Gst application

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In this application you can find: BD LATAM CHAIR IGN IGCDP Operations Support team

WELCOME AND TIMELINE Dear candidate, You will be able to use all your creativity when creating and designing your own application form for AIESEC International Global Support Teams 2014-2015. The process has been designed to help you step out of the crowd and feel completely comfortable with your application making sure that it reflects you; it reflects your personality and your perspectives. The aim of this questionnaire is to give us the opportunity to get to know you as a person and as an ‘AIESECer’. Your thoughts, aims and strategies are very important for us in order to make the right choice. Working within an international team striving for common goals for the global association is a very rewarding and learning experience. Enclosed in this document you will find additional information to prepare you for the application and selection process. Deadlines have been clearly highlighted, and we are available should you need further information. If you have any questions concerning the whole process, please contact us in Rotterdam. Good Luck!





Application released

Application deadline

Results released


THE DEADLINE for sending your application via email is GMT Sunday, of August to + email of the GST Responsible.


PROCESS AND CONTACTS APPLICATION PROCESS The applications for the Global Support Teams 2014-2015 are divided into three parts, and we will be expecting three PDF files: 1. CV: Give us the all important and relevant information we need to know about you, your AIESEC career, other jobs you have had, your contact details etc. You can use a maximum of one (1) page to create your CV. 2. Questionnaire (General and Specific Questions): These questions should not take more than four (4) pages. 3. Endorsement Letter – An endorsement letter from your AIESEC Entity. If you are applying for more than one position or team, make sure you attach a different file with the answers to the specific questionnaire for the additional position (second option) that you will be running for.


If you have any questions about the application, please feel free to contact us

JOB DESCRIPTIONS BD LATAM 1. Team Purpose To support the AI Operations & BD team by delivering support to the BD Latam initiatve

2. Bottom-lines # of BD Latam partners by December

3. Specific deliverables 1)

BD LatAm chair should set up a prospect list of 50 companies, with the goal of these three entities approaching them by December. 2) The target would be: Get 3-5 of these potential partners to the proposal stage by November/December 3) BD IGN Summit facilitation 4) BD Latam Entities training & training

4. Structure of the GST TBD with BD Latam entities

4. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience Former MC XP required , BD XP preferred AIESEC Knowledge -Excellent organisational understanding -Excellent BD Understanding -Virtual Team XP preferred ]

Specific Skills to-do attitude, external relations, relationship building, account management, public speaking Workload required Up to 10 hours a week Duration From 16/07 to 31/12/2014

JOB DESCRIPTIONS IGN IGCDP OPERATIONS SUPPORT TEAM 1. Team Purpose To support the AI Operations team by delivering regional strategies through coaching and ensuring the implementation of the growth model in iGCDP T1 IGN

2. Bottom-lines % growth in sustainable iGCDP in Tier 1]

3. Specific deliverables -Coaching with Tier 1 entities on specific program (iGCDP) -Facilitating in regional conferences and summits (to be defined) -Internal Communication delivery for Tier 1 entities]

4. Structure of the GST 1 IGCDP

4. The Team – Profiles & Requirements (All preferred, otherwise stated) Previous experience Former MC XP preferred, Operations XP preferred] AIESEC Knowledge -Excellent organisational understanding -Excellent operational management -Virtual Team XP preferred Specific Skills to-do attitude, external relations, relationship building, account management, public speaking Workload required Up to 10 hours a week Duration From 16/07 to 31/12/2014


Why do you want to be on the Global Support Team for 2014/2015? What do you consider is the role of the Global Support Team in the AIESEC International 1415 Plan? What do you consider as being your role in order to achieve the targets set?


Please describe your (up to) three previous experiences in AIESEC that you consider to be most important



What are the 3 most important criteria in order to establish and grow a successful Global Exchange Partnership? (Please specify what should happen and how you would make sure they happen). What could be the evolution of Partnership Management on a global level over the next 2 years?


You have the major task of re-negotiating an 80,000 EUR contract with one of our global partners. The senior manager and champion of AIESEC in that company was fired. Your task now is to convince the new senior manager in-charge of the partnership to invest in AIESEC. How would you communicate the "why" of the partnership with AIESEC? What would be your arguments to continue the partnership?


You have been assigned IGN as a sales region to work with the MCs and develop new partnerships with multinational companies. How will you approach this to ensure success in the short and long term?


What would you drive as regional strategies for T1 IGN entities to grow sustainable (not being financed by oGCDP) in iGCDP. Please develop maximun 3 strategies Please develop an implementation plan for the strategies mentioned above (please include timeline, touchpoints, channels, audience, KPIs and strategies concrete goal) How would you deliver a 48 NPS in iGCDP IGN T1 Entities? As IGN OST iGCDP, what would you do to evolve S&D alignment in IGN?

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