WELCOME AND TIMELINE Dear candidate, You will be able to use all your creativity when creating and designing your own application form for AIESEC International Global Support Teams 2014-2015. The process has been designed to help you step out of the crowd and feel completely comfortable with your application making sure that it reflects you; it reflects your personality and your perspectives. The aim of this questionnaire is to give us the opportunity to get to know you as a person and as an ‘AIESECer’. Your thoughts, aims and strategies are very important for us in order to make the right choice. Working within an international team striving for common goals for the global association is a very rewarding and learning experience. Enclosed in this document you will find additional information to prepare you for the application and selection process. Deadlines have been clearly highlighted, and we are available should you need further information. If you have any questions concerning the whole process, please contact us in Rotterdam. Good Luck!
Application released
Application deadline
Results released
THE DEADLINE for sending your application via email is
14:00 GMT Sunday,
20th of July to + email of the GST Responsible.
PROCESS AND CONTACTS APPLICATION PROCESS The applications for the Global Support Teams 2014-2015 are divided into three parts, and we will be expecting three PDF files: 1. CV: Give us the all important and relevant information we need to know about you, your AIESEC career, other jobs you have had, your contact details etc. You can use a maximum of one (1) page to create your CV. 2. Questionnaire (General and Specific Questions): These questions should not take more than four (4) pages. 3. Endorsement Letter – An endorsement letter from your AIESEC Entity. If you are applying for more than one position or team, make sure you attach a different file with the answers to the specific questionnaire for the additional position (second option) that you will be running for.
If you have any questions about the application, please feel free to contact us
JOB DESCRIPTIONS DIGITAL PROJECTS 1. Team Purpose To deliver key marketing innovation projects that focuses on develops our credibility
2. Bottom-lines Youth Speak and Youth to Business Digital
3. Specific deliverables Youth Speak Survey, Youth to Business Digital and Output Delivery
4. Structure of the GST 1 Youth Speak Campaign Manager, 1 Youth to Business Content Manager, 2 Project Coordinators
6. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience Project Management, Y2B and Survey experience, Campaign Management and Planning. Professional English proficiency is preferred AIESEC Knowledge Content and Project Management of Youth to Business and Survey-related work Specific Skills Project Management, Y2B and Survey experience, Campaign Management and Planning, Visual Communications, B2B understanding, Professional English Workload required Up to 5 hours per week Duration From 16/07 to 31/12/2014
JOB DESCRIPTIONS DIGITAL MARKETING 1. Team Purpose To deliver consistent and effective digital marketing for global channels, including web, social, and content. This team will work closely with the Creative Media Team. .
2. Bottom-lines Brand Reach Growth, Web Traffic, Conversion
3. Specific deliverables Global Social Media Growth & Campaign Management
4. Structure of the GST 1 Digital Marketing Team Leader (Management + Analytics Insights), 1 Social Media Marketing Manager, 1 Search Marketing Manager, 1 Web Manager (UX/UI)
6. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience Strong Digital Marketing/Campaign Management experience preferred. Google & Facebook Analytics and insights skills is an asset. AIESEC Knowledge Marketing Management Experience including a variety of campaigns, planning, analytics and execution
Specific Skills Digital Marketing experience preferred including ability to manage high-frequency campaigns, coordiation with network and teams, understanding of digital marketing trends, and overall planning, analytics, team and campaign management. Workload required Up to 10 hours per week Duration From 16/07 to 31/12/2014
JOB DESCRIPTIONS CREATIVE MEDIA 1. Team Purpose To brainstorm and produce compelling content that will provide the Digital Marketing team the resources to engage and grow our virtual reach. ]
2. Bottom-lines Brand Reach, Content Engagement, Virality
3. Specific deliverables Content Marketing via Web and Creative
4. Structure of the GST 1 Team Leader, 2 Graphic Designers, 2 Copywriters, 1 Analytics Manager
4. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience Functional expertise in delivering high-quality content and understanding of integrated digital marketing. For designers, must-have working Adobe-Suite. For copywriers, must have proficient and professional English skills. AIESEC Knowledge AIESEC experience in content creation and marketing, including storytelling, blogging, graphic design, photography, videography and online engagement Specific Skills Team should be comprised of creative people who are consistent, experienced and deliver high-quality content. Functional experts are preferred as content is rolemodelled to the global network. Workload required Up to 10 hours a week Duration From 16/07 to 31/12/2014
JOB DESCRIPTIONS THOUGHT LEADERSHIP MANAGER 1. Team Purpose Manage Media Relations and Writing for AIVP Digital Marketing and support Thought Leadership in network
2. Bottom-lines Network Engagement (Internal blog views and engagement) and External Engagement (Public Speaking and Writing)
3. Specific deliverables Presentation Creation, Design and Writing
4. Structure of the GST 1 Thought Leadership Manager
4. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience Former presentation design, writing skills and industry knowledge is preferred AIESEC Knowledge Knowledge in marketing is an asset, including media relations and presentation design Specific Skills Ability to deliver on both adminsitrative tasks (events research, trends research) and content creation tasks that are equally related to External and Internal relations. Professional English skills is required. Workload required Up to 10 hours a week Duration From 16/07 to 31/12/2014
JOB DESCRIPTIONS PUBLIC RELATIONS 1. Team Purpose “To activate a brand advocacy movement that seeks to inspire trust by developing empowering relationships between us and the world”
2. Bottom-lines No of Partnerships/events attended/press releases/website reach
3. Specific deliverables Building Relationships with key organizatins/ building Relationships with press/event attendance
4. Structure of the GST 1 Team Leader, 1 WENA PR Manager, 1 AP PR Manager
4. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience External Relations, Public speaking, relationship building, media AIESEC Knowledge organizational knowledge and undrstanidng, passion for ER/PR Specific Skills to-do attitude, external relations, relationship building, account management, public speaking Workload required Up to 10 hours a week Duration From 16/07 to 31/12/2014
JOB DESCRIPTIONS PR: YOUTH TO BUSINESS COORDINATORS 1. Team Purpose To create awarness of global issues among AIESEC members, and deliver quality Regional Youth to Business Forum
2. Bottom-lines No of speakers at the events/ number of workshops sold/ website reach
3. Specific deliverables Regional Y2B event Management
4. Structure of the GST 1 AP coo (Korea), 1 Europe Coo (Portugal)
4. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience event management, PR/ER, conference management, project management, leadership AIESEC Knowledge Good organizational understanding, PR, BD and Marketing understanding Specific Skills Must be from Korea/Portugal Event Management, Public Speaking, Leadership, Project Management, Crisis Management, External Relations Workload required Up to 10 hours a week Duration From 16/07 to 31/12/2014
JOB DESCRIPTIONS PR: WRITING TEAM 1. Team Purpose To build brand advocacy and thought leadership on youth opinion and emerging generations
2. Bottom-lines No of press relases written
3. Specific deliverables Youth Speak & Y2B Media apperiances
4. Structure of the GST 1 Youth Speak & 1 Y2B
4. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience Functional expertise in delivering high-quality content and understanding of PR. Must have proficient and professional English skills. AIESEC Knowledge AIESEC experience in content creation and marketing, including storytelling, blogging, online engagement Specific Skills Team should be comprised of creative people who are consistent, experienced and deliver high-quality content. Functional experts are preferred as content is rolemodelled to the global network. Workload required Up to 10 hours a week Duration From 16/07 to 31/12/2014
JOB DESCRIPTIONS ALUMNI ONLINE ENGAGEMENT MANAGER 1. Team Purpose To create meanigful relationship with alumni and establish fruitfull cooperation with the effective usage of our online channels
2. Bottom-lines No of alumni on LinkedIn goup, No of GIP raised through alumni
3. Specific deliverables Manage LinkedIn Alumni group, explore other possible opportunities to cooperate with alumni network
4. Structure of the GST 1 Alumni Online Engagement Manager
4. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience prefferably alumni management, project management, virtual team member AIESEC Knowledge organizational understanding, alumni understanding Specific Skills Ability to work independently, draw conclusions, work in a virtual team, External relations Workload required Up to 10 hours a week Duration From 16/07 to 31/12/2014
Why do you want to be on the Global Support Team for 2014/2015? What do you consider is the role of the Global Support Team in the AIESEC International 1415 Plan? What do you consider as being your role in order to achieve the targets set?
Please describe your (up to) three previous experiences in AIESEC that you consider to be most important
SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE DIGITAL PROJECTS Team Leader 1. Describe your leadership style, strength and weaknesses 2. How comfortable are you with high-intensity projects over the next 6 months, and meeting strict deadlines? 3. What are some brands that are delivering top thought leadership, brand positoining and surveys that AIESEC could learn from, and how? 4. Are you flexible to CEED at the AI office or travel?
DIGITAL PROJECTS Team Member 1. What are the unique skills that you will bring to the digital projects team? Please also elaborate on your core strengths and areas of experitse 2. Describe your personal strength and weaknesses 3. Are you a more analytical, creative or mixed profile? What is your general working habits and style?
SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE DIGITAL MARKETING Team Leader 1. Showcase your ability to manage high-volume social marketing campaigns and your best-case practices. 2. What is your level of committment throughout the year and how will you ensure that you will keep the marketing engine running, both personally and professionally. Your role is critical to the effectivenss of global digital marketing strategy. 3. This role will include some aspects of online campaign delivery for our global partners. Have you managed partnership deliverables before? If so, how did that go, and what are the key learnings you have from that experience? If not, how will you manage this part of your job? 4. Are you flexible to CEED at the AI office or travel?
DIGITAL MARKETING Team Member 1. What is your experience and expertise in social media marketing? Please elabroate on how you believe AIESEC can grow its virtual reach via social media 2. What unique skills do you bring to the team and what is the key role that you will play between your teammates? 3. Are you a more analytical, creative or mixed profile? What is your general working habits and style?
CREATIVE MEDIA Team Leader 1. Elaborate on how you will manage high frequency content production teams and ensuring they remain consistent and aligned to a central vision? 2. What are some of the brands that are relevant to AIESEC's capabilities that we can learn from and implement? 3. How will you activate the global AIESEC network to participate and have pride in our marketing and content? 4. Are you flexible to CEED at the AI office or travel?
SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE CREATIVE MEDIA Team Member 1. What is your creative style, and how do you ensure that you will be producing content at a high frequency and with quality and consistency? 2. What are some of the best-case practices in marketing innovation and creative media that you will help develop within the team for AIESEC globally? 3. Are you a more analytical, creative or mixed profile? What is your general working habits and style?
THOUGHT LEADERSHIP MANAGER 1. Please describe any creative ideas you have to support the AIVP DM to effective network engagement (education and thought leadership), and community engagement (media relations, market research and events). 2. Elaborate on key industry insights related to technology, digital marketing, marketing and youth leadership that would be of relevance to AIVP DM position; in regards to community engagement externally. 3. What do you believe is your unique contribution in this role and why you should be selected based on your talent, time availability, personality and ability to strive for excellence. 4. Are you flexible to travel if needed and support?
PUBLIC RELATIONS Team Leader 1. How would you develop reletaionship with media and othe key organizations in your region? What possible synergies and opportunities you already see? 2. Please present AIESEC to a global newspaper journalist. Keep in mind that we want them to publish a story about AIESEC. Be creative, use all the resources you have. 3. Please provide an annual PR plan for your region. 4. How do you imagine working with AIVP PR? What are your expectations? How will you make sure successful work of a virtual team? Please give an example of you leading or working in a virtual team. What is the key learning lesson?
SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE PUBLIC RELATIONS Team Member 1. How would you develop reletaionship with media and othe key organizations in your region? What possible synergies and opportunities you already see? 2. Please present AIESEC to a global newspaper journalist. Keep in mind that we want them to publish a story about AIESEC. Be creative, use all the resources you have. 3. Please provide an annual PR plan for your region.
Youth to business coordinator 1. What are the key 3 burning topics in your region that young people should address 2. Please give an example of working in a virtual team, what are your learinigs? 3. What are the key things to keep in mind while running an event? Please provide a monthly plan of activities and prorities for organization of Regional Y2B
Writing team 1. What is your creative style, and how do you ensure that you will be producing content at a high frequency and with quality and consistency? 2. What are some of the best-case practices in marketing innovation and creative media that you will help develop within the team for AIESEC globally? 3. How can we use Youth Speak and Youth to Business content to build our reputation as a though leader? What in your opinion AIESEC should building its thought leadership around?
Alumni Online Engagement manager 1. What are your thoughts on AIESEC's impact on the world? Do you think AIESEC provides leaders that the world needs? 2. What is your experience with working with alumni? How do you think the relationship could develop, what opportunities do you see?/ 3. How do you evaluate current online channels taht allow alumni engagement? What would you improve? What works well?