce is at the cutting edge in developing and implementing information and communication technology (ICT) to ensure fast and efficient services and simplified administrative compliance by businesses. UNIFIED NOTIFICATION

When a business is created or changes in some way, electronic communication is now the normal means for submitting a request for registration, variation or deletion. It is possible to present applications or notifications to all pertinent public bodies (Agenzia delle Entrate, INPS, INAIL) via simple submission to the Business Registry exclusively using electronic communication with digital signature.


Economic activities subject to assessment of requisites may be initiated on the date of their presentation via electronic communication of the certified notification of commencement




(segnalazione certificata di inizio attività - s.c.i.a.) to the Business



Notifications regarding business activities that do not require authorization but only self-certification of requisites via certified notification of commencement of business activities (segnalazione certificata di inizio attività - S.C.I.A.) must be communicated to the one-stop business advisory centre by electronic means.


The Milan Chamber of Commerce is an open and innovative institution at the service of businesses. It maintains information repositories and performs certification functions, as provided by law, for mandatory public disclosure and financial and statistical information. It promotes the growth of the entrepreneurial system and the local area with services and initiatives for:

• business startups • access to credit • innovation • training • environmental protection • market regulation • internationalization • dispute resolution • real estate market • market information Its actions focus on entrepreneurs and professionals.


The Milan Chamber of Commerce has implemented a number of online services in recent years, making interaction possible without physically visiting the offices. Currently available services: • Complaint submission • Requests for access to administrative documents • Submission of exculpatory materials (regarding sanctions issued by the Milan Business Registry) • Requests regarding annual fees (annulment of collection notices, payment verification, reimbursement of annual fees) • Correction of information on company registration and Business Registry certificates • Human resource selection procedures • Submission of requests for admission to competitive tenders

• Registration for conventions and events • Enrolment in courses organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Special Agencies • Publication of legal documents and administrative measures amounting to public disclosure. Online services are available after registering on the dedicated website: The implementation of the elec provides complete, organized information in a timely manner anywhere in Italy for all businesses obliged to register.


Certain types of services are also provided at the front office in Via Meravigli 11, Milan or at Legnano. • Office of Public Relations (Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico - URP) • Company registrations, copies of legal documents, lists • Registration Authority Office and tachograph cards • ATA carnets • Intellectual property • Protests and Professional Registries • Environmental compliance: SISTRI (waste tracking system).

tronic business registry

To avoid lines and arrive at the counter even at the last minute, it is possible to download qurami, the smartphone app that allows users to reserve a number regardless of their physical location, monitor the number of people in line, and have an estimate of waiting times.


The Chamber of Commerce oversees the market and promotes its regulation by promulgating sound, fair rules, developing contracting processes in line with the rules, and promoting above-board behaviour on the part of businesses: • It maintains and officially discloses a constantly updated electronic protest registry.

• It monitors commercial transactions involving measuring instruments and exercises oversight to ensure reliability of measurements over time. • It assesses product conformity and produces informative/preventive initiatives addressed to businesses in terms of product safety and information for consumers. • It organizes prize contests:

manifestazioni publicity events in which companies offer prizes to participants with or without a purchase necessary. • it examines the audit reports of oversight bodies and issues sanctionative measures or dismissals. • it regulates the market on behalf of clarity and legal transparency in the economic interest of businesses and consumers via: standardized contracts and self-disciplinary codes; vigilance regarding the existence of oppressive clauses in contracts; opinions on inequitable clauses in contracts between businesses or between businesses and consumers. • It keeps the registry of the assignees of identification marks,

which includes those who produce, import or sell precious metals.

MORE INITIATIVES TO FAVOUR: • innovative development, internationalization, support for the digital economy and protection of intel-

lectual property rights of SMBs by

means of projects and funding notices, seminars, events and technical round tables. • Employment and training of human capital and the development of new enterprises, especially innovative startups. • access to credit via agreements with the banking system and credit guarantee corporations, notices to reduce financing costs, creation of equity funds to invest in companies with high development potential, information and assistance to promote the diffusion of a finance culture. • Support for business networks through the organization of encounters and occasions for contact between businesses, customized assistance, dedicated competitive tenders, events and initiatives to communicate the values of aggregation and cooperation among businesses.

ENHANCED COMPETITIVE EDGE FOR COMPANIES VIA: • Development of environmental sustainability:

assistance, information, training and orientation regarding environmental protection, workplace health and safety, energy efficiency and renewable energy resources. • Development of cultural and creative activities: promotion and development of cultural resources in the local area through actions to support quality cultural organizations. • Development of the local area and tourism: coordination of actions relating to the extension, redevelopment and modernization of the Milanese and Lombard infrastructure network, including both physical and intangible infrastructure. Management of projects to boost the tourism appeal of the city and province of Milan. • Publication of wholesale price lists and construction work price lists: verification, collection, analysis and publication of wholesale prices on the Milan exchange,

which has particular importance locally in terms of volume of negotiations. • Price checks for the Construction Work Price List and for the Electrical and Technological Systems Price List. • economic and statistical information on the local industrial system.

ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE The Chamber of Commerce provides facilities for the Lombardy Regional Section of the national order of environmental operators, which handles approval of registration, modification, deletion or revision procedures of waste management firms (MSW and similar, asbestos, electronic waste) on the regional level. It also handles: • The registry of electric equipment manufacturers. • Battery registry. • Declarations for the placing on the market of water- or oil-based paints and auto-body-shop products that emit volatile organic compounds (VOC), and unified environmental declarations (Modello Unico di Dichiarazi-

one ambientale - MUD). • Delivery of electronic devices necessary for the operations of the waste tracking system (Sistema per il controllo della tracciabilità dei rifiuti SISTRI).

DOCUMENT REGISTRY, HISTORICAL ARCHIVE, LIBRARY/ NEWSPAPER ARCHIVE The document registry ensures that documents received via post or sent to the certified email address of the Chamber of Commerce are accepted and registered. The historical archive contains economic documents regarding the activities of the Chamber of Commerce in the period 1299-1960. The archive may be consulted and copies of documents may be requested. It is possible to search the archive online on the Chamber of Commerce website. The library is specialized in materials of interest to the business community: economics, statistics, finance, environment, local area, infrastructure, nonprofit, new economy.

MULTIPLE INFORMATION CHANNELS The Chamber of Commerce provides information to businesses via differentiated communication channels:


Procedural orientation, requests for access to documents, state of progress of paperwork, proposals, observations and complaints regarding Chamber of Commerce services.


All information on the Milan Chamber of Commerce administrative procedures, initiatives and services.


Updates on Chamber of Commerce services to businesses with previews of funding notices, legislative developments, conventions, seminars and courses.. Also on

WEB TV - YouImpresa

An interactive and engaging resource that facilitates communication between the

Chamber of Commerce and the business community and within the business community. .

WIKI Unified Communication Source

Web 2.0 application that simplifies access to information and procedures for the electronic submission of company legal documents to the Business Registry.

YOU CAMERA (You Chamber)

Official Social Community where businesses, professionals and trade associations can discuss topics proposed by the moderator, learn about Chamber of Commerce initiatives and propose new topics for development. Anche su


Just a stone’s throw from the Cathedral, Palazzo Turati and Palazzo Giureconsulti are the Chamber of Commerce’s convention centers, fully modernized and restored to the city of Milan in all their historical splendour. These two major landmarks offer businesses and institutions prestigious spaces for conventions, workshops, business meetings, conferences and seminars. PALAZZO TURATI Palazzo Turati is the current headquarters of the Milan Chamber of Commerce. It was built in 1880 by the engineers Ponti and Bordoli under commission from the Turati family, who had had the adjacent palazzo built in 1876. The palazzo was heavily damaged during WWII by aerial bombardments in 1943 and in 1950 the decision was made to rebuild it as the headquarters of the Milan Chamber of Commerce. Palazzo Turati is a technologically advanced convention center that can accommodate a total of over 300 guests. It is an ideal meeting venue for Italian and international enterprises that wish to hold conferences, round table discussions and seminars in a prestigious setting.

PALAZZO GIURECONSULTI Palazzo Giureconsulti is the concrete response of the Milan Chamber of Commerce to the need for space and facilities of SMBs and for institutions seeking a reference point for encounters between the Italian business community and the international economy. It was built in 1564 as the seat of the Collegio dei Nobili Dottori. Over the ensuing centuries it has been a prominent element of Piazza dei Mercanti and a characteristic landmark in Milan from Medieval times through the Renaissance and into the modern era. The palazzo is now a modern events venue embellished by a host of elements testifying to the historical prestige of the city of Milan. Its time-honoured beauty is artfully and functionally juxtaposed with the new endowments of conference rooms at the technological cutting edge.


The Special Agencies provide prompt and flexible responses to fundamental issues in business development and competitiveness, providing services and actions in sectors where market demand is specific and highly technical.


The Milan Chamber of Arbitration (Camera Arbitrale di Milano CAM), instituted in 1986, offers alternative



adhering to institutional criteria of neutrality and transparency. resolution services

arbitration produces rulings relying on the contribution of experts in the subjects mediation of contention. In proceedings the parties are helped by a neutral third party to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. The domain names reassignment service makes it possible to resolve issues regarding the attribution of website names registered in Italy.

CAM is also involved in promoting the culture of alternative justice through research by its G. Schiavoni Research and Documentation Center and through training and information initiatives in Italy and abroad.




dedicated to of the business through information ,

development aptitude

orientation ,

training ,


and assistance .

Formaper is distinguished by its outstanding vocation for assisting small and newly established businesses. It organizes training courses, services and projects that assist businesses throughout their lifecycle: birth, development, consolidation, innovation. objectives : spread entrepreneurial culture; promote new businesses by conveying methods and operating tools that facilitate birth and development; support small businesses by helping with the introduction of innovative management systems into the processes of change and by promoting business networks; valorize experience acquired on the international level.


INNOVHUB Stazioni Sperimentali per l’industria (SSI) Innovhub - Stazioni Sperimentali Innovhub SSI deals in innovation, uniting skills in policies and funding for innovation on the regional, national and European levels with the first-rate specialized technical and scientific competencies of its Technology Divisions – chemistry, paper, fuels, textiles – equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment. Examples of service to businesses: • laboratory tests and analyses (production defects, disputes, product performance testing, comparative product analysis); • applied research and research project development; • technical standardization (participation in working groups and commissions; • management of Interlaboratory Tests on the national, European

and global level); • financing and innovation assistance; • promotion of innovation in the local area (bio-economics, advanced manufacturing). Innovhub SSI participates in numerous regionally, nationally or internationally co-funded research, development and innovation projects – for example, advanced use of biomass, use of alternative resources for energy production and food packaging, fuel technologies – in order to implement the results and make tools available to businesses that will enhance their competitiveness. Innovhub is a partner in the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and also provides a front office for APRE (Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea – Agency for the Promotion of European Research).


Promos is the Milan Chamber of Commerce Special Agency for International Activities. It has been operating for over twenty years in the field of internationalization and territorial marketing.

in the principal international markets and to ensure constant support to Lombard businesses and institutions.

Promos supports competitiveness and the development of Lombard enterprise on international markets by offering tools and services for internationalization. It strengthens the capacity of the Lombard economic system to attract investment and resources from abroad, promoting and valorizing the area’s points of economic, cultural and tourism excellence. It also promotes the training of human capital in businesses that have to compete on the international level via the New International Business Institute (NIBI). In line with its company mission, Promos has built a network of foreign offices to maintain a stable presence

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